Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >ugly lesbians with face paralysis
    checks out

    • 8 months ago

      >>ugly lesbians with face paralysis

      Watch Tulsa King, amazing show.

      • 8 months ago

        >Watch Tulsa King, amazing show.

        • 8 months ago

          Nice post, you work for me now

          • 8 months ago

            You forgot to slip me a crisp $20 bill

      • 8 months ago

        Is it actually any good? I like a Stallone vehicle

      • 8 months ago

        *slips you a Werthers*

        You work for me now.

    • 8 months ago

      >ugly lesbians with face paralysis
      Got ‘em

      checks out

  2. 8 months ago

    Middle one, the cosplayer is supposed to be a self mutilating woman seeking redemption. Pic related is the way they look according to lore.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        This is far more fetishistic than the fanart or cosplay. What is OP whining about again?

    • 8 months ago

      >Repentia wearing clothes and with her face uncovered.
      >Not stripped bare of clothing with her armour, as a measure to leave her vulnerable to the whims of the galaxy, and cowling her features and identity.
      Everything else is good, but that's disappointing.
      I mean, I get you can't market pictures of women with silent hill-esque israeliteelry, that are also part-naked, but c'mon.

      Is this accurate?

      No. That's cherrypicking so the person who made that image can produce a strawman for an argument. Presumably around the idea of "women are oppressed because look at how they're sexualized."

    • 8 months ago

      Oh how revisionism pains my heart

    • 8 months ago

      Frick the nu-repentia. Thank goodness I have bunch of the old metal sisters. I should not have taken them out of the blister packs. But whatever.

  3. 8 months ago

    >"books description" isn't text
    you've failed at fundamental level

  4. 8 months ago

    Weren't the sisters in the plague war series described as universally beautiful? It's just the latest official art and models that do this.

    • 8 months ago

      >latest official art
      The pariah nexus one is white and cute

    • 8 months ago

      I'm aware of the excerpt and I believe that for some orders, it's true.

      But I also believe that Sororitas Order's are as varied as Imperial Guard regiments. You have some nobilist regiments like the Scintillian Fusiliers or ones really nitpicky about appearance like the Mordian's

      And then you've got savage deathworld hard fricker types covered in scars just coming out of their homeworld like Necromundan 8th or the catachan.

      So some, perhaps many, Ecclesiarchal ordo's want their sororitas to look 'pleasing in the eyes of the Emperor'. But there's bound to be at least a few priests on a war front who has no time for that nonsense and wants mean & ugly big bertha's capable of ripping a tau in half who would pay out lots of coffers for fresh recruits from Catachan or Eschers and isn't picky about encouraging the use of 'combat stims' to improve performance.

      The Ciaphas Cain books mention the Sororitas novitiates were the most bloodthirsty in the schola rugby games and could reliable be counted on to leave at least a few of their opponents with broken bones and limbs.

      • 8 months ago

        Cute israeliteess.

      • 8 months ago

        It's sad for a fa/tg/uy to have repressed his desire for women so severely he denies attractive women even exist.
        >how can she wade into battle against stomping fungi if her breasts are getting in the way of her flamethrower?


        Middle one, the cosplayer is supposed to be a self mutilating woman seeking redemption. Pic related is the way they look according to lore.

        >muh lore
        "Whatever you make up"
        -Rick Priestly

        • 8 months ago

          >It's sad for a fa/tg/uy to have repressed his desire for women so severely he denies attractive women even exist.
          > >UNREALISTIC!
          > >how can she wade into battle against stomping fungi if her breasts are getting in the way of her flamethrower?

          That is more a result of very loud feminists forcing there way into companies an use their "ethics" board positions to change "problematic" things.

          • 8 months ago

            Who are the feminists that give a frick about Warhammer? kys moron

            • 8 months ago

              How new are you that you don't even remember the 2016-2020 era where that was a thing idiots were pushing? Lead by example and show us how it's done gayzilla.

              • 8 months ago

                4 random articles nobody read are not a push to make the setting feminist anon

              • 8 months ago

                they are a small push that didn't succeed because the collective fatguy counterpush was louder and frothier.

                them bit articles what you call a probing attack. If there were no negative response, GW makes it a productline or bookarc.

