Is she right? Has Morrowind been overrated all this time?

Is she right? Has Morrowind been overrated all this time?

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  1. 9 months ago

    For a game to be overrated people need to, you know, over rate it. Nobody rates Morrowind because nobody plays that old garbage.

  2. 9 months ago

    Yes, but unfortunately lilura likes games that are equally shitty and casual like nwn and diablo.

    • 9 months ago

      Diablo 1 is a good game
      it went downhill after that because they thought people liked the numbers and the loot and not the grueling difficulty and being forced to use whatever you had
      the game was very mab-like in this sense

  3. 9 months ago

    Morrowind is some of the most fun I've had gaming in my whole life and I played it the first time in 2021.

    • 9 months ago

      When you grow up you won't like it any more.

  4. 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    Obviously yes, Bethesda was always like Piranha Bytes but without any talent.

  6. 9 months ago

    Skyrim is so much better.
    >better combat
    >better magic
    >better story
    >better worldbuilding
    >better writing
    >better music
    nobody sits around listening to morrowind music, whereas there are hundreds of Skyrim playlists on youtube with millions and millions of views

    • 9 months ago

      Obvious b8

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      you're baiting but music aside, skyrim is better than morrowind

    • 9 months ago

      Obvious bait

    • 9 months ago

      >Skyrim is so much better.
      Skyrim really is an irredeemable pile of shit. Really.
      They capped physical damage resistances.
      They capped elemental damage resistances.
      They capped stealth.
      Magic strength doesn't grow with magic skill.
      Can't craft your own spells.
      Enchantment strength doesn't grow with skill.
      Athletics is no longer a skill and can't be improved. You are slow as shit.
      Acrobatics is no longer a skill and can't be improved. You can't jump worth shit.
      The effects of personality is capped.
      You can't fly.
      Can't teleport.

      Disregarding alchemy/enchantment loops, that is clearly cheesing it in ways those hacks never intended, you effectively reach your character's full potential around level ~25 +-5~ levels depending on the build in question. After which your character will never practically improve again for the remainder of the game. And even at that optimal level, your character remains weak and boring to control.

      It's absolutely pathetic. Seriously. And why? For what purpose? It's a single player game. What are they afraid off? And how is cutting character growth short in any way good? Especially since you likely have something like 30-40%~ of the world left unexplored after your character stops improving.
      Seriously. Just to highlight how fricked up all these parameter caps are. Heavy armor is practically objectively inferior to lighter armor in Skyrim, because lighter armor still hits the physical resistance cap, with all heavy armor does is going way way past the cap. Which does nothing, it just weighs way more. It's a joke.

      I fricking hate Skyrim. Why did they even make it an RPG?
      I love RPGs but Skyrim fails so damn hard at being one that it only becomes a nuisance.

      • 9 months ago

        im glad you can have fun playing pretend wizard guy in mushroom land but i just don't like the mmo tier quests...

        • 9 months ago

          that's a "you" problem then

    • 9 months ago

      >better combat
      stopped reading

      Is she right? Has Morrowind been overrated all this time?

      I tried to get my friends to play and enjoy Morrowind, but one of them liked Oblivion, and the other Skyrim.
      Either the series is overrated, or none of these games are.

  7. 9 months ago

    The article is a strawman.
    >"in crpg history morrowind is the most overrated crpg by a long shot"
    Morrowind was very niche, only within the crpg sphere it was known and it was lauded for having the most open modding scene up to that point, so yes, it can be considered overrated during its time.
    >"by god did the casual games embrace this stinker"
    Casuals didn't even knew this game existed, only basement dwellers of the first degree ie: crpg fans,
    Morrowind was overrated, yes, it is a mess that is easy to break and easy to mod and the sex mod scene was huge for the time, but it never made it easy for the casual scene to play. the article is flimsy uses ad hominems and flim flam arguments based on platforms it was also in to avoid touching the game at it's core, it is very dishonest on the conclusions it makes and comes across as a petty banter.
    With all that said, I'm willing to bet this article was made after she tried and failed to make a character and got confused on how to attack after spamming and wasting stamina.

    • 9 months ago

      You do know that Bethesda started to become mainstream only because of Morrowind right? Casuals did indeed praise it for anything that wasn't related to roleplaying, how big the open world was, how pretty the water looked, etc....
      It was a RPG for consoles after all, it was clearly made for a casual crowd.

      • 9 months ago

        >You do know that Bethesda started to become mainstream only because of Morrowind right?
        I am aware, it sold 4 million copies from 2002 to 2005, a mayor achievement compared to the previous entry
        >It was a RPG for consoles after all, it was clearly made for a casual crowd.
        You need to look up what casual means, specially in this context, morrowind did broaden its reach slightly by adding the title onto xbox but that doesn't automatically makes it casual, specially considering how its systems work.

        • 9 months ago

          It is very casual, it might have a lot of mechanics but none of them work properly.

          • 9 months ago

            >It is very casual, it might have a lot of mechanics but none of them work properly.
            Casual, meaning:
            -relaxed or unconcerned
            -a person that does something irregularly.
            Casual gamer:
            -A casual gamer is a player who enjoys any video game without investing significant time to it, playing it spontaneously, irregularly, or infrequently.
            Casual game:
            A casual game is a video game targeted at a mass market audience.

            There isn't a single definition in which morrowind fits for this, you're fricking moronic.

            • 9 months ago

              >-relaxed or unconcerned

              Exactly, Morrowind has no challenge for anyone, that is casual

  8. 9 months ago

    Stop making this thread Lilura.
    And learn what a CRPG is.

  9. 9 months ago

    Haha, come on. Of course not.

  10. 9 months ago

    Your taste is smelly as your neo-vegana, Lilura

  11. 9 months ago

    Old disgusting troony surely.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon you should really look into the people behind every major morrowind project in existence lmaooo

  12. 9 months ago

    I just started playing Morrowind this year and its amazing. Im 28. Fight me homosexuals

    • 9 months ago

      Did you also play dragons dogma years after it was cemented as a "Ganker classic" and love it?
      I already know what kind of a person you are: an empty void with no opinions of your own just grabbing on to what is deemed "patrician" by your current hobby's in-group in an attempt to fit in. I bet you think Berserk is the best manga, I bet you think Lain and Tatami Galaxy are the best animes ever made, I bet you shit on consoles despite never actually having had a console of your own to form your own negative opinion of it. You're a non-person, I don't have to fight you.

      • 9 months ago

        I actually dont like Dragons Dogma that much. Combat is good but everything else is boring. My favorite anime is Aria but those are good too. I grew up with all the consoles. Berserk is good,but definitely not the best. Thats either Aria or Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

      • 9 months ago

        Calm down before you have a stroke.

  13. 9 months ago

    HE is moronic and wrong about every RPG.

    • 9 months ago

      Nice Pic

  14. 9 months ago

    You can tell how good something is by how long and often bait threads are posted trying to claim something is shit.
    Morrowind and the N64 are two of the greatest things in gaming history, and thus low effort (you) addicted trolls spam about them all day. Some autistic bite, but the rest of us just sit back and enjoy the loving reminders of a childhood well spend.
    Since morrowind and the n64 will continue to have people play and enjoy them, and thus continue to receive universal praise, they will continue to be targets for bait threads like this likely for the entire lifespan of the internet, well into humanitys distant future.

  15. 9 months ago

    Morrowind is carried by art direction and music.
    Carried so hard that it's the best fantasy world in vidya, don't care about the rest.

  16. 9 months ago

    only a 40 year old autistic man would call something a "stinker".

  17. 9 months ago

    Fricking cazuls

  18. 9 months ago

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