Is interest in Age of Sigmar at an all time low?

Is interest in Age of Sigmar at an all time low?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    For reference, here are some other fantasy themed Warhammer games being played. All stats were received at the time of posting. What do anons infer from this information?

    • 7 months ago

      >brand new game full of hype

      >couple years old now game that's honestly pretty shit and the fanbase has largely turned away from

      This sums up AoS vs WHF very nicely.
      Artificial hype cannot endure genuine interest.

    • 7 months ago

      Wrong board

      Also, nobody gives a shit about Age of Smegmar. It was born as garbage, it is still garbzge, znd one day it will die as garbage, and no-one will remember it with any fondness.

    • 7 months ago

      Oshit sorry wrong board

    • 7 months ago

      Wrong board

      • 7 months ago

        Were discussing the tabletop game, homosexual. Bump lol. Cry more.

    • 7 months ago

      How is this /tg/ related.
      This is vidya shit.

    • 7 months ago

      More like an all time high LOL

      Paypigs SEETHE over this, and they ignore that huge numbers of those players were spending money equivalent to a warhammer army but cope about them being poor.

      • 7 months ago

        They aren't spending it on tabletop so who cares, I'm fricking sick of you stupid fantasyshitters trying to pretend video games and dogshit secondary bullshit matters. So what? Who the frick cares if it has a billion players? Age of Sigmar is still a tabletop game while whfb isn't, cry about it Black person.

    • 7 months ago

      Total War: Age of Sigmar would have worked very well

  2. 7 months ago

    >What do anons infer from this information?
    That you need to go back to Ganker

    • 7 months ago

      I am referring to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar as a Games Workshop product, of which it is almost exclusively a tabletop game. There tends to be a fair deal of cross-platform interest, as evidenced by the fact that the Old World was conceived as a result of the massive interest the Total War series generated. So I think th information here is perfectly valid for speculation on the tabletop games.

      • 7 months ago

        AoS's success is what is allowing GW to risk it and try old world as specialist game, remember it's closer to horus heresy, where it will get some models form time to time that will cost a fortune or one good box in a blue moon.
        AoS sells...and it sells better then WHF ever did...

        • 7 months ago

          >AoS's success is what is allowing GW to risk it and try old world as specialist game
          Lol, tick tock siggie piggie.

          • 7 months ago

            >facade of "just asking an innocent question" instantly dropped upon being reminded TOW is specialist
            lol, never change TWW secondaries.

        • 7 months ago

          >AoS's success is what is allowing GW to risk it
          Lmao. 40k success is what allowing GW to do anything

        • 7 months ago

          >sells better then WHF ever did
          Black person why do you lie?
          Yes, Aos sells better than most expected, but it has never hit classic fantasy at its height.
          We need to see if it has staying power and its not looking good.

          • 7 months ago

            >but it has never hit classic fantasy at its height.
            Do you have source for this, given your statement is contradictory to ex-employees of GW.

          • 7 months ago

            The figures are on public record if you have any doubts. AoS is a better seller in absolute terms than WFB ever was. Partly down to the growth of the sector and international market though, and not close to 40k mostly of course but there it is.

          • 7 months ago

            >Black person why do you lie?
            They're sigpigs? What do you expect, the truth? Then they'd have to admit that it's not the best thing since sliced bread. Why, they might even have to admit that 40k and fantasy are more appealing.

          • 7 months ago

            The fake grogs are going all out!
            You can TELL this poster was born in... mid 2000s.

  3. 7 months ago

    Total War homosexualry gunking up this board is enough go back to /V

  4. 7 months ago

    AoS is almost always 2nd on the list of sales for miniature war games.
    And remember that table doesn't count sales from GW, just independent retailers.
    When WHFB got squatted it was never on that list.

    AoS is very popular, but the game they released is unfortunately made for console RTS and looks too basic. Pretty much made the fail. I play TW:WH and not this, but I also play AoS way more than WHFB

    • 7 months ago

      Bro it ain't even top 3.

    • 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      >AoS is almost always 2nd on the list of sales for miniature war games.
      no it isn't

      • 7 months ago

        ESL moment

        • 7 months ago

          >ESL moment
          battletech is a miniature war game, even cutting out the D&D minis it's still wayyy below Battletech. And that's after X-wing completely self destructed recently, right now GW has virtually no major competitors now that Privateer Press shot themselves in the face years ago and Star Wars was mismanaged into the ground. Even with all that, AoS is still not the 2nd on the list of sales.

          • 7 months ago

            Almost always doen't get disproven by single instance to the contrary. I guess the issue is in basic logic not English

            • 7 months ago

              >single instance
              show an actual instance of AoS outselling battletech in the last year

              • 7 months ago

                >last year
                Literally the previosu report moron

              • 7 months ago

                now this is an esl moment

              • 7 months ago

                >No u.
                Seething ESL losing again

              • 7 months ago

                Battletech anonette

                >single instance
                show an actual instance of AoS outselling battletech in the last year


              • 7 months ago

                >Last year
                >The post wasn't in the last year
                Least illiterate sigpig

              • 7 months ago

                AlS outsold Battletech worldwide throughout last year. That chart only releases to non-GW sellers in the US (the home and by far the primary market for Battletech).

                The next similar report will come out in due course so let’s see what the US only non-GW sellers figures are then

          • 7 months ago

            Battletech ropes together like 3 rules variants and a dozen mini companies

            • 7 months ago

              Yes - and even then these are only the non-GW seller figures for the home market of Battletech, once. Some serious micropenis grogging going on in this thread

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Based on my experience, Nolzur's, BattleTech, and Onslaugh have the benefit of being sold in stores like Barnes & Noble in their little "D&D plus some Pathfinder and assorted TTRPGs" corners. It's incredibly easy for curious new people or very surface level players to just pick them up there, especially if they live in a location without an active LGS. GW could honestly benefit from pushing a few starter sets/combat patrols/Underworlds into these stores, but they've only been interested in those stupid $30-40 shitty boardgames with the same repacked Marines and Stormcast.

      • 7 months ago

        nice to see battletech at 3rd honestly.

      • 7 months ago

        >Malifaux/Wyrd top 10
        Good for them their minis are gorgeous

    • 7 months ago

      >AoS is almost always 2nd on the list of sales for miniature war games.
      Yeah and before that it was fantasy but you smegmarines pretend that means it was unpopular

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, but in the sigtard's brain, before 2015 there were two games: 40k, which sold ten billion models per year, and Fantasy, which sold three models. Fantasy was kept around for 50 years though because everyone just really liked it for no reason, until one day GW found the giant island-sized wasteland of fantasy miniatures nobody was buying.
        Then GW erased all the old lore in a cold, calculating business move that was also totally morally deserved because Fantasy is stupid and those pricks at the game store wouldn't ever let me play it with them because I refused to read the rules, which is not my fault, but the games.
        And then, after the long dark age of Fantasy was over, they started slapping the phrase 'Age of Sigmar' on the same model kits, and it too began to sell 9.9 billion minis per year, and all has been well ever since.

