Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays?

Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays? I used to get friend requests fairly regularly back in the day but now they're a rarity? Did the general landscape change or did I just become a boring frick?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >say word
    >that was bullshit
    >that was fun
    >talking to enemy team? removed
    wonder why?

    • 4 months ago

      i argue and talk shit all the time in CS and i never got banned wtf are you playing

      Discord and party chat has killed online socialization. Also, post more Fern.

      just for (You)

      • 4 months ago

        counter strike is one of the few games left that allows you to actually socialize, that's why.

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        > wtf are you playing
        well last time it was rainbow siege
        also you can notice it on blizzard games (hots)
        remember getting banned in wow for talking too and no . i wasn't saying Black person

      • 4 months ago

        ya fotm tranime spammin' board shittin'

        • 4 months ago

          Haha nice season 5 homosexual

        • 4 months ago

          leave tourist

        • 4 months ago

          >samurai reddit

      • 4 months ago

        I play CS too bro and I get reqs a lot.
        I also get a lot of commends because apparently telling my team to stfu (verbatim) and stop playing blame games is extraordinary behavior. I thought everyone was playing to win?

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I've literally never been banned for shit talking teammates or opponents. The reason your average "REEE I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON MONEY STOLEN" homosexual gets banned for shit talking is because they can't do it without using the word Black person.

      • 4 months ago

        even in wow back in vanilla a whole server was spamming Black person and nothing happened
        now you say anything shit talking without saying it and get banned

    • 4 months ago

      >don't call people Black folk or trannies
      >never get banned
      damn that sure was hard

      • 4 months ago

        didn't do neither and got banned
        but keep defending your corporation fanboy

        • 4 months ago

          The frick did you do then Black person?

      • 4 months ago

        This is literally impossible for the /misc/mutt chudcel average Ganker user. They are 200% concerned at all times with saving the white race from certain doom, they accomplish this by screaming the N Bomb all day every day

        • 4 months ago

          troony ass post

      • 4 months ago

        >if you dont have anything to hide then there is no reason to be afraid
        kindly redeem your death and removal from society moron saar

      • 4 months ago

        Hags with face paint will never, ever be as sexo as actual lgs. Why do they even try?

      • 4 months ago

        Pauly, pulls up dat "banned for saying GG" article and the other fews that are likes it.

        • 4 months ago

          already in the thread broski

          i assume right before that someone said "ni"

    • 4 months ago

      People like this are why games are so gay now. They're so aggressive for no reason at all. If I were to ask this guy a question in a game like Warframe or something they would probably just spam buzzwords until you ignore them or they get banned. But no, homosexuals like this will tell you games suck now because you can't spam Black person, not because they ruined it

      • 4 months ago

        again i dont say Black person in fricking games you waste of oxygen
        no fricking idea i would be the one asking noob questions

        • 4 months ago

          >immediate aggressive response
          yea it's the game man

          • 4 months ago

            i wasn't aggresive on my first post and you attacked me so get fricked , go play victim somewhere else

            • 4 months ago

              >it's not me it's you
              that's forbidden love anon, i'm not gay

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone is insane now. It's not worth it.

        playing with modern randoms in modern games is a horrible diceroll between awkward silence or some c**t treating the game like a second job, I think esports becoming popular/profitable was the kneecapping of gaming sociality, everyone wants to 'make it' or win at all costs instead of just enjoying the fricking game

        • 4 months ago

          Very true. They also turn that mentality of needing to win into their personality, basically condemning them to fail at society if whatever esport thing they're going for fails.

          • 4 months ago

            >Play Lethal Company
            >guy hosting is a clearly taking this way to seriously and even kills himself in order to properly spectate the players to ensure none are trolling while also actively trying
            I don’t understand how this mentality became so second nature in modern gaming

        • 4 months ago

          This. The maps, graphics, assets, mechanics, balance, physics, everything about large scale "realistic" fps games (realistic just meaning class based roles, weapons restrictions, large maps, and low ttk) are fricking amazing now compared to 15-20 years ago but the communities have devolved so far that they are unplayable.

          Old school battlefield, project reality mod, Red Orchestra series, Star Wars Battlefront etc. used to be the pinnacle of gaming imo but the current generation of these sorts of games are filled with adult tacticool-larpers and immersion obsessed homosexuals who treat the game like they are the main character in a hollywood movie or like it's a REAL MILITARY full time job. Nobody can tolerate even mild banter anymore and the autism is off the charts.

          Hell let loose is a great example of this, the first couple years after it was out it was great but now that the playerbase has grown more casual the high level players with thousands of hours turned into toxic gays who reee at everyone for not playing their autistic meta strategies and the community servers are full of weirdos more obsessed with their arbitrary meta rules than actually having fun playing the game.

          >all tanks sitting empty in main spawn 20 minutes into the match
          >zero tank squads active, meanwhile enemy has 3 tanks pounding your team
          >create tank squad by yourself
          >type in chat: join tank squad F please, going to mid spawn, some help would be nice.
          >whatever, drive tank up to the front line
          >park it right between two of your squads, switch to turret and start blasting so your guys can move out of cover
          >"aw thanks dude, can you pop smoke right there so we can push up?"
          >pop smoke and watch your guys start capturing the objective
          >29... 28... 27..
          >BANNED! Reason: trolling and toxic behavior. Length: permanent.

          • 4 months ago

            >Hell Let Loose
            It’s strange how so many war game communities seemingly devolved in such a similar fashion, like how every remaining server based Battliefield game has obtuse niche rules because the admins are genuinely outspokenly biased

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think people were really getting banned for all this shit unless your game had community servers. I think its just the old situation of a single or small group of karens sending a strongly worded email to companies. Just replace emails with rage bait articles and 1 terminally online twitter tard. No majority actually cares if someone is talking shit in a game that offers you the ability to mute. However, I do see a worrying trend of bootlickers asking devs to keep communication features out of games under the guise of toxicity. While in reality they're just unsocial losers who wouldn't know how to talk to anyone.

      It's like that gay on that one server you all played on that would tell others to shut up, but they would never actually mute anyone.

      • 4 months ago

        i have better experience in community servers than matchmaking shit, dont remember getting banned in ET or ut

      • 4 months ago

        i could understand most shit
        dont like what i say? /ignore
        dont like my voice? mute me
        there's no logic reason to ban people for talking crap

    • 4 months ago

      >have fun in online game
      >say yippie

    • 4 months ago

      I thought all and I mean all modern games removed the ability to chat with one another, you've to use the given emoticons or whatever to communicate.

    • 4 months ago

      Don't forget how half the friend requests you get nowadays are just bots

      • 4 months ago

        >that one real person who adds you
        >it has a anime profile and screams of I am not mentally okay

        • 4 months ago

          ate you kidding? I'd kill for a clingy, scrawny neet that feeds off of my attention

          • 4 months ago

            I don't got time or sanity to deal with a nutso who will bring me down to their level

          • 4 months ago

            Thats kinda fricked up. No wonder normal people dont interact with you.

          • 4 months ago

            thats literally me

          • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            I wish you jerks would stop being so abusive. My friend has this annoying habit where he’ll talk to me every day for a week then he’ll randomly ignore me for several days in a row. It literally ruins my days. I can’t fricking concentrate at work because of you dickheads. We used to watch anime together and now he replies to me with one sentence responses. Then I bet sometime next week he’ll invite me to watch some other anime with him and the cycle begins again. It legitimately makes me physically ill. I have nothing else, why is that so hard for you to understand?

            • 4 months ago

              I cannot speak for your friend, but generally introverted autists have a limited amount of social expenditure before they have to recharge. Luckily most of my friends are cool with me popping in and out of existence since it lets them game in peace.

              • 4 months ago

                >Leave friend group for days or weeks at a time
                >They're always happy to see me back
                I love my irl friend group so much, I love those guys despite their shit tastes sometimes

              • 4 months ago

                like the other anon said he probably just needs to recharge, I get really tired and just decide I won't interact with anyone some days. or if I have a tiring week I might come across as distant but its not anything someone did, I'm just tired

                >hey, i’m tired and need to disconnect for a bit. it’s nothing you did, i still like you and want to talk to you again. i’m just kind of autistic. let’s play something the weekend after this one
                Wow, so hard

              • 4 months ago

                >it’s nothing you did, i still like you and want to talk to you again
                Are you a w*man or a troon? Literally no man would type that sort of gay shit out.

              • 4 months ago

                You sound insecure

              • 4 months ago

                Decorum must be upheld anon, you might feel that way but you have to word it in a better way so as not to be a homosexual. Telling a friend you like him straight up is just plain weird.

              • 4 months ago

                And you sound like a homosexual, as previously explained

              • 4 months ago

                Yep. Insecure

              • 4 months ago

                The first time? Sure.
                But some people will simply not have that sink in and I can't possibly micromanage them.

              • 4 months ago

                The only person I would ever do this for is my girlfriend, or someone I'd like to make my girlfriend at some point

            • 4 months ago

              Are you literally me? I don't remember typing this.

            • 4 months ago

              like the other anon said he probably just needs to recharge, I get really tired and just decide I won't interact with anyone some days. or if I have a tiring week I might come across as distant but its not anything someone did, I'm just tired

            • 4 months ago

              You become a chore and your friend needs a break. Occupy yourself with something else in the meantime, do some crocheting idk.

              • 4 months ago

                You cannot explain this concept to clingy posters, it is the same unbridled compulsion for attention and lack of self-awareness that drives people to cut them off in the first place.

            • 4 months ago

              You can't make me

            • 4 months ago

              People like us who were never loved get addicted to anyone offering any bit of affection and drag them down, anon... We need hyper symbiotic codependent relationships or we just wither and everything falls apart really fast...

              • 4 months ago

                I dont offer you frickers anything and you still fall in love with me.

              • 4 months ago

                Take responsibility for our friendship, you fricking piece of shit

              • 4 months ago

                We aren't friends I typed a single sentence to you frick offffffffffffffffffff

            • 4 months ago

              To put it simply, stop having your vibes be a product of another person instead of your own self.

            • 4 months ago

              No clue how you know me. Woah now.

            • 4 months ago

              Possessive b***h you are

            • 4 months ago

              i'd be your friend moron

              • 4 months ago

                >replies a whole hour and fifty five minutes later
                I can already tell you can't handle a clingy anon

              • 4 months ago

                i just joined the thread
                anyway, i am not clingy, but i do not appreciate one-word responses, which was why i think i'd fit with that anon

              • 4 months ago

                Sorry, but if you were a good fit you would have been here before you arrived. If you don't understand it's fine, but that's what is expected of you.

    • 4 months ago

      And these bans can be dangerous. Out of the blue you might get your actual account banned by Sony/Xbox and literally lose access to all of your games. This shit happens all the time over the stupidest shit like saying "gg", so better to not risk it. And with Sony and Xbox is not just your account that gets a ban but sometimes they ban the whole system and then you can't even play disc games on it. You can't even fricking sell it because it's worthless! It's fricking crazy. This is why if you are a digital only person is better to just build a PC with Steam. If you get banned from a game then you only lose access to the only portion of that game, not your whole library, friend list and PC becomes worthless.

    • 4 months ago

      because all you said was "that was bullshit you Black person, I was having fun"

    • 4 months ago

      Lol, I wanna see your average chat message if "talk" and "say word" are getting you banned.
      Just talk like you would to any stranger you'd play a game over a tabletop with, you'll be fine.

      • 4 months ago

        Anon you're talking about the people who would also get tossed out of the game store.

        • 4 months ago

          Lol, I wanna see your average chat message if "talk" and "say word" are getting you banned.
          Just talk like you would to any stranger you'd play a game over a tabletop with, you'll be fine.

          People like is why we can't have nice things and why you won't have yours, you will eat the bugs, live the pod and be "happy" or else, little totalitarian pricks.

          • 4 months ago

            Are you a schizophrenic person? What the frick are you even talking about?

