is Oblivion where Elder Scrolls went wrong?

is Oblivion where Elder Scrolls went wrong?

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  1. 2 years ago

    nope. skyrim. oblivions quests had 10x better writing and more soul than the half baked FOR DA NORDS shit

    • 2 years ago

      do you remember a single third-to-last quest from literally any of the guild questlines

      • 2 years ago

        yes because the quests were actually cohesive and inspired in oblivion. the dark brotherhood alone is maybe the best shit they ever did

      • 2 years ago

        The Fighter's guild one where you get drugged with hallucinatory drugs that make you murder civilians.
        The Dark Brotherhood one where you murder your whole sanctuary

      • 2 years ago

        All the quests to join the Mage's guild were pretty cool overall. Nice variety

      • 2 years ago

        Arena "guild" "quest" where you fight some epic troll guy was pretty cool because you could tell him he isn't some noble prince, but some half vamp shmuck which would make him suicidal and depressed just asking you to kill him

        • 2 years ago

          That's the last quest though not the third to last

          • 2 years ago

            Bro its arena, you mostly just fight

            • 2 years ago

              I mean you could've said that funny fight where they gave you a pig and you had to kill 3 slaves

      • 2 years ago

        mage guild quests are kill those necromancers, oh wait more necromancers defeat them and everyone in our guild were a necromancer, kill them.

      • 2 years ago

        Stealing the elder scroll was like a culmination on going into video games machine immersion.
        Getting Leyawin recommendation for mages guild were you go into the well for the ring is another example of something that just doesn't happen in many video games and if it did happen bit was somev2 5D isometric rpg. Totally different level of the experience.

        Sneaking around to spy on and overhear two npcs gravedigging for used clothing and items, is another quest that isn't done much in vidya and doesn't have the same feel to it in any other game.

    • 2 years ago

      >that quest where you go in the painting
      >that quest where you have to do a murder mystery
      >that quest where you have break up that prostitution thief's ring
      >that quest where you have to help the crazy guy
      >the quest where you go into the guys dreams
      >that dark brotherhood one

      • 2 years ago

        dont forget stealing a bloody elder scroll and helping a masked outlaw break his curse of anonymity. shit was cash.

      • 2 years ago

        I never got around to finishing oblivion, but I was in deep by the time I did the painting one, at that point it blew my mind over what can be done in games as a media. Truly amazing writing and directing

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion played like shit, looked like shit and had the least interesting world out of any video game.

      • 2 years ago

        >played like shit
        As opposed to what? Skyrim With it's magic and melee completely gutted?

        • 2 years ago

          Hiting skeleton 50 times with the best sword in the game and a 100 skill isnt fun

          • 2 years ago

            I can't discuss anything with people on this site anymore. You're all braindead ESLs that can barely produce a coherent sentence.

            • 2 years ago

              game is shit
              todd is a hack

    • 2 years ago

      This. Oblivion also had better cities, more memorable NPCs, a much greater magic system, and much better stealth gameplay/content. Skyrim is only better if you’re just content to roam around the world doing dungeons, which gets old fast and doesn’t stick with you much.

    • 2 years ago

      Morrowind was shit. Oblivion is where it got better. Skyrim even better than that. Your opinion is complete dog shit and you're a contrarian.

      Morrowind was the better written game with also the best philosophy in its design (bar dice rolling-stamina). Its world was the most iconic and made it so you would feel alienated at any time, which was a nice break from the classic European fantasy.

      Skyrim was the most fun game which, while further simplifying a lot of things, it nevertheless became the most iconic one by far through its ambiance, comfy world, iconic characters (Nazeem is a nobody in-game) and modding.

      Haven't played much of Oblivion, but it seems like the awkward (at times) child of the above 2.

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion's quests have interesting premises but none of them are executed well. You have even less agency in them than in Skyrim. For example whodunit, while having an interesting premise for a quest, is so hilariously janky and poorly executed that it falls flat on its face.

  2. 2 years ago

    Morrowind was shit. Oblivion is where it got better. Skyrim even better than that. Your opinion is complete dog shit and you're a contrarian.

    • 2 years ago

      on a mechanical level, sure. on a narrative / writing level? nope

      • 2 years ago

        >on a narrative / writing level? nope
        Mechanically sound game > bunch of lore and background bullshit tied to a garbage tier game. It's why Fallout New Vegas is shit too.

        • 2 years ago

          not saying oblivion wasnt mechanically sound but they have generally improved on aspects albeit at the expense of others. arguably both sides of that are solvable with mods

          • 2 years ago

            >arguably both sides of that are solvable with mods
            which I'm hoping Elder Scrolls 6 doesn't need to become playable. It's amazing that a fully completed game on launch is so rare to expect these days.

