is r6s still good? thinking about picking this game up

is r6s still good? thinking about picking this game up

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  1. 2 years ago

    depends if you're okay with playing as minorities and trannies.

  2. 2 years ago

    They keep balancing everything around what the biggest tryhards want, so unless you're one of those hypercompetitive spergs, it's garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      I see guess i'll go save up for Elden ring then

    • 2 years ago

      >taking frags away from buck and iq
      >what tryhards want

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    guess what gender this is

    • 2 years ago

      A woman, that looks like a man, that identifies as neither. It's been hilarious listening to Pro League casters mess her pronouns up this week. I wonder what mental illness we will see with the next operator.

    • 2 years ago

      your special forces, xer?

  5. 2 years ago

    yeah it's pretty fun but pros still have too much sway in making the game more "competitively viable" instead of cool and fun

  6. 2 years ago

    >hit registration is bad, despite games of the same age being completely stable
    >features like shooting range just now got added in
    >still no solo que rank playlist
    >only got real death match last season
    >3 gammodes that essentially have the same exact rules as each other for 7 years
    >every other casual match has a cheater
    >ranked has cheaters
    >most gadgets are self serving rather than team oriented
    >new characters are ugly as sin, gay as shit and written like a deviant art OC
    >community is a complete dumpster fire
    >firefights always turn into who who has the smg
    >flanking the enemy doesnt matter because some gay with their sens all the way up 180s in a nano second and gets a lucky hipfire headshot
    like everything ubishit does, it starts out with tons of potential, but wasted by the morons that are in charge.
    if you wanna waste 500+ hours even just getting the basics of the game and dealing with the tryhards sweating their asses off in casual, go for it.

    • 2 years ago

      sometimes its actualy worth it to NOT aim because youre better at just RNGing hipfire because apparently in R6 the bullets are heat seaking

      • 2 years ago

        pretty much.
        my most consistent close quarters kills come from hipfire spray.

    • 2 years ago

      just shotgun people lol

      • 2 years ago

        tried, shotguns are some of the most inconsistent weapons in the game.

        • 2 years ago

          that's what makes them fun

          • 2 years ago

            $0.02 has been deposited into your uplay account

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Game has 1 shot headshot kills
      >British get a secondary that shoots 1270 RPM and can have acog scope
      >Let's just introduce 1200 RPM SMG primaries into the game
      >Ela's Scorpion
      >Kriss Vector
      >If you picky any other than that's not these for the operators then you are sandbagging the team
      >Ok here's this character that has a shield on their gun that actively stops 1-shot headshots
      >Ok we nerfed the shield to explode in 1 hit from any of the SMG's that shoot 1200 RPM
      I will never understand how this game got so popular, RussianBadger made some goofy videos about it though so that was nice.

      • 2 years ago

        smgs always ruin every game they exist in. they encourage no lifers to prove they can control the unrealistic recoil of a gun that fires it's whole mag in a fraction of a second
        1 shot head shots is a mistake.
        it got popular because it appeals to the gays that want so badly to be esport celebs.

        I can only laugh at you cuz you just said siege is realistic. Its not even trying to be my dude. You can break wooden boards with a knife lol. They had some update where you fight in cyberspace or some shit. Ya brainwashed moron that cant see beyond his hate and grasps for reasons that dont parse. Ya just a stupid bigot, deal with it and say it loudly and proudly so everyone you meet can disregard everything you say.

        so tell me, why werent gays and trannies in the game until the last 3 years?
        could it be ubishit knows their games is on the decline, so they pander to the crowd that hasent bought it yet? You are a tool to get sales. slap one of the mental illness flags on a charm and troons lap it up like the trained dogs they are.

        • 2 years ago

          why shoot 15 bullets when one shotgun shell does the trick

          • 2 years ago

            again, shotguns in siege are inconsistent as shit.
            I've shot people point blank and done little to no damage before.
            they're just as unreliable as the rest of the game.

            • 2 years ago

              Use laser
              Don't use the shit shotguns

              • 2 years ago

                don't listen to this anon even though he has dubs which I've checked, use shotguns.

              • 2 years ago

                so you want me to give away my position, thanks, moron.
                >dont use shit shotguns
                welp, there goes all the options.

                don't listen to this anon even though he has dubs which I've checked, use shotguns.


