>*is one of the worst games ever made in your path*

>*is one of the worst games ever made in your path*

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    >*keeps walking past it*

    • 2 years ago

      good on you.

  2. 2 years ago

    What's wrong with it? I've only ever seen footage of it and it seems like a pretty cool realistic FPS.

    • 2 years ago

      very grindy, dumb skill system, poor balance decisions, and a very annoying fanbase.

      • 2 years ago

        >i don't like it so it's one of the worst games EVAR
        >the fanbase is annoying and that makes it even badder!
        They can't possibly be more annoying than you

        • 2 years ago

          In this game it makes a difference.
          When 10-30% of the player base is so shit they need to sit near exits with impact nades to get kills and another 10-15% just straight up cheats it kinda does make the game shittier in an actual sense.

          Still an ok game in my opinion but corporate wienersuckers stop games from being held to a higher standard.

          • 2 years ago

            That seems like an extreme exaggeration, I'm level 25 and I've only had one extract camper, haven't encountered a hacker I'm aware of yet, could be one of the ones who can scan containers while loading the map though, wouldn't be able to tell.

          • 2 years ago

            >need to sit near exits with impact nades to get kills
            Yes Black person, thats how you unlock 762 BP rounds now, blame the moronic Task system, not the players for figuring efficient ways to complete it.

      • 2 years ago

        so it's misery 3.0, got it

        • 2 years ago

          Misery was one of the worst mods ever made and I cannot believe it gained any traction.
          >Take STALKER
          >Add fricking gear checks and shitloads of arbitrary grind and frustration
          >"WOW SO REALISTIC"

          • 2 years ago

            >get to Jupiter factory
            >five burers, 6 bloodsuckers and two poltergeists spawn on top of each other
            Thanks game, sure am glad I grinded weapon parts and selling radioactive meat for 12h just for that

      • 2 years ago

        just stop playing when you feel like it

    • 2 years ago

      >audio is fricked
      >rife with cheaters
      >no content
      >adding more guns and lootables is not more content
      you can also pay more money to bypass a lot of stuff that you're playing the game to do, aka pay to win

      • 2 years ago

        How are more items and guns not more content?

        • 2 years ago

          because all the firepower in the world doesn't matter when a shotgun scav snipes you from 200m away in a bush.

        • 2 years ago

          Imagine you have 100 lego, and now someone drops you two more lego. Is this really content?
          They're bloating the items because they can't
          balance the hideout findable.

          the only realistic thing about it is, literally anyone can sit in a bush and farm kills on players.
          Thats why normies love it

          Camping is good but real players move a lot because the game's net code gives you a legit 1,5-second advantage if you turn the corner at full speed before you appear on other guys' screen.

          Lots of hate against Tarkov in here lately. The game is great, with very intense gunfights, lots of atmosphere and soul, incredible environments... But to enjoy it all one needs to stop being a b***h. Tarkov is much more intense and gripping than any other FPS I have ever played, and I have been plating only FPS for 20 years (old frick I know).

          Embaressing and its clear you dont really play FPS games much.

          • 2 years ago

            Please tell us what you would consider good FPS.

            I love Tarkov but these are some pretty obvious BSG employees on break

            As I already said: Yes absolutely I am getting paid 30 roubles per post to talk with you stupid fricking c**ts on this b***h ass website.

        • 2 years ago

          70% of the guns in the game area already not worth using because the game is just a number cruncher simulator, you have to have above X number to kill anyone, any weapon that does damage below X number is not worth using

          The same thing with 80% of all the ammo in the game, you want to either use whatever has high armor penetration OR high flesh damage, then there are multiple variants of those types of ammo. The highest pen ammo is usually really rare, so you can't use it much. At the other end there are multiple variations of high flesh (HP) damage ammo, almost all of them are good enough to kill with a few shots in the right place, so why use the most expensive when it doesn't kill any faster?
          There is so much redundancy and just pointless weapons and they keep adding more

          >WHOA! A new assault rifle!?
          >oh it uses some weird caliber that is rare and only used by that weapon so nobody is going to make that ammo and you can't buy it
          >Oh it's still worse than my meta M4 so nobody is going to use it

          • 2 years ago

            Flavor for flavor's sake is good especially in Tarkov where the gun model autism is a huge draw. Otherwise you really don't need to min-max that much to do well in Tarkov. If it pens tier 4 aim at chest or head, if it doesn't aim at the legs. If you're experienced you can tell what the dude you're shooting at is wearing and make that choice on the fly. Running meme-guns and calibers is part of the fun, bonus points if they're actually effective. Otherwise you can always just sell it to vendors and buy whatever you consider ol' reliable.

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but you don't have to even go that far. Take .45 Vector, use flesh-eating ammo, aim for the legs. They drop faster than with headshots. Tarkov is fricking moronic and there is no way around it.

            • 2 years ago

              yes, but the whole point is the guns that are actually good are priced similar if not cheaper than the "meme" guns.
              That is the problem, it take MORE effort and resources to actually make a fun meme gun that it's just not worth the effort unless you play so much you just want to meme.

              All the good military guns should just be super rare, and insuring costs should be astronomical for them. The big problem in tarkov economy is that it just inflates, nothing gets removed from the pool ever. It should actually be a big thing if you want to run good gear.
              Now it's a big thing if you DON'T run big gear, it's fricked up

      • 2 years ago

        >pay for game once
        >content added after I already paid for it is not to my liking
        Truly one of the worst games ever made. They can't keep getting away with it.

      • 2 years ago

        What would you consider "more content" to be? Guns and maps is what the whole game is about.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm sure the coming arena is also considered "no content". Don't bother reasoning with bitter homosexuals.

          • 2 years ago

            Its content for EOD only though

        • 2 years ago

          I'm sure the coming arena is also considered "no content". Don't bother reasoning with bitter homosexuals.

          no, arena IS more content. its something that breaks up the mundane loop of the game. more stuff to pickup just feeds into that loop
          more content ideas would be
          >more co-op stuff beyond queue in with 3 people who you can shoot with impunity and take their shit
          >hold out mode with enemy waves. zombies, scavs, whatever. something that would lend itself to the frantic and realistic nature of the combat really well. imagine desperately fighting off waves of enemies and your gun jams. or you need to stop a bleed
          >being able to hold up in a secure spot on a map mid raid instead of extracting. maybe if you brought enough supplies or money. its too dark to extract and you want to wait until day or vice versa. add associated risk/rewards to it
          >have a big map without an exfil timer. make the hydration/energy system matter beyond it being an inconvenience in between raids.
          >more interactivity with the hideout. add some kind of co-op element to it. maybe you can visit a friends hideout and do shit there, i dunno

          • 2 years ago

            >Man comes at fanboys with reasonable logic
            >completely ignored
            As always

          • 2 years ago

            >make the hydration/energy system matter
            Ive died like twice because my energy ran out already, painkillers drop your hydration like crazy too. If you intend to stay in a raid to the end you should definitely bring a bottle of water and iskra. Energy/Hydration matters alot this wipe.

