Is Silver Case worth playing? Also, Visual Novels thread.

I saw that it was hyped a lot in the video games community, but then I happened to notice on VNDB that it's only rated 7.5, that's pretty much where Taimanin Asagi 3 is rated. Is it basically normalgay's first mysterious weird adventure game?

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  1. 2 years ago

    i think it is very unique. you should give it a chance if you are interested in a text heavy and stylish weird mistery with a soundtrack that goes fricking hard.

    • 2 years ago

      I did enjoy Killer 7 but I'm curious if you have any ideas on why places like Backlogg'd have it and the sequel rated as
      > 8.4
      > 8.8
      whereas VNDB has them as
      > 7.55
      > 7.86
      seems like a pretty big gap in perception, from "really good mystery game" to "decent VN you can play for fun"
      maybe i'm being a gay

      • 2 years ago

        i don’t know, probably is because people in vndb enjoy more “anime” stuff(?) and silver case is basically a fricking book with a very film noir like art.

        • 2 years ago

          most books have narration... like "anime" vns do.

          • 2 years ago

            yeah, i agree, i was thinking more about the type of art, maybe that’s not appealing to people in vndb.

            • 2 years ago

              i mean there's similarly drawn ones that are highly rated on vndb like fata morgana maybe? or maybe not that one but there's definitely some out there

              • 2 years ago

                another option is that they found the game really boring or frustrating lol (like the anon who hates the puzzles)

    • 2 years ago

      the controls and shitty puzzles are annoying me so fricking much. i'm being filtered. is this game actually a masterpiece in your opinion, if not I might go back to jerking off to aikatsu stars

      • 2 years ago

        yes please go so we don't have to hear your shitzoomer opinions in future suda threads

        • 2 years ago

          bruh i know i hurt your feelings but that doesn't invalidate my opinion
          the puzzles in 999 were way more fun

          • 2 years ago

            I just don't think you'll live through FSR if silver case is already filtering you that early

            • 2 years ago

              why does it have more dumb puzzles? might just watch it on youtube then

            • 2 years ago

              Not that anon, but I've played both, first FSR on Nintendo DS, then Silver Case a long time later on PC.
              I still have a somewhat pleasant memory of FSR, with some good puzzles, writing and dialogues that are strangely entrancing, and that design decision of making you walk literal miles of road on foot to get from point A to point B. It was a great experience, but I would never want to play it again.
              Whereas I played Silver Case and got completely filtered, dropped it on chapter 3 or 4. The move scheme is horrendeous, the game is filled with unskippable cutscenes of dialogue that are unacceptably long, the dialogues are word salad, and the story itself feels like a fever dream from the very beginning, but not in a good way. Plus, after a chapter I tried to look at the menu instead of saving, which sent me to the main menu without saving, forcing me to replay the whole chapter.

              Yes, I am filtered.

      • 2 years ago

        i think the silver case is just suda51 writing a weird story and not about the gameplay or puzzles.

        • 2 years ago

          so does that partially justify me going to watch a playthrough (skipping through the gay puzzles) instead of doing it myself? frick the puzzles this is like the 5th door

          • 2 years ago

            yes, you could do that, or (if i remember correctly) there is an auto-puzzle solving option.

            • 2 years ago

              I literally just fricking realized that yes you can click the magnifying glass to auto solve
              give back those 30 minutes of my life frick

      • 2 years ago

        kek i used auto solve on all puzzles

        • 2 years ago

          I only realized there was autosolve after solving 4 dumbass doors

    • 2 years ago

      no but seriously, and this is not personal whatsoever, just about the game,
      who the FRICK thought it would be a good idea, forget about this still being in the remake but even in the first version of this game,
      to force you to make 100+ clicks just to crack a fricking caesar cipher
      making us do it on pencil and paper would have been better than this
      is the story actually worth it?????

  2. 2 years ago

    emulate it on ps1

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        you can use an ntsc filter for soul. it's a better experience.

        • 2 years ago

          oh you mean like the CRT filters i use for snes and psp?

    • 2 years ago

      I'd go witn

  3. 2 years ago

    i dropped it since it was boring and had the most torturous ui i've ever encountered

    • 2 years ago

      yeah same but maybe you should consider watching a playthrough I assume Suda's writing is fun to watch

  4. 2 years ago

    7.5 is a high rating you absolute bloody fool.

    • 2 years ago

      It's high but I aim to only play the best of the best so to me it's low

  5. 2 years ago

    Wow this thread is fricking moronic.
    Anyway, TSC, FSR, and T25W are some of the best games ever made but considering you cant even get through the first chapter without crying about simple door puzzles I just don't think you would get it.