              • 2 years ago

                >so you want me to give away my position, thanks, moron.
                it doesn't matter dumbass
                >you're an anchor not a roamer. your job is to protect the site.
                >you should be holding positions where attackers have to push you at very close range
                >you can point it at the wall until you swing. you're aiming center mass, not their head, you don't have to worry about missing.
                unless they grenade you out you should win close range gunfights every time

              • 2 years ago

                >it doesnt matter
                spoken like a bottom fragger.
                >your job is an anchor
                except the rest of my team goes roamer, gets taken out and im left with an inferior firing rate against at least 4 people with automatics.
                I'll take out maybe 1 or 2 people before i get inevitably domed.
                You can keep wasting your time posting about how shotguns are viable, but you're simply wrong, this game is too inconsistent for that to be the case.
                I did use shotguns, and they dont work.

              • 2 years ago

                >except the rest of my team goes roamer, gets taken out and im left with an inferior firing rate against at least 4 people with automatics.
                >hurrdurr everything is my teams fault I never make any mistakes
                >t. every copper player

              • 2 years ago

                so how is it my fault that my entire roaming team gets killed while im anchoring? how fricking brain dead are you?
                >umm it's always your fault!
                spoken like a true homosexual.

                I'm not the other shotgun guy but you should use shotguns they're fun

                already have, no they arent. no part of this game is fun.

              • 2 years ago

                then maybe the game just isn't for you

              • 2 years ago

                >then maybe the game just isnt for you
                most of the playerbase shares this sentiment. the game hasent been fun in years.
                it is objectively bad

              • 2 years ago

                holy fricking cope

              • 2 years ago

                >holy fricking cope
                says the guy coping that others are insulting this game.
                you're actually moronic

              • 2 years ago

                >nooo you cant just heckin' call my favowit game bad!!!
                cope and seethe homosexual

                I think siege fricking SUCKS. I reinstalled it two days ago and the first game just had someone rage hacking so I uninstalled it! To sit there and make excuses for why you're some garbage ass Black person is the definition of cope though! Waaahh my 4 teammates suck and my 5 enemies are always better! Hey Black person, why don't you take a fricking math class, lol!

              • 2 years ago

                fair enough

              • 2 years ago

                ok, it's apparently you're actually mentally moronic.
                I have a combined time of over 4000 hours in this game and it's apparent im leages smarter than you.
                >1 v 5
                >i have a shotgun
                >literally only takes two people to push me from opposite sides to kill me
                >round over, i loose
                how are you too moronic to figure this out? shotgun or not, i can't aim at two people at once.
                >waa my teammates suck!
                yes, they do, im consistently top fragging, and i dont even anchor, hell the people who sit on site die faster than me you fricking moron. This game is about teammate cooperation, numbers do matter, dipshit.
                >rage hacking
                thanks for proving my point that this game is shit, dumbass.
                please do this thread a favor and have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                but im sure you'll be a moron and try to use that against me and deflect from my points you still cant argue against.

              • 2 years ago

                You have 4000 hours in the game and are still only a mediocre player? That's not the boast you want it to be, it's actually indicative of you being cognitively impaired in some way. You've spent a significant amount of time doing the same thing but not seeing significant improvements, that's not normal. It's usually an attitude problem, it tends to go hand in hand with stupid Black folk who play a game for 12 hours a day and have no reflection besides "my teammates suck and so does this game."
                You're definitely leagues smarter than me, though.

              • 2 years ago

                >mediocre player
                huh, it's almost as if, like i said, this is a team oriented game, and shit teams dont help, then the egregious hacker problem. you really are just fricking stupid arent you?

              • 2 years ago

                Weird how other players manage to play the game for 4000 hours but aren't mediocre. Also pretty strange of you to play a game for that long if you supposedly find it to be shit, nevermind you being shit at it. Zoomer brain I guess.
                >you really are just fricking stupid arent you?
                the ironing

              • 2 years ago

                isnt it funny how you still havent refuted my points?
                why don't you just stop now? it's clear all you have is baseless "hurr ur bad haha!". which doesnt mean anything.
                oh no! im not top 100 players in a 7 year old shitty game?! my life is over!
                cope harder

              • 2 years ago

                Your point falls apart with basic math, I shouldn't have to explain to you why a 5v5 where you can guarantee one player isn't shit is in your favor. I'd say something snarky like "say a stats class" but this is elementary level shit.

