is it actually good if you are a braindead retard like me who enjoyed Diablo 3 once they "fixed" it?

is it actually good if you are a braindead moron like me who enjoyed Diablo 3 once they "fixed" it?

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    It's fine. The core gameplay is good. They just need to add actual content/better itemization.

    • 11 months ago

      >centered on micro transactions
      >MTX is purely cosmetic
      Are you moronic?

      At least D3 was fixed, so there is hope.
      D2 will always be a mess.

      I wonder how many Diablo IV haters (read: PoE players) on Ganker actually played Diablo IV, and is it even possible to talk about any segment of this game and not being labeled as shill?

      The vast majority respond with "imagine giving money to blizzard in 2023" or something to that effect. The main complaint is the price, and if you dig deeper, they're running machines that can barely run MSDOS 4.01.
      It has its issues (itemization is a big one, only 3 world bosses, world events are limited, inability to run through the campaign multiple times on one character (though that might be due to the open persistent world)). It's a solid game, though. It looks good, progression feels good, the story is halfway decent (which is more than I could say for 3), and Lilith is sexo.
      >6 hours
      >didn't play

      The story is a 4/10 at best. It takes you from being a demigod badass in D3 to being a regular joe who can somehow spar with ancient demons just because. There's no scope and almost no participation in the Eternal Conflict.
      Some of the ease of access stuff is missing like knowing what replacements you can get when rerolling an item stat.
      There's only five classes, no followers, and no holy warrior archetype.
      The story only needs to be completed once to access the actual game.
      For every ease of access feature left out there are two added that were desperately needed and show at least an interest in streamlining.
      The gameplay loops are entertaining and you can pick from a few different ones.
      Gear is very customizable with only a few setbacks that need to be corrected like not being able to reuse imprints.
      Multiplayer is legitimately fun even if it's not balanced very well.


      • 11 months ago

        >Diablo 4 hater is a TikTok user
        Can't say I'm surprised.

      • 11 months ago

        Go back to sleep in your pile of sacred trash, Ranjesh. You're shitting up the board.

      • 11 months ago

        What the frick is going on here?

      • 11 months ago

        >desk still littered with pistachios(?)
        >throw more at them
        for what purpose?

    • 11 months ago
      The Absolute State of >Diablo

      Diablogays are the worst. I used to be one, but once they introduced the RMAH with D3 I dropped Blizzard forever. And then came Immortal, which was even worse. If you fell for D4 after multiple free beta test periods, you are fricking moron. You are a double moron if you think they are going to "add better itemization" like suggested. Really? Add in a core element of an ARPG. Anon, after several years in development, they shipped the game with the most boring loot imaginable, no end game, no trading or crafting, no Diablo fight in a fricking DIABLO game. It's not going to get any better. It's a shit game for the most braindead, casual players imaginable. And yet people will pay $70+battle passes for this garbage lmao.

      Just play Path of Exile. It's free, has way more interesting loot/builds/bosses/content, trading and crafting, a loot filter, custom stash tabs. I could go on. I used to be a Blizztard but then I grew a brain.

      • 11 months ago

        I can be burned by scalding water. Should that also be considered fire damage?

        • 11 months ago

          Lol. Are there boiling water attacks in D4? No? Then stfu pls, thx.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, blood boil.
            There's acid as well. That causes burns. There's also electricity. Guess what that can do? Also burn.

            • 11 months ago

              Sounds gay and moronic. What's the point of having different damage types of they all inflict the same DoT ailment? Illusion of choice. Dumb game for dumb people.

              • 11 months ago

                What's gay and moronic is shitposting about Diablo 4 elements then suggesting Path of Exile, of all things, as an alternative when it separates ignite and burning.

  2. 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    Yes, then you are the target audience. Especially if you buy skins and shit.

    The game is just as trash as D3, but with a lot better aesthetics to mask it. Blizzard is still a defunct shit company.

  4. 11 months ago

    i'm a braindead moron and i think it's pretty good, you're good to go

  5. 11 months ago

    At least D3 was fixed, so there is hope.
    D2 will always be a mess.

