is it good?

is it good?

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    No it's genuinely horrible. The Gameplay is attempting to be an MMO, the story is even worse than DA2 and the companions are without question the weakest Bioware has ever written. Sera and Iron Bull may be the worst written characters BW has ever made.

    • 2 years ago

      bro are u sure u beat the game? or U just saying shit because u don't like bioware

      • 2 years ago

        The story is shit, the characters are terrible, and its gameplay is boring as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          Everything is stupid, in that game. Just look at this.
          >Magical catapult that throws rocks, 5km away
          >Marching at night, with torches, completely nullifying your advantage of darkness
          >Biodrone defense is that Corypheus doesn't really care about his soldiers
          >Corypheus is fine with losing as many soldiers as possible, before even reaching his objective, completely nullifying his numeric advantage
          >Making him both stupid and incapable

          • 2 years ago

            that's a trebuchet, anon

            • 2 years ago

              Then, that makes even less sense. Because your average trebuchet has a range of 50m.

          • 2 years ago

            >Magical catapult that throws rocks, 5km away

            • 2 years ago


              that's a trebuchet, anon

              Then, that makes even less sense. Because your average trebuchet has a range of 50m.

              Which makes it even worse.

            • 2 years ago

              Thats true but there are small detail
              You HAVE to aim that thing
              And it is really fricking hard
              More so, nobody used trebuchets in the defensive. They existed exclusively to bombard walls. If you want to bombard enemy troops there are fricking catapults and bolt throwers and all other sort of torsion engines.
              But it doesnt even matter because when you assault enemy stronghold you DONT FRICKING DO IT FROM 5KM AWAY WHERE YOU MARCH TIERD SOLDIERS INTO BATTLE. you just dont.

              • 2 years ago

                During a siege of mutated humans who turn into red crystal monsters that teleport around, throw force lightning and spit giga aids pule you get mad about a fricking trebuchet not being realistic?
                How about the zombie dragon? Or you know, the giant fricking hole in the sky?

                >medieval fantasy
                >dyke haircut
                UHH OHH

                There's nothing fricking medieval about Thedas, it's a generic nu-american fantasy melting pot with no cohesive style, if anything it's closer to the renaissance all things considered and haircuts are the least of your issues when you got dwarves, elves and horned people roaming around.
                But of course you have to complain about the dyke haircut, not about Hawke using war paint in 2, not about the comically angular armor design in the whole fricking series, not about the godwaful popart graffiti that plagues the entire franchise, not about "mosaics" being actually, it's the dyke haircut of all things that breaks the immersion and isn't historically accurate in a fricking medieval fantasy world...
                You people truly are the same exact thing as your boogeymen but somehow more hypocritical, it's absolutely grotesque how low this place has fallen.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's a generic nu-american fantasy melting pot with no cohesive style
                So it's shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Well yeah, that's how Bioware does thing.
                If you want actually good games you certainly won't play this shit, or any big industry thing really, DA as a whole is casual shlock, comfort food tier entertainment at best when you have nothing left to play.

                moronic fricking moron. If you encounter a mage it is normal to expect mage to do all crazy shit. When you encounter a trebuchet it is normal to expect a trebuchet to work LIKE A FRICKING TREBUCHET. Ever heard of coherence? no? Then frick off to reddit.

                Stop fricking typing its pathetic, you are only making shit worse for yourself by grasping at straws.

                >Ever heard of coherence?
                There's literally no possible coherence in a world with magic, the trebuchet and the dyke haircuts are the least of your worries, every single fantasy setting has this kind of issues, stop pretending you're more intelligent than you actually are.

              • 2 years ago

                >Well yeah, that's how Bioware does thing.
                Up to a couple of games before that, they didn't use to.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you kidding me?
                Mass Effect is just DA in space, except with somehow worse gameplay, more tacked in romance and less respect for its continuity, and for how bad DA is, it has nothing on the level of Andromeda or any ending as bad as MA3, for now, maybe Dreadwolf will change that though.
                Neverwinter Nights was comically bad as an actual game, the OCs are all atrocious, its only value was in the editing tools, which were really not all that good on their own either and were mostly used for trashy ERP campaigns, because that's what Bioware's audience always wanted, it's not really a Nu-bioware thing.
                KOTOR was a total shitshow and the game is only really remember for Kreia memes, for better or worse, surely not the godawful gameplay.
                Baldur's Gate was THE game that cemented what you people nowadays call "Reddit humour" and "cringe writing" , there's no functional difference between Sera and Minsc as characters, outside of the latter having a hamster and not being a goblino looking abomination, the tacked on romance elements that you lament so much started in here, nothing really changed outside of being a bit more gay than in the past and well, less D&D, probably the only good thing they did.

                >Origins and 2 weren't really any better than Inquisition in terms of gameplay or writing
                Brain-dead take. Origins is miles ahead of both 2 and Inquisition.

                Origins is a terrible game, to the point the most recommended mod for the game removes an entire portion of it due to how bad it is, something neither DA2 nor Inquisition can be accused of, in fact I remember dreading the fade quest in both 2 and Inquisition due to how godawful it was in Origins and was actually relieved when neither were nearly as bad, in fact Inquisition had the least offensive fade section in the series somehow.
                All of the series is mediocre at best, none of the entries truly stand out or are better than another, partly because they're pretty different overall, partly because they come with their own unique sets of issues that makes them equally awful, just for different reasons.

              • 2 years ago

                Hot take, my man. Spicy hot take.

