Is the 7th gen where it all went wrong?

Is the 7th gen where it all went wrong?

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  1. 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    I mean technically the peak is where everything afterwards is worse so yeah.

    • 1 month ago

      6th gen was peak. 7th gen was like the bottom of the grand canyon compared to 6th.

    • 1 month ago



      6th gen was peak. 7th gen was like the bottom of the grand canyon compared to 6th.

      And no

      It was a mixed bag
      The following gen fricked It all up but the 7th started the process

  3. 1 month ago

    Yes because it forced Jap devs out of the market and into smartphone slop

  4. 1 month ago

    The gen where Nintendo game up on hardware and chased after a heavily casualized audience. They still show signs of the damage it caused to this day.

  5. 1 month ago

    yep. paid online, paid dlc, season passes etc

  6. 1 month ago

    It was the peak, but that's the thing about peaks. It's very hard to out peak them

    • 1 month ago

      >It was the peak
      >this is what zoomers unironically believe

    • 1 month ago

      If by peak you mean the absolute bottom, then yeah it was the peak.

      • 1 month ago

        While I agree with you that it wasn't the best gen. I have no idea how you can call it the bottom while the 9th gen exists. This entire gen has been depressing. I'm so far gone that instead of hoping for it to get better, I just want sony/microsoft/nintendo to take their consoles out back and put them out of their misery, and just try again later.
        Hey maybe this gen will be so bad that they have to put in actual effort next time.... right?

        • 1 month ago

          If we count the DS in gen 7, then this is definitely the worst gen. As far as consoles went in gen 7 Nintendo was so far up their ass with wiggle shit they forgot how to make good console games, PS3 took forever to get games, and Xbox didn't really have much going for it either if you didn't care about Halo. Either you had waggle shit or shooter shit, it was fricking abysmal.

          • 1 month ago

            As opposed to now where we wait for decade dev times for GaaS, remakes, and fromsoft wank? I'll take the wagglan and shooters over whatever this is. At least I had fun with Red Steel and Gears of War.

            • 1 month ago

              As much as I hate remakes, even that is better than the complete garbage in that era.

  7. 1 month ago

    >Nintendo released the Wii without a gyro, shitting all over motion controls in the process because there are limits to what an accelerometer can be used for
    >Sony had no idea what they were doing and would continue to have no idea what they were doing to the present day, solidly backing the worst ideas
    >360 exploited the fact that 7th gen development was logistically taxing and started pushing garbage APIs that still ruin gaming to this day
    6th gen arguably started it, but 7th gen firmly cemented it. If 7th gen had gone right, then the right analog stick wouldn't be included on controllers anymore and Microsoft would have left the console market.

    • 1 month ago

      Are right analog sticks really so bad? Only thing it's used for in the games I've played is adjusting the camera, and blind spots in games were common back when a single analog stick was the norm.

      • 1 month ago

        Briefly adjusting the camera is basically all it is good for, but games have heavily neglected setting up a competent camera because having the player handle it has become the norm.
        Additionally the pervasive idea that the right analog stick could be used to control a cursor, rather than briefly nudging a camera around, has become a pit of sunk costs that has killed multiple genres like the first person shooter. The mouse is simply a more natural tool to use in tandem with movement inputs, giving the player a large range of motor control, rather than needing to heavily handhold and restrict inputs like with the right analog stick.
        Allowing the player to play cameraman also gave rise to resolution whoring, since it was no easier for the player to smoosh their photosensitive optics against low-res textures, instead of just occluding low detail with good camerawork.

        • 1 month ago

          >killed multiple genres like the first person shooter
          You had me until then. I remember first person shooters spamming the shelves, and gaming healed when it lost its dominance. You made me appreciate the second stick even more, anon.

