Is this game any good? Seems to be getting popular

Is this game any good? Seems to be getting popular

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    it's disneyslop, are you a child or trans? then you'll probably love it

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, I am a nazi after all.

  2. 4 months ago

    I'd like to get into it, it looks fun. I'm just waiting for them to make cards of my favorite characters.

    • 4 months ago

      Kingdom Hearts expansion soon.

    • 4 months ago

      Same. I'm hoping they release something with a character I like and with some options that other friends of mine like so we can jump in. If they start doing alternate versions of Yzma or Ursula then I'll probably pick up some of those even if i don't end up playing them much.

      • 4 months ago

        >If they start doing alternate versions of Yzma or Ursula then I'll probably pick up some of those
        They have those already.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, as [...] said, there's a few versions of each. Yzma has 'alchemist', 'without beauty sleep', and 'scary beyond all reason'. Ursula has 'power hungry', 'deceiver', 'deceiver of all', and 'sea witch'.
          I'm pretty sure that's all, and most of them are amethyst or emerald. Might be pretty easy to build an Ursula theme deck now, since both versions of Flotsam and Jetsam are amethyst and emerald, and Inklands also added the 'poor unfortunate souls' to emerald.

          Oh wow, I'm behind. Thanks anons. I'll look into them and see what I can find.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, as

        >If they start doing alternate versions of Yzma or Ursula then I'll probably pick up some of those
        They have those already.

        said, there's a few versions of each. Yzma has 'alchemist', 'without beauty sleep', and 'scary beyond all reason'. Ursula has 'power hungry', 'deceiver', 'deceiver of all', and 'sea witch'.
        I'm pretty sure that's all, and most of them are amethyst or emerald. Might be pretty easy to build an Ursula theme deck now, since both versions of Flotsam and Jetsam are amethyst and emerald, and Inklands also added the 'poor unfortunate souls' to emerald.

        • 4 months ago

          Deceiver of All is going to be absolutely brutal to play against if you don't remove her the turn she hits the board.

          • 4 months ago

            I thought so at first, too, but now that I'm looking at her play cost, I'm thinking I might need to look at a list of songs that cost 3 or less before I can really judge her. Still a potentially devastating ability, though.

            • 4 months ago

              I'm mostly using it for Sudden Chill and Bare Necessities to empty their hand early on. You can also use Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo to double bounce someone with a good enter/leaves play effect. Double Let the Storm Rage On for four damage and two draws is also really good.

              • 4 months ago

                I just looked at the list of songs and was about to post almost all the exact same points. Seems very useful, but not near as overpowered as I feared from reading the card the first time. Interesting balance on that one. Could be huge for future sets, too.

  3. 4 months ago

    I've been enjoying it, and everyone I've managed to convince to play (being a Disney product tends to make this a hard sell among adults) has said that they liked it. It's one of those games that is good DESPITE its theme. It feels like old school MtG, but with a few rule twists that will alter how you think of the strategy involved. I'm currently awaiting eagerly for the 3rd set to drop on Friday.

    • 4 months ago

      I know this may be too soon, but when will they release the fourth chapter?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't know exact dates, but I think they said the plan was to release a new set every 4 months.

        • 4 months ago

          3 sets per year, interesting.

          Kingdom Hearts expansion soon.

          Yes, please.

    • 4 months ago

      It doesn't feel anything like Old School Magic, but it is a pretty solid game.

      • 4 months ago

        You don't think so? I'm talking about the feeling of a fresh set of rules, of the various factions coalescing into an identity of themed game mechanics, the excitement of realizing the potential of a new expansion before it settles into meta that everyone is already aware of. Maybe I misspoke by saying 'old school MtG' as if everyone else's experience was like mine, that might have been somewhat egotistical, but I'm feeling the same excitement for this game that I felt back then, like the sky's the limit. Whereas, with many other games since, I just haven't felt that spark.
        Maybe everyone else has a different game with that 'spark' to it, but I hope I explained myself better this time (or I just sound like a babbling idiot).

        • 4 months ago

          Not him, but you are probably talking about playing card games during school recess, because it plays nothing like old school Mtg if you were an adult.
          I don't see any deck that resembles Stasis Control, Necro-drain, or High Tide, for example.
          And excitement over new sets is something that will wear off, so it's not really a very compelling argument.

          • 4 months ago

            >school recess
            Well, it was more like lunch hour, but you got me there. I don't know if I agree about the 'excitement wearing off' bit. A good set, one that really changes the face of the game? To me, that doesn't fade, you can talk about that shit for years to come. Doesn't happen often, though, so sometimes the excitement is misplaced.