  6. 11 months ago

    It’s broken. It will alway be centered on micro transactions

    • 11 months ago

      >centered on micro transactions
      >MTX is purely cosmetic
      Are you moronic?

      • 11 months ago

        I remember when destiny 2 was mtx cosmetic only lol

  7. 11 months ago

    I'd unironically buy a $8 set for my main.

    Too bad they're all +$20

  8. 11 months ago

    It will be good when all the lazy fricks "quit" to protest Microsoft buyout and they release an expansion with all the missing characters and skins in one single purchase.

  9. 11 months ago

    I wonder how many Diablo IV haters (read: PoE players) on Ganker actually played Diablo IV, and is it even possible to talk about any segment of this game and not being labeled as shill?

    • 11 months ago

      The vast majority respond with "imagine giving money to blizzard in 2023" or something to that effect. The main complaint is the price, and if you dig deeper, they're running machines that can barely run MSDOS 4.01.
      It has its issues (itemization is a big one, only 3 world bosses, world events are limited, inability to run through the campaign multiple times on one character (though that might be due to the open persistent world)). It's a solid game, though. It looks good, progression feels good, the story is halfway decent (which is more than I could say for 3), and Lilith is sexo.

      I put in a solid 600 hours into D3 since vanilla launch. I have, thus far, put in 6 hours into D4 before thinking "well, I guess they will fix this shit in a year". It's a watered down D3, absolute trash garbage. D3 is objectively a brain dead slot machine but at least character builds are interesting to pilot after they figured that builds are tied to the seasonal set gear. D4 just streamlined the best skills, the skill tree is so braindead. Seeing top level players spam barb's whirlwind is just sad. It feels like the hardcore 0.1% no life content creation player base figured out the game before it even came out and casuals are stuck wondering when the devs will iron out the meta so we aren't gambling on a build which just gets nerfed immediately. It's shocking to me that people defend this shit.

      >6 hours
      >didn't play

      • 11 months ago

        >6 hours
        I'm an avid Diablo and Diablo-like fan. I bought Diablo 1 on release. Lower your tone, homosexual, this product is shameful.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm not going to argue it's a slight against God, but it sure isn't good enough to justify platform-agnostic, mandatory online play.

      People used to have standards. EA was forced to put SimCity offline because consumers refused to adopt a live service model for single player. Now we have a bunch of company fanboys who buy in to the stupidest services because they want to feel belonging. What the game offers isn't enough to justify an inability to avoid another, even worse Warcraft 3 Reforged situation.

  10. 11 months ago

    I put in a solid 600 hours into D3 since vanilla launch. I have, thus far, put in 6 hours into D4 before thinking "well, I guess they will fix this shit in a year". It's a watered down D3, absolute trash garbage. D3 is objectively a brain dead slot machine but at least character builds are interesting to pilot after they figured that builds are tied to the seasonal set gear. D4 just streamlined the best skills, the skill tree is so braindead. Seeing top level players spam barb's whirlwind is just sad. It feels like the hardcore 0.1% no life content creation player base figured out the game before it even came out and casuals are stuck wondering when the devs will iron out the meta so we aren't gambling on a build which just gets nerfed immediately. It's shocking to me that people defend this shit.

  11. 11 months ago

    I have a level 40 something sorc and 50 rogue and I don't like how either of them play.

  12. 11 months ago

    As someone who enjoyed D3 once they fixed it, I am also waiting 3 years into D4's life before I buy it.
    It just works.

  13. 11 months ago

    Come back in a year when they actually add a real endgame. There is currently a massive hole after like level 70 where nothing changes at all. Your gear barely even improves for 30 levels and all that changes is the fricking level requirement to wear it.

