Is Smash actually the truest fighting game? Contrary to popular retard belief?

Is Smash actually the truest fighting game? Contrary to popular moron belief?

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  1. 8 months ago

    He is right

    • 8 months ago

      >Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive died because combos were too popular

      That doesn't sound right.

      • 8 months ago

        those died because their creators left

  2. 8 months ago

    Ironically, smash has more complex combos because knockback depends on damage. In other fighting games, your combo will work the same regardless of opponent's health and character

    • 8 months ago

      Wow you sure don't play fighting games if you think there aren't tons of character specific combos in all of them

      • 8 months ago

        >OH no, the characters size and proportions might make you throw out a strong instead of a medium or might make certain links not work because they're small, truly this is open ended comboing...

        • 8 months ago

          certain buttons in neutral give you certain combos, thus making it more valuable to hit your opponent with one button as opposed to another in situation even if it might be harder to do

          certain combos do things like move the opponent closer to the corner, give you okizeme, or more meter to use in neutral extending your lead.

          it's not that hard to understand the value combos provide to fighting games.

          I don't understand how this is so hard to understand? Even with the dude that linked that Twitter pic, surely we're not moronic enough to deflect from the reality that smash combos and strategy doesn't work like traditional fighting games and it's far more open, reactive, and on the fly?

          I don't get why fighting game fans always do these weird tactics where they just accuse you of not playing the game with no evidence or substantiation other than their subjective perception, so that they can dismiss you and you can never actually argue against them because their reasoning wasn't based on logic or evidence in the first place.

          It's just so dumb and destroys all capacity for's like they're DELIBERATELY missing the point to avoid the truth...

          • 8 months ago

            Fighting game players btfo.

        • 8 months ago

          >I have to slightly delay this additional up air in this combo because I'm combing this one tiny pokemon character that 80% of people will never play!
          >Most players don't even learn these character specific combos anyways
          Palpable cope, you can easily prove smash players are shit because they complain that literal bottom tiers need nerfs and think combos make you good at a game. Stay moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      >your combo will work the same regardless of opponent's health and character
      unplayer detected

    • 8 months ago

      God, I fricking hate morons that think they know fighting games.

      • 8 months ago

        if you "know" fighting games it's already time to get off the computer, look yourself in the mirror and considering signing to a gym membership next

        • 8 months ago

          God cope like this is always hilarious to me. Why are casual elitists so insecure?

          • 8 months ago

            i don't know what a casual elitist is but you know that the top 10% of fighting games players are nothing but drooling autists and smelly obese guys

            • 8 months ago

              Not really, you do seem highly insecure though.

              • 8 months ago

                you are projecting your insecurity on me, you know i was right about what i said
                also idk who that chink is but it's great he changed himself for better and you should follow his path
                thing is you just talk trash on the internet and "study" your game mechanics

              • 8 months ago

                Lotta projection buddy. Dunno why you're so mad at people being better than you.

              • 8 months ago

                i don't care if someone put more time and effort on something, specially if that's something i dont put effort in too, i was just quoting

                God, I fricking hate morons that think they know fighting games.

                >I fricking hate morons that think they know fighting games.
                and said "you probably should go to the gym" which is true
                i don't know fighting games, i couldn't care less about your combos and how this shit work, the point i wanted to make was about you

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't care
                >immediately was upset about it
                Uh huh.
                Also why don't you go to the gym fatty?

              • 8 months ago

                >>I don't care
                was upset about it
                i had to remember you who you are
                >Also why don't you go to the gym fatty?
                i lifted today, also never been fat

              • 8 months ago

                So let me get this right, you care so little that you immediately insulted anyone who plays fighting games and insisted that they are fat and then proceeded to post continuously because you don't care.
                Yeah definitely not insecure.

              • 8 months ago

                im just passing by and know frick all about fighting games, but I read your posts and felt I should let you know that you sound and type like an angsty teenager. you suuuure you're allowed to be on this board anon?

              • 8 months ago

                You entered a thread talking about how smash brothers "takes so much skill" then followed up with a bunch of fruity passive aggressive posts.
                >I don't care
                >You're insecure
                This is the kind of shit a female would say. Nobody takes it seriously when someone who sounds like an obvious b***h IRL tries to tell people to "touch grass"

            • 8 months ago

              you're referring to the 90% of the Smash players.