  4. 4 months ago

    Good for investors

  5. 4 months ago

    I don't know. My just and righteous hatred of Disney is so total that I reject even potential good products.

  6. 4 months ago

    The mechanics seem interesting, might even be good, but man I just am not interested in playing Disney cards. If they took the mechanics and applied them to a new setting with different characters and an aesthetic I can actually get into, then I'd definitely try playing it.

    • 4 months ago

      There must be at least a couple of disney characters that you may like.

      • 4 months ago

        I enjoyed plenty of Disney movies. I don't wanna play a game about them, though. I loved Monty Python's Flying Circus but wouldn't be able to get invested in a card game about that either.

        • 4 months ago

          Fair enough.

        • 4 months ago

          >I loved Monty Python's Flying Circus but wouldn't be able to get invested in a card game about that either.
          Did you know there actually was one? It was a silly game, naturally.

    • 4 months ago

      Bro they whole sale ripped this off from Upper Deck, as this game was in the works by them under the name Rush of Ikorr that still featured summoning things through magical ink wells. Ravens Burger scooped up one of the lead designers to come work for them on the Disney title and he then stole UD assets for the game he had worked on for years at his prior job. Lorcana would be nothing without Ikorr. I wished we could've seen what UD's game was like because I rather play anything other than Disney also.

  7. 4 months ago

    No one has ever played this game. They just bought the cards because they thought it was the new MTG finance FOMO.

    • 4 months ago

      That would be a shame, because it's honestly a good game despite the Disney theme. I wish more people would talk about it, because I really like it.

      • 4 months ago

        >I wish more people would talk about it,
        This. No one talks about it the alternative ccg threads, and I only found this one by accident because it didn't have 'Lorcana' in the OP.

    • 4 months ago

      It's pretty fun.
      I hate Disney but the game is pretty fun, imagine MTG but simpler and with a better mana system.

      My LGS runs regular events.
      Scalpers ruined it but the game itself is fine.

  8. 4 months ago

    >play Mickey Mouse
    >he kills Donald Duck for 69 points of damage
    >swap out my dowel rod dilate
    >play Goofy and Pluto combo
    >the doordash goyslop arrives
    >so does the bill
    >all in all, good weekend had all around... fine gentlesirs

  9. 4 months ago

    This is the most obvious shill thread on the board right now and that's a highly-contested position.

    • 4 months ago

      >shill thread
      Yep. There it is. I fricking knew it was coming. THIS is why we can't have any good conversations about this game, because you paranoid b***hes just have to cry 'shill' any time something from Disney pops up. Why don't you go into the MtG threads and call them Hasbro shills? I've been waiting for WEEKS for a fricking Lorcana thread when everything else has a perpetual thread. YEAH, I MAD. YOU CAN FRICK RIGHT OFF.

      • 4 months ago

        >play Ursula
        >she mouthr*pes Ariel for 1337 damage
        >play Mouse Detective in response
        >friend plays all 101 Dalmatians
        >they crush Mouse Detective handily
        >im playing my mouse deck, Mickey isn't coming up
        >play my homebrew Fievel
        >Dalmatians activate their Weimar conditions on Fievel
        >i lose and Fievel never makes it west

        • 4 months ago

          They actually have the dalmatian puppies coming in set 3, they gave them the rat treatment from MtG so that you could have more than the normal limit of 4 per deck, though I'm not sure yet why one might do so. Maybe other cards have some mechanic to them that ramps up with the number of puppies in play.

          • 4 months ago

            Of course they'll have it. Make a thread when they make a set around the best Disney movies ever:
            1) Dragonslayer
            2) The Straight Story

            • 4 months ago

              Well, they had Pongo since set 1, just not Perdita or any of the other puppies. Lots of Cruella, of course.

              Huh, never heard of The Straight Story before. It looks pretty good. But yeah, obviously the game's been focusing on the animated content... if they ever start adding live action stuff, you know it's going to be Pirates of the Caribbean or Tron or things like that. They already have 'Captain' as a tribe in the game, savvy?

              • 4 months ago

                It's Lynch lawnmower kino with a moronic woman who chainsmokes throughout the movie. Protag loves his Swisher Sweets, but doesn't put cannabis in them lol. I'm surprised Disney greenlit it.

              • 4 months ago

                Sounds fun. I haven't watched much Lynch beyond Twin Peaks (and I loved it), so I might have to check it out sometime.

      • 4 months ago

        I thought there would be more threads since the third chapter is about to be released.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, pre-release is this Friday. I've got the 2 starters and a booster box reserved at one of my local game stores.

      • 4 months ago

        Dude, I can't even link free products on this fricking board without being called a shill, it's wild. Just hide and ignore any posts talking about shills.

