Is there an aspect of the community that makes you go, "I don't see how that's enjoyable".

Is there an aspect of the community that makes you go, "I don't see how that's enjoyable". Nuzlocking, shiny hunting, shiny breeding, playing on showdown, writing writing PMD fanfics, watching poketubers, anything like that. Inb4 "buying the games".

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  1. 2 months ago

    replaying any of the games without party exp share

    I get bored so fricking fast the second I realize using more than 1 pokemon is a massive waste of time

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        he’s right though

  2. 2 months ago

    playing romhacks

    • 2 months ago

      the fun part is making the romhack to your exact specifications, and then playing that

  3. 2 months ago

    playing any pokemon game I didn’t play as a kid. this series is so shitty i don’t understand how you can enjoy any of it without nostalgia

  4. 2 months ago

    I don't get competitive at all. It seems like they've optimized the fun out of a monster catching game.
    >Nuzlocking, shiny hunting, shiny breeding
    I get these but I find them somewhat boring so I don't participate in them.

    • 2 months ago

      that's because all you've seen is singles shittery and the hell that is vgc. come to doubles ou, white man

      • 2 months ago

        I used to play Battle Revolution online and enjoyed it but I don't know if I'd enjoy doubles OU anymore than I would singles. I like a lot of non-Competitive Pokemon so I would probably lose a lot and annoy my opponents 🙂

        • 2 months ago

          annoying people is plenty fun, just look at showderp. if nothing else, depending on your favorite pokemon, you might be able to play at a lower tier like UU or even RU which is probably the only good parts about smogon, it's just that you'll encounter more seasoned people there who'll rip you a new anus with their golduck or some shit because there's less people who play in those tiers

  5. 2 months ago

    All the popular Poketubers are insufferable. Everyone who watched them has terrible opinons, too.

  6. 2 months ago

    Nuzlocking sounds fun until you actually try it and realize what an absolute slog it is.

    I’ve dipped my toes into comp/showdown and while some gens just aren’t for me, gen 2 specifically just baffles me with how people can enjoy it. A single battle can literally last over an hour, which is another thing that might sound cool on paper but when you actually play it is just awful.

    The rest of the things you listed dont appeal to me, but I more or less understand what the appeal of them is for people who like them.

    • 2 months ago

      >Nuzlocking sounds fun until you actually try it and realize what an absolute slog it is.
      I get the spirit of Nuzlocking in using Pokemon you wouldn't normally use, but the permadeath mechanics make it too much of a slog for me. I've sometimes played by a "lite" ruleset where I only catch the first Pokemon per route and that's more enjoyable for me

      • 2 months ago

        I like that permadeath forces you to give chances to different Pokemon and really think about teambuilding, but I agree it can be way too punishing. I just play very loosely with it, like if I lose a mon to a strategic misplay on a boss, fine, they will be boxed. But if I get fricked by a crit on a random trainer I often just ignore it. If I have a full wipe, I sacrifice one mon and keep going, because frick starting over. Sometimes I let myself use the revives I pick up too. I don't care if it defeats the point, it keeps games fresh on a replay by making me use new Pokemon and introduce some challenge to boss encounters, but without punishing myself too hard.

      • 2 months ago

        >I get the spirit of Nuzlocking in using Pokemon you wouldn't normally use,
        This isn't the spirit of nuzlocking at all. That's why people invented a dupes clause in addition to the original rules because turns out you're statistically more likely to find common pokemon. Kind of wish people would just do a regular playthough but with weird/unique pokemon instead of needlessly attaching the nuzlocke thing to it.

    • 2 months ago

      Used to be more fun when you made a fanfiction or webcomic to tie into it. Nowadays though most people just play it for the mechanical challenge

  7. 2 months ago

    Someone please explain to me why the frick people here are constantly genwarring. I do not understand why anyone would waste any fricking time on that shit.

    • 2 months ago

      too much free time too little self awareness

    • 2 months ago

      It is sub humans which live with their parents with no job
      They are miserable and powerless, so they come here to shitpost to waste their time and lives

    • 2 months ago

      this is the only thing I don't really get either. more than often it feels like these people are more invested in their dislike of certain gens than they are in their enjoyment of others. at that point do you even like pokemon, or do you just enjoy stirring up drama? I think

      It is sub humans which live with their parents with no job
      They are miserable and powerless, so they come here to shitpost to waste their time and lives

      is probably spot on.

      everything else I understand, even if I don't personally enjoy it. like I have no interest in competitive or shiny hunting, but I can see the appeal

    • 2 months ago

      I would like to chalk it up to pure bait, but a lot of them seem to be genuinely invested in making a point.
      The games are simply too similar to bother spending years arguing about them. Which ones you like will be greatly influenced by personal taste and experience. Perfectly fine to talk about why you like this or dislike that, but some people just come off as deeply autistic individuals who cannot handle a difference in opinion, they want to be objectively correct

      • 2 months ago

        I just don't understand the whole
        >Oh, you like the generation I don't like?? You are subhuman scum and I must try my best to prove that your subjective opinion is WRONG because you are not allowed to like that generation!
        thing that they do almost militantly
        Like, what's the endgoal here? Do people really think others will stop liking that gen if they shit on it enough? Seems like pure autism to me, and not even any fun. All it'll do is make everyone unhappy, including the people who start this kind of shit. They just seem to get mad at dumb shit and hate some kind of made up boogeyman in their head.