    You cant even go grind all the big act bosses to farm loot

  14. 11 months ago

    The story is a 4/10 at best. It takes you from being a demigod badass in D3 to being a regular joe who can somehow spar with ancient demons just because. There's no scope and almost no participation in the Eternal Conflict.
    Some of the ease of access stuff is missing like knowing what replacements you can get when rerolling an item stat.
    There's only five classes, no followers, and no holy warrior archetype.
    The story only needs to be completed once to access the actual game.
    For every ease of access feature left out there are two added that were desperately needed and show at least an interest in streamlining.
    The gameplay loops are entertaining and you can pick from a few different ones.
    Gear is very customizable with only a few setbacks that need to be corrected like not being able to reuse imprints.
    Multiplayer is legitimately fun even if it's not balanced very well.

    • 11 months ago

      >It takes you from being a demigod badass in D3 to being a regular joe who can somehow spar with ancient demons just because.
      so it's like your character in d2?

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't play d2 and know nothing about it. I've heard it's good. That makes more sense about d4 though. Still, I liked being the nephalem and the close involvement with multiple angels and demons.

        • 11 months ago

          D3 was saturday morning cartoon shit. It had the worst story in the entire franchise.

          • 11 months ago

            lol, D3 has the best story in the franchise.
            You're just mad because a woman is Diablo.

            • 11 months ago

              >D3 has the best story in the franchise.
              >You're just mad because a woman is Diablo.
              D4 has more women characters, and better ones.

              • 11 months ago

                >D4 has more women characters
                Yeah, npcs that give you quests and you never see them again.
                Leah >>>>> Lilith >>>>>>>>>>> anything from D2

              • 11 months ago

                >and you never see them again.
                So you didn't play the game. Thanks for clearing that up.

              • 11 months ago

                Seek help, and stop larping PoEtard.

            • 11 months ago

              >official rule 63 Diablo
              >hardly any porn

          • 11 months ago

            >Saturday morning cartoon shit
            Exactly. I got to participate in an anime-tier world altering event. It was chaotic and engaging. Nothing like the garbage they put into d4.

            • 11 months ago

              Maybe call of duty or fortnite would be more up your alley than Diablo.

              • 11 months ago

                How are either of those anywhere close to a dynamic struggle between heaven and hell? If anything the stock model story of d4 would fit more with generic shooter shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >How are either of those anywhere close to a dynamic struggle between heaven and hell?
                because they're filled with mindless moronic action for 12 year olds, which is what you said you wanted.

                Diablo's stories have all been pretty subdued. Diablo 3 is the sole outlier that went full moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Not really. I said I wanted to be actively involved in the eternal conflict. Not just a lowly shitter with no reason to be able to engage in fights with super powerful demons.

    • 11 months ago

      >a regular joe who can somehow spar with ancient demons just because
      isn't that because you're buffed by Mephisto?

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe. It's not really explained. You get blessings from all the Prime Evils. Some people argue that's it's the Lilith's blood thing but if that's the case then there should be some kind of downgrade after you finish the campaign. Honestly it's just lazy writing knowing that people are getting the game for its story.

  15. 11 months ago

    The itemization is bad, they have managed to make me not care about any of the drops I am getting. The legendary items are not items but consumables and you see most of them in around 20 hours and 99% of the unique items are bad. It's kind of impressive to frick up the loots in an arpg that bad.

    • 11 months ago

      They fricked it up in d3 too, even worse, although it's not much better than release d3 here. You'd think loot would be something they'd prioritize. But they didn't. Again. The classes (at least the ones I played) I don't like the mechanics of so they clearly didn't prioritize that either. Not really sure what they prioritized since the main map sucks and is extremely boring and samey and the only cool and different areas, caldeum, and hell, at are at the very end and filled with graphical glitches. They spent all their time on the shit big map and shit mechanics and the best areas they slapped together at the end without enough time to fix glitches??? Wtf.

  16. 11 months ago

    anyone who tells you it's bad is a buttmad PoE cultist. d4 isn't flawless, but it's a perfectly serviceable game and will only get better from here on out.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        It's funny how the people who b***h about spending money on things call other people Indians and israelites. I don't think you understand how this works.

    • 11 months ago

      This and poe are two different genres. Things that constitute main appeal of poe are completely, utterly absent from it.