  5. 7 months ago

    No u are just amerimut moron all is fine outside of foreskin farm.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm European. As I presume most people posting at this hour are.

      AoS is almost always 2nd on the list of sales for miniature war games.
      And remember that table doesn't count sales from GW, just independent retailers.
      When WHFB got squatted it was never on that list.

      AoS is very popular, but the game they released is unfortunately made for console RTS and looks too basic. Pretty much made the fail. I play TW:WH and not this, but I also play AoS way more than WHFB

      I'm not even trolling but I've literally never see a game of AoS at my Warhammer shop. That's why I asked. I see people play 40k, Adeptus Titanicus and LOTR but that's it. I know it's highly dependent on the shop but still

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah it depends. At my local club the AoS night you need to pre-book or it's always booked out.
        Kill Team however is almost always empty.
        But I think GW don't care, apparently a huge amount of their sales is people who buy one box only

      • 7 months ago

        >not even trolling
        Where is your shop then kiddo?

  6. 7 months ago

    It's a modern pc game, there's like 10k people in the entire world who have a graphics card capable of running it that actually want to use said card for gaming

    • 7 months ago

      >only 10k people in the world have a GPU that can run picrel
      Now this is PREMIUM copium

      • 7 months ago

        >xhe still thinks intensive graphics requirements actually translates to good graphics

    • 7 months ago

      >there's like 10k people in the entire world who have a graphics card capable of running it
      >a 1060 6gb
      >a 7 year old mid range card

  7. 7 months ago

    Not on /tg/.
    They can't seem stop talking about it

  8. 7 months ago


    Another pornsick individual pressing his bizarre fetishes onto others as usual. You need some help. This isn't normal.

  9. 7 months ago

    I don’t play AoS, but GW constantly makes new stuff for it, so it makes enough money for this bigass company to bother with expensive plastic molds, unlike ToW.

    TWW succeeded in making a great mass battles fantasy game; it could be Total LotR, Total GoT, etc. It was a ripe market, that’s all.

    People don’t bother with AoS outside of tabletop because you can’t phase a video game out like you can a boardgame, and it’s hard for an outsider to grasp why someone would officially make a Chinese knockoff of their own established setting. “We already have fantasy Warhammer, wtf are CoS? How are they different from the Empire? So it’s the future of Fantasy or what? But why are models the same?” etc.

    “DoW made ME interested in tabletop” is and always will be anecdotal, sorry. Vidya has limited influence on tabletop and vice versa. People just won’t bother with moronic version of the setting they already know, that’s all. “not!germans with rocket artillery” is and always will be more accessible than “knights of lighting from the realm of light, tormented by reforgings”.

    • 7 months ago

      People don't bother with AoS period, apart from the delusional consumer paypiggies who shovel money at whatever mass market goyslop they can get their hands on. And for the record I've never given GW a single penny of my money, ever, even by proxy through video game royalties, and it will remain this way until I die. But I will still happily run the FFG 40k and WHF RPGs, which I simply downloaded for free from the internet.

      • 7 months ago

        The only AoS games I've ever been able to pick up at my local shop are people who've magnetized/rebased their Fantasy units that kept their rules in some way.
        The AoS ruleset is actually pretty decent, currently at least. Some of the figures even look kind of cool, like the orc beast masters and such. It just suffers from the revamps of all the old staple stuff being fricking stupid. Nu-"Oruks" are like Black Orcs in fricking power armor, steampunk Dawi (I mean dwearves), Stormcast only humans outside of free cities (Sorry Brettonia, Araby, Ind, and Kislev guess your religion was wrong)

  10. 7 months ago

    No. It's just that AoS is designed primarily to sell models, not cater to secondary loregays.

    Maybe they'll make their 'Dawn of War', but I doubt it.

    • 7 months ago

      >AoS is designed to appeal only to the tiny crowd of die hard whales who will buy everything GW makes anyway
      Yes, which is why everyone on board, people even completely peripheral to the hobby of traditional gaming, will still be able to look at you losers and laugh lmao

  11. 7 months ago

    Siggy piggies should be rounded up and summarily executed on live television.

    • 7 months ago

      Only if they do 40k players first.

  12. 7 months ago

    I have no interest in Age of Ligma but seriously GWturds need to get over that shitty company

  13. 7 months ago

    Seems pretty inline for the warhammer RTS's that it mirrors the most, alittle bit short of Dawn of War 2 and 1. Though this fails to account for console playerbase and I believe the game is on epic too. But yeah, this is about expected for a more traditional RTS/RTT game, they literally never sell well.

    • 7 months ago

      >store infested with NFT shit
      >only reason to get it is Fortnite to shut your kid up

    • 7 months ago

      >only have a 100 more players then a 12 year old RTS.
      >This is fine

      Damn, Siggy piggies really do huff that copium.

    • 7 months ago

      This had better be bait, or it's tragic.
      A game that came out on the 17th, three fricking days ago pulling similar numbers to one that is 19 Goddamn years old is abysmal.

      • 7 months ago

        >A game that came out on the 17th, three fricking days ago pulling similar numbers to one that is 19 Goddamn years old is abysmal.
        lol its peak player numbers are literally 1/4 that of Dawn of War 2, which came out in fricking 2009. Saying "nobody cares about age of sigmar" is an understatement comparable to "people are generally not fond of AIDS"

    • 7 months ago

      >they literally never sell well.
      The siggy piggies really are huffing copium today.

      • 7 months ago

        Worthless now-secondary talking about a fricking irrelevance to the actual game of AoS because their dead grog world was mercifully euthanised. Now that’s copium

  14. 7 months ago

    >AOS is immune to the plaque of secondaries
    Sounds good to me

  15. 7 months ago

    Lmao, I never get tired of seeing age of smegma getting dabbed on.

  16. 7 months ago

    Its the genre I think than the popularity in question. RTS is dead. No persistent play, no quick fix dopamine, no intimacy. Moba overtook it. All RTS end up with endless balance patches till it eventually dies.

    • 7 months ago

      why is TWW still doing decently even though it's between new DLC releases and the player base hates the devs right now?

