Is the original Souls game still worth playing?

Is the original Souls game still worth playing?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Yeah, it did some things particularly well that some later entries don't have the balls to do anymore. It has also the best atmosphere and level design, arguably only surpassed by Bloodborne.
    It can be rough when you played the later entries first, but it does some unique things worth experiencing.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd say yes if you liked the other games. Though I have no idea what the remaster is like, or if the servers for the original are still up. I know there used to be a community event where a sizable chunk of people would replay DeS every year at the same time, I think around fall, and that continued for years around release, if possible play then to experience the online to at least some extent.

      Like mentioned it's rough around the edges, it definitely feels like a prototype in many regards, but there are actually some locations and mechanics that I'd consider best in the series. More likely than not if you played any other souls games DeS will be easy as frick for you however and you will blow through it really fast.

      • 4 months ago

        >or if the servers for the original are still up.
        The original servers are down. Now the only way to get the online experience is through the remaster which happens to be on sale at this moment.

      • 4 months ago

        >if you played any other souls games DeS will be easy as frick for you however and you will blow through it really fast
        emphasized by the part where when you die your health gets cut in half till you restore it. Which sounds really bad but since the game was basically designed to let you beat it at half health it means when you're at full health the game is far too easy.

        Got all the way to the gargoyles before dying.

    • 4 months ago

      >arguably only surpassed by Bloodborne
      >argubaly only surpassed by the worst souls game
      go back to r*ddit you snoy

      • 4 months ago

        DeS is also a PS exclusive. I'd rather people dumb enough to like Nintendo or Xbox leave than someone who may have owned a Playstation at some point.

        • 4 months ago

          >tranime gay thinks troonyborne is the best souls game
          checks out

          • 4 months ago

            I don't even like bloodborne, only the dlc is good. I'm just pointing out that you're a moron.

            • 4 months ago

              >only the dlc is good
              kek what a moronic tranime gay

              • 4 months ago

                What anime is that character from

              • 4 months ago

                Obsessed and delusional. Go outside and spend some time with real humans, the internet is rotting your brain.

              • 4 months ago

                >Go outside and spend some time with real humans
                says the tranime gay lmao

              • 4 months ago

                You're hopeless.

      • 4 months ago

        DeS is also a PS exclusive. I'd rather people dumb enough to like Nintendo or Xbox leave than someone who may have owned a Playstation at some point.

        Shut the frick up. You look like fricking homosexuals ruining threads for the sake of it.

      • 4 months ago

        Fricking read. He said Bloodborne had the best atmosphere and level design, not that it was the best game. Bloodborne maintains a good level of design quality throughout the game. If Dark Souls (the first) didn't fall apart in the back half I'd be more inclined to say it wins in level design because of how interconnected the world is, but everything after Anor Londo fricking blows. DS2 has some novel ideas and great atmosphere in several areas, but it falls apart in some infamous places. DS3 is a fricking straight line with some of the blandest areas in the series because they decided that Undead Burg was going to be the aesthetic for like 60% of the game.
        Bloodborne maintains a cohesive gothic aesthetic with some spice thrown in and interesting takes on nightmare/dreamscapes.

        • 4 months ago

          >Redditborne the generic victorian slop
          >best atmosphere and level design

          • 4 months ago

            I count a couple too many buzzwords in your post, so consider your point, if you had one, ignored.

        • 4 months ago

          >it wins in level design because of how interconnected the world is
          I don't know but to me the level design is exactly the reason this game sucks
          it's rather unsurprising that your not meant to walk on top of a church buildings support structure

          gameplay suffers because that form of art is not transformative
          it's meant to be looked at not played with

          it's good when everything looks nice and meaningful but how does that help me when I'm getting bodied by taurus demon
          your not helping
          your making it worse

        • 4 months ago

          >they decided that Undead Burg was going to be the aesthetic for like 60% of the game.
          Me when I lie

  2. 4 months ago

    Versus what? The remake, another game?
    Yes in either case. Demons Souls is a distinct universe from the Dark Souls games, despite having the same game mechanics, so it has a different vibe. Having no mid stage bonfires is a great design choice. Dark Souls 1 needs them for its connected world, but after the Souls games became linear, they should have gone back to Demons Souls' bonfire design.
    As for versus the remake, the remake art design is fricked up in many ways, because it is by a Western developer. The new, bombastic music is also inferior to the minimalist original. The gameplay is the same.

    • 4 months ago

      >Having no mid stage bonfires is a great design choice
      because muh frustrating game right

      • 4 months ago

        It is less frustrating; the game is designed around it. You unlock shortcuts, a feature that was expanded in Dark Souls. The bosses themselves aren't spastic shit like in Elden Ring because you can't respawn in front them. They are much more reasonable.