          • 2 years ago

            cool you're just going to have to buy the game again for this "arena" update.
            No refunds.

      • 2 years ago

        This game was unironically better with less content, since these dogshit devs idea of "more content" are just adding horrible gacha mechanics, grindier and more RNG based missions, and ruining everything that already worked. This game turned to shit years ago. Also, half the maps have been labeled as "coming soon" for 5+ years now with zero progress in sight, so that should show what kind of scam this shit is. They'll literally never finish it because they focus on just further ruining the player scav system and punishing anyone that isn't cheating.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm actually astonished that they haven't fixed the audio bugs, I feel l can't trust any sounds (or lack thereof in some cases) due to bugs that have been around for around 2-3 wipes now.

        • 2 years ago

          I love how if you use the Steam audio you can't hear anyone in a different floor so above or below than what you are in, but if you have the regular audio you can

    • 2 years ago

      No real reason to keep playing nor real content to experience besides slav wastelands. Enjoyment is confined to the first few days after a wipe.

    • 2 years ago

      It confuses oppression and obfuscation with realism. Is it realistic that you have no fricking clue where you are when you first load into a level that you've never played on before? Sure. Is it realistic that even with a hand drawn map (which are dogshit btw) that you can eventually get, you are somehow unable to draw with a pen "YOU ARE HERE" when you spawn in so you can get your bearings? You tell me.
      Is it realistic that you're encouraged to use 3rd party means like wiki's and mapgenie.io on a 2nd monitor just to know where you're going? The game wants to be all of these things but forgets that it's still a game. It's a confusing mess of ideas that rarely work but in that mess you can find some glimmers of magic that don't exist in many other games, but it's rare as frick and for the average casual player they will never get far enough to see them.

      • 2 years ago

        >but in that mess you can find some glimmers of magic that don't exist in many other games
        Wouldn't the moronic autists here consider that "Soul" or is it because most of them can't hack it that it's something different?

      • 2 years ago

        >He needs a fricking in game map to where he is
        This is just a lack of experience, not the games problem. Once you have scaved a map enough times you will know where you have spawned instantly.
        The real issue with the maps isnt that, its the spawns. You can still spawn on Emercom/OLI ramp on interchange and get shot within 10 seconds of the raid from Emercom spawn.
        Niggita should also completely scratch the fricking tasks and give us something with more depth than:
        >Bring prapor 10 bear asses from the woods
        >Shoot 20 scavs with a TOZ in the left finger at night time while experiencing dehydration and exhaustion

    • 2 years ago

      its because its not a play forever godlike game, i guarantee people complaining all have over 100 hours played. games r just not fun anymore once the novelty wears off.

    • 2 years ago

      In a nutshell

      • 2 years ago

        >criticism that is true for every single milsim shooter
        >doesn't actually go into detail why the game is in such a sorry state
        >doesn't cover at all why the devs decided to scrap what was supposed to be the main part of the game and instead focused on the side content
        Okay, thanks for wasting 4 minutes of my life.

        • 2 years ago

          Usually, the answer to the criticism is in the criticism itself, don't you have something called interpretation?

      • 2 years ago

        I bought a PC from those guys years ago

    • 2 years ago

      Actual reasons are grinding, garbage core shooting mechanics and being near unplayable if you're not starting from the new wipe at the same time as everyone else, and putting in a decent amount of time as well.
      Shit like

      >audio is fricked
      >rife with cheaters
      >no content
      >adding more guns and lootables is not more content
      you can also pay more money to bypass a lot of stuff that you're playing the game to do, aka pay to win

      is deep in the "complaints only people with hundreds of hours will have" camp.

    • 2 years ago

      it could be alright but it doesn't even fricking work right now. the desyncing is making it str8 up unplayable unless you enjoy constantly losing to a random shitter who gets to headshot you for free, because on his screen you were stationary for 2 seconds even though you were running. play in a party and you'll notice it's literally constant this patch, your friends will keep stuttering and warping forward

      • 2 years ago

        Ive been playing with 2 and 5 players through the wipe and i havent noticed desync at all. Youre just fricked mate

    • 2 years ago

      Supposedly has wipes, which would keep it niche.

      What's the gameplay loop, loot and PvP? Are there vehicles? How about resources and crafting?

      Players should have roles beyond combat. This is what brings community together and establishes variety and depth.

      How's the melee?

      • 2 years ago

        >How's the melee
        Dedicated melee weapon select like old vidya, no modern quick-melee that 1shots people
        Old Tarkov (Before this shit got popular with Twitch) your gun's length actually mattered. If your rifle is too long then you can't take an aiming position and you'll bring your gun up/down to avoid colliding it into an obstacle
        Obstacle can be railings, walls, corners, doors, or even people
        Running with a pistol or even a melee gave you a higher movement speed than with a rifle. Better ergo stats also made it faster to aim with a smaller weapon
        You were able to run up to someone, force them to put their gun out of their own field of view, and insert your smaller weapon into their skull
        But people complained so that's no longer in game and now everyone runs silencers + the longest barrel bullshit with no respect to their gunlength

        tl;dr, it's fricking shit

        • 2 years ago

          This is what I hate about tarkov, every fricking Black person is rolling around with the longest possible rifle ever like homosexual I'm here trying to be sneaky and tactical with my HK carbine micro length and full ergo and these Black folk are with the longest possible barrels, silencers and stocks

          • 2 years ago

            Problem about Tarkov is that most automatic weapons are fricking trash unless you slaps a bunch of recoil mods on them, of which means silencers because they gives the highest recoil reduction stats. You can spend 100k rubles to mod a m4 with a bunch of "mid tier" mods and get the recoil down to 65~70ish, and the automatic firing mode would still be too fricked up for targets beyond 50m. Not to mention the introduction of raiders/rogues/bosses which has higher head health puts a lot of high tier 5.45 and 5.56 rounds in a awkward position. Life is a lot better once you take the semi-auto 7.62 build.

          • 2 years ago

            Bitches dont know about my short double barrel shotgun
            Able to hide in any corner in reserve without the barrel being seen

    • 2 years ago

      It’s for milsim kiddies who think they know everything about guns

    • 2 years ago

      >realistic FPS
      There's your problem. Go get shot for Israel if you want to larp as a soldier.

