Is there any good roll20 alternatives? All I know is TTS and roll20 but I wanna see what else there is.

Is there any good roll20 alternatives? All I know is TTS and roll20 but I wanna see what else there is.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Foundry. I like it quite a bit.

    • 8 months ago

      I'll look into it! Seems Nice.

      • 8 months ago

        Foundry’s drawing tools are awkward and inferior to roll20. I used to draw most of my own maps in roll20, but in Foundry i find that scouring the Ernest for obscure battle maps that vaguely represent what I want is often easier than trying to draw my own, which has limited my creativity somewhat.

        Also, Foundry is less commonly used than Roll20, so there’s less support for more niche systems. For example, if you like the Fantasy Flight 40K rpgs, the only one supported is 2md edition Dark Heresy.

        Also also, creating tokens for NPC’s is more annoying. In roll20 I could upload an image and just drag-and-drop from the side bar to make a token, and it would just make a generic token which I could assign a name and health bars to. In Foundry, you have to make an individual ‘actor’ character sheet for each unique token you want to use. If I want to populate a map with a bunch of generic ‘peasants’, I can’t just drag twenty peasant tokens onto the map, I have to make a specific character sheet called ‘peasant’ and then assign a specific ‘peasant’ picture to that character sheet. And if I want to use multiple different npc images, I need a different character sheet for each image. It’s fricking moronic.

        Also Foundry doesn’t play nice with VPN’s or certain internet set ups so you may have to jump through some hoops to get it working at all.

        Apart from that, Foundry is all right.

        • 8 months ago

          >If I want to populate a map with a bunch of generic ‘peasants’, I can’t just drag twenty peasant tokens onto the map,
          Are you moronic? Just create an actor named "Peasant" and then drag it all the time you want or copy-paste it
          >And if I want to use multiple different npc images
          Each token can be edited separatedly from the others just be sure to uncheck the "link to token" in its properties.

        • 8 months ago

          >If I want to populate a map with a bunch of generic ‘peasants’, I can’t just drag twenty peasant tokens onto the map,
          Are you moronic? Just create an actor named "Peasant" and then drag it all the time you want or copy-paste it
          >And if I want to use multiple different npc images
          Each token can be edited separatedly from the others just be sure to uncheck the "link to token" in its properties.

          > Foundry’s drawing tools are awkward and inferior to roll20.
          Can see this one. I used dungeondraft because there's an excellent importer that does everything, including walls.
          Or I use rpg-map and then just do the walls in foundry for simpler maps.

          > multiple peasant tokens
          Ok so here's what you do, you DON'T edit them individually.
          Anon is right, you make a 'peasant' sheet. Then you uncheck the "link to token" in its token prototype. (ie the base for all tokens for that sheet)
          But THEN, you don't just have a peasant token. You have a folder of peasant tokens, set wildcard for the image path like /tokens/peasants/* and check 'randomise wildcard .images'. Pic related, though my example is white collar workers.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Is there any good roll20 alternatives?
    Yeah, playing in real life. Get off your ass stop making excuses. I played D&D in real life since before I even had a driver's license. There is no reason why you can't get a real-life game going. Roll20 is soulless. I had to use it for a year because of the globohomosexual masquerade and it was just so goddamn lame. I mean I appreciate the effort that went into developing it, it's a cool tool. But it will never be a substitute for playing irl. I would rather just play a fricking computer game honestly. Especially given how goddamn boring 5e is and how that's almost all that anyone plays. Maybe Traveller would be okay online. But most zoomies don't have the attention span for that.

    • 8 months ago

      we all live in different states and want to play more tan ones a year. Online is genuinely the only option we have at the moment.

      • 8 months ago

        Hell even one is in Canada. So can ya stop tweaking about generations and shit?

      • 8 months ago

        >we all live in different states
        Lemme guess: you moved for your "career" making like 60k a year and now you are far from your friends. Move on. That what people do in life. You're basically a loser stuck crying over his ex from ten years ago. Cut it out. Find new friends. Unless you're no longer able to, since now you're an adult and you don't have forced proximity to help make up for how fricking unlikeable you are.

        t. no games

        >t. no games
        Not a fricking argument, homosexual. I literally just said I play games IN REAL LIFE you fricking imbecile, which is superior to the fricking disjointed once-a-month discord sessions you play in with your tabaxi sorlock. I'd love to watch you and everyone else who posts "nogames" as an insult just fricking injected into the eyes with acid and writhe around on the ground in agony.

        • 8 months ago

          Bro has never had friend that like him.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes yes, we all understand how very grown up and sophisticated you are, thanks to your screed about people using the internet you've posted to a niche imageboard on the ass end of the internet. Good job, we're all clapping.

        • 8 months ago

          I have a friend who swears by Shmeppy. Talespire sucks ass, Alchemy looks like it's going to be alright once it comes out, but Roll20 is still as good as it gets for me.

          Why are you even in this thread?

        • 8 months ago

          I feel like I've seen your writing style consistently being an antagonizing c**t that just says "Frick you" to the thread op. OP didn't fricking ask your opinion on irl vs online.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd rather play B/X on a VTT than 5e in person.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'd rather play B/X on a VTT than 5e in person.
        are you me?

