Is Polygon right?Is BG3 a masterpiece despite being based on a shit tabletop like DnD?

>To paraphrase Carl Sagan: In order to understand if Baldur’s Gate 3 is a good video game, you must first reckon with the unlikely corporate empire that is Dungeons & Dragons.

>On the one hand, evaluating the overwhelming successes of Baldur’s Gate 3 is easy: The game is a masterpiece. The depth of its characters, the complexities of its narrative, the staggering amount of stuff you can do in this game is almost too much to wrap your head around. It is a game so gargantuan, it’s remarkable that so much of it feels so personal, so bespoke.

>It’s Dungeons & Dragons. I’m afraid that the tabletop game, from which Baldur’s Gate 3 draws all of its mechanical systems, is a tedious, unfun system in which to play a video game. I’m not even sure there’s a solution to these mechanical nitpicks, either.

>D&D is the most popular it’s ever been; it’s reached an escape velocity from the niche of nerd culture. All things considered, now feels like an appropriate time to ask: Is this game any good?

>The more I play Baldur’s Gate 3, the more I fear that the answer to that question is no. Despite the many pleasures of Baldur’s Gate 3, which is every inch a D&D role-playing game, every time I play it, I’m reminded of all the limits of its tabletop source material.

WTF is wrong with game reviewers. This Polygoon troon spend 3/4 of the lenght of the review not talking about the game and instead complaining and seething about DnD tabletop.

Why did they pick a guy that hates DnD tabletop to review a DnD game?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Just because a game has a fully realized vision and it succeeds at everything it set itself to do doesn't mean the idea that the game is built on is good. Hope this helps

  2. 10 months ago

    >The game is a masterpiece because it has complex writing and a lot of content
    >but the gameplay sucks because it's DND
    All video game reviewers are wannabe novelists/filmmakers that just barely acquired an English Degree.

  3. 10 months ago

    It's true it would have been better on 3.5

    • 10 months ago

      But this game is better than owlcat's and pathfinder is supposed to be the thinking man's version of 3.5.

      • 10 months ago

        >russian dev team of trannies vs belgian dev team of trannies
        apples and oranges, shill

  4. 10 months ago

    He is right. If I swing in melee range, I should hit. If I cast a spell that uses a limited resource, it should hit. Same goes for the enemy.

    • 10 months ago

      If my opponent swings at me I should block or dodge, if my opponent casts a spell at me I should resist or dodge it.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Is Polygon right?Is BG3 a masterpiece despite being based on a shit tabletop like DnD?
    no, in fact bg3 is such as shit as the game it's based on

  6. 10 months ago

    >To paraphrase Carl Sagan

    I hate millenials.

  7. 10 months ago

    I've never played DnD or a BG. Besides the fact that BG is based on DnD, what mechanics make it a DnD game that I'd even notice? The way it calculates hit chances or something? What makes people so salty that it's revision 5 instead of 3 or something?

    • 10 months ago

      I think xhe doesn't like it because it has turn based combat with numbers and builds or whatever. Managing spreadsheets is only fun for autists so bg3 has niche appeal even within the leftist millennial homosexual brigade it was designed to appeal too.

    • 10 months ago

      I only know a bit of 5e, but the enemy scaling in the early game could be tough for casuals (I'm playing on balanced). Combat is punishing if you go for a head on approach. Brainlets should abuse game mechanics (setting up traps before encounters thanks to the magic of savescumming, shoving everything off a cliff, throwing goblins at goblins, using scrolls and special arrows like there's no tomorrow, doing sidequests so you aren't underleveled, taking risks, not being afraid of long rests, etc). The game could have a quick rundown of 5e rules, but there's something special about learning the rules by playing and making them your own. By level 4-5 your characters should be competent enough to go unga bunga. The system itself is "alright", my normie ass friends are interested in playing DnD because explaining its rules is pretty much sending them a 20 min video. The thing is that a videogame is a completely different beast compared to a tabletop, the true appeal isn't the rules but the moronic stories you make.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm wondering how "5E" comes into play for the video game, though? All the things you mention like savescumming, throwing shit off cliffs, etc. just sound like game mechanics, things I've done in other games not based on DnD like DOS2. I know table DnD basically invented the RPG genre and a lot of games draw inspiration, but it's perplexing to me how BG2 and BG3 using different DnD rules comes into play, instead of them just balancing it out as a video game.

        • 10 months ago

          >I'm wondering how "5E" comes into play for the video game, though?
          It's all on homebrewing in custom rules. You've noticed how a lot of fights have verticality where you can snipe enemies, but they can snipe you back? What about how you can shove an enemy off a cliff?

          Shove is a regular attack action on tabletop, but it is a bonus action on BG3 as it enables an extra attack to see if you can push an enemy into their death.

        • 10 months ago

          it doesn't have a million trap options to pick during level up to accidentally brick your character so it's shit.

          In a good tabletop inspired RPG I'd have to multiclass four different classes by level 10 just to survive.

        • 10 months ago

          vancian casting is a terrible system
          most melee and ranged play just comes down to a basic attack that you might get extras of
          concentration and general CC being kinda a mess in 5e, but made even worse in BG because shit like sleep gets outscaled even faster

  8. 10 months ago

    How does someone get convinced to be a sodomite? When do they lose their humanity?

