Is it just nostalgia or is there something about the first Animal Crossing that puts it far above the rest?

Is it just nostalgia or is there something about the first Animal Crossing that puts it far above the rest?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Depends on when you picked up the series. First game is really hard to go back to with the asston of qol additions. But as far as character interactions go it's the best by a long shot. All the neighbors are kinda stand offish until you get to know them which gives you a real reason to talk/do stuff for them. The map style is subjective as I really liked the top down Zelda style of navigation instead of the current rolling log we have now. The lost and found/dump site was sick and gave me a reason to log in every day. Certainly far less to do in that game, but that was the point. You weren't supposed to play it for hours on end.

    • 6 months ago

      >Current log we have now
      It was literally fixed in Horizon and you could turn the world flat again just pressing Dpad Up or Down. Forgot which it was.

  2. 6 months ago

    *Farts on your thread and walks away.*

  3. 6 months ago

    >Try's playing it
    >Nooks is closed after I get off work
    I swear they ripped off Stardew Valley having an overnight sell crate for the new one.

    • 6 months ago

      I always made the game 5 hours off because of this. Frick having it sync up to the actual time if it's not built around my circadian rhythm.

      • 6 months ago

        Total Black person move to make the game tied to system clock. My autism wants the clock correct in the corner

  4. 6 months ago

    it's aesthetically the best of the bunch, however content wise WW and NL are better. I hate how NL and even moreso NH totally raped the quirky aesthetic AC had in favor of sterilized cuteshit

  5. 6 months ago

    For me it's WW

    • 6 months ago

      based. this has always been my favorite. love the ost, drawing and staring at my constellations, portability and touch screen enhancements. every other ac expanded and built upon we and yet it also lost some of it's soul.

  6. 6 months ago

    Heavily carried by the most soulful OST in ages. The random hooting and meows are fricking wacky, but they add so much flavour.


    • 6 months ago
  7. 6 months ago

    homosexuals ruined the series, we are never getting a game like this

    • 6 months ago

      Like what exactly?

  8. 6 months ago

    I just always assumed it was a family game aimed at children and women. It did not appeal to me at the time so I never played it. I assumed it was just a simple, charming little game that people can relax and not overthink controls and gameplay, they can just build and socialize.

  9. 6 months ago

    it isnt the first

    • 6 months ago

      Yes it is, pedant-kun. An enhanced port is still the same game.

  10. 6 months ago

    It's more than nostalgia.

    • 6 months ago

      I like her philosophy of freedom, but more importantly:


    • 6 months ago

      Never before has there been a perfect example of soul vs soulless

      • 6 months ago

        Paper Mario

  11. 6 months ago

    New Horizons is the best AC by far

  12. 6 months ago

    Mechanically nothing, but this has never been a mechanically driven series. Atmosphere and personality are its entire bedrock, and the first one isn't afraid to have the villagers be inconvenient, rude c**ts, something that's been entirely bled out for the bland dialogue now.
    Decent OST, art that has that warm palette with a mild arts and crafts bent over the current mobile game looking art.

  13. 6 months ago

    I think the more control they gave you over the town the less interested I got.
    I just wanted to be a villager, not the mayor in charge of land development and shit.

  14. 6 months ago

    Old animal crossing had a much stronger presentation and purpose built in.
    It was about moving into an unfamiliar place, at first feeling out of place but as time went on you felt meshed in with all the funny characters and strange house you built.
    It had a sort of "forest fairies" vibe to it. Not quite wild but very much in nature, cobbled together structure, with its own weird little quirks.
    Your neighbors mattered more; there was less to do but in turn you spent more time just talking to the animals and hearing about their silly problems or stories.

    New animal crossing is more like "modern town build sim" that acts more like a glorified dollhouse decorating sim which you house your brainless amoeba residents. Instead of becoming "a part of the forest/ village" you're this Karen that designates exactly where these cute animals go and do, all while they say "Yes sir/ ma'am!" to every whim.

    They're fundamentally different. A lot of the stuff people praise new animal crossings for I think break the spirit of the game; being able to overdesign furniture and get exactly what you want took away from that using "hand me down" furniture feel that the village approach has.
    There's a complete lack of story-telling in the new ones.

    I always make the joke that Rust has more in common with old animal crossing games than something like new horizons does.
    >You join a new town/ server you are unfamiliar in
    >Not everyone is nice, but maybe through the help of someone else you carve your little space in the town
    >The more time you spend there the more acclimated you get with everyone's stories/ silly conflicts
    >You don't have full authority on what happens in this space, but in turn you grow stronger bonds that give you more agency
    >The game is more about the dynamic interactions than the "grind" that serves more as background noise

  15. 6 months ago

    Villagers were just better. Holidays were real too, not this made up christmas type shit, so there was a reason to play consistently for at least a year. I played longer than that, and I remember finding dialogue options that I'd never seen until a year in. Seriously extensive dialogue options. Back then the whole "game plays while you're not here" aspect was still very novel too. I loved that game. It holds a place in my heart. The most recent one on switch feels hella barren and I put it down after 1 month. The DS ones were sick though.