                >the Tau exist in the grimdark
                >but Squats dont

                Many such cases.

            • 8 months ago

              the entire female space marine shit is pushed by a bunch of feminists. Feminist have written articles on their gay websites about warhammer. They give a frick about EVERYTHING because anything they don't like has to be changed. Frick off dipshit.

              • 8 months ago

                pretty sure thats just a giant joke pushed because moronic aspies will rage at the implied "anti-established lore" stuff or whatever. Doesn't help that I'm yet to hear a argument come out of that discussion that isn't obvious coomertalk or rage-bait

          • 8 months ago

            more top-down. israelites like Finkelstein, Goldberg, and Larry Fink control the finances of nations. They dictate what gets funding and what doesn't. Whites put value into the $ and that value is dispersed to degenerates who do israelites' will.

            >here are some ugly ones in the lore
            >lol who cares bro just make up whatever you want lore doesn't matter
            If the original sister of battle art was released today you homosexuals would be calling her a troony. Seek help.

            >cropped the stilettos out

        • 8 months ago

          >here are some ugly ones in the lore
          >lol who cares bro just make up whatever you want lore doesn't matter
          If the original sister of battle art was released today you homosexuals would be calling her a troony. Seek help.

          • 8 months ago

            That’s not ugly at all

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Funny how even though being the only one with white hair, since she's the main focus of the picture, it became almost the canon.

          • 8 months ago

            Your dumb changes that retconned and ignored the original lore are just that, dumb. Repentia aren't like how you describe.

            And yes it's moronic feminists and leftoids pushing this shit, to deny it is to be a lying homosexual.

          • 8 months ago

            although she is cute

          • 8 months ago

            I'm always distracted by the parade of homeless people behind her.

      • 8 months ago

        Your only quote to counter that sisters are allegedly attractive from some books is another book calling them bloodthirsty and likely to break bones. None of that comments on appearance. You've failed this exercise on a fundamental level and need to actually research lore at a certain point over making assumptions.

        The ecclesiarchy is fricked up and wants brides of the emperor. They want loyal brainwashed soldiers from as pure genestock as possible. They aren't just nabbing grown ass women from death worlds and hive slums and calling it a day, that's what the guard is for.

      • 8 months ago

        This seems obviously true. Every faction is designed to be as idiosyncratic and diverse as possible so as to allow your dudes to be however they want. I don't see why we can't all get along and have our sisters look however we want.

        No. Pic related is the 6th edition Codex cover. SoB have always been beautiful, because they're the Daughters of the Emperor and Big E doesn't raise ratchet b***hes. Under all the helmets is flawless waterproof mascara and eyeliner. Under the power armor is stockings and garter belts. If you don't feel beautiful purging heretics and burning witches, can you really say you're fulfilling the emperor's will to the fullest?

        That's just fine, but for my part I genuinely prefer the grisly self-mortifying fanatic look. Ironically enough given how often the Imperium gets called fascist, nothing about it is vitalist - everything about its culture and society is as perversely antihuman and dysfunctional as possible. and if Imperium is decaying and ruinous, so should its people be to match, to my mind.

        • 8 months ago

          This. The more 40k keeps the 2000AD influence in it's general populace, the more I like it.

      • 8 months ago

        Battlefield sisters in good standing are always power armored. Non-armored sisters are penitents seeking death.
        Cain remarks how shocking it is to see such beautiful young girls fighting on the front lines, they're clearly not ugly. And, of course, he thinks they are braindead psychos. My favourite moment is in the novel with the chaos general who mind controls a bunch of sororitas, and when Jurgen breaks his control over them, the first thing they do isn't to attack the general, standing right in front of them being a free kill, but to kill themselves. Stupid fricking bolter b***hes. Is there ever a case in the lore where these morons make good decisions? Even when they make decisions that retroactively turn out to have been correct, like when they free the fricking daemonhost in godblight, in the moments when they make those decisions they're always insanely bad decisions. How did they know they weren't being influenced by chaos, as the Cain novel just mentioned proves that they can easily be? They had no idea, they just freed a daemonhost because it felt right. Also, speaking of Cain, in another novel, he's chasing a rogue inquisitor (he chases him over several novels, actually, or Amberly does while occasionally getting him roped in), who does that guy use for his henchmen? To massacre innocents and hide evidence? The sororitas, of course. They even got started as the hench(wo)men of like the vilest traitor since the heresy!
        By the emperor, these b***hes need to be put down and their funding redirected somewhere else. Spending it on attaching ogryn joygirls to guardmen regiments would be better return on investment.