    • 10 months ago

      Probably years of heavy porn use. You guys do know there is constant ass fricking in porn right? Doesn't matter if its guys doing it to girls in porn it is rampant.

    • 10 months ago

      They get abused as children. Same with lesbians.

  9. 10 months ago

    It’s actually kind of surprising to see Polygon criticizing D&D when both companies share the same love for extremist identity politics. The fact that even the mainstream media is slowly turning on WOTC is refreshing, but also feels highly suspicious.

    • 10 months ago

      Treating gay people like human beings isn't an extremist position, you're just an butthole.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes it is. Gays are still routinely thrown off roofs in much of the world, and even in the west it was outlawed until very recently. Throughout most of human history gay people were not treated like human beings, and it was good. After we started treating them like humans they gave us AIDS, monkeypox, and mass pedophilia.

    • 10 months ago

      people love to pretrend that their nerds but when it really comes down to it the real core of it (DnD and other /tg/ things) most people simply get filtered

  10. 10 months ago

    >is polygon right?
    No. They never are. Shit thread

  11. 10 months ago

    >play game based on dnd
    >what the frick, why is there dnd in my game?!

  12. 10 months ago

    >It is a game so gargantuan, it’s remarkable that so much of it feels so personal, so bespoke.
    Only sentimental value I ever had with BG3, at least on the first act, was trying to figure out how to himbo-up my dragonborn.

    >every time I play it, I’m reminded of all the limits of its tabletop source material
    Bro that is just 5e. The system works but it's also barren compared to 3.5 and earlier.

    • 10 months ago

      Polygon is shit and 5E is also shit, both of these two facts can exist at the same time.

      I only know a bit of 5e, but the enemy scaling in the early game could be tough for casuals (I'm playing on balanced). Combat is punishing if you go for a head on approach. Brainlets should abuse game mechanics (setting up traps before encounters thanks to the magic of savescumming, shoving everything off a cliff, throwing goblins at goblins, using scrolls and special arrows like there's no tomorrow, doing sidequests so you aren't underleveled, taking risks, not being afraid of long rests, etc). The game could have a quick rundown of 5e rules, but there's something special about learning the rules by playing and making them your own. By level 4-5 your characters should be competent enough to go unga bunga. The system itself is "alright", my normie ass friends are interested in playing DnD because explaining its rules is pretty much sending them a 20 min video. The thing is that a videogame is a completely different beast compared to a tabletop, the true appeal isn't the rules but the moronic stories you make.

      It's so radically different than core 5e that comments for or against being based on this edition are the weirdest critique. Might as well just hate d20 systems in general, which is fine.

  13. 10 months ago

    Polygon is shit and 5E is also shit, both of these two facts can exist at the same time.

  14. 10 months ago

    >>To paraphrase Carl Sagan: In order to understand if Baldur’s Gate 3 is a good video game, you must first reckon with the unlikely corporate empire that is Dungeons & Dragons.
    >>On the one hand, evaluating the overwhelming successes of Baldur’s Gate 3 is easy: The game is a masterpiece. The depth of its characters, the complexities of its narrative, the staggering amount of stuff you can do in this game is almost too much to wrap your head around. It is a game so gargantuan, it’s remarkable that so much of it feels so personal, so bespoke.
    >>It’s Dungeons & Dragons. I’m afraid that the tabletop game, from which Baldur’s Gate 3 draws all of its mechanical systems, is a tedious, unfun system in which to play a video game. I’m not even sure there’s a solution to these mechanical nitpicks, either.
    >>D&D is the most popular it’s ever been; it’s reached an escape velocity from the niche of nerd culture. All things considered, now feels like an appropriate time to ask: Is this game any good?
    >>The more I play Baldur’s Gate 3, the more I fear that the answer to that question is no. Despite the many pleasures of Baldur’s Gate 3, which is every inch a D&D role-playing game, every time I play it, I’m reminded of all the limits of its tabletop source material.
    >WTF is wrong with game reviewers. This Polygoon troon spend 3/4 of the lenght of the review not talking about the game and instead complaining and seething about DnD tabletop.
    >Why did they pick a guy that hates DnD tabletop to review a DnD game?

  15. 10 months ago

    "Hey Bob, our numbers are dropping. Can you make a headline that makes people talk about us again?"
    "You got it boss."

    Im sure the purists have their critics of every ruleset, none are perfect, but I just want to go around upholding my Oath and helping old people across the street and the base rules in BG3 is functional enough as a vehicle to that fantasy.

  16. 10 months ago

    the gameplay is fine. whats not fine is speech checks being gated by dicerolls. its tedious as hell to just quick load until you get the correct dialogue diceroll not once but three times in 1conversation.

  17. 10 months ago

    After DMing 5r for four years, I've started exploring OSR systems, and they're both easier for players to grasp and easier to run

    All the One D&D shit seems terrible. Just a bunch of complicating of character builds and shit. Moving around feats and skills isn't what the syst needed.

  18. 10 months ago

    >listening to journos

  19. 10 months ago

    there are literally no limits to dnd
    that moron just approaches it with vidya logic and wants everthing solved

  20. 10 months ago

    It's a bad system but there's not a single good RPG system

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