    • 4 months ago

      It's this and any moron saying otherwise is part of the problem. There is a male loneliness epidemic and this sadly plays a role in it.

    • 4 months ago


      >>say word

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        He does sound mildly moronic, however he said nothing that would warrant a ban.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >have the uncontrollable urge to call people Black folk, spics, aborptions, morons, gays, etc
      >get banned

    • 4 months ago

      I'm 34 years old, I've been playing video games online since 1998, and I have not once in my life been banned from a video game for saying something improper. Have you tried not being a sperg spamming Black person Black person Black person troony 24/7?

      • 4 months ago

        i got banned once from 3 days in wow, it must've been 2005
        i was going around ironforge yelling
        that was a period when blizzard still had actual customer support

      • 4 months ago

        Where does this get implied to be a thing exactly?I mean, I get that there's the occasional thread tha's like; "LOOK WHY THEY BANNED ME, L0L *screencap*" but, no-one has done this yet in this thread. What is indicative of the type of language that a TOS would say is worthy of a ban here?

      • 4 months ago

        You are unironically morally reprehensible if you do not agitate people against trannies and Black folk. Seek God

    • 4 months ago

      Spongebob all you have to do is just drive the damn boat

    • 4 months ago

      This. The people who start conversations and bring others out of their shells all get banned eventually now. And the way bans work now is different. Spiteful parties report with the intention of getting people banned, not moderating chat. They will literally build a case along with screenshots as evidence to send to the moderation team. It’s just not worth the effort to make friends with strangers because the average gamers don’t have anything other than the game in common any more

      • 4 months ago

        You are mentally ill, this doesnt happen

        • 4 months ago

          Every game has a report mechanism where you can upload screenshots now. If not in game, it’s part of the customer service features. That’s the best way to get someone banned

        • 4 months ago

          YOU are mentally ill u gaslighting normalcy biased piece of shit

      • 4 months ago

        Eh....players don't mod their own servers anymore though. That WAS common; almost a joke. Not in the current meta at all; even the old gmod servers might not mind you all that much.

        Oh...there IS minecraft though. Special case. I can't be accountable there, but if you just machinegunned some racial slurs in there, microsoft themselves would implicatively be at your back.

        Try to stay, as focused on the context of the situation as possible. Like, aware of if you can talk about stuff. If there's no opportunity, find a way to make it. There can't not be; you will tell yourself that. Just don't get too pushy either, it'll be fine.

    • 4 months ago

      basically this. they dont even let you shittalk nowadays ffs

  2. 4 months ago

    why do animeposters turn me on even though I know they're probably a guy in real life

    • 4 months ago

      Idk, but I do know the anon thing is as important as the anime posting.
      When a name/tripgay does it, I just dont get horny, in fact, I feel intense hatred.

      Vidya became less of a social activity and something to do for fun. I think most people unfortunately either play for solace or escapism.

      I always played for solace and escapism, but at some point I realized the other players were also irl people and now I hardly friend anyone in games.

      i argue and talk shit all the time in CS and i never got banned wtf are you playing
      just for (You)

      I remember 8-6 years ago, I would almost always get a friend invite from matches, no matter the outcome, there was a time I had so many CSGO friends I could log in at any hour and get invites for MM. I deleted all of them not long ago, from several hundred to about 20 Steam friends.

      Every time I try to socialize on the internet outside of this website I instantly regret it.

      It's the fricking "anonymous" part of it, I insist.

      • 4 months ago

        You just want attention don't you?
        Why not just get a bf instead

        • 4 months ago

          okay homosexual you tell me how to get a gamer bf then

          • 4 months ago

            unironically play ffxiv

          • 4 months ago

            what games do you like, stud?

            • 4 months ago

              monster hunter

              • 4 months ago

                man, is everyone on this board is the exact same person? why do all of you like the same games, ffxiv, mh, dark souls, dmc. you're all copypastes of eachother

              • 4 months ago

                >popular games are popular

              • 4 months ago

                npc post

              • 4 months ago

                >homosexual Anon is homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                Ganker is one entity

              • 4 months ago

                That's a shame. I mean the game seems cool but I just cannot for the life of me get into it, either on my own or with other people. What singleplayer stuff do you play? I like to talk about games as much as I like to play them, which is a lot.

        • 4 months ago

          >Have a few things to say on a non-bait thread discussing an actual real problem
          >get accused of attentionwhoring
          This is why I don't talk anymore anywhere.

  3. 4 months ago

    Discord and party chat has killed online socialization. Also, post more Fern.

    • 4 months ago

      Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays? I used to get friend requests fairly regularly back in the day but now they're a rarity? Did the general landscape change or did I just become a boring frick?

      Not just Discord, but the internet itself becoming ubiquitous and socialization happening on thousands of dedicated platforms constantly surely lessened the impact it had in online gaming.

    • 4 months ago

      >join guild
      >instantly get slapped with a discord link while the actual guild chat is always dead
      I'm not using that homosexual shit FRICK OFF

    • 4 months ago

      >wanted to try the Ghostrunner 2 demo
      >have to join their discord for a raffle for a chance to play it
      for what purpose

    • 4 months ago

      >try to talk with someone in-game
      >either ignores me or pressure me to join their discord server
      Seriously what is this shit. Don’t want to join your gay clique, I just want to have a conversation with you.

      • 4 months ago

        They get a sad little power trip from it. They can kick you from their little clique if you don't fall in line.

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely believe narcissism and psychopathy are on the rise to a severe degree. Too many people are not interested in just chatting with someone else on an equal level. That's why you get this shit

      They need you to join their little bubble that they have control over so they have control over you and what you say.

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      So much this. Discord creeps me out
      I bet pic related would have been fun in 2000s, before discord and shit, now you are involved in some drama and they BEG you to join discord lmao

  4. 4 months ago

    Vidya became less of a social activity and something to do for fun. I think most people unfortunately either play for solace or escapism.

  5. 4 months ago

    I think the social aspect has just moved to adjacent platforms like discord. MMOs and other online games used to be essentially big online chat rooms, when that was something novel and there weren't many other spaces to connect like that online. But now you can just hop in a discord server to have that experience.

    • 4 months ago

      can you really? i was under the impression discords are 99% circlejerks

      • 4 months ago

        >i was under the impression discords are 99% circlejerks
        They are. I got banned from few in the homosexual month.
        >You were le bigot and deserved it
        No i said why the frick do i get pinged for political bs or others people sexuality and got insta banned.

        In other cases discord has been even more insufferable than their reddit alternative, and if you know anything about reddit its just ridiculous.
        Once the general masses come in, its over. Everyone who has been thrown out isn't in some secret circle, nobody actually makes those old connections anymore.

        Times have changed as well, all that political charged bs used to not matter, you could have communists, nazis, homos, homophobes under one guild and nobody would ever know, because it didn't used to be such a central point to anyones identity.
        Now with discord we are going to have the pronoun mods come in and rant about trans genocide because they are not allowed to shower with little girls.
        ''I can't just always focus on these silly video games when i am being genocided by evil Trump supporters''.
        Even Ganker and Ganker has changed in this regard, in this landscape we are either for or against stuff, the times we could ignore and not care this stuff exists are over. Heck if there is somebody that doesn't give a frick he would be quickly overshadowed by loud ones who do.

      • 4 months ago

        Literally the only time I tried joining a discord that wasnt just an irl friend group or for a game bug report, I got heckled out of there for posting relevant content.

  6. 4 months ago

    Everyone is insane now. It's not worth it.

  7. 4 months ago

    Depends on my mood, and how stupid the person trying to start a conversation is.

    I do talk to people, but usually there has to be some kind of condition for me to actually engage, and on top of that I'm also pretty reserved and while I have no problem carrying a convo I don't usually start them.

  8. 4 months ago

    I barely talk to people in real life why would I do the same in games?

  9. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't be on Ganker if I wanted the things I say and think connected to a persistent identity

    • 4 months ago

      >he doesn't have a dozen alts

  10. 4 months ago

    Every time I try to socialize on the internet outside of this website I instantly regret it.

    • 4 months ago

      sounds like the solution is simple - just socialize here

  11. 4 months ago

    Cancel culture and a rise of other socialisation options, often dominant and with sadly enforced rules on a singular profile spanning many forms of media, killed off in game communities

  12. 4 months ago

    I feel that way too, i used to get long lasting friendships with people in games but nowadays most people just wanna duo with me so i can carry them
    its very annoying

  13. 4 months ago

    I feel like discord played a huge part in killing online gaming.

  14. 4 months ago

    No, you're just playing the wrong games tbh.
    I enjoy global chat sometimes as well as many friend requests etc. in a certain gacha-KINO.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Sorry that your doll looks at you like that bwo

    • 4 months ago

      >friend requests in gacha
      None of those people want to actually be your friend, homosexual. They just picked your name off a long list of other players' names at random either so they could complete some milestone/achievement or because it's necessary for dailies (like collecting batteries in GFL)

      • 4 months ago

        No idea what GFL is tbh. And no there's nothing like that in the game. I'm sorry that you play bad gachas bwo

      • 4 months ago

        Excuse me, I carefully curate my GF1 friends list to include only people worthy of being called silly names in chat to do the bingo quests

  15. 4 months ago

    >Say the funny N word
    >Money gets stolen

  16. 4 months ago
  17. 4 months ago

    Imagine wanting to make friends with people on the internet in (current year)

  18. 4 months ago

    Back in the day the internet was full of enthusiasts who wanted to help each other out. Now the 3rd world masses rushed in and everything is shit. VR should have been the next frontier but it never got a shot before fb lept in and it was shit from the beginning.

  19. 4 months ago

    I hate the internet. What should I do?

    • 4 months ago

      Unplug your Ethernet

  20. 4 months ago

    Mobile Legends is full of social little boys, sister.

  21. 4 months ago

    if you're social and somebody takes offense it'll get you kicked so why bother

  22. 4 months ago

    because we got tired of tryna talk to that cutie that said 13/f/ca and turned out to be a man.

    • 4 months ago

      I got lucky once and she lived across town and was homeschooled a shame we never kept in touch after a couple years they moved a few states away

  23. 4 months ago

    From what I can tell from FFXIV at least, Discord is basically the unofficial social aspect of the game. Every FC mentions it, every static uses it. You basically have to install a 3rd party app to fully enjoy the social aspect of the game, which is hilarious considering Square's official stance on those apps.

    • 4 months ago

      that is the norm for MMOs these days unfortunately not just xiv

    • 4 months ago

      >Square's official stance on those apps
      Disingenuous homosexual. Their stance is stop forcing them to address every 3rd party app. They don't care if you use them

      • 4 months ago

        I specifically said "official stance", because everyone playing the game knows that they don't actually care. If they did, then all the JP servers+Aether would be banned tomorrow because they're all using ACT

  24. 4 months ago

    How ya go figure

  25. 4 months ago

    why have anime girls been getting so fat lately

  26. 4 months ago


  27. 4 months ago

    idk man i just want friends to play vidya but they are so rare to find now cus of discord and private circlejerk groups

    • 4 months ago

      What's wrong with using Discord to find friends to game with? Surely you can find one or two friends in some Ganker server to game with.

      • 4 months ago

        They literally don't have friends. Don't talk to them

      • 4 months ago

        thats most games have chat

    • 4 months ago

      you snooze you loose arisuposter
      shoulda found friends 5-25 years ago

      • 4 months ago

        depressingly true. The only people I regularly talk to these days are friends I made like, 10 years ago. I can count the number of new friends I've made since 2016 on a single hand

    • 4 months ago

      what vidya

    • 4 months ago

      >find people to play league with
      >have a fun time for a while
      >they start exporting discord dramas and shitty gay e-romances
      >friend group implodes

      Every single time.

      • 4 months ago

        Your first mistake was playing league. Your second was assuming that well adjusted people play league.

