Is GTA meant to be this boring?

I started playing GTA 4 recently, never played any others at length because the older ones I tried were dated and controlled very badly. I'm maybe 3/4 through this game (hard to tell) and I just can't finished it because it's so incredibly repetitive. All you do is steal cars, drive for a while, and then have the required gunfight in the mission. Outside of a few assassins creed tier modifiers to each mission (this one is a sniping mission, this one is a boring 10 minute trailing mission) they're all the same. The mini-games are shit too, coming from playing Yakuza.
What is the appeal? I get the taboo appeal of the subject matter but it really is just a low IQ surface level video game representation of drugs, sex, gang crime, and even the racism between gangs and different parties is pretty tame and token. I only kept playing to progress Nico's story which is the only halfway interesting character, but it feels like they just threw his backstory together, explain nothing, and reveal villains the same mission you kill them or forget them entirely for 50 hours of playtime before they come back.
How is this game series part of the best selling ever?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Well you see anon the ga..
    >Low IQ surface level

  2. 4 months ago

    >game isnt that good and is underdeveloped
    >but suddenly the climax of the story, which happens right at the end, is well developed and thought out. It hits you right in the feels with a good musical to back it up
    >everybody forgets the 30 hours of slogfest that happened inbetween and they see the game as the best of all time.

    Too many times people fall for this meme. GTA 4 is bad, boring, and overrated. Nothing much

  3. 4 months ago


  4. 4 months ago

    kiddies first GTA

    • 4 months ago

      Why would I play more if this is all it is? I played Mafia 2 a long time ago and I thought it was a great game, but thought to myself that the open world was kinda redundant and wished it was more interactive and there was more stuff to do, like people saying it was compared to GTA. But now I play GTA and it's exactly as empty but now you can play a few mini games which are maybe 1/20th of the quality and quantity of literally any Yakuza game. At least Mafia 2 had an incredible setting with classic cars and two different time periods. And a much, much better story. GTA has Black folk and poor sex animations.

  5. 4 months ago

    Play RDR2 instead. There's actually some variety in the missions.

    • 4 months ago

      No there's not. They're absurdly railroaded.

  6. 4 months ago

    i thought the same thing as you OP but played them all again years later and actually use my imagination to get immersed. They are simulator type role playing games. If you aren't immersed and just focused on the mechanics it's not any fun.

  7. 4 months ago

    The best of GTA is when you aren't playing it.

  8. 4 months ago

    Because the actual "story" is an afterthough and an excuse to move you through the area and vaguely justify mayhem.
    If you're nothing but a rat in a maze who runs from mission marker to mission marker you're playing the game wrong.
    Rockstar games have always been built around faffing about.

    • 4 months ago

      >Shoot civilians in the streets and get hunted by the cops
      >Mess with the character/car physics
      Wow faffing around sure is fun.

      • 4 months ago

        plus Carmageddon does to this day Messing with car physics better.

    • 4 months ago

      How do you faff about in this game? You can shoot and run over innocents which I guess is appealing the first few times, but you fight the cops SO MUCH in the story missions, which you actually need to do to progress and unlock things. Then there's the car jumps and the pigeon hunt. That's about it. I have so much money in this game and nothing to do with it. I wish I could buy an item that allowed me to see the jumps marked on the map, like Yakuza allows for hidden items. I wish I could buy modifiers for my game to mix it up, or upgrades for my character and guns, or cars.
      You know what would salvage this game for me? If you could actually BUY CARS normally. Like they're yours, you keep them forever in your garage, you can upgrade them, you test drive them at dealers and select trims. Basically Test Drive Unlimited. The game even pokes fun at you with a car sales site in the internet cafe but it's fake. Fricking boring. In Yakuza that would be a whole mini game with a side quest chain.

  9. 4 months ago

    >the older ones I tried were dated and controlled very badly.
    Skill issue. I enjoy the old ones way more than 5 and I'm a zoomer

  10. 4 months ago

    only the Johnny DLC

  11. 4 months ago

    >zoomies just now finding out that the main appeal of GTA is exploring and committing mass genocide

    • 4 months ago

      Exploring what?