    • 2 years ago

      streamer garbage
      you go around aimlessly looting shit only to get sniped by a guy in a bush a km away that you can't even see

      • 2 years ago

        yeah its a great game if you're a streamer. lots of big long gaps of fricking nothing so plenty of time to read out dono's, then you get domed or dome someone who never saw you and chat loses it about such a sick play

    • 2 years ago

      There's nothing realistic when they starts introduce supes as scav boss who can tank 3 AK rounds in the head and still be kicking

      • 2 years ago

        Frick the scav bosses, they drop like flies. It's those cult Black folk that frick me off, I killed six of them in one fight earlier, even bagged one with a machete because the AI shit itself and he lay down on the floor and magdumped a tree, then two more came out of the bushes and killed me
        The game touts itself as some super realistic simulator, then you have these guys with more face tattoos than an MS-13 gangbanger that can crash through the trees in dead silence and don't show up on thermals at all

        • 2 years ago


          Justice for the Kobra WHEN

          Kobra is shit irl

          • 2 years ago

            Look up the definition of 'tout'

            • 2 years ago

              I am aware. I am simply pointing out Niggita's biggest triumph, ie.: convincing so many suckers (like me and you) that the game is somehow realistic.

              It's shit in a way that isn't portrayed in Tarkov, same as the PK-06. Don't make the reticles unusable, give the PK-06 a negative accuracy bonus or something to mimic it being a shitty airsoft sight.

              It is the same thing with Eokeks and your inability to use them with nods in Tarkov. It is just another from a long line of BSG frickups.

          • 2 years ago

            It's shit in a way that isn't portrayed in Tarkov, same as the PK-06. Don't make the reticles unusable, give the PK-06 a negative accuracy bonus or something to mimic it being a shitty airsoft sight.

    • 2 years ago

      Played it a lot in 2018-2020, back then it had the perfect recipe and balance of being highly realistic and at the same time, still interesting and good to play as a videogame.
      Then streamers arrived, spent 15h a day in the game, complained it was too easy (because of course anything will be easy if you spend that much time on it) and the devs listened to them.
      Now it's a grindy hell because you can't just run hatchet runs, get 2 GPUs in your secure container and sell them off the flea to fund your 5 next serious raids.

      tldr frick streamers they ruined the game

    • 2 years ago

      It’s the biggest meta prostitute game I’ve ever seen. Never played it but used to watch it all the time on twitch. Stopped when every single streamer was running around with the same meta rife, foregrip and optics both on diagonally so you aim a fraction of a second faster. Not too mention every one being so up their own ass they have to spend 10 minutes watching their stream back everytime they die because they can’t cope with the idea that someone may have killed them so they blame hacks. One youtuber dared to mention that the game might be pay to win since when you buy the more expensive edition you get guns and armour and one streamer got so assblasted by this claim he had a meltdown and tried to start shit with him. Also seemed a bit easy to get stuff if you know where to go so the day after a wipe the veteran players would have a stash full of armour and weapons basically killing the whole ‘use whatever you can to stay alive’ feel. Would like to play it but would probably stick to offline mode.

  3. 2 years ago

    >tfw you Escape From Tarkov by never entering the game

    • 2 years ago

      >Escape from Tarkov
      >makes it to exit
      >goes back
      for what purpose

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, you can't escape if you never entered

  4. 2 years ago

    Is there a greater case of devs bungling their playerbase?

    I just remember early footage of this game looking fricking amazing and they managed to turn it into a looter shooter grind mill.

    • 2 years ago

      i dunno, star citizen maybe?
      tarkov had a ton of potential and it still could be great but niggita has checked the frick out and prefers spending his time sharing insta pics of him at shooting ranges

      • 2 years ago

        honestly 50% of the issues would just disappear if they learned how to balance ballistics better.

        removing highest tier ammo from the flea was a solid start, but considering how you can still just buy it outright from most traders at max rep, or at least buy the supplies (at dirt cheap prices) to craft means that it just wasn't worth the effort.

        when 95% of the ammo in game can't even penetrate even the lowest tier armors, you have a problem. And when you can easily buy/make ammo that CAN do that, everyone is either going to run leg meta or they're just going to buy that ammo and make everything else worthless.

  5. 2 years ago

    2000 hours in still having fun

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Patiently waiting for 12.12.30 to be ported to SP Tarkov. Because I don't have tolerance for dealing with the poor netcode, cheaters, cheesing by other players, audio issues, and more denigrating the experience online.

  7. 2 years ago

    I stopped playing the moment that fat frick Nikita demanded everyone be a fat frick like him and did THREE(3) wipes in a single season so people's stamina and strength would be back to 0

  8. 2 years ago

    Tarkov is a camp sim

  9. 2 years ago

    >body armor still has no hitboxes
    >helmets can eat magazines of rifle ammo
    >inertia only effects stationary leaning so minmaxers with max strength can still Bhop
    >bosses have more HP like an RPG game and can eat multiple headshots
    >recoil is controlled by the game leading to minmax rifles and a magdump laser meta
    shit game

    • 2 years ago

      the only realistic thing about it is, literally anyone can sit in a bush and farm kills on players.
      Thats why normies love it

      • 2 years ago

        I figure it's a combination of that and the egregious yearly Twitch shilling

      • 2 years ago

        >NoOOOooOOO you cant just hide and wait for enemies in an advantagious spot
        >You have to run everywhere blind like the streamers who play the game for a paycheck and cant camp because people would leave their streams without some action!
        Whining about campers has been the best way to spot morons from the crowd.
        >See that corpse in the open field? Looks stacked right? Loot it maybe?
        Had my friend pick off 2 chads in the woods because they were greedy fricks proning into every corpse they see even in the open.

    • 2 years ago

      >>body armor still has no hitboxes
      can eat magazines of rifle ammo
      only effects stationary leaning so minmaxers with max strength can still Bhop
      have more HP like an RPG game and can eat multiple headshots
      is controlled by the game leading to minmax rifles and a magdump laser meta
      all good but the last part which is a problem with attachments and other rpg shit. If Niggita wasnt a fricking moronic slav he would have scrapped the rpg part of the game years ago as it only leads to problems and making his "vision" of a hard and realistic milsim non existent as everything to do with the rpg part shits on it

      • 2 years ago

        Agreed, the stat gap between a casual player and a no lifer is fricking mental too. People massively underestimate hoe much of a different it makes. You're playing swat 4 and they're playing fricking COD with a recoil script and Space Marine armor.

        • 2 years ago

          there was a wipe where I actually bothered leveling up shit
          high lvl end and str
          I could sprint from spawn almost to the resort on shoreline on a single stamina bar
          compare it to lvl 1 and you can sprint a total of 10m

          • 2 years ago

            I downloaded the single player mod and hacked my stats up just to see myself and it's fricking comical how weapons which were unusable before become great after getting to a higher level. I couldn't take the game seriously after that.

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Tarkov becomes a movement shooter at high stat level

              • 2 years ago


                How many times have they nerfed and changed the bunny hopping and inertia mechanics. Useless devs.

