Is it any good?

I know close to 0 about Magic but I still wanna play it. Just bought this for 6$ from someone.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Magic is in a bad state right now and is likely not going to get better.
    In general, booster packs are a scam and you shouldn't buy them. Figure out what kind of deck you want to make and then buy singles online or from hobby stores.
    If you want to play with strangers, there are products called 'Challenger Decks' which are competitively viable premade decks. They're about 40-60 bucks though.
    If you want to play with friends you should all look into the game together and make sure you are all on the same page when it comes to spending limits and how competitive you want to be. It's easy to get into an arms-race of sorts and then wake up having spent thousands of dollars.
    Your purchase is extremely good for $6. I think that bundle retails for close to $30.

    • 2 years ago

      >Magic is in a bad state right now and is likely not going to get better.

      • 2 years ago

        The focus has shifted from making a well designed game and appealing to players to making a bunch of 'luxury' collector's items to appeal to whales and people who are too stupid to play the real stock market but want to throw money away anyway.
        There is no real concern for the health and balance of the game, just wild power creep to get players to continue to buy the newest products.

        • 2 years ago

          I've been around since Tempest and let me tell you that focus was never on making a well designed game.

          • 2 years ago

            >nothing ever gets worse duurrr

      • 2 years ago

        Lots of reasons but pretty much this

        The focus has shifted from making a well designed game and appealing to players to making a bunch of 'luxury' collector's items to appeal to whales and people who are too stupid to play the real stock market but want to throw money away anyway.
        There is no real concern for the health and balance of the game, just wild power creep to get players to continue to buy the newest products.

        . Like dnd watzy no longer wants to make a game they want to make a lifestyle product. They traded long term health of the IPs for a quick cash influx.
        The introduction of planewalkers and chase mythics in 2009 completly killed any resemblance of balance and fun.
        The discontinuity of the pro tour and the focus of product shifting to commander (not magic btw) and mtg arena killed any long term prospects for paper magic.
        The sacrificing of artwork soul in the altar of post modernism deconstruction doesn't help also.

        • 2 years ago

          >They traded long term health of the IPs for a quick cash influx.
          People have been saying this for at least 25 years. It hasn't been true yet.

          To be clear - WotC has ramped up whale products. And game balance has been rough recently. But to claim the 2 are related and deliberate is idiotic.

          • 2 years ago

            >People have been saying this for at least 25 years. It hasn't been true yet.
            The numbers of old players are in the gutter, and the ones that stay are playing legacy/premodern with the same ppl of over 15+ years and only buying 1/2 cards a year from the 2ndary market.
            The plan is to lure newbies that quit after 10 years and repeat add nauseum. Balance and whale products don't event enter the equation, without pro play and LGS (fricked more each year) communities I cannot see how this is sustainable.

            • 2 years ago

              it's not sustainable. anyone smart is taking a break right now and waiting for the US to collapse or the magic bubble to burst whichever comes first

        • 2 years ago

          out of all this, the art pisses me off the most. For a long time, magic had inspired and gorgeous art, and it still produces creative and impressive art, however, little by little the careful, detailed romantic and gothic paintings are getting replaced by hyper-stylized souless crap, or forced subjects with no real artistic value.
          not to mention the storytelling. Magic should've stuck to settings instead of moronic OC's donut steel

    • 2 years ago

      >It's easy to get into an arms-race of sorts and then wake up having spent thousands of dollars.
      That is by design.

    • 2 years ago

      I tried to get into magic through commander because it seemed fun and heard it was the casual format. After going to my local shops with a pre-made commander deck a few times, it wasn't for me. There were so many times I couldn't even play or the game was short because of the decks people would make that would be borderline instant win or something else. Everyone had a card for everything. Now if I play its only with my girlfriend and thats very rare.

