is it worth playing. are any mmos worth playing

is it worth playing
are any mmos worth playing

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  1. 7 months ago

    WOW is STILL the only MMO worth playing and I am being 100% serious.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >world of trooncraft
      >worth playing

    • 7 months ago

      WoW gayots are still high on copium loool

      OP, be smart. ont tuch WoW an their Dev Bullshit they even brought Metzen back on stage to lie to them.

      • 7 months ago

        wow damn bro a cutscene everyone exited ASAP to get their loot and go back to pushing Mythic keys

    • 7 months ago

      if you're serious then you're a literal brain damaged monkey, mentally ill, crayon muncher, butt sniffer, fatherless, child of a crackhead single mom, deformed, melonheaded, glue sniffing, poop eating, triple moron, winner of the super moron olimpiads

    • 7 months ago

      I agree.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      They hated him because he was right

      If you care about PvP or endgame this post is fpbp

      If not, go elsewhere

      Nobody cares about WoW's story post-WOTLK

      • 7 months ago

        People seem to forget this. WoW end-game is leagues ahead of FFXIV. It's not even a comparison. People just shit on the WoW story and writing when the people who actually want an MMORPG don't care as much. It just goes to show that single-player gays want a single-player game. Or erpgays want a game where they can mod their catgirl to have moon sized breasts and a giant horse wiener to vore each other with.

      • 7 months ago

        People seem to forget this. WoW end-game is leagues ahead of FFXIV. It's not even a comparison. People just shit on the WoW story and writing when the people who actually want an MMORPG don't care as much. It just goes to show that single-player gays want a single-player game. Or erpgays want a game where they can mod their catgirl to have moon sized breasts and a giant horse wiener to vore each other with.

        Meanwhile, in reality:
        Even the biggest WoW raiders think that FFXIV is the absolute king when it comes to raiding.

        • 7 months ago

          >Is there a WOW equivalent of FFXIV Ultimate difficulty?

          Yes, it's called Mythic. Jailer took 18 days to kill with over a thousand pulls

          TOP was cleared in 8 days

          • 7 months ago

            Oh no! Anyways...

            • 7 months ago

              This isn't WoW so I don't care. Post the gay frogs


          • 7 months ago

            That's just because XIV players are that much better
            Wow players took 5 months and almost 2000 pulls for TOP lmao

            • 7 months ago

              Don't forget all the WoW "hardcore statics" that came over to FFXIV and had to use dozens of cheats and tools to clear the easiest Ultimate after more than a month lmao.

          • 7 months ago

            >Yes, it's called Mythic.
            Almost spat my coffee over my screen, fricking hell anon. See

            That's just because XIV players are that much better
            Wow players took 5 months and almost 2000 pulls for TOP lmao

            , WoW raiders are just complete dogshit.

          • 7 months ago

            I love it when people do this kind of comparison
            meanwhile in reality
            >In Worlo people have to wait for CDs after each wipes
            >In Worlo they have to reclears the trash mobs before fighting the final boss
            >In worlo they have to run other fight to gear up and if they don't win the gearing roulette they literally have to jump on another character

            >Enter the fight
            >In front of the boss
            >Just go again
            >Already BiS when Ult is out

            • 7 months ago

              In Worlo a raid is as much part of the set dressing that is the world while XIV raids are just circles and squares

              They actually almost did something interesting in P7S but they forgot to make it a fun fight

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >Don't address any of my point

              • 7 months ago

                P7S was terrible, worst fight this whole raid series.

              • 7 months ago

                It was terrible. I did like the arena transitions and movement though

              • 7 months ago

                It just shouldn't have been a 3rd fight, was definitely a 1st or 2nd fight difficulty and having the only real mechanic right at the end was incredibly annoying

          • 7 months ago

            Granted the game could be different now but when I played mythic didn’t exist and ultimates in ffxiv are magnitudes harder than heroic was

            • 7 months ago

              Heroics are b***h mode. Looking at old raids I can't believe we considered this shit "hard"

              Classic gays were so determined to try to convince people their tank and spank raid tiers were unkillable

          • 7 months ago

            >look it up out of curiosity
            >the entire guide is only 19 minutes long
            >not even 1 minute in and he's telling you to set up your cheat plugin that literally tells you where to go

        • 7 months ago

          Oh no! Anyways...

        • 7 months ago

          >Difficult = good

        • 7 months ago

          >Wowgays will never know this feel

          • 7 months ago

            Bro, having feeling is cringe.

    • 7 months ago

      >WOWgays still exist

  2. 7 months ago

    mmos are dogshit and have always been dogshit
    only play it if you want a relatively decent single player jrpg and avoid anyone who talks to you about raiding

  3. 7 months ago

    If you like spending 400 hours teleporting around and right clicking npcs to watch unvoiced movies made out of slash command emotes before you can actually play the game, you'll love it

    • 7 months ago

      lmao this is the most accurate description of the "game" I've seen

    • 7 months ago

      absolutely fricking true
      the game does have some good content but i HIGHLY recommend buying the lvl boost and story skip, that shit is not worth your time

    • 7 months ago

      FFXIV is a single-player game.
      >every piece of content locked behind an extremely lengthy single-player main quest
      >both overworld and side quests are worthless since the rewards are complete ass in terms of EXP in comparison to just doing the main quest; on one hand there's never a need to grind if you stick to one class and want to play the main plot, on the other there's no reason to engage with other avenues of EXP until leveling alt roles
      >loot is worthless since the main quest gives you level appropriate gear
      >crafting and economy are worthless until hitting max level, and even then it's merely used to squeeze a little bit of extra DPS since character building is homogenized to the point builds are quite literally non-existent, which ONLY makes a difference in endgame raids anyways since for all other content players get scaled to level appropriate stats
      >when you do finally get multiplayer content like dungeons and boss fights, it's very short in comparison to single-player prereq quests, and the difficulty / gameplay complexity ramps up veeeeeryyyy slowly across expansions so much of it is extremely simple for a very long time
      >playing with friends is impossible until they've unlocked the same content in single-player
      XIV only starts resembling a multiplayer game once you're leveling alts through daily roulettes - random matchmaking dungeons and boss fights you've already played - which keeps old content alive since it's the best source of EXP aside from the main quest. The vast majority of the game is as said: running from point A to point B and clicking on NPCs: it's only worth it if you Stockholm syndrome yourself into liking the plot and characters, which do get better later on after the horrendously generic first campaign. The post-games of each campaign tend to be much better in terms of gameplay since they're packed with more instances in comparison to NPC clicking: both new ones and hard mode versions of previous ones.

      • 7 months ago

        >crying about having to play the video game

        • 7 months ago

          The MSQ barely counts as a video game.

        • 7 months ago

          90% of what he described is the literal opposite. If anything he's saying the game is probably fine if you just buy story skips and etc. Not like the story ends up worth it anyway.

          • 7 months ago

            point out what he said that's wrong. it all looks true to me.

        • 7 months ago

          >clicking on NPCs and reading dialogue for several hours straight
          >playing a video game
          Yes, I'd very much like to play a video game, perhaps I'd even like to play a MMORPG considering the game is advertised as such, however FFXIV does everything in its power to make nearly all the MMO content both completely worthless and extremely easy without providing any incentive to engage with social mechanics for gameplay progression since everything is tied to MSQ anyways, while putting multiple padded out roadblocks until players actually get to play the only multiplayer content that's actually good. I mean sure, the dungeons and trials / raids are actually great once you get to them and it's clear the devs put actual effort into both the mechanics and presentation, but you have to go through so, so much menial yet mandatory single-player shit in between.

    • 7 months ago

      isn't that how every MMO works?

      • 7 months ago

        No, you only have to spend 40h in other MMOs

    • 7 months ago

      Very cool now post all your savage or ultimate clears. Maybe even extreme trials?

    • 7 months ago

      Based and truthed. Literally any other MMO is a better MMO experience.

    • 7 months ago


      FFXIV is arguably the worst of the lot.
      Sums it up nicely but it's only the icing on the shitcake that is this game. An archaic, clunky and drollsome combat system. A complete lack of character and fantasy to how jobs play. A frankly mediocre story overall with bland characters (Looking at you Y'shtola). A complete lack of end-game content if you don't want to solely raid. Raiding always being a very linear dance with no interesting or unpredictable mechanics. An obnoxious community which has somehow managed to surpass WoW for having the worst players in any MMO. The list goes on and on.

    • 7 months ago

      lmao this is the most accurate description of the "game" I've seen

      absolutely fricking true
      the game does have some good content but i HIGHLY recommend buying the lvl boost and story skip, that shit is not worth your time

      FFXIV is a single-player game.
      >every piece of content locked behind an extremely lengthy single-player main quest
      >both overworld and side quests are worthless since the rewards are complete ass in terms of EXP in comparison to just doing the main quest; on one hand there's never a need to grind if you stick to one class and want to play the main plot, on the other there's no reason to engage with other avenues of EXP until leveling alt roles
      >loot is worthless since the main quest gives you level appropriate gear
      >crafting and economy are worthless until hitting max level, and even then it's merely used to squeeze a little bit of extra DPS since character building is homogenized to the point builds are quite literally non-existent, which ONLY makes a difference in endgame raids anyways since for all other content players get scaled to level appropriate stats
      >when you do finally get multiplayer content like dungeons and boss fights, it's very short in comparison to single-player prereq quests, and the difficulty / gameplay complexity ramps up veeeeeryyyy slowly across expansions so much of it is extremely simple for a very long time
      >playing with friends is impossible until they've unlocked the same content in single-player
      XIV only starts resembling a multiplayer game once you're leveling alts through daily roulettes - random matchmaking dungeons and boss fights you've already played - which keeps old content alive since it's the best source of EXP aside from the main quest. The vast majority of the game is as said: running from point A to point B and clicking on NPCs: it's only worth it if you Stockholm syndrome yourself into liking the plot and characters, which do get better later on after the horrendously generic first campaign. The post-games of each campaign tend to be much better in terms of gameplay since they're packed with more instances in comparison to NPC clicking: both new ones and hard mode versions of previous ones.

      Based and truthed. Literally any other MMO is a better MMO experience.


      FFXIV is arguably the worst of the lot.
      Sums it up nicely but it's only the icing on the shitcake that is this game. An archaic, clunky and drollsome combat system. A complete lack of character and fantasy to how jobs play. A frankly mediocre story overall with bland characters (Looking at you Y'shtola). A complete lack of end-game content if you don't want to solely raid. Raiding always being a very linear dance with no interesting or unpredictable mechanics. An obnoxious community which has somehow managed to surpass WoW for having the worst players in any MMO. The list goes on and on.

      hi Barry

      • 7 months ago

        >no mention of FF16 or YoshitPiss
        how can you tell?

      • 7 months ago


        Is that somebody CRITICISING my favourite MMO and only game I ever play AND even giving valid reasons why!?!? I-It's got to be that homosexual Barry! There's NO WAY anybody could GENUINELY dislike the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV with the be- w-what do you mean it didn't win the best community award this year!?!?!


        • 7 months ago

          Dude you're literally brown

        • 7 months ago

          >community award
          It's Community Support, ie the people who manage communications between fans and devs. Which XIV is notoriously shit at and always has been lol, the only other nomination blow XIV is Destiny 2.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh so gay fantasy cucks were misunderstanding the award and bragging about being the best community when that wasn't the case at all?


            • 7 months ago

              FFXIV players don't get anything. The NA reps for this game are dogshit human beings where one is a sociopath troony and the other is a diaper fetishist who is married to Kaiyoko Star, a pedophile. But it's ok that Kaiyoko sexualizes kids because he wrote twitlong.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh chilluns
                You need to go back.