              • 8 months ago

                the number could be higher since i don't even play fighting games besides once every 3 years in a friend's house to know, but from what i heard and saw fighting games competition is filled with the most disgenic and unathletic freaks i have ever seen, even the moba guys look more normal in comparison

        • 8 months ago

          >Smash elitist telling other people to log off and hit the gym
          Lmao jesus christ gain self awareness, some bodywash or at least attempt suicide

          • 8 months ago

            t. smelly smashtard

            i don't play smash either, actually never did compared to mortal kombat and tekken
            smash players were included since the beginning

            • 8 months ago

              You still come off equally moronic because if your point is that becoming proficient at fighting games is somehow a "waste of time" and you should reconsider your life choices, then you spending any time on Ganker pretty much defeats any argument you could have. You willingly visit a website with stupid shit like pic related, take your own advice.

        • 8 months ago

          t. smelly smashtard

    • 8 months ago

      >combo will work the same regardless of opponent's health and character
      You've never played any fighting games, have you?

    • 8 months ago

      Combos can change not just because of the character in question but what kind of attack got the first hit, how it interacts with systems made to affect combo routing, etc.

      Street Fighter 6, for a simple example, has a state called Forced Knockdown that certain moves are tagged with. If you counterhit the opponent (hitting them before or while their move is active) it puts them in a state where they're knocked down even if the move that hit them normally wouldn't do that, and they can be juggled even if the move that hit them wouldn't normally lead to a juggle. Moves can also have different combo routes depending on whether it's a normal hit, a counterhit (+2 frame advantage, so attacks that couldn't link together now can) or a punish counter (hit the opponent during a move's recovery and most moves gain +4 frame advantage; some moves have entirely different on-hit properties if it's a punish counter, which can set up very devastating combos). It's not just what you hit or who you hit, how you get that hit matters a ton.

      Some games go even farther, like how indie game Them's Fightin' Herds has an entire meter called the Juggle Decay bar. How it works is pretty complex but to give the big points
      >fills up a certain amount each time an attack hits
      >gravity is unchanged in the combo until it fills, then slowly increases with each hit after it fills
      >the bar slowly decreases after the combo ends if the opponent isn't in blockstun or hitstun
      >many moves will reduce the bar size by X amount on first hit, while others don't
      >hard knockdowns can only be done if the opponent doesn't fill the bar, giving a reason to do short combos sometimes
      >the opponent getting counterhit or performing a tech recovery after a soft knockdown reduces the JD bar to 0
      Whether you can convert a hit into a certain combo revolves mostly around this bar, and how much you want it to fill affects both the combo you do and what you do after the combo. FG combos can be super complex.

  3. 8 months ago

    No that'd be Mortal Kombat

  4. 8 months ago

    What strategy? The only difference is you have to watch a cutscene before applying your strategies and you'll be at a damage disadvantage by not doing the cutscenes yourself. How do they affect the neutral game?

    • 8 months ago

      Less chances = less room

    • 8 months ago

      Is this really the smartest Ganker "fighting" game fan? lmao

    • 8 months ago

      certain buttons in neutral give you certain combos, thus making it more valuable to hit your opponent with one button as opposed to another in situation even if it might be harder to do

      certain combos do things like move the opponent closer to the corner, give you okizeme, or more meter to use in neutral extending your lead.

      it's not that hard to understand the value combos provide to fighting games.

      • 8 months ago

        Tekken 7 is a high-damage combo game and it's not like people above Ruler ranks just bypass neutral tools and throw out launchers all day

  5. 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    Absolutely based. I wish I saved that webm of a Zero May Cry evo match where first hit won. It was against someone like Chris G, I think

    • 8 months ago

      ZMC is insanely overpowered in a game that's hasn't been patched for a decade. Still, there are at least 4 interactions per minute-long match:
      >first hit into ToD
      >first incoming into ToD
      >second incoming into ToD
      >opponents XF reset into ToD
      Overpowered teams are overpowered because they get ToDs off of every interaction won, and also because they have setups that make it nearly impossible to lose those interactions. UMVC3 is a decade in with no patch.If Capcom had babysat this product like they do recent Street Fighter games, we'd have no TAC infinites and Strider-level damage scaling on kusoges like Zero and Vergil.

