Is there something wrong if I start with this one? I'm only interested in the single player stuff

Is there something wrong if I start with this one? I'm only interested in the single player stuff

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  1. 7 months ago

    Honestly probably better if you play that one first. It's not a bad RTS game, it's just a completely different and simplified compared to the first game. If you just want some cool units and an ok campaign, it's fine.

  2. 7 months ago

    it’s okay but consolized and not really comparable to 1

  3. 7 months ago

    Objectively it's a decent game. I just couldn't make myself to keep playing it over how much of a betrayal of the vision of the first game it was.

  4. 7 months ago

    Don't worry. You'll get bored in 1-2 hours anyway.

  5. 7 months ago

    Not op, but I also have been thinking about picking up Supreme Commander.My question is does playing sequel first matters a lot from the story perspective? Does plot even matter in campaign or is it rather an excuse for series of missions?

    • 7 months ago

      Nah, if I remember correctly, the story is pretty sanitized in the 2nd one. It's like an individual from each faction learning to put aside their differences and work together. It's pretty cringe. In the first game the 3 factions are ideologically incompatible and it's more like total annihilation with the whole eternal war vibe.

    • 7 months ago

      The first game has a plot in the form of a grand strategic narrative about the final conclusion of the infinite war. The second game has such a forgettable plot I can't recall any of the details, but I think it was something about not being a dick or something?

      • 7 months ago

        Didn't there show up a new fourth faction that was such a threat the other three had to team up against it or am I thinking about the expansion to the first game?

        • 7 months ago

          Seraphim come back in the 1st game's expansion, yeah. My favourite faction. I loved their T2 navy so much.

  6. 7 months ago

    There's nothing really wrong with it. Just has less stuff than 1. I remember having good MP matches just as much as 1.

  7. 7 months ago

    Sorta derailing this to ask what's the best game to play if I want an updated Total Annihilation feel. Already played SC, but there's a number of games and mods around. Beyond all reason looks interesting and the unit design is clearly based on old TA, is it good? I mainly want to compstomp a bit for nostalgia.

    • 7 months ago

      Anything based on the TA Spring engine.

    • 7 months ago

      Spring engine games like

      Anything based on the TA Spring engine.

      said. Zero-K, Beyond All Reason, stuff like that. There's way too many to list but those two are probably the most polished. I can't remember if Metal Factions is any good. The fan games such as star wars and mechwarrior are never getting finished/released.

  8. 7 months ago

    why not start with the first if all you want is sp stuff? the campaign and factions are cool you should play them both

  9. 7 months ago

    Why would you? The first one is better, and graphically there's not much of a difference.

  10. 7 months ago

    No, supcom 2 is an abomination and the first game and its expansion both have perfectly fine singleplayer campaigns.

  11. 7 months ago

    On paper it's just a traditional RTS that walks back on the vision and a lot of the innovations that makes the first game so icon. It's an explicit regression of the genre, because the publisher didn't understand the appeal and was chasing a 'safe' product.
    The campaign is a mess. Missions are largely phoned in variations of "you have unlimited time to build up to the unit cap and walk over a skirmish AI" and the story is embarrassingly bad because of publisher meddling. It's hard to overstate just how fricking stupid the story is. The campaigns are also sequential, so only one faction gets to play the big climactic finish while the other two just get some mid-tier missions before the baton pass.

    As a traditional RTS, its gameplay systems are solid but the art design in general sucks. The developers were chafing under the publisher's meddling and it really comes through. My honest recommendation is that if you're just looking for singleplayer, play the first game and its expansion and don't bother with the second.

  12. 7 months ago

    Supreme Commander 1 was much much better

  13. 7 months ago

    No because it's much more casualized than the first and therefore much more accessible if you've never played Supcom. The first one is better, but 2 is good if you just want quick matches with super units smashing it out.

  14. 7 months ago

    Honestly I feel like I could make the game playable by modding some of the unit and building values. Do you think it'd be worth it?

    • 7 months ago

      You can't polish a turn, anon.
      At the end of the day what lets this game down isn't the balance but the fact that it's a sandbox toy factory parading as an RTS. It doesn't have the underlying mechanics to make its gameplay actually work beyond the surface level and you realize this the moment you actually spend any time playing it.

  15. 6 months ago

    I got it for free and dropped after I realized there was no infantry. Vehicles only is le gay.

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