        • 8 months ago

          Reminds me of a horror show I watched once, with this group of religious fundamentalists killing everyone in a free clinic to stop their daughter from getting an abortion, because the dad was hearing "God" talk to him. When really it was a demonic voice, and the daughter gave birth to the antichrist.

        • 8 months ago

          This is the funniest shit I've read in a while. I kind of like the sororitas too based on the little I've read about them (requiem infernal).

      • 8 months ago

        they are both sexy butterfaces

    • 8 months ago

      Any woman who is athletic is almost always considered attractive even if they have a butterface.
      Constant training+regimented monastic diet means SoBs universally have tight tummies and toned thighs.

      I've always wondered if Sisters of Battle face sexual assault, and what happens when they do. Like, what happens if a Repentia is fricked by cultists? Does she just kill herself?
      What if a Sister gets pregnant and escape? Does she immediately go for the coat-hanger trick?

      >I've always wondered if Sisters of Battle face sexual assault
      IG boys are pretty religious.
      While I wouldn't be surprised at some hooking up happening within the ranks, any man that did anything non-consesual to an SoB would likely get the shit kicked out of him by his own platoon or BLAM'd by the commissar in short order.
      Also remember that Sisters are rocking power armor most of the time.

      >Raped and preggers by a cultist.
      >coat hanger
      Actually I think they would do the opposite
      She would probably deliver the child and have it raised in a monastary where they would be eventually brought to the front lines as a soldier to kill cultists.

      Congrats. A cultist loading a baby into a battle sister is the equivalent of loading a gun aimed at your own head.

      • 8 months ago

        >She would probably deliver the child

        I highly doubt that. Chaos cultists are subhuman filth, spiritually and physically tainted by the Great Enemy. The utter hatred the Sororitas would feel toward such a person would make the average /misc/ack look like a Peace Corps volunteer. Even in the highly unlikely case the child isn't some kind of mutant the idea of allowing it to live at all, let carrying it for nine months, wouldn't even enter anyone's heads. Anyone who did insist on keeping a child conceived under such circumstances would probably be suspected of chaos corruption themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        >She would probably deliver the child
        and strangle it

      • 8 months ago

        I mean like cultists use them as breeding stock

      • 8 months ago

        The novel Faith & Fire has men visibly lusting over Sisters of Battle. I believe there's one successful rape attempt (which is why the girl ends up joining the Repentia).
        The novel Requiem Infernal has a schizophrenic Sister of Battle (possessed by a daemonette) who is kind of a bawd when her alternate personality takes over.

        • 8 months ago

          >The novel Requiem Infernal has a schizophrenic Sister of Battle (possessed by a daemonette) who is kind of a bawd when her alternate personality takes over.
          What? I don't remember sister mercy being a bawd. She was just a complete murder happy psycho but no bawdtery took place. She probably just said shit like that to weaken asenath's resolve.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean look at old metal SOB models. You can tell what rank she is based on her asset sizes. Regular bolter b***hes are small to medium. Superior is large and Canoness is huge.

        I fully believe the one who assigns the rankings to sisters is a pervert.

  5. 8 months ago

    middle is technically davidians, not sisters.

  6. 8 months ago
  7. 8 months ago

    Sylvester Stallone was pretty handsome when he was in his 30s no cap.

  8. 8 months ago

    I mean they are meant to be exaggerated nuns so the young ones looking wither cute or humbly plain while the older ones look like the mean old ladies at your local supermarket lines up well.
    But most Bl authors tend to make them out to be really rugged on account of constant combat.