      • 11 months ago

        >This and poe are two different genres.
        no, they're both ARPGs.

  17. 11 months ago


    yes here's your daily attention. now frick off and stop reply spamming.

  18. 11 months ago

    no, D3 actually has build variety and a tolerable endgame.
    D4 is an even more dumbed down “”””””RPG”””””” where you pick from 4 viable skills, even less if you for some reason decide to play a sorcerer and use them for the next 200 hours of farming for a 4 stat rare that’s ‘good’ then you kill uber lilith and then yourself when you realize how much time you wasted on the worst arpg with the worst marvel cinematic story in history.
    Wait 4 years until they finish the game maybe.

  19. 11 months ago

    Is it good for newcomers?

    • 11 months ago

      every arpg is casual friendly
      even poe
      they will have you believe the game is hard because you have to look at a skill tree meanwhile every top player just uses build guides and trades for all their gear
      the fun part is making your own build then that stops when you realize you will never compete with the metagame skills and gear everybody uses. ARPGs were never good games, they peaked with Diablo 1 where it had a focus on atmosphere rather than playing numbers and clapping when you see a static group of mobs explode

    • 11 months ago

      Probably not in its current state. The story is shit and difficult to trudge through without a friend. If you already like arpg's then maybe.

  20. 11 months ago

    Anons say D2 is better but they never give good reasons. They always say stupid shit like how it's harder to play due to the systems being harder to understand, like it's a good thing.

  21. 11 months ago

    If you enjoyed late-D3 zoom, you will be sorely disappointed.

  22. 11 months ago

    no, the game is far worse than even the dogshit that was d3

    """fixed""" d3 should be the absolute baseline for this garbage yet somehow they took 20 steps backwards but hey, at least they got all the battlepass/shop/cosmetic shit in, priorities

  23. 11 months ago

    They put the console D3 dodge roll into the game. It's not good.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not roll, anon.

    • 11 months ago

      And it takes up one of your very limited button slots on console. But you also keep your class specific dodge on your bar as well. So you have to have two buttons and two cool downs for dodges when they could have just shortened the cool down on the class specific dodge and streamlined the whole thing. Baffling choice.

  24. 11 months ago

    i don't know anyone who plays the game anymore. player retention is very bad apparently.

    • 11 months ago

      Every time a world boss or legion event happens at fricked up hours of the day, I see hundreds of players at a time doing them. I see people out in the world all the time, and the major cities are always packed.

    • 11 months ago

      >My friends don't play anymore which means noone plays any,ore

  25. 11 months ago

    The game's fine, although they do need to buff some builds like Minions Necro and all of Sorcerer.

    Despite all that, I've been rocking a Darkness DoT build with Necro. Check it out:

    • 11 months ago

      My HC minions necro is flying through content my whirlybarb struggled with.

    • 11 months ago

      I removed skeletons (and every other follower) from my team because they are no immortal like they are in D3.
      So I'm now Bone Spear (which inflicts Vulnerable and have skills that deal more dmg to vuulnerable enemies) + Bone Prison + Corpse Explosion, and Ossified Essence of course which deals more dgm + has more chance for crit.

      lv 55, and I set that paragon board that gives more essence and bonus on bone skills.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m going no minion blood nova build, corpse tendrils brings em all in, pop a curse, pop bone storm, spam blood nova, blood mist if I need to gtfo. Bretty fun.

    • 11 months ago

      I had corpse explosion HC necro with unique aspect making the corpses running suicide bombers, and darkness miasma skill from CE. Fun times blocking whole screen with black goo; for everyone ofc, my clan hated me.

      Died lvl74 few weeks back during server freeze/DC. But the DoT was legit, even if the blinding darkness blocks out from the view everything for everyone. Including hazards, charging mobs, attacks from distance and explosions.

  26. 11 months ago

    The campaign is ok, and the game peaks between levels 60-80.
    Once you hit world tier 4, you can get "ancestral" rares. I don't really understand why they exist because they're just higher ilvl rares. There isn't really any difficult content except uber lilith, which is just dodging one shots long enough to kill her. Since she has telegraphed one shots you just play the highest dps build.
    Leveling an alt with campaign skip is an extremely boring experience.