              • 7 months ago

                I never heard of any of the na reps other than mister happy and that’s because of blu fever, how the frick do you nerds keep finding these freaks

              • 7 months ago

                He's talking about community NA reps, as in, people who work at Square Enix in Commiefornia.

              • 7 months ago

                I honestly never heard of any of them then and really don’t care, haven’t heard about them for 9 for years and will keep not caring about them

              • 7 months ago

                And nobody cares about you but I do anon.

      • 7 months ago

        That's Greg.

        • 7 months ago

          No its Foxxy

    • 7 months ago

      That is the game dummy and it’s fun as frick

      • 7 months ago

        it is the literal opposite of fun, there is a reason so many people don't make it through ARR
        >they just got le filtered!
        no they did not, you get filtered because a game is difficult, not because it's fricking boring

  4. 7 months ago

    Don't play
    Leave my game

    • 7 months ago

      >Leave my game
      If you're not a Legacygay you are the parasite

    • 7 months ago

      >Don't put FFXIV in the title or OP text anymore
      >Lalagay still manages to find it within the first few minutes of thread being up, no matter what day or time of day
      So this confirms that you're straight up stalking the catalog 24/7, scanning the catalog for anything vaguely-appearing like a FFXIV thread. Can't even be a bot because a bot would be triggered by keywords. You are actually just here nonstop every single day all times of the day. You literally have no life at all. You don't even sleep demonstrably.

      And the worst part? You've been doing this for 9 months straight. You're actually more insufferable than Barry at this point, at least Barry takes days off from his shitposting. You have shat up every single FFXIV that has ever been made for the past 9 months. And for someone who acts like a white knight for the game, you seem to have a vested interested in pissing off the general community of this game on this website. Very strange.

      • 7 months ago

        >You have shat up every single FFXIV that has ever been made for the past 9 months.
        This isn't exactly true. There have been a few threads where he and his buddies haven't been seen. Somebody documented a couple months back a series of threads that had no lalagays over the course of about 48 hours. And interestingly, there was also zero schizoposting. The final of these threads, about 400 posts in, suddenly the lalagays emerged then immediately schizoposting followed and the overall thread quality dropped as they spammed their images while contributing nothing to discussion.

        People started making threads like this one without XIV in the title, and it worked at keeping them away for a while, then they caught on and now not even this strategy works. No matter what you try, what image you use, what text you use (I've seen somebody make one that not only had no XIV in the title but the OP text had literally NOTHING to do with the game and the image was something you wouldn't immediately recognize as from this game, and STILL within the first few posts the lalagays found it). The speed at which they consistently find the threads now is very bizarre, and you can't use the theory of them having a bot set up like Barry did to alert them of an XIV thread via certain keywords.

        Interestingly, this strategy has seemed to keep Barry out, but not them.

        • 7 months ago

          The kind of people who do this only ever play FFXIV as their one game. They're also likely a NEET who is perma-logged (even while sleeping) and idles in Limsa or some hangout spot at all times of the day. Since they have nothing to do, they will just have the catalog open and refresh it every minute.

          There's a reason the scumfricks who play this game on Ganker are all mentally ill freaks.

          • 7 months ago

            It makes me wonder what the power bills look like for these folks.

            • 7 months ago

              I have the government pay for mine.

      • 7 months ago

        >OP image is literally the FFXIV logo

        • 7 months ago

          The point is you'd have to be searching the catalog and examining every single thread image just to find this thread, and the fact that they're consistently finding it within mere minutes (despite not being able to CTRL+F XIV to find it) confirms that they camp the catalog 24/7.

          Also people have made OP images with extremely vague XIV-related iamges (like tchat text, or fanart that could pass as being from something entirely unrelated to this game) and they still manage to find it within minutes. One time somebody had some image that barely related to the game, and the OP text was some question that had nothing at all to do with the game, and that homosexual was still the first or second reply.

          • 7 months ago

            They probably just have an alert that pings them whenever someone posts mmo/wow/ffxiv. Not just in the OP but in the thread as well. Doesn't matter if the OP tries to avoid triggering them, someone will do it eventually

            • 7 months ago

              >They probably just have an alert that pings them whenever someone posts mmo/wow/ffxiv. Not just in the OP but in the thread as well. Doesn't matter if the OP tries to avoid triggering them, someone will do it eventually
              That doesn't explain when they find a thread that neither has XIV (or any variation of it) in the title or opening text, and the image isn't immediately identifiable as being XIV related (or isn't at all), and yet they still manage to be in the first 10 replies. I'm starting to suspect they're making the threads themselves at this point because the only other explaination is that they have some sort of supernatural ability to detect XIV threads the nanosecond they're made.

              • 7 months ago

                Like I said, even if the OP doesn't have it then someone will post a keyword that alerts them early.

          • 7 months ago

            while i don't doubt that happens, i think it's also likely that there's just a lot of people on Ganker at any given time that played xiv when it got popular and it got spammed on Ganker and thought it sucked

  5. 7 months ago

    >playing mmos

  6. 7 months ago

    if you like hanging out with zoomers and groomers

  7. 7 months ago


  8. 7 months ago

    I started playing LOTRO the other day and wanted to play some now, but it's under maintenance
    My EU server seems pretty slow, not many low levels about so I mostly end up reading bored vets talking about food and alcohol in global while I get lost

  9. 7 months ago

    there are definitely good MMOs but Ganker has shit taste and wont tell you about the good ones
    protip: WoWclone themepark MMOs are never good

  10. 7 months ago

    Yes but only if you use a controller. Free trial gives you a stupid amount of content

  11. 7 months ago

    i dunno
    i dunno

  12. 7 months ago

    You get more shit to do in the free trial than you do out of paying a subscription
    >ARR, HW, SB
    >subscription content: ShB, EW

  13. 7 months ago

    >french player randomly blames me for his poor performance and leaves the EX trial

    • 7 months ago

      I'm single handedly forcing all the French homosexuals on Chaos to speak English. They WILL learn English and they WILL like it.

  14. 7 months ago

    It's a fun game try it out

  15. 7 months ago

    >is it worth playing
    It has a pretty good story in some places but 90% of the time it's just boring.
    >are any mmos worth playing
    Maybe swtor or eso and even then it depends on the person.
    And only because they are basically singleplayer games and you better not touch mmo shit at all.

    • 7 months ago

      Forgot image

      • 7 months ago

        You haven't played for over a year but still come in to FFXIV threads? I know you're looking for a reason to play but haven't found it yet. Come back in 7.0 anon, Dawntrail is apparently going full multiplayer focused mode according to Yoshida's interview with Famitsu. If he's lying and making it up, then well you'll know it's over and 7.0 will be the last time to look in on the game.

        • 7 months ago

          I came to mmo thread, not ffxiv. And I would probably continue playing it if I still had a free subscription.

          now, I can't speak on SWTOR because I never played it, but why in the ever living frick would you ever recommend ESO to anyone?

          A lot of people like this kind of shit, even I had some fun playing eso. Like I said it's a matter of taste.

          Swtor is literally a bad version of ffxiv
          >story focused mmo on an IP that is now giga cringe

          Swtor is actually fun unlike boring ff14 walls of text.

          • 7 months ago

            Yep, it’s a poorgay playing poor man’s ffxiv because it has f2p. Swtor is literally Brazilian ffxiv

            • 7 months ago

              I don't playing any mmo at all right now.
              Imagine unironically paying to be allowed to play game you bought.

              • 7 months ago

                >complaining about the sub
                this is we we need filters

              • 7 months ago

                >we we filters
                Who are you calling an ESL? Also that gay is right, imagine paying not only for your ISP but the game itself on top of its expansion packs. That's not counting the fact that the game has the gall to litter a cash shop with about $5000+ worth of items with plenty of them being unobtainable in-game.

              • 7 months ago

                Holy ESL

        • 7 months ago

          i don't think cbu3 fundamentally understands what makes multiplayer games fun

    • 7 months ago

      now, I can't speak on SWTOR because I never played it, but why in the ever living frick would you ever recommend ESO to anyone?

      • 7 months ago

        Swtor is literally a bad version of ffxiv
        >story focused mmo on an IP that is now giga cringe

        • 7 months ago

          Unlike FFXIV the SWTOR campaigns are actually good

        • 7 months ago

          focused mmo on an IP that is now giga cringe
          But enough about ff14

    • 7 months ago

      swtor was worth playing but not anymore, the raiding scene is decimated since 7.0, and the pvp community is decimated since 7.2 removing ranked
      tragic really

  16. 7 months ago

    Played from 2.2 to whenever the first raid dropped this expac.
    Basically every expansion after HW felt like we lost more than we gained.
    Ended up quitting for BDO

    • 7 months ago

      >Ended up quitting for BDO

      • 7 months ago

        Stay mad
        There's shit to do and I'm not dodging trannies and groomers all the time

        • 7 months ago

          lol you're playing with all the other hipsters that think they're too good for FFXIV and obsessively scan search infos and adventurer plates for any whiff of wrongthink

          • 7 months ago

            I'm not playing with anyone.
            BDO is a single player MMO. I can do whatever I want whenever I want
            Like I said, stay mad

            • 7 months ago

              I miss open world so much bros, even arsha is dying now.

  17. 7 months ago

    I personally think its the best MMO on the market currently but the bar is set so low these days it basically means nothing

    • 7 months ago

      >New World was poojeet doodoo crap garbage
      >Riot MMO is in fricking purgatory, and even then, it's Riot
      >AoC is vaporware, and even if it comes out, they're bending the knee to fricking streamers
      >Blue Protocol already flopped even before the western release (that was already destined to failed because Amazon anyway)
      >asiatic slop is asiatic slop
      yeah, MMOs are just dead
      probably for the best

      • 7 months ago

        >AoC is vaporware, and even if it comes out, they're bending the knee to fricking streamers
        That's why that game will fail, NewWorld did something similar and lost all 99% of it's playerbase when the marketing budget ran out and the Streamers left. But AoC is from the ground up listening to Streamers, which is the worst thing you can do. You need to have your own design clarity and follow through not be pressured by a Streamer who has a large following.
        Yoshida too is not above this, the very fact Criterion and Variant exists is because of Asmongold and trying to appeal to him. Thankfully he fricked off and won't touch FFXIV again, and we won't have the game developed with Streamers in mind again.

        • 7 months ago

          Variants are a good addition to the game streamershit or not
          Criterion is fine if you like Savage fights
          Criterion Savage, however... I don't know what the frick were they thinking

          • 7 months ago

            imo criterion/savage being REWARDLESS is asmon and streamers' fault, since they wouldn't shut the frick up about hard content for hard content's sake, but the dungeons themselves are a response to neckbeard outcry for less linear dungeons and low dungeon variety (now that traditional dungeons are pretty much MSQ and entry-level expert roulette, so no (Hard) dungeons)

            > since they wouldn't shut the frick up about hard content for hard content's sake,
            Yoshida specifically stated that putting in no rewards would be ok because the content itself would be enough for people. So after him saying that, and you aligning up with what Streamers said before. I do think he became quite arrogant with how the playerbase would just eat it up, but they didn't and the 665 weapon in Criterion Savage was proof they knew they pissed off people thinking the content without rewards would be ok. This is why I think overrall EW being a mixed bag will be good for the game going forward, Yoshida needed humbling a bit, so they're not simply coasting on putting in MVP, and have to do something to keep people engaged. I'm hopeful for 7.0 from what I've seen so far and what has been announced but, I'm waiting to see before thinking they learned their lesson.