    • 2 years ago

      >you cant even get through the first chapter without crying about simple door puzzles
      i'm complaining because they're TOO simple.

    • 2 years ago

      something about tsc was just unbearably tedious and i've played several games where there's multiple zones and people/things you interact with and you end up using every available interaction with them to progress and repeat this for every new event

    • 2 years ago

      Only check out The Silver Case if you enjoy nonsensical esotheric incomprehensible games with more style than substance. Not that it is bad, it will definitely leave an impression, but it can be a boring chore at times to get to the "good" parts. If you have enjoyed at least one of Suda51 games in the past particularly for how completely ridiculous they get, then try out The Silver Case.

      Jesus man, how much of an elitist prick must you be to say that. These obscure games with extremely niche appeal and ass-backwards tedious design are very difficult to commit to. People have all the right to complain. And this is someone who went down the entire KTP rabbit hole. I get that you are posting as if you are Tokio, but common man you have to realize that these games require a very specific mindset and acquired taste to get any enjoyment out of.

      Not that anon, but I've played both, first FSR on Nintendo DS, then Silver Case a long time later on PC.
      I still have a somewhat pleasant memory of FSR, with some good puzzles, writing and dialogues that are strangely entrancing, and that design decision of making you walk literal miles of road on foot to get from point A to point B. It was a great experience, but I would never want to play it again.
      Whereas I played Silver Case and got completely filtered, dropped it on chapter 3 or 4. The move scheme is horrendeous, the game is filled with unskippable cutscenes of dialogue that are unacceptably long, the dialogues are word salad, and the story itself feels like a fever dream from the very beginning, but not in a good way. Plus, after a chapter I tried to look at the menu instead of saving, which sent me to the main menu without saving, forcing me to replay the whole chapter.

      Yes, I am filtered.

      Interesting that your experience with TSC and FSR were so different. FSR tends to be the more eggregious one for most people. And if you like one you tend to like the other as well.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm a filthy pleb, I dropped Killer7 to watch it on YouTube, I can say it was worth it but I probably won't go through Suda's entire collection. Silver Case just interested me because I like detective/mystery stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        There was a 12 year gap for between playing these two game, so my relationship with vidya may have changed. At the time of playing FSR, I played mostly on Nintendo DS with a flashed cartridge, and I had a lot more time for vidya than I have now. I could probably put up with a lot more shit then than I do now.
        But as I recall, FSR is still a lot more fun to play (!) than TSC. TSC is butt ugly, the colors are murky, the UI takes half of the screen and every action takes a second; in FSR, the scenery is colorful and beautiful (by PS1 standrads), you can moving is fluid, and the UI is okay when you're not solving puzzles.
        There's also the fact that, despite being a sequel, the story of FSR is whay easier to get into: MC is in a groundhog day island and gotta get out. In FSC, I had no element to cling to, everything is half-said, surrealist stuff happens all the time with no way to know if it's a metaphor for something or literal fantasy stuff. Granted, I did not go very far, but I would have appreciated to have something to get me going other than the faint hope of things making sense later on (a vain hope, knowing Suda51).

        But yeah, I'm not picking up TSC again. Maybe I'll watch a playthrough or something.

    • 2 years ago

      >I just don't think you would get it.
      Ah, condescension, the last resort of the midwit.
      The story isn't that interesting, it's just weird.

  6. 2 years ago

    Could be a bit unrelated, but I started playing the cat Lady and I frankly got extremely bored 40 minutes in. Is it worth pushing through? Maybe I'm not used to adventure games or whatever you want to call this, but the dialogues are too long and boring, was it really that fricking difficult adding a skip line option (or if it's there J didn't notice)?

  7. 2 years ago

    It's good but insanely text heavy, and the movement parts not being very action or fast slogs the whole thing down
    I personally found it hard to complete due to lack of motivation, but that might be just me with a poor sleep schedule falling asleep while going around
    I still recommend it

    • 2 years ago

      something about tsc was just unbearably tedious and i've played several games where there's multiple zones and people/things you interact with and you end up using every available interaction with them to progress and repeat this for every new event

      might watch videos of it being played then

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah honestly going door to door and doing the same shit constantly is tiring, like sure okay maybe that's one of the messages that is trying to be sent but FRICK doing that every fricking act of the game
        At least doing that everyday in the sidestory part isn't as tiring due to it being more instant than BASIC MOVEMENT

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