              • 2 years ago

                except my point was a 1v5 you illiterate Black person. a situation ive found myself in many times.
                please do explain how i win a 1v5 when im being pushed by all 5?
                im all ears

              • 2 years ago

                The game isn't 1v5, the game is 5v5. 9 random players roughly around the same skill level, then you, big dick gujin gamer of the 1337 variety.

              • 2 years ago

                lmao, moron of the year over here.
                >it's not 1v5
                oh really? i had no fricking idea it was 5v5, not like my teammates stay alive long enough to make a difference.
                as ive said, im consistently top frag, but once again, you're illiterate.
                one person can rarely carry a whole team.
                and with all the hackers on, those other 9 players are probably going to frick up the whole match.
                uou really, really are stupid, arent you?
                you know what's really moronic about you?
                you supposedly hate this game, but sperg out when someone insults it. what a dumb fricking Black person you turned out to be.

              • 2 years ago

                In a game where no one person can rarely carry, and you can guarantee at least one person on your team is above average, what scenario is making you lose more than you win over a long period of time? It is statistically impossible for the enemy randoms to be better than your randoms every single time. Read a book you dumb Black person. Or maybe the better advice is to graduate high school first?

              • 2 years ago

                so, you moronic Black person, this game is 7 years old. It's more likely that most accounts are smurfs, in fact, nearly all casual and ranked matches i play have at least 2 players that are smurfing.
                thing on top of that, im in a game with randoms. my whole team is randoms, the enemy team is randoms. but, if you werent moronic, you'd know that casual has a hidden MMR, so the more you loose, the worse teammates you're going to be placed with, which onyl compounds the issue.
                again, im clearly fricking smarter than you.

                >you supposedly hate this game, but sperg out when someone insults it. what a dumb fricking Black person you turned out to be.
                Lol here is more cope. I don't give a frick about siege, but your stupid Black person whining is present in every single game with a matchmaking system and relies on teamplay as opposed to 1on1 gameplay. My teammates suck! My teammates suck! I lose because my teammates suck and now the game sucks as a result! It's pathetic and hilarious because it shows just had bad at math you are. Grade school level statistics. At least go for the schizo "the system is rigged against me" approach instead of being so god damned ignorant.

                ah, so you're a little moral whiteknighter
                >rgggh! he's insulting his teammates instead of taking the blame on himself!
                lol, what a little homosexual thing to do. no one cares.

                I just googled "rainbow six siege solo queue diamond" and found tons of players getting to the highest ranks playing only by themselves. What gives? I thought it was impossible?

                nice strawman.
                lol, most of them are hackers as well. and you can't refute that, it's a known issue.
                nice triple reply.

              • 2 years ago

                All those words just to prove you still don't understand how basic statistics work. Don't waste your summer playing a game you hate and suck at champ!

              • 2 years ago

                lol, you arent refuting my stuff with any statistics, just "bro trust me".
                im refuting you with 4000 hours of experience, eat shit Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                5v5. 9 randoms at the same skill level. You are above the average. Every single game you play is stacked in your favor except for outliers including smurfs or hackers, which can also be on your time. Given a large enough sample size, good players always climb. It's basic math and present in every single game with a matchmaking system.

              • 2 years ago

                ok, let's use your moronation against you.
                no, me being the above average player doesnt mean anything against 5 other people when they're all coming at me, anyone of them possibly being a hacker/smurf/etc only makes the issue worse.
                you're too fricking stupid to argue against.

              • 2 years ago

                >im refuting you with 4000 hours of experience, eat shit Black person.
                4000 hours of experience yet still being garbage is not a boast, its evidence of your cognitive impairment and inability to think critically & reflect on your gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                >still being garbage
                there you go again, being illiterate and moronic.
                >clearly state im top fragger
                >moron thinks that means i can solo 5 people at once.

              • 2 years ago

                Top fragging in the special olympics

              • 2 years ago

                and there's the ad hominins.
                we're done here.

