Is it possible to fix the MMO genre?

Is it possible to fix the MMO genre?

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  1. 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    No. It's over. The lowest common denominator whales drag everything down to their soulless casualized level which makes it impossible for a good MMO exist longer than a few months at best

  3. 9 months ago

    Yes, you fix it by appealing to a niche audience and going full fricking autism on it. The moment you appeal to the lowest common denominator it when your game is going to fricking die

  4. 9 months ago

    Just play FFXIV

    • 9 months ago

      XIV is probably the best MMO currently, but its quality has been seriously nosediving for the past few years. It's soon going to become unplayable unless you're an erp troony or second life transplant

    • 9 months ago

      Id rather go outside and thats not happening either

    • 9 months ago

      XIV is probably the best MMO currently, but its quality has been seriously nosediving for the past few years. It's soon going to become unplayable unless you're an erp troony or second life transplant

      >Japshit astroturfing by discord brigaders
      Lmao no one thinks your pedophile social club game is good.

    • 9 months ago

      XIV is probably the best MMO currently, but its quality has been seriously nosediving for the past few years. It's soon going to become unplayable unless you're an erp troony or second life transplant

      >best mmo
      >literal gacha lite
      wow killed mmo genre

  5. 9 months ago

    what’s broken is the mmo playerbase, not the games themselves

  6. 9 months ago


    stop making games based on what MMO players ask for. they are mentally ill morons who will homer simpson the frick out of any game they get a chance to guide development on. any game that is "made" for modern MMO fans is going to focus on all the worst things while not even the MMO fans are really going to play the game (they care more about the concept than the game)

    if you want a perfect case study on this, look up starbase

  7. 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    Is it possible to "copyright" information about the game itself so your company can issue takedown requests on any wikipedia page posting guides for the game?
    That's the only thing I can think of

    • 9 months ago

      >Is it possible to "copyright" information about the game itself so your company can issue takedown requests on any wikipedia page posting guides for the game?
      this board has some of the dumbest posters on the planet lmao

      • 9 months ago

        He's trying to find potential solutions, and I'm of the 'there are no stupid questions' school of thought

    • 9 months ago

      That's A) absolutely moronic, B) would never work. If you want to make wikis and such less useful you have to make use of randomly generated content and heavily obfuscating triggers for events. Even then this will only last until the game gets datamined and people see how it works under the hood.

    • 9 months ago

      Despite the two repliers calling you moronic, you actually can copyright wikipedia articles to a certain extent, as things like images or videos can be copyright claimed. If a guide uses pictures or footage of the game to help explain its point then it could potentially get taken down, although it's more likely that just the offending images and video will get taken down rather than the whole wiki. Purely text guides probably wouldn't be able to get taken down though.
      That said you'd piss off a huge portion of the fanbase by doing something like removing guides, since a lot of players will claim that they are nessecary (Whether that's actually the case or not). You'd be better off trying to make content that's difficult to write a guide for (Ex. Having the solution to a puzzle be based off of a unique character ID so you can't just google the answer).

  9. 9 months ago

    gachas are the new mmo, good/cheap consumer grade vr will fix mmos

  10. 9 months ago

    Just play Black Desert if you want the above one.

  11. 9 months ago

    The industry is slowly picking up on a new novel way to make multiplayer games which started with Demon's Souls and has made its way to other games such as Diablo Immortal and now the most recent entry, Mario Wonder.
    I'm talking about player ghosts, a way to have singleplayer and smaller scale multiplayer content while layering tons of players you can see and interact with on top of your instance of the gameworld. This is going to be a huge deal for MMOs in the future, allowing developers to make great (and cheap) games like Elden Ring while layering what basically amounts to a massively multiplayer experience on top of it with player ghosts. They'll create unique games where these ghosts have a varying degree of influence over your session, as well as creating new instances of varying sizes depending on how many players you physically join or invite to your world.
    It might breathe new life into the genre.

  12. 9 months ago

    Sure but the problem is every single MMO since WoW's release has been either
    >Released unfinished and buggy
    >Korean p2w
    >Development focus on quick cash grabbing instead of longevity
    I dont think its a coincidence that every popular MMO right now is tied to a pre-existing IP either.

  13. 9 months ago

    >i deliberately decided to use a wiki and minmax everything and now the game is less fun
    >how could this be happening to me???

    • 9 months ago

      If everybody else is using wikis to get ahead, you'll be left behind and have nobody to play with, and be outclassed by any body you compete against. If you don't like competition don't play multiplayer games. Competition means people will always seek out the most optimal way of playing.

      • 9 months ago

        >competition in mmos
        barely a thing outside of world firsts (which are only for turboautists who jerk off to minmaxing) and pvp (mmo pvp has literally never been good, ever). who gives a frick if you clear a raid a week later than some other spergs do?

