is it too late to start Skyrim?

is it “too late” to start Skyrim? I’ve never had a next gen console or good PC growing up, just a Wii and a DS, and hence missed out on Skyrim in my high school years. Now I’ve been spoiled by games with much better graphics to offer. Fantasy exploration is my genre of choice, will I still have fun with it?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    >will I still have fun with it?
    i dunno, do you like atmosphere? or are you a graficsgay?

    although its been actually impossible to start a new game since years, the intro sequence bugs out. so actually it might be too late, yeah

    • 3 weeks ago

      How does it bug out? I ran through it recently on impulse to do a skyrim play through and just ran past all the alduin sequences

  2. 3 weeks ago

    no. I'm playing it now vanilla I'm enjoying it more than I ever have prior, sunken almost 300 hours into across three characters. I ages like wine and I never thought it would for me but here we are.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    >is it “too late” to start Skyrim?
    Honestly as someone who started it this year, I think it's just too much pain to mod. And then the result is too mediocre.

    So it's kind of like squeezing the water out of a cactus to get water to drink, instead of just using a faucet.

    Elden Rim doesn't fix the combat either

    • 3 weeks ago

      yeah cuz ur trying to mod it, just enjoy the original first

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm thinking of coming back to Skyrim, and I'm really considering just nuking a huge chunk of my modlist aside from stability shit. Gameplay mods would probably just be limited to ADXP, True Directional Movement, and that one mod that lets you climb shit.

      • 3 weeks ago

        If you can get it to work the paraglider mod is a must. Paired with something like Chanterelle you can safely bounce along those huge mesas and general rock formations with ease. That map alone has a ton of visitas that look amazing when you can glide right over and through them. If I could find a way to actually make the paraglider itself faster it would be near perfect.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Playing without SkyUI was really bad. But then again I've been playing it in third person the whole time.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Too late for what? Skyrim 2 is going to be released around 2028

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Skyrim sucks balls
    if you have shit taste and enjoy Ubislop type stuff then give it a go, maybe you'll enjoy eating shit

    • 3 weeks ago

      this meme has lost all meaning. What aspect of Elder Scrolls resembles an Ubisoft game? Is it because its open world? You fricking game illiterate homosexual.

      • 3 weeks ago

        What aspect of "checking off a checklist of repetitive dungeons and bandit camps" is not Ubislop?

        • 3 weeks ago

          >checking off a checklist
          There is no checklist. Try again, but use more reductive jaded Ganker speak.

        • 3 weeks ago

          That's almost every open world game now, frick me even Zelda has this now? is Zelda UbiSlop?

          • 3 weeks ago

            >is Zelda UbiSlop?
            Yes. No shit.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I've never found the dungeons and other places you can explore as repetitive personally. There's actually quite a bit of varient in my opinion.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    it's never "too late" to get into anything.
    I very frequently play old games because most new games are complete garbage.
    biggest problem you might have is modding considering todd is a fricking moron and the most recent update apparently messed with a bunch of mods. they might have been fixed by now I'm not sure.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    look into wabbajack if you want mods. Otherwise just play it. Despite what people say Skyrim was a big turning point in video games and is one of the all times greats despite its flaws. There is a reason it has had new mods being made for it to this day. Its like the ultimate fantasy sandbox

  8. 3 weeks ago

    I am replaying it right now. Never played the dlcs when they came out. Definitely still worth it. The gameplay systems are pretty shallow, but the atmosphere, the design and the overall comfiness make it worth it. My recommendation is to not use fast travel (only carriages). Teleporting all over the map destroys any kind of immersion and sense of true exploration.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Teleporting all over the map destroys any kind of immersion and sense of true exploration.
      I miss athletics being a skill, you used to get rewarded for not using fast travel now it's just kind of whatever.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I tried to get into the series early in the pandemic.
    Arena was fine.
    I dropped Daggerfall but not because the game was bad, just stopped playing it for some months and I was to lazy to continue.
    Then I skipped to Morrowind and it was the worst game I've ever played that I lost any desire to play Oblivion and Skyrim.

    Sometimes I feel bad for "missing out" but then, Im a zoomer so I'm used to it.
    It's a fricking Bethesda game anyway

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Then I skipped to Morrowind and it was the worst game I've ever played that I lost any desire to play Oblivion and Skyrim.
      zoomers truly have awful taste

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Then I skipped to Morrowind and it was the worst game I've ever played
      I could tell you all about how dumb you are, but Morrowind is very rough around the edges. Honestly, I'm surprised you even attempted to play the games in order. Oblivion and Skyrim are both much more approachable for younger gamers

    • 3 weeks ago

      I like how alien and surreal the Morrowind universe is, that's the appeal. Skyrim has no appeal for me really. No amount of Souls mods could fix it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're a motherfricking moron, or in other words, Skyrim's target audience

  10. 3 weeks ago

    I just played it through for the first time ever last year. Worth it.

    I did mod it though, graphics only just to make it look better and I'll admit I made the women more booba and hotter

    also play on the hardest difficulty or else you will be a loving God with 8p% of the games content left to basically walk through with zero challenge ever.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Skyui, some upgraded graphics, character overhauls to make the people look better & use console to give yourself infinite carry weight as a baseline. Play the game & whatever sticks out to you as lacking get a mod for it.
    I'd probably get that search & destroy mod that expands enemy visibility & search range & some mods that add more random npc spawns as well as a follower mod that lets you customize your followers way more than vanilla ever lets you do.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >infinite carry weight
      You didn't beat the game.
      The carry weight is an integral part of the game's (already easily breakable) balance. You're not supposed to be able to collect fricking everything, part of the learning curve in these games is actually learning what to collect and what to ignore. Just being able to collect everything destroys this tactical aspect and trivialises the process of amassing coin.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Just play vanilla.
    skyrim legendary edition with a reshade looks great still, you'll be good

  13. 3 weeks ago

    The game is still awesome, and I've been playing vanilla without mods

  14. 3 weeks ago

    Nope, its only 10 y old, I played thru fallout 1 a few months ago and it came out in late 90s, but despite that I had a good time playing it. I reccomend Morrowind and Oblivion too, great games

  15. 3 weeks ago

    if youre going to play install perk and enchantment mods. Its the bare minimum you need to find the game enjoyable. Dont bother with graphic and combat mods its all a slippery slope into madness

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