            • 2 years ago

              its hilarious they had the balls to run such a shitty trailer just to let everyone know they weren't going to let the franchise die after so long. must have taken a whole weekend to render the speedtree and fog

        • 2 years ago

          Morrowind was shit. Oblivion is where it got better. Skyrim even better than that. Your opinion is complete dog shit and you're a contrarian.

          this poster is why you need to gatekeep your communities
          grafix normies will destroy any soul of your franchise if you let them in

          • 2 years ago

            >old janky game is good!
            >new and fluid is bad!
            You're a contrarian homosexual.

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                when compared to the horror show that is Morrowind? It' night and day.

              • 2 years ago

                do you even know what fluidity means?

            • 2 years ago

              Old does not mean dead
              New does not mean best

              • 2 years ago

                You're dealing with a contrarian, but that rare extra pathetic kind who feels the need to take the opposite stance of contrarians. I can hardly tell if it's earnest passion for the shit their defending or just some pathological need to be a special fricking snowflake among special fricking snowflakes. Frick this place, and frick me for wasting my time here.

            • 2 years ago

              its almost as if your taste has been entirely calibrated on zoomer trash. their newer shit is actually more janky because they think they can just coom in a for loop, call it AI, and use it anywhere instead of actually crafting an experience

          • 2 years ago

            unironically we should gatekeep the rest of the games from morrowindgays
            they are the nost obnoxious TES fans by far

        • 2 years ago

          Morrowind if you were expecting Daggerfall2. I guess you could argue that the two spin off before that, but they are just that spin offs
          the mechanics and actual world of oblivion was shit, but the writing and roleplaying was fantastic
          I can't think of many rpgs that could beat out Oblivion's quests

          The only main tes game I can think that truly fricked up and is simply not enjoyable was arena
          I'd say the series has yet to truly frick up, but Skyrim is ripe with obvious decline

          Most important parts of RPGs

          Story telling
          Roleplay mechanics


          gameplay/combat mechanics

  3. 2 years ago

    morrowinds combat may have been far more based on the rpg aspect than the action, but i really hate both oblivion and skyrim for adding the "random shitty enemies level up with you!" meme.

  4. 2 years ago

    Skyrim has better gameplay than Oblivion but Oblivions quests are way better. I would probably say that Elder Scrolls fell off around the time your worthless ass crawled out of your moms pussy to b***h about it.

  5. 2 years ago

    I loved oblivion when I was a kid and when I replayed it recently I still had fun with it. I tried morrowind for the first time this year and I've really been enjoying it (when it's not fricking crashing all the time).

    Oblivion does still have some good shit even if the rpg shit was getting toned down

  6. 2 years ago

    Morrowind is where the series turned from PCgay neckbeard dungeon crawlers into consolegay dudebro action/adventure games. None of these games are that great, play Wizardry or Might & Magic.

  7. 2 years ago

    Arena was.

  8. 2 years ago

    Oblivions leveling system has to be the worst in any game I've ever played. The voices have this moronic charm to them especially when contrasting with the ugly models. The overall story sucks dick but then again no TES game has a decent plot.

    • 2 years ago

      >muh leveling
      doesn't even matter

      • 2 years ago

        How does something intrinsic to the game not matter? Actually don't answer that you're just gonna do a greentext with some disingenuous and ultimately braindead response, attaching either a wojak or generic reaction image to it.

        • 2 years ago

          you can make yourself a god with alchemy not that it matters to a moron like you who can go through the entire game without a hitch regardless

          • 2 years ago

            >bro leveling doesn't even matter
            >just use a broken in game skill to cheese the entire experience
            You should expect more and yet you're content with trash.

            • 2 years ago

              >bro leveling doesn't matter
              >here's why it doesn't matter

              you can't even articulate why it's bad you just heard it on Ganker once and now you parrot it kek

        • 2 years ago

          difficulty slider available anytime in the menu. doesn't affect anything but combat.

          • 2 years ago

            You have to do things set ammont of times to level up them
            Easy difficulty just makes enemies die in 1-2 hits there fore you will pretty much never level up shit to max or it will be grindy and boring
            And if you are a mage you will never be able to learn master spells
            Easy difficulty ia just ignoring the problem that already exists

  9. 2 years ago

    >A Brush With Death
    >Through A Nightmare, Darkly
    >A Shadow Over Hackdirt
    Be warned, should anyone speak positively of the following quests they are an OBLIVION APOLOGIST. It is recommended you find the nearest razor to shave their lumberjack beard before they deceive the rest of the internet cafe into thinking their opinions matter.

