Is there anything wrong with Baldur's Gate's enhanced edition or can I go with it?

Is there anything wrong with Baldur's Gate's enhanced edition or can I go with it? Same question for Icewind Dale and Planescape. Never played the originals.

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  1. 4 months ago

    They added trannies and lots of gays and blacks in each

    • 4 months ago

      show proof

      • 4 months ago

        they added one (1) trans character in dragonspear that you basically have to look for. that's all to say dragonspear has way bigger problems

        • 4 months ago

          moron they made Siege of Dragonspear and yezits fricking garbage.

    • 4 months ago

      Which you can choose to not install the newly added content.

    • 4 months ago

      no they didnt, the only troony is Edwin and thats played as a joke and was in the original.

      They did add a annoying as frick pink haired wild mage though

      • 4 months ago

        Neera also didn't feel like she really belonged in the series. She's rather contemporary and even said "Jesus Christ!" at one point (which in Forgotten Realms, Jesus Christ is technically canon, but He is on the other side of the universe, so what business does Neera have in using Jesus Christ as a curse?)

  2. 4 months ago

    Icewind Dale and Planescape Enhanced are very true to the originals. Baldur's Gate was where they added their own touches, but fortunately you can mostly ignore any and all of it. There will be a couple of scenes where you have to sit through it, but it's not required to complete the game.

  3. 4 months ago

    no. the extra characters are totally optional. you can turn them away as soon as you meet them and never have to deal with them again. no it isn't bug free but it does fix a lot plus modern display settings saves you the trouble of modding the game.

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people always lie about this? You can't ignore Neera unless you avoid her being on screen. She forces you into a conversation which triggers a fight that you can't opt out of.

      • 4 months ago

        After that, you can usher her away and never deal with her again. As someone who played the original Baldur's Gate, I don't mind snatching her Gem Bag away along the way.

        • 4 months ago

          The existence of a gem bag is indicative of the larger issue, which is that BGEE uses the BG2 engine, altering the original experience in a fairly impactful way. Kits can absolutely break the game in BG1 as the abilities are often vastly more powerful than the encounter were built to be a challenge for, while spells, particularly summons, are often quite a bit weaker on the whole. Not that it's hard to break the base game anyway, but it's certainly a different experience.

          • 4 months ago

            This is all true, and while the original Baldur's Gate engine has nostalgia with me, it didn't transition wholly into the Baldur's Gate II engine. There were no Sorcerers, Barbarians, or Monks in the original Baldur's Gate, nor were there Half-Orcs. Plus, no dual-wielding either.

            If they were to have modified the original sprites to accommodate dual-wielding, and also to include the classes added in II, I'd be cool with that. But if you want to be a Monk, there's no way to start with Baldur's Gate I with the original game. Seems like an odd disconnect if you want to play through the whole trilogy from start to finish with one character.

            • 4 months ago

              Seems to me at the end of the game. It really doesn't matter for a new person. From their perspective I'd imagine that between the promise of a relatively genuine experience coupled with more content and quality of life changes. Plus it being bundled up all into one is the obvious recommendation.

              Frankly people here preach too much about playing the original rather than focus on what is actually conduscive for a new player's first time experience. You know, seeing as they don't know anything about the game anyway.

              • 4 months ago

                Agreed. There was a reason Bioware made the changes they made for Baldur's Gate II from Baldur's Gate I, and I liked those changes better, because they still felt like the old system while addressing some of the larger issues with the original rendition. I liked being able to walk through a crowd of non-hostiles without being blocked off for instance. I personally would say the Baldur's Gate II rendition is the "Enhanced" version of the original.

      • 4 months ago

        oh no there's one small additional fight you have to do and then you can tell her to disappear forever? never to have think about her again? who honestly gives a shit about this non-issue?

        • 4 months ago

          Except that fight steps on the toes of the Silke encounter in the same zone, both of which feature an intentional "misunderstanding", making that encounter less impactful. BGEE also nerfs said Silke encounter, as well as the mage assassin at the Friendly Arm, again lessening the impact.