              • 2 years ago

                > you'd know that casual has a hidden MMR, so the more you loose, the worse teammates you're going to be placed with, which onyl compounds the issue.
                > onyl
                > loose

                not even the guy you're replying to but cmon brother don't be a hypocrite

              • 2 years ago

                >waaa he heckin spelled a few things wrong!!
                frick off back to /reddit/, Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                literal ape, calls someone illiterate and is illiterate themselves, can't expect much from a sperg like you, go back to playing In gold.

              • 2 years ago

                ok pedophile.

              • 2 years ago

                >you supposedly hate this game, but sperg out when someone insults it. what a dumb fricking Black person you turned out to be.
                Lol here is more cope. I don't give a frick about siege, but your stupid Black person whining is present in every single game with a matchmaking system and relies on teamplay as opposed to 1on1 gameplay. My teammates suck! My teammates suck! I lose because my teammates suck and now the game sucks as a result! It's pathetic and hilarious because it shows just had bad at math you are. Grade school level statistics. At least go for the schizo "the system is rigged against me" approach instead of being so god damned ignorant.

              • 2 years ago

                I just googled "rainbow six siege solo queue diamond" and found tons of players getting to the highest ranks playing only by themselves. What gives? I thought it was impossible?

              • 2 years ago

                >uou really, really are stupid, aren't you?
                I think you're the stupid one lmao

              • 2 years ago

                >im leages smarter than you
                my fricking sides

              • 2 years ago

                communicate better homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                >nooo you cant just heckin' call my favowit game bad!!!
                cope and seethe homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                that's alright games have a lifecycle

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the other shotgun guy but you should use shotguns they're fun

    • 2 years ago

      >hit registration is bad, despite games of the same age being completely stable
      can you brainlets shut the frick up about hit registration
      no, it is not bad, siege has literally the best hitreg on the market, your aim is just shit, you're wrong about what you think you're hitting or you're just fricking hitting the helmet and not the head
      the game is shit but this shitter cope isn't why
      >only got real death match last season
      shouldn't add one at all
      >3 gammodes that essentially have the same exact rules as each other for 7 yea
      >community is a complete dumpster fire
      >firefights always turn into who who has the smg

      >Game has 1 shot headshot kills
      >British get a secondary that shoots 1270 RPM and can have acog scope
      >Let's just introduce 1200 RPM SMG primaries into the game
      >Ela's Scorpion
      >Kriss Vector
      >If you picky any other than that's not these for the operators then you are sandbagging the team
      >Ok here's this character that has a shield on their gun that actively stops 1-shot headshots
      >Ok we nerfed the shield to explode in 1 hit from any of the SMG's that shoot 1200 RPM
      I will never understand how this game got so popular, RussianBadger made some goofy videos about it though so that was nice.

      smgs always ruin every game they exist in. they encourage no lifers to prove they can control the unrealistic recoil of a gun that fires it's whole mag in a fraction of a second
      1 shot head shots is a mistake.
      it got popular because it appeals to the gays that want so badly to be esport celebs.
      so tell me, why werent gays and trannies in the game until the last 3 years?
      could it be ubishit knows their games is on the decline, so they pander to the crowd that hasent bought it yet? You are a tool to get sales. slap one of the mental illness flags on a charm and troons lap it up like the trained dogs they are.

      imo the biggest mistake right from the start was giving smgs to defense and rifles to attack
      with 1hs kills accuracy is king which makes defenders better at longer range, they also have the advantage of picking their positions, bullet/punch holes would never be a problem if the side that has to quickly acquire targets (attack) got the laser guns and the side that can camp a spot got the guns that go off target in 5 bullets

      • 2 years ago

        you're a fricking moron if you think siege has good hit reg, please stop talking if you're in gold or moronic. from your little baby rage it's obvious you suffer from moronation at the very least.

        • 2 years ago

          >you're a fricking moron if you think siege has good hit reg
          siege's netcode was fixed five years ago.

          you missed. cope.

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              didnt click at this moment or one of you has a high ping or you were already dead when you fired the shot so it was rejected by the server

              • 2 years ago

                didnt die that round so that cant be it plus you can trade on death so that wouldn't make sense, and I am clearly hitting something so I definitely clicked, its an automatic gun didn't really have to click just hold left mouse.