  9. 8 months ago

    more like
    >fans draw
    >fans wear
    >GW propagandizes

    • 8 months ago

      so basically...

      • 8 months ago

        Man commies were morons who don't know what words mean or how the world works even back in the day huh.

        • 8 months ago

          this bascially was how the world worked back then honestly, like i dont even think conservatives at the time woudlve disgreed that church power was built on by the state to legitmize it, only thing theyd disagree with was the ethical implications of the image

        • 8 months ago

          The world does function like this, and it's a good thing.

          I hate the working class so much it's unreal.

          • 8 months ago

            >the worker has succemed to the deepest alienation!

  10. 8 months ago

    Out of idle, academic curiosity, what dedicated fan might that be in the middle?

  11. 8 months ago

    I've always wondered if Sisters of Battle face sexual assault, and what happens when they do. Like, what happens if a Repentia is fricked by cultists? Does she just kill herself?
    What if a Sister gets pregnant and escape? Does she immediately go for the coat-hanger trick?

    • 8 months ago

      >Does she just kill herself?
      Dunno about the sisters but you should definitely consider it.

    • 8 months ago

      They'd probably view it like any other torture, which tends to lean on the 'suffering is a part of duty' and 'be defiant in the face of the heretic' so we can make assumptions based on that.
      She would have to be retrained for a rape to even happen because she would be fighting the whole time.
      >What if a Sister gets pregnant and escape? Does she immediately go for the coat-hanger trick?
      She might not need to, pro life arguments tend to focus on the fetus having human rights and the only rights you have in the Imperium are those which allow you to do your duty, the institution itself may mandate an abortion and provide drugs so she can get back to purging. I don't think it has been specifically touched on though so it could be anything.
      Although if she is a repentia who both didn't achieve victory and survived, well... she's provably going into an engine of some kind.

  12. 8 months ago

    The battle sisters in official imagery:

    Sexualization of sororitas outside of porn is cringey and stupid as frick.

    They are righteous, brave and honourable soldier women with a supernatural level of faith in their God Emperor, not walking fetishes for hugless kissless virgins.

    Respect the fricking sisters you miserable heretics.

    • 8 months ago

      >righteous, brave and honourable

    • 8 months ago

      >righteous, brave and honourable soldier women with a supernatural level of faith in their God Emperor,
      > not walking fetishes for hugless kissless virgins.
      >soldier women
      >not fetishes

    • 8 months ago

      >righteous, brave and honourable
      >she just wanted to kill civilias cause they "FaItHleSs!11"

      • 8 months ago

        In fairness, she was clearly a mentally unhinged war vet that was trying to come to terms with her loss in a way that made sense to the zealotry that makes up the fundamental core of her being.
        She can't just 'be' the hyper-rational guardswoman, despite her fantasized companion always being right, because it'd mean denying her faith and entire worldview.

        If she fights with faith, fire, and zealousness, then the Emperor says she'll win. She did this to the best of her abilities, and lost. So either her God is wrong (kek no), she actually wasn't fighting with proper holy zeal (which she remembers she was), or the rest of the planet wasn't pious enough (which she can't say it wasn't, and that's her only option left).

        Then, her conscience and rational mind come in, separated from herself in the image of a dead, pragmatic companion, because their words are harmful to her psyche. But then she slowly realizes the reality of things, listens to that voice in her head, just in time to die.

        This is far more fetishistic than the fanart or cosplay. What is OP whining about again?

        I mean, they were always a little kinky. But something being kinky doesn't mean it isn't art.

    • 8 months ago

      Agreed, but you also sound like the type of guy who posts a "re-imagined" depiction of SOB, then calls anyone who doesn't like it or says 'that's not what they are though' a pervert.

      I'm aware of the excerpt and I believe that for some orders, it's true.

      But I also believe that Sororitas Order's are as varied as Imperial Guard regiments. You have some nobilist regiments like the Scintillian Fusiliers or ones really nitpicky about appearance like the Mordian's

      And then you've got savage deathworld hard fricker types covered in scars just coming out of their homeworld like Necromundan 8th or the catachan.

