Is Fallout 76 a fun game if you want to play it solo like Fallout 4?

Is Fallout 76 a fun game if you want to play it solo like Fallout 4?

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  1. 1 month ago

    It's not really that kind of game. It's mostly focused on repeatedly doing public events and dungeons (called Daily Ops and Expeditions). There is a main story quest to play through, but it is unremarkable. If you like Fallout 4 combat, Fallout 76 is a good place to get more of it, with way more weapons and armor.

    • 1 month ago

      >If you like Fallout 4 combat, Fallout 76 is a good place to get more of it, with way more weapons and armor.


      Ammo is hard to come by, ranged weapons do shit damage, lag is gonna make ranged weapons unplayable and the game is very bias towards melee.

      • 1 month ago

        >Ammo is hard to come by
        Mobs you kill are guaranteed to have ammo for your weapon. My ammo stash is bursting with ammunition.
        It'll count a hit even if you play with 5000ms lag, it's a pve game, what are you even on about? Meta weapons are flamer/auto, not fricking melee.

        no. its buggy, but you cant use console commands to fix it.

        Only thing I had to fix is player fov so weapon wouldn't take 60% of the screen.

        • 1 month ago

          >Mobs you kill are guaranteed to have ammo for your weapon.

          Maybe that's very new it wasn't like that on release at all and it was beyond annoying to have to buy ammo from other players or do events.

          >It'll count a hit even if you play with 5000ms lag

          I'm from SA. A ghoul jumps at me, teleports around, i try to hit, teleports again, teleports again, i'm dead. I had to use power armor to not get insta killed and with the constant teleporting of even scorched you can't do shit.

          • 1 month ago

            >Maybe that's very new it wasn't like that on release at all
            Yeah, it isn't like it was on release at all. If you are basing your opinion on the release version of Fallout 76 you basically don't have anything to say here, it's not the same game.

            • 1 month ago

              >it's not the same game.

              have a nice day shill. I have like a 1000 hours on that game, you don't get to decide who's opinion is not worth it because yesterday they added an update that makes scorcher drop 10 ammo you stupid incel.

              FO76 is garbage for trannies, i'm sorry if you have nothing else going on in your life you stuck for it to get "engoodened" by adding two brown dykes outside of Vault 76 and lots of strong empowered women BOS patrollers.
              Nobody cares about your 5 QOL updates, at its core, the game is still garbage, and if you have no issues with lag, it's because you're a fat, privielged american.

      • 1 month ago

        >Ammo is hard to come by
        You literally get more ammo than you use if you aren't being moronic. I am maining the Cremator right now, a particularly ammo hungry weapon, and I am still getting an ammo surplus.
        >the game is very bias towards melee.
        I love hearing moronic opinions from Ganker. Auto-melee is the only melee that is really viable, and while I like it when I am being lazy, it's far from the meta option.

      • 1 month ago

        jesus christ anon when did you play, ammo drops are contextual now and melee got nerfed into shit

      • 1 month ago

        >Hasn't played the game.
        You get tons of ammo, especially for whatever gun you have equipped

  2. 1 month ago

    Well. it's "fun".
    So, you can solo the main quest and the DLC stories.
    You can solo most of the exploration.

    You can't solo content like the final boss dragon, or some events even.
    Due to being an online game you're also gonna have to put up with lag.
    Due to being MMO style you have grinding and stuff like that.
    Do to being woke you are gonna be cheerfully exploring Appalachia and stumble upon a troony's house with the trans icon and a trans flag.

    The game also has hackers, who can insta kill you, fly around, etc. Wasn't there drama over hackers being able to steal your inventory?

    So, yeah, you can have fun.

    • 1 month ago

      If you pay for Fallout One you can play an offline mode of sorts! Doesn't that sound peachy?

      No, but seriously it is awful. Not even worth the storage space.

  3. 1 month ago

    76 is a singleplayer game with other people on the map.

  4. 1 month ago

    no. its buggy, but you cant use console commands to fix it.

  5. 1 month ago

    Only if you enjoy killing monsters. There is hardly any story content here.

  6. 1 month ago

    I'm playing it solo and enjoying it so yes.

  7. 1 month ago

    Buy an ad. Bethesda slop slurrper

  8. 1 month ago

    >engine that can barely hold itself together
    >add lag by making it always online
    >add a fricking card system because that's popular these days, right?
    >add greenery and lush forests, that fits the post apocalypse theme, right?
    >add in-game shop, etc. etc.
    it's a horrible game

    • 1 month ago

      >add greenery and lush forests, that fits the post apocalypse theme, right?
      Yes, it does. Fallout 76 has the best setting of any Fallout game.

    • 1 month ago

      lag and an unstable performance led to things like a mole miner flying ragdolling in the distance

  9. 1 month ago

    This is the single worst place to ask about this game especially right now that fallout is the biggest shitpost target on Ganker
    Go to /vg/ and the fallout general for more honest answers

    • 1 month ago

      This. A lot of answers from Ganker are going to be from people who parrot YouTube videos without any experience.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    I am a massive social anxiety ridden loner and I could get a few hundred hours of fun in the game.

    Only have to "interact" with people during events and joining a public team doesn't actually require you to be a team, you just do it for the stat bonus and being able to use the cool mutation perk.

  12. 1 month ago

    You technically play the game solo, there's not that many people per server and the map is big so you might have an entire play session without seeing anyone, not having a text chat was a mistake because you can't really do that much with people if you don't have a mic, everyone is super nice if you do get to talk with them though, you also can't kill people, you can shoot at people but they won't take damage unless they fight back, then you can kill each other.

  13. 1 month ago

    Its a bit grindy by virtue of being like an MMO, but nobody will ever really bother you.

  14. 1 month ago

    >Is Fallout 76 a fun game

  15. 1 month ago

    Gatling plasma go brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  16. 1 month ago

    Yes. Its basically fo4's exploration system. The story is ok, between all the different quest lines its probably 6 or 7/10 depending on which one you do. But the world is really fun to explore and varied. Its the biggest map bethesda has created and has some of the best "environmental" story-telling. Also introduced some really cool faction concepts that they completely wasted (but have slowly been reintroducing them).

    • 1 month ago

      >. Its the biggest map bethesda has created

      Umm sweaty you can walk all over every single planet in Starfield.

      • 1 month ago

        Eh procedural generation "created" most of what you see. Don't get me wrong, I like exploring in that game. But 76's map is the largest "hand crafted" they've made (though I'm sure there's some procedural generation cause they use it in all their games).

        • 1 month ago

          I have hopes that AI will make procedural generation not suck in the near future. I have been doing a Fallout roleplay in SillyTavern that has been quite good.

  17. 1 month ago

    No, it's not. You might be thinking it could be fun to just play through once and explore the world, but it's not. Don't be fooled.

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