      Let's compare the worst case scenario UMVC3 match I just described to a typical MOBA match.
      >teams go out and farm until one can attack the other
      >the loser of that battle is permanently disadvantaged
      That's one meaningful interaction on a 40 MINUTE long match. Marvel looks pretty good in comparison

      How to fix fighting games
      >Lower damage output, higher HP
      >Remove all ToD combos
      >Limit air combos a lot
      >99+ hit combos should not exist
      >a 10 hit combo shouldn't seem like a long combo either
      >Keep "Get off me" mechanics like Bursts and Parries and make them usable more often
      >No cutscene moves that interrupt the gameplay
      >No instakills
      >Limit camping and backpedaling

      >there are no chain combos. Combo autism ruined fighting games, for both casuals and lower skilled professionals.

      people don't realize this but the ACTUAL hard part of "combos" and frick it, I'd even argue this is the hardest part of fighting games hitconfirming, which is why SF5 is the closest thing to a genuine "fighting" game out of traditional fighting games and not just a labrat game where you execute your commands after a hit like a robot.

      I'd almost argue that fighting games fundemental unique aspect to not just become "another smash" but also not have combos be too stupid, overbearing and robotic, is to have hitconfirming become meaningful...but at the same time I almost don't want that to happen because as soon as it does, it'll allow people to diminish SF5 since they'll be able to say "every fighting game has that now its not special" or they'll just get it wrong and make it moronic somehow

      Play soul calibur 2

      • 8 months ago

        >That's one meaningful interaction on a 40 MINUTE long match. Marvel looks pretty good in comparison

        definitely not true. league is beyond fricking unbalanced and moronic, but it's not even close to a Marvel match lmao, there are dozens of meaningful interactions that can be had AGAINST the player without necessarily interacting with the opposing player, like taking baron, freezing, hard pushing because you have better wave clear, your jungler taking their jungle, baron, just ganking in general, league is an infinitely complex game with infinitely more options. It's problem is being too snowbally in a game where you're paired up with 5 other players that can drag you under with how heavy they are. There is FAR more potential for meaningful interactions, the game is just lopsided. Marvel is just moronic tho, on every single level, especially considering matches can end before you even know it. Zero May Cry is NOT the only problem, game Is just broken in general.

        But that's fine, you morons can have your moronic broken games once in a while, just don't pretend it's any better than that so a culture of Marvel esque games never develops widespread

        • 8 months ago

          Thanks that's the word I was looking for. My point is that in a perfect world where everything is balanced, MOBAs and other turnless games will always tend to snowball, where as fighting games will not because they are somewhat turn-based.

          Also I really like shorter matches for competitive games. In most cases the better player is clear 1% into the game regardless of design.

          • 8 months ago

            eh sure, I'm not defending League, infact I think it's the worst designed most broken unbalanced competitive game there is...I just think Marvel is genuinely a moronic sure I guess, but beyond moronic, but gets the pass for matches that go by so fast that you forget the broken and moronic shit you just witnessed

  7. 8 months ago

    How to fix fighting games
    >Lower damage output, higher HP
    >Remove all ToD combos
    >Limit air combos a lot
    >99+ hit combos should not exist
    >a 10 hit combo shouldn't seem like a long combo either
    >Keep "Get off me" mechanics like Bursts and Parries and make them usable more often
    >No cutscene moves that interrupt the gameplay
    >No instakills
    >Limit camping and backpedaling

    • 8 months ago

      homie you asking for street fighter which already exist shut the frick up next time

    • 8 months ago

      >no fun allowed
      Gay person spotted.

      • 8 months ago

        >fighting games are only fun when my opponent can't do anything
        have a nice day fgctroony

    • 8 months ago

      What new game does any of this?
      They listened to everything you people have been saying, you just larp about all of these things still being around.

      There are no hard combos you actually NEED to do to win, there are no 99 hit combos, there are no ToD's (or they get patched ASAP), air combos are a joke even in so called "anime" games now.

      Instakills weren't ever a real thing outside of GG where they were always a pathetic gimmick, random moves like ralfs shit in KOF were even worse somehow, and that doesn't kill anymore anyway.

      Every game is designed with gigantic normals and insane offensive mechanics so you can get in on people """camping""" and """backpedaling""". literally every fricking demand you caveman apes have been making has been followed to the letter, you don't even have to do motions anymore and you'll still just sit here and LARP.

