Is it worth buying this plus 4 and 5?

i heard the combat is shit, i already have 0,kiwami 1 & 2, i played 3 back on the ps3 but i dont remember shit from it

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    3 can be skipped. Plot is pretty throwaway and the gameplay is shit. You can just buy 4/5.

  2. 2 years ago

    Yes, play them on PS3 too for the proper translation instead of the meme filled one by the Y0 team.

    • 2 years ago

      The ps3 translation was perfect from what i saw on youtube

      • 2 years ago

        lmao im sure the ps3 translation got backported to pc

        You guys trolling here or what?
        The Piss3 translation was god awful AND censored to hell.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao im sure the ps3 translation got backported to pc

  3. 2 years ago

    Combat is bad
    Story is good (for the series standards)
    Okinawa is very comfy

  4. 2 years ago

    Play them in release order, moron.

  5. 2 years ago

    Combat's annoying but it's tolerable. Okinawa's great and it's got some good substories. Main story is all over the place but it's got my personal favorite final boss, Wesker's fun, and Beautiful Eyes is fun as well.
    Unless you understand Japanese there is zero reason to play the PS3 version. The remaster brings back all the cut content, uncensors it, and gives it a proper translation at the cost of the Michiru substories and Mack's Perfect Shot. But losing those three substories pales in comparison to getting multiple minigames back and like 20 substories.

  6. 2 years ago

    Yes, the HD collection is damn good.
    The PS3 versions were censored to hell and back in the West.

    I literally finished Y3 last week. It was GREAT. Enjoyed it way more than I did of Kiwami 1-2, which honestly were downgrades from 0. Don't know what gays are crying about combat, it was snappy and fast.

    Currently playing Y4, and it's sooo damny good.

    • 2 years ago

      i watched a video of someone talking about y3 combat in the remaster and he just complained that you cant cheese literally every enemy anymore so yea

      • 2 years ago

        >can't cheese every enemy
        Oh, so it's just turbo casuals crying once more.
        I'm not even any sort of HC Souls-gamer, and I had no trouble with Y3's gameplay. Then again some folks seem to not even know that the games have features like grabbing and weapons.

        No, only buy 3. 4 and 5 are awful. The combat is only shit if you are shit. it has the best combat out of all the ps3 games.

        >4 and 5 are awful
        Can't comment on 5 yet, but so far Mr. A in #4 is a certified suave badass, and I love playing as him. Story's also way more interesting than the OG trilogy offered, but I'll see if they manage to end the game on a high note for once.

        • 2 years ago

          the cop sucks, saejima sucks, enjoy playing as them for 3/4 the game

    • 2 years ago

      >The PS3 versions were censored to hell and back in the West.
      Only PS3 3 was. PS3 4 and 5 were fine. 4 HD and 5 HD are both censored in various ways and even 3 HD is censored by removing Michiru but like I said, doesn't matter due to how much you're regaining if you don't speak Japanese. If you speak Japanese you just go for JP PS3 3 because that's objectively the best version at that point since it has all the content. The restoration patches restore some stuff, but the 5 translation overall was worse if I remember right because they changed stuff for no reason and changed a substory to reference Kenzan when it didn't in Japanese or PS3 5.

      i watched a video of someone talking about y3 combat in the remaster and he just complained that you cant cheese literally every enemy anymore so yea

      >and he just complained that you cant cheese literally every enemy anymore so yea
      Yes, you can. Tiger Drop is still broken as hell. The only difference in combat between PS3 3 and 3 HD is that 3 HD introduces more issues into combat because of the 60 FPS.
      >Sway distance is reduced by half because of the 60 FPS (Fixable on PC).
      >Pistol users can't fire at all.
      >Shotgun users can't fire but randomly glitch while they're glitching and fire a shot instantly that deals significantly more damage than shotgun shots would cause on 3.
      >Heat Actions in tag teams are on screen for about .3 of a second which makes getting some specific ones potentially take hours of agony.

    • 2 years ago

      >Don't know what gays are crying about combat, it was snappy and fast.
      Did you play on Normal or Hard? Because if you played on Normal you wouldn't understand any of the issues people have with 3 or Kenzan for that matter. Enemies are passive and a joke on Normal and barely block.

      On Hard and Ex-Hard/Legend they block nonstop and it's not like you can just drop a combo without it taking you extremely long to get out of it. S3T2 is the only combo that can even break a combo and still do damage before they regain their block and that's just chip damage. Weapons are always blocked except on the final hit which breaks guard but you can't do anything besides hit their guard so unless you're using 2H weapons and spamming at guys outside of punching range (Who don't block) you're sort of forced into charge attacking the air facing away from the enemy and then turning back to face them. Grabs and Tiger Drops are effectively all you have unless you can reach an enemy back which slows down combat flow to fish for.

      Just look at how red shirt here blocks while I'm hitting his side and then the second time I get a combo off on him he blocks after I do the lowest damage first hit of a combo. Even going for S2T2 isn't fast enough to get either finishing hit off on blue jacket without him blocking the Ts.

      • 2 years ago

        So once again, kids get filtered by blocking enemies because they can only spam Square?

        No idea what the frick that even means.

        • 2 years ago

          >because they can only spam Square?
          Did you somehow miss how I weaved in both a grab and a Tiger Drop in that fight? Where is the "Spamming Square" there? This doesn't somehow negate the fact that SEVEN HITS of a combo out of eight hits were completely blocked. Why even give me a combo that can do any of that? Why even give me finisher hits that all get blocked except for S3T2 and only because the second hit of the finisher in that combo hits twice bypassing the block unintentionally?
          >No idea what the frick that even means.
          Square x3 Triangle x2.

          >Hard is hard!
          STOP THE PRESS!
          Why are people treating Yakuza liek some sort of Souls shit now anyway?