  12. 4 months ago

    like you said, all gtas after san andreas were boring. they didn't have enough variety. its just shoot shit.

    but 5 is worse because of mission checkpoints making missions even more boring and repetitive.

    in 3, VC, and SA if you fail a mission, you have to drive all the fricking way back to the start of the mission. it made you actually really not want to lose.

    everyone remembers the missions like the helicopter race in SA, or the boat race in VC because when you lost it was infuriating.

    4 is in the grey zone because you could text to get back to missions, and if you died you didn't lose any of your shit, making the game easier, conceptually, then its predecessors and is part of why it sucked, in addition to most missions being the same. even then, its still better than 5 with its check point bullshit where there's no penalty for losing at all.

    • 4 months ago

      >but 5 is worse because of mission checkpoints making missions even more boring and repetitive.
      I don't follow, wasn't one of the big criticisms of the older gtas having to start the mission from the beginning everytime? Even having to make your way back to the mission's start location because failing basically just ends the mission where you stand and boots you back into the open world.

    • 4 months ago

      >everyone remembers the missions like the helicopter race in SA
      It was Zero's homosexual ass RC missions for me. I'm 31 yrs old and I still haven't beaten that last mission. Literally the only thing that has ever stopped me from 100% San Andreas. I even got the platinum but that one mission is fricking annoying.

  13. 4 months ago

    I can't refute any of your points, you are right.
    >How is this game series part of the best selling ever?
    It something you can just turn your brain and play. I replayed GTA IV this month and I kept playing because I enjoyed the characters, driving around the city and the shooting mechanics.
    I don't think there's a single memorable missions, VC and SA are miles better.

  14. 4 months ago

    It's set in New York. It's supposed to drain your soul and make you hate every job you do.

  15. 4 months ago

    GTAV improved missions but made them worse at the same time somehow. The missions are way more rigid in V than in IV, there's basically no room for any kind of player freedom at any level, they even script police escapes a lot of the time, which is just baffling, like at least let me escape the cops on my own.

    IV's missions lack creativity and are worse than V's missions no doubt, but at least the shooting and car chases felt more player driven as opposed to just following a scripted sequence out to the end.

    • 4 months ago

      Player agency is always more important than variety. GTA IV is fun to play because the combat and driving mechanics are satisfying. That alone is enough to carry it.

      Using Yakuza as an example of a game that’s somehow different is also really disingenuous, since Yakuza games are also really repetitive (every mission is go from point A to point B and either beat up thugs or play a minigame).

      If anything GTA IV is the most Yakuza-esque entry in the series, since it focuses on immersive elements, story and combat.

  16. 4 months ago

    Yeah its always been like this, there's a reason this is THE common denominator trash GOAT series

  17. 4 months ago

    >the older ones I tried were dated and controlled very badly

    • 4 months ago

      no he's 100% right, GTA3 and VC feel like shit to play today. SA is fine however.
      t. played GTA3 day 1 of release

      • 4 months ago

        SA has some of the worst driving in the series and the aiming system is still a bit jank.

        IV is the first GTA that actually feels good to control/play.

      • 4 months ago

        >VC feels like shit

        • 4 months ago

          the aiming is horrendous and gun combat as a result is absolute shit
          you don't even have a 3d camera
          tommy is way too fast
          cars are glued to the road

  18. 4 months ago

    >coming from playing Yakuza
    stopped reading

  19. 4 months ago

    >coming from playing Yakuza

  20. 4 months ago

    a quick tip so you aren't driving across the map all the time and when you fail a mission have to redrive all the way, use taxi's and romans taxi service. You can immediately fast travel everywhere and taxis are an abundance. I personally think it helps with the pain in the ass of failing a mission then driving back across the map to the mission again.

  21. 4 months ago

    its post 9/11 pre streaming, smart phones, and internet as a common item in the home kino. Released in 2008 but is really a time capsule of early 2000s and its great

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