      • 7 months ago

        That is RTT not RTS. One is having set up, army development and hero units with rpg elements. The other is a repetitive grindfest with zero development of army or units except in a game by game basis

    • 7 months ago

      >it's an RTS, that's why it's unpopular!
      Holy copium. I hope you shills realize that absolutely no casual video game enjoyer has any idea what the frick AoS even is. And among RPG fans, it's hated for displacing the far more popular, interesting, and successful WHF setting with a bunch of navel-gazing, generic, and fundamentally boring nonsense. And genuinely, fricking nonsense. Big stupid theme park islands floating in some kind of cosmic soup, with no real nations and no real stakes - maybe it works for the paypiggy consoomer class, but it works for nobody else, and the paypiggies will buy ANYTHING.

      • 7 months ago

        You do you.

      • 7 months ago

        >Holy buzzword c**tman
        If these paypiggies will buy anything why didn’t they buy WFB product from the ‘far superior’ setting Captain Logic-Bypass?

    • 7 months ago

      >RTS is dead
      Why are multiple RTS games in the top 100 actively played steam games?
      RTS games are fine, they just live or die on aesthetics and feedback. If AoS has less pull, it's because it either feels awful to play or has terrible aesthetics, or a combination of.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah for sure. Completely irrelevant to actual tabletop AoS though

        • 7 months ago

          This isn't about tabletop AoS so your post is just irrelevant.
          This is about Age of Sigmar as a whole and whether it will have any cultural relevance or wider appeal the way Warhammer Fantasy or 40k do. So far it doesn't look like it will.

          • 7 months ago

            Then you need to frick off to v. In any event you’d have to be pretty fricking dumb to compare a setting in its infancy with a setting that’s 4 decades old as a serious exercise. Except that you’re trolling of course you pointless c**t, and in the wrong forum to boot.

            • 7 months ago

              It's called Ganker, newhomosexual.
              >In its infancy
              Age of Sigmar is nearly a decade old.
              Settings don't age anyways, they're not wine, they're just stories. Time doesn't make them better, nor does constantly adding shit onto them. It's just a matter of how they're presented, written, and published at a given moment. People love Warhammer Fantasy for how it was written and later presented, not because it had an extra thirty years to lie around and gather dust first.

              • 7 months ago

                >he says after like 3 major overhouls of wfb's presentation

              • 7 months ago

                Anyways, thanks for proving my point. Age is irrelevant, Warhammer Fantasy as people know it is just based on an extremely compelling and interesting premise and presentation. It hit a sweet spot that gave it cultural relevancy, and Age of Sigmar hasn't, and maybe won't ever, hit its own sweet spot. Everybody else has just gotten there first.

              • 7 months ago

                >hit a sweet spot that gave it commercial disaster
                Laughable and pitiful at the same time.

              • 7 months ago

                >Commercial disaster
                What is this weird cope? GW saw a huge source of revenue from Warhammer Fantasy in 2016-2019. It was what put them back on the map when they'd been fading into irrelevancy.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeh i'm sure online store only stuff was just flyign off the shelfs it was never put on

              • 7 months ago

                Incomprehensible post. Sorry, sigtard, but you will NEVER have a game that tops the steam charts for years on end.

              • 7 months ago

                >Weird cope
                >Weirdly copes by lying massively about WFB sales despite evidence completely debunking this shit
                Embarrassing yourself

              • 7 months ago

                Anyone can go look up the sales figures man, the only one who needs to lie are sigtards who know their game hasn't been able to capture a market. Given all miniatures competition has basically died in the last ten years, I wouldn't be surprised if GW drops AoS after The Old World sinks it.

              • 7 months ago

                You’d think so wouldn’t you. Yet, you evidently haven’t so…. Given your ‘depth of research’ I’d imagine you also not be surprised to know how much more commercially successful AoS demonstrably is…..

              • 7 months ago

                >You evidently haven't
                Tu quoque.
                >how much more commercially successful WHFB demonstrably is
                FTFY. You can come back when AoS can get a game out there with more than 20k peak players.

              • 7 months ago

                Wfb was raped by Warcraft for half of its existance so hard they would have stolen orkz if 40k didn't hold on to them with mad max spin. That's the cultural relevance you're talking about

              • 7 months ago

                >Wfb was raped by Warcraft for half of its existance
                Learn to speak english, Hispanic. The two settings never had any competition with one another. Warhammer Fantasy was pastiche historical-fantasy, and Warcraft was high fantasy. They don't even touch the others niche.

              • 7 months ago

                >The two settings never had any competition with one another
                You can't possibly beleive this shit. Warcraft was literally just reskined wfb game after Blizzard lost the rights mid development, half it's shit was just reused warhammer ideas and it captured the zeitgeist while wfb died in the background

              • 7 months ago

                >You can't possibly beleive this shit. Warcraft was literally just reskined wfb game
                Oh, this old myth. This was debunked like 20 years ago dude, there's nothing even slightly warhammer about warcraft. At least learn about the hobby before you pretend to play it.

              • 7 months ago

                >thinks laziness is newhomosexualry
                >bbbut it’s nearly a quarter of the age of my beloved system
                Of course settings age you dumb frick. The world of WFB aged massively from the early days of rape reproducing Fimir, Nippon samurai and fricking pigmies, just like 40K from the days when Space Marines were just normal dudes with a fancy suit and Tyrannids, Necrons and Tau weren’t close to even existing - just like AoS is maturing before our eyes. Or maybe you think Tolkien’s Middle Earth never grew from fricking Farmer Giles of Ham… Clueless if serious - but of course really just a trolling tourist who should frick off.

              • 7 months ago

                I think not knowing board etiquette is newhomosexualry, cause you obviously aren't from around here.
                ESL moment.
                >Of course settings age you dumb frick
                Ad hominem and no rationale given. Retcons and rewrites are not a setting "aging."

              • 7 months ago

                >not from around here
                >is a nogaem tourist from v
                It’s a decent playing dumb routine you’ve got there up to a point, but your clueless trolling is wearing a little thin kid.
                >ESL moment
                >Fails to answer a single point
                If you are genuinely too dumb to see how much WFB and 40K settings changed (especially in the first decade they existed) then no psychiatrist or brain surgeon can help you. If huge lore wide changes to the setting specifically over time isn’t ‘aging’ then what the frick is it? Learn some definitions in your language class you dirty racist c**t.

              • 7 months ago

                You mean Ganker, newbie. Try lurking for a few years, maybe you'll fit in better afterwards.
                >Um, you disagreed with my incorrect assertion? You're dumb!
                Thanks for proving me right btw.