      Frick you, I don't care that SF6 and Strive are popular. morons like you are still just going to sit there and complain after the genre I love was raped to death to appease you weirdo skill-less frickers.

      • 8 months ago

        >What new game does any of this?
        Street Fighter VI
        Street Fighter is peak
        now if only it had a better roster and wasn't full of woke shit

      • 8 months ago

        Pretty much this. The trend seems to be low-execution, high reward at the moment. I'm curious to see if fighting games will go the yugioh route and say "negate attacks and specials. Actually, just turn off the other person's controller"

      • 8 months ago

        You and I both know what the reality is. People will always whine and b***h when they lose in the 1v1.

    • 8 months ago

      Or maybe increase damage and lower hp.
      Like in Samurai Shodown but to the extreme.
      And add 3rd dimension but with well thought out mechanics.
      Only "combos" should be like a 1 2 punch into a cross.
      Only special should be a taunt or like pocket sand or like some trully special ability that can get you out of a tight spot or create an opening or something creative but not a particle diarrhea that takes away agency from you or the enemy.

      Entire genre stuck in the 20th century with players so deep in the box they are worse than WoW mmorpugers.

      • 8 months ago

        >Or maybe increase damage and lower hp.
        Nah shit like this is why Strive sucks so much.
        The only way I'd accept this is if the norm became 3 or 5 wins to take a set, since low hp fighting games go way too fricking fast and are always one-sided fights and the opponent has no time to recover from being assblasted from a single combo.

        • 8 months ago

          Not having opportunity to recover is less homosexual than recovering homosexuals that lose but then "recover".
          And you are also in the same position.
          Everything goes in the reverse direction as well.
          So you can go in fast for a high risk move but that can be a shortcut to loss.

          • 8 months ago

            >I want fighting games to be completely one sided
            why are you trannies like this? why?

          • 8 months ago

            >shortcut to loss
            games shouldn't be balanced based on win/lose conditions.

    • 8 months ago

      Stop playing anime fighters then. 90% of the things you just listed apply only to them.

      • 8 months ago

        >stop playing them
        or they could stop making them so shit and I would play them?

        • 8 months ago

          No ones forcing you to play them but here you are b***hing about it

        • 8 months ago

          You're going out of the way to play games specifically made the way you don't like. Stop being moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      So basically you want either Budokai 3 or Ninja Storm except with CONSTANT interruptions. It'd be fricking awful and you'd get bored with it within 3 days.

      What new game does any of this?
      They listened to everything you people have been saying, you just larp about all of these things still being around.

      There are no hard combos you actually NEED to do to win, there are no 99 hit combos, there are no ToD's (or they get patched ASAP), air combos are a joke even in so called "anime" games now.

      Instakills weren't ever a real thing outside of GG where they were always a pathetic gimmick, random moves like ralfs shit in KOF were even worse somehow, and that doesn't kill anymore anyway.

      Every game is designed with gigantic normals and insane offensive mechanics so you can get in on people """camping""" and """backpedaling""". literally every fricking demand you caveman apes have been making has been followed to the letter, you don't even have to do motions anymore and you'll still just sit here and LARP.

      Frick you, I don't care that SF6 and Strive are popular. morons like you are still just going to sit there and complain after the genre I love was raped to death to appease you weirdo skill-less frickers.

      There will NEVER be a solution. People shat up the catalog talking about "artificial difficulty inputs" and every over confident moron laughed when Modern controls was announced the internet flooded with people thinking that finally "fighting game fans" would get BTFO by casuals and their supposed lack of skill would be exposed. Then the day finally came and you had morons throwing out mid-screen 1 button shoryukens and losing to random DIs. Now people moved on to complaining about combos even though at any level below diamond in any fighting game you have a way lower chance you get into anything that feels like a "ToD" than you are in current day Smash Bros.

      • 8 months ago

        Because executional barriers are only the second half of the reasons why fighting games are unpopular / less popular than they could be, with the other half being the combo systems.

        • 8 months ago

          You say this but Mortal Kombat and Smash being two of the most, if not the most popular in the genre and both being very combo / follow up heavy blows this the frick out every time.