      • 2 years ago

        >goes to random lgs with a shitty precon and plays like a moron, has 1 bad experience
        >format bad!!!
        well I suppose every good format needs its filters

        • 2 years ago

          I never said I went just once and the format is bad. Just that it wasn't for me. Its surprising considering reading comprehension is necessary for the game and you clearly lack it.

          • 2 years ago

            nah you went with a shitty deck, didn't understand how to play the format whatsoever, got dumpstered as you deserved, and quit on it and you're now whining about it online

            I'm glad morons like you do not play the format

            • 2 years ago

              Im not whining at all. You're literally trying to be a contrarian homosexual. Nothing i said denotes whining or any of the projection shit you mentioned. If homosexuals like you play magic im glad I "filtered" because I didn't feel like spending money on shitty cardboard to keep up. Get the cheeto dust out of your neck fat and replace it with a rope you disgusting subhuman. Maybe you can do that right since reading comprehension still isn't your strong point.

            • 2 years ago

              You sound like an butthole. It’s not hard to dunk on some dude who shows up with a precon and the expectation is you’ll play down to your opponent when it happens.

  2. 2 years ago

    If you've only got 6 bucks to spend, a deck of bicycle cards would have been the go. 6 is good for what you got if they left the rares in, but the contents won't make you a deck you can play with. find a local game shop, play a Friday night draft, if you like it, go from there.

    • 2 years ago

      That's mainly why I bought it some people asked me to go to a Magic/Dnd Cafe, and they're gonna help me with figuring this all out.

      • 2 years ago

        >some people asked me to go to a Magic/Dnd Cafe, and they're gonna help me with figuring this all out.
        you should be asking them what cards to get
        if they're hardcore magic players they will probably have much better cards than you and you'll have no chance of winning
        though if you're lucky they either don't give a frick or they play some dinky goof-around ruleset like commander
        ask them if they have an extra deck you can use too. one of them will have stacks of old cards they don't play any more

        >Magic is in a bad state right now and is likely not going to get better.

        it's designed like an mmo where you race to get the "best" set up and then 6 months later that set up is worthless because new, better ones have been added
        this is, of course, a get-rich-quick scheme on hasbro's part

    • 2 years ago

      how do they know there's nothing in the cave worth dying for if they haven't gone beyond that point

    • 2 years ago

      completely unrelated but does someone have the edit for this sign about shitposting?

  3. 2 years ago

    I literally cannot fathom getting into Magic in 2022. I feel like that ship sailed in the mid 2000's. It just keeps getting worse and worse.

    • 2 years ago

      It had a huge spike back in popularity during the early-mid 2010s, you're just a boomer that doesn't go to high school anymore so you probably didn't notice. You're right though, Magic sucks ass in the 2020s. Pokémon is legitimately more popular now.

    • 2 years ago

      it's a sinking feeling
      but WotC's gravy boat is sailing fast

      • 2 years ago

        It had a huge spike back in popularity during the early-mid 2010s, you're just a boomer that doesn't go to high school anymore so you probably didn't notice. You're right though, Magic sucks ass in the 2020s. Pokémon is legitimately more popular now.

        When Toys R Us was sabotaged into bankruptcy, Magic kept Hasbro afloat. This lead to Hasbro realizing just how much money Wizards was consistently earning them.
        This was, of course, not good enough, because infinite growth in a finite system is the goal of every corporation, so since then Hasbro has been pushing on Wizards more and more to make them money in whatever ways possible. Cutting costs via reduced physical quality and staff reduced staff sizes/making things hell for anyone willing to stand up for quality, pushing so much product only whales can keep up, churning and burning even the eternal formats, you name it they're doing it.

        • 2 years ago

          >When Toys R Us was sabotaged into bankruptcy

          • 2 years ago

            Seconding this, I've never heard of such a thing.

