is it actually as much of a slog as people say it is, or is it just a pleb filter?

is it actually as much of a slog as people say it is, or is it just a pleb filter?

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  1. 1 month ago

    who says it's a slog? I used to play this game during school on my laptop.

  2. 1 month ago

    The first hub is probably the worst one and why so many people bounce off of it. I say play it with gameplay mods though because only 4 weapons per character gets kinda dull.

    • 1 month ago

      I can't think of any mods that change this that aren't also a self-contained total conversion with its own maps, but then I haven't really played Hexen 1 in years. Game isn't super long though, and neither is the Deathkings expansion pack.

    • 1 month ago

      Hexen is a cake walk even on the second hardest difficulty, I couldn't get past the Deku Tree from Ocarina of Time so if you can't beat Hexen you might be a bit more moronic than me

      • 1 month ago

        I don't play childrenslop on old consoles so you have to make a better reference than fricking Zelda.

        • 1 month ago

          Are you implying you play children slop only on newer consoles? Sorry to say, but I think Mario gays are better than us

    • 1 month ago

      Disagree. The first hub has the best flow between the areas, it always keeps you moving, doesn't take a lot of brainpower, and has the best enemy distribution. Second hub has the best aesthetics and is my favorite part of the game with its varied outdoor/natural terrains. Past that the environments start to get samey and the game just gets overloaded with sandbag enemies.

  3. 1 month ago

    Definition of a pleb filter. If you can't visualize an apple in your head don't even bother trying to play it.

  4. 1 month ago

    >Pull a lever
    >You've solved 1/4th of the puzzle
    >A door opens somewhere
    If that sounds fun to you then you'll like Hexen.

    • 1 month ago

      Don't lie, it always says where the door or change has occurred and any one area is never very large.
      All you have to have is a decent memory to remember when you come across a locked door or other similar place of interest in an area.

      • 1 month ago

        I think it doesn't tell you where if it's in the same map only.

      • 1 month ago

        he is not lying and you are full of shit
        yea if you beaten the game once you can remember where things are
        there is no fricking logic whatsoever

        • 1 month ago

          NTA, but:

          >there is no fricking logic whatsoever
          There is if you have any sort of critical thinking skill.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah but it dosen't give exact map co-ords so its unplayable.

            • 1 month ago

              >The game doesn't tell me, using exact x, y, and z coordinates, where something is, so the game as a whole is completely and entirely unplayable.

              Jesus fricking Christ, how badly do you struggle in your day-to-day life? Do you have to be told in explicit detail how to shit into a toilet bowl and not the sink?

              • 1 month ago

                It doesn't have quest markers telling him exactly where to go, so his brain shuts down. I don't really recommend this game because while it is excellent, the average poster here has a room temperature IQ and would be better served playing something designed for them like Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

              • 1 month ago

                The post you're replying to was obviously being sarcastic.

              • 1 month ago

                >excessively loquacious spiels about "how do you function" in response to a clearly sarcastic post making fun of people who need spoonfeeding
                Oh, the irony

                Unfortunately, there are people out there who really do think that way and they've posted their opinions online before.

                I have legitimately seen someone argue that Octopath Traveller should be sold at a much lower price because it dared to use 2d sprites for its characters and monsters. I know it's a bit off-topic, but it isn't as easy to filter sarcastic comments when people have said dumb shit like that and actually MEANT it.

              • 1 month ago

                It doesn't have quest markers telling him exactly where to go, so his brain shuts down. I don't really recommend this game because while it is excellent, the average poster here has a room temperature IQ and would be better served playing something designed for them like Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

                >excessively loquacious spiels about "how do you function" in response to a clearly sarcastic post making fun of people who need spoonfeeding
                Oh, the irony

            • 1 month ago

              The sub areas are small, and only have a few doors in them at all. It's not hard to figure out.

    • 1 month ago

      Hexen 1 is one of my favorite games ever made, and it is a brutal slog past the second hub.

      That part isn't difficult, it's just an easy to communicate soundbite your favorite youtube eceleb sunk into your brain.

  5. 1 month ago

    idk man if you can make it through doom levels you should be able to figure it out
    it was made to give us something to play other than doom over and over again
    its definitely more puzzle heavy, but idk, just dont be totally braindead. you still have a map. use it

  6. 1 month ago

    Does anyone say it's a slog? The puzzles are just annoying and that's it.

  7. 1 month ago

    Incredible atmosphere, but it’s not very fun.

  8. 1 month ago

    Centaurs are a pain in the ass. Save your flasks for them.