              • 2 years ago

                >wienery streamer talks shit after using Mario 64 speed run shit on some rando

              • 2 years ago

                >strafe out of cover without aiming down sights
                >point roughly at enemy
                >start spraying
                >vaseline + screenshake kicks in
                >keep spraying
                >hope your pointfire spread and random mouse movements beat their pointfire spread and random mouse movements

                CQC in this game is atrocious

              • 2 years ago

                Dont forget one of the worst cases of peekers advantage in vidya. That alone makes cqb unrealistic.

                it's a good unique game, Ganker is just trash so they rage at it. also it runs like shit on toasters so all the third worlders on Ganker can't play it

                Typical moronic cope. Especially considering that it is the third world which plays it the most, ie.: russhits and chinksectoids, both of whom also majority of cheaters.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dont forget one of the worst cases of peekers advantage in vidya

              • 2 years ago

                Many such cases.

              • 2 years ago

                >thought this was some bloke sliding in sideways at long range
                >it's the muzzle
                fricking lmao

              • 2 years ago

                >haha dumb gweilo, playing cheaters game without cheats

              • 2 years ago

                H-HE'S FAST

  10. 2 years ago

    >Competitive shooter

    • 2 years ago

      Who has ever claimed it is "competitive"?
      Go back to playing Valorant or some shit zoomer lmao

  11. 2 years ago

    You mean best?
    The only problem is aimbotters

    • 2 years ago

      audio issues that are so persistent and severe the developers admit they cannot fix them in any reasonable timeframe.
      network spaghetti code with the same problem as audio. too complex to fix.
      absolutely no tutorial systems at all or incentivization for new players. Nikita also hates the existence of any third-party tools to help players understand ammo types, even.
      AI is so mind-numbingly unfair that only people who abuse them are able to fairly kill them. Try and kill Killa or Rogues without cheese. I dare you.

      • 2 years ago

        all of this is honestly fine if the game was free or a fraction of the price, with the promise of a full price release when those things are addressed. considering how much it costs to even get into the game IN ITS CURRENT STATE, it's fricking ludicrous

        • 2 years ago

          >40 dollars is a steep price for something that came out ages ago, and also has like 3 sales a year

          • 2 years ago

            Dont bother playing with the 40 dollar package lmao game is p2w spend 150 or be left behind.

            • 2 years ago

              It is P2W, but Standard is absolutely fine. If you got the hours to play, if you play maybe 10 hours a week because of work/family yeah standard is just not it.

              You couldn't be more obviously a marketer.

              Go ahead, tell me why spending 40 dollars is steep for a game that has added tons of weapons, maps, reworks of shit etc for free since.

          • 2 years ago

            You couldn't be more obviously a marketer.

        • 2 years ago

          some chinese key scammer did me the best favour ever by selling me a tarkov key bought with a stolen credit card. I got my key revoked after a month, but I'd just dropped the game.
          and if there's any game that most people would want to refund, it's this one. got my money back. frick those shitty devs.

  12. 2 years ago

    Lots of hate against Tarkov in here lately. The game is great, with very intense gunfights, lots of atmosphere and soul, incredible environments... But to enjoy it all one needs to stop being a b***h. Tarkov is much more intense and gripping than any other FPS I have ever played, and I have been plating only FPS for 20 years (old frick I know).

    • 2 years ago

      Nikita fix your fricking game

    • 2 years ago

      Embarrassing shill post.

      • 2 years ago

        Git gud lol

    • 2 years ago

      Git gud lol

      >the g-game is great, you just need to:
      >ignore literally the worst netcode in modern vidya
      >ignore game being infested by chink and russBlack person cheaters
      >ignore sound being completely fricked in a game where sound is critical
      >ignore your fire-rate, reload time, healing time and other animations being dictated by your fps
      >ignore bugs which are more than five years old now
      >ignore the fact the game is still full of exploits and ultimately exploiters game
      >ignore you can glitch your way out of the map, into the objects and then kill others
      >ignore game being marketed as realistic while it is nowhere near being realistic
      >ignore game never being finished
      post stats and account creation date.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh and I forgot:
        >ignore 5+ minutes "loading" times
        >ignore completely moronic quests
        >ignore idiotic hideout mechanics which are just mobile game bullshit
        >ignore skill system which either makes no sense in a game like this (skill-based recoil lmao) or actively ruins other implemented mechanics (skills which kill real world physics like inertia, allowing you to bhop or carry tons of gear)
        >ignore terrible fricking peekers advantage in a game like this
        I could continue like this for a while. People who claim Tarkov is somehow a good game, let alone good FPS, are either shills, first wipe morons or braindead reddit fanboys.

        • 2 years ago

          The 5+ minutes of downtime watching the timer is honestly the worst part of live Tarkov, and is the reason I play the singleplayer mod
          In singleplayer I load in in like 25s, in live it takes minutes upon minutes of waiting

      • 2 years ago

        Man stop b***hing and moaning like some marvel multiverse fan. Tarkov is sometimes rough around the edges, sure, but I very much enjoy it that way. But once again, to enjoy Tarkov you need to not be a b***h.

        • 2 years ago

          >j-just ignore it, I l-like it that way!
          Post account creation date and stats.

          • 2 years ago

            He's obviously an employee of the company sent to advertise.

          • 2 years ago

            Sad to be mad about people having fun playing vidya, isn't it ?

            He's obviously an employee of the company sent to advertise.

            Yes absolutely I am getting paid 30 roubles per post to talk with you stupid fricking c**ts on this b***h ass website.

    • 2 years ago

      It's fine if you don't like it. Not every game is made for you and you alone. While you're spending your time on Ganker seething, literally millions are playing and enjoying Tarkov. For the record, the game has a TON of issues, many of which have been mentioned here, i.e., audio sucks in a lot of areas.
      That being said, it does so many things right, and introduces so many new things to players which other games can't even begin to approach, it is easily the "best" game on the market right now.
      Might not be your cup of tea, if you're into these kinds of games, its the absolute gold standard and second place, "Hunt Showdown", is not a close second.

      I love Tarkov but these are some pretty obvious BSG employees on break

    • 2 years ago

      Very intense gunfights like 10% of the time, other times its head eyes in the first 0.5seconds.
      And people want to buff the recoil back to where it was pre nerf...

  13. 2 years ago

    I like how everyone hacks and there are no admins or anticheat

  14. 2 years ago

    >be bad at game
    >dont have friends to play with
    >rant on v

  15. 2 years ago

    >those videos of cheaters exposing that the game has at least 3 cheaters per raid and that they have some sort of honor code to not kill each other but just normal players
    >normal players do accept the fact that they have to grind 100 hours before they actually can play the game with normal gear

    • 2 years ago

      Even better is when you start studying what BSG actually does to fix it. Their meme anti-cheater is obviously not working, so they implemented shitload of completely fricking moronic solutions, like damage cap for example. Most players have no idea there is a thing like damage cap. What damage cap in Tarkov means is that in effect if the server detects you've dealt too much damage, it will filter it out and act like it did not happened. This was to prevent cheaters using shitty cheapest ammo to deal insane damage. Okay, right?
      But these dumb russian homosexuals didnt thought about the fact that you can easily do that X amount of damage WITHOUT cheating. Shotgun headshots and grenades are most common, it is why sometimes players survive grenades going off next to them or headshots with a slugs and such. Server simply thinks you are cheating and filters out the damage. It was never fixed, not even after streamers shown it.