              • 7 months ago

                >trolling tourist gives more pointless advice
                Thanks kid - now frick off back to v
                >still fails to answer the point or learn a definition
                Looking a bit bad there kid

              • 7 months ago

                You mean Ganker, ESL newbie.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh ESL
                >can’t learn a basic English definition
                How are the lessons going bud? Fricked off back to v yet tourist?

              • 7 months ago

                You're 100% ESL. You can't even spell Ganker properly, and you have that typical mutt spite where you have to violently shit yourself whenever someone points out that you smell bad and should take a shower.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh ESL
                >still can’t understand an everyday English term
                >still no valid counterpoints
                Serious kid, why are you so shit at this

              • 7 months ago

                >No counteargument
                I accept your concession, ESL sigtard.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh ESL
                >copies without wit

              • 7 months ago

                You aren't even worthy of my (you) anymore. Cope, seethe, and enjoy having nogames.

              • 7 months ago

                >so seething it fricks up the post link
                Have fun back in v until your next vacation

              • 7 months ago

                >He has no idea what a (you) is
                Oh newbie. You will never learn and you will never have games.

              • 7 months ago

                >still can’t go back
                Too busy having games to visit you in v so I’ll wave from here

  17. 7 months ago

    Probably not, it apparently lives rent free in a couple dudes' heads here. I really don't know how you somehow outpace the 5e and WotC homosexualry that clogs up the board, but it's impressive. Just chill the frick out and bump one of two threads for a few weeks.

  18. 7 months ago

    Is this uptick in spam because of the Ushoran preview for AoS and the lame Tomb King preview for THE OLD WORLD?

    • 7 months ago

      Probably a one-two combo of both. It pissed off the troony discord.

  19. 7 months ago


  20. 7 months ago

    AoS does have pretty bad brand awareness, but RoR is also a bad game. And worse, it's a bad RTS, a genre that plays for a customer base that aren't easy to please and tend to be fairly plugged in with discussion. It plays like slow dogshit, and anyone in the target market can recognise that, so even if AoS was decently well-known and popular it'd still have bombed pretty hard.

  21. 7 months ago

    No dude, it's just that Realms of Ruin isn't a good game. Like, every single review, even the ones that normally shill, are saying it's bad.
    Summergays keep thinking GW has a good track record with video game adaptations, but historically that is absolutely not the case. Like, for every Shadow of the Horned Rat (which is pretty ideosyncratic nowadays) you have five more that are complete shovelware that nobody thankfully remembers.
    Honestly, Dawn of War was probably the first big big breakout title that was actually genuinely good and sold to a wider audience.

  22. 7 months ago

    Probably gonna rise again now that the Total War devs have shit the bed.

  23. 7 months ago

    Mediocre game in a dead genre focused on the notoriously unpopular faction + 2 seasonal baddie factions isn't popular? Shocking!

  24. 7 months ago

    We all know that if a WHF themed game released, regardless of the genre or the quality, it would have thousands of active players at launch. There's no denying this. The reason no one is playing Realms of Ruin is because no one cares about the Age of Sigmar world. Sigpiggies know this. They can cope and seethe as much as they want but the fact that fricking DoW has similar player numbers says it all really lmao they just can't stop losing
    >B-b-but muh FEC centrepiece trash!
    No one cares.

    • 7 months ago

      Seeing as DoW3 fricking flopped for being the same shitty MOBAlike RTSlite, I can in full confidence say the same would happen with a TOW game, especially since Brets vs Tomb Kangz is as boring of a match up as Sigmarines vs Kumboyz

      • 7 months ago

        And yet TOW mod for TWW is massively popular. Cope.

        • 7 months ago

          I've literally never heard of it and also TWW is already set in the Old World, are you moronic?

          • 7 months ago

            >thinks vanilla TWW is set in TOW
            It is you who are moronic, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't think you remember Chaosbane. That shit came out amid generalized WFB game hype, had a shitload of marketing aimed at it and it was such a disaster the developers haven't made a serious attempt at a game since.

      • 7 months ago

        the reverse is also true though, when you have a developer make a Mordhiem game that was generally well-liked and somewhat successful if buggy, ugly(for the time), and blatantly unfinished at times then goes on to make a Necromunda adaption that preceded to gain no traction at all, most people forgot about by the time Hired Gun came out

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe people just weren't willing to give a 2nd chance to a dev that made a buggy mess of a game the 1st time?

          • 7 months ago

            people liked that game despite those issues (and the dice hated the player as well) but it did gain a cult following of people who liked it after release, none of that happened for Underhive War though for whatever reason so it is not the case that the player was not willing to give these devs a chance it perhaps more likely they just made a much worse game adaption than the Mordheim one they did.

  25. 7 months ago

    Fantasy is a popular setting that doesn't sell plastic.
    Age of Smegma is a shit setting that sells plastic.
    GW is a company that sells plastic.
    Anything else is irrelevant.

  26. 7 months ago

    Wrong board

  27. 7 months ago

    Sorry, too busy enjoying the tabletop with some buddies to care for some video game.

  28. 7 months ago

    >getting blown out in the Ganker thread
    >uses the same one word over and over in this thread as well
    Smelly troony please expand your vocabulary or just frick off already. No one wants to play pretend and see your shitty trans pride painted smegmarines.

  29. 7 months ago

    why should I care

  30. 7 months ago

    >I-i'm actually playing
    Tick tock frickers, while the figures from TOW so far do look like dogshit the revealed rules seem to be more heavily derived from the superior Warhammer Ancient Battles historical game which is honestly mind-blowing anyone still in that company remembers exists.

  31. 7 months ago

    >Is interest in Age of Sigmar at an all time low?
    "Age of Sigvald" would have been funnier.

  32. 7 months ago

    >Is interest in Age of Sigmar at an all time low?
    Yes. Mostly because the video game seems to be a flop.
    Maybe if they instead nostalgia baited and made it a Warcraft 3 reskin it would have been better.

    • 7 months ago

      >maybe if the game was better it would be better

      Truly, this is the cunning insight I come to this board for

  33. 7 months ago

    Warhammer Fantasy has decisively won in the vidya sphere thanks to Vermintide and Total War: Warhammer being smash hit successes while Age of Sigmar hadn't yet grown out of the dumpster fire that it was at launch. As a game AoS has improved massively since then but the one-two punch of discovering that the tabletop game the video game they liked had been killed off and seeing the mess (at the time) that it was replaced with has stuck fast with the vidya audiences.

    It really doesn't help that Realms of Ruin just doesn't seem like a very good game. I played the demo and I really wasn't impressed.