  27. 11 months ago

    I've been playing D3 because I never messed with the seasonal content back in the day... it's been interesting stumbling upon forum posts from 2013 by people saying the game is dead, their friends list is empty, all their friends quit and went back to WoW, nothing to do at endgame. People were even talking about how much better PoE was back then. Everything I read today is a mirror image of everything people said about D3 months after release. It's like we're stuck in time.

  28. 11 months ago

    Sir ! Stop enjoying thing. I have far better option for you. It's free. Only pay for convenience. No mandatory tabs, no online casino! Stop saying it! BLOODY BASTARD b***h!!!!11

  29. 11 months ago

    I have a level 40 sorc and a level 50 rogue and I don't like either of them. What should I waste my time rolling next? Or just give the sorc another try? I'm doing that boring ass melee arc lash shit everyone else is doing, I'm too underpowered to run ice shart at this point I run out of mana immediately.

  30. 11 months ago

    My only complaints are low mob density and level scaling

    • 11 months ago

      >My only complaints are low mob density and level scaling
      Oh so only the parts that make a diablo game.

  31. 11 months ago


  32. 11 months ago

    Grinded a 71 bleed barb. Quit once I realized it was a nothing grind. Autistically farm nightmare dungeons for glyph exp for 0.1% bonus per level or to make it actually usable. Renown grind so it gets reset every season. Helltides for garbage drops. Boring.

  33. 11 months ago

    boring af game. Stopped already mid beta.

  34. 11 months ago

    It's OK until you get to WT4 then you truly see the itemization is dogshit and there's nothing really to get because all the Uniques fricking suck. Rerolling affixesis also frickong stupid compared to Diablo 3's fast and cheap reroll system. Diablo 4 genuinely feels like it's made by people who have never played Diablo.

  35. 11 months ago

    I lost interest when I learned you are basically forced to do the autistic grindy Lilith shrines for stat boosts. So fricking stupid. Why would I want to spend my night doing that

  36. 11 months ago

    >finished the story
    >quit 2 hours later
    But yeah, I guess you'll like it.

  37. 11 months ago

    I stopped playing since the beta after finding out how shit the skills were, it's impressive how much they don't know what they are doing

  38. 11 months ago

    Game it's literally p2w.
    If you're using Taiga's Brute Barbarian from the shop and use Hammer of the Ancients skill in the very moment any enemy cc skill touch your character, you will be immune to all cc's until you phase out, die our enter another zone. Maybe unintentional and hard to pull it off, but I've tested and still not fixed.

  39. 11 months ago

    the game has 3 flaws:

    1. boring loot (will hopefully be fixed in an expansion)

    2. boring linear skyrim tier dungeons (will most likely never be fixed)

    3. lack of sex appeal. all the women are unsexy, except the rogue which can wear revealing shorts. but other than that, 0 sex appeal. (will never be fixed. you will play as a dick lady in a full armor and you will like it)

    • 11 months ago

      So your three complaints are
      >a subjective opinion
      >a moronic outlook on procgen
      >"Wah I can't coom!"
      Truly incredible

      • 11 months ago

        i like the game, homosexual. go argue with someone else ITT

      • 11 months ago

        >t-truly i-incredible
        that sounded better in your head didnt it you colossal homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          >He somehow types with a stutter!
          You're a big league chew piece of shit

  40. 11 months ago

    It's good period. Don't let the local PoE autist tell you otherwise.

  41. 11 months ago

    It's Diablo Immortal with less features, why the frick would I play D4?

  42. 11 months ago

    I have about 350 hours over 4 characters, taking a break now so i don’t burn out before season 1
    Main issues are lack of endgame content and lack of storage. You can still have a lot of fun going in blind with whatever class and trying to make your own build and then ditching the character if it turns out it sucks. You can pretty easily get your own build to be doing lvl 80 content and anything beyond that is a grind anyway.