              • 2 years ago

                >less respect for its continuity

              • 2 years ago

                Sten later tries to rationalize this by saying the warden must not be a woman if she fights after all, which is actually pretty in line with what Bull says in Inquisition, the Qun is all about extreme mental gymnastics.
                A lot of shit both Bull and Sten say when you talk about the Qun makes no sense at all, and Bull is also a canonical liar on top of being a degenerate so I'd take anything he says with a big grain of salt.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sten later tries to rationalize this by saying the warden must not be a woman if she fights after all
                Then Sten would have called her Aqun-Athlok. For a person that is getting BTFO'd left and right, this entire thread, one would think you have the common sense to shut the frick up.

              • 2 years ago

                Sten is literally an expendable meatshield, by Qunari standards he doesn't know more than what he needs to know so it's no surprise he wouldn't know about that, Bull is a spy and an infiltrator who works directly for the big men and is well versed in both his own culture and foreign ones, the background is completely different, it's extremely easy to to rationalize this in terms of lore and continuity, there's no big discrepancy.
                It's funny this is the first thing that came to your mind though, out of all the incoherencies you can find in DA you chose this one, pseudo identity politics, I wonder why.
                And you still haven't proved that it's worse than Mass Effect when it comes to that, which was the actual point, I guess you're too involved in your shitposting agenda to actually read posts properly, after all I've seen you do this in multiple threads.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sten is literally an expendable meatshield,
                Nta, but not anymore. Guy has been the Arishok for years now in the comics.

              • 2 years ago

                Which is a much bigger inconsistency than Bull's shit about Krem since literally ever single game says that Qunari assign strict roles at birth and there's no social ladder (you get literally brainwashed/killed otherwise), but then Sten magically becomes the Arishok in some spinoff for some reason.

              • 2 years ago

                It's hard to believe that there isn't a way for someone to rise up the ranks. I mean, imagine losing your leader and not being able to assign a new one because of the lack of a social latter.

              • 2 years ago

                That's what the games say up to Inquisition, by bull's own words you cannot be something else than the role they assign you at birth, though if you're still young enough chances are you might be redirected into some other sort of class like it happened with him, otherwise it's brainwashing, or Bull is just lying about the Qun which is also a possiblity.
                But the entire series has that kind of incoherence at some level, like the fact that spirits/demons only get their demonic aspects in the physical world but in every single game they look exactly the same in the fade.

                >Origins is a terrible game, to the point the most recommended mod for the game removes an entire portion of it due to how bad it is, something neither DA2 nor Inquisition can be accused of,

                DAO has a tedious section (on replay) in the game, while DA2 and Inquisition are tedious as a whole.
                The same has been done in other games, like Baldur's Gate 2.

                >All of the series is mediocre at best, none of the entries truly stand out or are better than another
                You're brain damaged. Origins and Awakening are the only good ones, the other ones are inhumane trash. For every blemish Origins has, the others have massive issues.
                The "origins" part is also far more interesting than anything the ones ones did.

                Origins is a godawful RTwP game, it's nearly a parody of BG at times, Awakening isn't any different and it's somehow more buggy than any of the other games on top of it all.
                I still remember when the game came out and people here were lamenting the "consolization" of their precious WRPGs and Bioware's fall from grace, now you're trying to pretend it was a good game?

              • 2 years ago

                >I still remember when the game came out and people here were lamenting the "consolization" of their precious WRPGs
                They should have been lamenting that back when Neverwinter Nights came out.

              • 2 years ago

                This place wasn't even a thing when NW1 came out, and the general climate would have been different too.
                I also don't remember people complaining about consolization when it comes to NW1 back when it came out, they mostly complained about the bad graphics, the bugs and how bad the OC was, I do remember hearing those complaints for KOTOR however.

                >now you're trying to pretend it was a good game?

                You're trying to peddle the idea that DA2 and Inquisition aren't 100x worse.

                Nah, just saying it's the same shit in a different package, and that there's much worse stuff around than this.
                Inquisition sold nearly double the numbers of Origins too, somehow, so I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's a worse game than Origins/Awakening, I don't think they'd tie the next game directly to Inquisition either if the reception was that bad, but you do you.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nah, just saying it's the same shit in a different package
                Which is an even more moronic statement to make since the games couldn't be more different.

                Also, then you go
                >Inquisition sold nearly double the numbers of Origins too, somehow, so I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's a worse game than Origins/Awakening, I don't think they'd tie the next game directly to Inquisition either if the reception was that bad, but you do you.
                Which is you literally trying to rationalize with shitty arguments than Inquisition (a game you clearly like, but don't want to admit to here) is good. Most likely you think it's the best in the series.

                You're not only a fricking idiot, you're as subtle as an atom bomb.

              • 2 years ago

                The only difference between the games are the combat, which is universally mediocre among all the games, and Inquisition's morbid obsession with fetch quests, which were already a thing in the previous games anyway.
                >Which is you literally trying to rationalize
                I'm not rationalizing anything, I don't like Inquisition, much like I don't like Origins, Awakening or 2, in fact if I were held at gunpoint and forced to choose a game I'd pick 2 because I like the setting and mage gameplay the most, and I like Hawke's story a lot more than the Warden's or Trev's.
                What I'm pointing out is that it's nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be, also because you're clearly just mad about Gayder being a degenerate, I am too, but not because of the homos, I'm just mad I can't frick scout harding.
                But unlick you I don't go around crusading and having fits like you do and pretending Cisquisition is the worst thing on earth, you getting all butthurt at sales numbers also proving you wrong is your own issue.

              • 2 years ago

                >But unlick you I don't go around crusading and having fits like you do and pretending Cisquisition is the worst thing on earth
                It's pretty close. At least worse than communism.

              • 2 years ago

                >The only difference between the games are the combat
                Factually wrong you gigantic fricking moron.