  9. 1 month ago

    like other boomer shooters the main problem is wondering if you can interact with shit ass textures so just spam the keybind

  10. 1 month ago

    How is this with coop? Figure since each character is different it should play well.

  11. 1 month ago

    Look, OP. Forget all that shit about puzzles and play the game the real way focussing on whats really important:
    1. choose WARRIOR
    2. Enjoy the earliest and maybe still the best melee combat in a first person game.

    • 1 month ago

      why would i play a martial class when the mage is right there?

      • 1 month ago

        The mage has the lowest movement speed and has the weakest armor.

        He does have a railgun-esque magic wand, tho.

        • 1 month ago

          are there any enemies or projectiles faster than molasses to make player speed matter in the slightest? just move slightly to the side at a leisurely pace and you can dodge everything.

          • 1 month ago

            Not really, though it does make certain platforming sections a bit more tricky.

          • 1 month ago

            The priests fire long, swirling strings of magic bolts that track you. So yes. You cannot 'move slightly' to avoid them.
            You also cannot move slightly to deal with the yetis that throw ice balls that burst into shards that fly in eight directions. You have to move big, and quickly.

      • 1 month ago

        I see you are a coward. By playing mage you are falling into the developer's trap of making mage the most boring and least effective character in the game. Clearing the game with that requires supreme endurance, so you have that going for you at least.

        Mage is betrayed by the game. You will be stuck with the wand for most of the game due to mana scarcity and how terrible ice shards are. The wand has an advantage of range but it is very feeble. Most battles are dreary drawn-out fights. Remember as you hit the monsters with your fifteenth wand ray that if you were the warrior, the fight would have been over eleven rays ago.
        The lightning is good and fun but you'll be back to the wand after a few shots.
        The staff is a non factor because all of the final weapons are equally awesome.

        • 1 month ago

          >all of the final weapons are equally awesome
          Although the Wraithverge does get nerfed by the fact that it's borderline useless against bosses.

  12. 1 month ago

    It's a good game.

  13. 1 month ago

    If by some miracle Hexen gets a modern-day remake, how do you guys reckon it would do the "hub" system?

    Personally, I think it'd be neat if they went a sort of metroidvania route, where each hub is a giant, sprawling, interconnected map with the places you visit being sub-areas in the map.

    • 1 month ago

      What would be the point of that? If you mean a Hexen 3, that will never ever happen. And no one is going to make a new game like Hexen. There was one game that was being hyped up as being like Hexen, similar name and all, but it turned out to only be superficially similar and extremely shallow by comparison.

      • 1 month ago

        It's just a hypothetical, Anon. No need to get your panties in a twist.

      • 1 month ago

        If you're talking about Witchaven, most of that hype came from people misunderstanding what it even is.
        Its a very solid game in its own right with a dark fantasy atmosphere quite distinct from Hexen.
        It's more of a straight FPS though, with a series of levels instead of hubs. It's really quite good if you give it an earnest try.

        • 1 month ago

          >The pinnacle of monster breasts

          • 1 month ago

            The fat, pale witch breasts or the skinny, skull-headed witch breasts?

        • 1 month ago

          Witchaven came out the same year as Hexen, I doubt that it's possible to mistake one for a sequel to another, I think he was talking about some modern indieshit cosplaying as a better retro game.

  14. 1 month ago

    Pleb filter

  15. 1 month ago

    Filter. Civvie 11 complained about it so its developed a reputation among zoomers.

  16. 1 month ago

    I beat it when I was in high school (on an actual DOS machine in the late 90s), and it was a horrible game of "I wonder, if I pull this lever here, what opens where in all of the hub-connected levels?". I played as a cleric, if I remember correctly. I beat it finally, but it took ages, and I gave up on the expansion pack. I still launch it in GZDoom every once in a while but I doubt I'll play through it ever again.

  17. 1 month ago

    >hurr durr muh puzzles
    I can never, ever take complaints like this seriously. It's fake. The puzzles are *not hard*. It's not difficult to just backtrack and wander around (*worst* case scenario) and find where the next room full of monsters you haven't killed is. It rarely comes to that because they outright tell you where a door opened and usually new exits open up leading you by the hand to the next place to go.

    The reason Hexen is a slog is because 3428967356895769846 fricking slaughtaurs whose special ability is "time out, no playing the game until i put my shield down" and a dozen other enemy types whose design principle was "the player should need to expend half a mana pool to beat this"

  18. 1 month ago

    The two worst enemies in this game are the centaurs because of the previously-mentioned shield bullshit, and the stalkers because you can't even hit the frickers until they pop up to attack you. You can't even hit them with the Mage's electric attack when they're submerged, which is stupid.

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