            • 7 months ago

              given that yoshida is a bit of an MMO graybeard himself i give him the benefit of the doubt and think criterion/savage was ultimately an experiment in seeing if the "hardcore games for hardcore gamers" types that attach themselves to MMOs are just talk
              i do know the man isn't *moronic* where MMOs are concerned, most things have gone away for a reason, whether or not it was a good reason is the debatable part

              • 7 months ago

                yoshida has either forgotten about what makes multiplayer games fun or he has convinced himself that the modern audience requires a totally different way of thinking. i don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt

              • 7 months ago

                Japanese business practice. They're not known for innovation, they're known for sticking to the status quo very consistently. Yoshida has consistently mentioned Ultima Online being one of his favorite MMOs, but he's acutely aware of the audience in this game and isn't interested in rocking the boat to appease outsiders. Same way Japanese products are insular and don't care about gaijin money.

              • 7 months ago

                shitting on 1.X as relentlessly as yoshida does is definitely not japanese business practice

              • 7 months ago

                It is when it's postured as a way to honor the customer. Self-flagellation is a core japanese principle.

              • 7 months ago

                the problem with this is Yoshida is literally on record saying the exact opposite about 1.0 > ARR so what happened to that line of thinking?

              • 7 months ago

                It's why he elicits as much support or trust because they know he is capable when he puts his mind to it, the very existence of the game is proof of that from 1.0 to ARR e.t.c. That said, he definitely had split focus for EW between ff16 and FFXIV, especially how Covid fricked over development even harder in Japan due to a very harsh lockdown only getting lifted at the end of last year. I'm more sympathetic to the game than simply jumping on a hate wagon, like I said I do think 7.0 is their chance to show off if they still have interesting ideas or if Shadowbringers/ EW formula is really the height of what they're capable of.

            • 7 months ago

              >Yoshida specifically stated that putting in no rewards would be ok because the content itself would be enough for people
              I find it funny that he hasnt learned his lesson after the Anemos crowd crashed once Pagos came out after making that same claim.

              • 7 months ago

                TWO PIGS.

              • 7 months ago

                pagos was hated because the geography and mob placement was designed specifically to segregate people based on level progression, despite being "exploration" content

              • 7 months ago

                that’s the whole of eureka

            • 7 months ago

              the problem with "no rewards" is there's no replay value. and to some extent the streamers are right regarding savage, there's no difference b/w it and not dying in normal criterion, its the same exact fights except savage has a hard requirement of no deaths

              • 7 months ago

                > its the same exact fights
                no it isn't. this is something you can find out within minutes of looking up differences

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you lying? It's the exact fricking same thing but the numbers are bigger.

        • 7 months ago

          imo criterion/savage being REWARDLESS is asmon and streamers' fault, since they wouldn't shut the frick up about hard content for hard content's sake, but the dungeons themselves are a response to neckbeard outcry for less linear dungeons and low dungeon variety (now that traditional dungeons are pretty much MSQ and entry-level expert roulette, so no (Hard) dungeons)

  18. 7 months ago

    frick all the haters hop on WIZARD101 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 7 months ago

      I remember playing when I was younger is it really any good
      does it still have a paywall

      • 7 months ago

        it still has a paywall sadly but the game is fun

  19. 7 months ago

    Daily reminder that FFcultism is a mental illness.

  20. 7 months ago

    my honest answer, it's either FFXIV or GW2
    both have different things going for them that some you may like and dislike, otherwise just quit playing MMOs and stick to co-op games if you still crave playing with people online

    or take the single player RPGs pill, DD2 is coming soon and doesn't have co-op and pawns (hireable companions) can replace other players and in my opinion for the better, pawns in DD1 don't break character like players do and keep you immersed in the setting while actively supporting you in combat and exploration

  21. 7 months ago

    Best combat in the genre with NO predatory microtransactions.

    • 7 months ago

      >No predatory microtransactions
      and no one to play it either.

    • 7 months ago

      also dead as shit, developed by pajeets, with the expected pajeet quality

    • 7 months ago

      it plays like shit
      really wanted it to be good and I even coped all the way to max level, skilled up my fishing and everything, but it's just so fricking bad

      I will say though, despite the low quality, it is technically the only MMORPG around that is actually an MMORPG, with a persistent world that is relevant to almost all activities

  22. 7 months ago

    I occasionally play OSRS and XIV. I'm not really that into MMOs anymore. I prefer playing games at my own pace these days.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm not really that into MMOs anymore
      to be honest this
      I sub to XIV every now and then, with the occasional sub to XI or random delving into a RO pserver like once a year. But at this point, I think I'm just over MMOs

  23. 7 months ago


  24. 7 months ago

    No and no, but you already knew that and asked anyway. Fricking moulie.

  25. 7 months ago

    Yeah, it's fun. Just started Shadowbringers and it keeps getting better.

  26. 7 months ago

    if you want a terrible single player slog in a multiplayer world that doesn't encourage any interaction with other players then play XIV or any other modern MMO

    if you want a real MMORPG you'll have to look at pre-WoW games

  27. 7 months ago


  28. 7 months ago

    >WoW ran by trannies
    >FF14 ran by morons with NA servers pretty much fricked by trannies
    There's no fricking MMO I can think of that's good now. Lost Ark?
    Bandai should have just fricking made that Gundam MMO series a reality and not waste 130 million on Metaverse shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Trannies are just autistic men, any game that has an autistic amount of shit to do will attract these homosexuals, be it mmo's, ASShomosexualS/mobas, Strategy games or speed running.

    • 7 months ago

      >There's no fricking MMO I can think of that's good now. Lost Ark?
      If you're the kind of person to even remotely consider an amazon-run game, you deserve all the shit you get. Somehow they managed to even frick up New World and they didn't even have breasts to censor and attractive characters to black.

      yoshida has either forgotten about what makes multiplayer games fun or he has convinced himself that the modern audience requires a totally different way of thinking. i don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt

      >or he has convinced himself that the modern audience requires a totally different way of thinking
      If you've seen how the playerbase react to content, this isn't a surprise. The closest this game has ever truly gotten to an MMO is Eureka and a large majority of the playerbase got filtered out of it immediately while the rest will shittalk it. The few that actually made it to the end just sit around and grumble at how bad Bozja was in comparison while all the morons who failed Eureka praise Bozja because they can brainlessly grind their alts up in it.

      • 7 months ago

        in that case then there is no hope for the 'multiplayer focus' of dawntrail, so you can assume that it is safe to give up any expectations that it will be good

    • 7 months ago

      >flopped ark
      also gundam did have an MMO but it was never officially released outside of japan and died

  29. 7 months ago

    MMOs are a relic of their time

  30. 7 months ago

    Yes. Also, Yugiri!

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I like that bikini design.

    • 7 months ago

      Best girl

  31. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
  32. 7 months ago

    worth playing
    ONLY if you want to play as lalafell

  33. 7 months ago


    Look, I don't mind a grind but those blow because they corral you into specific FATEs, dungeons, trials etc....
    With stuff like the light grinds or unidentifiables you can do whatever content you want that gets you the item(s) you need

    Do you just like being given a reason to run old content?

  34. 7 months ago

    Breed my sister, or else.

  35. 7 months ago

    No. Play DQX instead.

    • 7 months ago

      I want to give it a try, but the whole tutorial on how to install it threw me off.
      is it really the only way to play the game online?

      • 7 months ago


  36. 7 months ago

    Play xi

  37. 7 months ago

    i like gw2

  38. 7 months ago


  39. 7 months ago

    Nah, it’s translated by a troony freak, you will lose all interest because of it.

    • 7 months ago


  40. 7 months ago

    i play xiv but haven't been playing it a lot lately due to not really having any friends to play it with anymore

    • 7 months ago

      I'll play with you anon, let's be friends.

      • 7 months ago


  41. 7 months ago

    No and neither is WoW or any other modern "MMO".
    The genre is dead because every game has veered off to the point where the essentials of the genre just aren't part of these games anymore.

    The RPG elements are gone.
    The interactable and dangerous overworld is gone.
    The social features built around gameplay are gone.
    The PVP is gone.
    The trading is inconsequential and mostly just for cosmetics.
    They all feature heavy, official RMT, or in the case of XIV, no official RMT but there's nothing at all you'd want to buy in terms of power anyway, since gear is worthless.

    Your best bet right now is some WoW private server, or some obscure small MMO with a dedicated community, of which there are a couple but frick me if I'm ruining them by mentioning them on Ganker.

    • 7 months ago

      that pic just reminded me that Phantasy Star as an IP is dead forever in any official capacity

      • 7 months ago

        maybe once SEGA finally gets sold for parts the IP will end up in the hands of someone who will do it justice

        in like year 2085

    • 7 months ago

      Man that shit is so true and makes me feel like a such a boomer. We will probably never get another game with a punishing unforgiving world that forces players to work together and complete tasks with teamwork. Truly a bygone era.

  42. 7 months ago

    Yes... No... Maybe... I DON'T KNOW... CAN YOU REPEAT THE QUESTION?

  43. 7 months ago

    i played it as a single player game and i thought it was kind of okay for 10-15 hours. but the combat is boring because its set to fisher price difficulty by default to cater to a large audience. the main and side quests both take you back and forth and make you deliver items to random npcs a lot. it gets very exhausting. it became more of a chore in the end. easily the worst final fantasy game ive ever played

    i feel like its a game where you need to be interested in the story of the main quest line to get any enjoyment out of it. otherwise maybe you might have some fun being a full time blacksmith or fisher or something if youre into that kind of thing

  44. 7 months ago

    I recently tried FF14 and I ended up quitting within about 2 weeks. First the story didn't draw me in and I thought the game was so much uglier than Elder Scrolls online. Second the combat is just not good. Most people like the game as a social event. You can see a lot of people in the major cities just doing nothing and obviously just talking in private groups. Just wasn't for me. It is very popular so maybe you will like it. Also one other issue is they have multiple servers, so you have to change servers for group meets and that is a pain. Some you can't even access.

    • 7 months ago

      The base story (A realm reborn) is definitely its weakest aspect, and doesnt even really begin to pick up until heavensward.
      I know saying "ARR is worth it and has great pay off 3-4 expansions down the line" isn't really a good way to convince someone to play though.
      So really all I can say is, if you think its something that might interest you, maybe watch a heavensward or shadowbringers trailer and see if they interest you enough to want to press through ARR.
      I wouldn't say waste your life on it if you really hate it or dont like it, but personally I do think the story at least was worth the ride, even if you bounce on the MMO aspect of it and unsub after you finish.

      • 7 months ago

        im free trial so ive only done hw and stormblood, people like you hyped it up as kino but it was 5/10 at best

        • 7 months ago

          >ARR to Stormblood in 2 weeks
          based skipchad

          • 7 months ago

            no i played arr and hw a while ago and i played stormblood when ft got expanded recently
            both were medicore, don't buy into the "omg kino story" shills

            • 7 months ago

              >don't enjoy HW
              >still put yourself through SB even if it's pretty much universally agreed to have a worth story than HW
              Will you be playing ShB too when it gets added in two-three years?

              • 7 months ago

                *worse story, don't know why i got a lisp mid typing

              • 7 months ago

                the story is just a bonus to the content (raids, solo deep dungeons, etc) so yeah i will be

              • 7 months ago

                also i couldn't care less what people "universally" think

                Fair enough.

              • 7 months ago

                also i couldn't care less what people "universally" think

      • 7 months ago

        i think ARR zones are soulful and comfy af. had more fun playing ARR in 2020 than EW in 2023

  45. 7 months ago

    >Is it worth playing (even if it is a MMO)?