                >skill trees
                >entire game structures
                >level & area design
                >defining elements like origins, managing a keep are all tied to individual games
                >how crafting works
                >quest design
                It's all different. Either you're a deranged mongoloid or you haven't played the games.

                >What I'm pointing out is that it's nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be
                Yes they are and you're not bringing a single actual argument or point to the table.

                >having fits
                You're literally having a fit, not actually discussing and just responding to people with sperg shitposts. You're saying the dumbest most pointless shit while contributing nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                >or Bull is just lying about the Qun which is also a possiblity
                One of the devs was asked about it on Twitter and explained how it was possible, and the Aqun-Athlok actually makes sense, within the confines of Sten's conversation it doesn't, but whatever I forget who it was, but it must have, most likely, been either Gaider or Weekes, most likely Weekes.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't believe that for a second. Gaider is a colossal homosexual and Weekes is larping as non-binary and Maevaris & Krem were his charcters. There's no way either of those gays would come out and say "Oh yeah trannies aren't a thing, Bull is lying"

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think you read it properly. Or maybe I didn't word it correctly. They basically confirmed that Bull is telling the truth, with an explanation that directly goes against what Sten says in Origins. Basically they said that the Qunari put ability over gender norms. Which couldn't happen in Qunari society, because, if only men could become warriors, the women would not be allowed to, and would not be able to develop the skill, therefore having no need for the term of Aqun-Athlok.

              • 2 years ago

                >now you're trying to pretend it was a good game?

                You're trying to peddle the idea that DA2 and Inquisition aren't 100x worse.

              • 2 years ago

                People loved DA2, what are you talk-oh ...

              • 2 years ago

                At least Inquisition was a h-oh ...

              • 2 years ago

                da2 was shat on for reused maps and enemies spawning out of the thin air

              • 2 years ago

                You don't say.

              • 2 years ago

                >red bar=marketing and virality
                >blue bar=actual quality of the game
                These are great. I think we should just stick to hard numeric shitposting like this from now on.

              • 2 years ago

                >I still remember when the game came out and people here were lamenting the "consolization" of their precious WRPGs and Bioware's fall from grace, now you're trying to pretend it was a good game?
                This is some next level revisionism. DAO if anything boosted people's confidence that Bioware could still make decent RPGs, especially after the trashfires that were Jade Empire and Mass Effect 1.

              • 2 years ago

                I just remember grogs writing DAO off because the advertising campaign
                In the end it's a suicidally boring RTwP slog. It has some good elements like the origins but most games have some good elements

              • 2 years ago

                lol I remember that. It was awesome though. Just look at all the soul in this trailer.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes, the edgy era of gaming. As cringy as it was, I miss this type of marketing.

              • 2 years ago

                >paying attention to dragon age lore after origins
                lmao even

              • 2 years ago

                It has some cool ideas, but they're all stuck in mediocre at best comics and unworthy sequels.

              • 2 years ago

                >hsd cool ideas
                >every single concept is stolen from asoiaf and warhammer

              • 2 years ago

                >implying Warhammer didn't steal its entire lore from popular fantasy and sci-fi works

              • 2 years ago

                They absolutely did but they had lots of original ideas and concepts
                Whats the original concept or idea in dragon age?

              • 2 years ago

                >they had lots of original ideas and concepts
                Such as what?

              • 2 years ago

                orcs being shrooms?
                eldars fricking so hard they made space tiddy satan?
                dark age of technology?
                tech worship?

              • 2 years ago

                If you just want to come up with excuses for devs say that he was brain damaged or something

              • 2 years ago

                >Sten is literally an expendable meatshield, by Qunari standards he doesn't know more than what he needs to know so it's no surprise he wouldn't know about that,
                No, that's just in the Qunari dictionary. It's basically the Qunari word for trans. If Sten doesn't know the Qunari word for trans, then maybe that's because there are no trans people, under the Qunari society. Which means that Aqun-Athlok cannot exist.

              • 2 years ago

                >Origins is a terrible game, to the point the most recommended mod for the game removes an entire portion of it due to how bad it is, something neither DA2 nor Inquisition can be accused of,

                DAO has a tedious section (on replay) in the game, while DA2 and Inquisition are tedious as a whole.
                The same has been done in other games, like Baldur's Gate 2.

                >All of the series is mediocre at best, none of the entries truly stand out or are better than another
                You're brain damaged. Origins and Awakening are the only good ones, the other ones are inhumane trash. For every blemish Origins has, the others have massive issues.
                The "origins" part is also far more interesting than anything the ones ones did.

              • 2 years ago

                >The "origins" part is also far more interesting than anything the ones ones did.
                Origins is probably one of the few crpgs that actively acknowledged your race and background origin story, while drastically altering how you interact with specific characters. Like being a mage actually matters, as Templars treat you differently when compared to being a Warrior for example. The fact that very few RPGs, even the so called best in the genre currently like Pathfinder don't do this is kind of thing is a shame. It makes me feel like picking a race and background doesn't really matter and takes me out of the world a bit. Cyberpunk tried to do the same thing, but the only thing that the Lifepaths amounted to was some extra dialogue that ends up being completely irrelevant. You were railroaded into playing some street mercenary no matter what, and very rarely could you apply your experience as a Cropo for example.

              • 2 years ago

                moronic fricking moron. If you encounter a mage it is normal to expect mage to do all crazy shit. When you encounter a trebuchet it is normal to expect a trebuchet to work LIKE A FRICKING TREBUCHET. Ever heard of coherence? no? Then frick off to reddit.

                Stop fricking typing its pathetic, you are only making shit worse for yourself by grasping at straws.

