Is there any point in playing this? I don't want to spend money

Is there any point in playing this? I don't want to spend money

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I don't think you should, no
    It's an incomplete single player game that wants you to keep playing it long after you run out of content. The only real draw over other single player games is this shitty padding and the gacha system. I played it for far too long before realizing that most games have a better combat system and would be a better use of my time. And no, the open world doesn't really matter, the endgame is all combat, and all you get from exploration is further grinding materials, nothing truly cool. Game looks nice, there's a definite appeal starting off, but it wears off.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's a nice game to play for 10 minutes a day. I don't give them any money.

  3. 2 years ago

    game consists of logging in to do daily chores which will mostly be mashing attack against 1 of 5 enemy types

  4. 2 years ago

    If you're new, you got 60 hours of fun adventuring or so depending on how good you're in doing world puzzles. That's for free, and worth it just it alone. You can unistall no problem after that and come back when they release a new continent next month if you want more adventuring. If you're loot dopamine high number chaser, then you're going to be on the domain farm, which is less fun, but you can safely skip that part after you're done with the story.

    If you worry about the gacha part, don't, if you're not a moron, you get all the characters you need to do end-game for free.

    • 2 years ago

      This. People who complain about no content have put well into 60 hours worth. The best way to play imo is play until you hit the daily grind with no story/exploring left then just put it down for a patch or two then you have free dlc every other month.

    • 2 years ago

      >you got 60 hours of fun adventuring or so depending on how good you're in doing world puzzles.
      Nah, it's significantly longer than that, especially if you're going for 100% in each location. Unless you are solely bumrushing main story quests and not exploring at all you are easily getting over 100 hours for free of content you actually want to do.

      I'm well over 150 hours in at least and I still have 1/3rd of Inazuma and Enkonomiya to explore with a bunch of side quests, all hangouts, and a huge chunk of story quests to still do. If you don't care about 100% in each area then yeah, I can see you saying the 60ish hours because you're just going to use what you get of stamina upgrades in Mondstatd and Liyue then bumrush main story, but at some point you're going to go do other content anyway to keep stuff fresh and eventually end up at that point anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        I used to have respect for you but you actually play this trash? Disappointing...

  5. 2 years ago

    Do it anon. It's comfy af and you don't have to spend shit. They give plenty of free rolls for characters.

  6. 2 years ago

    so dont spend money? this isnt like your typical jpg collector gachas. its an actual game with several giant maps to explore. if you just want to experience the story than whatever characters you aquire will be perfectly adequate for doing so. only pathetic coomers spend money on it to get their favorite underage characters

  7. 2 years ago

    I play modified version of it, this is a typical mobile p2w game with bad boring combat and gameplay. The world is literally dead and almost does not react to you at all.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The combat is boring if you use the meta ezpz characters for sure. Be more creative and actually have fun.

      • 2 years ago

        I played pretty much all characters and they are all boring and have braindead 2 button gameplay, even at their max constellations that actually cost about a few thousand dollars per character to get.

    • 2 years ago

      I played pretty much all characters and they are all boring and have braindead 2 button gameplay, even at their max constellations that actually cost about a few thousand dollars per character to get.

      you just proved that the more you pay the worse the game gets, which is a good signal to stay f2p and embrace the challenge

      • 2 years ago

        It isn't better, because doing the same for 3-4x longer tame is even more boring than doing it for less.

    • 2 years ago

      Ah, it's THAT moronic Black person again. You already got absolutely btfo yesterday and now you post that shitty bait again.
      >The world is literally dead
      Because literally nothing in the world works on emulator, you stupid fricking moron. There are no mobs or npcs or quests like on official servers. The mobs you see are just dumb spawns without scripts and patrol routes.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you the guy that cried "nyoo cheats" because I skipped months of f2p grind for a constellation 0 character? I mean that wasn't btfo, that was just you laying on the ground and crying.
        >literally nothing in the world works
        Cope, I literally played your game and shit on it without spending time to grind.

        • 2 years ago

          You didn't play shit, stupid Black person. Not even the basic combat works on emulator because no one bothered to implement basic stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Cry more b***h, 6C or whatever and kill everything, nothing to do at all and bored out of my mind, thank you for the free game though, modified version being shit means real version being more shit, npcs or no npcs.

    • 2 years ago

      >it's the same autist eating shit and lying episode

      • 2 years ago

        wheres the lie?

