Is Rust useful for game development?

Is Rust useful for game development?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Not yet. It is going to need native binds to a lot of C libraries and engines before that point. Also the compiler is going to have to get better before that happens. Rust code is still slower than the C equivalent and while in some industries that doesn't matter it does in game dev. Also games tend to have less of a need for low fault tolerance or security. These are the selling points of rust. So I don't think it will come about for a while.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Rust have another important advantage - rust code doesn't need that much maintenance. Programmers mostly maintain existing code and not writing something new. Videogame code is usually kind of shitty anyway, except few good parts. In most cases games are GPU-bounded so you can do a lot of shit on CPU and nobody will notice. So I expect that some indies will take advantage there. Go with very specialized engine instead of trying to compete with Unity/UE/Godoy, small programming team and make something that usually need more people.

      • 1 year ago

        In what sense? I would argue unless you are doing handmade hero most of the time you are using system agnostic libraries for interacting with the OS. Those libraries have been shown to be well maintained so worrying about them isn't much of an issue.
        >most games GPU bound
        Not really. They are both important resources that have to be used wisely. If your AI is simple sure, but when you are making more involved games with smarter AI and more of them CPU gets taxed hard.

      • 1 year ago

        Can you use it for game development? Yes. Should you? Only if you really want to. Rust has some game engine crates, a handful of which can be considered useful. They're not particularly mature, but they're serviceable.

        If you're used to developing games in another language, you might not like doing it in Rust. Rust strongly discourages certain design patterns that are common in other languages. In particular, Rust code should strongly prefer single ownership wherever it is possible. Object oriented design patterns that rely on objects keeping references to other objects will cause issues will cause issues with the borrow checker. If you then turn around and start writing a bunch of Rc<RefCell<T>> shit everywhere to force this design pattern, it's going to look ugly as sin, and possibly suffer a small performance hit. If you're fine with learning new design patterns, however, Rust may be a fine choice for you, however.

        Lots of video games don't tend to get maintained unless they're multiplayer or some sort of gacha. A single player game can be made, released, and then left with whatever bugs are still there, good or bad.

  2. 1 year ago

    Not currently most of the stuff is either shit or just not ready. Some guy was writing fyrox engine which seems to be the most feature complete of the nuch I've checked out.

  3. 1 year ago

    A furry was deleted, nothing of value was lost.

    No one will use Rust for anything worthwhile. See ya.

  4. 1 year ago


    Almost any other language, worked with C#/C++ mostly. Rust with it's gimmicks finds a lot of potential stupid bugs. When you write a few hundreds lines of code and it just work after fixing one or two logical bugs - it feels like magic.

    In what sense? I would argue unless you are doing handmade hero most of the time you are using system agnostic libraries for interacting with the OS. Those libraries have been shown to be well maintained so worrying about them isn't much of an issue.
    >most games GPU bound
    Not really. They are both important resources that have to be used wisely. If your AI is simple sure, but when you are making more involved games with smarter AI and more of them CPU gets taxed hard.

    > In what sense?
    Your code (even gameplay code) is going to have dumb bugs. And most you're going to spend most of your time on fixing said bugs.

    Can you use it for game development? Yes. Should you? Only if you really want to. Rust has some game engine crates, a handful of which can be considered useful. They're not particularly mature, but they're serviceable.

    If you're used to developing games in another language, you might not like doing it in Rust. Rust strongly discourages certain design patterns that are common in other languages. In particular, Rust code should strongly prefer single ownership wherever it is possible. Object oriented design patterns that rely on objects keeping references to other objects will cause issues will cause issues with the borrow checker. If you then turn around and start writing a bunch of Rc<RefCell<T>> shit everywhere to force this design pattern, it's going to look ugly as sin, and possibly suffer a small performance hit. If you're fine with learning new design patterns, however, Rust may be a fine choice for you, however.

    Lots of video games don't tend to get maintained unless they're multiplayer or some sort of gacha. A single player game can be made, released, and then left with whatever bugs are still there, good or bad.

    In theory you can make more complex games with less bugs in them. I'm sure at some point we'll get success stories about that. At least Rust is used for tooling right now.

    • 1 year ago

      >fixing bugs
      Rust won't prevent you from having bugs, just reduce the amount you'll have to deal with. The issue is that compiling is going to be the biggest choke point and the rust compiler is slow and memory intensive. I think improvements are going to have to be made before it is practical for game dev.

    • 1 year ago

      >In theory you can make more complex games with less bugs in them
      Rust doesn't allow you to make more complex games
      Rust's gimmick is "safety", but nobody programming games has a problem with safety, it's poinltess for gamedev

  5. 1 year ago

    >Is Rust useful
    No. It is a downgraded version of C.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought it was an upgrade?

      • 1 year ago

        try compiling 100,000 line rust program. Now do C

        • 1 year ago

          doesn't matter, compiling is only done once, it's played millions of times after.

    • 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    this is developed in rust

    • 1 year ago

      Looks unfinished. This is like the walking sim of Minecraft or a RTS.

      • 1 year ago

        >This is like the walking sim of Minecraft or a RTS.
        stupid ESL Black person. have a nice day

    • 1 year ago

      veloren is made with rust. play it and see if you like how it runs. it's free.

      These don't count as games

      • 1 year ago

        I'd count Veloren, but Tiny Glade is really a stretch.
        It's an impressive and cool software toy but it's getting annoying seeing everything being lumped into the "games" category. Like visual novels and other interactive fiction.
        As if the space isn't crowded and vague enough to filter through already without everyone calling anything interactive a "game" just so that they can be marketed and sold alongside them.

    • 1 year ago

      That's impressive.

  7. 1 year ago

    veloren is made with rust. play it and see if you like how it runs. it's free.

  8. 1 year ago

    Only if you're trans.

  9. 1 year ago

    turtlewow is ran by unironic trannies

  10. 1 year ago

    with C and chatgpt, rust has been made obsolete

  11. 1 year ago

    >female orc rogue
    soul, I had one too

  12. 1 year ago


    you'll be hearing from our lawyers shortly

  13. 1 year ago

    No, and it won't be for a long time. There is no rust equivalent of the EASTL, so it's not even worth thinking about unless you want to rewrite the standard library for fun.

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