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Making it with consoles in mind dumbed it down from crpg to a
    >folow a quest marker, mush the button, fast travel everywhere
    Skyrim isn't much better it tried to fix some of the things and what it didn't fix it just cut outright

    • 2 years ago

      You know they made Morrowind with consoles in mind too, right?

      • 2 years ago

        It was made for pcs in mind first console was juast a port
        Plus 2004 is when halo 2 was coming out and todd wanted to ride 2 dicks at the same time

        • 2 years ago

          Fair enough, I didn't know that. I was under the impression it was in consideration from the start. Not sure why I made that assumption.

  12. 2 years ago

    >story is serviceable at best
    >character building and customization is shallow
    >combat is barebones and quite awful
    >world is barren and the towns miniscule
    >no memorable characters of any kind
    >barely any room for actual roleplaying
    >quests are simplistic and boring
    >dungeons are linear and samey
    >same 3 voice actors for every character
    >bad AI
    >buggy as hell
    >also happens to be the greatest game ever made
    How does Todd do it?

    • 2 years ago

      Play STALKER
      Skyrim is the second best game of all time

      • 2 years ago

        I walked really slow to a building where my sloppy aim got me killed and I uninstalled it.

  13. 2 years ago

    I love all Elder Scrolls games, even Battlespire.

  14. 2 years ago

    lot of opinions, but its clear enough that the combat has always been so shitty that no one has said a word about it across any iteration. regardless of the added variety and responsiveness to player input, you still end up whacking at shit longer than you really want to and emerging far from satisfied.

    morrowind had the stats based hits, oblivion turned everything into a damage sponge, and they thought it was a good enough idea to keep around in skyrim.

  15. 2 years ago

    Also god that game lookes ugly nowadays

  16. 2 years ago

    Skyrim lacks the charm of oblivion but is a better game. I didn't care for the gates and played the other quests in the game. In skyrim I never use shouts and try to put off the dragonborn story as long as I can. In morrowind I just go wherever and get into trouble.

  17. 2 years ago

    There has never been a good Bethesda or Bioware game. They are all mechanically dogshit and their writing is only impressive to people who only read YA fantasy novels

    • 2 years ago

      >impressive to people who only read YA novels
      every game made ever

  18. 2 years ago

    TES went wrong with guild questlines making you the leader and all the guild stories being previous guild leader/member did thing that left the guild in shambles.

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong. b***h.

    • 2 years ago

      you should listen to

      Wrong. b***h.

      , he is the guild leader after all

  19. 2 years ago

    No, Morrowind is. There should have refined Daggerfall's procedural generation

    • 2 years ago

      >random dungeons
      only based if it accompanies a load of fantastic hand crafted ones

      • 2 years ago

        Daggerfall had plenty of handcrafted ones

        • 2 years ago

          yeyeye it's baste
          and then there's a few that a mix of the two

          the dream would be keeping the morrowind levels of hand crafted dungeons and then tip the daggerfall ones in on top of that

  20. 2 years ago

    been playing shitloads of oblivion recently and i honestly love it. there are major issues - one of the biggest ones that bother me is enemies in combat will fricking SPRINT like 10 times faster than their usual run speed to catch up to you, or they'll run these weird fricking circles around you like the flash, or run up to you and back away again or run side to side just insanely, moronicly fast. THAT fricks me off, especially when i miss a high magicka spell because they darted away quicker than i can move at 100 speed

    if you really sit down and play it and immerse yourself in it and just accept the jank it's an amazing game though: the voice acting is truly a feat when you start to realize just how much maybe 5-6 voice actors did, and there is a lot of soul in their lines. the music is among the best; the sound design is like no other game i can think of - everything from opening up rice bags, to lock picking, to clicking different items in the inventory screen, to the magicka empty sound for each different spell type; the graphics still hold up nicely and the world environment itself (plants, static/physics objects, etc) all looks great.

    ironically i think the greatest part about the game is the combat, skills, attributes, etc, the pure gameplay and mechanics itself. name a SINGLE other game that lets you jump around, airstrafe, and land on the smallest ledges and weirdest fence post tops and light ornaments and usually inaccessible pillar heads or other weird architectural fixtures. seriously. there is not another game like this, especially an RPG with also such a level of freedom. morrowind was close but it was too stiff, skyrim went WAY too FAR with the gutting of athletics/acrobatics and that shit jump/hitbox reg on all the objects and character model, and just how floaty that game is. oblivion has WEIGHT. you can boost your strength and speed and just charge shit like a bull, swinging with big, meaty hammer hits and make guys ragdoll and go flying.

