Is Granblue worth playing for the story?

Is Granblue worth playing for the story?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Story quality in Granblue is wildly inconsistent. I wouldn't get into it for the story even though there're parts I really liked. It doesn't hit a certain chapter and get good, but you need to get into the game and know the contexts to appreciate the parts that are good which makes it a pain to get into.

    Keeping in mind that a lot of the quality is spread out between the main story scenarios, and then all the side story scenarios, it's just too much of a commitment of time for me to justify to a new player. Much like all of Granblue actually. Good in many ways even for how dated it is but the time investment is insane.

    • 1 year ago

      Not even remotely. The main story is trash that takes too long to get remotely readable and the events are hit/miss. The continuity is separated for some moronic reason so it feels like nothing you read actually matters or connects with each other, especially reading the main story.

      Like the anon said above, the writing is too inconsistent for commitment and investment. You have to scrap along for the good parts, but is it really worth it if you have to sit through trash to get to those few good parts? The time & effort: gratification ratio will completely vary on player.

      If this was 7 years ago I would say yeah since it used to be literally the only major gacha game with a good story, but the story dipped so harshly in quality after the Nalhegrande arc, it's definite not worth you time. The events are far better written, but all the events are unfortunately non-canon to the main plot.

      It sucks because it has a collection of some of the most fun world-building i've seen in a JRPG.

      Maybe they should have done what Azur lane did and shitcan the main story and tell the game's story via events?

      • 1 year ago

        Everyone loves the event continuity more than MSQ but even that doesn't have any chronological order or quality consistency. No saving this game's writing 9 years in

        • 1 year ago

          They sometime can't decide how strong or weak the characters in these event stories should be either. The setting is just all over the place.

    • 1 year ago

      Not even remotely. The main story is trash that takes too long to get remotely readable and the events are hit/miss. The continuity is separated for some moronic reason so it feels like nothing you read actually matters or connects with each other, especially reading the main story.

      Like the anon said above, the writing is too inconsistent for commitment and investment. You have to scrap along for the good parts, but is it really worth it if you have to sit through trash to get to those few good parts? The time & effort: gratification ratio will completely vary on player.

      Reading these both make me want to play it.

  2. 1 year ago

    Not even remotely. The main story is trash that takes too long to get remotely readable and the events are hit/miss. The continuity is separated for some moronic reason so it feels like nothing you read actually matters or connects with each other, especially reading the main story.

    Like the anon said above, the writing is too inconsistent for commitment and investment. You have to scrap along for the good parts, but is it really worth it if you have to sit through trash to get to those few good parts? The time & effort: gratification ratio will completely vary on player.

  3. 1 year ago

    If this was 7 years ago I would say yeah since it used to be literally the only major gacha game with a good story, but the story dipped so harshly in quality after the Nalhegrande arc, it's definite not worth you time. The events are far better written, but all the events are unfortunately non-canon to the main plot.

    It sucks because it has a collection of some of the most fun world-building i've seen in a JRPG.

  4. 1 year ago


  5. 1 year ago

    I enjoy the event stories quite a lot actually. I've completely stopped progressing the main story though. Not because I dislike it, very much the opposite, but I'm losing interest in gachas in general. Thats why I enjoy the event stories, I can do those in couple of hours every month with no hassle.

  6. 1 year ago

    no, its for making big numbers

  7. 1 year ago

    Don't play it. It's not worth it anymore, I'm just waiting for EoS. If you still want to, wait until the next anniversary next month.

    • 1 year ago

      >wait until the next anniversary next month
      >waiting for EoS

      Wouldn't the Granblue Festival this month reveal more things?

      • 1 year ago

        They probably just send most of it shilling that godforsaken Relink game.

        • 1 year ago


  8. 1 year ago

    filtered by web browser gameplay

  9. 1 year ago

    If you don't play it, how will you understand all the references in Relink?

    You don't want to be labelled a "filthy secondary" do you?

    • 1 year ago

      See you in 2030.

  10. 1 year ago

    Did they ever resolve Olivia's story after she was excluded from the gay skies events?

    • 1 year ago

      They completely forgot about her. The last time she was even featured in an event was 3-4 years ago.

  11. 1 year ago

    Just so everyone knows, there's a Festival this month.

  12. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Even just looking at this image makes me want to play it. But it needs to be widescreen for PC, not mobile shit.

    • 1 year ago

      P-Please elaborate.

  13. 1 year ago

    >magnafest is over
    >no more half ap / free hosts/ boosted sandbox shit
    why is this even a limited time event, just put that shit up all the time

  14. 1 year ago

    It's ok, theres some good storylines in it like Society saga or Angels saga. Main Story is pretty inconsistent, Part 1 is ok, Part 2 is pretty good, Part 3 is a mess and only recently started to be good.
    Not as good as FGO, but it's way better than whatever Genshin is doing with it's story.
    Hopefully the 6 Dragons Anniversary event will be good, so far their events have been really good.

    • 1 year ago

      Man, comparing with FGO is unfair, its a fricking huge Visual Novel with gacha as a side-dish

    • 1 year ago

      >Not as good as FGO
      i still can't understand the appeal of that gacha and i finished the lost belts.

    • 1 year ago

      >Not as good as FGO
      I disagree, FGO has it's up moment when it comes to later singularities and most of the lostbelts but the rest is usually badly written garbage. Granblue at least is way more consistent with the quality of the writing, even with throwaway events.

  15. 1 year ago

    Some side stories like wmtsb are pretty good. Idk about the main story I skipped it.

  16. 1 year ago

    Isn't there an upcoming Sony Exclusive Game from them? I'd rather wait for that version to come out

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