  28. 4 months ago

    Every friend I had turned out to be a sexual deviant/pedo or just annoying.

    • 4 months ago

      >friends are sexual deviants/weirdos
      >far more honest/accepting/racist than 95% of the people online
      >extremely diverse friends group
      >very very few are spastic over random shit
      >no power-tripping moderation

      • 4 months ago

        t. weirdo

      • 4 months ago

        t. weirdo

        i'm straight and a complete degenerate and my friends are two gay furry nazis
        we're all extremely chill people

  29. 4 months ago

    >anime avatar
    >is a troony
    Thats why nobody want to add you

  30. 4 months ago

    >anime avatar
    >is straight
    Thats why everybody want to add you

  31. 4 months ago

    CS GO Half-time Open comms was fricking great. I really don't know why Valve removed that.

  32. 4 months ago

    I used to get friend requests, and sometimes I event sent them myself. Nowadays thought I just don't see the point, I didn't interact with 90% of the people on my friendslist and with the other 10% I would sometimes play and talk but not really what I could call "friendship", doesn't help that with age I have grown more bitter and reclusive so having no friends on steam doesn't really bother me.

  33. 4 months ago

    I've been told I am too intimidating and too sweat so people think I will scold them or some shit, idk I can't be bothered with this depressed overthinking getting fruity with everyone generation

    • 4 months ago

      you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

      • 4 months ago

        you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

        • 4 months ago

          you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

        • 4 months ago

          you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

      • 4 months ago

        you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

        you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

        you sound like you're going to die alone. good luck man

        You will have friends and you will fricking like it Black person homosexuals

  34. 4 months ago

    There is a set way to do things, because incels demand it.

    Nothing else

    Doing any sort of social fun in video games is banned. You should only sit in some fricking channel with like 30 people who spam memes like the sperglords they are. Then you play designated FOTM game and that's it. Never deviate from anything.

    What's that? You talk to people ingame. OMG STOP TALKING YOU FRICKING NOOB!11+11023024

    That's it basically. Everyone is a sweat tryhard loser homosexual and the old generation who used to play de_ratz or similar are now dinosaurs who are basically dead soon (that's me yay). We used to have back in the day and now all the kids are just fricking everything up. God damn I'm old.............

  35. 4 months ago

    Back in my day we didn't have the internet and social media. Everyone played games alone unless they already had friends.

  36. 4 months ago

    I used to talk in voice chat but eventually I stopped because I never made any real friends, and sometimes I'd get bullied out of nowhere. Granted that was in middle school, but it still made me not want to interact with people online ever again.

  37. 4 months ago

    I stopped adding people after I realized the relationships were hollow and unfulfilling.
    Just a bunch of people I didn't know or really care about, and usually with their own unique brand of crazy. No one I could actually rely on in hard times.

  38. 4 months ago

    games are designed to be anti-social now
    matchmaking instead of servers
    many games don't let you communicate with your opponents at all
    shit like that

  39. 4 months ago

    "Freiren", sloppy elven mage

  40. 4 months ago

    Most ghost after the initial conversation. I simply don't bother accepting friend requests now, on the rare occasion I do receive one.

  41. 4 months ago

    i like breaking the bones of my gums, the gum pain is pleasurable.

  42. 4 months ago

    Discord killed videogames.

  43. 4 months ago

    the novelty wore off

  44. 4 months ago

    Everyone I meet is extremely overbearing. I just wanted to play vidya and have fun playing and not constantly talking about inane shit normalBlack folk talk about daily.

  45. 4 months ago

    Man I loved Rise but the sense of community that I got from MH4/G just wasn't there, barely anyone takes a moment to just talla or frick around a bit

  46. 4 months ago

    you're fricking annoying and uninteresting. I just want to play the videogame and not listen to you fumble trying to show off your internet meme knowledge

    • 4 months ago

      This kinda attitude is what killed multiplayer. People forgot that the games were fun because you played them with friends, and it started to become more about the game than the people you played it with.

      MMOs might as well be single player clicker games with ghost data from other players tricking you into thinking its actually multiplayer

    • 4 months ago

      >not listen to you fumble trying to show off your internet meme knowledge
      Don't your epic modern games come with mute function now?

  47. 4 months ago

    Online games are now a penopticon where anti-social bootlickers go to victimize others with no recourse. They've made a lot of the internet (that isnt dead) comoletely inhospitable. They're the digital versions of the sea people.

  48. 4 months ago

    >guy reaches out to me and friends me on discord
    >we become friends and he adds me to his gaming discord
    >play one game together
    >never contacts me again
    >hasn’t kicked me off his server yet, I’m still just awkwardly sitting there
    I just want to play GAMES, why are you gays so dramatic about fricking games?

    • 4 months ago

      He's likely waiting for you to reach out to him. He already gave you a medium to do it.

  49. 4 months ago

    Everyone uses discord now

  50. 4 months ago

    Who wants to be friends with amphetamine-addled 12-year-olds?

  51. 4 months ago

    all shit
    >online FPS
    all sweatfests and shitty hero shooters or boring ass BRs
    >fighting games

    • 4 months ago

      Literally just learn how framedata works and you can have fun playing them too, fighting games give you by far the most bang for your buck provided you have friends to play them with.

      • 4 months ago

        I'll bang your buck

        • 4 months ago

          its a damn shame they gave Bridget a bad end to his story. I don't even give a frick about the stupid political culture war shit, Bridget's entire fricking character arc was about proving his village wrong and going out to be a real man so because he wasn't allowed to. Him just giving up and being a girl is just him giving up and doing what everyone else wanted, thats a horrible ending to his arc.

          • 4 months ago

            It’s time for you to give up and become a girl.

      • 4 months ago

        >Learn how to block a little
        >Learn how to neutral a little
        >Can play any and every fighting game now, not well at all, but enough to have fun
        What a weird ass genre
        Can't wait to see who gets the next costume in Versus Rising

  52. 4 months ago

    >Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays?
    Videogames stopped being designed to be played with friends and started being designed to trick lonely people into turning a product into a lifestyle choice.

    Having fun with friends hasn't been the point of videogames for like 10 years minimum, the point now is just showing how many time-gated microtransactions you got by being such a good consumer.

    • 4 months ago

      >Videogames stopped being designed to be played with friends and started being designed to trick lonely people into turning a product into a lifestyle choice.
      For real though, I loved shooters as a kid but once splitscreen play disappeared I gave them up.

      Most of my friends and I caved and became madden/2k/fifa guys like 10 years ago because it's the only genre of games that still had decent couch coop and online play. Gaming is so much more fun when it's on the same screen with your bros.

      • 4 months ago

        >Most of my friends and I caved and became madden/2k/fifa guys like 10 years ago because it's the only genre of games that still had decent couch coop and online play. Gaming is so much more fun when it's on the same screen with your bros.
        You guys should start playing fighting games. You can literally play the same fighting game forever and it never gets boring as long as you have a buddy that plays

        • 4 months ago

          >be 100 times better at the game than your friend
          Now what?

          • 4 months ago

            teach your friend how to play and explain why you do the things you do and why it works, and then explain how he can counter it if he knows its coming up.
            You don't gotta win to have fun, if they like fighting games they'll have fun improving and getting good enough to take games off their buddy that they used to think was untouchable.

          • 4 months ago

            Use shorter combos and don't play to win.
            Don't fricking let him win by obviously throwing, just more jabs and pokes rather than full corner carry rapehouse, so he can grasp the basics without waiting for you to finish up your sick 20 hit

            • 4 months ago

              >without waiting for you to finish up your sick 20 hit
              Just realized why I couldn't enjoy fightans after playing with my friend.
              Then again he labbed those combos for hundreds of hours, might as well.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm so glad we call them something different here on Ganker.
                Really makes me feel like part of the board culture, you know? 🙂

              • 4 months ago

                nta but you sound a seething la la prancing homosexual man

              • 4 months ago

                If he wants to get a win screen then yeah, might as well he earned it, but if he's trying to get you to play more with him, that's only making him more annoying to play with.

                I'm so glad we call them something different here on Ganker.
                Really makes me feel like part of the board culture, you know? 🙂

                Please return to /vg/ and post about your -appas all you want

  53. 4 months ago

    All of you gays say you want friends but you're also schizoid avoidant af
    Why is that?

    • 4 months ago

      I need a gay friend.

      • 4 months ago

        what up frick nugget

        • 4 months ago

          Nothing much, reading Ganker. Thinking about gaming with a friend or on my own. What have you been playing lately? Favorite games?

          • 4 months ago

            im going through the terrible cycle of trying to make friends from this lightless godforsaken basket weaving emporium as I grind coop shooters solo
            aside from that got a nice mug of tea and expectations that we will ghost each other shortly after this

            • 4 months ago

              >"...and expectations that we will ghost each other shortly after this"
              Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy man. I remember doing a lot of Payday 2 solo when others couldn't play so I do know what that's like. I've been playing some RPG's, but I wanna take a break and try something else again. Maybe I should play an FPS again, it's been a long time since I've played through one.

              • 4 months ago

                >Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy man.
                well usually these threads don't have the best of success rates to be fair. that and it's a lot easier to get something going if you have a common game first, rather than taking the shotgun approach where you might not have a good excuse to play together.
                >Payday 2
                shame about 3, they fricking botched that one hard. drg also got put on lifesupport, so im stuck with poxclick for now.
                might look into helldivers 2, but my initial impressions there haven't been too hot.
                >I've been playing some RPG
                such as?

              • 4 months ago

                >well usually these threads don't have the best of success rates to be fair. that and it's a lot easier to get something going if you have a common game first, rather than taking the shotgun approach where you might not have a good excuse to play together.
                True, things are pretty hit and miss if you don't know what to actually talk about together.
                >shame about 3, they fricking botched that one hard. drg also got put on lifesupport, so im stuck with poxclick for now.
                might look into helldivers 2, but my initial impressions there haven't been too hot.
                Oh I know, I watched a buddy play 3 on his Xbox and he uninstalled after just one heist. Not being able to play offline for even singleplayer makes no fricking sense to me. What's Poxclick?
                >such as?
                I was playing Farland Story on PC98, and before that Etrian Odyssey 1. I like older RPG's in general. Favorites are probably Dragon Quest III and the first SMT.

              • 4 months ago

                >Not being able to play offline for even singleplayer makes no fricking sense to me.
                might have been a nice thing to have since the servers didn't even work for a whole fricking month too. just ugh.
                >What's Poxclick?
                an evil creation concocted by the swedish fatfish. if you dont know I'll spare your innocence
                real boomer hours huh. afraid im not well versed in those.
                i do like rpgs though, its just like adventure games i normally have a limit on how far back i can go with em.
                DQ is one of those things where it was obviously big for the JPsies, but i've mostly been exposed to the parodies rather than the real deal
                love me some SMT tho

              • 4 months ago

                >might have been a nice thing to have since the servers didn't even work for a whole fricking month too. just ugh.
                At the very least there's still Payday 2. I've tried out a few modded heists, might be fun to get back into those more.
                >an evil creation concocted by the swedish fatfish. if you dont know I'll spare your innocence
                I looked it up and got a result for monkeypox, so do please explain the game to me.
                >real boomer hours huh. afraid im not well versed in those. i do like rpgs though, its just like adventure games i normally have a limit on how far back i can go with em. DQ is one of those things where it was obviously big for the JPsies, but i've mostly been exposed to the parodies rather than the real deal. love me some SMT tho
                I can't say I'm super versed in PC98 stuff, the only PC98 game I completed before this was Revival Xanadu (which is probably one of my favorite games now, so good). Honestly Farland Story is pretty easy to get into, all controlled with the mouse basically. Fun simple SRPG.
                DQ is really fun, and I do recommend you give the series a shot, or a second shot if you tried before. Comfy story telling and small but meaningful changes to mechanics as the series goes on makes it a safe bet for a good time.
                Which SMT is your favorite?