    • 2 years ago

      >name a SINGLE other game that lets you jump around, airstrafe

      • 2 years ago

        when you don't clip out the other 70% of the sentence like a moron, yes, it really is impossible. there is no other game with the same type of weighty, sticky, "character is really there" kind of jumping, mid-air movement, and capability to land on surfaces that aren't even perfectly perpendicular to the player like there is for oblivion. TF2 and source games are floaty shooters which do have air strafing and bunnyhopping but not the kind i'm talking about obviously. you couldn't even post an example to try and validate your pathetic midwit post. seriously, tell me about any other RPG that grants you the level of verticality oblivion has - and not only verticality - but a game, physics engine, and world clearly designed to support it

    • 2 years ago

      when you don't clip out the other 70% of the sentence like a moron, yes, it really is impossible. there is no other game with the same type of weighty, sticky, "character is really there" kind of jumping, mid-air movement, and capability to land on surfaces that aren't even perfectly perpendicular to the player like there is for oblivion. TF2 and source games are floaty shooters which do have air strafing and bunnyhopping but not the kind i'm talking about obviously. you couldn't even post an example to try and validate your pathetic midwit post. seriously, tell me about any other RPG that grants you the level of verticality oblivion has - and not only verticality - but a game, physics engine, and world clearly designed to support it

      >name a SINGLE other game that lets you jump around, airstrafe

      and here's an impossible difficulty challenge for you: name a single other RPG that even has verticality as a practical element. there is not a game like oblivion and there likely will never be another where you are able to outright skip or take major shortcuts to quests because you made a spell that lets you leap 3 times higher for just a split second. CONCEPTUALIZE THAT. a fricking video game that gives you the freedom to:
      >make a character,
      >make them skilled at magic,
      >and raise that skill in magic to allow them to overcome ACTUAL physical shortcomings in the game world
      >by taking a low acrobatics stat and magically enhancing it to JUMP. HIGHER. LONGER. FURTHER.
      >and "acrobatics" isn't just dodge chance or a higher success roll for a written prompt or some shit like that
      oblivion is a top 25 game of all time just for the ability to buy a house and decorate it however you'd like with the shit you earn/buy/find, and then you add everything else on top of it and it's easily a top 10

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind you blithering idiot.

        • 2 years ago

          no fricking shit huh? that's why i said morrowind came close but was too stiff. morrowind does not have a real physics engine to speak of that has an impact on the world, it doesn't impress upon its design with your potential to make huge leaps, it is not PRACTICAL in morrowind to be so insanely acrobatic as you can get in oblivion. oblivion even gives you crazy perks as you level acrobatics up which just further explains my point that the game was DESIGNED to be pleasing in that way. you get stuck on geometry and shit clips all the fricking time in morrowind and leveling it up is really only part of the formality of becoming god in that game anyway, whereas in oblivion, there's a rock or crate or log or some set of stairs or fences for you to bound off of and it is smooth, it is faster than running, it is PRACTICAL. you can leap up high in the arena to avoid every fight, you can leap up in spots in the umbra dungeon to fight her, you can skip big sections of into a nightmare darkly, etc etc etc. oblivion wants you to jump around and be ninja-like.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not going to read your autistic drivel. I'll quote your autistic drivel back to you, and remind you that the MOST memorable portion of Morrowind it's spell system is word for word exactly what you're describing here. At this point I don't even believe you played Morrowind, and if you did you played it like a fricking moron.

            there is not a game like oblivion and there likely will never be another where you are able to outright skip or take major shortcuts to quests because you made a spell that lets you leap 3 times higher for just a split second. CONCEPTUALIZE THAT. a fricking video game that gives you the freedom to:
            >make a character,
            >make them skilled at magic,
            >and raise that skill in magic to allow them to overcome ACTUAL physical shortcomings in the game world
            >by taking a low acrobatics stat and magically enhancing it to JUMP. HIGHER. LONGER. FURTHER.

            • 2 years ago

              fricking moron, there's too many things wrong with your post to continue trying. mire my oblivion house gay

              • 2 years ago

                It looks nice, homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        >oblivion is a top 25 game of all time just for the ability to buy a house and decorate it however you'd like with the shit you earn/buy/find, and then you add everything else on top of it and it's easily a top 10
        you can do that in skyrim too though fricking moron

        • 2 years ago

          no fricking shit, once again. but skyrim is shitty and boring and the physics engine feels gimped just like everything else in that game so it's a b***h to put anything down. there are lots of games you can "decorate" spaces but once again, few like oblivion. skyrim also has a major lack in comfiness and a lot of vanilla skyrim models for items just look cheap and boring.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind you blithering idiot.