        • 1 month ago

          The right analog stick was useful for platformers and that's about it. At the kind of fidelity needed to cover the occasional blind spot, you could have just used camera buttons and not had an additional analog stick that could wear out and drift.
          Every case where the right analog stick has to do more is better handled by a mouse. Even now the advent of gyro means that the right analog stick is less useful than any other input method that can be used to handle the edge cases of the gyro.
          That was 360 marketing and everyone trying to jump on the military shooter or Halo bandwagons, the FPS was hollowed out to service the analog stick. Games became slower, they reduced their verticality, the games decreased systemic solutions in favor of canned animations, etc., there was a lot of iteration at the time to work out how best to work around the limitations of the analog stick and the solution was to reduce most games to using 1 1/2 analog sticks at most.
          There is a heavy limit to what can be accomplished when cursor control in an FPS must be done by panning the camera at a mostly fixed speed.

          You are an autist. Nobody gives a shit about how good anybody is at a video game, grow the frick up.

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick? Are you saying that you WANT controllers to only have one stick?

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, I'm gonna need some explanation on why you wouldn't want two sticks as well.

        The right analog stick was useful for platformers and that's about it. At the kind of fidelity needed to cover the occasional blind spot, you could have just used camera buttons and not had an additional analog stick that could wear out and drift.
        Every case where the right analog stick has to do more is better handled by a mouse. Even now the advent of gyro means that the right analog stick is less useful than any other input method that can be used to handle the edge cases of the gyro.

        >killed multiple genres like the first person shooter
        You had me until then. I remember first person shooters spamming the shelves, and gaming healed when it lost its dominance. You made me appreciate the second stick even more, anon.

        That was 360 marketing and everyone trying to jump on the military shooter or Halo bandwagons, the FPS was hollowed out to service the analog stick. Games became slower, they reduced their verticality, the games decreased systemic solutions in favor of canned animations, etc., there was a lot of iteration at the time to work out how best to work around the limitations of the analog stick and the solution was to reduce most games to using 1 1/2 analog sticks at most.
        There is a heavy limit to what can be accomplished when cursor control in an FPS must be done by panning the camera at a mostly fixed speed.

        • 1 month ago

          Camera buttons? Oh, Christ, get back to the 90s, old man.

        • 1 month ago

          >just put 9 face buttons on a controller bro trust me
          And severely affect the games that do use the right stick like twin-stick shooters and platformers for no benefit in other genres?
          >MUH WEAR AND TEAR
          If you just use that shit as a glorified set of buttons it doesn't matter. You're just removing a good feature, because you *personally* don't like it.

        • 1 month ago

          >camera buttons
          It's a good thing you will never be in a position to change anything. Holt shit you're moronic. Christ.

    • 1 month ago

      >then the right analog stick wouldn't be included on controllers anymore
      i bet you were one of the gays ragging on the psp for having one analog stick but didnt blink an eye at the DS.

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick? Are you saying that you WANT controllers to only have one stick?

      Yeah, I'm gonna need some explanation on why you wouldn't want two sticks as well.

  8. 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago


  10. 1 month ago

    well 6th gen had the first xbox which introduced cancerous shit like paid online, paid "DLC", and matchmaking

    • 1 month ago

      I'll always despise those early Xbox adopters who chose to go with that instead of the other two. "BUT THE ONLINE WAS A PREMIUM SERVICE" b***h, stop trying to excuse yourself from supporting a scummy business practice. They're the same people buying gamepass and pushing towards a streaming only future. "BUT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE GAMES" Yeah, and there will come a day where they'll take away that option, but consumers won't care because they got used to the pass like a frog in boiling water. I don't see why this board is obsessed with Sony being the big bad when Xbox has shown since day 1 their bad influence on the industry.

      • 1 month ago

        They're both pretty bad, but Microsoft is obviously worse. They've been holding back and destroying the PC market since the 80s. Them moving into consoles should've been a clear sign to anyone with a brain that things were about get worse.

  11. 1 month ago

    Pretty much. While a bunch say it was the peak, I think that belongs to gen 6. 7 was still fun, but things started shitting the bed halfway through its lifespan. 8 and 9 have been a nosedive.