      So some, perhaps many, Ecclesiarchal ordo's want their sororitas to look 'pleasing in the eyes of the Emperor'. But there's bound to be at least a few priests on a war front who has no time for that nonsense and wants mean & ugly big bertha's capable of ripping a tau in half who would pay out lots of coffers for fresh recruits from Catachan or Eschers and isn't picky about encouraging the use of 'combat stims' to improve performance.

      The Ciaphas Cain books mention the Sororitas novitiates were the most bloodthirsty in the schola rugby games and could reliable be counted on to leave at least a few of their opponents with broken bones and limbs.

      You are functionally correct, as far as the matter goes.
      Sisters occupy a strange middle ground between Astartes, Stormtroopers, and Priests.
      While they are power armoured specialist shock troops, they are also a certain type of religious icon, and troop morale booster. They're a more human, approachable, realistic showcase of human potential. What you could be. In this regard, appearances do matter.
      For every priory of scar-faced brutes with most of their teeth missing from brawling that stomp through defenses like miniature space marines, you've got a priory of k-pop idols that attach one of their number to a battlegroup, to inspire it to fight harder.

    • 8 months ago

      No, they are crazy fanatics who have skulls on their breasts and wear high heels into battle.

      You don't belong in the hobby.

    • 8 months ago

      SoB were literally created by an old coomer

    • 8 months ago

      >They are righteous, brave and honourable soldier women with a supernatural level of faith in their God Emperor
      and you don't find that hot?

    • 8 months ago

      That you think sexual desire and respect are mutually exclusive speaks volumes.

  13. 8 months ago

    Sisters of Battle should look like cute girls who walked away from very bad car accidents.

  14. 8 months ago

    Need me a girl like that

    • 8 months ago

      No matter how much she may love you, she will always love the Emperor more. 🙁

  15. 8 months ago

    Yes. It's a game marketed to children so they tone the porn down so soccer mums don't REEE on Adult manchild coomers are not held back so much so draw them like your pic, while cosplayers dress up as the fanart so the coomers give them money.

  16. 8 months ago

    No. Pic related is the 6th edition Codex cover. SoB have always been beautiful, because they're the Daughters of the Emperor and Big E doesn't raise ratchet b***hes. Under all the helmets is flawless waterproof mascara and eyeliner. Under the power armor is stockings and garter belts. If you don't feel beautiful purging heretics and burning witches, can you really say you're fulfilling the emperor's will to the fullest?

    • 8 months ago

      I love how the 'muh realism' argument only goes as far as it doesnt get in the way of neckbeards' horny fantasies.
      >Nooooo muh realism, no realistic women in war settings.
      Sexy nun dominatrixes
      >Yaaaas soooo hot, dom me mommy

      • 8 months ago

        Agreed, but realism falls apart if it's unrealistic. Fantasy only fails when it sucks hard, which is harder to do that just failing to be as realistic as you claim.

        • 8 months ago

          I dont think extreme realism is the way to go. How do you even begin to make 40k 'realist'? Irrealism is baked into its core.
          However, I think there is a happy medium. There is enough sexuality in the setting to keep neckbeards happy and that can peacefully coexist with the more realist parts of the setting.
          There is also the notion that fantasy is often informed by the fantasizers ideals. So anons salivate at the notion of giant dark eldar rape origies but scoff at the idea of female generals in the imperium. Again, the answer is balance. We should be able to accomodate all the fantasy the setting can hold and gritty, not necessarily attractive battle sisters does not break the setting. You can then make all the sexy fanart about them that you want but sperging about how having not attractive women in the setting somehow implies a feminist infiltration and a war against male sexuality is moronic.

          • 8 months ago

            Again, yes. But I'm getting the feeling we're preaching to the choir.

      • 8 months ago

        The people who whine about female guardsmen are not the same as the ones who want SoB to be beautiful. The former are mentally ill treadhead imperial guard players who would be playing historicals if they weren't a dead genre of wargame. The latter are normal people who prefer pretty girls to ugly ones. Wearing mascara and eyeliner under a helmet fits in perfectly fine in a setting where artillery are covered in blessed oil and incense and blessed by priests and heavily armored infantry go into battle with wax and paper purity seals covering their equipment.