            • 2 years ago

              didnt die that round so that cant be it plus you can trade on death so that wouldn't make sense, and I am clearly hitting something so I definitely clicked, its an automatic gun didn't really have to click just hold left mouse.

              explain what? did they add some sort of death ray that only requires pointing at an enemy and not shooting? because your shitty screenshot does show you pointing at an enemy

              • 2 years ago

                I swear you homosexuals cope in the strangest ways, I know you're not blind and can see the sparks, insinuating I'm hitting something, but the only thing I can be hitting is his head. yet there's no blood.

              • 2 years ago

                im not a poorgay so I genuinely do not see any hit sparks, re-examining maybe you mean picrel?
                anyway, hit effects persists over time, they don't just appear for a single frame and sparks specifically shoot outwards, if you can see them the shot that made them was in the past (before this screenshot was taken) and so I have no idea where the enemy was and where you were aiming then
                tl;dr you're poor, get a better setup so you can actually see what you're shooting instead of phantoms from your head; and to record a proper video

                this is the weirdest thing I've ever read about siege hitboxes, so if I shoot jager in the top of his head it doesn't count as a hs because he has a helmet? Unless you're exclusively talking about the face shield like doc or bandit have which I hate to break it to you buddy, is not what people are complaining about. If you shoot them in the side of the helmet, top, back, or front they'll die. weird cope to start talking about visors but ok.

                >so if I shoot jager in the top of his head it doesn't count as a hs because he has a helmet

        • 2 years ago

          I play csgo and battlefield, siege has good hitreg.

      • 2 years ago

        the helmet counts as the head in siege, this isn't tarkov lmfao

        • 2 years ago

          no it doesn't, this shit was fixed ages ago
          the head hitbox is still bigger than it should be, but what do you expect when you still have morons thinking

          • 2 years ago

            this is the weirdest thing I've ever read about siege hitboxes, so if I shoot jager in the top of his head it doesn't count as a hs because he has a helmet? Unless you're exclusively talking about the face shield like doc or bandit have which I hate to break it to you buddy, is not what people are complaining about. If you shoot them in the side of the helmet, top, back, or front they'll die. weird cope to start talking about visors but ok.

  7. 2 years ago

    you know damn well it aint

  8. 2 years ago

    Hasn't been good for years. You'd have to be a delusional troony to still play this dogshit.

  9. 2 years ago

    >siege is seven years old now
    >still has no real competition
    it's not fricking fair

    • 2 years ago

      if it didnt have the tom clancy name to it, it would die.

  10. 2 years ago

    Stopped playing right before Sam got implemented, game started sucking after Nokk and Warden and I lost interest in continuing to play an increasingly moronic and buggy game like that around that time

  11. 2 years ago

    Yes, it's pretty good. You can play it and have fun, no question about it.
    It suffers from new operators with questionable design. Pure wizardry skills and feel very out of place compared with the initial, more 'normal', operators. They are just trying too hard, and it shows the bad side of games based on units/operators: You end up with lots of shit designs and useless/very situational operators. The operator designer should just chill a bit.
    Quite the contrary with the map remakes, which feel quite uninspired generic mazes. Feels like filler work, since seems they don't want to introduce new maps to the game.
    Plus they keep reusing the same old guns for the new operators, which sucks *a lot* when operators are rebalanced around their guns, creating a problem.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pure wizardry skills and feel very out of place compared with the initial, more 'normal', operators.
      This doesn't make any sense to me
      The original roster has 2 dudes who can see through walls, tools that instantly vaporize grenades, an EMP grenade, a hammer that scrambles all electronics, etc.
      The only really crazy one lately is Azami, but "person with shield" and "Irish car bomb" aren't wizard powers.