  12. 1 month ago

    >A gen not dominated by Sony

  13. 1 month ago

    I vehemently disagree. 7th gen was a veritable golden age of gaming.
    >huge variety of big-budget, blockbuster, narrative-driven, single player AAA action games released every other month
    >Sony's greatest lineup of exclusives in its history
    >unprecedented level of artistry available on new hardware elevates gaming as an artistic medium to parity with all others
    >games from that era in general still hold up to this day, which is something you can't say about the 6th gen
    >online multiplayer on consoles gives a massive boost to every genre, shooters, racing games and fighting games
    >The Wii was Nintendo's last good console; where almost every game Nintendo released for their system was genuinely incredible; as opposed to now where most Nintendo games on Switch are disposable
    >Wii was the last time a Nintendo system actually had good big-budget third-party exclusives
    >the 360 was also there
    I am dead serious when I say that even some of the most maligned and lowest-scored AAA flops, gritty reboots and embarrassments of the 7th generation are infinitely preferable to the endless onslaught of soulless live service horseshit AAA gaming puts out almost exclusively these days. It's been all Downhill from 2013.

    • 1 month ago

      I forgot: the Wii perfecting motion controls; and the rest of the industry following suit, was amazing. Pointer controls are fantastic to play shooters with (the few that support Playstation Move on PS3 are the best), and if course Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game.

      Motion controls being put front and center again is the one unquestionably good thing about the rise of VR gaming.

  14. 1 month ago

    It's the era when AAA started going downhill
    >Introduced paying to play online
    >Had the first "cinematic" movie games
    >Started the trend of AAA having massively inflated budgets and dev time
    >Less focus on making original aesthetics and more on le gritty realism
    Meanwhile indie games were starting to gain traction for the first time in decades

    • 1 month ago

      >7th gen
      >Had the first "cinematic" movie games
      So you know nothing about cinematic games, cool

    • 1 month ago

      Too bad there are almost no good indie games. It was never able to replace big budget games.

      • 1 month ago

        Super Meat Boy, Castle Crashers, World of Goo, (old) Minecraft, Terraria, Spelunky, TBOI, FTL...
        And i'm only listing 7th gen games

        • 1 month ago

          Braid and Limbo too

        • 1 month ago

          A bunch of 2d games, nice. No, indie games never replaced the kind of games that just fricking died and went away like burnout 3 or rts games like starcraft, or rythm games etc. Even then, the best new indie 2d games are nowhere near as good as the old 2d games like metal slug. Don't sit there and fricking pretend that indie fixed shit.

    • 1 month ago

      ALL the shit people hate about the 7th gen started with the 6th gen

      >brown and piss
      >paid online
      >dudebro shooters
      >muh realism

      even motion controls started with the 6th gen with the PS2 camera. the 7th gen didn't do anything that hadn't started with the 6th gen.

  15. 1 month ago

    early 7th gen was kino. 6th gen with better graphics. what's wrong with that? late 6th gen early 7th gen are peak 3D gaming for me

    late 7th gen (2009-onwards) is when things went to shit. I agree

    I think the 2008 Recession killing AA gaming and all creativity and risk-taking in the industry is largely responsible for gaming going downhill. without the recession I think the 7th gen would've been peak, or at least peak 3D. such wasted potential. we were robbed

    • 1 month ago

      Frankly looking back, the 2008 recession killed all forms of entertainment.

      • 1 month ago

        the recession only cemented the cultural rot that started with 9/11

    • 1 month ago

      Frankly looking back, the 2008 recession killed all forms of entertainment.

      You two are an embarrassment.

  16. 1 month ago

    for nintendo, yeah
    fricking weak gimmick console when gamecube was arguably the best of its time
    now all they're the most hardware-gimped console of them all

  17. 1 month ago

    Yes, but not because of the consoles themselves. It just happened to be the generation that coincided with the release of the smartphone and social media.