  34. 7 months ago

    It's just Dawn of War 2 lite. Even if it was WHFB themed it would still suck. Same with Age of Sigmar Tempestfall. What a disappointing piece of shovelware.

  35. 7 months ago

    I find it amusing that age of sigmar still causes such supreme butthurt among a group of people whose entire /tg/ engagement seems to stale Canned phrases borrowed from Ganker and Ganker.

  36. 7 months ago

    That's the level of interest it's always been at.

    >Verification not required.

  37. 7 months ago

    When TOW, set up to fail, blows AoS out of the water GW will either kill it to prop up AoS(again, like with the launch of AoS itself) or just admit they were wrong and bin all of shitmar forever as tbe dark ages.
    One of these options is based, the other is what they'd actually do.

    • 7 months ago

      >GW the multi-billion stock market quoted company will kill a (supposed) success and piss on shareholders for zero reason
      Yes it’s comedy projection hour from a piss-stained grog

      • 7 months ago

        They already did when AoS launched.
        Warhammer Fantasy was doing fine, not 40k numbers but still fine and consistent. It was binned to artificially prop up Age of Sigmar.

        • 7 months ago

          >Warhammer Fantasy was doing fine
          >Dead for close to a decade

        • 7 months ago

          No it was literally selling less than Chaos Black paint, as company insiders told us. GW didn’t can the setting because they’d dropped too many fricking tabs, they canned it because it sold even fricking less than a replacement system with almost zero rules on launch

          • 7 months ago

            >one guy from one store?
            >other guy that saw more numbers across the whole market as well as more than one other person?
            >bullshit, I don't buy it

            • 7 months ago

              >multiple company insiders equal one guy from one store
              >successful multi billion business dumps successful systems ‘just because’
              So not only do you disregard well known insider info, but you actually buy the idea that WFB sold even slightly well but was nevertheless completely canned by a publically listed company? What’s your serious explanation for this kiddo?

              • 7 months ago

                You seriously buy that a publicly listed company would close hundreds of youtube channels providing free advertising, just so they could launch a streaming service doomed to fail?

              • 7 months ago

                >doomed to fail
                Thanks Nostradamus. Yeah they would ‘pressure’ so called ‘free publicity’ providers if they bring in less revenue than the alternative in their opinion. Kinda obvious

              • 7 months ago

                >complete non-explanation to the max
                Please try again

              • 7 months ago

                I like how there is no response to this. GW does moronic shit that makes zero sense and returns no profit all the fricking time.
                AoS was probably started out of internal spite and because they thought they would make bank by cashing in on the WoW aesthetic. They were just a decade late.

              • 7 months ago

                >claims no response
                >too dumb to notice the absence of logic and misses a response too
                GW make tens of millions of profit consistently you clueless dope but sure they canned a ‘successful’ system ‘out of spite’. Seriously, do you actually think the decision makers at GW give a frick about anything BUT profit and growth, let alone have ‘spite’ for anything in their range? What does the sky look like in your basement?

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, sigtards don't really have internal consistency. They're driven by a bitter hatred for being outshined by pastiche fantasy, so they're not able to actually address the facts. For example, nobody addresses the fact that Warhammer Fantasy was among the top 5 selling miniature lines for almost its entire lifespan. It's always just "insider claims" and other hearsay.

              • 7 months ago

                >clueless tinfoil c**t thinks capitalist business dumps big seller for no reason
                Wake up dumbass. Plus for much of that time there was virtually zero serious competition to GW, and what there (PP) soon eclipsed WFB. 5th is pocket change, seriously. AoS beats it out of sight even after getting all you grogs to piss their beds in anger.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, so you don't play tabletop games at all. No wonder you're so mad.

              • 7 months ago

                I’ve played since you were sucking from your momma’s teat. Admittedly that could just be yesterday judging by your logical incompetence

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, you don't and have probably never played a tabletop game, let alone a wargame.

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever you say kid, you’re sure proving your pedigree with all those quality gaming related points you’re making. Off you go back to your basement.

              • 7 months ago

                What they did there makes perfect sense, IF you're a bunch of calcified boomers operating on last century's economic logic. It was moronic as all hell, but it's not like it was completely at random.

              • 7 months ago

                >IF you're a bunch of calcified boomers operating on last century's economic logic
                The problem is they weren't. GW has been led mostly by Gen X men and 30-50 year old women for the last 5 or 6 years. Even Rountree is just 50 years old this year. It was stupid and badly planned, and companies aren't soulless abominations anyways, they're still staffed and led by human beings that make stupid or emotional decisions.

              • 7 months ago

                >Emotional decisions
                GW upper management know remarkably little about the systems the company produces, and care less. It’s the bottom line they watch. What kind of weirdo thinks an accountant who never games makes decisions out of spite or pique?

              • 7 months ago

                >GW upper management know remarkably little about the systems the company produces
                This has nothing to do with what I said at all.
                >and care less

              • 7 months ago

                Why would executives who care little for the games their company sells have any emotional investment in them. They don’t - they make profit related calls, hence the entertaining combo of commercial success and grog enragement. If you want sources on how little they care try listening to ex-employees (maybe start with The Honest Wargamer and move on from there)….

              • 7 months ago

                Execs have emotional investment in their own company and the people within it. It's not really uncommon that projects get fricked over or torched based purely on internal disputes, or for a company to double down on something stupid when they get shit on for it.
                >If you want sources on how little they care try listening to ex-employees
                They literally echo everything I say about how stupid and emotional execs can be. Maybe you should take your own advice.

              • 7 months ago

                You’re mistaking ‘stupid’ for emotional. GW execs have made some superficially baffling calls for sure, but there is zero evidence to suggest any emotion was involved. Cite even one example. On the other hand there are various inside sources saying exactly the opposite - that the key decision makers are cold bean-counters with no feel or love for the product. Sure some of those lower down are massively invested, but it wasn’t those who made the call to dump WFB. That was just numbers talking.

              • 7 months ago

                >You’re mistaking ‘stupid’ for emotional.
                >GW execs have made some superficially baffling calls for sure, but there is zero evidence to suggest any emotion was involved.
                There is also zero evidence to suggest they were coldly logical and had zero emotional stakes in something any human being would have emotional investment in.
                >Cite even one example
                Easy, WHFB's entire cancellation was largely driven by human emotion. It had a long run of successful sales, and while most were expecting a new edition to shake things up, the decision to can it has been said by insider sources to have been largely motivated by the writers being tired and actively complaining of wanting to move on to something entirely new and fresh.
                >N-no it was entirely due to sales figures
                No. GW has often confronted financial mismanagement without backing down, and it wasn't the first case where they changed their approach massively without canning an entire game line. 7th edition 40k is a great example. It lost a ton of popularity, but they gave it a makeover that skyrocketed it back to massive appeal.
                The same thing had been planned with WHFB, but it was a purely emotional desire to try and move on to something new rather than stick with old reliable - Which is the far more financially sensible choice. If it were ever just a matter of sales, AoS would have been canned less than two years after release instead of being improved upon.