        • 4 months ago

          Eh, I actually felt a lot better after letting out my frustrations, so it's fine. You gotta do that once and a while, I think.

      • 4 months ago

        > I've been waiting for WEEKS for a fricking Lorcana thread when everything else has a perpetual thread

        Why didn't you just make a thread then?

        • 4 months ago

          Because I would be called a shill for doing so. Plus, I didn't really have a thread topic beyond just 'general Lorcana '. At least the OP had some sort of thread topic. I also get nervous starting any thread on my own. Don't know why, really.

          • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >>is this game any good? seems to be getting popular
        >>I'd like to get into it, it looks fun. I'm just waiting for them to make cards of my favorite characters.
        >>I've been enjoying it, and everyone I've managed to convince to play (being a Disney product tends to make this a hard sell among adults) has said that they liked it
        must be at least a couple of disney characters that you may like.
        >>That would be a shame, because it's honestly a good game despite the Disney theme

        >Absolutely INSTANT screeching when called out the literal next post

        Again, this IS the most obvious shill thread on the board right now and that IS a highly-contested position.

        • 4 months ago

          Ok.. can we pause here for a second? I'd like to get your definition of a shill. When you say shill, I assume you're accusing people in this thread of being paid agents of Disney who are trying to trick poor innocent anons into spending money on their products. Or, as pretty much every post you quoted seems to imply, are you using 'shill' to accuse us of being fans of the game who just want to fricking talk about it? Because if it's the latter, then every single thread on /tg/ is a shill thread and your words are fricking meaningless.

          • 4 months ago

            >Uh, I am JUST TRYING TO TALK ABOUT the game, alright?! Stop calling me out already, gosh!!

            • 4 months ago

              I mean, I will. It's a good excuse to bump the thread.

            • 4 months ago

              You're not wrong m8 there are 0 actual threads almost always and no one ever talks about decks or gameplay lmao just card collecting and shilling.

    • 4 months ago

      >groctus boctus moctus

  10. 4 months ago

    Metazoo 2.0

    • 4 months ago

      I keep hearing Metazoo mentioned in passing, but I still don't know what the story is behind it. Anyone care to give the short explanation?

      • 4 months ago

        Game got fricked hard by scalpers and the devs just went with it and made a bunch of spin off shit like TOPS pins and NFTs and did a fricking reserved list spooking away most people that would be willing to try. Funny enough now that the ass has fallen out of the secondary market for the game lots of people are willing to try it

        • 4 months ago

          Oh, well Ravensburger has made promises to the opposite, They claim that they don't intend to support a secondary market and say they'll keep reprinting each set as necessary as long as the game is active. The problem was that they just didn't print enough to meet the initial demand, and that's why set 1 and 2 were scaled like crazy. So, while set 3 might still get scalped, I think over time, the scalping will settle down.

          • 4 months ago

            I keep hearing Metazoo mentioned in passing, but I still don't know what the story is behind it. Anyone care to give the short explanation?

            Game got fricked hard by scalpers and the devs just went with it and made a bunch of spin off shit like TOPS pins and NFTs and did a fricking reserved list spooking away most people that would be willing to try. Funny enough now that the ass has fallen out of the secondary market for the game lots of people are willing to try it

            Metazoo is only kept relevant by the shills of mtg finance and is barely a game by itself. The only ones talking about it just want to dump their bags

            • 4 months ago

              Also obvious shill thread is obvious.
              Please do not buy lorcana.
              There are better card games that need support.

            • 4 months ago

              For what it is, I enjoyed my time playing Reaper's scythe.dec around UFO's release.
              There's not really any reason to shill Metazoo, because no one is going to buy anything at this point. The most expensive boxes went from 150$ to 50$ overnight and you can get some sets for less than half that

  11. 4 months ago

    Oh nice, a Lorcana thread. We had one of these in Ganker a while back, before Rise of the Floodborn came out, and some of us were having fun messing around with an online Lorcana card generator. I'll post a few of the results.

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds fun, you have the link of that thread?

      • 4 months ago

        Uhh... not handy. I'll see if I can look it up.

        In the meantime, any requests?

        • 4 months ago

          >any requests
          Cool, you have the app?

          • 4 months ago

            Not an app, but a website. Here:
            Try it out yourself, if you like.

            • 4 months ago

              I'll try it but I don't know the mechanics of this game and I'm not good with words, but thanks anyways.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, well I'm pretty capable in that area. If you give up, just give me the art you wanted to use and tell me the basis of your idea, and I'll try to work something out. But, probably not until later tonight (visitors coming over any minute now).

              • 4 months ago

                How kind, I'll give you the pictures later then, thank you very much, and thanks for sharing all those cards from that other thread.