              • 4 months ago

                >At the very least there's still Payday 2. I've tried out a few modded heists, might be fun to get back into those more.
                i guess, but i long since burned out on 2
                >I looked it up and got a result for monkeypox, so do please explain the game to me.
                the frick? its darktide
                >Revival Xanadu
                hitting me with more JP only stuff huh
                im guessing there's a fanpatch?
                >DQ is really fun, and I do recommend you give the series a shot
                fine fine daddy toriyama needs him some new shoes i get it, I'll add it to the backlog but I make no promises
                >Which SMT is your favorite?
                prolly nocturne, but thats mostly nostalgia talking
                i do like the spinoffs too

              • 4 months ago

                >i guess, but i long since burned out on 2
                Fair enough.
                >the frick? its darktide
                Ohh that's what you meant. I literally typed in "poxclick" because I thought that might be the name of the game. I'm a fricking idiot haha.
                >hitting me with more JP only stuff huh. im guessing there's a fanpatch?
                The only bit of Japanese is the opening and ending text crawl. afaik every version of Xanadu including its 1985 original is entirely in English otherwise.
                >fine fine daddy toriyama needs him some new shoes i get it, I'll add it to the backlog but I make no promises
                My favorite parts of his artstyle shine in DQ with the monster designs. Yuji Horii's writing does a lot for it too.
                >prolly nocturne, but thats mostly nostalgia talking. i do like the spinoffs too
                I see that one picked a lot. At first I was really put off by it due to it feeling so different from SMT1 and 2, but I've since grown to appreciate certain aspects of it a lot more. I need to play more of the spinoffs, my exposure to spin offs so far is a bit of Raidou and finishing Last Bible 1 (and KMT2, if you count the original two Megami Tensei games as spinoffs).

                I cannot speak for your friend, but generally introverted autists have a limited amount of social expenditure before they have to recharge. Luckily most of my friends are cool with me popping in and out of existence since it lets them game in peace.

                I feel this. I want to talk to people more but I do hit a limit where I just have to totally ignore messages and stuff. Even worse if it's in person. I'm glad my one irl buddy understands.

              • 4 months ago

                >I thought that might be the name of the game
                probably should have been more clear, apologies
                >every version of Xanadu including its 1985 original is entirely in English
                almost like they could have just done an international release then...
                >My favorite parts of his artstyle shine in DQ with the monster designs. Yuji Horii's writing does a lot for it too.
                there are good starting off point for them? 11 games is a daunting number
                >I see that one picked a lot
                im a simple lad of simple tastes
                >I need to play more of the spinoffs, my exposure to spin offs so far is a bit of Raidou and finishing Last Bible 1
                no shame in that, Raidou's pretty great

              • 4 months ago

                >probably should have been more clear, apologies
                No worries dude it made me laugh.
                >almost like they could have just done an international release then...
                Funny thing is, Falcom tried. They were trying to get Origin to publish it in the west back then, but when Origin saw the various trainer/shopkeeper art was traced from an Ultima manual they backed out of doing so.
                >there are good starting off point for them? 11 games is a daunting number
                Just start at DQ1. It's a very simple game but it's a fun adventure you can clear in like 5 hours or so on anything but the NES or Famicom original. I personally recommend either the GBC version for an official English release, or the SFC version translated. Both versions also come with DQ2 on the same cart.

                >no shame in that, Raidou's pretty great
                It is. I should start it over. I was playing on my PS3 but the emulation (since it's a slim model) was fricking with parts of the game. I suspect PCSX2 on my PC or Steam Deck will be a better way to play it.

              • 4 months ago

                >when Origin saw the various trainer/shopkeeper art was traced from an Ultima manual
                pffff, well that's an unfortunate way to blow it. they wouldnt even redo those bits of the art? sounds like such a minor thing to cause a complete nope out of the deal
                what's a paladin?
                >It's a very simple game but it's a fun adventure you can clear in like 5 hours or so
                well, that helps. i hate bouncing around games so it's hard to commit to starting longer shit.
                >I was playing on my PS3 but the emulation (since it's a slim model) was fricking with parts of the game.
                launch PS3s are timebombs, slims are cucked. you just cant win.
                its been ages but im pretty sure it runs alright now, you should be fine

              • 4 months ago

                >pffff, well that's an unfortunate way to blow it. they wouldnt even redo those bits of the art? sounds like such a minor thing to cause a complete nope out of the deal
                They're redone for other versions of the game. The art that was redone for Revival Xanadu in particular is much better than the traced art. But yeah I have no idea why they did that in the first place. My guess is they were probably just big fans of Ultima and probably though "Oh, they'll know we're big fans!"
                >what's a paladin?
                I'm confused, what?
                >well, that helps. i hate bouncing around games so it's hard to commit to starting longer shit.
                Early DQ games aren't terribly long. They didn't get to be really long RPG's until like DQ7, which is sorta infamous for its length on PS1.
                >launch PS3s are timebombs, slims are cucked. you just cant win.
                It's a shame. The only reason I still have my slim is 3D Dot Game Heroes. Once I can emulate that without constant crashes I'm getting rid of it. It's not even a great couch emulation machine with GBA having sound issues constantly.
                >its been ages but im pretty sure it runs alright now, you should be fine
                Ye it should be fine. I somewhat recently played through King's Field IV on it which used to have some rendering issues that were seemingly gone this time.

              • 4 months ago

                >"Oh, they'll know we're big fans!"
                this sounds just moronic enough to be feasibly true
                it's now my head canon
                >I'm confused, what?
                sorry, you name dropped ultima so I whipped out the crusty old ultima 9 memes
                >Early DQ games aren't terribly long. They didn't get to be really long RPG's until like DQ7, which is sorta infamous for its length on PS1.
                well, maybe on a rainy day I'll muster up the motivation to give em a go
                >It's a shame.
                Yeah, I "upgraded" to a slim and regretted it ever since.
                >3D Dot Game Heroes
                looks cute, fricking weird that FromSoft is the publisher. i keep finding new shit about what they got up to back in the day.
                >King's Field IV
                speak of the devil

              • 4 months ago

                >sorry, you name dropped ultima so I whipped out the crusty old ultima 9 memes
                Oh, I haven't gotten around to Ultima set but I've figured it's been overdue for me to check the series out. I definitely should consider it and Wizardry soon.
                >well, maybe on a rainy day I'll muster up the motivation to give em a go
                Hell yeah man.
                >Yeah, I "upgraded" to a slim and regretted it ever since.
                F. It was a nice system to have when I had it new but I don't even have a working Dualshock 3 for it anymore, so I have to use the PS4 controller (and that system is a paper weight due to the HDMI port burning out), with the fight stick I have hooked up just for the home button. Not worth the effort.
                >looks cute, fricking weird that FromSoft is the publisher. i keep finding new shit about what they got up to back in the day.
                It was definitely a neat game. You could share your custom made avatars on USB drives with other people which I thought was really cool for that game.
                >speak of the devil
                Oh, did you just finish it? Or is it more about the above? People are still like "wtf really?" When I tell them the Adventures of Cookie and Cream is a Fromsoft game.

              • 4 months ago

                >I haven't gotten around to Ultima
                weird, figured that'd would've been crossed off your list already
                >Hell yeah man.
                don't get your hopes up it doesnt rain here
                >I don't even have a working Dualshock 3 for it anymore, so I have to use the PS4 controller (and that system is a paper weight due to the HDMI port burning out), with the fight stick I have hooked up just for the home button.
                pain. both of my PSs are just collecting dust right now, i hope they havent become the dreaded roach hotels.
                DS3s always felt like flimsy pieces of shit, DS4s at least have some good heft to them. just have to disable the stupid light bar frick that thing.
                >It was definitely a neat game. You could share your custom made avatars on USB drives with other people which I thought was really cool for that game.
                fair enough of a gimmick as any I guess
                and here I thought the only use for usbs was transferring unlocked CFW saves onto OFW
                >Oh, did you just finish it? Or is it more about the above?
                the latter, aint touched KF in forever
                >People are still like "wtf really?" When I tell them the Adventures of Cookie and Cream is a Fromsoft game.
                +1, thats fricked up

              • 4 months ago

                >pffff, well that's an unfortunate way to blow it. they wouldnt even redo those bits of the art? sounds like such a minor thing to cause a complete nope out of the deal
                They're redone for other versions of the game. The art that was redone for Revival Xanadu in particular is much better than the traced art. But yeah I have no idea why they did that in the first place. My guess is they were probably just big fans of Ultima and probably though "Oh, they'll know we're big fans!"
                >what's a paladin?
                I'm confused, what?
                >well, that helps. i hate bouncing around games so it's hard to commit to starting longer shit.
                Early DQ games aren't terribly long. They didn't get to be really long RPG's until like DQ7, which is sorta infamous for its length on PS1.
                >launch PS3s are timebombs, slims are cucked. you just cant win.
                It's a shame. The only reason I still have my slim is 3D Dot Game Heroes. Once I can emulate that without constant crashes I'm getting rid of it. It's not even a great couch emulation machine with GBA having sound issues constantly.
                >its been ages but im pretty sure it runs alright now, you should be fine
                Ye it should be fine. I somewhat recently played through King's Field IV on it which used to have some rendering issues that were seemingly gone this time.

                Sorry to interrupt gayboys, but since you mentioned DQ.
                Which was the one that has really easy language but a good story? Trying to get some kanji practice and I'm told that's what people do but nobody can remember WHICH DQ game it's supposed to be.

              • 4 months ago

                >two anons actually replying for longer than 3 posts
                You’re part of the problem.
                I wish I had anyone I could play DRG with nowadays, every time I try with new group „it was fun”, but they never invite me anymore despite clearly stating I look forward to more. I also should try out Nocturne, only played and finished SMT 1, P5R and Touhou SMT fangame

              • 4 months ago

                DRG is basic play vermintide

              • 4 months ago

                lol nta but drg is infinitely better

              • 4 months ago

                Abandonned by the creators, timegated OCs, many many many rooms for error. Nah

              • 4 months ago

                I was merely joking to attract your attentions to my post. Sorry anons.

              • 4 months ago

                I haven't touched DRG for a good bit, the life support announcement kind of killed my interest in playing without a group. But I'd be fine playing with you if you want.

              • 4 months ago

                Anon one of them said they wanted a gay friend and it went from there.

    • 4 months ago

      because we're inherently social creatures but some of us are born with broken brains that sabotage our ability to meet basic human needs

    • 4 months ago

      I'm probably autistic (maybe), and I've deluded myself into not caring about others. And it unironically feels fine

  54. 4 months ago

    People aren't worth engaging with.

  55. 4 months ago

    I don't play online games anymore, and for the rare time I do I don't talk

  56. 4 months ago

    Most people are already operating with an established online friend group. Most people don't play online with the intent of making friends on that game, they just exist inside their discord group comms and anyone else is a outsider.

  57. 4 months ago

    Personally? It's a me problem
    I used to do that then realized I don't actually interact with most (not all) the people I randomly add
    So I stopped and then still got requests too. Then I stopped accepting requests. After a year or two less and less requests came as others started doing that too.

    I started up a game recently and I easily made a friend who invited me to party up, then friends list and we played for 2 weeks straight. Only in-game, no discords or anything. I wonder, if I wanted to, is being social and making a friend just as easy as it was before. Is it really so different?

  58. 4 months ago

    I think I got really boring. I only talk to the same 4-5 friends now. Occasionally I will add someone from a game, but I will never talk to them.

  59. 4 months ago

    Thanks to leftist corporate dicklickers you never know what you're going to get reported and banned for.

  60. 4 months ago

    fern sex

    • 4 months ago

      I M A G I N E

  61. 4 months ago

    Because Devs are killing it off and zoomers arent socialized.