  8. 2 years ago

    if you like comforting exploration in pretty environments with great bg music then yes

  9. 2 years ago

    I played for like 20 hours before getting bored, but it’s free to play so you might as well. It’s a Chinese bootleg gacha version of breath of the wild and exploring is fun and comfy.

    I didn’t spend any money and there’s no reason to, the game is fairly easy and I can’t see anyone who isn’t a gambling addict or a waifugay wasting money on it. Apparently once you get to the endgame content there’s more of incentive to spend money but I doubt most people will get that far.

  10. 2 years ago

    Genshin is the best game to date unironcly everybody loves it.

  11. 2 years ago

    if you're good at these kinds of games, which i hope you are because it's not as difficult as some people might claim, then you don't need to spend anything. i've been playing since october 2020 and i spent maybe $50ish one time way early on for something i can't even remember any more. the only problem this game has is time gating, waiting for resin to fill each day so you can spend it all and end up with nothing really feels like shit but there's nothing to gain with genshin

    beating content faster or sooner has no benefit so i just take my time with everything, it's was a free game with something new for me to explore so i gave it a go. overworld is pretty dope if you like exploring, some quests are boring as shit but others are really fricking well done. majority of the games characters are amazing by design, not so much in combat but there's plenty of guides online for those who stick completely to f2p

    spending money just speeds things up or helps you advance to getting a character you THINK you need but you only WANT and that's what you need to remember so you don't spend money

  12. 2 years ago

    You don't need to spend money at all. You constantly accumulate wishes just by exploring and questing and taking part in whatever time limited event is currently running. If you 100% every region in the game and do a few events along the way you will end up with hundreds of wishes. Then you just wait for an overpowered character to feature on a banner and boom, you get them. Now is a good time to start because they're about to rerun the summer islands which have a shitload of free loot and will disappear at the end of August.
    The only things you can buy are outfits which are purely cosmetic, more wishes (which are irrelevant as long as you only pull on good banners) and the battle pass, which just gives you a frickload of gold and exp, but you can get those for free with your mobile-game-regenerates-over-time resource. Everything in the game is piss easy anyway. You don't need good characters or weapons to beat every quest.

    • 2 years ago

      this. If you start now and save until next banner there's a high chance you get kazuha, which is one of the best characters in the game for both exploration and damage

      It isn't better, because doing the same for 3-4x longer tame is even more boring than doing it for less.

      except you can't. Unlike those videos where everything died in one rotation, as a f2p you have to learn how to dodge and take advantage of elemental reactions to win, which adds another layer of strategy and team building to the game.

      • 2 years ago

        >shilling the homosexual leaf
        >a literal sucrose sidegrade
        >right before sumeru
        I see kazugays are still as delusional as ever.

      • 2 years ago

        >you have to learn how to dodge
        You don't, because there are characters literally tied to shield roles and heal roles. They all have infinite resources.
        >advantage of elemental reactions to win
        No, as a f2p you do the same stuff on webm but way longer. 2 buttons still stay.
        This game is very paw heavy.

      • 2 years ago

        >as a f2p you have to learn how to dodge
        If you use Zhongli or even Diona you literally never have to dodge
        >and take advantage of elemental reactions to win
        Elemental reactions will happen anyway during the combat, theres nothing to really take advange of, theres no secret tech to amplify their effects or alter them in anyway, its the same x+y=more damage

        • 2 years ago

          >I whale
          >I no need to play

          • 2 years ago

            I'm increasingly convinced that even shills dont play this shit

        • 2 years ago

          you're fricking moronic zhongli is not easily available and dionas shield is not that strong, also elemental reactions are important to keep an eye on considering they act differently like vape and melt being able to crit while other reactions primarily scale of em
          seems like you didn't play the game because vape and melt teams have been a staple since the start

          • 2 years ago

            Sure would be a shame if someone boiled down the whole reactions system to just va-
            >because vape and melt teams have been a staple since the start
            Oh wait, you did
            >and dionas shield is not that strong
            This shill tries to educate me on the game while he doesnt even know how to play himself, hilarious

            • 2 years ago

              dunno but non geo shields are not as strong as geo shields, even if you commit completely into shield with her
              and yeah vape and melt were and still are way better than all other reactions from a dps standpoint only because crit is the most important stat in the game besides base atk
              sure there are comps that rely on em, theyre fun to play and can clear abyss
              dont know why youre so hung up on bashing a game which is actually fun to play and very generous cosidering it is a gacha