  3. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't recommend it

  4. 2 years ago

    It's not that bad. But like, good is such a strong word for a game that plays like an MMORPG, lectures you on trans rights, has a terrible character creator and horrible animations.

    The only people I see praise it are coomers who use it as a dating sim.

    The Winter Palace quest is neat though.

  5. 2 years ago

    It's okay. Writing can swing wildly between pretty good to soul crushing cringe. Combat animations are REALLY good, dialog animations are subpar at best and the story.... I can barely remember because it was really fricking boring. The equipment crafting is actually pretty neat, the healing being charges as if it's Dark Souls actually creates an interesting combat dynamic in which proper tanking isn't eating damage but rather negating it with timely blocks and positioning. Worth a try, but not a buy.

    Also if you do venture into it DO NOT GO AFTER SIDEQUESTS. They're a fricking trap, a waste of time and more often than not don't even have a story.
    Cutest girl is the dwarf scout

    • 2 years ago

      Soi cuck.
      >combat animations are good
      Oh nononono

      • 2 years ago

        Feel free to elaborate anyday

        • 2 years ago

          Do you have enough INT to understand though? I don't think so.

          • 2 years ago

            You can just admit you're moronic, anon, it's ok.

            • 2 years ago

              Having a nice sightseeing are we? Go back, dumbfrick tourist.


              • 2 years ago

                Been here since 2007. Kindly take your own advice and frick off

              • 2 years ago

                No you're not. You were busy eating crayons during 2007. You actually think DA:I is good so you are either a woman, a tourist, straight up moronic, or a combination of them all.

              • 2 years ago

                >No you're not
                Truth be told I've been here since 2006 because of /b/ and Ganker but only started posting a year later because of the MGS4 hype at the time.
                >You actually think DA:I is good
                Frick no. Work on your reading comprehension when you're back to wherever the frick you came from.
                But let me guess: 2016 refugee? I swear all you newbies talk the same about the same tripe gay shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Terrible LARP. Go back.

              • 2 years ago

                I see I was on the money. Back to your containment board, moron. Even ponyfrickers have the decency to stay where they belong.

              • 2 years ago

                It's amusing you have full confidence in your moronation. Try adding a bit of "Black person" next time you tourist.

              • 2 years ago

                >I swear all you newbies talk the same about the same tripe gay shit.
                They really do.

                Dude are you fricking moronic quit taking the bait

                But also this. Don't feed the trolls.

    • 2 years ago

      Bless on ye, brother. These tourists come in here and spread their filth. Midwits like these

      Absolute brainlet.
      >DA:I has one of the worst animations in gaming
      I see you don't play games much, let alone RPGs. Also you seem to be confused or just showing how you truly have no clue of what the frick you're talking about because not only did you link Dragon's Dogma, which is an action game, but also a presentation on PROCEDURAL animation, which is CPU assisted tweening. The former is my favorite ARPG that also has amazing animations for combat, since it's straight up ripping them out of DMC. Also if you wanted to see what Dragon's Dogma can do for animation look up the DD Online classes. Because as neat as it is try and implement a believable Fisticuff class in DD it's still reusing Strider and Fighter animations which have the character grip the air and actually strike at odd angles with their fists. I know because I already played it with that mod.
      >Good animation is when you have full control over it
      Frick no. Good animation is when the animation conveys the action it is portraying. You're arguing gameplay, which is not what I'm talking about. The animations in DAI follow the principles of animation almost to a T, which is huge coming from fricking BioWare.

      In short, learn to read and take your fricking meds before you're too scared to leave your bed because of the crypto Black person troony israelite that lives under it. Until you do this will be the last (You) from me.

      cannot escape righteous retribution. I would not be surprised if they are BioWare trannies. Stay vigilant.

    • 2 years ago

      No. Its bottom of the barrel terrible, like REAL bad

  6. 2 years ago

    If you like Ubishit games, then you will like the diarrhea delight that is DA:I. It's a borderline parody of open world games

  7. 2 years ago

    It's actually somehow worse than 2, despite having much higher budget and development time.

    • 2 years ago

      honestly just the fact that 2 doesn't waste your fricking time already puts it miles ahead of it.

  8. 2 years ago

    Not good and made me completely uninterested in DA 4 even before all BioWare shat it's bed.

    • 2 years ago

      they went to shit at DA2, though

      It's amusing you have full confidence in your moronation. Try adding a bit of "Black person" next time you tourist.

      People believe all sorts of stupid shit all the time, so you're free to believe in yourself, anon. Just don't break quarantine in the future, ok?

      • 2 years ago

        You're the one stupid for liking DA:I. "Good combat animations" outed you as a moronic tourist.

        • 2 years ago

          >liking DA:I
          homie you what? The combat animations are about the only thing that is consistently good in the entire game, especially coming from DAO and DA2, with the former having probably the single worst combat animations I have ever seen, putting even NWN1 to shame.

          But don't worry, I don't expect you to be able to parse a video since you can't seem to even read letters yet.

          • 2 years ago

            You're a dumb impressionable Black person, DA:I has one of the worst animations in gaming, it looks good to you because you haven't seen any better. If you actually played the game, it struggles a lot whether it wants to be tab-target or action-oriented. It doesn't have any cancel animations and you have to commit into finishing awful trash that takes away control from the player. It's a sequence similar to cutscene takedowns/assassinations in other games - not to mention it feels absolute trash, it just spams screenshake to cover it up. Good animation is when you have full control over it. Look at this fan mod for a game made by a dev that specializes in AAA action games,

            it's freeflowing and impactful. The testament to its good animation is the fact that it's a chimera of the ones taken from other classes in-game, which means it is not completely new. Nothing was added, and yet they managed to come up with something good. DA:I's horses doesn't even have interpolation when turning.