      Sad to be mad about people having fun playing vidya, isn't it ?

      Yes absolutely I am getting paid 30 roubles per post to talk with you stupid fricking c**ts on this b***h ass website.

      >no stats/account creation posted
      Of course.

      • 2 years ago

        mad cuz bad, what about your stats? Show us

        • 2 years ago

          >no u
          I asked you first, homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        >Most players have no idea there is a thing like damage cap
        There isn't, the shotgun thing was caused by a desync bug. Veritas has proven and Nikita confirmed that to be the case.
        Not saying the game isn't full of bullshit bandaid fixes and spaghetti code tho. I'm probably sitting out this wipe but at the end of the day, no other game can provide the same atmosphere and adrenaline rush that you can get from Tarkov

        • 2 years ago

          >There isn't, the shotgun thing was caused by a desync bug
          Desync you can replicate?
          >niggita confirmed
          Niggita also repeatedly confirmed that 99.999% cheaters are gone and that they fixed shitload of things which are still broken. Stop being naive.

          • 2 years ago

            >Desync you can replicate?
            Veritas was able to replicate it, yes. It's explained in his 2 hour video about sound, it's worth a watch tbh

            >How's the melee
            Dedicated melee weapon select like old vidya, no modern quick-melee that 1shots people
            Old Tarkov (Before this shit got popular with Twitch) your gun's length actually mattered. If your rifle is too long then you can't take an aiming position and you'll bring your gun up/down to avoid colliding it into an obstacle
            Obstacle can be railings, walls, corners, doors, or even people
            Running with a pistol or even a melee gave you a higher movement speed than with a rifle. Better ergo stats also made it faster to aim with a smaller weapon
            You were able to run up to someone, force them to put their gun out of their own field of view, and insert your smaller weapon into their skull
            But people complained so that's no longer in game and now everyone runs silencers + the longest barrel bullshit with no respect to their gunlength

            tl;dr, it's fricking shit

            Weapons still collide with players and geometry, the frick are you talking about?

            • 2 years ago

              I don't particularly care about Veritas (who is getting money from BSG), it was originaly Eroktic who brought it up. Which is another reason why Niggita ignored it, of course. And the point of desync is that it is hard to replicate, since there are many factors at play. If it was truly caused by a desync related bug, which I don't think so, it shouldn't be possible to replicate it with 100% success. Especially since it also affected only selected weapons/ammunition.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, Veritas directly addressed eroctiks video in his video and debunked his claim, replicated the issue and had Nikita confirm what the problem was.
                Seriously, you should watch it

              • 2 years ago

                He did not, he literally said he did not himself lol. He said it was his own theory and it may be wrong and Eroktic may be right. Thats it. I've just watched it.
                Considering also the fact that Eroktic previously correctly named SAME exact "solution" BSG did in the past, I think there is no reason to go with Veritas' "yeah well, it might be A or B or C, but pls Eroktic dont bully Nikita okay".
                So in the end, as Veritas say, it boils down to what Nikita said to him, which is absolutely fricking worthless.

  16. 2 years ago

    >the spinoff arena mode will release before "coming next wipe for 3 wipes" streets

    • 2 years ago

      Dont forget that non-EOD gays will have to buy it, even though it was promised to be released as a part of a game.

      • 2 years ago

        it honestly looks like way more fun because it's instant action with none of the downtime. That'll make eating the shit game pill much easier for muh """tactical""" cod experience

        • 2 years ago

          >the spinoff arena mode will release before "coming next wipe for 3 wipes" streets

          In what universe would you want tarkov's gunplay on its own, boiled down to nothing but the magdumping garbage that it is?

          • 2 years ago

            Tarkov's gunplay is close to being good but isn't good yet. Free aim like that weird snippet in the podcast would make it better if combined with getting rid of that stupid shit 1st-3rd shot recoil bounce

  17. 2 years ago

    >sort of leg based movement now
    >enter into an area, loot and leave
    >they're doing a fricking arena
    Does anyone else remember Survarium, before it was on Steam? Aside from not having anomalies and artifacts EFT is basically what Surv set out to be. Really strange.

    • 2 years ago

      Same scam dev team.

      • 2 years ago

        Source? I liked what they had going on and could have dealt with their jank but when they dumbed the movement down I lost interest.

        • 2 years ago

          I think I was mistaken. Survarium was just another in the long line of Sergey Titov-related scams. As similar as this game is to all that shit, and certainly as scammy and broken, he had no involvement here I guess. Could have fooled me though. Why is this the only kind of game Russians try to make and why are they always busted junk with pay to win elements?

          • 2 years ago

            >Sergey Titov
            wasn't him, it was people that split from GSC as far as I know. It just piddled off in population and died eventually

  18. 2 years ago

    It should’ve been an SP game from the start. Imagine STALKER Anomaly with this game’s customization, weapon variety, scavenging mechanics, leveling system for traders and shit, you name it. I hope that’s what Russia 2028 will be like, hopefully it’s out before actual 2028

  19. 2 years ago

    >Chadly reminder that EOT is funded and supported by the Russian Chad Federation.

    • 2 years ago

      mongol rape babies, dont try and sugar coat it too much

    • 2 years ago

      nothing more cringe than westoid russaboo.

  20. 2 years ago

    I've seen quite a lot of sissy hypno b***hes in those thread but you're clearly the goopiest of them all

  21. 2 years ago

    what a horrible game. its great

  22. 2 years ago

    >Got the single player patch and playing that now
    >Game is a billion times better
    Why aren't you doing it?

    • 2 years ago

      why would you play spt aki? seems like it would remove the tension from the game

      • 2 years ago

        >Instant queues
        >No lag or connection issues
        >No wipes, your progress stays forever
        >No hackers
        >Can use mods if you want
        >Overall a less sweaty experience, which can be a bonus for some

        • 2 years ago

          so it does cut out everything intense about tarkov. tarkov is built around giving you adrenaline every time you enter a firefight with another player. doesn't seem like you could get that fighting bots. i guess it does sound cool if you want to larp being an epic tacticool guy but other than that it sounds boring.

          • 2 years ago

            just play Ready or Not if you want something SP/COOP

            I just want to loot stuff, eat food and drink water, sneak around, and tap scavs or unsuspecting players. If I can do that without running into hackers, disconnects, or people so much better than me that I can't kill them in a hundred tries, better.

        • 2 years ago

          just play Ready or Not if you want something SP/COOP

          • 2 years ago

            Not really comparable besides being tacticool realistic shooters

            • 2 years ago

              good thing RoN actually does what's advertised huh

              • 2 years ago

                not him but ron is a bad game

              • 2 years ago

                That's because you don't have frens to play with. SWAT AI is dogshit but the game shines in coop

              • 2 years ago

                RoN has a much better gunplay.