  62. 4 months ago

    >Fern will turn out to be a demon to the surprise of literally nobody
    >Frieren will kill her without hesitation to the surprise of literally nobody
    >homosexuals will still seethe over it to the surprise of literally nobody

    • 4 months ago

      >Fern will turn out to be a demon to the surprise of literally nobody
      how the frick did you reach such a conclusion, anon?

      • 4 months ago

        because literally one of the first enemies in the series is "e-girl demon who learns to fight from watching one of the hero party's members" (still fun watching gays seethe over her getting chopped in half)
        because she was quite literally accompanied by another demon who who whined his ass off over Fern not following demon rules as if they're supposed to apply

        • 4 months ago

          explain fern having emotions, not having any physical traits reminiscent of demons, and such a thing somehow escaping frieren's notice

  63. 4 months ago

    I'm turning 30 and have no friends whatsoever. I don't even know what you're supposed to talk about with people.

    • 4 months ago

      Have you mayhaps talked about the things you enjoy with other people who also enjoy them?

      • 4 months ago

        I run out of things to talk about and people get bored of me very fast.

        29 in a couple months and same.
        >people talking about constantly receiving friend requests on steam
        Quite literally never happened to me. I think I got one like 5 years ago, it was a russian guy who wanted to laugh at me for the way I died during a ds2 invasion.

        Yeah only time I'll get a notification is for a sale or a russian scammer who somehow found my account.

      • 4 months ago

        >Have you mayhaps talked about the things you enjoy with other people who also enjoy them?
        Uh, no. Why would I do that.
        >Hey dude have you seen X
        >Oh yeah that was pretty cool
        >i think so too

        • 4 months ago

          >I liked the part where
          >Convo continues
          Guys, this shit isn't hard.

    • 4 months ago

      29 in a couple months and same.
      >people talking about constantly receiving friend requests on steam
      Quite literally never happened to me. I think I got one like 5 years ago, it was a russian guy who wanted to laugh at me for the way I died during a ds2 invasion.

      • 4 months ago

        I used to play on consoles and ever since swapping to PC I have noticed a complete and utter dropoff in hatemail.
        I didn't even have to do anything and people would fire off long novels at me, knowing that people went through the pain of typing that shit on a controller made it extra funny.
        On steam it's different I legitimately cannot remember the last time someone added me to shittalk.
        Also enjoy the washing machine you old hag.

  64. 4 months ago

    Won't stop me from trying.

    >I will talk in the mic on a coop game
    >I will say hello and thank you
    >I will reciprocate your help

    Nevah give up. Takes one or two time where it lands to make it all worth it

    • 4 months ago

      >>I will talk in the mic on a coop game
      >>I will say hello and thank you
      >>I will reciprocate your help
      Based and same
      Im not here to make friends, but you WILL have a good time, mark my fricking words

      29 in a couple months and same.
      >people talking about constantly receiving friend requests on steam
      Quite literally never happened to me. I think I got one like 5 years ago, it was a russian guy who wanted to laugh at me for the way I died during a ds2 invasion.


      • 4 months ago

        Also takes one good game. Once I did a fun darktide match and the dude invited me on discord because DT mic system isn't great. We talked about politic the minute after, usually you can quickly sense if it's gonna be fun chatting with peoples.

        PvE games, fellas. That's all I play and I get friend requests. The most important part is to talk to others, you're still just be "that guy" even if you're the best player in the world unless you have some level of person-ability.
        TF2 is still a big one too. In the case of TF2, I'm usually doing some kind of bit.

        In EU there's barely anyone talking besides russians

        • 4 months ago

          Now that's just mean, the worst ones are the ones typing in chat larping as a team captain not the one on mic besides Darktide is easy as frick once you get all the hidden and bugged interactions. If I wanted to have a shit team with mates I'd play league of legends

          Get in my aurics

          • 4 months ago

            If you see a dude with a hellbore maybe it's me

            • 4 months ago

              Well at least you aren't a plasma shitter.

              • 4 months ago

                Or a colomnus c**t. I only allow myself the revolver either as zealot or as wep specialist vet. Plasma both feels like cheating and clunky to play with some shots nlt appearing

              • 4 months ago

                I'll forgive your revolver usage if you forgive my knife zealotry.

              • 4 months ago

                Ark ye... the knife is too fun for me to not see the appeal. May I talk you into becoming crusherpilled ? Or devil claw 4/7 ?

              • 4 months ago

                Aye the zooming is just a bit too fun.
                You don't have to, bonking with Crusher and Ironhelm is good fun. Don't like the Claws though, heavy sword just feels better.

              • 4 months ago

                Never liked the hammer, too much setup for me with a wonky moveset. Which server are you on

              • 4 months ago

                Crucius is total dogwater, but Ironhelm sits at that just usable enough that I can make it work even if it's more effort.

              • 4 months ago

                Damn sad EU can't play on a 250 ms NA serv. the hammer seems only good for the memey two tap DH in my opinion

              • 4 months ago

                Unfortunate but understandable, NA can barely even play on NA servers.
                Eh, I just spam the powered heavies all day, IH's have alright horde clear while hitting pretty much the same breakpoints as Crucius. I'm not saying it's particularly good or anything, just that I'll frick around with it for fun's sake. Can't always go full sweat.

              • 4 months ago

                I get ya. The hammer doesn't click with me just like Kruber's hammer.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh yeah, they fricking butchered VT hammers it's a crying shame.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't matter, am a Victor with rapier Chad

              • 4 months ago

                Shame about BH tho

              • 4 months ago

                FOR SHAME SURE. My glock lad lack of survivability was balance enough, no need to gut his role and buff the dlc class

            • 4 months ago

              no, moron, that's me.

              • 4 months ago

                Uh hu it's me I'm headhunting. Bet you bought the krieg mask.

                >Funny thing my longest friend here is from /trash/.
                how? /trash/ people are insane
                wish I could have friends like that I could chat about anything with and not be pervs

                Stroke (lel) of good luck. Next editions of the threads were filled with schizos. Talked about Warhammer at the most opportune time

              • 4 months ago

                >Next editions of the threads were filled with schizos. Talked about Warhammer at the most opportune time
                I could imagine so but i'm happy you found someone from that place

                Sometimes you just gotta scrap the surface and hope. It doesn't always ended well but I'll keep trying if the opportunity is there
                I'm glad I did. Those 2 are very good lads

                >Sometimes you just gotta scrap the surface and hope.
                Yeah I guess so

              • 4 months ago

                yes but I ended up not using it because a gas man like that without an air tube connecting to the filter bag is boring. so I just use the mask that was given away for free or Scion helmet. but I'm waiting currently for the fully armoured torso to be available during one of the form rotations

              • 4 months ago

                The armageddon one looks like the only set that is worth the money because it includes a weapon camo, a gas mask and the fact the wearer can be a wise cracking dude moreso than a krieger. I also find FS to be extra israeli will all the new sets costing 2900 while the collector edition gives you 2500. The scion helmet is kinda cool but others hear the normal ult voice and it exposes the neck. I also love the redacted penance attires like the psyker, almost worth the mental pain (did it before thetalent reworks)

              • 4 months ago

                yeah, the redacted stuff is pretty cool. the preacher one fits well for the corrupt Preacher voice. I personally just occasionally make a new character and delete the old class. I've probably leveled two dozen new chars from 1 to 30+ now. and I agree, the cosmetic bullshit and how many things just seen moronic aesthetically or clipping side are annoying. they STILL haven't fixed the ogryn chin clipping through the face bandana doesn't help that fartshart is barely updating the game. and they still haven't fixed that fricking ambush music missing which they've removed in a hotfix after the twin update in December. fricking pain in the ass.

              • 4 months ago

                >occasionally make a new character and delete the old class
                dear god... Do your premium attires transfer ? I would't delete mine I got too many rolled weps on them.

                Fatshark hates us and we hate Fatshark. Sad they have a system that tickles my autism just right, also am a warhammer basedboy so usually references that go above muh cadia make me smile.

              • 4 months ago

                of course they transfer, cosmetics and such are account locked. you do lose your weapons though so I recommend selling them before deleting the char. and before they had an account based wallet you lost your money and wharever too.

              • 4 months ago

                haha ok. I keep my 4 characters they probably are all level 100.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah, I tend to keep one of each class and use the fifth slot to level a new one if I wanna have a different voice or such and then after leveling and gearing the new one properly I delete the old one.

              • 4 months ago

                damn how long have you been playing ? Also your favorite voice ? hope it's the loose canon and the bully ogryn

              • 4 months ago

                Since you could pre-order to play a week or two early. Currently around 1240 playtime.
                I like most voices though I generally prefer the male ones in voice acting quality over the female ones aside maybe the female loner psyker and the savant psyker. All ogryn voices are terrific but I like the bodyguard ogryn voice the most. He has a slight sense of melancholy during a lot of dialogue in my opinion but I like them all a lot in general. Veteran I like the Loose Canon and the Cutthroat the most for the males. I find the Professional a bit boring though personally. For Psyker males I like the Loner male the most because he insults his teammates a ton and I fricking love that. Savant is good but I'm not a fan of the accent. I find the Seer kinda annoying though with the beloved stuff and dreaming and whatever. Preacher I like the Fanatic the most. Judge is great with the things he says but the voice actor kinda sounds like he tries too hard to be deep voiced making his tone of voice a bit strange. Ironically the Agitator has a good "selfish" voice but I dislike the contents of the things he says.
                Also for the record, I play different things at different times and at update/content droughts(especially since they STILL FRICKING HAVEN'T FIXED THE GODDAMN AMBUSH MUSIC which makes the game more boring thanks to the lack of music) so I've only been playing darktide on and off for a bit since new years.

              • 4 months ago

                Very sad you're on NA you sound interesting to chat with. The content is a draught nowadays

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not NA lmao. I live in central europe. Did you mix me up with another anon?

              • 4 months ago

                Oh damn. Maybe we could play one day ? Won't be able to until Saturday if you're willing to share you FS code

                What an amusing coincidence.

                Vermintide no ?

              • 4 months ago

                Both posts you replied to are me kek and it's darktide. Maybe just steam being fricky wucky. What's FS code stand for again?

              • 4 months ago

                Farshark code if you aren't willing to share the steam code. You find it ingame social press E to find player and it's below ur name. I don't have access to my pc for the next few days

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, I don't care either way since a person can see the steam profile regardless at that point. And sure thing.

              • 4 months ago

                What an amusing coincidence.

    • 4 months ago

      There is an unfortunate correlation between how chatty someone is and how bad they are going to drag me down.
      I have been primed to have initial revulsion to your kind. I can't help it, please understand.

      • 4 months ago

        Not him but you're in the right anon. I'm a crossbreed try hard/chatty b***h and I can play well, but aside from like 1 other person I met like this we don't exist. Most chatty fricks are exactly like you say, please keep fighting.

      • 4 months ago

        Now that's just mean, the worst ones are the ones typing in chat larping as a team captain not the one on mic besides Darktide is easy as frick once you get all the hidden and bugged interactions. If I wanted to have a shit team with mates I'd play league of legends

  65. 4 months ago

    Too many soft cuck snowflakes have invaded online vidya.
    You have to walk on eggshells around them to not "trigger" them because apparently anything you say can offend them.
    Another thing is that most online game these days are made to be like work. The "competitive" MMR grind has everyone's panties in a bunch, and if your success depends on the performance of your team, then you become very aggressive against anyone who makes a mistake and you can't leave a game you know is already lost. Used to play Doturd 2 for years so I know how it is.

    • 4 months ago

      Dude, the "lock people into a game" bit has had such extreme damage to video games it's not even funny.