    • 8 months ago

      sounds like MK 4 with its MAXIMUM DAMAGE bullshit

  8. 8 months ago

    In general anything on 2D plane is kinda shit as far as fighting games go

  9. 8 months ago

    • 8 months ago

      I don't see the problem? You can't possibly be one of those obtuse and moronic cherrypickers that think presenting out of context clips as wholly representative is reasonable? Not to mention that even in the clips, you can CLEARLY see that smash "combos" aren't actually combos and they're a lot more fluidity and reactivity in just the way the circumstances are set up

      • 8 months ago

        >you can CLEARLY see that smash "combos" aren't actually combos and they're a lot more fluidity and reactivity
        Anon please stop, now you're making it seem like you've never even played Smash Bros or a real fighting game at any decent level.

      • 8 months ago

        The irony presented in the video is how Sakurai depicts traditional fighting games leading to scenarios in which a casual player feels like they couldn't do anything, and then proceeds to add characters to Smash that can 0-death you from one interaction with no way of escaping - literally couldn't do anything. Not to say it's an inherently bad design, it's just ironic coming from him.

  10. 8 months ago

    Smash throughout its versions has had some real fricked up combos though, even the last patch has some pretty insane stuff with Kazuya from what I've seen which is based frick smashgays

  11. 8 months ago

    Skill gaps are going to exist in any game what is the point of this image

  12. 8 months ago

    Its a party game for children.

  13. 8 months ago

    Sakurai's quote is that of someone who is unaware of a particular game's mechanics. To someone who plays a game for the first time, yes they're not going to understand the basic mechanics, and when they do get double perfected by their veteran opponent it will feel like "woooooow I didn't even get a chance to play!" when in truth they were simply making multiple mistakes that their experienced opponent took advantage of. In truth, there is much strategy involved in modern fighters, and the same argument can be applied to any strategic game.

  14. 8 months ago

    good pvp games don't have knockback/stun mechanics

    • 8 months ago

      what the frick is a combo if not a stun mechanic

      • 8 months ago

        fighting games aren't good pvp games. if i can't simultaneously attack while my opponent unleashes his own combo, it's bad.

  15. 8 months ago

    >introduce Jin to your game
    >his actual fighting game tech cheeses the game

  16. 8 months ago

    most other fighting games seem to revolve around spamming at each other until you see an opening and then performing a specific satanic ritual with your stick and buttons that deletes your opponent's entire health bar without them being able to react to it. if you ever suggest this to someone who plays fighting games they try and act like any fighting game that doesn't revolve around entering the konami code really fast and then watching your opponent die instantly is somehow dumber or easier.

  17. 8 months ago
  18. 8 months ago

    sakurai hasnt made a good game in over 2 decades so who gives a shit what this gay says

    • 8 months ago

      This tbh. He has a massive ego and people worship him like he's a god, especially the Japanese. He actually thinks his games are the greatest games to ever grace the human race and that his opinion is like gold.
      And of course mindless weebs have Japan worship, if this was a western dev people would be shitting all over him all the time and never taking him seriously.

  19. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      jesus christ

    • 8 months ago


  20. 8 months ago

    Why do people who hate fighting games suggest ways to fix them when they don't/won't even play them?

    • 8 months ago

      Because people who don't know what they're talking about tend to be highly opinionated.

    • 8 months ago

      you can say that about a lot

    • 8 months ago

      Because they’re coming at it from the outside trying to make it more in line with what they’d like. Whether or not they’re good ideas is another thing entirely but I see where they’re coming from.

  21. 8 months ago

    Melee and 64 are the only smash games to have combos.

  22. 8 months ago

    >e-celeb thread

  23. 8 months ago

    >i-celibate thread

  24. 8 months ago

    If Smash is a fighting game, then Uno is a fighting game too

  25. 8 months ago

    >with the myriad of fighting games that play differently and have different playstyles within said games they should all be exactly like these bullet points to cater to me
    I love playing a genre that has built in filters for people whining about being defensive and having to see their character get beat on because they fricked up bad. I especially love the picture proof of the whining being the same no matter the decade.

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny that for a subreddit that jerks off about gatekeeping, Ganker sure hates games being too complex for them.

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny that for a subreddit that jerks off about gatekeeping, Ganker sure hates games being too complex for them.

      this self masturbatory dialogue is really cringe and shallow lil bros

      • 8 months ago

        Somebody is booty bothered they're gatekept.

  26. 8 months ago

    >try to "fix" combos by making them improvisational with dynamically calculated hitstun and DI
    >still get big mad about people utilizing it
    >gut it even further until future games are full of up-air ladder combos
    Sakurai is a moron.

