Is there any strategy games that focus on being a guerilla fighter?

Is there any strategy games that focus on being a guerilla fighter? Arma 3 Antistasi is so fun because you can play it like a strategy game
>6 Russoid helicopters land to QRF me
>My technicals with mgs bring them down and I take down a few myself with a stolen stinger
>Loot all the russoid dead bodies for equipment

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  1. 7 months ago

    There's Rebel Inc. I've never played it and heard mixed things about it at release. dunno what it's like now.
    Jagged Alliance 2 & 3 kind of gives me that feel too

    • 7 months ago

      I got all those games, heh.

    • 7 months ago

      >There's Rebel Inc. I've never played it and heard mixed things about it at release.
      Unfortunately, Rebel Inc. is kind of the opposite of what you'd expect. You're defending against guerilla rebels, not playing as them.

      • 7 months ago

        It feels like a parody of reality.
        You defend against endless waves of towel heads, brainwashing civilians with clean water and internet access.
        Only to finish the democratic ritual and make the civvies vote the rebels out of existence.

        • 7 months ago

          lol, it is made by a moronic liberal so not shocking to be honest.

  2. 7 months ago

    Very old game but Midwinter sort of.

  3. 7 months ago

    Try 7,62 High Calibre or 7,62 Hard Life, however it's very janky and you might want to:
    1)read the Steam guide and keep it close to solve problems
    2)get the GEG mod to have realistic guns (and no .22 FALs)

    Anyway, it has:
    >jungle warfare between opportunistic hypocritical leftwing rebels, a corrupt dictatorship, bandits and other mercs.
    >a vast amount of guns and customization, with a major focus on realism (especially so with GEG).
    >no vehicle combat, only for transport.
    >a massive amount of early 2000s slavjank and bugs
    >a "plot" with multiple paths where you hunt down a russian fricker who stole from the mob and hid in Algeira (the country where the game takes place).
    >most quests have multiple ways to tackle them: do you kill this guy or you use blanks and bloodbags to fake his death? Do you negotiate with the bandits to get out of a massive firefight or you stick with the peasants and defend their village?
    >You can roleplay as a smuggler of drugs and alcohol like a 1920s gangster, sell captured guns and do gunrunning missions like Nic Cage in Lord of War, or open you merc base like Naked Snake did in Peace Walker.
    >combat is resolved on a second/hundredth of a second basis, you give orders and your mercs do their best to follow them.
    >the inventory is very Escape From Tarkov-like, with grids deciding if you can fit this or that into your pockets, holster, bags or LBEs
    >Armor vests and helmets are done EXTREMELY well, with most of them being useless against rifle rounds and mostly saving you from stray shrapnel or 9 mil rounds.
    >Don't go for stealth and melee combat unless you really have to, enemies see extremely well except in the dark, and you cannot guarantee a one hit kill with melee, guns are very dangerous even at point blank range.

    This game is /k/ incarnate, but beware of bugs and a shit translation from russian to english. Have fun if you like it, and let's hope we get more mods for it.

    • 7 months ago

      Seconding this, there's also Blue Sun Mod included along with the additional patch which is less autistic, but includes a ton of its own additions including an incredibly kino fan campaign where you can play for yourself, lots of weaponry and additional LARP options. The game WILL frick you over and you WILL experience critical bugs and softlocks but whatever is there still hasn't been surpassed by any game after it.
      > running out of bullets and kicking the enemy paralyzed from pain till they die
      > emptying two ammo packs and having 40 flechette shells in your pocket and eviscerating an enemy patrol with a double-barreled shotgun
      > filling a 60 round mag with every single kind of 9mm under the sun because the game allows you to do it
      > accidentally taking over a small town because the game bugged out and only the mayor of the town is angry towards you
      > picking up a gun, firing everything it had, throwing it out, picking up another gun, firing it, moving through a field littered with enemy corpses
      > being pinned down by 15 soldiers, then escaping under heavy enemy fire when one of them blows a hole in the fence
      > having a revolver shootout in a bar full of MI-6 agents
      > getting rid of a gang by tactically rigging the entire area with remote detonated TNT
      > wiping out a Delta Force squad with a single grenade
      Complete and utter "i hate the Antichrist" kino, gonna be replicated only if we change the timeline somehow.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, BSM plus Mercapocalypse for 7,62 High Calibre is as good as GEG with 7,62 Hard Life, Hard Life immediately throws you into firefights, while High Calibre introduces the mechanics and tools of the trade first. Both are good options for someone who wants to play an RTS-Tactical Shooter game mashup.
        I also love the liberty you have to craft your loadouts down to the individual rounds you will use in combat.