  16. 6 months ago

    A variety of things. Overall the series has become more refined in that there's more stuff to do, but they've gotten away from the founding principles instead of expanding on them.

    • 6 months ago

      pretty much this. I loved New Leaf and it's still my favourite in the entire series, but the original had that "rural" town feeling to it that the others (excluding Wild World and maybe LGTTC/City Folk) never captured again.

  17. 6 months ago

    I associate animal crossing and doom with covid lockdown chaos

  18. 6 months ago

    Only the music. The recent games have surpassed it in every other way.

    • 6 months ago

      Not in characters.
      Not in simulating a believable community.
      Not in atmosphere.

  19. 6 months ago

    Nostalgia is a powerful emotion because you're not just remembering things as they were, but you're remembering them from the perspective of yourself from back then. Changes in the latter are also a lot harder to observe than the former, so you try to attribute all of the changes to how the product itself has changed.
    The truth is, the series has changed, but even moreso you have changed and will always be physically unable to truly have the same feelings you remember having back then playing it for the first time.

    Anyway, as others have said, the original had a dope OST.




    • 6 months ago

      >The truth is, the series has changed, but even moreso you have changed and will always be physically unable to truly have the same feelings you remember having back then playing it for the first time.
      I still feel these experiences from new games. Animal Crossing's novelty of matching real world time was indeed novel and not a sticking point anymore, but there are new games that can capture similar atmospheres or feelings.

      Playing valheim together with friends and being in the meadows + dark forest captured a lot of that atmosphere.
      Joining a smaller more tightknit minecraft/ vintage story server (where people don't just frick off 100 miles to build a cabin in middle of nowhere) captures that feeling of a humble village-like community with real time passing and seasons.
      Games like cult of the lamb captures a lot of the exact aesthetic old animal crossing had- that forest village feel.

      I'd make mention of dinkum, and it is fun, but it is more like a "better new horizons" than an actual animal crossing game.

    • 6 months ago

      >Nostalgia is a powerful emotion because you're not just remembering things as they were, but you're remembering them from the perspective of yourself from back then. Changes in the latter are also a lot harder to observe than the former, so you try to attribute all of the changes to how the product itself has changed.
      This definitely has *some* truth to it; While yes,
      NH is at least *mildly* enjoyable, and with how much it has in it, it still feels like there's far less fun in it, what with the villagers saying the same stupid shit on a scripted loop, and as little there was to do in GC Animal Crossing, the villagers had/have far more personality that no amount of robotic scripting could ever hope to match. Modern Animal Crossing is just so over-bloated while simultaneously having far less to do than, say, New Leaf. The big problem is that that.. Mobile "game" (as much as I despise and refuse to call it as such, hence putting "game" in quotations because at the end of the day, they're just glorified chore & grinding sims at even its half-best and money sinkholes and such at worst!) took all of the cool ideas that should've been used for New Horizons. That being said, AC on Gamecube is rather cozy and charming as a game, even if there isn't a whole lot to do in comparison.

      >The truth is, the series has changed, but even moreso you have changed and will always be physically unable to truly have the same feelings you remember having back then playing it for the first time.
      This. Every word of this is true. A person can never have the ability to ever turn back time, as much as we all wish we could. Time marches on, we all get a little older and other things change too throughout one's life. Nobody will ever be able to experience anything and everything for the first-ever time again once it happens, be it a video game, a movie, music, etc. It happens for the first time only once, every experience after that isn't and never will be a new experience.

  20. 6 months ago

    Overall it's better
    Villagers had personality, it was a small cozy game
    Now it feels too bloated and every villager is nice to you
    No one can leave unless you tell them to, everything is decided by you
    In NH nothing feels spontaneous anymore, the only good moments were starting off with nothing

  21. 6 months ago

    gamecube ac is pure SOVL

  22. 6 months ago

    Has anyone ever found an unused special present save file for the original Animal Crossing?

    It's just a little one block save file that gives you some music disks early in a letter, but you can only the redeem the present once and then the save file stops working. I've been trying to see if the save file was uploaded online anywhere but most discussions seem to only care about using codes to get the present items without it. I would figure something like this would have been backed up by someone.

    • 6 months ago

      It has to be somewhere, that game literally shipped with the memory card because it took up 100% of the slot. I bet one of those speedrunning discords would discover it for you if you asked.

  23. 6 months ago

    Wild World was the perfect version for me due to being handheld. Had none of the Mayoral or town planner shit from the 3DS one

    • 6 months ago

      I feel like Nintendo couldn't release another one that didn't have the user playing a mayoral or town planner role. Governor, etc.

    • 6 months ago

      For me it's wild world.

      This. Wild World will always be my favorite AC.

  24. 6 months ago

    When this came out, it was a really cozy slice of life game, but obviously now we have much more content rich games in comparison.
    I'm personally just nostalgic for the early 2000s music and the art-style, not really the gameplay.

  25. 6 months ago

    For me it's wild world.