    • 4 months ago

      >play tf2
      >everyone says Black person every other minute
      >snowflake shows up who tries to kick someone over saying it
      >even the cykas who can't speak english vote f1 to kick him
      the last bastion of freedom
      tf2 is libertarian ideology incarnate and teaches you a lot about humanity in general
      not to mention that the new types of bots i keep finding in the game with the newest ones pretending to be humans just makes me think the whole game is some big experiment at this point

  66. 4 months ago

    i don't have time for new friends so i don't attempt making them
    the few times i've decided to be social i always come across some depressed zoomer who wants me to be his daddy
    you are all very gay

    • 4 months ago

      >the few times i've decided to be social i always come across some depressed zoomer who wants me to be his daddy
      daddy shit is gross why do people like that
      can't just be two dudes in love, nooo gotta make it weird

      • 4 months ago

        well, anon, i'm not really gay
        my point is that zoomies seem incapable of socializing appropriately, they never say hi first, never ask how you are, and if you initiate a casual conversation it immediately turns into some heavy shit about their dysfunctional family or how they have trauma or are dealing with anxieties or whatever the frick
        i just disregard anyone who isn't at least 30

    • 4 months ago

      >Add guy
      >He immediately starts calling me 'babe' while also talking about being submissive
      Literally 3 lines into our first conversation what the frick

      well, anon, i'm not really gay
      my point is that zoomies seem incapable of socializing appropriately, they never say hi first, never ask how you are, and if you initiate a casual conversation it immediately turns into some heavy shit about their dysfunctional family or how they have trauma or are dealing with anxieties or whatever the frick
      i just disregard anyone who isn't at least 30

      >playing with 4 dudes in FF14, trying to wrangle people into doing dead content
      >Guy comes in and chats with us for a bit, says "brb" while we keep getting more peeps
      >he comes back and says "sorry, was talking to my dad, I fricking hate him so much"
      >the next hour the chat is mostly just him talking about how much he hates his dad unprovoked
      I think I unsubscribed shortly after

      • 4 months ago

        sounds about right, ff14 is full of like little homosexuals like those or seemingly normal people who you come to realize are pedophiles as time goes on
        the last time i made a friend in an mmo was some chinese dude in turtle wow, not only was he nice and friendly, but he would casually send me mail with things he thought i'd need because of my professions

        • 4 months ago

          Based chink enjoyer
          I have to play games with them because nothing I like is played by the Japanese
          They are actually great and I enjoy playing with screeching mainlanders more than I did with BRs back home. East coast Russians are unironically worse than Chinese t. Fluent in Russian

          As for FF14 it made me realize that catboy players really ARE gays, even when they aren't gay.

          • 4 months ago

            russians/ukies/poles and eastern europeans in general are pure scum, i avoid them like the plague
            t. east europoor

  67. 4 months ago
  68. 4 months ago

    PvE games, fellas. That's all I play and I get friend requests. The most important part is to talk to others, you're still just be "that guy" even if you're the best player in the world unless you have some level of person-ability.
    TF2 is still a big one too. In the case of TF2, I'm usually doing some kind of bit.

  69. 4 months ago

    Why should I be social with randoms when I have all those Discord servers I talk in with my friends?
    This is how every gamer thinks now

  70. 4 months ago

    homosexual thread

    • 4 months ago

      How do we solve it? What is the final solution to the homosexual problem?

  71. 4 months ago

    I'd imagine it's you, or at least I think it's me in my case. I bet kids and teenagers are getting along in some minecrafts and fortnites as well as they ever did, it's just that at some point you grow up and then suddenly you feel like you need a good reason to try getting along with a random person.

    on the one hand, I don't mind because i don't really need new friends, on the other hand I feel like social aspect was the part of vidya magic in my teenager days. No idea what I'm supposed to feel about it, i guess at the end of the day it's all fine as long as you enjoy it

  72. 4 months ago

    >matchmaking instead of dedicated servers
    >Discord taking over in game chat
    >automatic bans for gamer words

  73. 4 months ago

    It's getting harder for me to socialise as I get older not easier thats probably the reason.

  74. 4 months ago

    >playing The Finals
    >someone comes on the mic
    >starts talking and asking where I am from, how old am I etc
    >they say they are 13
    I've never felt so old.

  75. 4 months ago

    I hate people more and more so I don't bother with adding anyone.

    • 4 months ago

      There's 8 billions peoples. Surely there's great ones if you bother digging

      • 4 months ago

        >if you bother digging
        Not worth the effort, for me at least.

        • 4 months ago

          you say that but most decent people already complete their friend group by their late 20s
          looking for friends after that is not so different from dating in that you COULD theoretically find some 10/10 hidden away unaware of her own value, but 99% are the undesirables people didn't want for a reason
          it doesn't help that the people who tend to be the most social in games are socially inept morons with zero self-awareness

          Am still trying simply because blocking someone is so easy if he's a sperg

      • 4 months ago

        you say that but most decent people already complete their friend group by their late 20s
        looking for friends after that is not so different from dating in that you COULD theoretically find some 10/10 hidden away unaware of her own value, but 99% are the undesirables people didn't want for a reason
        it doesn't help that the people who tend to be the most social in games are socially inept morons with zero self-awareness

  76. 4 months ago

    >be me
    >play for honor and Alden ring PvP
    >play better than the average punter
    >get hate mail, someone reeing at me for winning
    >"woah hey man, that's a bit harsh. I was jist playing chilling and having fun. Sorry I made you feel that way, it wasn't my intention. I'll time it down if I see you again"
    >"sorry, that was a bit over the top. I've just had bad games recently with team mates that don't know what they're doing and I got a bit angry there"
    >they send me friend request
    >party invite
    >"hey so you want to team up and play some games?"

    The loudest objecter is usually just a cry for help imo. I don't go out of my way to make friends, but being nice to spergs reeeing at me has made me more friends than taking lead on mic in overwatch and smite and stuff. Also drunk Aussies are usually great to play with. Or stoned Canadians doing fishing runs in Sea of Thieves.

  77. 4 months ago

    Talking is punishable, not talking is not. People say innocuous things and get wrapped up in filters and auto-ban systems tied to report volume. Plus, social media has rotted everyones brain, so the average normalgay in a game is hellbent on having his "ratio twitter moment" at any given time. A large number of times, talking just triggers some homosexual autist to take out on you some imaginary conversation he had in his head about someone he saw on social media.

    Basically, there is no faith in having a good conversation, nor is there faith in devs abilities to not ban you for convoluted reasons when you didn't do anything wrong. Both of these are trained behaviors from decades of experiences that are trending to be worse.

  78. 4 months ago

    yep, same as in real life
    even some ~6 years ago I would talk in chat and play together and add friends all the time, like 100+ people friends lists easily
    and now its basically nothing, people play every game like a single player game with barely any interaction with other players

    • 4 months ago

      >like 100+ people friends lists easily
      yeah see whenever a homosexual like you with 100+ friends tries to add me i immediately reject
      those aren't your friends, Black person, nobody has 100 "friends" except narcissistic sociopaths
      i've been using steam since 2005 and even with the acquaintances i can't remove for social reasons it's still barely at 25 people
      you are a dirty prostitute incapable of real friendship, you just want attention

      • 4 months ago

        you think thats something special only cause todays everyone is a total loner, back in the days it just happened organically after every good session people would add eachother and play together again - or maybe never - but the attitude was different - open friendly people
        if I was new people would try to help me with advice and carrying without me ever asking, or make fun of me being a noob too - this just doesnt happen anymore, no one interacts

        and you are a perfect example being hostile for no reason and holding on to your isolation scared of connecting to people even in some game where nothing is required of you

        • 4 months ago

          i'm undoubtedly much older than you are you fricking moron
          this has nothing to with what you said, it's the exact opposite, it's your generation of subhumans that can't even socialize who add people as friends like tokens
          you can be the most no-life autist there is, you still don't realistically have time to have 100 friends
          >if I was new people would try to help me with advice and carrying without me ever asking, or make fun of me being a noob too - this just doesnt happen anymore, no one interacts
          i see people interacting all the time, and i do too
          have you ever considered that you're the problem?
          >and you are a perfect example being hostile for no reason
          lol i literally gave you the reason, you stupid Black person
          i do not accept friend requests just so i can be another high level account on some guy's endless steam friend list, i'm not some fricking badge for your profile, troony

  79. 4 months ago

    In WoW's case, m+ put the final nail in the coffin for having good player interactions.
    FPS games are exclusively played by psychopaths and children, so that's out.
    The same goes for MOBAs.
    So yeah, not many options out there outside of XIV, gacha communities, and OSRS.

  80. 4 months ago

    It's zoomers. The only social interaction they know is on social media. And the only other social interaction they know is showing "memes" to each other.
    They're not fricking "memes" by the way you broccoli-haired clones. They're FUNNY VIDEOS.

  81. 4 months ago

    Sometimes I think about adding people from here
    Hell, I did and some of the dudes are quite allright.
    I stopped tho,mainly because I mostly play single player stuff outside of tekken, and a couple of other, and i don't like much playing online, so it always feels bad to tell someone asking to play "yeah I don't have/play those games"
    Doesn't help me being also shy, but I do try to talk with the ones I added
    Maybe it's just a me problem
    Pic unrelated

  82. 4 months ago

    So, there are actual mentally unwell girls here?

  83. 4 months ago

    I can try to be a friend of any of you

    • 4 months ago

      Anyone offering unconditional friendship to a bunch of losers on a Venezuelan Crochet Book Club must be either a serial killer or equally broken.

      • 4 months ago

        he never said it's unconditional
        i am in the same mindset as him, i don't mind meeting new people, though admittedly the people i've met off Ganker have all been awful

      • 4 months ago

        I'm just offering an hand to lonely people.
        I added many anons from here
        A couple of them ended up being long lasting friendships but I admit most of them were non that great of an interaction, or just finished very quickly

        • 4 months ago

          I remember a steam friend thread during new year eve. Added a few but didn't chat more than 20 lines on steam

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah that's what often happened to me too
            Which is fine, not everyone needs to be your friend, but the ones that stick around are very very few

            • 4 months ago

              Funny thing my longest friend here is from /trash/. Ganker peoples seem increasingly hostiles or already formed their clique

              Should be an adding anons bingo or something
              >one word answers
              >they dont play anything or only play a single game which they are now a 7k hour god at and completely unapproachable
              >they seem interested at first then ghost you
              >they literally cannot hold a simple conversation without memespeak
              >leftoid brainrot
              >rightoid brainrot
              >they fall in love with you in the span of a day
              >they only added you to beg for games
              >they die in a car crash

              Kek good one. Add
              >Cannot hold a conversation longer than "yeah I liked that game ..."

              Probably a bingo right there. Likely, really. I've been working on it by journaling and talking here and, it's getting better; I think. The more you know yourself, the less uncomfortable you are in general being.

              The only problem I had with journaling was that it became a sort-of funnel for the shittiest of shitposts, and things I'd get perplexed with; only a problem because i'd be implicatively better off talking with others and, it was something that off-put me from writing for a while, since I thought it to be redundant. I had to learn later that the journalling process helps you to form thoughts too; so it's not redundant. I oftem wind up talking about the very things I write about later, after I have the thought fully formed to it's end in the journal, to other people.

              Plus if you use an application on your PC to journal, you can embed images, screenshots, audio, video, etc. It's neat enough, but I don't think many people have caught on to it yet.

              I say this in a neutral way but I detect some autism in you. Seems like one day you'll find the perfect mate that will "click " with you and be reassuring enough.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah it's weird
                The 2 best buddies I found on this site were absolute perverts that just wanted to make me cum,but I don't really fancy erp, so we just ended up talking about other stuff

              • 4 months ago

                i feel the exact opposite
                i've met decent people from Ganker, or who go to Ganker
                every guy i've added from /trash/ is some moron who wants to fap and then deletes his discord in shame in less than 24h

              • 4 months ago

                Ganker convo on steam have been cold at best for me. One of us got lucky either you on v or me on trash.