              • 4 months ago

                No worries, I find it fun to do.

      • 4 months ago

        Uhh... not handy. I'll see if I can look it up.

        In the meantime, any requests?

        Still having trouble locating it (first time attempting to look up an archived thread, and it's become obvious that I don't know what I'm doing), and I have company coming over soon, so I'll have to shelve this for now. Hopefully better luck later.

    • 4 months ago

      yup is for the goyiem

      • 4 months ago

        Well, the art was AI slop someone else generated, so blame the machine for that one.

        • 4 months ago

          ok than

  12. 4 months ago
  13. 4 months ago
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  17. 4 months ago
  18. 4 months ago
  19. 4 months ago
  20. 4 months ago
  21. 4 months ago
  22. 4 months ago

    >Seems to be getting popular
    I've literally never seen an action human play it. Its entirely sustained by investorgays too dumb to put their money into something other than cardboard.

    • 4 months ago

      I've never been to one, but 3 of the 5 game stores I've visited, looking for cards while they were scarce, were running tournaments. So, braindead investors or not, SOMEONE is playing this game.

      • 4 months ago

        My LGS owners are also 'investors' and actively promote games they invest in

        They basically pump and dump cardboard

        • 4 months ago

          I mean, merchant meet product, right? Seems like a normal capitalist sort of thing to do.

          • 4 months ago

            that's true

            I could argue that it's a short-sighted strategy, but they are the only LGS still in business after 8 years, so clearly it works

  23. 4 months ago
  24. 4 months ago
  25. 4 months ago
  26. 4 months ago

    (looking at this one again, it's not explained very well... the point was that this song allowed you to swap a shifted character back to its base form, or vice-versa)

  27. 4 months ago
  28. 4 months ago
  29. 4 months ago
  30. 4 months ago
  31. 4 months ago
  32. 4 months ago

    That's the end of the dump! Most of these were requests I took from other people, so if you have a card idea in mind, lay it on me, and I'll see if I can make something of it.

    • 4 months ago

      that's incredibly racist

      • 4 months ago

        That was the point. This was a Ganker thread, and they wanted to see cards that would never make it into the game, like pretty much anything from Song of the South.

  33. 4 months ago

    Is there Marian card?

    • 4 months ago

      Not yet, but the Prince John card is awesome. Robin has one that's kind of useful for direct damage from set 2. With all the other Robin Hood representation so far, I'm sure a Marian card is inevitable. Maybe even in set 3?

      • 4 months ago

        >With all the other Robin Hood representation so far, I'm sure a Marian card is inevitable
        Marian doesn’t have a Funko Pop, a spot in that racing mobile game, a theme park mascot costume, or a card in a very heavily pro-female TCG. It’s pretty blatantly obvious someone who runs the licensing and marketing department does not like her on a personal level and is deliberately refusing to use her for any sort of Robin Hood merchandise. MAYBE we'll see a Maid Marian card in the future, but that’s likely only after they’ve gone through virtually everyone else and the devs have to push the “Break glass in case of emergency” button.

        • 4 months ago

          How come Marian doesn't have a card?

          You're in luck! I just looked through the listings for set 3 and Marian is in! The listing only had the German version of her card, so I'll try to see if I can find an English version.

          • 4 months ago

            Found one, but it's pretty shitty quality. I'm sure better quality ones will start popping up soon.

            • 4 months ago

              Art dosnt look bad tbh, shame its disney thou. Is there any point in those storyborn/dreamborn ect or just tags for efects?
              I propably wont bother to play with my nephews and instead dust of Invasion or my old mtg cards, Kamigawa ftw!

              • 4 months ago

                I still haven't nailed down an exact description of Story/Dream/Flood born that everyone agrees with, but it seems to be that Storyborn are basically the normal character, as we all remember from the show/movie, while Dreamborn are a slightly different variant of the character. Floodborn, on the other hand, will usually take some aspect of the character and flip it, like how Floodborn Tinkerbelle is a giant, Floodborn Gaston likes to read, or how Floodborn Captain Hook has a happy thought and is able to fly. Sometimes the trait that is flipped isn't always very obvious in the card art or text.

              • 4 months ago

                They are lore designations first and foremost.
                Existing disney versions
                Lorcana-universe spinoffs created by whatever the players represent, "Imagineers" or some shit
                mysteriously created by some Lorcana-universe event I don't know the details of

                yes it's moronic

              • 4 months ago

                Nta, but thanks for the explanation, it's clear now.

            • 4 months ago

              Cute art

        • 4 months ago

          >It’s pretty blatantly obvious someone who runs the licensing and marketing department does not like her on a personal level
          How naive anon, obviously that someone doesn't want any other one giving attentions to his precious waifu.