          • 4 months ago

            Giving a big technical explanation doesn't change the fact that this is AT WORST less than 5 minutes of your time. Get a grip.

      • 4 months ago

        Last I checked you can refuse to help and she disappears

      • 4 months ago

        Neera wasn't in the original? She's the best part of the game so I guess EE is just objectively better then.

        • 4 months ago

          Why the frick did WOTC give her 7 toughness on her MTG card? One of the things she's most notable for is having the robustness of wet toilet paper.

  4. 4 months ago

    pretty sure that there are mods that remove the beamdog troony shit. you can just play the original games though, they're perfectly fine.

  5. 4 months ago

    BG EEs are trash, stay away
    PS:T EE is actually decent and more playable than the vanilla original in current year, without added shit
    IWD1 EE I don't have any experience with
    IWD2 EE is troony fan fiction mod, just like BG EE

    • 4 months ago

      >BG EEs are trash, stay away

      Wish someone had told me that before I bought both 1 and 2 EE ;_;

      • 4 months ago

        Even if you did that, which is fair due to you not having any prior knowledge of Beamdog's attemps at writing. The additional content can be avoidable, thing is if you have 0 idea about Baldur's Gate, you might not know what they even added to the EE. Fortunately, Beamdog's writing is so exurbitantly shit that it stick out like a sore thumb. Whenever you see some character having too much dialogue or just being an all around piece of unwarranted self important prick, you best bet that it's some "additional" content they added to the EE.

        • 4 months ago

          To provide a small list of the EE content characters:

          Dorn Il Khan: Found in the Friendly Arm Inn. Fortunately he is the easiest to ignore as he won't even confront you.
          Rasaad yn Bashir: I found him to be the most tolerable of the EE characters, but I'd rather go with someone else. Found in Nashkel. If you don't talk to him beforehand, he will talk to you after your fight with Nimbul after the Nashkel Mines escapade.
          Neera (Can't recall the last name): Found in Beregost. You'll be roped into a fight with some Red Wizards, but after that she'll want to join your party. She does have a Gem Bag, which is a BG II item. If you don't want it, you can always put the Gem Bag in a container or drop it on the ground or sell it for a more genuine experience. As someone who played the original, I like the Gem Bag as it also allows me to carry those extra rings and necklaces without it cluttering my inventory. The original Baldur's Gate had you prioritize inventory management, meaning weighing whether you should lug around extra inventory or not.

          If you keep those three at a minimum of contact, you should get a genuine experience from Baldur's Gate I.

          Also, Baeloth the Entertainer is another character you can get, but only if you go through and complete The Black Pits and you are at least Level 5 or so in Larswood and by the Tower there. Beyond a dialogue, you can tell him to frick off.

          In Baldur's Gate II, there is an additional character:

          Hexxat: Found in the Copper Coronet as Claire(?) before leading you into the Graveyard district where Hexxat comes out as a vampire in a bait-and-switch. There will be a small dialogue with the bartender there, but deny Claire to join and you will never see it.

          Otherwise, Neera, Rasaad, and Dorn are all in there, but beyond an intro scene with Neera and Rasaad you don't have to interact with any of them and you will see no other EE content.

          • 4 months ago

            > Just say no, bro, it's awwriiite...

            Why are gays always so fricking sleazy?

    • 4 months ago

      I thought IWD2 EE wasn't a thing, because the source code for it was lost. Did that change?

      • 4 months ago

        >I thought IWD2 EE wasn't a thing, because the source code for it was lost. Did that change?
        Correct, there is an IWD2 EE that is a fan project made by modders. I don't like it and disagree with most of its changes.

    • 4 months ago

      Stupid autistic ESL.

  6. 4 months ago

    they added gay bear sex to each one.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh yes Baldur's Gate bros we are so back!