                Yeah it's weird
                The 2 best buddies I found on this site were absolute perverts that just wanted to make me cum,but I don't really fancy erp, so we just ended up talking about other stuff

                If yoh managed to scratch away the horniness from them to get actual conversation they were just feeling lonely then. Less prison gays and the world thanks you for that

              • 4 months ago

                Hm...fair enough; no aggression recieved. Thank you.

                Hahaha...the autism is in me...this is like "the force", or something? Hahaha...

              • 4 months ago

                >Funny thing my longest friend here is from /trash/.
                how? /trash/ people are insane

                Yeah it's weird
                The 2 best buddies I found on this site were absolute perverts that just wanted to make me cum,but I don't really fancy erp, so we just ended up talking about other stuff

                wish I could have friends like that I could chat about anything with and not be pervs

              • 4 months ago

                Sometimes you just gotta scrap the surface and hope. It doesn't always ended well but I'll keep trying if the opportunity is there

                Ganker convo on steam have been cold at best for me. One of us got lucky either you on v or me on trash.

                If yoh managed to scratch away the horniness from them to get actual conversation they were just feeling lonely then. Less prison gays and the world thanks you for that

                I'm glad I did. Those 2 are very good lads

              • 4 months ago

                Besides in my opinion it's a great training at small talks for real life situations

              • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Should be an adding anons bingo or something
            >one word answers
            >they dont play anything or only play a single game which they are now a 7k hour god at and completely unapproachable
            >they seem interested at first then ghost you
            >they literally cannot hold a simple conversation without memespeak
            >leftoid brainrot
            >rightoid brainrot
            >they fall in love with you in the span of a day
            >they only added you to beg for games
            >they die in a car crash

  84. 4 months ago

    >want to be friends and socialize
    >extreme self-awareness of getting cancelled over superficials, similar to how conflicts happen IRL
    >drop off the map from time-to-time, but still think of friends while off
    >dont want them to think i'm ghosting, but don't know what do
    >wind up talking more here than anywhere else
    >reads thread
    >this is apparently common
    Gentlemen. How did we get here?

    • 4 months ago

      Getting cancelled by steam ?! Discord?! Who QUI

      • 4 months ago

        Not by something so specific or big as a platform, or small and peculiar as individual people. Rather, consequential cancellings over small crap building up over time. Who-said-what piling up, and reputative drag. I get very conscious about the promises I make, for example.

        I've never really had a reason to be worried, because people get along with me fairly, and I with them. I know how to respect, and I'm confident that I know how to navigate. Still I just look at some of the shitstorm car-crash dramadies that gets spread around in the media and, it screws with me. I compare my actions to theirs; single person or organization, large or small; without reason, and wonder consistantly if I am hyperbolically failing as such. Like I'm in a deathrace or something.

        I know I need to relax over it though, but It's still peculiar.

        • 4 months ago

          Strange, guess you lack self-confidence

          • 4 months ago

            Probably a bingo right there. Likely, really. I've been working on it by journaling and talking here and, it's getting better; I think. The more you know yourself, the less uncomfortable you are in general being.

            The only problem I had with journaling was that it became a sort-of funnel for the shittiest of shitposts, and things I'd get perplexed with; only a problem because i'd be implicatively better off talking with others and, it was something that off-put me from writing for a while, since I thought it to be redundant. I had to learn later that the journalling process helps you to form thoughts too; so it's not redundant. I oftem wind up talking about the very things I write about later, after I have the thought fully formed to it's end in the journal, to other people.

            Plus if you use an application on your PC to journal, you can embed images, screenshots, audio, video, etc. It's neat enough, but I don't think many people have caught on to it yet.

  85. 4 months ago

    Trying to talk to strangers on the internet is not "being social"

  86. 4 months ago

    >Join Guild
    >Tons of members online
    >Chat is dead
    >Ask ingame if chat is always like this
    >"Oh we don't talk in game, we all talk in the discord - posts invite link"
    >Leave Guild
    I joined a Guild discord once, it had so many locked rooms or whatever for certain groups to talk in that no one was in the general chat one, what the frick is even the point? I joined the guild to play the game and talk to people not keep an eye on another app on the off chance someone might actually hop in and talk with me.

    • 4 months ago

      For the locked rooms thing, sometimes 2 or 3 people make a room for a bit but don't delete it after.
      Me and my IRL friends have a discord that we chill in we have 6 regulars and 4 others that are too swamped with work to get online, + like 4 other friends of friends. Despite this, we have like 12 text channels and 9 voice channels. We just only ever use 1 or 2 of each. Maybe that's the same for the guild, maybe it was a "you had to be there to get the joke" thing rather than autistic hyper managing (it could still be that).

      • 4 months ago

        There was only ONE open room for general chat and I was the only one in it, no one popped in to say hello, or welcome to the guild or anything over the course of a couple hours. They all just stayed in their locked rooms chatting it up until I just left the discord and the guild and uninstalled discord and haven't used it since.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah that's fricked up anon, not worth staying I for sure

    • 4 months ago

      dude i met some guy and made a guild with him in wow because he seemed alright
      by the next day he had already made a discord and kept pressuring me and everyone else in the guild into joining it
      what the frick is wrong with these people?
      i have like 10 people on discord who are longtime friends and i won't be giving it out to anyone else

  87. 4 months ago

    I still get a few friend requests every now and then but very noticeably less. I feel like it only changed in the past few years too. Wonder why.

  88. 4 months ago

    I've given up on communicating in big, moderated games (most MMOs, any PvP shooter, etc.) altogether. Every sentence you type you give the company ammunition to lock you out of the game, so why bother?

  89. 4 months ago

    I tried the Discord game for a bit. I just found it a shitty way to exchange information about damn near anything compared to traditional forums. They pin a few posts and then the chat section is garbage itself that either gets lost in the floor or is so dead and inactive that it might as well not exist. Trying to talk about my hobbies sucked as well.

  90. 4 months ago

    I made a few good friends by helping them jerk off

    • 4 months ago

      you're one of the good ones, anon

    • 4 months ago

      You know the rules, frick off

    • 4 months ago

      They're not friends...

      • 4 months ago

        They weren't at first, but I tend to burnout and end the lewd interactions. Now we talk like ordinary friends about everyday things.

        • 4 months ago

          You are a girl, right? RIGHT?

          • 4 months ago

            I'm a girl when it comes to helping anons cum, but I have no delusions about my gender.

            >anon will never bait and switch you out of the ERP zone and into the friendzone
            why even live

            You just have to be at the right place at the right time with the right post.

            • 4 months ago

              I hate tengas so much they are so uncomfortable

              • 4 months ago

                Peepee too big?

              • 4 months ago

                no, too small 🙁

              • 4 months ago

                It's average
                It's just that Tengas are too small
                Not even the inside. It's the stupid plastic shell that has the funny colors on it, preventing the elastic parts from spreading once something is shoved inside, so everything feels really squished and it's hard to enter.

              • 4 months ago

                I think Jap toys are just made too small. Like my dick isn’t huge, but I bought some kind of highly rated sex toy from Japan and I bought the normal version instead of the “large” version and it was uncomfortable as frick. I think it was made by Tenga as well.

              • 4 months ago

                you get off ruining discussions out of your cesspit ?

        • 4 months ago

          >anon will never bait and switch you out of the ERP zone and into the friendzone
          why even live

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago


      Mostly from the /dft/ threads on /trash/.


      Having friends to jerk off with after a long gaming sesh is great.

      • 4 months ago

        i just want to meet one person off of /trash/ who isn't some chinkcel obsessed with his mom

  91. 4 months ago

    Half my online interaction is getting told off for making mistakes in monster hunter ;-;

    • 4 months ago

      play it solo frick them b***hes

  92. 4 months ago

    >then: three digit IQ people who you could call Black folk and they'd mute you at most
    >now: normalgays (two digit IQ) that have reporting meltdown every time you say anything to challenge their worldview

    It's the realization that most people are NPCs and are on par with bots, do you send friend requests to bots?

  93. 4 months ago

    gays go 18 years of mandatory education and come out with zero lifelong friends. LMFAO.
    They live in a neighborhood where nobody knows them

    • 4 months ago

      Damn right. And that's a good thing.

      • 4 months ago

        >be anonymous
        >be isolated
        >be powerless
        "Good thing"

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      all the longlasting friends i made came from dota 2 in the early 2010s
      experiencing trauma binds people together

  94. 4 months ago

    I’m 29 and haven’t bought a mic in close to a decade now. Other than discord and censorship I feel like like the novelty of socializing online has died off. Most people don’t talk to each other but instead post memes.

  95. 4 months ago

    I met a couple of my best friends who I've been friends with for 10+ years now in a steam furry ERP group because we had a mutual hatred for the admin. Everyone, me included, grew out of that kinda stuff but the friendship still lasts.

  96. 4 months ago

    I have friends ive been friends with for over a decade, theyre cool guys and we hang out irl to play board games and vidya regularly
    Theyre cool guys except for the part where theyre incels so they whine about that and think every woman is out there to ruin their lives
    They dont even have lives worth ruining yet

  97. 4 months ago

    I've gotten several friend requests playing Tekken 8 these past days, but I haven't accepted them because I assume people will just want to call me a Black person for playing Jun

  98. 4 months ago

    I'm an anti social moron, I have to force myself to even play with friends sometimes

  99. 4 months ago

    world is full of losers now

    • 4 months ago

      This, i cant understand why so many people my age are so bad at basic things like cooking a basic meal

  100. 4 months ago

    Everyone is crazy and unpleasant. The last time I tried socializing with people online was about a year ago when I decided to go into my FC’s voice chat for an event in FFXIV and they ended up sporting out about that Harry Potter game and Rowling.

    • 4 months ago

      I get what you mean but I assure you that FFXIV is one of the worst places to find same people. it's an mmo filled with homosexuals and unironic trannies, not in an insulting manner but just actually that. a big majority of the people playing that tend to be very easily butthurt over one thing or another and barely play the game to boot. it's kinda like second life with gameplay essentially. id recommend finding friend somewhere that isn't advertised as by players as "social hub" or something equivalent. non-competitive shooters or coop games are the best for this. fatshark games (despite the developers being homosexuals), deep rock galactic and shit like that.

      • 4 months ago

        >I get what you mean but I assure you that FFXIV is one of the worst places to find same people.

        Same in league of legends, used to be filled with highschool dudes but they moved on and now only troons remain

  101. 4 months ago

    honestly, i just wish i had friends to ramble about my day to and discuss the random autistic fixations that wash over me
    really tho i'm sure that everyone here that longs for a connection (even the clingy anons) will find something fulfilling eventually!
    so here's to hoping that we all find some nice pals to spend time with sooner than later :3

    • 4 months ago

      Want me to add you?

      • 4 months ago

        oh shucks sure what's the worse that could happen?
        got a throwaway email or something i could send my account to? (posting it in a thread is a bit too much for me haha)

        • 4 months ago

          am not the dude but is a good anonymous mail website

        • 4 months ago

          Not really
          But I can send you mine if you give me a throwaway mail

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                sent a request!

    • 4 months ago

      >really tho i'm sure that everyone here that longs for a connection (even the clingy anons) will find something fulfilling eventually!
      I hope so

    • 4 months ago

      >honestly, i just wish i had friends to ramble about my day to and discuss the random autistic fixations that wash over me
      Even if you get friends they won't let you do this, they never do

      • 4 months ago

        am here to play and have fun, not be your emotion sponge

        • 4 months ago

          u are not here at all *blocks u*

          • 4 months ago

            I take solace knowing you'll have a nice day at 30 from lack of attention

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, obviously dude.
        Because that's fricking boring and toxic as frick. They're not here to be your fricking sounding board, if you wanna ramble about some random fixation or whatever just talk to yourself for a while until you've worked it out of your system, that's what I do.