      • 4 months ago

        How come Marian doesn't have a card?

  34. 4 months ago

    Still no requests, eh?
    Well, the offer is still open, but I have to get to bed for tonight. For now, here's Runaway Brain Mickey.

    • 4 months ago

      This is my request, could you make a card with "Moonstone Cassandra"? With the lines "This fate was mine to choose" or "The path I'm on is a path paved in black" in the text about them?

      • 4 months ago

        Ok, sounds fun. Unfortunately, though, I've never watched the Tangled cartoon, so I don't know a lot about her character. I know she was a good guy at first, but turned evil at some point and got blue hair for some reason, but I don't know much about her powers or backstory beyond that. If you could give me a quick summary, that would help me figure out what should be on her card.

        • 4 months ago

          She is a good person whose dream is becoming a royal guard but she had a change of hear. However, as Moonstone Cassandra she was not exactly a villain, and was more of an antagonist. She grew tired of waiting for her chance to shine, she grew tired of being mistreated, ignored an sidelined. That's why she stole the Moonstone because she thought that would be her ticket to be free and to be on equal ground with Rapunzel. Later, she realized she didn't know what she wanted to do (even though she had so much power she had no idea what to do) and let herself being tricked and manipulated by a demon. The demon stole her Moonstone, she apologized and made up with Rapunzel and went back to be a good person again.

          • 4 months ago

            By the way, "This fate was mine to choose" and "The path I'm on is a path paved in black" are lines from one of her songs, it would be nice if you could add one of them to her card.

            Sounds good, anon. Thanks for the info!

        • 4 months ago

          By the way, "This fate was mine to choose" and "The path I'm on is a path paved in black" are lines from one of her songs, it would be nice if you could add one of them to her card.

      • 4 months ago

        OK, finally got it done. Took me a while to figure out a power for her, but I think preventing healing might work well thematically with the Moonstone Opal, and with Steel's direct damage strategies. Cassandra would be a good card to help you confirm a kill.

        • 4 months ago

          >preventing healing
          Sounds fantastic! And it's true, while the Sun Drop heals, the Moonstone destroys and decays, so preventing healing fits perfectly. Thank you, anon.

          • 4 months ago

            No worries, glad you liked the theming.

            Oh shit... I just realized I fricked up the quote, though.. I wrote 'paved in' twice. I'll fix it.

            • 4 months ago

              There, fixed.

      • 4 months ago

        OK, finally got it done. Took me a while to figure out a power for her, but I think preventing healing might work well thematically with the Moonstone Opal, and with Steel's direct damage strategies. Cassandra would be a good card to help you confirm a kill.

        And then, like an idiot, I forget to attach the image.

        • 4 months ago

          Wow, it's amazing! I like you made her a rival and not a villain. Thank you very much for taking your time and reading my comments to make my request into this fantastic card, much appreciated.
          I still don't understand how Ganker has much more fun with this TCG game than /tg/, making cards of your favorite cards is so fun.

          • 4 months ago

            If I had to hazard a guess, it's because /tg/ can't take a Disney product seriously as a game (and who can blame them? Most Disney related products add up to a soulless cashgrab), while Ganker might despise Disney, they still watch the movies and shows, and some delight in shining a light into the dark corners of Disney's past by having me make cards of characters that are now widely considered to be racist.

            • 4 months ago

              I'll have to stick around Ganker then, I'd love be part of their Lorcana threads. By the way you are doing god's work with all these cards, taking requests here and there, thank you very much, I love Cass card.

              • 4 months ago

                I've only seen a couple of Lorcana threads there (It's technically off-topic, even if it's Disney related), but maybe one or two might pop up anyway as set 3 has its pre-release and/or official release.
                Anyhow, you flatter me, but I'm glad you're happy with it.
                That being said, if you have any more requests, or anyone else does, let me know. I'm off to bed now, and I work during the day, but tomorrow evening I'll see what I can do (assuming the thread's still here).

              • 4 months ago

                I'd love to see anything from the Gummi Bears. Maybe a bottle of gummiberry juice?

              • 4 months ago

                I gotchu, senpai.
                I always found it interesting that the juice worked differently on humans than on gummi bears. I kinda want to run a D&D campaign where some potions give benefits (or detriments) based on race.

    • 4 months ago

      Any comfy woody/buzz or toy story 1 inspired cards?

      • 4 months ago

        Not yet, are there any in particular you'd like to see?

      • 4 months ago

        Not yet, are there any in particular you'd like to see?

        Did a real quick one for now, but I have to run off to work. I'll probably do more tonight.