      • 2 years ago

        >see through walls
        a heart beat sensor and electronic detector are hardly wizardry, in fact, at least one of them is real in a certain capacity, as you can detect electrical fields through walls with the proper device.
        >instantly vaporize grenades
        the ADS fires a low yeild explosive that destroyed the grenades before they can detonate properly, hardly unrealistic, as we already have shit that can do things similar.
        >emp grenade
        again, we already have emp devices, just not that compact.
        >a hammer that scrambles all electronics
        wut? no one in the game has that ability.
        all operators from year 1 through 4 are all things that exist already, but in a more advanced and compact version for this game.
        There are only a few exceptions like jackal,and glaz that are more unrealistic, but not detrimental.
        Most new operators have self serving gadgets, the biggest offender is amaru, her gadget is purely to rush the site and get domed in a second.

        • 2 years ago

          Everything that was added in seasons 5, 6, and 7 are also things that exist in that same capacity.
          Shit, season 6 is completely realistic. It's a drone with an ied on it, a car bomb, a piece of bulletproof glass, and morphine dispensers.

          I've heard this complaint since fricking year 2 and every time the goalpost of when it "stopped being realistic" gets shifted, because it's a bullshit complaint.

  12. 2 years ago

    Ganker is the worst place to ask about this game because they've all been brainwashed to hate trans people so much.

    Its better and generally more interesting than counter strike or valorant- which are objectively much more boring games in every way. Counter/valorant strike- as far as I can tell, is for complete idiots across the board who have no taste.

    • 2 years ago

      uhm, try looking at the facts sweaty!

    • 2 years ago

      >brainwashed to hate trans people
      we didnt need to be brainwashed to do that.
      also for a game built on tentacle realism, can you show any examples of trannies in swat, specials forces, marines, etc, etc.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I can only laugh at you cuz you just said siege is realistic. Its not even trying to be my dude. You can break wooden boards with a knife lol. They had some update where you fight in cyberspace or some shit. Ya brainwashed moron that cant see beyond his hate and grasps for reasons that dont parse. Ya just a stupid bigot, deal with it and say it loudly and proudly so everyone you meet can disregard everything you say.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ya just a stupid bigot, deal with it and say it loudly and proudly so everyone you meet can disregard everything you say.
          lol, what a fricking drama queen. go have a mental breakdown somewhere else moron.

        • 2 years ago

          >doesnt answer the question
          lmao, seethe and cope troon.

  13. 2 years ago

    At least Azami doesn't have the troon aesthetics. That's an improvement, even if her skill feels kind of bullshit, being able to create covers anywhere.

  14. 2 years ago

    Nokk is cute

  15. 2 years ago

    Due Process is on sale for $5 and is less moronic

  16. 2 years ago

    >have a israeli character
    >name her ash
    based ubisoft

  17. 2 years ago

    >Osa is tech genius who works for Nighthaven, a private military enterprise. She is the director of their Research and Development division, Quantum Concepts & Robotics (QCR), and she is a trained field agent. She is also a trans woman.
    lol lmao

  18. 2 years ago

    unless you enjoy a blatant cheater in every lobby above gold 1/2 don't bother, with the insanely horrible balancing they've done over the last 5 years and the lack of a real anti-cheat, there's a good reason why the game is dying.

  19. 2 years ago

    My biggest problems with Siege has to do with the lazy gun roster. Now the you could argue that stuff like the operators going from a bunch of semi-realistic looking guys and gals into a gender neutral soup of danger haired weirdos who turn the game into airsoft Overwatch is bad and I agree but not as much as Ubisoft just being so damn lazy when it comes to actually differing their operator arsenals. The next season has some Singaporean operator. Good chance to have a something like the SAR-21, a weapons we don't see crop up in video games often. No, they give him the Sig stuff that IQ uses. Shame really. Giving the operators unique firearms would be really neat. But a b***h to balance but hey they're idiots at balancing anyway. It's still fun to me (but I have shit taste) and it's probably one of the very few multiplayer shooters I still play decently but is it good? Not objectively. I'm surprised it hasn't gone FtP.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah they should really put in some new guns or at least return guns they took away like clash's pistol.

  20. 2 years ago

    The last good rainbow six game was Vegas 2.

  21. 2 years ago

    I stopped playing this shit in like 2018. I can't believe they actually added a troony operator. Oh wait yes I can.

  22. 2 years ago

    Don't. It was good around 2018. But now all operators are anime protagonists

  23. 2 years ago

    It was fun the first week it came out. Then the tryhards got a hold of it and turned it into a pixel peak snoozefest.

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