    Want a Recruit-A-Friend code for some exclusive bonuses?

  46. 7 months ago

    >xiv whenever a new patch drops
    >wow private servers after doing all the content I want to do
    >maybe some new mmo whenever they release
    feels good not being a tribalistic moron who can't enjoy games because they pledge their allegiance to a big corporation who doesn't care about them

  47. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      this is average for an 10+ year old mmo

      • 7 months ago

        you can name 1 other MMO with 120ish hours of cutscenes?

        • 7 months ago

          The star wars mmo has a ton of cutscenes, played it for a little bit and it was even more chatty than xiv

          • 7 months ago

            Star Wars is maybe 50 hours of cutscenes to do all 8 classes + expansion content, at absolute maximum
            t. person that has done that

            • 7 months ago

              Do all the cutscenes disappear after the first 10 hours or so? A solid 50% of my playtime was cutscenes when I tried it out a couple months ago

              • 7 months ago

                swtor is a lot of cutscenes no matter what
                only pvp and raids where people skip cutscenes have no cutscenes

        • 7 months ago

          most other mmos are dead
          or they have such a small playerbase theres no dedicated schizos counting every nanosecond of cutscene in the game

  48. 7 months ago

    Yes, but nearly half the game is included in the free trial now, you have no excuse to not try it if you're even passingly interested
    XIV, some WoW private servers, maybe EVE?

  49. 7 months ago

    >copypasta spamming anti-XIV cultists seething again

    • 7 months ago

      I'm going to carve your heart out and stuff it in your neovegana.

  50. 7 months ago

    >play only female characters in any mmo since forever
    >start feeling dirty for playing one now
    >don't like any of the male models
    what do

    • 7 months ago


  51. 7 months ago

    newbie here, just got to level 58 drg. what's so good about that Eureka content? Is it worth leveling just for that and maybe Bozja later? I keep hearing that it's the closest to MMO kino

    • 7 months ago

      You grind mobs solo or grouped, you can actually die (and then lose EXP if nobody resses you), you pay attention to the different aggro types such as vision cone, sound aggro, proximity aggro and HP aggro, there's some interesting map navigation, there are rare drops to grind out...

      • 7 months ago

        >you pay attention to the different aggro types such as vision cone, sound aggro, proximity aggro and HP aggro
        like those mobs in PoTD?

    • 7 months ago

      the time where it was mmo kino is long gone. it has been severely nerfed so that you can solo your way through it and only join parties just to get contribution towards fates before leaving immediately

      it is what it is because the content is near-dead, but you will not get what was different about it any more

    • 7 months ago

      You farm trash mob to spawn bigger trash mobs
      You do this until number goes up enough to engage with the only fun thing in this shitty place: Baldesion Arsenal

      You grind mobs solo or grouped, you can actually die (and then lose EXP if nobody resses you), you pay attention to the different aggro types such as vision cone, sound aggro, proximity aggro and HP aggro, there's some interesting map navigation, there are rare drops to grind out...

      >You can actually die
      Only if you aggro something with bigger number than you, which is almost only going to be when the story force you to go to place where mobs are above the level cap
      >Pay attention to aggro
      You dont unless you're travelling through specific part and even then if you get spotted you just run to a corner and kill the trash mobs. Some mobs pack are proximity based so the best strat is to just run through and kill them anyway
      >Interesting map navigation
      >Rare drop

    • 7 months ago

      Bozja is mmo kino. DRS would make the modern mmoBlack person shit their pants
      >what I HAVE to bring a variety of jobs with specific actions and I’m useless if I don’t do it
      >we HAVE to bring reflectors and dispellers?
      >wtf we can’t just spam rezzes? Death is actually a big problem?

      • 7 months ago

        >specific actions and I’m useless if I don’t do it
        i still laugh remembering the times I (mnk) had to play as healer with specific actions and essence because party had no healers... mantra carried big raidwides

  52. 7 months ago

    Hit or Miss
    I guess I never Miss!

  53. 7 months ago

    no you should spend the rest of your life making bait threads instead

  54. 7 months ago

    No. It's second life but for trannies and the story isn't remotely good nor worth your time.
    Also no, but if you really want to play one, stick to OSRS. Lost Ark is also good if you love raids but have a job.

    • 7 months ago

      >lost ark

  55. 7 months ago

    what is wrong with you people

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry I'm not gonna pay 125€ for a f2p game to unlock classes that do 80% more damage than the base classes. If they want me to play their game they shouldn't treat me like a 2nd class citizen

      • 7 months ago

        it's like 30 bucks for the first 2 expansions though which unlock 2 elite specs per class (plus unlocks the revenant and its two elite specs)

        • 7 months ago

          If I were to buy that and then enjoyed the game and wanted to play more, I'd have to pay for those expansions again on steam if I got the complete pack with the living world expansions making it even more expensive. It's extremely scummy and I don't want to be part of it.

          • 7 months ago

            >I'd have to pay for those expansions again on steam
            but why would you want to do that? if you desperately want the steam HUD you can just add the .exe and continue using the Arenanet launcher (which you have to use anyway even if you buy on Steam)

            • 7 months ago

              I played it on a whim by downloading it through steam. If I have to start over to not get fricked over that's on them, not me. They could just make it so the package deal removes the price of the dragon expansion but they refuse to because they WANT people to get fricked over and pay more than what it's worth.

  56. 7 months ago

    Nothing wrong with playing it especially now that free trial goes up to Shadowbringers

  57. 7 months ago

    You can play XIV like its a story focused JRPG that also has coop.
    You can ignore all MMO aspects and just focus on the story if you wanted to.
    And honestly coming from someone who played all the FF games some of the expansions have the best story in the FF series.
    Only caviat being that the base games story ARR is kinda bland. Still better than most MMO stories but still bland.

    • 7 months ago

      Best for a Final Fantasy game isn't a high-bar. It's pretty mid overall. I'm talking about the writing for the series as a whole and 14 itself.

      • 7 months ago

        Its still entertaining.
        And it makes me care about charters,
        Danganrompa has a shit story but the characters and situations sell it.

  58. 7 months ago

    >You can ignore all MMO aspects in ffxiv
    you can't ignore something that isn't there...

    • 7 months ago

      I love that the biggest advice people give for a fricking MMO is to ignore (what little is their which makes it an MMO. Like do they not see how fricked that is? lmfao

      • 7 months ago

        Its also why so many people who hate MMOs seam to like FFXIV.
        Most MMOS require you to invest to much time to get anything done.
        In FFXIV you only need to invest time if you want to do the hardest content and even then you can get good enough gear just from playing the game so the only drawback is not getting to do hardest content on release.

        • 7 months ago

          You also do older raids at minimum item level at 0 investment in time to gear up.

        • 7 months ago

          It's the lack of FOMO that's the main selling point, other MMOs remove more content than they add just to FOMO people into playing/paying more meanwhile XIV is fine letting people play as much as they want when they feel like it.

          • 7 months ago

            To be fair FFXIV has events and PVP seasons.
            But yea you usually need to sub once every 3-6 months to get most stuff not all the time.
            + They do a lot of free log in stuff.

            • 7 months ago

              If you miss an event in XIV you can just buy the item off the shop for less than it would have cost you to buy a month's subscription and get it yourself. The only thing you miss out on is the achievement.
              I don't know anyone who plays pvp so I can't speak for that stuff but since I haven't heard any complaints about it I don't think it's a major issue

              • 7 months ago

                PVP usually has really cool glaams.
                And fronmtlines aloe are worth playing daily ruelet for leveling.
                I actually enjoy crystalline conflict.

              • 7 months ago

                I haven't touched pvp since like stormblood back when it gave a shitton of exp. Happy that some people find it enjoyable though

            • 7 months ago

              Most of the times thou seasonal events have rewards you can ignore.
              Like the holoween event gives practically nothing cool.
              Like they decided you cant have the fall guys event that gives a ton of cool shit and a cool haloween event at the same time.

        • 7 months ago

          FFXIV is the anti-MMO. But it's an incredibly bizarre paradox. It contains virtually none of the social elements present in other MMO's and is a lonely game at its core. Yet it's also virtually a spiritual successor to Second Life thanks to the modding scene and incredible widespread usage of plugins like Mare. Though this means that almost all of the social elements present in the game are contained to the Roleplaying scene; specifically ERP and Club venues which flood the PF on almost every DC. So much so that depending on the time of day, the PF is 80% club adverts. Hence why I think it's a paradox. It's anti-social and contains none of the things that people traditionally loved MMO's for UNLESS you're an erpgay.

          • 7 months ago

            Maybe that is why it is so successful
            Because being a real mmo is bad
            Trying to make a real mmo bankrupts studios

            • 7 months ago

              It's so successful because there's no other MMO which caters to this aside from Second Life. And you really think anyone under the age of 30 is going to play that shit? That's only part of it of course. The other reason it's so successful is because it's also incredibly casual, has brand recognition and an actual marketing budget.

          • 7 months ago

            That is exactly why so many people play XIV. They can share their mods with Mare and use modded emotes to make their characters frick while they text frick. XIV is basically VRchat lite for lonely neckbeards most of whom don't give a shit about the actual game.

      • 7 months ago

        That's why casualgays like FFXIV and MMOgays hate it, like

        Its also why so many people who hate MMOs seam to like FFXIV.
        Most MMOS require you to invest to much time to get anything done.
        In FFXIV you only need to invest time if you want to do the hardest content and even then you can get good enough gear just from playing the game so the only drawback is not getting to do hardest content on release.

        said, MMOfans especially wowbucks want to have a game which "respects their time" by having them grind the same dungeon-but-harder over and over again for BiS while in FFXIV you just have to farm endgame content once per week because it's timegated and you'll get BiS in around 10 weeks or so

  59. 7 months ago

    Was getting bored of grinding Monk after I hit 70, now I'm trying to grind Dragoon from where I left it at 55 and I'm rapidly remembering why I stopped there.

  60. 7 months ago

    MMOs are just not worth it anymore.

  61. 7 months ago

    >WoW: never RPed too much only as a gag because I had an undead shadowpriest without a lower jaw and the gag was that I could speak normally in voicechat whenever I was in shadowform with a pseudo shadow jaw. When guild leader had me as healer I would groan instead. Was funny the first couple times, gave it up later.
    >SWTOR: play and tried RP as bounty hunter, join a bounty hunter roleplaying guild, do stuff together
    >Neverwinter: Play and RP as a merc (ranger) join a mercenary guild who roleplayed into "getting hired to do content"
    >ESO: same but Dark Brotherhood rp
    >FFxiv: Play as monk, every FC I've been started without estate and then turned into a nightclub...
    I gave up RP because maybe I

    • 7 months ago

      There's nothing to RP about in FFXIV besides sex. There's no fricking fantasy to the world. No job fantasy. Which is ironic considering the name. The lore itself is utterly disinteresting on a fundamental level when you strip away the mystical shit. Everything just revolves around how much of a special snowflake demi-God the MC is to the detriment of the world itself feeling alive and lived in by REAL people. It's so devoid of life and character. So all you can fricking do if you want to RP is to glam one of the numerous sets taken straight out of the real world (or mod it in), hit up one of the 20 clubs being advertised on PF and /beesknees to some dudes twitch stream and chat up on of the 50 catgirls, lizards or bunnies doing the exact same thing and textfrick.

      Such a riveting RP scene that truly immerses me in the world.

      • 7 months ago

        >There's no fricking fantasy to the world. No job fantasy.
        There is plenty of it if you have a job that started as a class. Shit even the HW jobs still had their fair share of lore. I think mundane RP is hard because it usually devolves to "lets sit in a tavern and let me tell you about my background". I once did a more adventuring angle with having a treasure hunt in a dungeon and such, that was pretty fun.

