Is the Diablo series worth to play from the beginning? Have 3 and 4 but not that into them.

Is the Diablo series worth to play from the beginning? Have 3 and 4 but not that into them. Think I'd appreciate the lore more, unless it's just a hurr durr hack n' slash.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Diablo 2 with LOD expansion pack is as far as you should go.

    • 8 months ago

      Diablo 1 is also worth trying if you're a game enthusiast.

  2. 8 months ago

    The original, 2, and LOD are worth playing deliberately and slowly. Read the manuals first. Really take in the atmosphere. Play on a CRT if you can. Play with an actual Voodoo 5500 and era-appropriate surround sound card for D2 if you're a sperg like me or use the wrapper for modern Windows if you're reasonable. Hellfire is optional.

    • 8 months ago

      You mean fastly over and over again on your own servers with plenty of mules until you beat hell difficulty. Hardcore a few times if you're a masochist.

  3. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      d4 actually improved a lot in the value range, problem is that they keep hanging onto soft vfx and bl00m

  4. 8 months ago

    Just stay as far the frick away from Diablo IV, whatever you do. I’d rather watch paint dry

    • 8 months ago

      They managed to make it worse than III?

      • 8 months ago

        It lost almost every player in a few months.

        • 8 months ago

          Blizzard has fallen so goddamn far, from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s they were one of the kings of PC games, then WOW became way too successful and it gradually ruined the company.
          Remember when Warcraft were fricking RTS games?

          • 8 months ago

            The decline of Blizzard has been painful to watch, and it's almost impressive how incompetent they have become. I've never been a huge Starcraft player, but I did enjoy SC1 and BW quite a bit, but never played them competitively or anything like that, so I don't really feel qualified to say if SC2 is a good game or not; but as far as I can tell, Blizzards last good game was SC2 in 2012. OW is obviously gay reddit comic book sjw trash shooter. D3 was shit compared to D1 and D2, D4 being a massive flop which has already lost 90% or more of its players. Hearthstone is some moronic card game. WoW has been shit for quite a while now, with Warcraft as an rts series being dead. What the frick does Blizzard do now? Anyone open the bnet launcher and notice how small the list of Blizzard games actually is? It's wild how shit that company has become.

            • 8 months ago

              Y'know something's seriously fricking wrong when your best game in recent years is a re-release of a now almost 2 decade old MMO.

              • 8 months ago

                Arguably the case for modern iD re-releasing Doom 64, but at least Doom 4 is ok, instead of godawful.

            • 8 months ago

              >Anyone open the bnet launcher and notice how small the list of Blizzard games actually is?
              In order that they appear:
              >WoW Classic
              >Warcraft Rumble
              >Blizzard Arcade Collection
              this company is on life support via WoW subs and mtx, what a fricking disaster

              Y'know something's seriously fricking wrong when your best game in recent years is a re-release of a now almost 2 decade old MMO.

              yeah, it says quite a lot about their creative capabilities

          • 8 months ago

            >Remember when Warcraft were fricking RTS games?
            Remember when they charged money for an actual DEMASTER of Warcraft III and its expansion pack? They forced everyone who owned the game since release onto the inferior "Reforged".

            • 8 months ago

              That was pretty fricked.
              >the game's main menu runs in Chrome for some incomprehensible and godless reason
              >this somehow eats away at your RAM more than the actual game itself could ever hope to do
              >"Hey guys, any custom content you upload onto Battle.Net now belongs to us, those are the terms!"
              >obviously salty as frick that DOTA spawned from WC3 custom maps and that they didn't own the rights to it (being bought by Gaben instead)
              >desperately hoping they'll somehow chance upon some other gem after intentionally making the environment hostile as frick to modders

  5. 8 months ago

    as someone who has probably put 10k hours into d2 and lod I have to say it aged like fricking milk. I wasted most of my teenage years on it and for someone new I wouldnt really recommend it. not say 3 or 4 are better (they are both dog shit) but atleast have modern qol features. if you really want to put quality time into """diablo"""-arpgs I would recommend you to play path of exile over literally any other arpg.

    • 8 months ago

      If you get into the grinding treadmill, then yeah, it's a waste of time, but if you just treat it like an adventure and don't fixate on building your character's stats so much, I think it's fun enough.

    • 8 months ago

      >Path of Exile

      Is the Diablo series worth to play from the beginning? Have 3 and 4 but not that into them. Think I'd appreciate the lore more, unless it's just a hurr durr hack n' slash.

      Yeah, Diablo 1 and 2 with its expansion is great. Same genre but they do different things. After those two the genre takes off in a different direction that Diablo 2 laid and just focused on loot and AoE skills to clear out enemies as fast as possible. I tried Titan's Quest, I tried Grim Dawn, I tried Path of Exile, they are all so dull.

  6. 8 months ago

    Diablo 1 and 2 are unironically much better games at their worst than 3 and 4 are at their best.

    Diablo 1 doesn't have the deepest gameplay mechanics or anything, but the simple stuff that it does, it does very well, and the game is just absolutely OOZING with atmosphere. The soundscape is phenomenal, from its original in-house sound effects to its moody music, and the art direction is quite nice, with the inventory graphics being particularly gorgeous to look at.
    One could criticize the modest variety in gameplay between the three classes, but the game also isn't that long, so it doesn't really wear out its welcome unless you keep playing and playing over and over.
    You could see most of the best parts in one or two playthroughs.

    Diablo 2 gets described as a skinnerbox by some, and at high levels, where a lot of people do nothing at all but fricking grind for loot and exp, I would say so.
    However, there's nothing that feels like you need to really commit more to the game than you feel like, you can plain just finish the game on normal mode, and by then you've seen all that's worth seeing. There isn't any more plot or anything after that, however, there's quite a lot of variety with all the classes in Diablo 2, so in that sense it has a greater replay value.

  7. 8 months ago

    3 is shit. Just throw it straight into the garbage.

  8. 8 months ago

    d1 as the rogue is a pretty good time. Never play the warrior

    • 8 months ago

      Warrior is ok if you make sure to learn some spells and/or get yourself a good bow as a fallback for Spitting Terrors and Succubi

  9. 8 months ago

    1 and 2 are both great, but they're also easy to filter yourself on.

  10. 8 months ago

    Diablo 1 and 2 are still fantastic games. For the love of god don't touch D4
    >but what about 3-
    Not retro, but it's worth ONE playthrough. Just one.

  11. 8 months ago

    Bait post

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