      • 4 months ago

        maybe if they weren't too interested in you to being with; or maybe, they just didn't realize they couldn't be friends with a sperg
        it's not a bad thing, sometimes people just don't mesh well with one another!
        finding somebody who can frick with your ramblings is only half the battle tho. you still have to be interested in them and willing to put up with whatever may wall you. no two people are exactly alike and i think that's a pitfall a lot of weirder people fall into when looking for friends (they want exact carbon copies of themselves)
        anyways, i'm sure u'll find a fren who can handle you one day :3 just keep being yourself (maybe even put yourself out there a bit more, yea yea?)

  102. 4 months ago

    I already don't talk to anybody, I don't play games to talk to people. Others just exhaust me, and I don't want to make friends (not like I could even if I wanted to)

  103. 4 months ago

    Social Media has replaced videogames when it comes to communication. So people neither really expects nor care to use it for communication anymore.

  104. 4 months ago

    I'm gonna say it.
    Discord is perfectly fine and reasonable for socializing while playing video games.
    People here on Ganker just don't like it because they're anti-social, hate group chat/interaction and/or don't like using voice chat because they sound like a homosexual.

    Everyone else doesn't have to conform just because you can't deal with talking to more than one person at a time.
    Whiny, b***h-ass cowards on this board I swear.

    • 4 months ago

      to be a middle ground I never had a bad intereaction while beiing on a friend discord GROUP (just friends being on one chat top) because the disorganized way favors VC and VC only. A Discord SERVER favors an echo chamber with different channels and internal culture.

      Besides Discord is usually handier for voice communication than ingame ones if you want to just talk with friends while gaming

    • 4 months ago

      We used Vent fine Black person. Siloing group chats to a 3rd party app is objectively cancer to a game community

    • 4 months ago

      >bro you should have to download a third party application to talk to people in their insular group discords because they won't voice chat using the in-game tools
      >just let discord harvest your user data, bro, it's not a big deal

    • 4 months ago

      No, it's because it's chink spyware. I'd rather have American spyware

  105. 4 months ago

    he said the half m word :~~*((
    i need more adderall now :~~*((

  106. 4 months ago

    people spam me with requests and messages
    yesterday some guy said it's his birthday, which i found kinda sad so i said happy birthday
    i dont personally talk that much in-game but you probably just think socializing means saying meaningless words to people

    • 4 months ago

      Why do you fricking feel sad for someone's birthday, is it not a celebration?

      • 4 months ago

        because if he says it, it means no one wished it to him.

        • 4 months ago

          What a moronic assumption, if I told you today is my birthday my whole family and friends already wished it to me.

  107. 4 months ago

    >Slopslop no Gayren

  108. 4 months ago
    Anons, please join and bring vidya discussion with you. It's not that you can't talk about other stuff but vidya talk should be a priority.

  109. 4 months ago

    Why are you asking a subreddit full of asocial losers why people don't socialise?
    They don't even know what happens outside their circlejerk.

  110. 4 months ago

    >tfw too weird to be friends with normies
    >too normie to be friends with the terminally online, clingy spergs with no interests outside games and internet bullshit

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, here is a nice bizarre middle ground. Not too close, and not too far.
      >would play games with friends more
      >has only older laptops now

    • 4 months ago

      Same tbh, I usually accidently spout a Ganker quote on normal convos but seeing online dudes being "am a femboy please thrist for me" repulses me.

      Guess am too far from normies but glad I'm not too far into the deep end

  111. 4 months ago

    >people on the current internet are pretty self-centered in general, interactions are all about stroking their own ego, venting their own problems or looking for help solving/troubleshooting their problems
    >brainwashed herd that will ALWAYS agree with the mainstream media, so you either pretend to be brainwashed or you become an outcast. There is no room for dialogue or discussion, obey the overlords or frick off, china social score style. This is specially true for gaming social circles, as they're social outcasts in the real world desperately trying to fit in any social group so they will blindly follow the big traditional media
    >virtue signaling, trying to impress people with their gaming skills way too hard, trying to impress women or just whiteknight behavior
    >will ghost/ignore you in the drop of a hat all of a sudden
    >will have a meltdown for no reason
    >politics/sexual frustration
    >politics/sexual frustration leaking by friend of a friend and everyone else is too much of a b***h to get rid of the problem because they don't understand the fine line of acceptable divergent behavior/opinions, granted this one is a problem with real life social circles too
    >if you're mentally healthy, you already have friends and are satisfied with them, while the schizos are the ones desperately seeking friends online, which is an easy conclusion to reach even on a subconscious level
    >e-celeb wienersucking / parasocial behavior

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds like the average zoomer.

  112. 4 months ago

    If I don't know the person adding me well enough I won't add them. Had nonstop requests for my TF2 inventory so I can't just add random people

    Also if it's someone that doesn't share servers in Discord then forget it

  113. 4 months ago

    Parties happened. Now anyone that is in the mood to talk with anybody is doing so on their exclusive discord channels with the in-game chat muted.

  114. 4 months ago

    Sometimes I detect based non-troon-minded American chads here through their posts on Ganker and I wonder where they hang out. Do you guys have a dickscored server or something?

    • 4 months ago

      I roam personally. I'll be honest at it. Or, I'll try.

      I frequent a few boards here, I check some internet news, and distance myself to write, attempt at drawing, and play Dota2, minecraft, or clicker games.

      My discord has been pretty unused though lately. I've got old friends from the previous ages of gaming that I'm in a server with but, that's been it. At least I can frequent Youtube while I'm doing other unrelated tasks so; I've been sticking to that. I've even been somewhat retired from here but; I just happen to be spending a bit more time browsing now since, my relationship with some current events are a bit more consolidated in my mind now.

      Twitter looks like it'd give you ADHD in just trying to get a point across, so; I think of it, rather than anything else.

      I guess you were asking for links or around the thread?

      • 4 months ago

        which clicker games ? Idle wizard is nice but am getting bored

        What a moronic assumption, if I told you today is my birthday my whole family and friends already wished it to me.

        maybe his family doesn't care enough and he doesn't have friends that remember it. You sound angry anon

        • 4 months ago

          Idle slayer is an active one. You actually use button-pressing skills a bit there.
          Also, Incremental Epic Hero 2 will scratch several itches for autistic number-watching and UI spagetti; you can farm across multiple characters there. Check their discord, they'll have a ton of codes for the ingame currency.

          >dota 2 in 2024

          It's hot wizard action in there: Most of the players I see on there know what they are doing now by now. There's an abundance of non-english names in there. I somehow made friends going back in there there that actually frequent more than me. It makes me feel bad though, knowing that I'm actually distancing somewhat from gaming right when it gets better; guilt-tripping me back fairly often.

          • 4 months ago

            i dunno, i feel dota 2 is unrecognizable today
            all the shit they changed has just made it into a different game and not one i want to play

          • 4 months ago

            thanks !

            • 4 months ago

              Np; enjoy ur clicks dood.

              i dunno, i feel dota 2 is unrecognizable today
              all the shit they changed has just made it into a different game and not one i want to play

              If it interests you and you think about it, it's probably worth it to check back in. It's still free, after all. Also; it has some of the cheapest cosmetics out of any game I've ever played right now. They aren't all cheap, but some are .4-.10 cents.

              The map is larger, but if you have any pre-update experience; you can carry it over easily by being more map-aware. You could just play storm spirit with that cheap set of armor and zap around with a good build. It's like the whole game is solved, because any player can just pick up and follow a build to learn a hero.

              • 4 months ago

                no thanks anon, i've moved on to bigger and better things
                i've returned to tf2.

              • 4 months ago

                They really do exist huh...very well then. Fight on. o7

                I fricking hate you all. Why do I keep coming to this website?

                Muh Comfy Nicheposting. I've left enough times due to the flame wars, and I can't care as hard anymore for it. The fire rises!

        • 4 months ago

          sometimes I forget it is my birthday and someone else ends up reminding me

      • 4 months ago

        >dota 2 in 2024

  115. 4 months ago

    Very noticeable in WoW especially

  116. 4 months ago

    >want game friends
    >but I dont play any online ones
    I can go back to wow but I know I will instantly regret it

  117. 4 months ago

    >Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays?
    not really, maybe it's just you or the games you're playing.

  118. 4 months ago

    So you guys wanna talk and try to become friends or not? Vagueposting and lamenting about the state of your current social life will get you nowhere! Try connecting to your fellow anons!

    • 4 months ago

      didn't you already shilled your disc above

      • 4 months ago

        That's a friend invite link, I am not related to any discord servers.

        • 4 months ago

          ok groomer

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      That link appears to not work. Are you sure it's not a group invite? I took the other one.

      • 4 months ago

        >That link appears to not work.
        works on my machine, you just need to be logged in the browser you're using and/or have your desktop app closed

  119. 4 months ago

    I fricking hate you all. Why do I keep coming to this website?

    • 4 months ago

      to be racist and hateful?

    • 4 months ago

      Its because youre here forever

      T. gay who've been stuck here for more than a decade, nearly 2

  120. 4 months ago

    >enter the thread expecting sad shit
    >now I am horny

  121. 4 months ago

    internet is mostly hispanics and indians now and I dont want to talk to them

  122. 4 months ago

    >download client-server-db of your favorite MMORPG
    >fill it with hundreds of bots
    >plug in chatgpt or similiar software to make said bots speak through chat about things happening in the world
    >they'll also speak to you if prompted to do so

    Problem, feelings of loneliness?

    • 4 months ago

      Except they all play the freakin' same you dork. And they can't call you stupid things, unless you ask for that.

      >enter the thread expecting sad shit
      >now I am horny

      I couldn't find a Nagatoro reaction image. Maybe it's for the best.

  123. 4 months ago

    I used to join random AOL groups and do some MMO grinding ages ago. Now, I don't even visit any group because I don't have the energy anymore.

    • 4 months ago


  124. 4 months ago

    >Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays?
    People are less social
    I am no one to complain anyways since i don't know how to talk to people

    • 4 months ago

      self loathing is a zoomer trait, grow up

      • 4 months ago

        found a normalgay
        frick off c**t

        • 4 months ago

          SOB SOB THE WORLD IS THE FAULT WHY I CAN'T TALK. Again push yourself you god damn lazy twat

  125. 4 months ago

    Anomie. Civilization is crumbling before your very eyes. But don't worry, there isn't much longer left

  126. 4 months ago

    We used to have PSN/XBL friend threads here all the time.
    People used to get bombarded with friend requests from strangers on MySpace based on how cool they made their page look.
    It's all symptomatic of a wider cultural change.

  127. 4 months ago

    try the past 10 years homosexual, at least back then your biggest worry was ending up in someone else's griefing compilation

    • 4 months ago

      What happened to his channel?

      • 4 months ago

        i don't know or care enough to find out

  128. 4 months ago

    All of you lonely people are good at heart. I will find a way to befriend all of you.

    • 4 months ago

      T-thank you -uguu

      We used to have PSN/XBL friend threads here all the time.
      People used to get bombarded with friend requests from strangers on MySpace based on how cool they made their page look.
      It's all symptomatic of a wider cultural change.

      Huh? Really now? Back then, I was probably just solo wii/PC gaming, and missed it. Damn, I wouldn't of guessed.

    • 4 months ago

      And how do you plan on doing that?

  129. 4 months ago

    I logged into my kongregate account and saw a few old PMs from over a decade ago, and I just realised how much I socialise even less now.

  130. 4 months ago

    Is it gay to jerk off with friends and cum at the same time while moaning in VC?

    • 4 months ago

      you're not funny

    • 4 months ago

      "Why do you need to comfirm that?" seems to be the hidden question here.

  131. 4 months ago

    >Is it just me or are people way less social in vidya nowadays?
    Socialization isn't rewarded with the rampant SBMM/EOMM in MP games. It's all srs biz bullshit, literally no fun allowed.

    Hell the Finals a "new " 3v3v3(v3) MP game that requires some coordination has ALL voice chat instead of Party voice chat

  132. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Horrible board

  133. 4 months ago



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