            Also, take a look at this and dilate. Tourist gay.

            • 2 years ago

              Absolute brainlet.
              >DA:I has one of the worst animations in gaming
              I see you don't play games much, let alone RPGs. Also you seem to be confused or just showing how you truly have no clue of what the frick you're talking about because not only did you link Dragon's Dogma, which is an action game, but also a presentation on PROCEDURAL animation, which is CPU assisted tweening. The former is my favorite ARPG that also has amazing animations for combat, since it's straight up ripping them out of DMC. Also if you wanted to see what Dragon's Dogma can do for animation look up the DD Online classes. Because as neat as it is try and implement a believable Fisticuff class in DD it's still reusing Strider and Fighter animations which have the character grip the air and actually strike at odd angles with their fists. I know because I already played it with that mod.
              >Good animation is when you have full control over it
              Frick no. Good animation is when the animation conveys the action it is portraying. You're arguing gameplay, which is not what I'm talking about. The animations in DAI follow the principles of animation almost to a T, which is huge coming from fricking BioWare.

              In short, learn to read and take your fricking meds before you're too scared to leave your bed because of the crypto Black person troony israelite that lives under it. Until you do this will be the last (You) from me.

              • 2 years ago

                I accept your concession. You did not stand a chance, you may now cope. Go play your outsourced animations, troony, bloatware trash. Top fricking kek.

              • 2 years ago
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              • 2 years ago

                holy based king

              • 2 years ago

                why are you posting cutscenes?

              • 2 years ago

                Why aren't you?

              • 2 years ago

                Dude are you fricking moronic quit taking the bait

  9. 2 years ago

    Absolute abomination. It's straight surreal how bad it is. It's literal singleplayer MMO, but to be honest even MMOs have better gameplay. Story and characters are beyond awful. And that's not even mention ever-present homosexualry. Entire thing is some kind of a joke. Worst rpg I ever played and one of the worst games ever made.

  10. 2 years ago

    Memes aside I enjoyed it. It’s more lighthearted than it’s predecessors but visuals are nice, story is okay and characters range from annoying to rather nice. There’s nothing spectacular and some of the mechanics are just filler trap for completionists but overall I’d say it’s decent game that only earned being slammed because of hype and bandwagoning.

    • 2 years ago

      >It’s more lighthearted
      That honestly throws me off more than anything because you're both right and wrong. It tries to be more jokey than 2 but then it wants you to take it super fricking serious with its world ending stakes and evil incarnate bad guy.
      >visuals are nice
      I guess so. Despite how exploring them is a trap the environments are fricking gorgeous. Especially the desert and that rainy cliffside. I don't think I've seen rain that good at the time in a game.

  11. 2 years ago

    no it isn't good. stop asking.

  12. 2 years ago

    we just witnessed a total annihilation.

    • 2 years ago

      But wait! There's more!

      • 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    It is as good as an "AAA" game from EA can be, which means not much, just like the other Dragon Age games, it still looks kinda pretty despite the uncanny motion capture for dialogue cutscenes and well, Sera.
    Gameplay wise it's a decent hack and slash game if you like mindless grind though since there's a lot of mindless grind subquesting to do, but all in all it's just Kingdoms of Amalur tier, only with more enemy variety, better art design and much better level design, and there's some funny banter once in a while if you got some characters around.

    And take what people in here say with a grain of salt, it's a mediocre game like the vast majority of the medium, but most of the complaints in here are wildly exaggerated for the usual reasons.

    • 2 years ago

      >Gameplay wise it's a decent hack and slash game
      Do you even know what a hack and slash is?

      >there's a lot of mindless grind subquesting to do
      Worse than Korean MMo tier

      >but all in all it's just Kingdoms of Amalur tier
      Inquisition WISHES it was Kingdoms of Amalur.

      >there's some funny banter once
      There is no funny banter. There's only cringe.

      • 2 years ago

        >Do you even know what a hack and slash is?
        Yes, a mindless cookie clicker game where you see numbers go up, that's DA:I
        >Worse than Korean MMo tier
        Not really, it's even less grindy than Diablo, you probably never actually played any Korean MMO
        >Inquisition WISHES it was Kingdoms of Amalur.
        Not really, KoA is unsalvageable garbage that manages to be worse than DA:I in everything, don't even try to pretend otherwise.
        >There is no funny banter.
        Nah, there's funny banter and you trying to pretend otherwise, while saying KoA is better than DA:I is just laughable

        • 2 years ago

          >Yes, a mindless cookie clicker game where you see numbers go up, that's DA:I
          It's not even a cookie clicker. You really have no idea what you are even talking about.

          >KoA is unsalvageable garbage
          Kingdoms of Amalur is a masterpiece, compared to Inquisition.

          • 2 years ago

            I know what I'm talking about.
            You however, say KoA is better than Inquisition when not only the very first region in KoA is somehow worse than the entire Ferelden map in terms of MMO sidequests, you dare say KoA is better when it has even less enemy types than DA:I, even more braindead and simplistic combat, atrocious map design and the worst offense of all, no jump button in a game with wildly uneven elevation, which is all there to make you waste even more time navigating those shitty procgen tier maps because oh shit you can't jump off ledges unless there's a scrpited prompt, better waste 10 minutes of your time running all around that hill to go down, maybe there will be some copypasted wargs along the way too, maybe they will be even pallete swaps...

            • 2 years ago

              >I know what I'm talking about.
              You have no idea what you're talking about.