  43. 11 months ago

    I'm a braindead moron that liked D3. D4 scratches the itch.

  44. 11 months ago

    Minions suck

    • 11 months ago

      True. The increased health modifier is a mistake. Anything that debuffs the speed at which I move or kill should be removed.

    • 11 months ago

      True. The increased health modifier is a mistake. Anything that debuffs the speed at which I move or kill should be removed.

      That minions can get CC'd and DoT are already huge mistakes, especially when the AIs are fricking stupid and they just have no dps to burst down elites at WT4.

  45. 11 months ago

    it's decent as long as you don't pick sorc
    has potential to be great once they add more content from seasons

  46. 11 months ago

    Do you like cycling through 300 shitty legendaries and hitting level 60 then feeling virtually zero progression as everything scales with you while you endlessly grind the same nightmare dungeons and helltides?
    Then Diablo 4 is for you!

    • 11 months ago

      I paused the game because I am playing Bloodstained now, but what's bothering me is that I really wanted to finish every dungeon in D4 and autistically complete at least 80% of all challenges, which means I reached lv 55 on fricking Act III (which I haven't started yer) area but enemies are lv 50. 🙁
      There is no challenge now.

  47. 11 months ago

    I played it 3 days straight
    It's the most brainless shit I've ever played, even more than fricking Vampire Survivors
    They didn't even bother attempting to make a skill tree, it's barely a skill sapling
    And there are what, 4 characters? Pathetic
    But at least blood necromancer is fun I guess
    The story is fricking stupid and I skipped most of it
    The ending is really fricking stupid
    Some cinematics are good, but that's about it
    The characters are cringe and gay
    I have no idea if I'll still be playing in a week, probably not
    Waste of $70

  48. 11 months ago

    Depends on what you liked about 3.

    If you liked the campaign mode, yeah, sure. It's better than 3's. If you liked adventure mode, no, not really.

  49. 11 months ago

    its fine for casuals. in its current state its not a game you can sink your teeth in for months on end. if you just want to casually go to 100 in 70-100 hours yeah, its entertaining for what it is but nothing beyond that.

  50. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4 suffers from the same problems that plagued Diablo 3, a lack of end game content. It's not fun, and definitely not worth $70.

  51. 11 months ago

    i legit enjoyed Grounded more than D4
    and Grounded is piss.

  52. 11 months ago

    I played a Necro to level 100. I'd say the game is overall OK, but just that and it has quite a lot of issues. It's not amazing or anything, feels like it's lacking in some ways. The core combat still feels pretty good - other than the fact that there's a bunch of freezing and stunning and fearing and all kinds of shit in the game. I never liked that in this sort of game, I don't want to look at the ground when the ground is literally invisible due to so much shit flying around in a busy room.

    The itemization with the aspects feels better than early game D3. Having that option from the get-go is nice and makes the very start of the game a bit more interesting. The problem with the itemization is that you don't really get more interesting and transformative shit as you get higher level. A lot of legendary aspects are boring shit like "deal X% extra damage when Y" or "take X% less damage when Y" and so on, there are some actually interesting effects but most of them seem boring to me. This was fine for "early game" aspects but I expected way, way more late-game options with more interesting effects, but no. There are some Unique items which qualify, but a bunch of those are shit as well and the drop-rate is extremely tiny, I hit max level and some Necro uniques didn't drop once, not to mention the super-uniques which I'm sure I'll literally never see.

    The basic skill build is just that, very basic and there's not much interesting going on there. The paragon boards and the glyphs however are quite cool I think. Having a limited number of skill slots really, really sucked for the build I wanted to play (minions, pretty awful overall) and I fricking hate it, frick consoles for this garbage.

    Also the limited stash space sucks and the stash is very bad in general. All extracted aspects have the same icon (depending on category) and items with aspects on them seem to get random icons, so there's no way to tell what is what. There is also no search. moronic.

  53. 11 months ago

    It's basically just 3 with some tweaks.

  54. 11 months ago

    Just wait until its on xbox game pass, then give it a shot.

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