    • 8 months ago

      Melee combos are so cool. Crazy that it was either just a fluke or some nameless wizard at HAL getting divine inspiration

    • 8 months ago

      Amsa is a fricking god

    • 8 months ago

      Combos in Smash always look so moronic.

  27. 8 months ago

    No, it's Yie Ar Kung Fu.

  28. 8 months ago

    I think smash has the right idea of simple inputs into complex outcomes kinda schtick but my only fighting game was MK10 and that game had some of the most moronic inputs ever

    • 8 months ago

      atleast it doesn't have N commands

  29. 8 months ago


  30. 8 months ago

    Remember seeing in a thread like this a guy talking about how fighting games should have no frame data.
    Thought about how dumb people are here a lot since then.

  31. 8 months ago

    theres a reason fighting games are dead outside of smash and smash clones

    • 8 months ago

      they really don't want to admit it...BUT I disagree with you about one thing: smash clones

      I played brawhalla and for some reason that game doesn't feel as...reactive, dynamic, free flowing, on the fly, improvisational, as smash.

      I don't know what it is about that game that rubs me wrong, I like it actually, but sometimes it feels just as rigid as a fighting game and like I'll get locked down in some stupid combo or loop too easily.

      wonder if anybody else has some perspective on this?

      • 8 months ago

        Hey you're the guy who keeps posting about SFV.

    • 8 months ago

      that's some dojin anime crap only incels play.

    • 8 months ago

      Damn, Hakumen is so fricking cool.

    • 8 months ago

      >approached unlimited hakumen, attacked with an easilly telegraphed move
      If he's gonna go against a limitless tension parry character, it's his goddamn fault.

  32. 8 months ago
  33. 8 months ago

    spamming your safe back air isn't strategy, it's boring as frick and why Ultimate fricking sucks dick. His hate-boner for competition is just hi being an old japanese homosexual. All old japanese men eventually become joyless c**ts and they try to spread their shit opinions to everyone else because their moronic seniority worship means that Sakurai and other old homosexuals like him have their opinions acknowledged by scared interns. He should've always stuck to making roster choices and nothing else, gameplay should never be left up to him in any way.

    • 8 months ago

      holy shit, i almsot never say it because it's dismissive and disingenuous this guy just mad? 90% of this post was weird psychoanalyzing and character attacks, and a bunch of presumptuous shit.

      where exactly is the argument?

      >spamming your safe back air isn't strategy

      doesn't fricking count lmao, you can't reduce the game to that as objectively as you can combos off of "hitconfim" which BTW most games don't even have since Street fighter 5 was one of the only game to make hitconfirming an actual overarching skill, because for the most part is was an accidental inclusion until 1 pro found it then everybody copied him (punk)

      but I'm getting off track, hitconfirming is actually a pretty decent temperance to combos, but I still think smash largely handles that repetitiveness and straightforwardness in strategy much better

  34. 8 months ago

    smash isnt a fighting game because im good at it and shit at real ones

    • 8 months ago

      funny how you say this yet a smash player won an evo tournament of a "real fighter" yet you'll never see a street fighter player even crack the top 20 in a smash game


      • 8 months ago

        Melee player*
        Smashgays tried to claim melee wasn't a smash game or part of their community so you don't get to try and claim it now.

      • 8 months ago

        >yet you'll never see a street fighter player even crack the top 20 in a smash game

        SF bros really need to step up on this, they've conquered anime fighters and other fighters, but not smash, but admittedly, smash players have only been able to conquer other fighters and not SF. Street Fighter seems to have this equally string mystical aura around it that smash does that makes it hard to penetrate, which is very ironic since I'm pretty sure "FG" fans consider both of these games to be the least complex and easiest...which makes you wonder...

      • 8 months ago

        Melee player*
        Smashgays tried to claim melee wasn't a smash game or part of their community so you don't get to try and claim it now.

        melee gods are on another level, i could see a top 10 melee player pick up another fighting game

        • 8 months ago

          Pretty sure Mang0 is master in SF6.

        • 8 months ago

          *casually wins your "real fighter" tournament*

          you're absolutely right

          • 8 months ago

            FGCucks will never recover

          • 8 months ago

            They'll never recover from this. Thousands of people having to sit there in one room watching the destruction of decades of bluster of how hardcore fighting games were and how Smash was for remedial babies. Watching one of the most divisive figures in competitive gaming taking thousands of dollars out of their pockets through the prize pool. Watching what all the posturing over how much of a grassroots underground meritocracy fighting games is worth when it's someone they intensely dislike.