              • 2 years ago

                Considering I've played both games to completion on their hardest difficulty settings I do know what I'm talking about, you having a personal vendetta against Bioware doesn't change that.
                And I forgot, KoA somehow manages to be not just more mindless and mechanically barren, but also a lot more buggy than DA:I, despite being rereleased TWO times, at full price, let's not talk about how utterly embarassing Re-Reckoning's DLC is either, for all its faults at least Cisquisition looks good, KoA can't even manage that.

              • 2 years ago

                >you having a personal vendetta against Bioware doesn't change that.
                You go through this thread, you see what is posted, you see the shape and quality of the game, and consider it a vendetta against Bioware? I consider you a crusader in favour of Bioware, you poor delusional bastard. You're the definition of Biodrone.

              • 2 years ago

                I do, because there's a lot of shit that's much worse than Cisquisition on any level, like again, KoA, which you say is much better despite everyone with a brain being able to tell otherwise, that piece of garbage can't even render things correctly and it runs on Havok.
                And no, I don't give a shit about Bioware, they never made a good game if you ask me, but even there DA:I is far from the worst they've done, that crown goes undoubtedly to TORtanic or Andromeda.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you even comprehend the levels at which Inquisition's problems exist? Because I don't think you do. Glitches and graphical inconsistencies are one thing. I can go so far as say that Amalur gets boring, after a while. But Inquisition is a test of patience, to the degree of how much bullshit you can stomach. The action is vastly better than anything Inquisition does, which is what you are doing in either game, for 75% of the time. The maps are more interesting, and encourage exploration, due to the secrets, and lore hidden around them. Inquisition is filled with huge maps that offer nothing. The dialogue in Inquisition ranges from boring, to embarrassing, to cringe. KoA may not have Hamlet levels of dialogue, but I never feel like the game is underestimating my intelligence, like Inquisition does. By the end of Inquisition, you will give no fricks about the characters, the lore, or the setting, because it is all so absolutely fricking terrible. KoA got me 10x more invested in its world, and the predicament of the ever resurrecting dark elves, than anything, or anyone in Inquisition. Inquisition was actively damaging to the DA franchise.

              • 2 years ago

                >The action is vastly better than anything Inquisition does
                Surely you're jesting, KoA is legitimately the most braindead western game in ages, the very first Xanadu has deeper gameplay and I'm not joking, you can't fricking excuse this braindead QTE ridden trash and pretend it's better than DA:I.
                >The maps are more interesting, and encourage exploration, due to the secrets, and lore hidden around them.
                Factually untrue since again, there's no fricking verticality in KoA let alone a jump button, and literally every single dungeon is proctier nonsense made up of three recycled map tilesets for the entire fricking game including the DLCs, with the only exception being Teeth of Naros where they bothered making a new tileset, and a single dungeon that didn't completely suck like the rest of the game, the sewers.
                Hunting down lorestones and and letters is the same exact fricking thing as Cisquisition except done worse because again, the map design can't compare, it's absurdly dishonest to even pretend it does if you actually played both games, Skyhold alone has a more interesting layout and is more interactable and explorable than anything in KoA and that's a fricking hub.
                >but I never feel like the game is underestimating my intelligence
                That's because you have none, I have no idea how anyone would seriously say KoA is better than anything outside of maybe unsalvageable gutter indie trash like Outward, then say he totally doesn't have a vendetta against Bioware.
                This is absurdly pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                >Surely you're jesting, KoA is legitimately the most braindead western game in ages
                You say that, compared to auto attack, then press skill, repeat for cooldown gameplay, of Inquisition. Yeah, no. This is the point I stop taking you seriously.

              • 2 years ago

                >compared to auto attack, then press skill, repeat for cooldown gameplay, of Inquisition.
                Amalur is the same exact shitty gameplay but with mashing, discount god of war QTEs and somehow less depth, less customization, less everything really.
                Even the crafting system in Amalur is somehow worse and crafting in Inquisition is pretty fricking garbage outside of the visual factor.
                I can go on all day anon, I have plenty of footage for both games, you just keep showing how you're a seething cuck hell bent on irrationally hating something.

                And by the way, Origins and 2 weren't really any better than Inquisition in terms of gameplay or writing, and I say this as somebody who again, completed all those games on the hardest settings, DA was never good and it was always gay as all frick, at least Inquisition looks better and has decent fashion, and is still much better than gutter trash like Amalur.

              • 2 years ago

                >Amalur is the same exact shitty gameplay
                The point where I stopped taking you seriously, was over here

                >The action is vastly better than anything Inquisition does
                Surely you're jesting, KoA is legitimately the most braindead western game in ages, the very first Xanadu has deeper gameplay and I'm not joking, you can't fricking excuse this braindead QTE ridden trash and pretend it's better than DA:I.
                >The maps are more interesting, and encourage exploration, due to the secrets, and lore hidden around them.
                Factually untrue since again, there's no fricking verticality in KoA let alone a jump button, and literally every single dungeon is proctier nonsense made up of three recycled map tilesets for the entire fricking game including the DLCs, with the only exception being Teeth of Naros where they bothered making a new tileset, and a single dungeon that didn't completely suck like the rest of the game, the sewers.
                Hunting down lorestones and and letters is the same exact fricking thing as Cisquisition except done worse because again, the map design can't compare, it's absurdly dishonest to even pretend it does if you actually played both games, Skyhold alone has a more interesting layout and is more interactable and explorable than anything in KoA and that's a fricking hub.
                >but I never feel like the game is underestimating my intelligence
                That's because you have none, I have no idea how anyone would seriously say KoA is better than anything outside of maybe unsalvageable gutter indie trash like Outward, then say he totally doesn't have a vendetta against Bioware.
                This is absurdly pathetic.