        Go try and play an mmo without minmaxing and see where that gets you lol

        ffxiv is the 2nd most popular mmo on the market and the majority of its playerbase are morons who don't even know their basic rotations

        • 9 months ago

          Competition is everywhere in MMOs, you're too simpleminded to recognize it despite being a slave to it.

          • 9 months ago

            >despite being a slave to it
            when i play mmos i don't look anything up, take leveling slow and always check out places that look cool, try to figure out builds on my own, and i don't worry about how i compare to other players because it literally does not matter except maybe in eve
            you're the one b***hing about minmaxing ruining mmos while also arguing that you NEED to minmax because, what, you'll be considered a fake gamer if you hit the level cap a day later than average?

            • 9 months ago

              >>when i play mmos i don't look anything up, take leveling slow and always check out places that look cool, try to figure out builds on my own, and i don't worry about how i compare to other players because it literally does not matter
              So basically you don't do PvP, and you don't do end game content. In other words you play an MMO as if it were a single player game. Like I said, you basically don't even play MMOs, you just play singleplayer games.

              • 9 months ago

                lmao who cares mmo pvp is dogshit and always has been
                warhammer online was the closest to being good but it was still pretty shit
                >end game content
                it's very easy to do endgame content without minmaxing, simply find a group of people who aren't autistic

                >bro just ignore all the other players!
                Why even play an MMO? The entire point is you're playing with other people. Just go play one of your lame single player RPGs.

                i interact with plenty of players, i simply don't interact with spergs who have meltdowns if i'm doing 3% less dps than my optimal class build. you gays don't actually want to interact with humans, you want to interact with robots who do everything perfectly, so why not go play a singleplayer RPG where you can minmax your entire party to your heart's content?

            • 9 months ago

              >bro just ignore all the other players!
              Why even play an MMO? The entire point is you're playing with other people. Just go play one of your lame single player RPGs.

    • 9 months ago

      Go try and play an mmo without minmaxing and see where that gets you lol

  14. 9 months ago

    >wiki says
    what a gay

  15. 9 months ago

    There has never been a single good mmo.

  16. 9 months ago

    Just play VRChat. It's an endgame MMO already. The grinding is just improving your skills in Blender to make better avatars.

  17. 9 months ago

    tech needs to get good enough so that you can stream the entire game directly to your pc with no download that way shit never gets datamined

  18. 9 months ago

    Can't be fixed, the kind of people that play MMOs nowadays are the reprehensible antisocial minmaxing lowlife around. It's only fun when normal people play and normal people have moved onto other things

  19. 9 months ago

    nope mmos are done, all you have left are grind sessions of instanced content. all the rest will be multiboxed by some chinaman so he can buy rice and live

  20. 9 months ago

    Combine the sandboxiness of Black Desert with the combat of Lost Ark and the resources & dependence on other players of Star Wars Galaxies.
    That would be sweet

  21. 9 months ago

    mmos peaked as a showcase of new technology. the concept of an mmo was an amazing novelty at their peak. you didnt play mmos for the superior gameplay, you played because they offered an experience you couldnt get anywhere else. now the concepts of a shared world or interacting with strangers on the internet arent unique and novel. mmos need a brand new crazy tech innovation to get people to play them again

    • 9 months ago

      The shared world of competitor games is so underwhelming compared to MMOs. Destiny is probably the most successful 'shared world' game, and it's pathetic compared to even the most anemic MMO. Wow 16 people in an instanced version of The Tower, technology has gone backwards since 2005 not forwards

      • 9 months ago

        ark, rust and dayz are the biggest shared world games, imo

        they suffered popularity blows in the same way that wow was crippled. a new genre shortened the overall experience of those games into a 30 minute match. mobas/league of legends took wows pvp experience (grind mobs for xp/gold, get better gear, gank enemies) and turned it into a match. fortnite took rust/dayz/arks experience (fight 100 other players on 1 big map, scavenge for loot, build a fort) and turned it into a match.

        nothing destiny does really requires a shared world. the raids and dungeons are all instanced. it feels a bit tacked on

  22. 9 months ago

    absolutely not

  23. 9 months ago

    before I really learned about MMOs I always that a huge multiplayer world would largely be driven by the players and player content. Players would be making guilds that had real impact on the setting, players would be giving quests, players would be shopkeepers, players would own territories and war/team with each other, etc. The game would have its underlying systems and stuff then send the players out there to have at it, occasionally throwing rocks at the map to shake things up. I was greatly saddened when I found out that largely wasn't the case.

  24. 9 months ago

    Didn't want to start my own thread but I wanta game to autistically grind. Not WoW, XIV, or RS. Preferably either an MMO or a semi-MMO (ie GW1 but not full of bots).

  25. 9 months ago

    we'll see when the riotmmo comes out

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