        But yeah, the amount of people who are just thirsty for ERP is pretty staggering.

    • 7 months ago

      >not just joining the Ganker fc
      You people are dumb but you probably wouldn’t even type at all because people who whine a bout FCs most likely never interact with the other members

      • 7 months ago

        Is this bait? Why the frick would anyone want to play with you actual fricking obnoxious grating disgusting freakish creepy mentally ill fricking stupid scum fricks?

        • 7 months ago

          And yet youŗe here, posting among the same people. Curious.

          • 7 months ago

            Yes, talking with morons on an anonymous image board where I can dip out and close a thread at any point is completely comparable to wanting to actual know the people behind the posts on a personal level. Fricking moron.

            • 7 months ago

              Why do you talk to morons that you despise? Are you stupid? If you carry such animosity towards anyone here then it should be causing you nothing but harm to interact with anyone. Is this the part where you tell me that youŗe just epicly pretending, by subjecting yourself to something that you find to be uncomfortable and possibly distressing?

              • 7 months ago

                I wouldn't expect a zoomer like yourself to be capable of separating the two since you're so terminally online. I can walk away from this conversation at any point and not care. To me you're barely even a real person. Just a voice. A moronic voice. I'll go in another thread and we could talk again but I wouldn't know. All that matters is the topic in question until I close that thread.

                Now if I have to interact with you in FFXIV every single day and get to know the real you? That's something else entirely. And I don't want to get to know the real you because there's a very strong chance you're just like every other person I've ever known from Ganker. A mentally ill, lonely, socially awkward emotional parasite. Anyone who has been around this place for long enough knows that nothing I am saying is controversial or anything but the truth.

              • 7 months ago

                There's no topic here, just you seething about your mental gymnastics how you hate everyone here but can't fricking stay away, like a fly drawn to shit, but still entertaining your delusions of grandeur. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance I suppose. I can also guarantee I'm older than you, but it's not like it means anything, for all I know you could be a senile 70 year old, the behavior does remind me of it in part.

              • 7 months ago

                So just to make sure I'm understanding you here: Because I find the notion of playing with homosexuals from here in FFXIV I am somehow bad? It's not controversial to think that's a terrible idea either. You're hardly any different from the freaks in /xivg/. In fact you're very likely the same people because the crossover in these threads is noticeable. I know that for a fact because I've engaged with those people for long enough. Finding one good person out of one hundred is not good odds.

              • 7 months ago

                If all you can take away from this is "Me bad? No! You bad!" then I definitely wouldn't want to hang around you, kek. I told you that your stance is moronic, not that you are morally deficient.

              • 7 months ago

                My stance that I want to separate my interactions on the board from getting to know anymore of you mentalists in FFXIV of all places. Yes anon it's very moronic. I'm sorry I can't be another person for you to latch onto for emotional support.

              • 7 months ago

                It's moronic because according to your own words it's the same people. If you can stomach them here and seek to find interactions with them again and again, you would do the same in game. And if you act on Ganker differently compared to how you would act somewhere else, then you are duplicitous as a person and have serious issues.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't know where to begin with this entire post but this stands out to me.
                >And if you act on Ganker differently compared to how you would act somewhere else, then you are duplicitous as a person and have serious issues.
                You're naïve if you think everyone here does not behave differently to elsewhere. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

              • 7 months ago

                >And if you act on Ganker differently compared to how you would act somewhere else, then you are duplicitous as a person and have serious issues.
                >Ganker is anonimoose and allows you to say no-no words that would get you perma'd on other sites
                >Surprised people act differently without a filter
                El morono-sama!

        • 7 months ago

          >acting like he is better than people who post on Ganker
          You’re not fooling anyone other than yourself.

          • 7 months ago

            Is this bait? Why the frick would anyone want to play with you actual fricking obnoxious grating disgusting freakish creepy mentally ill fricking stupid scum fricks?

            never playing in any Ganker guilds in any game has always been the accepted wisdom
            even if you like Ganker, which i doubt, most of us are stockholmed into being here, even you must admit that Ganker is one of the worst groups of people on the internet and they probably wouldn't be very enjoyable to interact with on a personal level

            • 7 months ago

              I've met at least one long term friend here and a bunch of cool people I've known for over a decade on /vg/. You just need not to suck as a judge of character.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah and I met one of my best friends over a decade ago on fricking ponychan of all places, that doesn't make it a good place to look for friends
                also /vg/ =/= Ganker

            • 7 months ago

              I been in a ton of guilds in mmos from Ganker and /vg/ and they all been pretty basic.

        • 7 months ago

          But enough about the Crystal Datacenter

      • 7 months ago

        does Ganker FC advertises themselves in-game?

        • 7 months ago

          No, why would it do that?

          • 7 months ago

            then how was

            >WoW: never RPed too much only as a gag because I had an undead shadowpriest without a lower jaw and the gag was that I could speak normally in voicechat whenever I was in shadowform with a pseudo shadow jaw. When guild leader had me as healer I would groan instead. Was funny the first couple times, gave it up later.
            >SWTOR: play and tried RP as bounty hunter, join a bounty hunter roleplaying guild, do stuff together
            >Neverwinter: Play and RP as a merc (ranger) join a mercenary guild who roleplayed into "getting hired to do content"
            >ESO: same but Dark Brotherhood rp
            >FFxiv: Play as monk, every FC I've been started without estate and then turned into a nightclub...
            I gave up RP because maybe I

            supposed to know about the Ganker fc

            >not just joining the Ganker fc
            You people are dumb but you probably wouldn’t even type at all because people who whine a bout FCs most likely never interact with the other members

            mentioned? /xivg/?

            • 7 months ago

              Pretty sure

              >WoW: never RPed too much only as a gag because I had an undead shadowpriest without a lower jaw and the gag was that I could speak normally in voicechat whenever I was in shadowform with a pseudo shadow jaw. When guild leader had me as healer I would groan instead. Was funny the first couple times, gave it up later.
              >SWTOR: play and tried RP as bounty hunter, join a bounty hunter roleplaying guild, do stuff together
              >Neverwinter: Play and RP as a merc (ranger) join a mercenary guild who roleplayed into "getting hired to do content"
              >ESO: same but Dark Brotherhood rp
              >FFxiv: Play as monk, every FC I've been started without estate and then turned into a nightclub...
              I gave up RP because maybe I

              doesn’t know anything about the FC and just talking about a FC that they been

  62. 7 months ago

    >It's not an MMORPG
    >what about ERP?
    Face it c**ts, and Baldur's Gate 3 showed it too, people only care about RPGs when you add sex.

    • 7 months ago

      And that's why wow died, they put burkas on the sexy elves

  63. 7 months ago

    24 hours ago


    17 hours ago


    12 hours ago


    9 hours ago


    6 hours ago

    Don't play
    Leave my game

    • 7 months ago

      And you can safely assume he's at least lurking here every single minute within those timegaps. Jesus Christ.

    • 7 months ago

      So at what point does this person sleep?

      • 7 months ago

        FOMO brainrot means he will sleep for only a few hours a day since he is terrified of missing a FFXIV thread or his in-game crush potentially playing with somebody who isn't him.

    • 7 months ago

      >Sleep two hours
      >Sleep two hours
      >Sleep two hours

      Damn b***h, you live like this?

    • 7 months ago

      You're forgetting this from just 4 hours ago:

      Look, I don't mind a grind but those blow because they corral you into specific FATEs, dungeons, trials etc....
      With stuff like the light grinds or unidentifiables you can do whatever content you want that gets you the item(s) you need

      Do you just like being given a reason to run old content?

    • 7 months ago

      Autism is a hell of a drug

    • 7 months ago

      >lalafell players
      I liked the one time the dude got doxed and he has the nerdiest, pasty white guy voice ever.

    • 7 months ago

      what micro celebrity mentality does to a mf, bro probably thinks he's the first one

  64. 7 months ago

    I liked her HW costume more. The ShB one is fine but the thighs man... granted she still is wearing spats under her current dress and possibly shows more skin off due to the open back and cleavage, but still...

    • 7 months ago

      >I liked her HW costume more

  65. 7 months ago

    >at 90 3 out of 4 tanks don't need healers at all and the last one doesn't need a healer outside of dungeon pulls unless you and your dps are bad
    >in casual content you get to take it have fun deliberately standing in mechanics to feel something and in hardcore content you have the same job as the dps + your own mechanics
    >1 minute build and spend rotation means you get to have periods of hitting a bunch of buttons and periods where you can focus on the fight itself of your lifebar while you 123
    >somehow nobody plays it so the game literally rewards you for it

    why does any other role exist in this game. you can literally tank, dps and heal. the holy trinity is a holy circle colored blue that the devs have to artifically stop by having light party stacks on both healers and meticulously crafted enrage timers in every single fight because those are the only things only healers/dps can do

    • 7 months ago

      Any problem can be redirected to healers awful design

    • 7 months ago

      >somehow nobody plays it so the game literally rewards you for it
      There is plenty of tanks. And I feel WoW is the opposite, where too much responsibility is dumped on the tank while being frail as frick when pushing it. XIV just decided to make tank by a landslide the easiest role to play.

      • 7 months ago

        any hour of the day 9/10 roulettes will be needing a tank and its the only role that explicitly gets a specific reward for doing high end content with the tank mounts

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, but how long do you wait for a tank? 5 Minutes? At worst I switch to tank and do it myself, the barrier to entry is incredibly low due to the role being so easy. Might be bias but I see more healer lacking, probably because playing that role is just plain boring.

        • 7 months ago

          it's forced. i know because i queue for roulettes all the time despite not needing anything from them anymore. most of the time when it says tanks in need, if you queue as a healer you'll get instant or significantly faster duty pops. sometimes even dps get faster queues (i've noticed this for normal raid roulette recently where queuing as dps pops faster than tank)

    • 7 months ago

      >why does any other role exist in this game
      Because the devs are afraid of any player feeling challenged doing literally anything so they took away any and all responsbility from roles......which has had the obvious consequence of rendering roles entirely pointless.

      • 7 months ago

        Kan-E-Senna with her hair down unironically kills my boner for her.

        • 7 months ago

          What are you talking about? Having her hair down makes her look more feminine, anon.

          • 7 months ago

            God I wish I could chop Aveyond's hands off for his crimes.

            • 7 months ago

              >God I wish I could chop Aveyond's hands off for his crimes.
              He'll die of aids soon anyway

          • 7 months ago

            homosexuals are the worst.

      • 7 months ago

        Kan-E is a top tier cutie and a miracle of the universe.

  66. 7 months ago

    ffxi is better

    • 7 months ago

      is it f2p now or still sub?

    • 7 months ago

      Hello, Livid Seether.

  67. 7 months ago

    14 has been various amounts of good at various times in its lifespan. For me personally the peak was 3.51, but there are certain things that were better in the 4.X series. 6.X is absolute dog shit though. Avoid at all costs. The story, gameplay, and community are all at their lowest. I say this as someone who played since 1.X, frick FF14

    • 7 months ago

      People try to blame Wowfugees for the community turning shit. Is categorically false though. The community has been bad for this game since late SB-early ShB. It only got worse. It's equally the fault of morons who play this as their first MMO as it is WoWgays bringing their taint into the game with the rise of plugins that cheat the game for you. I more so see it as a sign of modern times and how any semblance of large appeal to broad populations will bring in trash. Especially zoomer trash. Awful generation.