                You can stop trying now.

              • 2 years ago

                >Origins and 2 weren't really any better than Inquisition in terms of gameplay or writing
                Brain-dead take. Origins is miles ahead of both 2 and Inquisition.

              • 2 years ago

                >The action is vastly better than anything Inquisition does
                Surely you're jesting, KoA is legitimately the most braindead western game in ages, the very first Xanadu has deeper gameplay and I'm not joking, you can't fricking excuse this braindead QTE ridden trash and pretend it's better than DA:I.
                >The maps are more interesting, and encourage exploration, due to the secrets, and lore hidden around them.
                Factually untrue since again, there's no fricking verticality in KoA let alone a jump button, and literally every single dungeon is proctier nonsense made up of three recycled map tilesets for the entire fricking game including the DLCs, with the only exception being Teeth of Naros where they bothered making a new tileset, and a single dungeon that didn't completely suck like the rest of the game, the sewers.
                Hunting down lorestones and and letters is the same exact fricking thing as Cisquisition except done worse because again, the map design can't compare, it's absurdly dishonest to even pretend it does if you actually played both games, Skyhold alone has a more interesting layout and is more interactable and explorable than anything in KoA and that's a fricking hub.
                >but I never feel like the game is underestimating my intelligence
                That's because you have none, I have no idea how anyone would seriously say KoA is better than anything outside of maybe unsalvageable gutter indie trash like Outward, then say he totally doesn't have a vendetta against Bioware.
                This is absurdly pathetic.

                BioWare employee/unpaid troony shill.

              • 2 years ago

                >'s not a personal vendetta I swear Amalur is actually so much better
                The only unpaid troony shill here is you

    • 2 years ago

      >funny banter

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            I think I'm done. This game is trash. And I've flogged this dead horse enough.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Am I to believe that guards really let a dyke haircut peasant into high society party?

          • 2 years ago

            At least play the games you try to shit on

            • 2 years ago

              >medieval fantasy
              >dyke haircut
              UHH OHH

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    It's pretty bad. Mad at my self wasting so much time on it, thinking it would get better.
    Story is dull.
    Most companions are bad too. Like Iron Bull, his voice and the way he speaks does not match his appearance at all.
    There is also a shitload of side-quests and events and what not to waste your time on. Assassins creed all over again.
    Every time you tell your mount to pick up the pace it makes the same dumbass annoying sound, pick a mount with the least annoying one because you are gonna be hearing it a lot.
    Combat is atrocious. You have to manually click(or hold) for every single basic attack in between your abilities.Yes there is also an option to auto attack but even then you have to toggle it on anytime you face a new mob.

    I guess I liked Haven and the Orlesian game.

    Man frick this game.

  17. 2 years ago

    Its the best dragon age game by far but the bar is so low that even if it was 10x better than origins it would still be meh at best.

  18. 2 years ago

    single player mmo
    only the main quest is worth doing

  19. 2 years ago

    Dont listen to these morons.

    Play and it and find out if you like it.

  20. 2 years ago

    MFS here really hate DA for no reason

    • 2 years ago

      It's honestly not a good series but most of the hate itt is unwarranted

      • 2 years ago

        As a series no, but Origins alone is pretty great.

      • 2 years ago

        As a series no, but Origins alone is pretty great.

        A lot of the hate, is for what Bioware has done with the franchise, since DA2 and on. Totally going behind what DA:O was, and just subverting players expectations, time and again. The severe decline in gameplay, writing, and technical accumen, have also been huge factors in that audience reception, perception, and decline of the franchise.

        • 2 years ago

          Inquisition sold more than the previous two games put together and it's one of bioware's top selling games, hard to call it a decline in any way or shape, as much as some people would love that to be true.
          And please don't tell me the writing of all things declined in any way because DA:O had lots of Scooby-doo tier dialogues and voice acting that felt extremely out of place, DA never had good writing.

          • 2 years ago

            At least Inquisition was a h-oh ...

            Care to explain?

            • 2 years ago

              Bad launch, good lifetime.
              Inquisition ended up selling more than six millions, Origins stopped at around 3.2.

              • 2 years ago

                Selling 6 million copies, while heavily discounted, at $5 a pop, isn't an achievement. In fact, it means you are taking a hit, effectively, for every game you're selling.

              • 2 years ago

                >Selling 6 million copies, while heavily discounted, at $5 a pop
                Good thing that's not what happened then?
                Unless you wanna imply EA is lying not just to their customers but all of their investors when they say Inquisition was the most successful entry in the series.

              • 2 years ago

                >Good thing that's not what happened then?
                So what happened, then?

                >Unless you wanna imply EA is lying not just to their customers but all of their investors when they say Inquisition was the most successful entry in the series.
                Well, the NPD certainly didn't lie. So what happened? Show me some concrete numbers.

              • 2 years ago

                >So what happened, then?
                Ask EA, not me, all we know is that they keep saying it's the most successful DA title, and since the next game is directly tied to it too I find it hard to believe they'd lie about it, since you know, this is EA we're talking about, they like money more than Blizzard.

              • 2 years ago

                >Ask EA, not me,
                So you have nothing. That's what you're telling me.

              • 2 years ago

                So do you, it's your word against EA's really.

              • 2 years ago

                It's not my word. It's the NPD's word. The NPD is the lead authority in tracking NA sales. Unless you want to say that in this one case, the NPD, out of all the possible cases, is wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                Npd only started tracking digital sales years after Inquisition's launch. Considering the explosion of digital sales in the time between origins and inquisition the comparison using npd data is literally useless.