        • 4 months ago

          Nice, thanks

        • 4 months ago

          Awesome. Got a smile out of me, thanks anon.

    • 4 months ago

      >Still no requests, eh?
      Disney now owns M.A.S.H. franchise.
      Do with that information as you please.
      Or don't, I'm not your supervison.

      • 4 months ago

        M.A.S.H., really? I can't say I ever used to watch it. But, I was aware of it as a kid as something I would avoid because it wasn't a cartoon. Similarily, I'd like to stick to making cards of stuff that has illustrations, so unless you want to hunt down some cartoon art of M.A.S.H. for that purpose, I doubt that I'd bother. Feel free to make other suggestions, tho.

        • 4 months ago

          They bought all 21st Century Fox content in 2019, it was part of the deal. But hey, if you don't know it don't worry about it. I don't think it has cartoon version (besides being reference in Futurama).

          • 4 months ago

            Oh yeah, I knew about the Fox buyout, I just didn't know MASH was part of Fox. Well anyway, it's not like I really need to be a fan to make a card of it. You can suggest whatever you like as long as you can find some decent illustrated art I can work with, and give me some clue as to what the card should be about, I'm willing to give it a try.

    • 4 months ago

      We need Perry the Platypus.

  35. 4 months ago

    Oh god... Chernabog is in, and he's awesome!

    • 4 months ago

      >the power of evil
      Is this a strong card?

      • 4 months ago

        Yep, it's pretty decent! It would be normal to see a 9/9 creature that costs 9 to play, but though his cost is 10, his ability to be played for less for every creature in your discard is pretty massive, especially in creature-heavy decks. Couple that with the fact that he then recycles all those creatures back into your deck and can Quest for 3 Lore makes very awesome. The only downsides are that you likely don't want more than one or two in a deck because their ability makes it hard to play multiple copies, and they can't be turned into ink, so having one in your hand at the beginning of a match would be very unfortunate.

  36. 4 months ago

    If you can't afford to buy the cards, use the online client. It's called. Pixelborn. Or on Either works. It's good. I have fun with it. For me currently there's not enough variety. But it will evolve with time.

    • 4 months ago

      You make a good point, but what's with all the periods? I ended up reading your post like a bad William Shatner impression.

  37. 4 months ago

    I refuse to believe actual grown human males play this game. I refuse to believe you homosexuals are so invested in this Disneyslop garbage that you've been able to have the discussions in this thread. This can't be real, you all have to be just massively trolling.

    • 4 months ago

      You're right! This has been a massive troll operation this whole time... but now that your chad gigabrain has us figured out, you're obligated... nay, celestially ORDAINED to aid us in keeping up this ultimate ruse cruise. Welcome then, to our sacred brotherhood, wherein you shall receive an optimized 7 Dwarfs theme deck with a splash of ruby's untap cards so you can brag how massively overpowered Christopher Robin is. The game is now afoot, and we've got normies to dupe. HUZZAH!

      • 4 months ago

        Just normally adjusted people havin' fun.
        Idk what Fandom is worse, 40K or Disney.

    • 4 months ago

      wtf is with this thread

      reading further i think it's 1 or 2 incredibly sad and autistic manchildren, theres 151 posts and 39 ips, that's like 5 posts per ip average, aka heavy trolling/shilling/autism is in effect

      i cant believe grown men who like disney have mental problems

  38. 4 months ago

    Was also thinking about keyword-related strategies today, which lead to this. Paired with the Poison Apple, it could be effective creature management for Amber/Amethyst decks, or used with The Grand Duke and Moana to obvious effect.

    • 4 months ago

      Which then lead to this (though in hindsight I should have given Dave the Prince keyword as well).

      • 4 months ago

        And naturally, concluded with this.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh, and I should point out that the squirrel megaphone is a clue to how to abuse this in a Sapphire or Steel deck... combine characters with items so their keywords open them up to various positive effects (Sapphire) or affect an opponent's characters for item banishment (Steel).

      • 4 months ago

        And naturally, concluded with this.

        I love Dave, such good memories.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, I didn't get to watch it much, but what I saw was very funny.

    • 4 months ago

      >captain hook
      Is that a quote from the movie?

      • 4 months ago

        No, just some shit I made up.

        • 4 months ago

          Sounds good, anon, I thought it was from the movie.

  39. 4 months ago

    Looks like the new starters for set 3 are Scrooge McDuck (sapphire) and Moana (ruby) vs. Peter Pan (emerald) and the 99 dalmations (amber).

    • 4 months ago

      Sapphire and Ruby, eh? Some of the Cogsworth cards from Rise of the Floodborn have gotten me interested to try those two together. I hope they have a few strategies in the new set that will synergize well.