  68. 7 months ago

    >Pyro only a week back into WoW and already starting drama
    >Talked shit about another WoW streamer, trying to cause another Xeems situation most likely
    >Said streamer btfo's him

    Doesn't look like his grift back into WoW will last very long

    • 7 months ago

      I'm so glad he is gone

    • 7 months ago

      Is there a youtube "pyro's meltdown compilation" video?

    • 7 months ago

      No sane person gives a shit about your streamers or youtubers, FRICK OFF.

  69. 7 months ago

    Would you play a hardcore perma-death FFXIV server?
    >Can only level one of each job type and one of both DoH and DoL
    >Dungeons can only be entered/queued for by physically traveling to their locations
    >Aether travel is extremely limited, saved almost entirely for locations otherwise inaccessible, must travel to locations on foot/using in-game alternatives like carriages, boats, or airship
    >rezing mid-content is still possible, but a team wipe is a team wipe
    >[feature (You) want in a hardcore server]

    • 7 months ago

      No it'd be dogwater boring. The game isn't fricking difficult at all. Not even remotely. Adding open-world PvP wouldn't help either because the balance is so fricked.

      • 7 months ago

        >openly admitting the game just sucks

        this genre is for troons

        • 7 months ago

          I don't disagree. It does suck. It's an awful MMO.

    • 7 months ago

      >new trancer meme image dropped.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean leveling would be easy but some of the trials might be dangerous with mouth breathers like shinryu. Any of the raids or ex trials are out of the question though

    • 7 months ago

      >>Can only level one of each job type and one of both DoH and DoL
      I level scholar until 56 where it can genuinely tank dungeons no problem then I swap to warrior and never die to anything weaker then a savage boss ggez
      >Aether travel is extremely limited
      doesn't actually matter because world enemies haven't mattered since 2.x and they barely mattered there because of their extremely short tethers so you would just go past everything on your mount it would just take longer
      >rezing mid-content is still possible, but a team wipe is a team wipe
      yeah this still doesn't matter because I'm playing classes that can't die and I'm not a mouthbreather so they can just sit there and watch me solo the boss

    • 7 months ago

      That sounds horrendous

    • 7 months ago

      No. FFXIV is a very rigid and controlled game, you can't just add features to it without said features overflowing and ruining some other part of the game.

    • 7 months ago

      I literally cannot imagine a worse fricking combination than XIV's long af story, even more factoring all sidecontent stories, big grinds you have to make to acquire items, mounts, cheevos or whatever, and leveling all jobs on one character (plus going through all their stories) with the possibility of losing all of it in one go because you fricking wiped one time.

      Hell, it's impossible already with how many of the raids are "If one person fricks up, everyone wipes".

    • 7 months ago

      it wouldn't work, you die to mechanics far too easily in boss fights because rezzing is normally quite trivial, but literally NOTHING is the open world is threatening enough to kill you
      i don't have it on my computer but i took a video on my phone of my guy fighting some rando same-level enemy in ShB and just standing there and doing nothing while it wails on me and does almost no damage for like 3 minutes

    • 7 months ago

      I'd try it once, provided there's no MSQ and you just do instances/quest battles in order, with travelling in between.

  70. 7 months ago

    Alright I'm biting and doing the free trial, what race should I play?

    • 7 months ago

      malera drk for the edgy groomer vibes

      • 7 months ago

        Going with this, gonna go Paladin then Dark Knight for the reverse Cecil experience

        Male Midlander Marauder.
        Then you follow the trailer job progression.

        I've played human in every other MMO I played so this time I'm gonna mix it up

    • 7 months ago

      Male Midlander Marauder.
      Then you follow the trailer job progression.

  71. 7 months ago

    FFXI or FFXIV?
    which has cuter girls

    • 7 months ago

      XIV has better graphics so pick that one.

    • 7 months ago

      XI has better girls,
      XIV has better women.

      • 7 months ago

        Ah yes the personality void Y'shtola who hasn't had any character development since ARR.

      • 7 months ago

        Y'shtola is the best girl in all of Final Fantasy!

    • 7 months ago

      Players complain that most female characters are made irrelevant.
      Players brag that ALL female characters are regularly made irrelevant.

    • 7 months ago

      playing on a ffxi private server rn

      it's janky as hell and the controls suck but it oozes soul.

      (I have never played retail ffxi)

      • 7 months ago

        god i miss grinding the dunes with the homies
        modern mmos don't understand that downtime and mid-tier content is the soul of an mmo
        auto-attacking with a few impactful abilities that actually do stuff giving you plenty of leeway to talk to people while you're playing the game is significantly better than spamming a 20 button rotation that doesn't actually involve any decision-making and might as well be an auto-attack

  72. 7 months ago

    I'm a streamer and the game doesn't offer repetitive content for me to farm BiS gear endlessly as I also farm views... Best I can do is use my alt vtuber persona with voicechanger and big-tiddy goth mothgirl avatar and farm views while doing chatgpt generated ERP

    • 7 months ago

      >big-tiddy goth mothgirl avatar
      Based. Still not giving you any money though.

      • 7 months ago

        it's ok, i still have OF where I post AI generated "artistic nudity" photos to make money

        • 7 months ago

          I can make those myself, I think people that pay for porn just want to pay for something and I'd rather they gave money to twitch grifters than megacorps.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine actually paying money to a dude pretending to be a moth girl vtuber. At that point you might as well find some guy on F-List to be your discord erp findom because at least they acknowledge you exist in some capacity.

      • 7 months ago

        i'm trying to train a bot with the avatar's voice to generate "thank you [name] for your donation of $[amount]" messages just to trick them into thining I acknowledge their existance...

  73. 7 months ago

    MMOs don't respect your time. FFXIV has sleeper story presentation.

    Now if you really want to play some kino shit I have two suggestions, games with small hub areas where you can find people to party up with. (These don't respect your time either, especially PSOBB but the latter is standard MH grind)

    Grab some friends and play PSOBB but you'll get brain damage learning how to MAG.

    MH Frontier Private servers like Rain. Pretty sure there's even people grouping in LR/HR.

    • 7 months ago

      >MMOs don't respect your time.
      Where did morons like you even come from?

  74. 7 months ago

    Why did XIV fail?


  75. 7 months ago

    ffxiv is only good if your only single criteria for it being good or not is how much content there is, irrespective of the quality of said content
    and no, all mmos are dogshit these days, and it's more a reflection of how the internet is now than the games themselves, but xiv is easily the worst popular one, even wow and gw2 are better and those games are loathsome

  76. 7 months ago

    Nah. Play Turtle WoW.

    I'm a High Elf Mage and I just finished Deadmines. So many people are running about the world it's kino.

  77. 7 months ago

    How do you go from this.......

    • 7 months ago
      Anonymous THIS?

      • 7 months ago

        kek the dislikes. Troon gaytasy cultists can't handle the turning tide against their precious little fricking MMO. More and more people are becoming outspoken against the game and leaving in droves. Copegays will act like long-time content creators ditching is a good thing when it is anything but.

      • 7 months ago

        >his viewcount afterwards

        OH NO NO NO NO NO

      • 7 months ago

        >content drought
        >grifters are quitting
        HMMMM, interesting, really interesting. Keep me posted.
        The less e-celebs the better. I miss the days when the biggest e-celeb we had was Mr. Happy.

  78. 7 months ago

    You guys ever feel like internet arguments have become indistinguishable from those Paint "I AM SILLY" comics people used to mock?

    It was funny until that unironically became the way people argue.

    • 7 months ago

      it's not just the internet, that's literally politics now. And wars.

  79. 7 months ago

    I like how the honeymoon period for this game is over now that we're getting the most saharan desert content drought in any MMO and COVID lockdowns are gone

    Not even endless Siege of Orgrimmar MoP was this bad

    • 7 months ago

      DT will be the real deciding factor if XIV has a future. Personally, I'd be happy if subs dropped by 70% and Yoshida just said frick it and returned the game to how it was before SHB.

    • 7 months ago

      xiv's popularity really was just a combination of everyone being home for covid and everyone realizing how dogshit wow is
      now the scales are leaving their eyes and people are starting to realize "wait a second, this is garbage too"

    • 7 months ago

      >we're getting the most saharan desert content drought in any MMO
      Didn't Shadowlands go like 10 months without a patch?

  80. 7 months ago

    Just the free Trial , don bother spend a sub to troony fantasy xiv

  81. 7 months ago

    >Amanda Achen, vocalist of songs like Flow, announced she'd be streaming FFXIV
    >Community got hyped like is to be expected, big XIV streamers like Arthars, Ponto and Mr Happy voluntarily become mods for her channel
    >2 months later
    >She's only at lvl 15 MSQ quests
    >Viewcount is already in the gutter, barely any subs

    What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

    • 7 months ago

      She doesn't give a shit and is grifting people. You do know she has an onlyfans too, right? She's scamming all of you.

    • 7 months ago

      One can't simply survive ARR.
      Fandaniel VA tried to do the same thing and stopped after 2 streams.
      And the next victim will be Ben Starr.

      • 7 months ago

        implying the other expansions are any better. The game is just a fricking visual novel that can't even be fricked being fully voiced, it will always only attract autistic people.

    • 7 months ago

      >Community got hyped like is to be expected
      I heard NOTHING about her and why the frick would any longtime players care at all until they get to really high points in the game?

      • 7 months ago

        You haven't heard because you're sane. Keep staying detached from the community.

  82. 7 months ago

    it's just a social game like second life now. they have dumbed down the gameplay so much a 4 year old could clear savage

  83. 7 months ago

    I cannot comprehend giving a shit about streamers
    Seriously, frick all of those obnoxious gays

  84. 7 months ago

    If ESO's combat got tweaked to feel more impactful and less spammy, it'd easily be one of the best if not best. I still do prefer it over MMOs though especially since it's just B2P so I can hop in whenever I get the itch rather than feeling forced to play with a sub.

    • 7 months ago

      I'll never understand why they thought that combat system was a good idea. It's the one thing holding them back and they can't do anything to fix it without ripping the entire thing out and redesigning it from scratch. It's so fricked up.

      ESO would unironically be a top competitor with WoW if the combat wasn't piss.

      • 7 months ago

        >I'll never understand why they thought that combat system was a good idea.
        Only time i played ESO was the open beta and that shit was literally Skyrim Online, from the combat down to the UI. Not surprised it's still shit and just a worse version of Skyrim.

        • 7 months ago

          I'll never understand why they thought that combat system was a good idea. It's the one thing holding them back and they can't do anything to fix it without ripping the entire thing out and redesigning it from scratch. It's so fricked up.

          ESO would unironically be a top competitor with WoW if the combat wasn't piss.

          Cashing in on the Skyrim crowd is probably a big part of it. Thankfully the game has gotten better since release but will likely never reach its full potential because of that.

          Personally I'd add bigger cooldowns between abilities, and make weapon attacks much more viable rather than filler between spamming spells by upping the damage and the size of the weapon causing an actual effect on who it is hitting.

  85. 7 months ago

    Why is ARR bad? I only have fond memories of it, but then again I played during release.

    • 7 months ago

      It was fine on release but for people who binge 8 years of content in a month it gets a bit bogged down by some of the slower quests at times.

  86. 7 months ago

    Why is the community so weird

    • 7 months ago

      G*rmans aren't people

    • 7 months ago

      >WW3 was two years ago

    • 7 months ago

      More like why mmo players are weird in general and that’s been a thing for 15+ years. Only a newbie would be surprised by stuff like this.

      • 7 months ago

        Can I see some wow protests? Hehe queue in a line. XIV players did it too.