              • 7 months ago

                >If it were ever just a matter of sales, AoS would have been canned less than two years after release instead of being improved upon.
                AoS was outselling what WHFB had been selling less than a year after release

              • 7 months ago

                Haha, no. AoS was sucking absolute wieners in its first year. The rules were awful, the setting had no appeal, its presentation was at best incredibly offputting, and its models were barely moving. GW was withholding sales figures just to try and escape the image of unpopularity that it had garnered. Even Kings of War was being played more.
                GeeDubs did the correct thing though and buckled down while continuing to push out more releases instead of doubling back after the rocky start. They settled in for the long haul, and ended up with a solid miniatures line that managed to start shining right as its competition was fading.

                Taking the same approach would have done pretty well with WHFB too, as it's already proven it has a far wider appeal to begin with, but the decision to swap over to a new line instead was largely emotionally driven.

              • 7 months ago

                >mostly hyperbole with zero basis in fact
                Whilst it’s true AoS initial rules were frankly shit, it was undoubtedly played more than fricking Kings of War. Agreed on the correct attitude by GW to evolve the product properly (aided by changes in staff).
                >This could have worked with WFB
                No, just no. The appeal was never ‘wider’ than current AoS, ever. Worse, the commercial exploitability of it was pitiful, as were potential sales given the huge existing figure collections owned by so many grogs, driven by the late WFB ‘must get massive units and huge heroes’ ruleset. Nothing short of a near total reset would cut it - multiple new armies were needed to drive sales, and on a much more affordable scale. Those forces needed a suitable world to exist in, and needed to maximise commercial advantage. No more old boys with their hordes of orcs and goblins never buying a thing - time for fresh blood with their shiny new Stormcast or Idoneth, all nicely copyrightable.

              • 7 months ago

                >Whilst it’s true AoS initial rules were frankly shit, it was undoubtedly played more than fricking Kings of War
                Figures say you're wrong. Hell, KoW was even stomping it in tournament play despite being stale as frick.
                >No, just no. The appeal was never ‘wider’ than current AoS, ever
                Post an AoS game with six digit player counts.

              • 7 months ago

                >Figures say you're wrong. Hell, KoW was even stomping it in tournament play despite being stale as frick.

                I call bullshit on that one

              • 7 months ago

                Congrats on not playing games before 2018 then, newbie.

              • 7 months ago

                >Figures say….
                Bullshit indeed. Citation fricking needed (I was there)
                >Muh vidya is AoS
                Frick off - that’s nothing to do with the appeal of AoS, a tabletop war game. Nothing to do with WFB the extinct tabletop wargame either.

              • 7 months ago

                >Frick off
                Lol that's what I thought.

              • 7 months ago

                >Still pretending vidya is tabletop
                Yeah frick off you disingenuous irrelevant c**t

              • 7 months ago

                If you played any games you might have picked up better on the demographics kid

                No source?
                No players?
                No hair?

              • 7 months ago

                Source on what tabletop traditional game? Back to your basement nogame incel

              • 7 months ago

                No sources, no players, no hair, and no offspring. Sigcucks got it rough.

              • 7 months ago

                Projection is a b***h ain’t it kid

              • 7 months ago

                Being 43 and sitting in your basement is a b***h, ain't it grandpa? Haha, just kidding, you have no lineage.

              • 7 months ago

                The End Times proved that when you actually released models for fantasy it sold, you pisspigs expect everyone to rebuy their own armies again just because GW said they should. Smegmar actually got new model9s but it remains to this d3ay the only thing they have ever made that has sat on shelves for years even with massive discounts

              • 7 months ago

                >No U
                The evidence they were more cold than emotional is from contemporary employee accounts and the subsequent commercial performance, which in case you haven’t noticed is substantial success.
                >long run of successful sales
                So did VHS and the Ford Model T. WFH was so ripe for the canning it was insane. Minuscule sales (on record and from testimony), a universe that was minimally commercially exploitable both in terms of copyright and in regard to existing ‘in world interaction’ (due to the defined geographical nature of it).
                >’old reliable’
                The only thing reliable about WFB by the end was its pathetic sales figures. The gaming meta was inhabited by an ageing base of grogs with massive existing collections and minimal interest in new purchases. The only rational call was to dump this commercial dying dinosaur.
                >Terrible commercial naïveté
                The latter section betrays the fact it’s extremely unlikely you’ve run a business of any significance. Many, even most businesses expect to lose money in the first year or two of operation, or whilst introducing a new product line - and even if they don’t sensible businesses won’t throw the baby out with the bathwater - they evolve the product from lessons learned. AoS was the future, for all the outlined rational reasons and more. The die was cast. Emotion didn’t come into it.

              • 7 months ago

                Kinda crazy how despite not selling at all during 7th and 8th (when said models were released) same models would make loads of dosh during later years of AoS. Granted fantasy always had a massive proxy culture and only now people don't scuff at the thought of buying fantasy product.

              • 7 months ago

                It's mostly crazy because wfb was still in the top 5 during 7th, as we saw in the links earlier. It was really just its last two years where it lost steam.

              • 7 months ago

                >The evidence they were more cold than emotional is from contemporary employee accounts
                Quite the contrary, as I proved.
                >the subsequent commercial performance
                You mean the lack thereof.
                >So did VHS and the Ford Model T
                And it's well known that Ford swapped over from trucks to making electrical buggies - Ah, no, they didn't kill their product lines, they just changed them and sold more. Your own analogy defeats your attempt at a point.
                >Minuscule sales (on record and from testimony)
                Records say otherwise.
                >a universe that was minimally commercially exploitable both in terms of copyright
                Ah, you're just trolling and have no point to make. Good b8, but everyone has already read the OP post. Now get filtered.

              • 7 months ago

                >claims proof with literally zero citations
                Try harder - I’ve given you sources and many more, including accounts, are in the public domain. Stop making shit up.
                >’lack of commercial performance’
                GW is massively more successful since WFB was rightly dumped. AoS is demonstrably more profitable - see GWs own public accounts, not (ironically) your fantasy world
                >Ford changed their product lines and sold more
                This is exactly my point - this should be too obvious for even you to miss, WFB is the literal old product line, and AoS the new. WFB had all th3 saleability of a rusty wreck.
                >Bbbbut no u
                Recorded sales figures are on the public record. Some limited examples are even in this thread, and yet here you are claiming black is white. Crazy wilful blindness
                >bizarre failure to notice vidya isn’t tabletop
                Seriously - did you actually think OP had a point? Talking about something of almost complete irrelevance to GW core business, and with almost nothing to show even about muh vidya. GW is mostly concerned with its key core product - mainly 40k but also AoS. The rest is relative window dressing.