              • 2 years ago

                Thats the thing, its not fun and its a gacha

              • 2 years ago

                >when guaranteed pity is a thing
                Just get lucky

              • 2 years ago

                the pity system guarantees a 5 star character at 90 pulls which i have never hit with over 30 5 stars
                the 50/50 mechanic guarantees the banner character on the 180th pull, no other gacha im aware of had this kind of system built into it before genshin
                plus you can earn the premium currency through playing the game and not by small amounts

  13. 2 years ago

    It's the best game of the decade. Play it for free, then boot up an emulator to check out all the characters you missed, all for free.

  14. 2 years ago

    Played back in november 2020 for a month... could barely stomach it after that so I haven't played it since. It's just a terrible game with terrible characters and terrible childish dialogue. I'd probably play the shit out of it if I were 8-14.

  15. 2 years ago

    Yes, it's fun and you don't have to spend money.
    t. 2years f2p player

  16. 2 years ago

    >Is there any point in playing this?
    No. The gameplay is too simplistic and exploration is worthless. You wont get any good character interactions either because of how story and events are structured and paced with the updates, even the main story is trash thats not worth sitting through and its been in filler lands for a year

  17. 2 years ago

    World, exploration and music are 10/10.
    Combat is ok, it's deeper than it looks but that won't matter for exploring and playing the main quest.
    You don't need to spend a single dime, though you will be extremely tempted to.

  18. 2 years ago

    No, don't do it.

  19. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I love Loom.

  20. 2 years ago

    It's terrible if you're looking for a game to play in the long term. Gameplay is meh. Story is mostly meh and full of filler. Environments are cool and exploration is pretty good. You generally don't need to spend cash but if you don't you'll be slaving away for months until you get some decent units under your belt. I'd only recommend it to people who are used to typical gatcha bullshit

  21. 2 years ago

    It's one of the best free games ever created if you can resist the urge to gamble.

    • 2 years ago

      >if you can resist the urge to gamble.
      They don't exactly make it even reasonable to gamble to begin with. You don't guarantee yourself a 50/50 for $100 and that's with the first purchase bonus. You would need to spend about $250 or so just to be able to guarantee a banner character unless you get extremely lucky. Actually paying for anything that's not a Welkin is a moneysink. Just look at the Battle Pass, $10 only gets you 680 primos which is only 4 pulls and you need to reach level 50 to even get that.

      It's the only gacha I've seen where paying money is actually completely pointless unless you are making an expendable $500 a month you just feel like burning on something that's not literally anything else.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah by all means there really isn't much incentive to spend money on the game unless you have to have everyone or really wanted a specific character and don't know how to save or how the pity system works
        Just about everytime I see someone complaining about how Genshin is greedy, they're just morons who can't plan ahead

        I think most people here are fine with the $5 a month Welkin. You can buy skins with that as well, and can toss a 10 roll a patch at the weapon banner and get some 5 star weapons over time too
        Play long enough and eventually your f2p account will start resembling a whale account

      • 2 years ago

        Correction: $10 gets you 680 primos and 4 full wishes. That makes it the second-most efficient spending of money for wishes, after the Welkin.

  22. 2 years ago

    Sure. It's a decent enough game with good music, cute girls, and solid exploration for free.
    Some caveats to note, the story isn't my cup of tea. Something about the writing and how it manages to make a sentence worth of dialogue last a paragraph urks me.
    Also the "endgame" is hot garbage. Just stomping high level mooks for more gachabucks or grinding up your team to perform the latter.
    Lasty, never fall into the hole of feeling like you have to do the dailies or have to spend your resin. Treat it as a side game and you'll be surprised of it's longevity.

  23. 2 years ago


  24. 2 years ago

    No since the devs don’t give a shit about it.

  25. 2 years ago

    Yes. It's a good game with a ton of content. The only downside is that it will milk you for money but it's probably an even better experience if you don't spend.

  26. 2 years ago

    Yeah it's pretty fun until you reach endgame

  27. 2 years ago

    >people suddenly say exploration is good when the past few months they kept repeating that the linear corridors they added have been the best updates in the game so far

  28. 2 years ago

    Who here is not a lucklet and has gotten everything he has wanted without paying a single dime?

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