  40. 4 months ago

    Seems like a fun game but I don't think I could look my friends in the eyes and tell them I'm playing a deck with fricking Elsa and Tinkerbell in it.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, it sucks that that's the barrier to enjoying this game. Once you drop the pride and embrace the fun, it's a great game, but then it's hard to convince other adults to do the same.

    • 4 months ago

      Elsa is quite popular

  41. 4 months ago

    Its a speculator scam hoping enough rudys and timmys think they can make a buck off disney adults. Thats the sum of it.

  42. 4 months ago

    All right, pretty excited for tonight. I pre-ordered the 2 starters and a booster box at my LGS, and they called me on Wednesday to let me know the starters were in and I could pick them up tonight. Little worried that the booster box might not arrive on time, but hopefully I'll still be able to pick it up tonight. So yeah, excuted to consooome product, shill shill shill, I know, frick off. Anyone else grabbing Inklands today?

    • 4 months ago

      Will you show us what you got?

      • 4 months ago

        Probably not tonight, I'm meeting up with a friend to unbox and play some games, so I won't be home until late. Plus, my LGS still hasn't confirmed that my booster box came in, so there's a chance I might only be getting the starters tonight.

        • 4 months ago

          Just stopped at my LGS, and unfortunately, they only had my starters in. But, when I was there, they told me the boosters were tracked, and theyre pretty sure they'll arrive on Tuesday, but they would need time to process tge shipment, so I could pick them up Wednesday. Turns out, they actually run tournaments on Wednesday night... so I might actually be going to my first Lorcana tourney this Wednesday. No idea how steep the competition will be, but I'm excited to see how I do. I'm considering either an Emerald/Amber discard deck or a Steel/Emerald resistance bodyguards with evasive loreseekers deck.
          Wish me luck!

          • 4 months ago

            >Emerald/Amber discard deck
            That's the first deck I'm going for this set.

          • 4 months ago

            Good luck, anon. I'll wait to see what you got.

            • 4 months ago

              I'm too tired to post mich about it right now, but I ended up getting 2 Wilycats, and I didn't realize how powerful they were until they tore my princess/item deck a new butthole.

              • 4 months ago

                Is it possible to build a deck with characters from only one movie?

              • 4 months ago

                Possible, though tough. Unless you're doing something cheap like Dalmatians.

              • 4 months ago

                It would be interesting to be able to build a deck using only characters from the same movie.

              • 4 months ago

                Similarly, the 7 Dwarves starter from Floodborn makes it pretty easy to make a Snow White deck. There's a ton of Robin Hood characters in Inklands, too.

                Is it possible to build a deck with characters from only one movie?

                Which movie were you hoping to go for?

              • 4 months ago

                >Which movie were you hoping to go for?
                Treasure Planet

              • 4 months ago

                >Treasure Planet
                That might be difficult. There's definitely a bunch more TP cards in Inklands, but I'm not sure it's enough to support a full deck yet.

            • 4 months ago

              Ok, so for those who were waiting to see what I got, I guess I should at least tell you what I got in my starters, because I think this thread might start to autosage before I get my booster box.

              Here's the base decklist for the two starters:

              Ruby/Sapphire (Scrooge/Moana)

              Cogsworth - Talking Clock (x2)
              Della Duck - Unstoppable Mom (x3)
              Dewey - Showy Nephew (x2)
              Duke Weaselton - Small-Time Crook (x2)
              Flintheart Glomgold - Lone Cheater (x2)
              Flounder - Voice of Reason (x3)
              Gramma Tala - Keeper of Ancient Stories (x3)
              Gyro Gearloose - Gadget Genius (x1)
              HeiHei - Accidental Explorer (x3)
              Huey - Savvy Nephew (x1)
              Kakamora - Menacing Sailor (x3)
              Louis - Chill Nephew (x3)
              Lady Marian - Adorable Dreamer (x2)
              Maui - Winged Demigod (x3)
              Minnie Mouse - Always Classy (x2)
              Moana - Born Leader (x1)
              Moana - Undeterred Voyager (x3)
              Scrooge McDuck - Richest Duck in the World (x1)
              Scrooge McDuck - Uncle Moneybags (x2)
              Simba - Scrappy Cub (x1)
              Webby Vanderquack - Enthusiastic Duck (x3)
              Dragon Fire (x2)
              Voyage (x2)
              Maui's Fish Hook (x1)
              Sumerian Talisman (x2)
              Vault Door (x2)
              Agrabah - Marketplace (x3)
              Motunui - Island Paradise (x2)

              Amber / Emerald (101 Dalmations/ Peter Pan)