              • 7 months ago

                166k vs 1k. WFB is 166x as popular as Age of Smegmar.

              • 7 months ago

                >talks pointless irrelevant shit about vidya on this board
                Frick off back to you containment board tourist

              • 7 months ago

                Does it hurt when the only people you see playing AoS are all age 40 and up, or does it make you feel like you belong?

              • 7 months ago

                If you played any games you might have picked up better on the demographics kid

              • 7 months ago

                Its always funny when people come in with revisionist bullshit like claiming AoS was successful or that GW is full of cold, calculating logicians who still can't figure out how to handle game licenses or youtubers because they're "old" or some other copescuse.

              • 7 months ago

                AoS was a car crash on launch, yet was the right call regardless. It was the right call even within 12-24 months. You’re not getting the point about GW - it’s not that all employees are cold and calculating, just that those at the top tended to be (and are) as evidence shows. Being commercially minded rather than emotional doesn’t preclude making mistakes and doesn’t imply competence in all markets. That’s pretty fricking obvious if you’ve ever worked in a decent position in a business. I’m betting you absolutely haven’t.

              • 7 months ago

                >AoS was a car crash on launch, yet was the right call regardless
                No, the right call was doubling down and sticking with it even after its first few years were rocky as hell.
                >You’re not getting the point about GW
                What you mean to say is, 'I dislike that you don't hold my exact same views and don't view companies as inhuman entities that operate on cold logic.'

              • 7 months ago

                I actually agree that the right call was sticking with AoS and pulling it through 100%. Only a new system like AoS had the potential to pull though.
                >personal views nonsense
                I don’t care about your views on companies in general - I’m talking about specific decisions within a specific company at a specific time. No one has argued ‘companies are inhuman entities’ per se, and I certainly wouldn’t (have you seen Elon clowning it up recently)?

              • 7 months ago

                >Only a new system like AoS had the potential to pull though.
                Eh, no. Any project needs longer term support to catch on, and it also typically needs to break new ground (Or pretend to) when doing so, and have a market it's successfully maneuvering to capture. See 40k's 7th to 8th edition transition. It was a massive overhaul for a dying game that succeeded in reviving it.
                >I don’t care about your views on companies in general - I’m talking about specific decisions within a specific company at a specific time.
                Ok, I don't care about your deflection. Sorry bub, but I'm not changing my mind and ignoring years of success based on your lack of experience.

              • 7 months ago

                GW has been handled by literal morons for decades who only ever operated on faulty conclusions about things they didn't understand, it has been this way for nearly 30 years and the evidence is how badly almost every one of their properties has been handled in that time, constant baffling demands to push stupid ideas like gorkamorka over proven hits like necromunda, repeatedly nearly destroying the company when it made too much money like with LotR because real success is way beyond their level of competency. And the single most stupid d3ecisions to destroy not only their foundational IP which was then proven to be far more popular than they had any clue about but throw away the actual space marine and replace it with some donald duck bullshit, literally the equivalent of disney getting rid of mickey mouse/

                The only thing that GW has in its favour is that it is mindlessly consumed by emotionally damaged failures who think it is a replacement for a personality and have become the new bronies.

              • 7 months ago

                >nearly destroying the company when it made too much money like with LotR
                Wat happeng?

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah go on tell us moron

                GW has been handled by literal morons for decades who only ever operated on faulty conclusions about things they didn't understand, it has been this way for nearly 30 years and the evidence is how badly almost every one of their properties has been handled in that time, constant baffling demands to push stupid ideas like gorkamorka over proven hits like necromunda, repeatedly nearly destroying the company when it made too much money like with LotR because real success is way beyond their level of competency. And the single most stupid d3ecisions to destroy not only their foundational IP which was then proven to be far more popular than they had any clue about but throw away the actual space marine and replace it with some donald duck bullshit, literally the equivalent of disney getting rid of mickey mouse/

                The only thing that GW has in its favour is that it is mindlessly consumed by emotionally damaged failures who think it is a replacement for a personality and have become the new bronies.

                I'm amused now I wanna see your copesplanation for how it was being TOO successful lol

              • 7 months ago

                >Making money is proof of incompetency!!!!!!!!
                Holy shit lmfao the stupid shit fantasy goons come up with is something else

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, it was pretty unique to them, and their board isn't event a bunch of old boomers. People that age tend to be cautious, GW isn't. They're just rife with morons and poor decision makers.

              • 7 months ago

                I’m no great fan of GW but it’s hard to pretend they are poor decision makers when they have been one of the most commercially successfully growing concerns of the last decade. They just don’t care about the same shit the grogs can’t let go.

              • 7 months ago

                >but it’s hard to pretend they are poor decision makers
                I mean yeah, cause there's no pretending. They objectively screwed over their own advertising base and have invested heavily into multiple failed projects.
                If they were smart the way older execs tend to be, they'd have been extremely careful with who they gave licenses to, instead of screwing themselves out of dipping into a gigantic market for the better part of 10 years and kneecapping their own growth by letting shitshows like Realms of Ruin happen.

              • 7 months ago

                For all their faults GW are a great recent commercial success. They are clearly doing more right than wrong from that perspective in recent times, grog rage notwithstanding. Nearly all companies invest in projects that ultimately fail - many might say that is precisely the mark of a successful and ambitious business. Some failures are much better than ‘never tried’. Figures speak louder than hindsight and conjecture.

              • 7 months ago

                >For all their faults GW are a great recent commercial success
                So is Disney. This isn't really a valid point of argumentation; Big companies can tank big mistakes.
                >Nearly all companies invest in projects that ultimately fail
                Correct, and this is also irrelevant. It's how failures are remembered and tackled that determine the success or failure of a large company. For GW, they have a track record of repeatedly failing and rarely learning. Licensing is a great point of interest, since they've repeated the same mistake of almost indiscriminately letting anyone make games for their brand, tarnishing it irreparably in the process.
                >Figures speak louder than hindsight and conjecture.
                The figures say they've fricked up alot.