      • 8 months ago

        The people who whine about female guardsmen are not the same as the ones who want SoB to be beautiful. The former are mentally ill treadhead imperial guard players who would be playing historicals if they weren't a dead genre of wargame. The latter are normal people who prefer pretty girls to ugly ones. Wearing mascara and eyeliner under a helmet fits in perfectly fine in a setting where artillery are covered in blessed oil and incense and blessed by priests and heavily armored infantry go into battle with wax and paper purity seals covering their equipment.

        You could argue that power armor makes sisters viable while female guardsmen aren't. If the suit does most of the work all they would strictly need is cardio and a specialized conditioning regimen, which should be within reach for most women.

      • 8 months ago

        Black person the whole female guard thing is also an arguement from realism like from the types of ADB.

        You guys are hypocrites when it comes to realism because you claim sexualization is "unrealistic" and you want "realistic female body types" but then say realism doesn't matter when it comes to women in war or in power.

      • 8 months ago

        Actually the entire concept behind the Adepta Sororitas goes hand-in-hand with the idea that regular women make shit soldiers without the power-of-money giving them everything. If you stop and think about it for a single god damn second.

        Why do the Sororitas exist as the only official military arm of the Ecclesiarchy?
        Because of the Decree Passive. Which explicitly forbade the Ecclesiarchy from commanding MEN-at-arms in order to disband their vast armies.
        This by itself clearly implies that vast armies were composed almost entirely of men, otherwise banning JUST THE MEN wouldn't really destroy the Ecclesiarchy's ability to raise vast armies now would it?

        But the Decree Passive allowed the loophole of permitting women at arms because women-at-arms could only be useful if colossal amounts of money were thrown at them to give them the best training, power armour and special weapons. Which would naturally limit their numbers.
        *IF* regular women were just fine as regular soldiers, the Decree Passive wouldn't mean dick. Because the Ecclesiarchy would still be able to raise vast competent armies of standard military soldiers like in the Age of Apostasy.

        Of course this was all written back when people irl weren't fricking moronic, and knew it was simple common sense that vast armies of unaugmented humans going to war would be composed almost entirely of men.

        Now that homosexual nuGW have decided that men and women in 40k are exactly physically identical (but still conveniently retain all the social contrivances and norms between genders), the Decree Passive doesn't even make sense. If Imperial Guard regiments can be 50% women and still effective, why couldn't the ecclesiarchy still raise vast armies (just half as big as they were before)?

        • 8 months ago

          No. They're all overtly women because "Men under arms" is an incredibly nebulous military term that covers both sexes, and their whole existence is a known straw-grasp that only the church has the pull to pull off.

          I mean, I get hating women, I know I hate them too. But their entire implementation from the get-go was that the mostly unplanned and unwanted sisters could be competitive with the autonomous hyper-selective psychotic homosexuals club with massive systemic support and resources, known as the marines.

          • 8 months ago

            Don't worry anon, I'm sure you'll get your dick sucked one day before you die

        • 8 months ago

          >But the Decree Passive allowed the loophole of permitting women at arms because women-at-arms could only be useful if colossal amounts of money were thrown at them to give them the best training, power armour and special weapons.
          No it allowed women-at-arms because the Daughters of the Emperor were some of the most hard-core motherfrickers anyone had seen at the time and had already proven that they were willing to put the will of the Emperor above the Ecclesiarchy and put a bullet in the head of any uppity priest trying to put personal gain ahead of the Church, up to and including the Ecclesiarch. If the Ecclesiarchy was gonna have an army (and it was going to have an army no matter what the rest of the Imperium said), it might as well be made up of people that could be trusted not to let things degrade bad enough to cause another Age of Apostasy.

          Frateris Militia were already a thing way back in 2nd edition, which are dudes, so the Decree Passive has never been strictly enforced since the SoB's inception. It's basically always just been an excuse for having sexy battle nuns in power armor.