  7. 4 months ago

    For TOS on GOG, are there any fixpacks worth installing like BaldurDash or DudleyFix? Or does the GOG release contain that sort of thing automatically? Don't really want a full engine overhaul but anything that fixes bugs is welcome.

  8. 4 months ago

    here you go:

  9. 4 months ago

    certain autists seethe about the mere existence of the extra content and companions but you can ignore all of it (I do like killing dorne at the inn and nobody bats an eye)

  10. 4 months ago

    the original has a belt of sex change in the first area of the game, why is a random trans npc in the optional dlc a dealbreaker

    • 4 months ago

      The political climate has changed a lot in such a short amount of time. The Belt of sex change was implemented as a joke, but also as a friendly warning to identify your items before equipping them. The trans NPC (which to be fair you had to get a bit out of your way to converse with that NPC to find that out, and interacting with him wasn't required to progress) was there to make a statement. The spirit of the two bits of content aren't aligned.

      • 4 months ago

        so what? neither of those things matter at all.

        • 4 months ago

          Why don't they matter at all?

          • 4 months ago

            >cursed item in 1998 rpg that turns you into a girl
            real life implication: wouldn't that be wacky haha

            >npc that wants to turn into a girl in 2016 dlc for 1998 rpg
            real life implication: actually some people probably would want that on purpose

            how are either of those things anything more than a minor footnote in your brain?

            • 4 months ago

              Back in 1998, swapping sexes was seen as a joke. Try making those jokes in 2016 and beyond, and you'll be threatened with the loss of your livelihood, or even be charged with sexual harassment. If only it were a minor footnote now.

              • 4 months ago

                social media makes people face major repercussions for what they say online. that's not the fault of baldur's gate or trannies, it's the fault of business owners who don't want anything to hurt the reputation of their company. it's the fault of advancing technology for stripping away privacy, it's the fault of culture for making every random dumbass feel the need to b***h about everything all the time online, you could even say its the fault of government (or voters) for not putting in things to protect people's privacy against the tide of technology

                >i should be able to say x group of humans should kill themselves without losing my job
                you're honestly just moronic if you think this would ever work. it's not something unique to trannies. people like you are why every fricking thread on Ganker has the word troony in it 100 times, when does the obsession over literally nothing end

              • 4 months ago

                That strawman stood no chance against this post.

              • 4 months ago

                >you're honestly just moronic if you think this would ever work
                It works and has worked historically in many societies, we just need to change ours accordingly.

            • 4 months ago

              Because those people are too lazy to commit to creating their own works, and instead seek to change that of people who do not agree with their selfish perspective.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm surprised that wasn't changed for the EE

      • 4 months ago

        And I'm relieved about it.

  11. 4 months ago

    just get the mod that removes beamdogs npcs

  12. 4 months ago

    EE is worse than the originals and requires more modding to become playable with the one exception being if you're playing at 1440p or 4k where the EE's UI scaling actually becomes useful.

  13. 4 months ago

    beamdog hate thread?

  14. 4 months ago

    I hate that the level of poster on this board is low enough that people actually defend the EEs now. Even pony gays are above you people, and they're rightly nuked if they so much as cough.

    • 4 months ago

      There's also a lot of false and/or hyperbolic info about the EEs. Plenty to dislike about them or outright hate about them on their own, but a lot of the takes come from people that don't actually to do more than regurgitate old memes without anything to back it.

  15. 4 months ago

    It's the same as the original game just better graphics

  16. 4 months ago

    Enhanced was actually Beamdog who for some reason just felt compelled to add new shit with no toggle or anything to turn it off. There's new quests, new characters, and new storylines and they really standout so it's not even the same experience you'd get with the actual BG1.
    Not to say it's a bad port, but this is many people's introduction to Baldur's Gate and they're likely going to see two different characters written at two entirely different points in history.

  17. 4 months ago

    BG EE is not a good idea because they slapped the BG2 magic and class system in it without rebalancing.
    IOW, it is completely broken in terms of combat. If you don't care about this, or want to cheese stuff more, then it doesn't matter too much.