        • 7 months ago

          umh why waste time on protest when you have a m+ key to do?

        • 7 months ago

          Don’t make get the wow pride march image

          • 7 months ago


  87. 7 months ago

    Of course it is.

    Nobody really explains why but the big reason there’s a huge continent of schizos ass mad over this game is because there is no Spanish version, and the English script is full of ye olde Shakespearean frickery that filters ESLs. It’s just that simple, sour grapes. It goes beyond Spanish, basically most third world languages aren’t represented and the ENG dialogue can’t be understood by them.

    • 7 months ago

      What level of cope is this?

      I started playing this game last week, when I started doing the Guildhests, Dungeons and Trials breaking the complete silence of the chatting I started to notice that veteran players started to emote clap and hurrah at my character when I finished the dungeon or we cleread a room in a zero dificulty game and started saying the most condescending shit such as "Good Job!" "Way to go!" "Don't rush it, enjoy the BEST STORY EVER WRITTEN" " "ENJOY THE STORY, DON'T SKIP IT". "HAVE A NICE STORY"(?).

      There is something very wrong with the people who play this game, you don't need to yell all the time you are enjoying something.

      They're trying to convince themselves homie

      • 7 months ago

        It’s true

        No Spanish version, with obtuse (for ESLs) English dialogue = lots of assmad thirdies

  88. 7 months ago

    I started playing this game last week, when I started doing the Guildhests, Dungeons and Trials breaking the complete silence of the chatting I started to notice that veteran players started to emote clap and hurrah at my character when I finished the dungeon or we cleread a room in a zero dificulty game and started saying the most condescending shit such as "Good Job!" "Way to go!" "Don't rush it, enjoy the BEST STORY EVER WRITTEN" " "ENJOY THE STORY, DON'T SKIP IT". "HAVE A NICE STORY"(?).

    There is something very wrong with the people who play this game, you don't need to yell all the time you are enjoying something.

    • 7 months ago

      Why do brownoids make sup gay shit like this you actually play this game for one second and you’ll know at most you get “o/“ and “gg tyfp :)”

      • 7 months ago

        Brian post!

        • 7 months ago

          That you Brian?


      • 7 months ago

        Of course it is.

        Nobody really explains why but the big reason there’s a huge continent of schizos ass mad over this game is because there is no Spanish version, and the English script is full of ye olde Shakespearean frickery that filters ESLs. It’s just that simple, sour grapes. It goes beyond Spanish, basically most third world languages aren’t represented and the ENG dialogue can’t be understood by them.

        That you Brian?

      • 7 months ago

        Bro you forgot the guys who go "PLEASE COMMEND ME I WANT TO BE A MENTOR"

    • 7 months ago

      XIV has the most toxic positivity fanbase of any game ever made.

    • 7 months ago

      And then everyone clapped

    • 7 months ago

      >when I started doing the Guildhests
      You already lied because no one does Guildhests

      • 7 months ago

        You'll get 3 mentors who snap that shit in half in 15 seconds, guildhests are great when you first start out

        • 7 months ago

          I honestly feel like they should make them mandatory for people who buy level skips

  89. 7 months ago

    I tried playing wow but my mage didn't even use his staff when casting spells so I quit. The animations were so dogshit I couldn't stand it

  90. 7 months ago

    XIV is the only MMO worth playing.

  91. 7 months ago

    Anyone else have a long-time friend group slowly evaporate from 6.0 toward 6.5?

    Me and my friends run a guild, and we've been together atleast 3-4 years by now (I'm bad at visualizing time so I don't know exactly, but its a point I can't imagine playing without them). And like, Endwalker started off really hype for us! But golly, it's like every patch that came in it felt like "Okay nothing new for us to do".

    One of my friends were super excited for relics...then their relic was just a tome buy. Another friend was super excited for criterion dungeons...then it's really just a choose-your-own-adventure that you do once. Then I was excited for Island Sanctuary...but then it was just kind of an idle game without the idle part.

    I guess you could call it burn out, but we would take multiple-months breaks between subbing just to comeback for like maybe a week and thinking "Yeah this ain't it". I think the most fun we'd have was when they finally added deep dungeon, but we didn't even do that too often just because its a nuisance to organize compared to other content.

    I don't really have any grand conclusions or statements about FFXIV, I'm just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience and if it's just me or just how the game is currently.

    Me and my friends still talk and stuff, just not really about FF or on FF.

    • 7 months ago

      No, I had even more people in my fc come back

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't have any friends to begin with

    • 7 months ago

      Tried to befriend my current static. Turns out all the "atta boys" and laughs are worth nothing when they don't want to hang out and do other stuff on non-raid days except with the standard static clique

    • 7 months ago

      >Anyone else have a long-time friend group slowly evaporate from 6.0 toward 6.5?
      Naw, we play other things so we didn't drift apart. But the "Okay nothing new for us to do" thing is definitely felt. They just double and tripple down on catering to savage raider content wise while a the same time somehow strip combat content for casual players. No idea why but I guess the whole "WORLD FIRST" hype circus got to the devs heads. Screeching hardcore raider are apparently a better fanbase than silent casuals who are content doing things in game.

  92. 7 months ago

    >Margrat delivery
    >Start with "Le funny scientist"
    >End with a heart full moment that actually made me shed a little tear.

    I honestly wasn't expecting this.

    • 7 months ago

      It was neat

    • 7 months ago

      She was worth every item.

  93. 7 months ago

    Why is some homosexual blatantly copypasting shit from other websites?

    • 7 months ago

      When your favorite spammer doesn't get enough attention he starts posting stuff he found on reddit to bait people into responding to him

  94. 7 months ago

    The most ironic aspect of the MSQ where people praise so much is that the most fun I had with so far is the Pugilist questline, Silver Bazaar quest and the 1-15 MSQ of Ul'dah about that plot of the bandits and the crown. The walking sands and the greater threat is just a snore.

    • 7 months ago

      Playing through Gridania and the Lancer quests were the comfiest part of the entire game, and the game was never been able to replicate that feeling once you are forced to leave it.

  95. 7 months ago

    Why is FFXIV comedy so bad?

    • 7 months ago

      Hell is where the comedians are Japanese

      • 7 months ago

        Some japanese manga are funny.

    • 7 months ago

      Hildibrand is funny because it's a side quest that's allowed to be funny. When they try injecting humor into the MSQ that isn't optional, it's cringe-inducing.
      Or even worse, when your dislogue options are "quirky shit 1" or "quirky shit 2". Being able to say "Um...kupo?" In a potentially tense situation was gold, but imagine if the other options in that scene were all joke-tier? Ruins the point of even having dialogue options to begin with.

      • 7 months ago

        This is the same kind of anon that immediately turns around and b***hes that the Scions are humorless nerds with no personality.

        • 7 months ago

          The problem is they leaned way too hard on the scions being le parasocial friendship simulator. Estinien was amazing in HW, all that pent-up rage and stiff personality that opened up a bit. All maintained by his sense of duty, you'd think he was a devout if all he cared about was killing dragons, but he's completely on board with figuring out the truth of the Holy See. He maintains his rough exterior through his cameos in SB and early SHB, but for whatever reason from 5.4 on becomes some goofy lame character.

      • 7 months ago

        Hildibrand fricking sucks. You guys got no taste. Onepiece.webm posted here.

        • 7 months ago

          Only white people can truly appreciate slapstick comedy. I'm sorry you're brown.

          • 7 months ago

            Nice try Brian.

            • 7 months ago

              >Pakis learn good comedy from the Brits
              Many such cases.

              • 7 months ago

                And they said colonialism was bad

            • 7 months ago

              >they all end up walking in the direction they initially came from

  96. 7 months ago

    Not anymore unless you’re a poopsocking raidtroony.

    They've pretty much stopped releasing midcore content. What the frick else do you expect me to do anon? Extreme dungeons for the rest of eternity?

    I don't want to raid ultimates 24/7 either but there's nothing else to do.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't want to raid ultimates 24/7 either but there's nothing else to do.
      Fish, do side quests, make money on the market board, get glory, fame.

  97. 7 months ago

    >visiting random homes to get some ideas
    >enter this small house, decorated like a normal rustic house, very cozy and packed in a small space
    >get to the corner and the bookshelf opens revealing a secret doorway
    >the rustic decoration suddenly changes to a rusty factory theme
    >go down the stairs leading to the basement
    >there are several jails with lalafell females caged inside and decorated with various torture devices
    >there's also a desk and a diary on it
    >go read it
    Wtf did I just run into

    • 7 months ago

      Why are Lalafell players so fricking weird?

  98. 7 months ago

    I'd play a 1.0 classic server.

    • 7 months ago

      I wouldn't.

    • 7 months ago

      almost all of the people who want a 1.0 server didn't even want to touch the game before it shut down

  99. 7 months ago


  100. 7 months ago

    Why would you choose FFXIV over WoW and vice-versa? I'm trying to decide between the two.

    • 7 months ago

      FFXIV if you want to ERP

      WoW if you want play an actual MMO

      Do not @ me with vitriolic emotional statements about how wrong I am

    • 7 months ago

      Just play the free trial

    • 7 months ago

      Just try the free trial for both

    • 7 months ago

      >Why would you choose FFXIV over WoW?
      Because i'm not a troony.

      • 7 months ago

        >WoW players say that FFXIV players are trannies
        >FFXIV players say that WoW players are trannies

        Just try the free trial for both

        Just play the free trial

        Free trial doesn't show you the endgame though.

        • 7 months ago

          FFXIV content is for the most part ever green meaning you can play the content as it was released, it’s not about end game.

        • 7 months ago

          >Free trial doesn't show you the endgame though.

          WoW 100% of the way then. FFXIV's endgame, while less demanding, is greatly lacking in comparison

        • 7 months ago

          You can check out the xiv endgame in the free trial, not the current one but you can still do what was considered endgame back when those expansions were current content and get a good idea of what it was like.

          • 7 months ago

            if you're doing the free trial you would have to have someone you know set all that up for you if you're trying to do savage

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah I guess, not too hard to find people to help you out though. Especially during downtime. Lots of people who want to show off in front of sprouts

              Why are you lying to him? Nobody is going out of their way to run unsynced Coils/Alexander/Omega Savage or Extremes and free trials can't do ultimates

              Dude is arguably joining too late for endgame even right now considering were in week 600 of the final tier of the expansion. He's better off waiting for Dawntrail

              There's a fair amount of groups in PF still trying to learn the latest fights

          • 7 months ago

            Why are you lying to him? Nobody is going out of their way to run unsynced Coils/Alexander/Omega Savage or Extremes and free trials can't do ultimates

            Dude is arguably joining too late for endgame even right now considering were in week 600 of the final tier of the expansion. He's better off waiting for Dawntrail

            • 7 months ago

              >Nobody is going out of their way to run unsynced Coils/Alexander/Omega Savage or Extremes
              i've seen several PFs doing those so it's not entirely "out of their way content" because new players exist

        • 7 months ago

          >only care about endgame
          Just play wow

        • 7 months ago

          >Free trial doesn't show you the endgame though.
          Yes it does, even when it was limited to HW it did.
          >Hit max level
          >Do raids/ex trials
          >Level alt jobs
          >Grind for tomestones to buy gear

    • 7 months ago

      The biggest sell for ffxiv is

      Of course it is.

      Nobody really explains why but the big reason there’s a huge continent of schizos ass mad over this game is because there is no Spanish version, and the English script is full of ye olde Shakespearean frickery that filters ESLs. It’s just that simple, sour grapes. It goes beyond Spanish, basically most third world languages aren’t represented and the ENG dialogue can’t be understood by them.