        • 8 months ago

          >and knew it was simple common sense that vast armies of unaugmented humans going to war would be composed almost entirely of men.
          Wrong. You forget that the female soldier trope was popularized in the late 60-80s, with the gals from Aliens being the most well know example.
          There were women soldiers in 40k since the start and they got a few metal minis. It just was impractical to put them in the later plastic kits due to limitations of the technology of the era, heroic scale, and changes in art direction.

        • 8 months ago

          No. They're all overtly women because "Men under arms" is an incredibly nebulous military term that covers both sexes, and their whole existence is a known straw-grasp that only the church has the pull to pull off.

          I mean, I get hating women, I know I hate them too. But their entire implementation from the get-go was that the mostly unplanned and unwanted sisters could be competitive with the autonomous hyper-selective psychotic homosexuals club with massive systemic support and resources, known as the marines.

          >But the Decree Passive allowed the loophole of permitting women at arms because women-at-arms could only be useful if colossal amounts of money were thrown at them to give them the best training, power armour and special weapons.
          No it allowed women-at-arms because the Daughters of the Emperor were some of the most hard-core motherfrickers anyone had seen at the time and had already proven that they were willing to put the will of the Emperor above the Ecclesiarchy and put a bullet in the head of any uppity priest trying to put personal gain ahead of the Church, up to and including the Ecclesiarch. If the Ecclesiarchy was gonna have an army (and it was going to have an army no matter what the rest of the Imperium said), it might as well be made up of people that could be trusted not to let things degrade bad enough to cause another Age of Apostasy.

          Frateris Militia were already a thing way back in 2nd edition, which are dudes, so the Decree Passive has never been strictly enforced since the SoB's inception. It's basically always just been an excuse for having sexy battle nuns in power armor.

          If a man transitions to become a woman, would she be accepted as a sister of battle or would the ecclearchy still view him as a man?
          I mean, the ecclesiarchy could force a bunch of men to say they identify as women to be part of the SoB and it wouldn't have broken any rules.

          • 8 months ago

            They'd become repentia, judging by the models

          • 8 months ago

            If a man shows signs of being a homosexual or troony, he immediately get branded as an heretic.

            • 8 months ago

              Keep this shit up and they're going to write gays in the lore

              • 8 months ago

                They will regardless of anything.

          • 8 months ago

            >Imperium gets gender self-ID laws
            >Marine chapters unhappy with girlyman's limit on chapter size "become women" and rebrand as sororitas
            >women are pushed out of the ecclesiarchy as superior marines start to fill the ranks
            >Soon the female-exclusive faction is nothing but men

            Just like real life.

    • 8 months ago

      But it's 6th Edition. If you have to go back over 10 years to find them pretty but the last 10 years they are ugly troons. Of course they are pretty in my heart my GW is more important do push some moronic social thing "OMG YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE PRETTY WOMEN" that 1% of people say that don't even play the game when the other 99% are lonely males that like pretty women in cool armor. Look at the official models, the faces especially. I want to weep.

      • 8 months ago

        >Look at the official models, the faces especially.
        GW have always sculpted ugly fricking faces, though, and continue to do so without any weird agenda behind it.
        Like, look over at the Middle Earth line. The official images that should be showing the model in the best light to sell it to you? Legolas looks like he's either got more cheek fat than your average tournament winner, or is actively throwing up in his mouth. Pic related.
        There's no agenda there, faces are just harder to do at that scale than GW is willing to put effort/money into.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          What are you on about? There‘s women and blacks in every release, look at the Cities of Sigmar promo, that even has a chink in it. If Primaris had come out three years later you can be sure we‘d have female Space Marines.

      • 8 months ago

        I almost got a stroke trying to read that third sentence.

      • 8 months ago

        >If you have to go back over 10 years to find them pretty but the last 10 years they are ugly troons

      • 8 months ago

        wait till someone makes replacement heads and uploads the .stls online.

    • 8 months ago

      >give models from last era new rules
      >don't make new models until 3rd era
      only GW

  17. 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    >Women on the battlefield
    *Obese neckbeard laughter*

    • 8 months ago

      Women are unsuitable soldiers, but when the planet is being taken over by demons,zombies,and aliens on the same day anybody that can ahoot a gun and walk(optional) is welcome.