        Daggerfall too, I'll miss the climbing and linguistics skills

    • 2 years ago

      >one of the biggest ones that bother me is enemies in combat will fricking SPRINT like 10 times faster than their usual run speed to catch up to you, or they'll run these weird fricking circles around you like the flash, or run up to you and back away again or run side to side just insanely, moronicly fast
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. It doesn't matter if I have 100 speed, these motherfrickers will chase you till the end of time. I fricking hate mountain lions because of this, they're as annoying as cliff racers. It makes exploring not fun.

  21. 2 years ago

    yep, oblivion was the first true normie game and ushered in the current shit era of gaming for morons

  22. 2 years ago

    Oblivion was such a step back for the entire series. It should have killed Bethesda but it came out in the era of Xbox360 and PS3 where you could just market a bad game into success.

  23. 2 years ago

    morrowind was awesome
    oblivion was awesome
    skyrim was ok

    • 2 years ago

      Skyrim felt like such a huge step back in terms of variety and flavor.
      You can talk shit about Oblivion's caves and oblivion gates but I have a lot more fun with those than endless draugr dungeons and dragon fights.
      Still a good game but so much missed potential and left out too much of what made Morrowind and Oblivion so good.

      i never sell gems, i like filling up bowls with them

      I fricking love this shit, arranging all the little physics items to make a real home in these games is the best.

  24. 2 years ago

    people like to call oblivion ugly or boring too but there is a ton of times in it where i'm compelled to take a kino shot. my favorite are the action ones: the contrast of a beautiful or haunting locale combined with a charging enemy is perfect to describe the game, free and open with danger and fun around every corner. not so claustrophobic and alien like morrowind and not so sterile and trite like skyrim

  25. 2 years ago

    i kept this skeleton hero's axe purely because he looked badass coming at me in the tombs

  26. 2 years ago

    oblivion has more atmosphere and soul in its farts than most games in the last 8 years have had in their finest moments

  27. 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    >level scaling
    >quest arrows
    >fast travel
    >generic lotr aesthetics
    >full voiceacting=less dialogue
    >less spells, skils, armor slots
    how is this even a question

    • 2 years ago

      >fast travel
      Oh yeah thats another thing I find funny about Morrowind fans. They say fast travel ruins the later games yet from the word go in Morrowind you have the silt strider network and the mages guild teleporters that will literally fast travel you just about anywhere for essentially free. I have not watch ONE morrowind fan play through this game without spamming them everywhere. Sure they're far better than just fast travelling normally as they're explained in game, but the system should be far more limited in what it does. I dont know if its still out there but there used to be a mod called All roads lead to Vivec that made it so silt striders and boats were far more limited, most would take you to only one or two cities and there were some you would be forced to make the long journeys for. The silt strider/boat system in general is far too easy and gets you everywhere you need to go without much hassle.

      The questing in general is also a lot more shallow. So much of it is spent getting a quest from place a, taking a silt strider to place b, talking to someone in place b, getting the silt strider back to place a and then handing it in. So mucn of the game is stretched over busywork and discourages actually exploring the world. The Hlaalu faction quests are especially egregious for this shit. The dungeons while better in areas, are usually a lot smaller or require far fewer objectives to complete. Going back to the hlaalu quests, one is just to run through a mine and cure the kwama queen for you stronghold then run out, and the queen almost right near the entrance. I really do wonder how many of the quests are literally just 'Go to Vivec and talk to person'

      There isnt much to spend your gold on rather than training being a goldsink, and training in and of itself is rather boring. TES really does need to find cooler goldsinks for you to purchase cool upgrades or things. Fable's landlord system comes to mind

      • 2 years ago

        are you legitimately moronic
        fast travel ii morrwind is absolutely different
        its a skill that you actually have to earn and master yourself
        remember which town have ports silt striders mage guilds and so on
        plus theres whole north east part of the map that doesn't have any communications with civilized world so you would have to use mark and recall spell to travel there fast or use water walking or levitation
        what you have to do to master traveling in oblivion?
        you press an icon that is closest to your magical gps marker and thats it

        • 2 years ago

          >remember which town have ports silt striders mage guilds and so on
          >all learned within 5 minutes of starting the game and 5 minutes of walking into a mages guild
          I already said the system is better than Oblivions so I dont know why you're trying to strawman there. To be honest though I feel morrowind fanboys are lying to themselves. There is no 'mastering' going on, you dont have to lets say, complete certain questlines to unlock new routes, a smuggling boat route for thieves or unlocking mage travel later on in the mages guild questline for example. It is all there from the get go, it takes anyone with more than a single brain cell to click travel and go to wherever you want on the list, you only have to do a few clicks to figure out the entire silt strider network, same with boats. Its better than straight up fast travel sure, its explained in universe. But it's not well implemented. Parts of it should be sectioned off or unlocked later, it would be more rewarding and forces the player to actually walk to places and explore first.

