Is it really that bad?

Is it really that bad?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Nobody said it was. It’s the best classic sonic out there

    • 6 months ago

      /v/, and lots of youtubers seem to think it's the worst one.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >listening to Ganker and youtubers

      • 6 months ago

        It has it's problems but it's still good. Saying it's the worst one isn't really saying much as 1-3&k are all great.

      • 6 months ago

        >Ganker, and lots of youtubers seem to think it's the worst one.
        they're only salty because the US got an inferior OST to JP/EU

        • 6 months ago

          I have the Japanese/European OST. Game is still bad

          • 6 months ago

            By what criteria is the game even bad? Most people find it to be an enjoyable or, at the very least, a fun game. I never see anyone argue for why it's "bad" apart from saying
            >It's LE BAD
            >BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OKAY!
            Just say you don't like it, you'll won't come off as a contrarian moron that way

            • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              The levels are unfun to play, Sonic controls badly (that huge delay in his spin dash is unusable) and most of the bosses are boring as frick.
              It's not good. 5/10 at very best.

  2. 6 months ago

    Which Sonic started the trend of "we need to have good music"? It must've been either this or 2.

    • 6 months ago

      probably from the beginning because i think the guy who did the music was known for composing pop music or something. someone may be able to confirm or deny.

      As in badass? Yes.

      i really do like sonic cd sonic's attitude. or 'tude, if you prefer.

      I've never played it but it has the best OST of the original games, but only the Japanese version.

      the jp ost is fine, but the other ost doesn't feel the need to stick to what you'd typically hear in a sonic game, and it works quite well.

      No, it's just a mediocre misuse of Sonic overall for slow-methodical platforming and backtracking instead of playing with momentum like Sonic's physics are actually built to be fun for.



      • 6 months ago

        >probably from the beginning because i think the guy who did the music was known for composing pop music or something.
        Yeah, it was right from the get-go. The bassist of the J-Pop group Dreams Come True, Masato Nakamura, composed both Sonic 1 and 2. His original demos for every track in both games were printed on CD and are available online.

        • 6 months ago

          And he's the reason why Sega usually won't include any music from Sonic 1 or 2 unless it's for a special occasion.

  3. 6 months ago

    As in badass? Yes.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      There's a former Sonic CD animator (from Toei) on Twitter who still draws Sonic to this day. He never got tired of drawing Sonic and draws him almost every day. Can't remember the name though

      • 6 months ago

        Sonic is really fun to draw so I can believe it.

  4. 6 months ago

    i think it's the weakest of the genesis games, but i still really like it and i'm not sure if i'd place CD or 2 at the bottom

    • 6 months ago

      >at the bottom

      • 6 months ago

        2 being at the bottom doesnt mean its BAD, just that its the least good. they're all still good games.

      • 6 months ago

        I always thought CD was the best. Best atmosphere and mood, most adventurous use of the mechanics. Game tries to actively stop you from going fast, but you still can, you just have to know how. Feels like it's better to play after the main games (1->2->3k) so you really know how to use the mechanics. Both soundtracks rule, Tidal Tempest is killer in both. Also, best special stage, imo. Definitely most fun.

        2 is definitely the weakest, baring maybe S&K? Too much filler. The beginning is amazing, end leaves a lot to be desired.

    • 6 months ago

      >i still really like it and i'm not sure if i'd place CD or 2 at the bottom
      I have the same view myself, I'm not sure why this opinion is so rare honestly. 2 has some poor levels that bring it down a bit.

  5. 6 months ago

    This is heavily jacked off by 90% of Sonic fans and 75% of non-Sonic fans

  6. 6 months ago

    It's the worst for a first-time play through but probably gets better if you have time to explore and mess around with the time travel mechanic. If this was one of your only Sega CD games back n the day, you probably would have loved it.

  7. 6 months ago

    No OP. It's not.

  8. 6 months ago

    I've never played it but it has the best OST of the original games, but only the Japanese version.

  9. 6 months ago

    It's one of the better games in that trash heap of a series.