  23. 2 years ago

    >Some of you are alright, don't go to Reserve tomorrow.

  24. 2 years ago


    see you there, i'll be bringing in my broken TOZ and level 1 helmet. i'd bring in my tricked out MDR but i dont want to give ESP gays my looties 🙂 enjoy!

  25. 2 years ago


    I can't load reserve without blue screening

    • 2 years ago

      look up islc

  26. 2 years ago

    It's fine if you don't like it. Not every game is made for you and you alone. While you're spending your time on Ganker seething, literally millions are playing and enjoying Tarkov. For the record, the game has a TON of issues, many of which have been mentioned here, i.e., audio sucks in a lot of areas.
    That being said, it does so many things right, and introduces so many new things to players which other games can't even begin to approach, it is easily the "best" game on the market right now.
    Might not be your cup of tea, if you're into these kinds of games, its the absolute gold standard and second place, "Hunt Showdown", is not a close second.

  27. 2 years ago

    I mean if you like PvE just play Stalker, the gist of Tarkov is the PvP+PvE experience but you guys do yourselves.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish Stalker looked and played as good as Tarkov. Literally all I want is a good immersive shooter that isn’t from over a decade ago.

      • 2 years ago

        Stalker looks far better than Tarkov THOUGH, arguably plays better too
        I think BSG has the potential to make a good looking game but Unity’s kind of trash graphics holds them back, and Tarkov is just a little too mundane looking

  28. 2 years ago

    Guys what's a good PC that will endure Tarkov and it's future updates/reworks/upgrades? is an i7 and 3060 enough ?

    • 2 years ago

      I have a 6k pc (i9, 3090, 128gb ram, fastest ssd I could find, etc) for work and no matter what settings I try I can't get more than 90 fps on some maps. Game just isn't optimized

  29. 2 years ago

    >Is a clone but somehow manages to be worse in every way

    • 2 years ago

      man that game fricking sucked

  30. 2 years ago

    Tarkov is pretty shit if you’ve got a job or any other responsibilities in real life

    • 2 years ago

      This, even still I gave it a go but I only got to level 20 something before they just wiped my progress, doesn’t feel like there’s any point unless you can drop 8 hours a day. Definitely a NEET only game.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah youre just bad. I work 8.5 hours a day and sleep around 7h.
        Im allready almost lvl 21 this wipe and its been what, a couple of weeks?

        • 2 years ago

          >beelines it towards every quest objective that he knows by heart for XP while ignoring everything else
          >"y-you're just bad"

  31. 2 years ago

    >extensive customization tool for every little bit
    >actually you should just use the meta parts for everything
    frick you
    streets neverever btw

  32. 2 years ago


  33. 2 years ago

    >originally made to be tacticool and semi realistic but just goes down the shitter the moment it got streamers

  34. 2 years ago

    my friend and I bought this game and came to regret it, gun fights are easy, we frag. But everything else feels obtuse, 99 percent of the time we lose because we just don't know anything and time runs out because we dont know where to go.

  35. 2 years ago

    It's a pretty okay game, but, it does have issues.
    >Cheaters, aimbots, latency, etc.
    All huge issues, and I feel like they've just accepted they can't solve them at this point.
    It's still a big issue that after the first few weeks of a wipe, they game becomes dog shit. No idea how they can fix that. Seemingly they don't know either.
    Similar to issue above, but, notable cases of questionable balance include stuff like nerfing the mosin (A very important weapon in levelling the playing field between high-level and low level character) just because some eceleb got butthurt.
    As well as the various bullshit around 'Meta' builds being significantly better than just normal guns.

  36. 2 years ago

    >grind yourself to max level
    >grind your stats to max
    >have the best weapons armors and attachments
    >have endless amounts of each currency
    >wipe and you start all over again
    What's the point?
    A game like The Cycle: Frontier solves this by you earning premium currency and cosmetics from one season to another which are later unobtainable. You have something to show for from previous seasons of playing the game. In Tarkov, absolutely nothing carries over to your next season and you have to start the massive grind all over again. Yeah yeah, "iF gAmEpLaY gOoD nO nEeD fOr ReWaRdS" yadda yadda, tarkov's honeymoon phase is great each wipe, but it quickly devolves into something you absolutely dread. You have maybe 5-10 actually good gunfights ever, where both sides try their damnest and then you come on the top and it feels great, and then on 99% of the time you get one tapped across the map by a shotgun scav OR you go in full armor and weaponry to Factory and you get one tapped to the thorax by a naked mosling. No thanks.

    • 2 years ago

      >I HAVE to do these moronic clown tasks to level up
      >I HAVE to get to max trader levels
      >I CANNOT figure out a fun way to make money/generate xp
      >I WILL quit the game after getting to lvl 40 because im unable to have fun in this game without the game giving me "objectives" to complete
      Unironically this is what 90% of the player base do for this game, its the MMORPG slave mentality again
      I wish niggita made tasks completely optional for leveling up traders, daily tasks that give you rep were a small step towards good.
      Been enjoying the game now mostly ignoring the tasks and fricking around

    • 2 years ago

      >one tapped to the thorax by a naked mosling
      This hasnt been the case for many wipes now. The scary naked mosins are not there anymore mr. chad you can come out
      >Double barrel shotgun with Magnum Buckshot
      >8000 rubles
      >one shot to legs will put you around 100 hp (if you hit all pellets you will be at 40 lmao)
      >second barrel to finish you off
      Playing the cheapest rat has never been funnier

      • 2 years ago

        Why not go rip or ap

        • 2 years ago

          Magnum is cheaper? And lmao at AP, fricking whats the point of using a shottie if youre just gonna play it like a mosin anyway?
          Magnum can even be crafted for peanuts if you want

    • 2 years ago

      >cosmetics from one season to another which are later unobtainable
      This is a pretty good idea tbh, as long as it's tasteful. Still, it's more like:
      >play game
      >enjoy progression and going from shit gear to good gear
      >play game
      >enjoy progression going from shit gear to good gear
      I don't even feel like it's a grind, I'm just enjoying playing and unlocking better stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      your skill carries over, nobody can take that from you. Aswell as knowledge that you can carry over to the next wipe. believe it or not but many people enjoy the tasks

      • 2 years ago

        WHO enjoys doing Delivery From The Past every 6 months?

        • 2 years ago

          >delivery from the past
          it's really not that bad

          • 2 years ago

            yeah just get lucky spawn and hope no one else looks into the cuckshed that makes shitlaod of noise for 20seconds

  37. 2 years ago

    How do you play this? I can't find it on steam

  38. 2 years ago

    The game they made is ok. The problem is the hackers, which given that its made by slavs, the people selling items and hacked accounts might be the devs themselves...

  39. 2 years ago

    does it still have +5min loading/matchmaking? also what have they added/fixed since early 2020 when it became very popular?

    • 2 years ago

      >does it still have +5min loading/matchmaking?

