Is it smart for someone like the Xenoverse devs to use their Pokemon fangame to get their name out there and then move on to make their own original I...

Is it smart for someone like the Xenoverse devs to use their Pokemon fangame to get their name out there and then move on to make their own original IPs? Or is Animon destined to fail simply because the people that play Pokemon fangames only care about the Pokemon logo and won't play a non-Pokemon video game?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Unless the animon devs either have realistic expectations of what they can do as full-time indie devs, the game would be better used as portfolio material to get them hired on at bigger studios

    • 2 years ago

      *or are genuinely good at making games

  2. 2 years ago

    So the problem is that whatever else you can say about modern Pokemon, the designs are still overall good. We can nitpick about this or that dud of a mon, but fan favorites like Mimikyu or Snom are still coming out. It's not that hard to take those iconic designs and the existing game formula, smooth out the edges by adding a bit of difficulty or quality of life features that fans appreciate, and call it a masterpiece.

    Making something from scratch means you can't rely on the 90% of the game that Game Freak already made. Even if you have following creatures and reuseable TMs and a challenging story mode, you still have to come up with dozens to hundreds of creatures that will be a fraction as appealing as Pokemon's designs, plus animate them all from scratch, plus program the game from scratch, plus build an actual engaging game among all this shit. That's not easy.

    Honestly it's kind of cringe when fangame devs think they're automatically cut out for making a full game. It's like being a copy editor and thinking that means you're qualified to write a novel. It's just a totally different world.

    • 2 years ago

      >the designs are still overall good

      • 2 years ago

        >the designs are still overall good.
        No, they aren't. Mimikyu in particular is a terrible example, it only works with prior context that a lot of these startups don't have. Designs for this franchise have been largely awful since Gen 2, and even Gen 1's worked primarily off trends like Dragon Ball more than anything else.
        Pokemon is just too dominant, has far more resources, better advertising by light years compared to any of these projects, and profit comes largely from very sellable merchandise, not the games.
        TemTem, Coromon, whatever they just don't have that goal, they focus on the wrong things in a market that barely gives a shit about them, that these guys inject cringe and stupid shit and bad designs into their work is irrelevant

        >the designs are still overall good
        Have you seen the latest game?

        It's another round of "my opinion is objective fact", how original. have a nice day.

        • 2 years ago

          You saying pokemon designs are overall good is also an opinion and not fact, sperg. Why redditors always jump to the "t-that's just your opinion defense" will never make sense to me

    • 2 years ago

      >the designs are still overall good.
      No, they aren't. Mimikyu in particular is a terrible example, it only works with prior context that a lot of these startups don't have. Designs for this franchise have been largely awful since Gen 2, and even Gen 1's worked primarily off trends like Dragon Ball more than anything else.
      Pokemon is just too dominant, has far more resources, better advertising by light years compared to any of these projects, and profit comes largely from very sellable merchandise, not the games.
      TemTem, Coromon, whatever they just don't have that goal, they focus on the wrong things in a market that barely gives a shit about them, that these guys inject cringe and stupid shit and bad designs into their work is irrelevant

    • 2 years ago

      >the designs are still overall good
      Have you seen the latest game?

    • 2 years ago

      >Honestly it's kind of cringe when fangame devs think they're automatically cut out for making a full game
      I mean, it's true that they're different things, but having released a fangame doesn't make us automatically unable to make a game from 0

  3. 2 years ago

    yes because its not japanese

    • 2 years ago

      This if you are not a nip game, it’s over

  4. 2 years ago

    The frick is Animon? Never heard of it
    That lizard looks cool though

    • 2 years ago

      >The frick is Animon?
      just another dime-a-dozen pokemon clone.

  5. 2 years ago

    Ok... it actually could be the next Pokemon Killer...

    • 2 years ago

      *nothing happens*

  6. 2 years ago

    Nobody is going to play this shit.

    • 2 years ago


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