Is there any chance that GTA6 is as good as RDR2?

Is there any chance that GTA6 is as good as RDR2?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Yeah maybe we will see

  2. 11 months ago

    is RDR2 actually good or are people blinded by the tearjerking scenes

    • 11 months ago

      it's fun if you explore around and ignore the movie game bullshit

      • 11 months ago

        9000 miles of empty desert?
        im not going back to tof

        • 11 months ago

          the open world is genuinely filled with cool shit to find, animals to hunt, easter eggs, weirdos, etc.

          • 11 months ago

            yeah, for a game that's supposedly "realistic" its hilarious how it mogs final fantasy's open world attempts with the wacky shit you can find

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, it is good, and don’t let nu-/v/‘s contrarian opinions tell you otherwise, because this place loved RDR2 when it first came out but now hates it for no reason.

    • 11 months ago

      The main missions very much hold your hands (eg mission failed as you got on the wrong horse) and because they follow a similar formula, they get boring if you do too many in a row. The story itself is good, but the best part of the game is how alive the actual open world feels. It's not just a meme either, it's an open world that can only be achieved when your previous game made billions. It's a cowboy simulator game

    • 11 months ago

      It has one of the best open worlds in the history of video james. Missions are very linear but what the hell do people expect, branching paths for every step they make?

      • 11 months ago

        >what the hell do people expect, branching paths for every step they make?
        not getting a failed game because I shot an attacking npc because the game still had one more cutscene in mind before I can actually shoot him

        • 11 months ago

          Mission name.

          • 11 months ago

            you have that one serial killer stranger mission and uh, uh... uh...

      • 11 months ago

        >It has one of the best open worlds in the history of video james.
        How could you possibly think this? There is nothing in the overworld. that's not some overexaggeration. There is quite literally, absolutely nothing to do in the overworld. Not a damn thing. You walk. That's fricking it.

        The legendary animals are there, so I guess that counts as something? It sure as frick ain't much though.

        >B-But cigarette cards
        >B-But dinosaurs!!
        >B-But herbs!!!

        Yeah, just admit you wasted your money and move on.

        • 11 months ago

          Countless random encounters, NPC camps, wild animals to hunt, gunfights to get into, easter eggs, every single area is distinctive and feels handcrafted - compare this to the likes of Ubisoft games where they copypaste every single building as if they didnt care

    • 11 months ago

      RDR2 is a fricking marvel. Ridiculous production value and far more than the sum of its parts. As of right now it is a one of a kind video game

    • 11 months ago

      I loved exploring and doing side stuff but aside from a few missions the main stuff is way too on-rails for me to get enjoyment from.

    • 11 months ago

      Not at all. Get a horse and ride around the map, then bin it. Its beautiful to look at but the story is long and garbage, the gameplay is on-rails. Just watch a good western instead.

    • 11 months ago

      Not going to say it's the best game but still better than any gta series infact r* should just end gta and work on bully, la noir, man hunt

    • 11 months ago

      It's a good game if you're bad at video games. The way it opens up you think the game is going to be a challenge the way it introduces to you that you have to hunt, feed yourself and be careful in combat by using cover/being sneaky. Then you think the tutorial ends.
      The tutorial never ends. You are handheld through the entire game, resources are never an issue and you will literally never die unless it's to some cougar or bear that snuck up on you while you were riding your horse.
      Shit even the final scene of the game you don't even need to shoot the bad guy. He dies on his own.

    • 11 months ago

      It's okay, but not great. But in a weird way. It feels great when you're playing, probably due to the absurd attention to detail. But when you actually think about the gameplay, it's nothing special at all.

      Shooting is fun enough, but all of your weapons will automatically be unequipped every ten seconds because the developers were too busy sucking shit out of eachother's buttholes to realize how moronic that is. If it weren't constantly unequipping your weapons? You'd still be left with nothing more than a run-of-the-mill shooter that does nothing innovative in any way.

      You can roam around the world between missions. Every building you see? You can probably enter it. Downside is you can do frick-all inside. You can do frick-all outside too. There is literally not one fricking single thing to do in the entire overworld. But it had to have an overworld because...Well because it's current year!!!

      There is literally nothing-not one damn thing to do in the overworld. Nothing. Except for hunting. Hunting is fun. Or at least it would be if it weren't just up to RNG if there were any point to hunting an animal. Sidequests? They're just like the main missions so you hold a button down to auto-move on horse, except that just straight up doesn't work so you have to manually run through miles of nothing before you get to do bare-bones, no-effort shooting. It's over in 30 seconds and then it's back to literally nothing gameplay.

      It should have just been a linear mission-to-mission game. The overworld is completely empty and pointless. Millions of dollars were wasted. I'm supposed to pretend the millions that went into creating absolutely nothing for you to do in a vast void of nothingness was worth it? Rockstar could have finished this game in half the time for half the cost and made the same amount of money.