        • 4 months ago

          In most cases, you have relatively short trips with harder bosses, or longer trips with easier bosses (who are more knowledge checks than action fights). It's handled pretty well.

          I'm honestly surprised that the video essayist crowd rallied so hard around dark souls and still does to this day.
          I haven't played the remake but I heard it's pretty faithful, so I just don't get the hype when an objectively superior game exists that has much more to dive into on an analysis level.

          I swear, this is one of those games where there's a hell of a game in a series that people will ignore because it wasn't popular or released at the right time for them. It's so weird, it's like FF7 or a specific pokemon generation.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say. Are you saying that you don't get the hype about Demons because Dark Souls is objectively superior but also that people people are ignoring a "hell of a game" (Demons Souls)?
            People didn't "ignore" Demons Souls, it is exclusive to the PS3 and PS5, which limits its distribution. Most people don't use emulators.

            • 4 months ago

              No anon. I'm not saying that at all.
              >I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say.
              Yeah, I can see that. In fact we can't go back to that first whopper of a claim until the end.
              >People didn't "ignore" Demons Souls, it is exclusive to the PS3 and PS5, which limits its distribution. Most people don't use emulators.
              Essayists don't give a frick what platform it's on anyway.
              -and please don't refer to the mere PS3 as if it's a wonderswan exclusive. I know that years ago that would have gatekept it but there was a point in time where you could buy a PS3 for very cheap and not even need to pay to play the game. Even now, you don't have to really pay to play the game as it's very playable via emu in its original form.
              Also the thing about essayists not using emulators, come the frick on. If I see another xbrz shader, I'll have to take a shot and I'm pretty close to the edge aleady. They love emulators.
              But you are right that normalgays might get gatekept by them so what, the idea is that normalgays didn't play it because it was on the PS3 and an emulator is too hard? This is hardly the V problem ported to modern times. The game has always been there, always been available, was available on the same fricking console too. What gives? Why not play it.

              Time for the sentence:
              >Are you saying that you don't get the hype about Demons because Dark Souls is objectively superior but also that people people are ignoring a "hell of a game" (Demons Souls)?
              ugh nope.
              I'm saying I don't understand why essayists passed over Demon's souls when it was an objectively superior game to analyse. It said it pretty clearly, here I'll help:
              >so I just don't get the hype when an objectively superior game exists that has much more to dive into on an analysis level.
              comes after
              >so I just don't get the hype when an objectively superior game exists that has much more to dive into on an analysis level.
              parse the text you nincompoopm, you utter fricking ninny.
              It's okay ESLbro, o

              • 4 months ago

                Great job me, you drunk dickhead.
                You went ahead and pasted the same sentence twice! Stop taking shots when video essayists use a shit shader or don't research something but claim it as fact, it's not hea-
                >so I just don't get the hype when an objectively superior game exists that has much more to dive into on an analysis level.
                comes after
                >I'm honestly surprised that the video essayist crowd rallied so hard around dark souls and still does to this day.

                There, fixed. Now if I could just get that sixaxis motion to tra-

          • 4 months ago

            >the video essayist crowd rallied so hard around dark souls
            dont you mean fanboys
            I would even go so far and say the dark souls fanbase is mentally ill

            • 4 months ago

              Dark Souls is the only game I noped out of before making it through the first quest after the tutorial. It felt like distilled autism and the creator talking about how he "doesn't make it easy" for the player was just cope after cutting features such as lock on.

      • 4 months ago

        In most cases, you have relatively short trips with harder bosses, or longer trips with easier bosses (who are more knowledge checks than action fights). It's handled pretty well.

      • 4 months ago

        It's the feature that i miss the most, dungeon crawling with only the resources that you bring with you is one of the most kino game experiences when done right, i'd take 10000 grindy latrias rather than anything elden ring had (saved from stormveil).

        • 4 months ago

          Dungeon Crawling was the fun part of these games. That's why Dark Souls 1 is the best, and Demons Souls is very high up.

          • 4 months ago

            Absolutely, it's not like the other games had it's moments (demon ruins, the dlc's, mt gelmir) but it's more far and wide than the 2 og's

  3. 4 months ago

    maybe, if you want to see the original slum, the original poison swamp, the original castle with flying dragon spiting fire over the bridges, the original dark ambients where you can't see shit, the original enemies waiting on the corners, the original passive "storytelling", then yes.

  4. 4 months ago

    Yeah. It's probably the best game in their genre.
    Sekiro's okay too, you can skip the rest.