            • 2 years ago

              >When Toys R Us was sabotaged into bankruptcy

              Private equity companies buy holdings like retail stores or even whole chains and exploit them for a quick return. If that doesn't kill it off on its own they tend to silently liquidate what they can before shuttering it completely or selling it off again to be a smaller, consolidated shadow of its former self. It's called "vulture capitalism" and it famously happened to Sears and Kmart as well.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I played from 1994-2001 and then 2012-2019. First time was when they just stopped making good cards and this time was primarily all the alternate arts/variants that drove me away. Shit doesn’t even look like MTG anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        The alternate art shit made me wanna stop playing among other things. It just feels weird to have cards that look so jarringly different or have a fortnite, marvel, or whatever theme. The theme of the game was one of the things I liked the most and it just feels like it's getting shitted on. I also didn't like seeing the D&D themed set either. Granted, I like D&D and thought the new mechanics the set brought seemed cool or at least novel. However, I wasn't a fan of having D&D specific lore and all bleeding over into magic and vice versa. I liked magic for magic and D&D for D&D. Putting them together might sound good but I don't like it.
        I have a bunch of cards that I'll draft with other people and play it like a board game so there's still enjoyment to be had.

    • 2 years ago

      pauper is still king, especially pauper commander.

  4. 2 years ago

    If you have a close friend group or good relations at a local LGS, Magic is good.
    I suggest playing Pauper if you just want to dabble.
    If you can summon 3 other people EDH is solid fun with a lot of replayability.
    Don't play Standard.
    All other formats like Vintage/Modern/Legacy etc. should be tackled only after you are sure you enjoy the game and have a good understanding of the mechanics.

  5. 2 years ago

    > 'ate wizards
    > 'ate MTG finance
    > Luv me proxies
    > Luv me cube
    Simple as.

  6. 2 years ago

    just play for free on wieneratrice/Xmage, don't give wotc your money.

  7. 2 years ago

    >commander bad.... because it just is okay?!??!

    based commander, making standard/pioneer/modern losers seethe for years now

    • 2 years ago
      seethe harder

      • 2 years ago

        this is true of 4+ player commander since that is effectively penny poker for neckbeards
        1 on 1 is decent. certainly better than playing the current game as intended

    • 2 years ago

      There's multiple reasons why commander sucks and no one should be playing it, but the most noble one is because it fricks watzy plans.

  8. 2 years ago

    Magic is literally: Whoever throws in the most money wins.
    This makes it shit even as a casual game because its not designed to be balanced in any way besides money and this means you have to arrange a vast amount of basically homebrew rules with close buddies to be even able to play it. I would generally advise to not play with random people. The amount of whales just crushing your shit which was is basically a gold bar worth of cardboard in their greasy paws is unimaginable and I met a good portion of people while working who play magic for exactly this sole reason. Sitting at the centers/stores/conventions all day long and just being a (passive aggressive) butthole. They will also get super salty if they should lose somehow anyway makign everyone dying of embarassment in a radius of 30 miles. Actually one of the reason I quit my job in the boardgame/tabletop/pnp hobby because I like that stuff a lot but I jus twasnt able to bear the meltdowns of every color I witnessed constantly from the trading card game crowd.
    Besides that its also rather expensive if you want to make things a bit more tactical and with close friends where everyone knows each others decks you can either spend money in an arms race or you will spend your games running the same strategy over and over again. Magic is already limited when it comes to that but if you know your opponents deck and playstyle it tends to get repetetive rather fast.
    So either play with friends with a lot of work to do beforehand and get some short fun out of it or play with random people and play what is basically an analog p2w mobile game on paper.

    • 2 years ago

      As someone who tried magic and stopped I always kind of viewed making a deck in a card game the same way as you make a squadron in xwing. In xwing I found it more fun to make my own lists rather than chase a meta. In magic the fun is opening a booster here or there and seeing what you get and to make something work. Not follow the professionals or read online the best decks to build. When you beat an opponent with something you made its way more satisfying.

    • 2 years ago



  9. 2 years ago

    >Just bought this for 6$ from someone
    Enjoy your resealed product.

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