          Though I do find it hilarious that the same people that absolutely despise fast travel will NEVER elect to walk to vivec or balmora though. I can't even count on one hand the amount of morrowind veteran playthoughs I've watched where thats the case. In nearly every single one they will elect for the silt strider lmao

          • 2 years ago

            >There is no 'mastering' going on
            Yes, there is. You just haven't experienced it. Mastering traveling isn't just about using Stilt Riders and boats to travel, it's taking advantage of all travel systems including Mage Guild teleports, Mark/Recall and Almsivi/Divine Intervention, in the most efficient manner.

      • 2 years ago

        Attributes are such a meme
        Only skills really matter in tes games

        • 2 years ago

          >INT doesnt matter why would you want bigger manapool
          >STR doesnt matter why would you want carry capacity and more damage
          >END doesnt matter why would you want more HP
          >SPD doesnt matter why would you wanna go fast
          ok moron

          • 2 years ago

            STR barely affects damage.

  29. 2 years ago

    an underrated quest is the alyeid artifact hunt for the countess of bruma; highly cozy snow section and an interesting choice of outcome for the ending that i won't spoil for anyone

    • 2 years ago

      You mean akaviri, right? Pale Pass? That was cool, yeah.

  30. 2 years ago

    i never sell gems, i like filling up bowls with them

  31. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Skyrim has actually worst ragdolls than Oblivion

  32. 2 years ago

    I wish we had an ETA for Skyblivion

  33. 2 years ago

    and i'll leave you with this: 6th of frostfall, in the AM, under the shadow of the necromancer's moon; the shade of the revenant

    • 2 years ago

      comfy pix, brother

  34. 2 years ago

    I often hear people talking about Morrowind's amazing writing but I found most times NPCs read off to you like a Wikipedia article rather than real people. Sure the writing was better in some cases, but it never really felt organic. The lack of a routine system also meant that most NPCs were just standing around waiting for you to walk up to them and start clicking through their various Wikipedia articles. It lead to places feeling Dead, and I get Vivec was a compromise due to engine limitations, but frick me is that city shit

    The Only reason Morrowind's levelling system isn't considered disastrous like Oblivions is because of world scaling, as Morrowind still suffers from the janky 'plan your levels if you want your 5 point stat increase'. world scaling is really the only key difference. Also the governing attribute thing was really annoying because it led to characters that would otherwise want to stack strength for more damage, to also dip into agility so if you wanted to max your longsword damage you'd have to find another way to level strength. Some skills were straight up misplaced (Block is an Agility skill and not Endurance for whatever reason) (security isnt an agility skill so you have to stack int as a stealth character as well)

    The dice roll combat isnt as bad as some make out, though it's far too punishing at early levels. Skills will only ever affect your chance to hit, you dont get any damage scaling from being 100 in short blade compared to being 5. You can have a character fresh off the boat, whose build is purely based around hitting things with a sword, clearly has a background in using swords, who will then proceed to miss 8/10 swings at the bandit infront of him. It is a little jarring. It works in tabletop because when you miss you can use your brain to interpret what happened. 'Oh the bandit mustve got out the way!' but in Morrowind you can quite literally see the sword going directly into the bandits brain but are told it 'missed'

    • 2 years ago

      All true. Morrowind was a good game of its time and TES 6 could take a lot of good stuff from it, but it's clearly overrated af.

    • 2 years ago

      >NPCs read off to you like a Wikipedia article rather than real people
      I'm okay with that. The dialogue is purely informational and paints a broader picture. You get the main substance of the conversation (which there is usually a lot of) and you're free to imagine the rest on your own.
      >It works in tabletop because when you miss you can use your brain to interpret what happened. 'Oh the bandit mustve got out the way!' but in Morrowind you can quite literally see the sword going directly into the bandits brain but are told it 'missed'
      I don't understand, why would a simple animation prevent you from using your brain? You KNOW that the animation is an abstraction and doesn't show what's really happening. So what's the problem? Morrowind is no different from regular RPGs, you should be able interpret the combat just as well.