  5. 4 months ago

    For sure. It feels like a prototype for later games in many ways, and while it's more esoteric systems are interesting, they don't necessarily work as well as they should. But they were still neat experiments.
    Be aware that on NG, it's probably the easiest soulsborne game. Enemies are less aggressive (though they can hit hard) and the bosses are definitely the easiest the franchise has (though they also are the most experimental, which I like).

  6. 4 months ago

    DeS is amazing, even if the jankiest in the series. Emulate it and enjoy, pal!

  7. 4 months ago

    of course. it's the best one

    • 4 months ago

      Frick yeah, Its great

      "best" and "great" is too much, it's ok.

      • 4 months ago

        It's a game that changed gaming forever

  8. 4 months ago

    Frick yeah, Its great

  9. 4 months ago

    It is still the best game From Soft ever made so yes

    • 4 months ago

      what is king's field 3 (JP) / 2 (USA/EUROPE)

  10. 4 months ago

    No. It plays like a tech demo for DaS1. Only worth playing to get an idea of just how much better FS got after making it.

  11. 4 months ago

    Yes, either the original or the remake, both are good. Original has some lag issues though. People pretend like they're art majors or history teachers when talking about the differences, but really, DeS is a fricking ugly game in 95% of areas, and the remake drastically changes that. Some pseud will act like it's the art style that matters, but the art style is brown, grey, incomprehensible designs due to resolution and blur, and bloom.

    • 4 months ago

      It is 1440p on my PC, dude. Actually one of the major colors, as seen there, is yellow. It is a strange looking game, which is quite visually distinct, very rare for a 7th gen game. It is kind of ugly, once again, 7th gen game.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm sure it's better on PC nowadays, but the textures are still extremely low res. Facial hair is just smeared color on your character's face. It's wild there are so many 7th gen games that literally look worse than 6th gen games

        • 4 months ago

          >New technology just looks better because its new
          >no, we don't have to actually put work into our art, the tech will do it for us
          And thus the hideous age of Unreal 3 texture pop in was born. I don't hold this against Demons Souls by the way, it is a very rushed, low budget game. But it is wild how say, MGS 4, looks like dogshit compared to 3.

    • 4 months ago

      > DeS is a fricking ugly game in 95% of areas, and the remake drastically changes that
      yeah it makes it uglier, seriously frick types like you, it's not just everything grahpicall that has been worsened but also the bland new ost. The remake fricking sucks and NO ONE should play it over the original version

      • 4 months ago

        Shut up you stupid Black person. DeS looks like fricking shit, and people only came out to defend its visuals after the remake came out cause they want to suck Miyazaki wiener. There is absolutely no defense for how shit DeS looks in so many places, it just has ugly visuals. It's not even graphics homosexual.

        • 4 months ago

          frick you

        • 4 months ago

          I don't care about the remake. It is a PS5 exclusive. I'll never play it and most won't either.
          Demons Souls is a cool looking game. Especially in high res on PC, but it looks cool in its original res too. It has interesting visuals and a distinct style.

    • 4 months ago

      >replaced proper neck protection and the gorget with some non-descript cloth scarf and massive gap to be stabbed in the throat
      FRICKING unplayable

    • 4 months ago

      the original's art shines despite the low resolution because of a art direction that will never age, the remake already looked bad on release day

  12. 4 months ago

    DeS and DaS1 hide level shortcuts
    DaS2, 3, BB and ER explicitly guide you to shortcuts

  13. 4 months ago

    >muh shortcuts
    Pretty sure DeS has only 2, 1-1 (which is basically the tutorial level) and 5-2. Jumping into a pit to get to Flamelurker faster is not a shortcut, it's meta knowledge. So yeah, most of the time you just restart the whole level from scratch if you die at the boss.

    • 4 months ago

      2-1, off the top of my head.
      Also only having a few shortcuts is fine because Demons Souls only has a few levels at all. That is the biggest problem with the game, overall. Half the "levels" are just the final boss puzzle fight.

  14. 4 months ago

    Dark souls is the perfect example of a game series that finds its niche and keeps doing the same shit over and over again in sequels without improving anything and as such gets worse and worse all the way up to Elden Ring where you eventually tire completely of the game not helping you experience it in any way shape or form.

    Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne and Sekiro are the best games in the genre of game because they actually have fleshed out, distinct complete mechanics and narratives from each other rather than repeats of

    >"and a thing happened and you kill bosses in biomes for reasons"
    >"what happened? oh uh stuff"

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        thankyou for your input, however due to insufficient details it will be disregarded and you labeled a c**t moron until further evidence submitted.

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