              • 7 months ago

                >Nah, it was pretty unique to them
                Disney+ has been the same failing moneypit for Disney as WH+ was for GW
                I'm fact many major studios have dropped out of streaming because it turns out running your own studio where you have to constantly churn abd burn content to compete with fricking youtube just isn't as profitable as they thought and the only reason Netflix has lasted as long as it has is it because it used to be a central repository of streaming

                It's no secret that GW was late as hell to the digital game and ex-employees have gone on record pointing out how fricking backwards and boomerbrained management is. WH+ was a panicked course overcorrection from their previous stance on digital and an attempt to stop what they saw as a "digital Chapterhouse" incident from unfolding. It's pretty obvious what they were TRYING to do, just like it's obvious to anyone who grew up on the internet what a bad idea it was. Like I said, WH+ was probably the dumbest move GW could've made to handle that situation, but to pretend that it was the result of some fey mood whim rather than a clearly thought out but incredibly flawed logical decision is the height delusional brand fanaticism.

        • 7 months ago

          They're very lucky the ninth age didn't gain popularity

          • 7 months ago

            It's a fan game dude.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, and in the age of 3d printing, it's what we need, not TOW

          • 7 months ago

            >muh 9th age
            Nah that was a grog driven piss fest from the start with zero chance of meaningful success. Sure some basements were filled with two bloated people trying it but why would GW care about a system played by non-buying non-customers in tiny numbers with literally zero model competition?

            • 7 months ago

              They obviously shouldn't if it's only played by very few people.
              But if it had became popular, 3D printing would have basically replaced them.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh 3D printing
                Laughable nonsense. If that were the case why hasn’t 3D printing taken over AoS and 40k eh? Also it was never going to become successful as GW knew, as it was based on a subset of followers of a chronically unpopular and uncommercial system

      • 7 months ago

        >GW the multi-billion stock market quoted company will kill a (supposed) success and piss on shareholders for zero reason
        They do exactly this all the time lol, they killed Dark Heresy because FFG was making X-wing

        • 7 months ago

          >Dark Heresy
          > A success
          >Zero commercial relevance
          You aren’t even trying now

        • 7 months ago

          Undercutting a competitor is not "pissing on shareholders"

  38. 7 months ago

    It's more that AoS never really captivated much interest.
    It did way better at being a miniatures game than warhammer fantasy simply because it has more appealing minis and simpler rules and received way better support. But on its own it doesn't really have secondary appeal the way 40k or WHF have got. It instead has to fight for room in a very saturated niche of kitchensink fantasy, and doesn't bring anything that gives it stronger appeal than its competitors.

    • 7 months ago

      Some decent points - for now. I guess the more the setting matures and AoS gains invested ‘vets’ the more things may change. It’s pretty much as successful a setting for its age as there is amongst comparators. Time will tell.

      • 7 months ago

        I doubt it ever will
        Fantasy had an awesome lore, AOS is extremely high fantasy that's not even trying...

    • 7 months ago

      >>It did way better at being a miniatures game than warhammer fantasy simply because it has more appealing minis
      Frick off blind moron

      • 7 months ago

        Cry sigpig.

  39. 7 months ago

    The only good thing about age of shitmar is that GW can dumb all the Black personino female empowerment slop into it and leave 40k alone

    • 7 months ago

      >worthless MAGA racist c**t dribbles from its basement
      Have sex

      • 7 months ago

        Frick off back to your subreddit

    • 7 months ago

      They're slowly working it into 40k it's just at a deliberately more careful pace. They know 40k keeps the lights on so the current staff at GW can't go all out with the woke imagery as they'd like to.

    • 7 months ago

      >literally every recent major 40K release has had blacks, females, and/or black females in it
      Lol, cope harder

    • 7 months ago

      pew pew

  40. 7 months ago

    >The lone sigshitter is so mad about nobody liking his moronic setting that he can barely string together a coherent sentence
    Totally a successful franchise btw.

    • 7 months ago

      Success is always relative of course. In this case relative to the dumpster fire of latter editions of WFB

      • 7 months ago

        Success is relative. Like a peak of 166k players and a peak of 1k players.

  41. 7 months ago

    I wish age of sigmar and 40k players would stop chirping about a system they never played. Yes, 8th was shit and killed the game. 7th wasn't much better. Despite this, GW is, was and will forever be the house Warhammer Fantasy built. Everything GW has ever made only happened because of Fantasy, whether you like it or not. Respect your elders.

    • 7 months ago

      Actually GW begun with just making D&D models without own setting, so gtfo with your stolen valor

      • 7 months ago

        You could also make the argument that they got their start by bringing American board games and role-playing games to Britain, but that would be a stupid argument. And we're not making stupid arguments, are we? WHFB is GW. It's what allowed GW to make other systems. Don't be an idiot.

  42. 7 months ago

    ESL poorgays think ork magic is real and that thinking about 40k and talking about 40k online is what keeps GW in business, while people who buy AoS models are irrelevant.

  43. 7 months ago


  44. 7 months ago

    the rts genre has been dead for a long time

  45. 7 months ago

    I'd hazard the low numbers are more accountable to game just not being good. If it was actually good and fun to play, it'd get players regardless of the IP tacked onto it..

  46. 7 months ago

    I'm just here to say
    >Age of Smegmar

  47. 7 months ago

    As an RTS it's a very basic, almost bland game without anything to keep player interested. Graphic is far from visual spectacle either. So it's all boils down to setting and the story, and AoS have nothing to offer in this case (because it's straight utilitarian additions to the models).
    Video game crowd (despite Blizzard or EA efforts with subverting expectations and trends) already grew out of such designs and stories of super-soldiers

    • 7 months ago

      This anon has the truth of it. It's just not a good game, and although I had fun with AoS briefly in 2E, it's just not a very gripping setting that would keep people playing a mediocre game.

      • 7 months ago

        Why do 40ktards like you insist with this stupid concern trolling bullshit?

    • 7 months ago

      >As an RTS it's a very basic
      This, plus RTS as a genre is nowhere near as popular (relatively speaking) as it used to be, with big classics like AoE2 making it hard for new games to set up shop on the scene.

  48. 7 months ago

    >player numbers have dropped to 243 now
    Oh nonononono...

  49. 7 months ago

    It's a bad RTS. Most of the IP farm games GW goes for these days are bad. It would be nice if they released a new Dawn of War tier game, but the best things recently have been Boltgun and Mechanicus.

    I agree a Soulsborne would be the best option for an AoS game, but there's no way GW would invest enough or be discriminating enough about the studio for it to be good.

    • 7 months ago

      It doesn’t matter how many games you make for AoS, the setting is bland and uninspired.

  50. 7 months ago

    Dragonflight is still the most popular MMO on the market

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