Is there a single story in the entire gatcha market that deserves my attention?

Is there a single story in the entire gatcha market that deserves my attention? I've fricked around with half a dozen of them over the years and I couldn't tell you a single thing outside of gameplay because I hit the skip button the instant I see it. Considering they're literally just interactive slot machines I don't see a purpose in treating them with any respect? Have I missed out on any genuinely good world building because of it?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Goddess of Victory, Nikke's storyline has been unironically good. Gives some major Gunslinger Girl, Valkyria Chronicles, or The Eighty-Six vibes.

    Girls' Frontline Neural Cloud's story has been hit or miss for me. I've skipped over large parts of it because it wasn't interesting, but the story in Copely has been pretty good.

    I liked Arknights' story, but I lost my save data and can't recall my account which made me mad and I haven't played it for a couple years.

    Octopath Traveller I played a bit of, but the story was uninteresting from the get go for me.

    • 1 year ago

      Funny, I just started playing that but didn't even consider giving it the time of day because it's a shift up joint and I know what they're all about.

      • 1 year ago

        I was like that too. I was expecting it to be Chinese shovelware. The dialogue is a bit janky here and there, but overall not bad.

    • 1 year ago

      >Goddess of Victory, Nikke's storyline has been unironically good.
      But it isn't.
      >Every human is either comically stupid, mean, or moronic to highlight
      >The massive simp self insert, who is totes the bestest and nicest commander every, and completes every mission with no issues what so ever, and every nikke loves (you) so you will always have a waifu
      >Even when something goes "wrong" there is no tension because plot armor, or nothing permanent ever happens like how they yada yada one of your nikke not being affected by her mind wipe
      It's the same last human/every (insert limited known military positions here) story that floods the market.

      There is no point bothering with story in gacha. Either the story sucks or it's serviceable at best, and honestly? A decent story is probably the worst of the two because you'll be waiting years for anything to get a proper resolution/conclusion.
      Pretty much all gacha stories also lack tension because no developer has the testicular fortitude to kill off their gacha characters. AK as an example has over 200 operators but none of the recruitable operators have died. Surely you could kill some of them. Heck, that those characters died a tragic death could make them more endearing to players. This is all in a game where you can use 2 of the same character at once.

      This, but even death does shit for dicks to gacha story. I didn't know Bismark from Azurlane was dead for years until the just made up a new leader from Iron blood, and that's because literally no one acts or written to act differently from when se was still alive. Gacha stories suck.

    • 1 year ago

      Nikke has literally the same story as Arknights and every other edgy gacha: "Commander, you're awake! You have amnesia. The world is being attacked by reapers/reavers/revenants and we need your help, but the organization we work for obviously has a secret"

  2. 1 year ago

    There's this upcoming game called Limbus Company, problem is it's a sequel.

    It's from an indie developer team called ProjectMoon and it's the 3rd game.

    • 1 year ago

      There's those Yoko Taro games, but I just couldn't stand the gameplay, so I dropped them

      I genuinely think their previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, have one of the best stories in vidya
      You have anons who hate gacha and have never tried a gacha game before waiting for Limbus, because their previous games were just that good

      There's of course a chance they'll frick it up, but the game's at least worthy of attention

    • 1 year ago

      There's those Yoko Taro games, but I just couldn't stand the gameplay, so I dropped them

      I genuinely think their previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, have one of the best stories in vidya
      You have anons who hate gacha and have never tried a gacha game before waiting for Limbus, because their previous games were just that good

      There's of course a chance they'll frick it up, but the game's at least worthy of attention

      I love the wrapping paper of lobotomy corp and LoR but I struggle with the gameplay, it's unnecessarily complex and it doesn't help English isn't their first language.

      • 1 year ago

        Limbus is... actually pretty complex, especially for a gacha game, but there are two different buttons which will allow you to automatically choose the most optimal combination/highest damage option. We'll have to wait till release to find out whether they're any useful though, and it won't help with teambuilding

    • 1 year ago

      In fairness ProjectMoon (the developers) said they where looking to make the game very newcomer friendly.