    • 8 months ago

      t. no games

    • 8 months ago


      Is there any good roll20 alternatives? All I know is TTS and roll20 but I wanna see what else there is.

      I didnt play too much online, but a couple of times when we couldnt play in real life we used "owlbear rodeo" and was good. Doesnt have automatition stuff but is enough for what i want

    • 8 months ago

      You must live in a place with some population density.
      I'm from a spot in the middle of nowhere, being a tabletop fan while you're rural is a whole different kind of hopeless.

      • 8 months ago

        It really is. Ontop of all my friends that want to play are spread out over the US and Canada. Shit sucks.

  3. 8 months ago

    Playing at the actual table

  4. 8 months ago

    Foundry is programmable but costs money, so out of reach for plebs.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Is there any good roll20 alternatives?
    Playing at a table, in person, with other people. It's vastly superior.

    • 8 months ago

      I didn't ask for that but okay.

  6. 8 months ago

    Depends on the system. is neat. Was originally developed for use with FATE but works well with everything played as theater of the mind. Allows management of custom charsheets, notes and has a sketch block as well as a dice roller.

    Whenever I play something where a map is important I use gamescape. Unfortunately this one doesn't have an integrated dice roller.

    Maptool is imho great, but I couldn't convince a group to use it yet. It has comparatively high barrier of entry.

    I also use the skyjedi dice roller a lot, since I play a ton of Genesys.

    • 8 months ago

      we are doing 5e mostly since everyone in new and it is easy to start with. Might move to 3.5 or path depending on how this goes!

  7. 8 months ago

    Foundry is probably the best if you want to use maps, but it will inevitably have some sort of consistent maintenance cost - either on literal servers or on your time managing it. If you want to run PF2e there is literally nothing that comes even close to Foundry.
    If you don't need maps that much, then even discord with some roll bots is enough - heck, it even has all the nice image sharing and voice/video chat you might need, and you can even shoot sheets at Google or whatever just to make sure every agency knows how the game is going (it has some great collab functionalities, though).
    imo roll20 is not particularly bad, it's just that they had the benefit of getting decent first and they kind of decided to take a short rest...forever

  8. 8 months ago

    r20 is only decent with vttes and with the 5tools 5e script if you run that, otherwise it's literally a shitshow.
    How shit? You literally can't upload an image bigger than 4mb on a free account, also the site mangles the files so that 4000x4000 8mb image for a map you uploaded gets served as 40mb file and lags up browsers.
    Or say, a 2160x2880 image that is only 1.4mb in file size gets served up to users as 11.2mb.
    Pic related, they're both the same image but one is uploaded to imgur while the other is directly to r20.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah that is why I am looking for an alternative, its map system is kind of shit. We are playing 5e but want to play other games later on. and I (as the dm) am not having a good time with the map maker.

      • 8 months ago

        Like I said, use VTTES, it lets you embed images from external site to r20 (use imgur, Discord is adding expiration to external embeds).

        • 8 months ago

          I'll heave to look into it being as I have never heard of it. But thank you a lot for the info!

        • 8 months ago

          This is the answer even without going in the price argument. People shill for foundry in customization and mechanics depth light and streamlined systems so its perfect for PF2e, 4e, the (on foundry double) cucked versions of shadowrunm etc due to being sub 20 module requirement.
          It starts to show its strain on WFRP (for which its still well usable and better than alternatives) and 5e D&D (PHB play only). Its goes to effectively useless/worse R20 (due to sheer number of mods) for anything classic and complex or mechanic diverse that you might as well go empty R20 theatre of the mind or add to the discord/skype/voip call a draw/sketchtogether room and linked google docs for sheets DM side unless the players just gifted a hedge fund that will last you through retirement as the amount of extra prep work, host management from a rig at home and fricking about with hooking up any feature that goes beyond "roll 3 different dice that dont interact with any other calculations" to system rules compared to even getting together irl and 3d printing all parts for maps is dumb (and documention beyond base "how shiny alt color vision and layers are" is early blender level schizo.

          • 8 months ago

            so like, you like roll20? Cuz I keep having a stroke reading that.

            My 5e group uses Shmeppy for maps. It's a pretty good tool for what it is -- my only complaints are you can't upload custom token art or draw on the map but it's fast and super easy to use.

            Thanks i'll look into it!

            • 8 months ago

              No, its all pale imitations to irl play. But, to intentionally keep making stroke long paragraphs, i will take a rock tied to a stick to hammer with a dry grape branch that i have to secure with my chewing gum to hammer in a awkward angled nail over a pneumatic press that cant even adjust its base floor without 5 separate components 3 of which come in kits that replace the same part making them mutually exclusive unless you stitch together a CAD design and print a new combo piece yourself or saw apart and glue them together.

              • 8 months ago

                >But, to intentionally keep making stroke long paragraph
                Based good sir.

  9. 8 months ago

    My 5e group uses Shmeppy for maps. It's a pretty good tool for what it is -- my only complaints are you can't upload custom token art or draw on the map but it's fast and super easy to use.

    • 8 months ago

      Just gave it a quick glance.
      According to the documentation you can give tokens custom art.

  10. 8 months ago

    My group has used Foundry and Fantasy Grounds in the past. As a player, I prefer Foundry, but Fantasy Grounds was alright as well.

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