          >Hard is hard!
          No, it's not hard, it's tedious. Kenzan and 3 are the only games in the entire series to pull garbage like this and even Kenzan makes it less frequent the further into the game you go because they start feeding in enemies who are unarmed and karate masters who can only parry your swords paired with the fact that because enemy encounters have 6-8 enemies minimum they block less in general. 3 never does. In fact, it gets worse as you progress the game since they don't stop blocking as much when more enemies are in the encounter.

          • 2 years ago

            tl;dr: "Hard" is broken, and people can't adapt their play style. Got it.
            So why not play on Normal?

            • 2 years ago

              >and people can't adapt their play style
              No, people can adapt their playstyle. You literally see it in my webm. It's that the playstyle is either fishing for an enemy's back, Tiger Dropping, grabbing and doing poor damage, doing chip damage with S3T2, Heat Actions, or charge attacking with a weapon. That's it. That's your choices. Komaki Parry is pointless compared to Tiger Drop because the parry + a full combo to a back is less damage than a TD by a decent chunk. Knockback Blow takes longer to recover from than their guard is broken. Your actual guard breaking finishers sometimes don't even break guards or take longer to recover from than the guard break lasts. Basic combos are relegated to only something you do if you have an opening.
              >So why not play on Normal?
              Why would you ever play on Normal in any of the games?
              >Enemies are passive to the point they almost never attack.
              >Enemies almost never counterattack in any way to having attacks spammed at them.
              >Enemies have laughable amounts of health that you melt in seconds.
              >Weapons do next to no damage to you, guns especially.
              >Bosses are less active.
              >Bosses have less health in general, sometimes bars less.
              >Enemies deal significantly less damage to the point that equipment as a system becomes meaningless.
              >The same applies to bosses.
              The only thing that stays consistent through any of the difficulties is Amon, that's it. The only difference is usually how much damage he does to you.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hard is hard!
        Why are people treating Yakuza liek some sort of Souls shit now anyway?

  7. 2 years ago

    No, only buy 3. 4 and 5 are awful. The combat is only shit if you are shit. it has the best combat out of all the ps3 games.

  8. 2 years ago

    Any time you find yourself thinking about playing a Yakuza game just play 0 again. It's the only actual good one.

    • 2 years ago

      I do think the rest are worth like one playthrough but when it comes to replaying, yeah, i'd only ever really go back to 0

  9. 2 years ago

    Yakuza 3 is one of the better games combat wise but its not for casual players who mostly play for the plot and mini games. Rewards positioning and use of tech like wall bounding.

  10. 2 years ago

    It has the best final boss theme in the series.

  11. 2 years ago

    Here we go, finally got it to compile. Here's Kenzan's issues. There is literally no counterplay besides
    >Sway to their back.
    >Randomly catch them during an attack and get like two to three hits off.
    >Attack over and over and keep getting blocked until they randomly drop their guard and let you get one single hit in for chip damage.
    There is no variety. This is it. This is how you play the game. When you have 1kat your options are even worse because your attacks are slower and you don't have a round block.
    >Knockback Blow is slower to recover than actually using it.
    >The O kicks you see take longer to recover from and don't even break their guard sometimes as you see when that one kick landed and he used his sword diagonally.
    >Go into Unarmed and now you can't block anything at all so if any weapon grazes you you get fully stunlocked.
    >Can't charge in Unarmed if I remember right.
    >Unarmed does three slaps and that's basically all it has as a normal attack combo that can't even break through people's blocks if they have no weapons equipped.
    >2H literally can't swing fast enough to damage an enemy after they've been guard broken unless you clip a guy on your far side who isn't even in your range.

    People aren't making these issues up, they are real issues, and the easier modes make the combat extremely boring because nothing happens and enemies melt.

    • 2 years ago

      God I want to play this and Ishin so fricking bad

      I'll know Kenzan will have it's fault but I still want to play it, NEVER EVER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

      • 2 years ago

        emulate it, the ps3 roms are out there

      • 2 years ago

        You have KHHSubs main story guide on Youtube you can follow and then for substories just use ThePatrick's guide. Yeah, it's not perfect but you can play it fully that way. Or wait for the translation patch whenever that ends up being finished. Just remember that you have to decide from the get-go if you want to fight the secret boss or not because of the missables. You can't PA and keep progress and once you get to like chapter 3 there's already missables.

        • 2 years ago

          What's your Yakuza games tier list moosey

  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      It’s true

  13. 2 years ago

    3 is garbage. Literally an anime filler arc.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Is it worth buying this plus 4 and 5?
    Yes. They are all great games.

  15. 2 years ago

    Why do I have to fight Majima 600 times and hope that a very specific version of him spawns in the city at some point so I can fill out the dragon style tree? I thought it was reasonable up to a certain point but now I think I'll just ignore the dragon tree entirely and go finish the game instead.

    • 2 years ago

      It is dumb and they did it to artificially enhance the lenght of the game. Kiwami is such a disappointment and has barely any original content thats not recycled from zero.

      • 2 years ago

        I like the Nishiki stuff

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's a curious idea, super poorly implemented. Both Kiwami games were rushed as frick, and it shows.

      Install the Kiwami REDUX mod to fix the shitty Majima grinding and to balance the game out a bit better.

  16. 2 years ago

    I really wish I could get into these games they're too repetitive and can become mundane. I'm not a storygay in the slightest

  17. 2 years ago

    >filtered by the first dungeon
    but i love the setting and story so much
    i beat yak 0-2 why is this one so hard

  18. 2 years ago

    3 is shit and I'm glad I've finished it, story related to orphanage is good but everything else is a predictable mess.

  19. 2 years ago

    Frick chases.

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