      • 2 years ago

        >The dialogue is purely informational and paints a broader picture
        I guess but it doesnt feel like mucn of a conversation. There are a few times where you get red text and are able to give an actual response but half time all you're really saying to an NPC is
        >Tell me about the Imperial Cult
        >Tell me about Morrowind
        >Tell me about House Hlaalu
        >Tell me about _______
        If translated into the later games conversation system, those are what you're options would be. Its really kind of bland and doesnt really feel like you're talking to someone

        >You KNOW that the animation is an abstraction and doesn't show what's really happening
        No that's not really the case. You can see your sword go into someone and clip with their model, yet its counted as a miss. There's no abstraction there like in tabletop games, no imaginary scenario for you to play in your head, you quite literally saw what happened

        • 2 years ago

          >No that's not really the case.
          Well then I'm telling you that it is. Now you know.

          • 2 years ago

            You claim there's an abstraction but there isnt. Even if I wanted to go ''Oh the game's saying I missed, okay well then I guess the bandit dodged my swing or something'' I couldnt because I can see the metal of my blade slicing through his chest. In DnD or some other tabletop you can do this because there isnt any visual feedback, but in these games there are. I cannot reconcile in my head that my swing missed, If I can quite literally see it with my very eyes connect with my enemy. It just doesnt work.

            Really dont understand why this is the hill morrowind fans choose to die on. Dont get my wrong I absolutely hate how diluted the series got with Skyrim, I actually wouldnt mind this system make a comeback for TES VI, but it needs tweaking. If I've specced entirely from character creation to be a swordsman, it should be very rare for me to miss a swing. It should be 2/10 swings miss not 6-8/10. The skill progression for this game also gets rather bland with accuracy only being affected. What if it worked that through 1-50 is your chance to hit, 5 being incredibly incompetent and 50 being exceptional. 50 skill in a weapon, you rarely miss and the rest of the skill progression from 50-100 focuses on increasing damage or bypassing defenses, lets say by 80 you get not only more damage but armor penetration as well.

            Im not advocating for a removal of these systems, but they need to start making a bit more sense imo. I dont think thats all to unreasonable

            • 2 years ago

              He's slippery. Your sword didn't go through him. It slipped off his skin.

    • 2 years ago

      >as Morrowind still suffers from the janky 'plan your levels if you want your 5 point stat increase'.
      if you do this you are simply playing wrong. there is no reason why you need 5 point stat increases in morrowind.

  35. 2 years ago

    I think it is where they went wrong. A major issue for me is the dungeons and how they made almost all of them level-generated and with random loot. It completely destroyed almost any sense of adventuring or reward. Morrowind did have some leveling with daedra creatures, but most dungeons had hand placed enemies and loot and stuff that made them feel more organic.

    To me Oblivion completely lacks any adventure feeling that Morrowind had. There is nothing in Oblivion that feels like you're going on a long trek into dangerous parts, like Morrowind made you feel by going deep into the Ashlands or Red Mountain or Molag Amur. Everything in Oblivion feels too close and easily accessible. I get its a more welcoming and peaceful landscape, so I guess it can't be helped that much, but it kills a lot of the fun for me.

    • 2 years ago

      >Everything in Oblivion feels too close and easily accessible. I get its a more welcoming and peaceful landscape, so I guess it can't be helped that much, but it kills a lot of the fun for me.
      If you want a hard region go into the Oblivion Gates; they're a constant stream of harder enemies and resource depletion, to the point I've finsihed some of them with most of my equipment broken and having to cheese the fact some enemies can't go through loaddoors.

      • 2 years ago

        Or just do kvatch at like lvl 40 that's harder than any oblivion gate. It's just constant close quarters with a horse of daedtroth

  36. 2 years ago

    >simply playing wrong
    If you do plan your levels you get more stats which is more efficient ,so arguably its YOU that is playing the game wrong

    • 2 years ago

      why the frick do you need 5 attribute points every level? you dont. because most enemies in morrowind dont scale with your level, its a complete waste of time. you will be strong enough, eventually, regardless. as long as you use your major skills the most, min maxxing with your attributes is totally unnecessary. most of the attributes arent even that important anyway. agility for instance is way less important for accuracy than your weapon skill.

      i would argue you are actually being less efficient, since you are delaying leveling up for no reason.