  18. 4 months ago

    >bg2 balance is bad in bg1

    so tired of this shit. almost everyone who played baldur's gate before EE used tutu mod which does the exact same thing

    • 4 months ago

      You could have replied to me tbh. No, I never used tutu mod and I would never recommend it.
      BG1 was fine as is and didn't require mods. Only mod it needs now is widescreen and compatibility stuff.
      Its completely broken if you take BG2's system into the game.

      • 4 months ago

        it's not broken. anything made easier in tutu /ee is inconsequential because bg1 base is one of the most cheesable games in existence

        • 4 months ago

          You never played BG1 as it is did you?

          • 4 months ago

            I've played it for over 20 years

          • 4 months ago

            Yes. Save or loses were 500x more effective and you could bury the entire game in summons.

            • 4 months ago

              Don't forget Mirror Image in OG 1 actually protected you against AoE attacks too.

              • 4 months ago

                I do miss the Dimension Door spell, but I am also happy to have Stoneskin. Wish I could have both.

    • 4 months ago

      Vanilla BG1 was a better game than tutu, and BGT was better than tutu anyway. People used tutu and BGT because it made the BG2 experience importing from BG1 make more sense and made it a singular experience. Since most people preferred BG2 they were willing to sacrifice the original BG1 experience for comfort.

  19. 4 months ago

    It's fine, OP. Grab the mod that mods out the Beamdog OC companions. Then grab the mod that adds back in the cutscenes from the original release. Do these two things and you're literally playing the definitive version of BG.
    Make sure you skip Siege of Dragonspear though. It's not canon and it's literal fanfiction added by Beamdog more than a decade after the original game's release

  20. 4 months ago

    There are a few extra NPC potential party members that have shit writing and are a bit OP (partially because they are written as Mary Sues) If you played the originals they stick out bad.

  21. 4 months ago

    I wonder why no one mentioned how beamdog mutilated and destroyed UI with no way to fix it, even with mods. The feeling of it is so atrocious compared to the original that everytime I launch EE and click somewhere on the UI, my heart is full of pain and misery

    • 4 months ago

      It was the very first thing I noticed when I played EE. Mods can take it from the unplayable default to playable but yeah it's still worse than the original. So many bizarre stupid things, like changing the way custom portraits work to be strictly worse for no reason.

    • 4 months ago

      I thought its just BG2 ui

  22. 4 months ago

    >install enhanced edition
    >install to remove all new npcs
    >don't buy/install/play the beamdog dlc siege of dragonspear
    > install for bg1, choose "replace all cutscenes" option, to use the classic kino cutscenes instead of beamdog's shitty comic book ones.

    that's literally it. there's no reason to play the og games outside of historical interest, the ee's are just better in every way once you cut out beamdog's shit. and all the important mods are updated for the ee's too, like scs, ascension, atweaks, cdtweaks, rogue rebalancing.

    • 4 months ago

      thanks anon

    • 4 months ago

      Incorrect. The only reason to play EE is if you play at 1440p/4k and need UI scaling and you still need more mods than that to make it playable. Original is better in every way if you play at 1080p or below.

    • 4 months ago

      What happens if you download these mods mid playthrough does it break anything?

      • 4 months ago

        it buck breaks the troony devs and Black folk

  23. 4 months ago

    By the way, there's a mod to erase all the newly added pozzed shite completely. Search for "Baldur's Gate Social Justice Remover".

    Easy, peasy. Or better yet just play the originals. It will crash a lot less for a start. Frick knows how they did that, but they did.,

  24. 4 months ago

    Two big changes:

    1) BG2 classes were added, and some of them are freaking OP.

    2) QOL improvements like faster movement speed and paused inventory screen which on paper are great changes but makes the combat wayyyyyy easier.

    Overall the game has been made so much easier that the EE might as well be considered a brand new game from the original.

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