        • 7 months ago

          Seconding this, there's also Blue Sun Mod included along with the additional patch which is less autistic, but includes a ton of its own additions including an incredibly kino fan campaign where you can play for yourself, lots of weaponry and additional LARP options. The game WILL frick you over and you WILL experience critical bugs and softlocks but whatever is there still hasn't been surpassed by any game after it.
          > running out of bullets and kicking the enemy paralyzed from pain till they die
          > emptying two ammo packs and having 40 flechette shells in your pocket and eviscerating an enemy patrol with a double-barreled shotgun
          > filling a 60 round mag with every single kind of 9mm under the sun because the game allows you to do it
          > accidentally taking over a small town because the game bugged out and only the mayor of the town is angry towards you
          > picking up a gun, firing everything it had, throwing it out, picking up another gun, firing it, moving through a field littered with enemy corpses
          > being pinned down by 15 soldiers, then escaping under heavy enemy fire when one of them blows a hole in the fence
          > having a revolver shootout in a bar full of MI-6 agents
          > getting rid of a gang by tactically rigging the entire area with remote detonated TNT
          > wiping out a Delta Force squad with a single grenade
          Complete and utter "i hate the Antichrist" kino, gonna be replicated only if we change the timeline somehow.

          Try 7,62 High Calibre or 7,62 Hard Life, however it's very janky and you might want to:
          1)read the Steam guide and keep it close to solve problems
          2)get the GEG mod to have realistic guns (and no .22 FALs)

          Anyway, it has:
          >jungle warfare between opportunistic hypocritical leftwing rebels, a corrupt dictatorship, bandits and other mercs.
          >a vast amount of guns and customization, with a major focus on realism (especially so with GEG).
          >no vehicle combat, only for transport.
          >a massive amount of early 2000s slavjank and bugs
          >a "plot" with multiple paths where you hunt down a russian fricker who stole from the mob and hid in Algeira (the country where the game takes place).
          >most quests have multiple ways to tackle them: do you kill this guy or you use blanks and bloodbags to fake his death? Do you negotiate with the bandits to get out of a massive firefight or you stick with the peasants and defend their village?
          >You can roleplay as a smuggler of drugs and alcohol like a 1920s gangster, sell captured guns and do gunrunning missions like Nic Cage in Lord of War, or open you merc base like Naked Snake did in Peace Walker.
          >combat is resolved on a second/hundredth of a second basis, you give orders and your mercs do their best to follow them.
          >the inventory is very Escape From Tarkov-like, with grids deciding if you can fit this or that into your pockets, holster, bags or LBEs
          >Armor vests and helmets are done EXTREMELY well, with most of them being useless against rifle rounds and mostly saving you from stray shrapnel or 9 mil rounds.
          >Don't go for stealth and melee combat unless you really have to, enemies see extremely well except in the dark, and you cannot guarantee a one hit kill with melee, guns are very dangerous even at point blank range.

          This game is /k/ incarnate, but beware of bugs and a shit translation from russian to english. Have fun if you like it, and let's hope we get more mods for it.

          Needs a remaster desperately. There's no other gane with that level of autistic inventory management but the absolute jank is a killer

          • 7 months ago

            >There's no other gane with that level of autistic inventory management
            1.13 is way more autistic about it. As is Cataclysm DDA since the Pockets update.

  4. 7 months ago

    i love you anon

  5. 7 months ago

    Never played it but I've heard Partisans 1941 is pretty good.

    • 7 months ago

      Kind of fun but some of the missions are more like a puzzle than a strategy game and the basebuilding element is very undercooked.

  6. 7 months ago

    You can message barbolani and he'll just pretend this isn't true. You can clip shots of 7 c-130s and a fleet of appachees coming to get you like they've just located bin laden, and he'll just say "its a guerilla game you're supposed to play hit and run"
    useless. don't bother downloading all the spins people have done on it either, no one has ever fixed the balance.
    its designed to be played by 50 people and he refuses to just tag it as MP

    • 7 months ago

      modders are Black folk 50% of the time

    • 7 months ago

      I've taken like a 1/4 of the map doe by myself. I did lower the amount of equipment I have to get to unlock but blufor is falling apart.. But yes, in early game, they will send a million troops at you.

    • 7 months ago

      Barbaloni actually dropped out of Antistasi after a few bad updates and then came back to take credit after the community updated his mod to be usable.

  7. 7 months ago

    Hey guys, OP here, I'm trans btw if that matters

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