      So someone should be able go in blind and still get an idea what the hell is going on.

      Admittedly they wouldn't get some important things right off the bat, like why birds are such big deal or why this character in a suit is such a rare pull compared to the other character in a different suit.

      But that's what YouTube and Wikias are for if you really don't want to play the other two games.

  3. 1 year ago

    Play Path to Nowhere, great story and voice acting

  4. 1 year ago

    Counterside got pretty non-generic story for a gacha, only problem is, if you played any korean games (cough) project moon (cough), you know it already.

  5. 1 year ago

    There is no point bothering with story in gacha. Either the story sucks or it's serviceable at best, and honestly? A decent story is probably the worst of the two because you'll be waiting years for anything to get a proper resolution/conclusion.
    Pretty much all gacha stories also lack tension because no developer has the testicular fortitude to kill off their gacha characters. AK as an example has over 200 operators but none of the recruitable operators have died. Surely you could kill some of them. Heck, that those characters died a tragic death could make them more endearing to players. This is all in a game where you can use 2 of the same character at once.

    • 1 year ago

      I wasn't planning to recommend it here because
      >waiting years for anything to get a proper resolution/conclusion
      but Heaven Burns Red has been willing to kill gacha characters. The story is interesting, there are stakes, but there isn't much and its coming out at a snail's pace.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pretty much all gacha stories also lack tension because no developer has the testicular fortitude to kill off their gacha characters
      Sdorica did, mostly dudes and crossover characters.

  6. 1 year ago

    moronic question, every fanatic of a particular gachashit will swear by their moms that the history is good and totally not the same generic trash as the hundred other gachas

  7. 1 year ago

    People play gacha for story?

    • 1 year ago

      Nier:Re[in]carnation has a good story. At least, it's got good sub-stories in it. It's unfinished and could be an incredible addition to the Nier universe or a giant LOST-style disappointment.

  8. 1 year ago

    Arknights I wanted to get into but might as well just watch that new anime that covers the story

    Limbus is going to be good

  9. 1 year ago

    blue archive. not joking.

  10. 1 year ago

    Can someone spoon feed me about whatever Limbus is? What is it compared to PM's other work?

    • 1 year ago

      It takes place in a post-Ruina world. The purple hag is planning something, so she got Vergil to guide Dante (aka you) through the ruins left behind by L Corp. And to do this, you'll have to tardwrangle 12 Sinners based on literary characters, like genderbent Don Quixote. The focus on a static cast of characters should help with cast bloat, so common in other gachas. All the characters will get their chance to shine
      In terms of gameplay, it seems like simplified LoR

  11. 1 year ago

    AK is fun but the first few chapters are so boring, good news is there's anime that covered chapter 0-3, you know, the boring part, so you can skip reading them and watch anime instead then start reading the good shits

  12. 1 year ago

    I would say Magia Record but honestly it's been years since I played global and don't know shit about Arc 2 so who knows how that held up.I mostly played the monthly events with the new characters anyway.

    The only other story focused gacha I know of is Starira but god help you if you play it,it's so grindy and PvP ladder focused it's not worth it.The first few chapters and events were slow but then it got suprisingly good,if laden with unnecessary melodrama at times.Definitely not a masterpiece,but it got me invested at least.

  13. 1 year ago

    Why are you looking in a casino for good literature?

  14. 1 year ago

    I liked Honkai Impact story.
    Unfortunely it has been dropping the quality in the last storyline.
    I still gonna play through, because I need to see how things end for the Kiana, Mei and Bronya.

  15. 1 year ago

    >I hit the skip button the instant I see it.
    >damn this story is shit
    i cant say im surprised but i tend to see this type of stupid on twitter
    youd expect Ganker to have
    > hey fricky fricking frickers i fricking read this fricking shitty frick story by which i mean i fricking read the frickshit garbage that is the fricking online summary of the online summary of the translation of the online summary and i now know its fricking shit and if you fricking disagree with me youre a fricking frick
    but its cool to see this cross-platform migration

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