        • 2 months ago

          Most of it is actually insincere by people deliberately trying to stir up shit and drive down the quality of discussion by making it impossible to mention certain games without spawning a flamewar
          There were times last year where it'd be entirely focused on one gen (or a conflict between two gens) for like a full month before suddenly shifting focus entirely to a different gen and nobody cared about the previous one anymore, it was very very blatantly just the same group of guys rotating out what games they're targetting
          They'd even make burners on discord and throw them together a server, say a few words about how they're "advancing the [gen] agenda" around the board and spamming threads, and then take a screenshot of that server and spam it around as "proof" that everyone who likes whatever game is part of some discord conspiracy
          I remember hearing it was a sharty thing but I never cared enough to pay attention to any of that moronic nonsense

          • 2 months ago

            *throw them together in a server

          • 2 months ago

            I can't believe people would really waste so much of their time to carefully orchestrate such pointless bullshit only to stir shit.
            Still doesn't really explain why they do it, though. I'm guessing it's literal children (like 12-16 year olds) who think it's "cool" to be part of an "organization" that "causes trouble". That's the only explanation I can concoct for such utterly deranged and pointless behaviours.

            • 2 months ago

              small, niche communities like this attract losers with a narcissism complex because it's relatively easy for a few dedicated individuals to control the conversation, just by virtue of posting a lot, which they can do because they have nothing better to do. it really doesn't serve much of a purpose except to draw attention and make them feel like they have power over something in their life. you see it a lot in general threads or slow boards.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah that sounds about right. Pretty pathetic and sad if you think about it. Imagine how much they could improve their lives if they actually did something productive with all that time they're wasting.

            • 2 months ago

              >literal children
              What are you talking about? the sharty is an 18+ site

              • 2 months ago

                the sharty is an 18- site
                nobody with anything going on in their lives cares about this shit.

  8. 2 months ago

    People eventually get bored of the franchise not fulfilling their desires so they create their own concepts to carry their interest with it.

    This happens to every fandom ever.

    The real question is, do you find this detrimental to your own well being? And if so, why?

  9. 2 months ago

    I think Fakemon are cool, but I don't get the desire to create an ENTIRE fake region. If you have the programming skills to make a romhack, why not just make a monster catching game and charge like, $15 for it? You would get some money on the side for something you enjoyed doing in your spare time anyway.

    The artists who make an entire fakedex and region and then just sit on it just seems baffling. I don't know how it can be creatively fulfilling to make a bunch of monsters and then not be able to use them in some way.

    • 2 months ago

      with romhacking the base is already built for you and the process is very streamlined with a lot of good tools now, it's much simpler from coding a game from scratch, especially for solo devs. plus the formula of pokemon itself is rife for iteration, hence why people are always making fakemons, gym leader teams, etc. so it's like the perfect storm to attract autistic "idea guys" who would never have the drive to make a game from scratch of course very few original romhacks end up getting finished anyway, because turns out you need drive anyway

      t. has mapped several (partial) regions just for fun, I don't have the motivation to get into coding and make it playable tho. I recognize it's fruitless, I think you need to have a specific type of autism and enjoy the process without necessarily expecting an end result. most 'romhackers' are more interested in daydreaming ideas than actually implementing them, like I said very few projects get finished.

  10. 2 months ago

    I don't see how hebe threads are enjoyable.

    • 2 months ago

      I would enjoy them if people actually talked about the character in hebe threads instead of just posting suggestive pictures and going UOOOH ToT
      Nemona threads are an exception to this but she's an older hebe, maybe that's why

  11. 2 months ago

    down syndrome

  12. 2 months ago

    Ironmon, genwars, watching the anime, shiny hunting, hard-core nuzlockes, the actual process of making a ROMhack or fangame, role-playing, and making competitive teams in any generation before 6. There are so many things I simply do not understand.

  13. 2 months ago

    compshittery is the one thing that truly baffles me, or really any attempt to turn pokemon into a hardcore experience.
    difficulty hacks are a bottom-of-the-barrel pokemon experience. the most charitable comment i can make about them, the maximum level of good faith i can in good conscience extend, is that i disagree with the people making these hacks on what a more challenging pokemon game would look like. but on most days i'll just say these people don't know jack nor shit about game design and honestly it just seems like they're all copying each other. i cannot believe there is an entire genre of romhacks where people take pride in going full moron with enemy teams, and that there is an entire community of people who are proud that they spend time playing these romhacks.

  14. 2 months ago

    I don't know what this phenomenon is called
    >go to [literally any community]
    >hey does anyone here play [non current gen]
    >okay great I have an event that we can all participate in
    >admins instantly ban any mention of it because they are not in full control of it whatsoever
    This happens on literally any forum or discord. It's like people don't even like playing the games anymore. Think about it this way: why was there no gen 6 or gen 7 event at all anywhere?

  15. 2 months ago

    Playing trough the main campaign with a team of six or less Pokémon.

  16. 2 months ago

    I genuinely don't like competitive and matches should strictly be casual. If you have above a 70% winning percentage for five games or a recognized "meta team (four of your six Pokemon are in common master rank teams), you should be kicked to the tryhards.

    I just want to have fun and then some homosexual throws out Calyrex Ghost and kills me in casual matches.

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