  10. 6 months ago

    no, it's better than 1
    but the time travel thing was a bad confusing gimmick
    it didn't work well in a game where the point is to run like a mofo

  11. 6 months ago

    Still the best game on SEGA CD imo.

    • 6 months ago

      what competition does it even have

      • 6 months ago

        Popful Mail
        Lunar games
        Final Fight CD
        Dark Wizard
        Dungeon Explorer
        Robo Aleste
        Keio Flying Squadron
        Lords of Thunder
        Android Assault: Revenge of Bari-Arm

        Pretty heavy competition, mostly in the form of shmups. But I've heard it said Popful Mail and Snatcher are also arguably better

        • 6 months ago

          Who the frick just puts their discs down on a desk like that? Cringe

  12. 6 months ago

    I only just started playing it for the first time last week. It looks cool visually but i really havent just sat down and really played it.

  13. 6 months ago

    No, it's just a mediocre misuse of Sonic overall for slow-methodical platforming and backtracking instead of playing with momentum like Sonic's physics are actually built to be fun for.

    • 6 months ago

      Most levels in CD do make use of Sonic's physics and have unique terrain, though. Even Wacky Workbench has some of that and can also be gotten through quickly if you know what you're doing.

      • 6 months ago

        wacky workbench is actually kino when you make it through without touching the floor. it punishes 2gays hard though since they just want to hold right to win so everybody hates it.

  14. 6 months ago

    It's the only Sonic where you can run for more than 2 seconds without bumping into shit

  15. 6 months ago

    It's not bad but it definitely lost that holy aura it had before.
    I think it is pretty good but you need modding to get the best out of it, and even then it is easily worse than 2 and 3.
    Heavenly ost in both versions.

  16. 6 months ago

    It actually addresses all the meme criticisms people have with 2D sonic but people hate it anyway.

  17. 6 months ago

    Sonic does not appear to be looking at the gem he's holding, which he's holding in the most unnatural way possible

  18. 6 months ago

    I played it for the first time this week (got the Sonic Gems Collection on GameCube). It's not very good so far, what do people like about it, outside of the opening cutscene?

    • 6 months ago

      It's not my favorite of the classic Sonic games, but I enjoy it's overall aesthetic immensely. Every zone has upwards of four (mostly slightly) different levels to explore all with different music suited to each time period. I like how most of the levels are designed with a mixture of platforming and fast sections. I like the emphasis place on exploration with having to find the robot generators to get a good future. I also like that the exploration aspect is basically optional if you obtain time stones via the special stages; it's good to have multiple ways to complete the game using whatever style of play you prefer. The boss fights are unique and fun compared to the rest of the series, comprising of a whole challenge stage before the actual boss (even though Robotnik got nerf'd to 3 hits down from 8.) For me, it's simply a fun, well-thought-out game and absolutely deserves the praise it gets. It's not for everyone and I can see why some people don't care for it, but it's by no stretch of the horizon a bad game.

      • 6 months ago

        >but it's by no stretch of the horizon a bad game.
        It's not a good game tho.

        • 6 months ago

          You're right. It's a fun game

  19. 6 months ago

    It was really hyped up as that one game you couldn't play officially on console for ages. When Gems Collection came out I played it and loved it
    Both OST, but especially the JPN/Euro OST, are awesome
    I love the exploration aspect of it with the different times too, but a lot of people seem to hate that
    Also the bonus stage for time stones kicks ass and I got so good at them I could destroy them in like 15 seconds each
    Absolutely my favorite classic Sonic

    • 6 months ago


      I didn’t know about it till Sonic Gems cause apparently people had the hardest time emulating it for whatever reason till like 2010.

      • 6 months ago

        It's not that hard to just get sega/mega cd bios and shit, and the 2011 release was literally a port to another engine

  20. 6 months ago

    Playing through it now. So far
    +great ost
    +great sprite art
    +neat approach to boss fights
    +the invisibility gimmick when activating time travel
    =bonus stages are “okay”. They have a neat concept but are fairly easy
    -levels can be really tedious (the bouncing one) or downright confusing in their layout
    -the loading on the time travel makes you want to avoid it all together in the way it breaks up the pace

    I’m gonna keep the levels as a tentative negative because, like most sonic games, I want to play through it a couple of times before judging that aspect. Classic sonic rewards memorization and reaction speed do I want to give CD a fair shake. Same reason I’ll eventually try superstars even though it got such middling reviews initially. To many people stumble to the finish line on these games and write them off when that’s simply not how you’re supposed to play them.