              • 2 years ago

                Right. So the defense, as per usual, is that NA physical sales of Inquisition account for only, what? 20% of its total sales? Say it is so. Do other games not have digital sales? Why was the Halo MCC the 10th game on the list? Why aren't the physical sales numbers of all the other games, on that list, lower? And, just a reminder, in the financial call discussing Anthem, Andrew Wilson called it “their most digital game”, by selling 51% of its total sales, digitally. So we know what it couldn't have been over. And extrapolating from digital sales of other games, it would be highly unlikely that Inquisition, an early PS4/XBONE title, would have sold that high, digitally, in 2014.

              • 2 years ago

                Wtf are you even trying to argue? Why are you clinging to some random fricking blog post like it proves some grand conspiracy that Inquisition was actually a massive flop in contrast to what EA and Bioware say? Who even gives a shit? Take your meds.

              • 2 years ago

                What are you trying to argue? The NPD isn't some random blog. You want to make a point that the NPD malevolently misrepresented DA:I's sales? You're going to have to explain the how and why that would happen. Now, you have no argument, and no proof, and resort to personal attacks. Just take the L and shut up.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon has just an unhealthy obsession with cisquisition for some reason, if you haven't realized already

              • 2 years ago

                >NO arguments
                >More personal attacks
                >Look at me guys, I'm the winner, I like being fed lies and believing them, like an idiot
                I bet you think Biden was a good choice for president, too,

              • 2 years ago

                >Meanwhile, at Bioware's third best selling game of all time

                >A-average selling price d-doesn't count, guys.

              • 2 years ago

                no wonder AAA gaming is such garbage quality

              • 2 years ago

                Not only that. For example, as the picture says, Skyrim had a budget of $400m US, that's $200m development, $200m marketing. If Bioware wants a Skyrim, they will need to spend Skyrim money. Currently, Bioware is a ~120-150 staff studio. Yes, they're hiring.


                And these positions have been open since February. Some are filled, some new open up, some get reopened. Which means the previous guys left. All these positions, as far as I can see, are for remote work as well. Which means that, effectively, nobody wants to work at Bioware. Which means either the pay, the workload, or just the name of the studio are not enough, to get people to want to work there. You can throw money at Bioware, but it's just going to need more time, and a game that needs more time, is going to look more dated, when it releases. The gameplay will be outdated, the politics they choose to insert will be outdated. It will be a game, that was relevant 4 years ago. Bioware needs to double in size, by tomorrow, so they can release games every other year. DA4 is coming out in 2024, making it 10 years since Inquisition. Was Inquisition, in your opinion, the kind of game that waiting 10 years for a sequel, was worth the wait? I'm sure that it will sell competently, if it launches during a dead period, like Q1 or Q2, where we rarely see big releases. Considering this game has been in production since 2015, and won't release for another 2 years, with a budget like that, and the sales it needs to make, just to break even, is there any chance Dread Wolf will be a financial success? Because it won't be a hit with the fans, or the critics.

              • 2 years ago

                >If Bioware wants a Skyrim
                I don't think they want a Skyrim given DA has nothing in common with Skyrim outside of its own flavour of garbage gameplay and art direction, I'd say they'd be more thank okay with another 3 to 6 million seller, the bigger issue here is EA and how they handle things.
                I also don't think Dreadwolf is going to be an AAA kind of game at all, and with how barren the western "RPG" scene is currently I have little doubt they'll have to fight for some relevance at launch, as long as the marketing is on point they will succeed.
                After all, the vast majority of people play these games for the character creation, self inserting and dating more than anything, so as long as they keep delivering on that they'll still find success no matter what, the concerns of people like you and I are irrelevant as we're not the actual target of these games, and I honestly give zero shit about Bioware or EA, I don't buy stocks and I don't work for them.

              • 2 years ago

                >I don't think they want a Skyrim

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly can't see the supposed Skyrim influences in Inquisition, as bad as it still is.

              • 2 years ago

                >ceiling is higher in marketing ultimately
                This explains almost everything, including how leftism still exists even though it's basically a death cult at this point.

  21. 2 years ago

    >over a 100 posts of an moron arguing that "a-a-ackchually bad game w-w-wasnt bad!"

    The thing about Biodrones is, that first you need someone to have a basic feeling of shame for wrongdoing if you want to argue with someone.
    Zoomers dont have those.
    You could point out that they are eating shit and they will get indignant and start arguing that eating shit is good because most people actually eat shit while unironically posting CHAD_YES.jpg
    They are akin to fat rights activists in that way.

    People used to be proud when they achieved something, now zoomers are proud because they failed at something basic.

    • 2 years ago

      The amount of users talking about a "skip combat button" for the sake of accessibility to non-gamers is kind of hilarious. I wonder what they think of shit like Disco Elysium.

  22. 2 years ago

    Very good.
    I feel like if they didnt require you to register to another app to play the game then this could have had easily 10x more sales.

  23. 2 years ago

    It's absolutely awful. I played through all of Mass Effect Andromeda and still couldn't bring myself to finish Inquisition. The gameplay is genuinely trying to imitate mmos, but while being singleplayer. And there are mmos that manage to at least make you invested with the story, here the story just sucked, boring villain, unlikable cast of companions, frick even Varric somehow turned worse than he was in 2 because here he's just not YOUR bro anymore, he's just Hawke's bro that you're forcing along and you can tell he'd rather be just about anywhere else. I honestly think this might be the worst game Bioware has ever made. Then again, I never tried out that Anthem game, and if I'm not mistaken they also dropped that one like a sack of potatoes almost as soon as they released it.

  24. 2 years ago

    Sort of?

    You can probably enjoy it.

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