    • 7 months ago

      WoW, mainly because you get far more content from one sub

    • 7 months ago

      Just play WoW since it's the hype now and games are more fun when they're hype. Go try the new retail patch or classic hardcore or go kill the Lich King in WotLK or something, then come to XIV when you're tired from it.

    • 7 months ago

      WoW because it's in the "WE ARE SO BACK" phase and "THEY ARE LISTENING" so you will enjoy the game day1 but dunno how long till the "IT'S OVER" and "IT SUCKS" doomposting phase starts...

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        I don't hate gays so that doesn't matter to me.

        • 7 months ago

          Then see

          Meanwhile, in reality:

          Even the biggest WoW raiders think that FFXIV is the absolute king when it comes to raiding.

          Raiding is a complete joke in WoW.

          • 7 months ago

            Anon if I wanted to play something hard for difficulty's sake I'd 1cc another touhou game on lunatic

            • 7 months ago

              So you don't care about writing, you don't care about raiding and you don't care about censorship. Seems like you don't care about anything.

              • 7 months ago

                >so you don't care about writing
                I do, it just doesn't make me seethe if a character in a fantasy setting transitioned
                >you don't care about raiding
                I do, but the difficulty isn't the main aspect in my opinion
                >you don't care about censorship
                You're right on that one
                >you don't care about anything
                I'm just not as superficial as you.

        • 7 months ago

          >I don't hate gays
          We know.

    • 7 months ago

      You decide.

      • 7 months ago

        did they change/retcon Alexstrasza's rape dungeon experience?

  101. 7 months ago

    b-but if you don't care about endgame then why are you playing Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing endGame (MMORPG)?

    • 7 months ago

      What's massive about FFXIV and how is it an RPG?

      • 7 months ago

        >What's massive about FFXIV
        the modding and erp community
        >how is it an RPG?
        you pick Role:
        >dps (melee or range physical/magic)
        and you play.

        • 7 months ago

          Today I learned that Overwatch was an MMORPG, thanks anon!

          • 7 months ago

            it's not massive, only it's porn community and it's First Person Shooting RolePlayingendGame (FPSRPG)

            • 7 months ago

              >it's not massive
              >Everyone is in a general lobby while they wait for the game to find them players and put them into an instanced map
              FFXIV is the exact same, so why isn't Overwatch considered massive?

              You can have 100+ people in one instance so I think that’s massive

              Today I learned that Battle Royales are MMORPGs, thanks anon!

              • 7 months ago

                Black person

          • 7 months ago

            You can have 100+ people in one instance so I think that’s massive

  102. 7 months ago

    Why is everyone ok with them deleting the relic grind? Doesn't need to fricking Eureka zone, just pull a HW and have people do older shit to keep that alive and something to grind towards. You can't even argue its unfair towards the raid homosexuals since they now get a stronger weapon with the criterion upgrade.

    • 7 months ago

      Are they? You gays have been b***hing about it for months. The truth is the game is not improved if they added some go farm ShB and SB fates 100 times relic step.

      The only thing that is truly soulless is that there should be a gold saucer step or two. The steps should be meme bullshit like TT and GATEs. Maybe even a play one game of mahjong step, if you want people to seethes

      • 7 months ago

        >The truth is the game is not improved if they added some go farm ShB and SB fates 100 times relic step.
        It legit would give casual players something to work towards to while also rewarding them with something that not everyone can get from one day on the other. But beware if the casual ever comes remotely close to a savage raider in ilevel, then they piss themself. If it wasn7t for that attitude they would have changed the 24man stuff to the same iLevel as savage gear with some pieces being even BiS. But nope, can't have that at all.

        • 7 months ago

          No it wouldn’t since most people just would not do it. If you want to farm fates anyone can go back and do ARR relics. I agree there should be a real relic grind, but it should have been treated like SB or ShB, where it’s tied to new content with a side option for little b***hes who don’t want it.

          Like EW could have a variant dungeon step, but you would b***h about that anyways. The game doesn’t need more shitty fate grinds or another light step equivalent

    • 7 months ago

      They just went back to a HW style relic grind (mountains of tomes). People are queueing for all the roulettes for tome farming purposes, it's the exact same shit.

      • 7 months ago

        >no light farm
        >no fate farm
        Why call it an mmo when you keep pushing players away from group activity?

        • 7 months ago

          yes running fates that you can solo easily is so fun
          and farming A1S unsynched for a couple minutes each run was truly peak group content

          • 7 months ago

            You couldn't unsync it in HW when it was the new relic. Nice try, LARPer. Go back to WoW.

            • 7 months ago

              You know people ran endless A1S runs for light, it wasn't fun or engaging

  103. 7 months ago

    Hildibrand is kino.

    • 7 months ago

      EW Hildibrand was the first time I actually laughed at this quests. At most I would smile in previous expansions

      • 7 months ago

        >he didn't laugh at the grandpa getting punched

  104. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Do they seriously not use macros?

  105. 7 months ago

    xiv modders are kind of funny,they laugh at people who think putting a 5 foot horse dick on your character is moronic but seethe to hell and back when someone says they dont want to play the game because they think the general playerbase is too horny

  106. 7 months ago

    >Check PF
    >LL DuC / C83 2+0 Skip mid

  107. 7 months ago

    >WoW in its current form is not good enough to warrant a 13 euro subscription
    >Same thing for FF14
    >ESO looks free to play but the sub is basically mandatory with all the inventory cluttering from materials
    >GW2 looks free to play but good luck getting a group for anything without specializations from the expansions, also alot of QoL that should have been in the game by default is in the cash shop instead

    • 7 months ago

      >also alot of QoL that should have been in the game by default is in the cash shop instead
      huh? what things?

  108. 7 months ago

    For the story, yes. Shadowbringers alone is genuinely God tier. Gameplay is fricking awful and there isn't shit to do unless you're a moron who enjoys mindless grinding for fake rewards.

  109. 7 months ago

    Reminder that this is the guy who's doomposting about FFXIV (along with his discord buddies) every single day and shilling for WoW. It's the Zodiark Trancers (who are all WoWfugees who followed Baldo in 2021 to this game) who story skipped to ShB to suck off Emet then got filtered by Venat in EW who have dedicated what remains of their lives to seething about EW nonstop. Now they're back to WoW and shilling it hard here and shitposting against FFXIV out of pure butthurt that Endwalker didn't end with us raping and torturing Venat to death and mass-genociding the Sundered on behalf of the Ancients.

    This particular one is an AIDS-ridden (by his own admission) baragay who's paradoxically a Barry-impersonator from the FFXIV official forums and he's currently shilling for the new Worlo expac and you better believe he and his trancer buddies are in this thread right now making all the doomposts and Barry-esque posts you see on a daily basis.

    • 7 months ago

      They’ll show femhroths and these trannies will probably crawl back so they can self insert getting fricked by male bunnies or whatever, who cares about these schizos

      I’m personally hoping femhroths are ugly for this very reason, so these troons don’t come back

    • 7 months ago

      >Narc writer destory the entier setting for her husbando

    • 7 months ago

      The thing is that he's not wrong. Frick Ishikawa and frick Graha Tia for ruining Endwalker.

      • 7 months ago

        i have never seen a post with "he's not wrong" that was ever right

        • 7 months ago

          I'm glad to be your first :3

  110. 7 months ago

    >The GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Video Game is an annual award that honors video games for excellence in the depiction of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) characters and themes.
    WoW literally got nominated as the biggest homosexual troony game of the year.

    • 7 months ago

      And they lost to fricking Apex which is even funnier.

      • 7 months ago

        How so. Apex has a true, blue troony, of course it'd win.

        • 7 months ago

          WoW has two actual troony NPCs at this point, both of which are pretty major too.

          • 7 months ago

            A blue troony is like the god of the afterlife in WoW or some shit now

            Yeah, but those are magical bullshit. Apex's troony is a modern troony, with no magic shit involved, voiced by a troony and says shit about people being scared of a troony witch.

        • 7 months ago

          A blue troony is like the god of the afterlife in WoW or some shit now

          • 7 months ago

            >why are gods WEIRD!!!
            >*runs off to blow vivec in elder scrolls*

  111. 7 months ago

    I don't know much about other MMOs but you're genuinely fricking moronic if you still play retail WoW in 2023, or really any ActiBlizz game at this point.

  112. 7 months ago

    I just hope the xiv threads will be more niche in DT
    go play whatever else you want, yoship even encourages it
    theres too much people that want xiv to be something it never was

    • 7 months ago

      How would you know what it was when you started playing in 5.5? Do you even know what TP was?

      • 7 months ago

        TP's only value has ever been as an oldgay virtue-signaling point and even then it's more likely to get you beaten by everyone else in the thread with hammers for even insinuating you want it back

        • 7 months ago

          Nobody wants TP back. But it's an example of something you have no real knowledge nor experience with. Because you started playing in 5.5 and have not seen first hand how the game has changed. newbies like you do not get to tell people to be quiet when you have no idea what they're talking about.

          • 7 months ago

            im not that anon, im the other anon that posted this picture

            ive been playing since late stormblood so yes i know what it is
            no i didnt care for it

          • 7 months ago

            Completely in one ear and out the other

          • 7 months ago

            holy cringe

          • 7 months ago

            now im proven not a le newbie, whats your next argument anon?

          • 7 months ago

            They hated him for he spoke the truth.

            • 7 months ago

              Don’t reply to yourself, it’s embarrassing

            • 7 months ago

              True and real. Newhomosexuals who started playing with Flopwalker and are in their honeymoon expansion phase need to pipe down.

              why did you turn into a Ganker poster

          • 7 months ago

            True and real. Newhomosexuals who started playing with Flopwalker and are in their honeymoon expansion phase need to pipe down.

          • 7 months ago

            I want TP back and them to do something with it. All it did in ARR was run out on AoE pulls and punish people doubly for dying.

            • 7 months ago

              it's martial MP, there isn't anything they can do with it but arbitrarily gate off how much you can attack

            • 7 months ago

              it's martial MP, there isn't anything they can do with it but arbitrarily gate off how much you can attack

              TP should start depleting the moment you log in and when it runs out it automatically closes FFXIV and forces you to do something else for 24 houts.

              • 7 months ago

                Ah, I see, you really would have liked 1.0.

              • 7 months ago

                Remember when using sprint used all of your TP and changing classes set your mp,tp, and hp to 1

      • 7 months ago

        ive been playing since late stormblood so yes i know what it is
        no i didnt care for it

  113. 7 months ago

    if you just make your way through the long msq and quit directly after it's ok, sticking around is a cringe and depressing experience though

  114. 7 months ago

    How do I ninja in pvp, is it fun?

    • 7 months ago

      Feels good when you get deathlink going, but in truth it is mostly frustrating. You are very dependant on your team to soften people and unless you use addons it is very easy for your Limit to fizzle. You are pretty survivable, but thats about it, other DPS does more damage more consistent. If your Kassatsu is down you might as well not exists and your CC is laughable.

  115. 7 months ago
  116. 7 months ago

    Eventually, they're going to add auto-play options so you can 'stoymode' the game. We're talking auto-pathing to quest locations, and giving Trust-level AI to your character in dungeons and in proximity of other enemies.

    • 7 months ago

      they won't do that because then the raidgays and their 5 alts wouldn't need to buy skips

    • 7 months ago

      I still think it's funny that you can now solo the majority of the game. Don't even need people for dungeons anymore. Hell some of the trials have AI companions. I bet in Dawntrail the entire expansion including trials will be soloable with the AI.

  117. 7 months ago

    What a terrible thread

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