            • 8 months ago

              >thousands of dollars
              lol somebody doesn't know how shit EVO prize pools are

            • 8 months ago

              >Watching what all the posturing over how much of a grassroots underground meritocracy fighting games is worth when it's someone they intensely dislike.

              It's like an anime storyline that wrote itself, it's brilliant because it's NOT an anime and was real life. Sometimes life gives you lemons...and somebody creates pink lemonade

  35. 8 months ago

    anno domini two thousand and twenty three, smashgays still butthurt about street fighter, fgchads still don't care about smash.

  36. 8 months ago

    I don't really care about fighting games, I would like more games that take fighting game concepts and apply them to different genres like Mordhau/For Honor Duels.

  37. 8 months ago

    it's really funny how inarguably correct this is because of all the cope "y-you don't even play REAL fighting games!!!!" responses kek holy frick, it's such a simple argument too but he's just so right that nobody can even deny it without whataboutisms

    • 8 months ago

      >it's true because uhhh it just is

  38. 8 months ago

    No, that would be Brawlhalla.

    • 8 months ago


      they really don't want to admit it...BUT I disagree with you about one thing: smash clones

      I played brawhalla and for some reason that game doesn't feel as...reactive, dynamic, free flowing, on the fly, improvisational, as smash.

      I don't know what it is about that game that rubs me wrong, I like it actually, but sometimes it feels just as rigid as a fighting game and like I'll get locked down in some stupid combo or loop too easily.

      wonder if anybody else has some perspective on this?

  39. 8 months ago

    you want neutch but you want combos to reward winning the neutch. too much combos and it overshadows the neutch.

    • 8 months ago

      just proves once again that SF5 was actually the most perfectly balanced (that a fighting game could realistically get) fighting game with the most footsies and neutral while not being boring. hitconfirming underpinning the entire game is just the cherry on top

      • 8 months ago

        I knew it was you!

  40. 8 months ago

    It is very simple why the Platform Fighting formula is superior to Traditional Fighting and Anime Fighting.

    It's because you can get yourself out of combos (thus creating more interactivity) thus giving yourself more of a fighting chance, while every combo actually is a custom combo because there are no chain combos. Combo autism ruined fighting games, for both casuals and lower skilled professionals.

    • 8 months ago

      >It is very simple why the Platform Fighting formula is superior to Traditional Fighting and Anime Fighting.
      Yet 90% of them flop and are immediately forgotten. You're moronic.
      Combos ruined fighting games but
      >Universal PK Fire -> Down Throw -> F-air, F-air combo
      is peak gameplay.

      • 8 months ago

        >Yet 90% of them flop
        And you know why they do.
        Surely you can provide me with a list of reasons why Nick Brawl Stars will fail, that has no overlap with any of the SSB games from Melee onward.
        I'll leave it at that since you chose to project your moronation instead of being civil, if even dimwitted.

        • 8 months ago

          >Surely you can provide me with a list of reasons why Nick Brawl Stars will fail
          Where did this even come from, moron? Would it be a good question if I asked you why you think it would succeed? Did you play the first one? What a idiotic premise for a question, not sure what your point even was.
          Maybe instead of being a cherry picking dumbfrick you can actually think about how many platform fighters exist versus how many of them people actually care about.

          Here's a bunch of random ones off the top of my head and even though I really enjoyed the JUMP and Onimusha variant at a time most games in this "style" have major flaws. Whether they're unbalanced and have some kind of oppressively characters / strategies, the physics feel like shit, or you end up with something like PSASBR which had pretty much all of the above ALONG with an execution barrier and setups that were practically ToDs. Most of them are typically just low effort IP mashups with an extremely short shelf life. Making everything a platform fighter isn't some magic solution especially when you can count on your fingers the amount of platform fighters that people actually give a frick about compared to the amount that actually exist. You could consider that, but you'd probably rather be a smug moron that misusing words like "project" to attempt to sound less brain damaged than you actually are.

          • 8 months ago

            All of those games are shit compared to Smash.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, that's the entire point.