    • 11 months ago

      gameplay is 7/10 but the world itself is interesting to explore. and shooting is fun too I guess

    • 11 months ago

      I think I liked RDR more, but 2 was fun

    • 11 months ago

      it's pure kino

      • 11 months ago

        looks like movie "game" for women

        • 11 months ago

          right up your alley then

    • 11 months ago

      It's okay if you want to just drink beer and hang people off the dock into gator infested waters.

    • 11 months ago

      >is RDR2 actually good
      could have been if they made it a true sandbox, instead you're chained to predictable gang story shit with a bunch of characters who pretend anything you do in the game world outside of the main story never happened. game needs an option to just leave micah in jail and arthur fricks off to do his own thing and finds all the neat touches in the game world.

    • 11 months ago

      It's a cowboy amusement park

    • 11 months ago

      The latter. The story is good but in terms of actual gameplay this is one of the worst Rockstar games of the past 2 decades.

  3. 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    Lazlow isn't involved in the music stations anymore so maybe not

    • 11 months ago

      Dan Houser is gone too

      • 11 months ago

        Could be a good thing, he shat the bed with V

  5. 11 months ago

    No, because GTA is made with zoomers in mind. And they'll need new GTAO cash ow

    • 11 months ago

      GTA Online is good because it builds on GTA 5, which was also good. If the core gameplay of GTA 6 is bad, then GTA 6 Online will fail.

  6. 11 months ago

    The art director responsible for the actual worlds is still there. He's been there since the beginning.

  7. 11 months ago

    The Bloomberg leak said that they massively cut down on the ambition of the title. It's gone from the greatest GTA map of all time, spanning North and South America, to literally Miami. Sounds like they've lost it.

    • 11 months ago

      Good. Rockstar hasn't even accomplished a single fleshed out city. It would be ridiculous for them to try doing multiple cities, let alone countries. There was nothing in Los Santos besides like four or five mini games. RDR2 had nothing in its map besides...nothing. there was literally nothing in RDR2'S world.

      At this point the best news about GTA VI we could hear is that it takes place on a single street in Miami and not the whole city. They've been trying for two decades to do overworlds and have failed every time. Every Rockstar game is a barron wasteland and they only get emptier. Quit trying to expand when you can't even execute small maps properly. Scale down until you grow some brain cells, Rockstar.

      But of course Gta vi will be three times as big as the last game with even less to do. Continuing rockstar's 20-year trend. But hey, the graphics will be pretty and that's all morons need. It will make a gazillion dollars more than V and the games will just get worse while continuing to earn more.

      • 11 months ago

        All areas of the maps contain shooting and driving gameplay, anon.

  8. 11 months ago

    is rdr2 actually good? i always get bored of gta games after 2h of randomly driving around the town

    • 11 months ago

      You'd hate RDR2. The emptiness of GTA will feel Jam-packed after you experience the massive void of absolute nothingness that is RDR2's map.

  9. 11 months ago

    Im expecting to be pleasantly surprised by gta6.

  10. 11 months ago

    GTAVI will be just as shitty as V and will just serve as an excuse to make another online game to milk morons out of their money

  11. 11 months ago

    Yeah, Rockstars use the same engine for all games so it should be the same or better graphically and have a lot of minigames and shit, story will probably be shit tho and comedy will be nerfed, also if the leaks are real you'll have to play as two characters which sucks

    • 11 months ago

      I wouldnt be surprised if they have multiplayer coop in singleplayer.

      Rockstar always seems to be building toward whats next without taking a foot off the gas.

      • 11 months ago

        Might be, i only hope they will also make a good AI so it could be playable completely as a singleplayer without turning it into one big escort mission

  12. 11 months ago

    I found RDR2 intimidating with all the gun care and horse maintenance autism

    • 11 months ago

      You just have to feed your horse once in a while, same with brushing them. It takes like 2 minutes total to do both. For guns, you clean them once in a while. Gun oil is plentiful and pretty cheap. I think the only time you'd have an issue with getting gun oil is if you never loot corpses for their money, plus corpses drop gun oil frequently if you dont have any. Its really easy

  13. 11 months ago

    >on-rails movie game
    I guess it will be in line with that. All shine no substance just like RDR2 and GTA V. Once you actually go out in the world and try to do some side stuff, you'lll quickly realize that there was never that much to do to begin with, and the game tricked you into thinking it was bigger than it actually is all along.

  14. 11 months ago

    gtavi is going to be zoomerslop shit.
    >no houser
    >no benzies
    not a chance

    • 11 months ago

      >Jason Schreier praising the changes to Rockstars culture to make it more progressive
      Oh it's actually over isn't it?

    • 11 months ago

      GTA6 is going to be Saints Row 2022. Will the protags have turned to a life of crime to pay off their student debt?

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