      • 8 months ago

        >Women are unsuitable soldiers, but when the planet is being taken over by demons,zombies,and aliens on the same day anybody that can ahoot a gun and walk(optional) is welcome.
        Agreed. But 'arm all the women and children to be last ditch cannon fodder because everyone else is dead' is the purview of PDFs, not the Imperial Guard.

  19. 8 months ago

    Left is what coomers and people that don't play SoB think they are, middle is what they are and how people paint them as, right is how GW/'eavy Metal paints SoB as. So yeah I'd say it's fairly accurate

  20. 8 months ago

    Why are all of the Repentia cosplays like 80% Photoshop by volume?

  21. 8 months ago

    It is because the authors tend to be bugmen. The same types who argue against high heels, boobplate and attractive SoB.
    Which is a funny contrast because the cosplayers are all nice lookers who fully embrace the SoB design (except Sug with her shitty breastplate)

  22. 8 months ago

    The Sisters of Battle are not a merit based organisation. If it were then it would just be hordes of stormtroopers (men) wearing power armour. They occupy a symbolic/politically convenient role in the hierarchy of the Imperium. As such they were commonly depicted as quite unrealistically attired coom bait. They are essentially that even in universe; propaganda pieces that are given the best equipment and training to be the mailed fist of the church.

    Of course 40k is moving away from this because its getting more watered down and commercialised, but at its peak Sisters of Battle were smokin hot chicks in latex power armour.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a lie and you know it, the SoB were conceived from day one as superior to the average Imperial Guard and even better than many elite regiments.

  23. 8 months ago

    The more I hear people complain about beautiful women be it in 40K or in whatever other media is being discussed I'm convinced the same people must have enormous problems with their own insecurities.

    Yeah, we all like to look at beautiful things unless we have a fetish for ugly stuff. It's just how things are. Just admit it and move on. I'm not a looker myself by a long shot but that doesn't mean I have the right to tell others that they can't appreciate beauty.

  24. 8 months ago

    I'll level with all of you, I think its one case that it can be fair to pull the "depends on the author" card
    While more or less its fair to assume it'll always be dark and grim, because of fricking course, I don't find anything surprising, odd or even contradictory that one writer would like to describe some sororitas as being ugly and deformed because they suffer battle injuries while other writer would describe them as beutiful and having "angelical" features to emphasize their purity and faith. Makes sense too, there are some common canons and common sense, but ultimately beuty is subjective. Ultimately my point really is that arguing "THE CANON DESCRIPTION IS THIS AND ONLY THIS!" is peak stupid

  25. 8 months ago


  26. 8 months ago

    In peter federvari's Requiem Infernal most are described as beautiful.

  27. 8 months ago

    Sororitas are recruited from the Schola Progenium and as such come from primo genetic stock. They and pretty much anyone else who graduates from the Schola Progenium are meant to represent the best of Humanity, which is important when the bulk of your society looks like the Strogg in Ren Faire garb. As such, Sororitas are all beautiful women, scarred beautiful women (who choose to keep their scars despite having access to the best medical care in the Imperium, perhaps having those scars cosmetically altered so as not to be disfiguring), and once you reach high enough in their command structure: ancient, haggardly, scarred, cybernetically enhanced old women that look like Granny Goodness who have endured war for so many centuries, that the rejuvenat treatments no longer work.

  28. 8 months ago

    As a sororitas fan, I remember when the fans hated pretty Sororitas because they were emotionally stunted, misogynistic chuds terrified of the female sexuality baked into the faction since the 2e days. Now I live in an era where the fans hate sororitas are emotionally stunted, onions bugmen who hate pretty sororitas because they are terrified of the female sexuality baked into the faction since the 2e days.

    • 8 months ago

      That’s peculiar. I wrote, “onions.” Is there a word filter or have I been fricked over by autocorrect.

      • 8 months ago

        Weird, I thought onions wasn't filtered anymore

      • 8 months ago

        Weird, I thought onions wasn't filtered anymore

        And I am so glad it remains, Ganker's addiction to meme buzzwords is beyond irritating, even years later.
        The added bonus of outing newbies and tourists is just gravy.

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