            • 8 months ago

              nah JUMP US is awesome

    • 8 months ago

      I would agree with you, if it didn't feel like you got locked down in combos and checkmate situations just like fighting games in brawhalla, I've never had anybody actually able to address whether I'm delusional about this or have a point that brawhalla just feels different to the ways opposite to reactive and dynamic gameplay

      • 8 months ago

        The keyword is 'formula'. You can take the core foundational mechanics and tweak them such that you produce something worse.

        If a platform fighting game decides to keep directional influence, but then add several seconds of hitstun, such that airborne victims now have plenty of time to continue getting comboed, it would then be functionally indistinct from Marvel vs Capcom or Alpha air juggles and infinites---the player is almost just as helpless and the game missed the point of the genre.

    • 8 months ago

      >there are no chain combos. Combo autism ruined fighting games, for both casuals and lower skilled professionals.

      people don't realize this but the ACTUAL hard part of "combos" and frick it, I'd even argue this is the hardest part of fighting games hitconfirming, which is why SF5 is the closest thing to a genuine "fighting" game out of traditional fighting games and not just a labrat game where you execute your commands after a hit like a robot.

      I'd almost argue that fighting games fundemental unique aspect to not just become "another smash" but also not have combos be too stupid, overbearing and robotic, is to have hitconfirming become meaningful...but at the same time I almost don't want that to happen because as soon as it does, it'll allow people to diminish SF5 since they'll be able to say "every fighting game has that now its not special" or they'll just get it wrong and make it moronic somehow

      • 8 months ago

        that's one important part, and it might be the part you like the most, but it's by no means the most significant or most important and a game emphasizing other parts of combos compared to fast single hit reaction confirms(the only actual hard confirms outside beginner levels) doesn't mean it's inherently easier, just different

        • 8 months ago

          >doesn't mean it's inherently easier, just differently

          lmao what? I don't even know If you know whether you're saying anything. maybe I used "hard" too liberally, sure combos can be hard or whatever lmao, but they can be practiced and musclememoried ontop of providing a consistent do I say this? combos are like the equivalent of FT1 matches...I'm sure somebody tried really hard and whatever to win but...there's no saying whether they really won due to skill...or abusing the mechanics, or getting lucky, or simply getting first touch. Especially in a volatile game.

          If the analogy didn't make sense, whatever just ignore it. The point is that no matter how hard combos are, they reduce fighting games to...rigid and less fluid factors like the mind, and reaction, because those are ALWAYS actively being tested and underpinning the match if that makes sense

  41. 8 months ago

    Why people suck this guy dick? He works for Nintendo, his game is just a mix of already successful IPs, way too easy when Nintendo guarantees your success.

    • 8 months ago

      Sakurai is the anti-smark of video games.

      • 8 months ago


  42. 8 months ago

    He's full of shit. Smash 64 were fun as frick, Melee's combos were refined. Sakurai's insistence on nerfing them is gay.

  43. 8 months ago

    Sounds like the ravings of an out-of-touch old man who only saw le ebin combo videos
    Wasn't this the same homosexual who said his game isn't a fighting game, too?

  44. 8 months ago

    >no health bars by default
    >ring-out is the one and only way to KO someone w/ the settings most people prefer (lack of health bars)
    That's a nope from me, chief.

  45. 8 months ago

    I think Sakura is right. Also here to add some oil on the Fire.


    • 8 months ago

      I like controller for Soul Calibur and Smash (and its clones) and keyboard for everything else.

    • 8 months ago

      also add two more buttons on the left side to simulate shift and space on the keyboard bound to the stick buttons

    • 8 months ago

      What mystical fighting game out there doesn't have some form of combos and has players and spectators?

  46. 8 months ago

    Thread Dead.

    Thread Summary: Sakurai doesn't understand fighting games and is old or something and everyone that agrees with him sucks at fighting games or doesn't play them

    Thread Conclusion: Sakurai was right.


    • 8 months ago

      Fighting games have been "combo focused" since the fricking SNES. You're moronic. /yourwrists

  47. 8 months ago

    fighting games are just shmups, though instead of practicing memorization for 30 hours to beat the game fighting gays practice memorization for 30 hours to stunlock any n00b into never playing again

    • 8 months ago

      People really have an inferiority complex when it comes to fighting games huh?

  48. 8 months ago

    same deal with fast-pace twitch shooters vs slow paced shooters

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