      ITT: people who got their asses handed to them in Tarkov and just can't accept they fricking suck lol

      Post stats and account creation date.

      • 2 years ago

        Post breasts and timestamp Black person

        • 2 years ago

          t. 1.3 k/d first wipe scrub

    • 2 years ago

      nothing major was added, optimiziation is still shit and mm waiting timeloading is the same

    • 2 years ago

      >also what have they added/fixed since early 2020
      Inertia, which while okay, gets cancelled the second you hit max strength. Lighthouse, which is a shitty map, currently mostly playable by USECs only - that is if you don't study map to a detail and dont cheese the AI as a BEAR.

  40. 2 years ago

    ITT: people who got their asses handed to them in Tarkov and just can't accept they fricking suck lol

  41. 2 years ago

    Playing this game after not touching it for a couple wipes i noticed getting lvl 4 traders takes longer than fricking leveling to 60 in vanilla wow. Niggita really has to stop listening to reddit for balance advice

  42. 2 years ago

    i think ill work on getting SP Tarkov. i never had the confidence to play the game online as intended. always played with terrible gear fear.

    • 2 years ago

      i got over gear fear by not caring about pixels on the screen. if i die i die lol

    • 2 years ago

      I got rid of my gear fear by just using what I find, I'd sell individually looted weapon parts but if I get some meta gear from a Chad then I've got to use it. I think of it more as gifting the gear to other people instead of liquidating it so I could do more SKS runs.

    • 2 years ago

      Cherish the gear-fear. Once you stop caring about the gear you have the game loses a lot of what makes it special. Similarly people who go full turbo-autist at the game to git gud literally ruin it for themselves. Tarkov's not a game to get good at, you play it for the thrill- the highs and the lows and the slow and agonizing crawls over the finish line. With 100% sincerity I think the hyper immersed bush shitters who's heartbeat spikes at every noise are having the peak Tarkov experience. The CoD-type players just abuse jank and get mald because the games not predictable (and is jank).
      >t. kappa vet, chad type player, thousands of hours, multiple wipes, etc

      • 2 years ago

        You're probably right tbh, I just hate the jumpscares. I got ambushed by a guy at old gas gate while extracting with some FIR items I needed and jumped so hard I didn't hit him a single time with 6 buckshot shots, luckily he was garbage and didn't kill me either so the extraction timer hit 0 while we were both reloading in shame.

      • 2 years ago

        >With 100% sincerity I think the hyper immersed bush shitters who's heartbeat spikes at every noise are having the peak Tarkov experience
        Not for long, besides camping in a bush is a shit tier. If you are at least little bit creative, you can find spots for camping that are so c**tish and so well-hidden, that you can breeze through every raid with minimal danger and plenty of kills. Some maps are better for this playstyle than others (Customs is the king) but most maps have at least few spots like that. I went to 14+ k/d by playing like this and it just becomes a chore fairly quick. You basically only die due to some technical frickup (more common) or a really bad luck.
        Otherwise you are right.

        >make the hydration/energy system matter
        Ive died like twice because my energy ran out already, painkillers drop your hydration like crazy too. If you intend to stay in a raid to the end you should definitely bring a bottle of water and iskra. Energy/Hydration matters alot this wipe.

        Just buy two ratcolas, no reason to waste space with water/iskra.

      • 2 years ago

        game is sweaty unplayable, i feel like whenever i slow walk everywhere i can die anytime, i hug the edges of the map

  43. 2 years ago

    Considering how utterly shit and unrealistic Tarkov is, what about other games? How is Squad, Hell Let Loose or Insurgency these days?

    • 2 years ago

      Squad is awful. Community sucks, balance sucks, and the general state of the game is just a clusterfrick.

    • 2 years ago

      Squad still has optimization issues plus the community sucks. Hell let loose is the same. Your enjoyment of both games is completely dependent on who happens to be on your team. So many people power trip and threaten to kick if you dont have a mic even though you follow their plans. Some squad leaders will kick you from roles just so they can play them. It happened to me. I cant suggest either in good faith just because of the community.

    • 2 years ago

      Insurgency is sort of a fun shooter. The people who are good at it make it not fun for anyone who doesn't know the maps, but it has forgiving mechanics like showing you where you got shot from

  44. 2 years ago

    >*is one of the worst games ever made in your path*

  45. 2 years ago

    i wonder what goes the trought the mind of some guy loaded with the best armor and rifles, as a mosin bullet shatters his face as he crosses the river in customs after he spent the last half an hour fighting other cyborg sweatlords in the dorms.
    As the naked guy with a mosin it feels g r e a t

  46. 2 years ago

    read it and weep

    • 2 years ago


  47. 2 years ago

    >bhops 20 feet through the air
    >hipfires you with my laser accurate negative recoil 100 mag AR
    >dies because i didn't take a drink of milk for 20 minutes

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget:
      >get shot in your gut three times with 7.62
      >must quickly drink at least 2l of water (which is exactly the opposite of what you should do irl) otherwise you die
      >bleeding is fine though
      >use vaseline and your pocket sewing kit to fix your gaping meathole full of frag of a stomach
      >haha like new

      I'm actually astonished that they haven't fixed the audio bugs, I feel l can't trust any sounds (or lack thereof in some cases) due to bugs that have been around for around 2-3 wipes now.

      >due to bugs that have been around for around 2-3 wipes now.
      Try since like 2018.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel like I never used to get that many sound bugs a while back, but recent wipes it feels like I am just constantly hearing different sounds cutting in halfway

  48. 2 years ago

    High stakes mp games are the pinnacle of trash. Being invested in and generating cortisol over something that doesnt in an way affect you irl is pathetic.
    That being said, with the gunplay/gun mechanics it has, it would make a hell of a stalker-like SP game. Love fiddling with the guns in this game, hate everything else.

  49. 2 years ago

    I only started playing it seriously this wipe and I'm having a lot of fun with it, but frick the food and drink system. Shit serves no purpose except to be a chore

  50. 2 years ago

    Why do you guys seethe about every game that has is popular and has a decently sized multiplayer community

    • 2 years ago

      A game like tarkov can bring out the competitive side of people easy. When you have an imperfect medium like video games, it makes salt way worse. I'm guilty of it in other games. Single player games dont really have that competitiveness to them. So when things do or don't get fixed or updated over other other things people get salty. Its partly why you'll see people b***h about Sea of Thieves and getting their shit stolen when thats literally how the game is designed.

  51. 2 years ago

    You're trash, it's ok to admit it, just don't blame your own shortcomings on the game.

  52. 2 years ago

    Literally just add some basic leg armour, it doesn't even have to be that heavy to do a bit against flesh ammo.

    • 2 years ago

      Chads always asking for more armor buffs
      Put some fricking cover infront of your legs instead moron

  53. 2 years ago

    >get scared by guy around corner and accidentally shotgun him in the face
    >he's a scav
    >lose like 2 hours worth of rep

  54. 2 years ago

    Is there any justifiable reason for this game having three different in-game currencies? Does it add anything to the game?