    • 6 months ago

      Superstars feels to me like a mixture of cd and 4.
      So not that great.
      It's also extremely unpolished with glitches galore and extremely bad bosses.
      It's by far the worst official classic game, taking all the wrong lessons from its inspirations.
      I 100%ed it and never looked back, never happened with other (good) games in the series.
      It's not '06 tier but it's really meh.

      • 6 months ago

        I never planned on playing Superstars myself, but as soon as the gameplay trailer dropped for it, I fricking knew it would be some Sonic 4-tier bullshit. I'm almost certain that outside of romhacks and fangames, Mania (basically a glorified fangame) will be the last actually good Sonic game we'll ever get.

        • 6 months ago

          You are absolutely right but unfortunately the movie with shadow is near.
          A new wave of autism and angst is upon us.

          • 6 months ago

            I'd argue it never left.

          • 6 months ago

            >the movie with shadow is near.
            Doubt it. They can't get Eggman back

      • 6 months ago

        Maybe I’ll skip out then. There are still a bunch of Romhacks I need to play anyways, and 98% of the times I bet on a new game being okay I’m let down.

        I actually didn’t hate 06. I knew I was going in playing an alpha and when you learn to deal with its jankiness it can actually be kind of fun. It’s also the last time sonic hit that perfect cheesy shonen anime feeling.

        • 6 months ago

          The silver lining is that a a few tracks are made by Tee Loopes and the early levels are decent, excluding bosses, still way too much automation for me since the very start.
          I think it is a 5/10, 3/10 for me because of squandered potential and sega cutting corners like crazy.
          I would say pirate it and make your own ideas.

          • 6 months ago

            It’s wild how well Generations still holds up.

            And I’ll do that at some point, but you’re the second anon I’ve talked to that has 100%’d it and didn’t really like it. I’m more willing to trust anons that journalists and youtube personalities who fumble to the end of a game then slap an inoffensive score on it. One guy I watched reviewed it without even knowing about the Trip portion.

            CD has a Time Attack mode that removes time travel signposts so the player can focus on mastering the levels, so I would recommend you to replay the levels through that both if you want to just explore around the levels or try to master them.

            I’ll do that. The time travel gimmick isn’t awful, it’s just poorly implemented. Going fast and getting invincibility is done better than the later boost games, it’s just the awful load times. So far I’m in the camp of it still being fun but probably my least favorite of the originals.

            • 6 months ago

              >It’s wild how well Generations still holds up

              if generations is the best 3D sonic game, then that's bad news. i've never played a more average game in my life

              • 6 months ago

                There's no problem with the controls, the levels are great and the bosses are good, certainly much better than the ones you would find in Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country.

              • 6 months ago

                I thought it was trash.
                Game was ugly as frick, it couldn't make up its mind if it wanted to be a sub-par sidescroller or a dreadful behind-the-back trackrunning game, and only got by on pandering.

    • 6 months ago

      CD has a Time Attack mode that removes time travel signposts so the player can focus on mastering the levels, so I would recommend you to replay the levels through that both if you want to just explore around the levels or try to master them.

  21. 6 months ago

    Yes, it's trash. Only hardcore sonicgays and speedrunning autists will defend it.

    • 6 months ago

      I only really like CD. I think the other Sonic games are not very good and speedrunning is a waste of time.

  22. 6 months ago

    >Is it really that bad?

  23. 6 months ago

    Sonic CD will forever remind me of when an ex-gf dumped me by saying that she didn't find me sexually attractive anymore...
    I coped by paying Sonic cd and pretending nothing happened.
    10 years later, it still hurts.

    • 6 months ago

      great analogy anon. I wanna hear more about how sonic gets “Blacked”.

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