    People like to blame "casualized" stuff, but pic related was made for casuals and had a fantastic library, the Wii was carried by home-brew, Steam actually started carrying fantastic Indies, etc.

    I think the DS is proof positive that including casuals in the game market isn't necessarily a net negative. Even some 8th generation consoles like the Vita or the Japanese PS4 or the Wii U (once Nintendo gave up on Western sales) had very good games and good developer communities long after "casual gaming" was a thing.

    Ultimatley what did everything was the smartphone and social media. If you want to get ideological, we also see "woke" rear its head around this time, but that's a totally different discussion.

    • 1 month ago

      Woke was never a problem.

  18. 1 month ago

    Yep. I remeber when they revealed the PS3 and I just could not get over the glossy plastic and spiderman lettering. This should not matter but compared to the PS2 this was just a sin.

    Also all games were suddely only shades of brown with blinding bloom. Combine that with the early shitty flat Tvs ( who had aso huge input lag) that were ALSO all glossy plastic, it was like living in an strange alternative timeline... like this is not how things normaly should have went.

    • 1 month ago

      >Yep. I remeber when they revealed the PS3 and I just could not get over the glossy plastic and spiderman lettering. This should not matter but compared to the PS2 this was just a sin.
      what are you talking about? the PS3 fat is design-wise the best playstation ever

    • 1 month ago

      We really lost a lot in the analog-digital switchover.

      • 1 month ago

        frick am i looking at

        • 1 month ago

          Notification screen that analog broadcasting had been suspended.

          Woke was never a problem.

          Again, different debate, but I don't see it as coincidence that such a bitter, vindictive ideology coincided with the rise of social media.

        • 1 month ago

          oh man I'm old; in the late 2000's it was mandated internationally that all analog TV broadcasting (the way every console prior to 7th generation and also the Wii output an image) would be shut off and replaced with digital streaming to free up the wireless bands for mobile data. People didn't care so much because HD stuff was already starting to be all-HDMI.

          People don't talk about this much, but I feel like it was a bigger cultural shift than it gets credit for.

          • 1 month ago

            for me the switch to HDMI meant HDCP and le copy protection

            • 1 month ago

              Yeah, that was a part of it. It also presaged a lot of cultural homogenization and a flattening out of aesthetic styles. Graphics really became more about pushing pixels.

              • 1 month ago

                I blame the death of aesthetics and creativity on the Recession more than the transition to HD. it killed AA gaming and all risk-taking in the industry

              • 1 month ago

                Interesting; I usually leave the recession out of my analyses of video games just because it still saw growth. But you make a good point. All of these people who used to go into making games now ended up trying to make money online or build their own websites or make their own games for steam or the App Store or whatever.

                And of course social media swallowing the world around this time.

  19. 1 month ago

    Second half of 7th gen. That is correct.

  20. 1 month ago

    Red console was just embarrassing
    Green console was for american morons
    Blue console had no games

    Just overall shit gen

  21. 1 month ago

    casual gen
    we want the call of duty audience gen

  22. 1 month ago

    I find it funny when people say the transition from 2D to 3D was the biggest change in game. lol no. 2D to 3D was just a graphical change. 3D to HD was a graphical, cultural and philosophical change. whether a good or not is a different story

    • 1 month ago
  23. 1 month ago

    Everything peaked here, the 8th gen turning the consoles into shit PCs is what killed gaming.

    • 1 month ago

      But the 8th generation had the Vita, the Wii U, the 3DS, the Japanese PS4, etc. I think we can point less to a moment and more to a broader trend that shitted up some things before it shit up others.

  24. 1 month ago

    >expensive as frick and no games ps3
    >rrod, paid online xbox and moronic kinect obsession
    >basing your entire console on stupid motion controls wii

    • 1 month ago

      the Wii eventually just became a home-brew box though that was fun

      also saved the GameCube library

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