    • 6 months ago

      I wish wild world just wasn't as dirty

  26. 6 months ago

    I never understood the series when they went full blown customization. I enjoyed NL because they let you play mini games with friends, but when NH lacked it I realized how empty the games turned out. Friends were inviting me to their islands, and they seemed to enjoy it by pics they still share, but all I felt was empty. There was nothing to do but look at their creations and fish or whatever. I'd much rather play creation mode Minecraft.

    • 6 months ago

      Limitations breed creativity.
      The level of customization doesn't make up for how boring and tedious they made the gameplay with it.

      • 6 months ago

        the destructable tools and crafting is so fricking shit

      • 6 months ago

        The game felt like it was still stuck in beta and not even half complete even after all the updates. They were releasing features that were supposed to be in the base game through updates, and it was like they said frick it and took a huge break when they saw everyone bought the game already. Nook's is still stuck on just one upgrade, and a of characters were demoted to just showing up in the square instead of having their own shops. It felt like a mockery.

        • 6 months ago

          There were some features we knew about since the very first datamine and then didn't get for over a year when people were well past caring due to the big droughts

          • 6 months ago

            The fact it took an entire year just strengthens the idea in my mind that we were supposed to get those within the first few months and they were supposed to be working on more features within that year, but they saw no reason to when it outputted MK8D numbers. The furniture in a fricking mobile game still has a better selection than NH, how pathetic is that? The dev team cares about Splatoon more.

            • 6 months ago

              I definitely feel the covid boost and the game meeting their sales expectations way sooner than expected fricked things over, but honestly a lot of switch era games felt half-assed to me, like the mario sports titles (a lower priority but still).
              We live in an age where they release betas as full games and then finish them under the guise of free DLC, which they may or may not even deliver on depending on if they feel like it. I just hope they don't put the next one out before it's truly ready.

              • 6 months ago

                They at least seem to be ditching this design philosophy because I'm seeing less games with this treatment. After my experience with Aces and NH, I would wait to buy any games until most of the updates were released, but by the time that happened my enthusiasm for the game died down. It may "extend the game's lifespan" for some people, but it's made me skip out on games entirely. I even skipped out on TotK because of this, but even though Aonuma made it clear there's not going to be DLC, getting it now feels sorta "meh".

            • 6 months ago

              >The furniture in a fricking mobile game still has a better selection than NH

              Pocket Camp taught me a valuable lesson, and that lesson is "never trust a new entry in a nintendo franchise if it has an ongoing mobile game"

            • 6 months ago

              >The furniture in a fricking mobile game still has a better selection than NH

              Pocket Camp taught me a valuable lesson, and that lesson is "never trust a new entry in a nintendo franchise if it has an ongoing mobile game"

              I will never forgive them for getting rid of classi furniture sets like the Robo set

              • 6 months ago

                OG Animal Crossing has some of the best music. Even the worst music in the first game is some of the best.

              • 6 months ago

                Didn't mean to quote. Also another song for the hell of it;

              • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Yeah NL has frick all to do in it. Even aside from the lack of any minigames or activities, there's just no progression or ugprades to look forward to at all. Like half of NL revolved around you pimping out your main street with new and bigger shops over the course of months, meanwhile NH had a single store upgrade that you get like two weeks in and that was fricking it. I got bored of NH faster than it takes me to feel like I'm just getting started in NL because of shit like that.

  27. 6 months ago

    It hasss a vibe

  28. 6 months ago

    This game needs:
    >More minigames that you can play with villagers or IRL friends
    >Meaner villagers
    >The ability to visit shopkeepers at their house (in your town)
    >The option to not become a terraforming god if you don't want to

  29. 6 months ago

    The lost & found and police station were neat. Grid system was better. The rural town feeling was better.
    What I don't miss was the faraway museum. Or needing stuff like the GBA link cable to access content.

  30. 6 months ago

    I am 32 years old. None of my top 10 favorite games came out in the last 15 years and I have played all the Animal Crossings when they were new. I believe the series got better with each game and I believe the newest game is the best. Being able to put furniture outside of your house elevates the game infinitely over the nebulous concept of soul.

  31. 6 months ago

    It's comedically cynical. I always thought that gave it a weird early 2000s charm.

  32. 6 months ago

    Animal Crossing fricking sucks dude. The only explanation for you liking it is that you're a woman or a homosexual.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Seethe and dilate, troony homosexual.

        • 6 months ago

          Anime site

  33. 6 months ago

    it had the NES games in it, also comfy rain environment. It wasn't bad

    • 6 months ago

      I'll still boot up the rain music on YouTube when it starts downpouring outside. That and the igloos still remain the best aesthetics in the entire series.

  34. 6 months ago

    >try out Wild World long time ago
    >instead of making myself, decided to make my OC
    >got uncomfortable as every villager would treat me like a girl
    >drop it because of that and other reasons

    >new horizons, 50 hours in, made my OC again
    >villagers completely ignore the MC gender, they have been too sterilized to even make a single comment

    Honestly. WW and the GC are the only games that I ever felt inclined to make myself because the game will actually treat you accordingly.

    As much ACNH is full of soul with villagers roaming around doing small things, I wish other games' npcs would copy even 10% of it. ACNH villagers don't hold a candle to the OG games, those villagers were actual people, not accessories to the player world.

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