      • 2 years ago

        >since you are delaying leveling up for no reason
        You dont delay level ups when stat planning, at least not if you're doing it right. I do agree with you though its not necessary in morrowind like it is in oblivion. Still I dont think its a perfect system and stats could be a bit more meaningful. Governing attributes especially are annoying but thats just me. Would be nice if I got agility from lockpicking instead of intellect, or endurance for block etc. I'd personally move some stuff around

  37. 2 years ago

    You late millenials are the worst posters. Morrowind is when the series started being casualized to cater to console users but it's babies first tes so it's conveniently ignored

    • 2 years ago

      wrong, moron

  38. 2 years ago

    It's where it went RIGHT

  39. 2 years ago

    Yes, the best games are daggerfall and morrowind
    skyrim is so fricking bad though it makes oblivion look good, not even mods can fix it

  40. 2 years ago

    in a sense
    >looks like our leveling system actually incentivizes making the exact opposite of the character you want to roleplay as, how do we fix this?
    >uhhh just scrap attributes completely lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >uhhh just scrap attributes completely lmao
      Oblivion had attributes though?

  41. 2 years ago

    Love how Daggerfall enthusiasts have conveniently only started to appear now that it got ported to unity. I mean really, larping as a boomer that hard? sad really

  42. 2 years ago

    Console gaming was a mistake

  43. 2 years ago

    deciding to add "power attacks" was a mistake, they feel like shit in both oblivion and skyrim. morrowind's holding attacks felt better.

  44. 2 years ago

    Yeah this is pretty obvious if you look at M'aiq's dialogue, which is there purely to tell players about all the features they took out from previous titles and features that players were requesting, and how if you wanted either of these you're an idiot, never seen a more blatant middle finger from devs.

    • 2 years ago

      >never seen a more blatant middle finger from devs.
      make the mod and put it in if you're so butthurt

    • 2 years ago

      >never seen a more blatant middle finger from devs.
      >M'Aiq made Daggergays angry
      >M'Aiq made Morrowgays angry
      >M'Aiq made Oblivigays angry
      >M'Aiq will make Skyrimgays angry
      Based cat.

    • 2 years ago

      >that fable diss
      were they that insecure about another console RPG competing for sales?

      • 2 years ago

        obviously not

  45. 2 years ago

    Morrowind, while popular among the RPG crowd, didn't really sell that well. Oblivion, on the other hand, showed Bethesda how much money could be made if they leaned in on things like good graphics, action combat, voice acting, visual spectacle etc. They've been gravitating towards that direction ever since.

    I don't blame them for chasing money, but the issue is that their gameplay designers are not talented enough to put together action games at the scale they're attempting. Starfield will be a perfect example.

    • 2 years ago

      morrowind saved Bethesda from bankruptcy
      tf are you talking about

      • 2 years ago

        While true, it's also a pretty meaningless metric to judge a game's success by. Morrowind sold 4 million copies and Oblivion sold 9.5.

        • 2 years ago

          theres a big difference in gaming industry from 2002 and 2006
          different consoles
          lotr and harry potter films turn a bunch of normies into fantasy

          • 2 years ago

            I have genuinely no idea what your point is here. Oblivion was clearly a game developed for and marketed towards a much more mainstream audience and it's sales reflect that. Do you think that the games industry literally more than doubled in size over the course of 4 years?

  46. 2 years ago

    Morrowind sucks. Oblivion is the only actually good elder scrolls game. Skyrim is "ok".

  47. 2 years ago

    Pretty much. The entire design philosophy was flawed and Skyrim was only a continuation of said philosophy.

  48. 2 years ago

    Morrowind is extremely boring. The game might as well be a text based dos game

  49. 2 years ago

    leveling in morrowind and oblivion are terrible

    • 2 years ago

      leveling in morrowind is the most fun, skyrim just throws level ups at you, and oblivion is so fricking awesome holy shit

      • 2 years ago

        if you want to increase your stats efficiently +5 you need to increase skills at least 10 which is sucks and the more your level up the stronger the npc is, imagine dying because of skeleton in level 30

        • 2 years ago

          yeah, that's fun
          it's a mini-game to itself to try and maximize level ups to maintain the lead over npcs

  50. 2 years ago

    Oblivion has a lot of interesting quests but I honestly don't see how they are much better then skyrim except for a couple.
    They all rely on the "quirky light hearted fantasy dumb fun" which is fun, but it gets old.
    Invisible village? Fun enough, painting? Yeah, pretty good. But it comes a point where every good quest is good because it's just plain dumb and surreal. I like it sometimes, but they do overuse it A LOT, they even made an entire DLC with that theme.
    Compare to what we can consider good questa in skyrim, like blood on ice, or the markarth conspiracy, or vaermina's quest. There are still interesting concepts, but they are less memorable because it's less quirky.
    Only a few skyrim questa go with the quirky route, like sanguine's, which is a pretty good and well remembered quest.

  51. 2 years ago

    no it's just where it became janky in a different way than Daggerfall or Morrowind

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