  55. 2 years ago

    the new wipe was really fun for 4 days until the main popular cheats got updated. after day 4 i hit an absolute brick wall. i can hardly survive a raid unless i bring only a pistol and avoid looting anything so not to attract attention of hackers. i got to level 28 in 4 days then in the next 4 days i have gotten one level and most of that was from doing my "find items" daily quest as a scav

    • 2 years ago

      Stop living near China
      I don't have these problems on the East Coast of the US. I hear Europeans constantly b***hing about cheaters.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >Uses a video from several wipes ago.
          You'd think you wouldn't need to re use the same video for literal years if the problem you're crying about is so common.
          Almost like you've got some kind of childish vendetta or something

          • 2 years ago

            >99.99999999% of cheaters gone
            Fix your fricking game, niggita.

          • 2 years ago

            >trust me bro Black personkita fixed it this patch for sure bro just try again bro my region's fine bro

            H-HE'S FAST


        • 2 years ago

          Literally, yes; it does.

  56. 2 years ago

    Does the 2k or whatever xp I get at the end of a scav run count towards my PMC level?

  57. 2 years ago

    Anyone else so autistic you refuse to use food/drink to do more PMC runs even though you have like 5 large rigs of food items and no space in your stash anymore?

  58. 2 years ago

    I wouldnt say worst made, it's actually very intricate and polished.
    I would say worst to play*

    • 2 years ago

      wait wait wait, let me take a breath
      >he said polished

  59. 2 years ago

    Play the superior singleplayer version

    • 2 years ago

      I tried to but it only made me realise the game is boring as frick

  60. 2 years ago

    the worst part of this game is playing after they have a ban wave for cheaters and realizing the game plays entirely different.

  61. 2 years ago

    Call me a coping homosexual but I think Tarkov will come to define FPS games of the next generation. It might develop slow as frick but it's one of the most detailed non-sandbox FPSes I've ever seen and even the big shots like CoD and Battlefield are looking at it. If they stick the landing with Streets (whenever it comes out within the next decade) BSG will cement themselves as the best slavjank developer of the past 20 years.
    Yeah, cheaters suck, I know, but that's a problem with literally any game without community-run servers. It's not unique. There are just enough massive homosexuals who will pay for pixels that get deleted in 6 months' time.

    • 2 years ago

      You are not coping homosexual, you are a delusional homosexual.

  62. 2 years ago

    >have to make another email account to buy the game because the devs are morons

    • 2 years ago

      >>have to make another email account to buy the game because the devs are scammers with shady past

    • 2 years ago

      dont buy it unless you like pay 2 win mechanics

      • 2 years ago

        I hate to say it, but when you look at Jeager questlines and how little it rewards, that EOD reputation boost ain't that far from being pay 2 win at this point
        Like, if you want to get the bitcoin farm, you need to cash out 2.5mil for the lvl2 stash, and do mind boggling jaeger quests to get him LL2 to get the water collector lvl 2

        That's the kind of shit EOD players will skip completely

        • 2 years ago

          And also, you'll have to spend the 15 first levels with the alpha container, one of your first purchase on the flea will be the barter materials for the beta container (Peacekeeper LL2)

        • 2 years ago

          You're forgetting EoD starts with better equipment too, you can start running MDR and AVS from your first raid, ultimately skipping the 'early wipe' struggle of gear.
          With that they also st art kitted AKMS and about 200 bullets of BP.
          So yeah, not 'pay to win' at all lmao.

  63. 2 years ago

    Just add coop with seprate progression and it might be the best, but moronic ruskies wont do it.

  64. 2 years ago

    at least with arena they might lessen pvp on the regular mode

  65. 2 years ago

    I dumped around 600 hours into this game last wipe which was my first wipe as well and haven't touched it since.

  66. 2 years ago

    >install this
    >destroys my entire computer and I have to reinstall windows twice

    cool game, I even posted on Ganker asking what the frick was going on with my computer and they couldn't even tell me

  67. 2 years ago

    game is quite fun, always wanted multiplayer stalker.
    very flawed but its been getting better over the years.

    • 2 years ago

      >very flawed but its been getting better over the years.
      It does not. In fact all issues from 2017-8 are either in nearly identical or even worse state now. There is more content, but thats about it.

  68. 2 years ago

    there is literally LITERALLY no reason to play tarkov when you can play dayZ or the cycle frontier

    • 2 years ago

      barely any gun variety and it was absolute dogshit until like a year or two ago, remember they literally removed the zombies in a zombie game for years

      • 2 years ago

        but now dayz has mod support and community servers are S tier all around

  69. 2 years ago

    My friend has tried to get me into it multiple times and I still just hate it. I never won gunfights and played hell trying to figure out where people are when my friend could just laser in on them.

  70. 2 years ago

    when are they making stock weapons not unusable garbage

    • 2 years ago

      The SKS is god tier
      I can literally slav on Altyn gays with PS ammo

      • 2 years ago

        The SKS is a viable weapon even on late wipe, just have BP ammo and decent optics on it.
        Too bad BP is behind Grenadier now (lvl 30 quest), and even the most basic accessories such as the flash hider, is at Jeager LL2 lmao

        • 2 years ago

          Just buy EoD and you get 200 rounds of BP for 'free'.
          lmao EoD starts with Class 5 armor and standard editions have no ammo in launch that can penetrate that reliably.

  71. 2 years ago

    No EOD pay to win
    Balance squad play (a team of 4 or 5 can go on factory and only have to gang up on one enemy player)
    Use good anti cheat
    Get rid of flea market or impose major changes to reduce real money traders.
    No more bunny hopping speed demon bullshit.
    Let bullets actually do damage
    Remove Russians

    There I fixed Tarkrap

    • 2 years ago

      >things that will never happen

  72. 2 years ago

    Justice for the Kobra WHEN

  73. 2 years ago

    The only good thing about this game is the General Sam videos

    • 2 years ago


  74. 2 years ago

    it's a good unique game, Ganker is just trash so they rage at it. also it runs like shit on toasters so all the third worlders on Ganker can't play it

    • 2 years ago

      >also it runs like shit on toasters so all the third worlders on Ganker can't play it
      I always forget about this.
      60% of the b***hing on this site are third worlders and children

    • 2 years ago

      Post your stats and account creation date.

    • 2 years ago

      Looking at:

      >Dont forget one of the worst cases of peekers advantage in vidya

      Many such cases.

      >thought this was some bloke sliding in sideways at long range
      >it's the muzzle
      fricking lmao


      It certainly is "unique" game, you dumb frick.

  75. 2 years ago

    be fine if it wasn't for others

  76. 2 years ago

    user issue

  77. 2 years ago

    > Anti-Cheat Disconnection Erorr
    > Happens on all BattleEye games
    > No fixes work
    > Have to play while being disconnected every 15m.

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