              Cubby - Mighty Lost Boy (x3)
              Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (x5)
              Don Karnage - Pirate Prince (x2)
              Flotsam - Riffraff (x2)
              Helga Sinclair - Vengeful Partner (x1)
              Horace - No-Good Scoundrel (x2)
              Jasper - Common Crook (x2)
              Jetsam - Riffraff (x2)
              Kida - Atlantean (x3)
              Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy (x2)
              Lucky - The 15th Puppy (x1)
              Nani - Protective Sister (x2)
              Patch - Little Menace (x3)
              Peter Pan - Lost Boy Leader (x1)
              Pluto - Determined Defender (x1)
              Pluto - Friendly Pooch (x3)
              Pongo - Determined Father (x1)
              Robin Hood - Daydreamer (x1)
              Rolly - Hungry Pup (x3)
              Starkey - Devious Pirate (x1)
              Tinker Bell - Generous Fairy (x2)
              Wendy Darling - Talented Sailor (x3)
              Wildcat - Mechanic (x2)
              Strike a Good Match (x2)
              Hypnotize (x2)
              Improvise (x3)
              De Vil Manor - Cruella's Estate (x3)
              Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon (x2)

              • 4 months ago

                Are all those ducks from the 2017 show? Thanks for sharing by the way.

              • 4 months ago

                It's kind of an odd mix. Like the boys look more like the 90s version, though you have ones like Della and Magica which are clearly from the 2017 version.

              • 4 months ago

                >Like the boys look more like the 90s version
                Which, Quack Pack? I guess they kind of do.

              • 4 months ago

                Well I guess the original Duck Tale ended in 1990, so it probably would be more accurate to say the 80s one. Either way, they look more like the old Duck Tales than the new one.

              • 4 months ago

                Well, it's tough with the nephews, because they didn't change 'that' much in design between series, but they describe them on the cards by their personalities, which I don't recall them having in the 80's cartoon. It wasn't until Quack Pack that they tried to give them different personalities, but based on description, and he fact that every other card in the set is definitely the 2017 version (green Magica, fat Glomgold, angry looking Gyro Gearloose, Webby with a grappling hook, Lena... existing, etc.), I'm pretty sure the boys are the 2017 version.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, no worries. Yes, they're all from the 2017 reboot. However, I'm hoping they'll take the opportunity to include the original Ducktales cartoon in future sets.

                Well, it's tough with the nephews, because they didn't change 'that' much in design between series, but they describe them on the cards by their personalities, which I don't recall them having in the 80's cartoon. It wasn't until Quack Pack that they tried to give them different personalities, but based on description, and he fact that every other card in the set is definitely the 2017 version (green Magica, fat Glomgold, angry looking Gyro Gearloose, Webby with a grappling hook, Lena... existing, etc.), I'm pretty sure the boys are the 2017 version.

                Does this mean they may use characters from Dtva shows?

              • 4 months ago

                Does that include Tailspin? Because they put a bunch of Tailspin in Inklands.

              • 4 months ago

                I hope so, I'd like to see characters from dtvs shows. There's no way they won't use characters from Phineas and Fern.

              • 4 months ago

                Poor Ferb, turned into a plant... now he has unlimited days of summer...

                But to be serious, I'd LOVE to see some representation from Gargoyles. After watching Hazbin Hotel recently, I remembered how much I loved Goliath's voice.

              • 4 months ago

                >I remembered how much I loved Goliath's voice.
                Keith David is awesome.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, no worries. Yes, they're all from the 2017 reboot. However, I'm hoping they'll take the opportunity to include the original Ducktales cartoon in future sets.

              • 4 months ago

                Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked here... so, as with all the other Starters, these 2 also came with a booster in each. The first difference about these boosters, is that this set no longer includes the 'featured artwork' puzzle card. Instead, they each pack comes with 2 cards that explain how Locations work. I'm kind of sad about that, they could have kept doing the puzzle cards, but had the QR code lead straight to the instructions for Locations instead of to the Companion App (which I've noticed has NOT updated the tutorial section to include Locations, even though Inklands IS in the card catalog).

                Anyhow, after we played a match with the new starters, my friend decided he wanted to make a new deck, and got my boosters mixed in with my starters, so I wasn't able to sort them out entirely (I'm mostly just missing commons and uncommons, I think)

                Anyhow, I got the following:

                Lythos- Rock Titan
                Heart of Atlantis
                Maui - Whale
                Nutsy - Vulture Henchman
                Scroop - Backstabber
                Helga Sinclair - Vengeful Partner
                Starkey - Devious Pirate
                Stratos - Tornado Titan
                Alice - Tea Alchemist x2 (yes, I got the same Ultra rare in both packs... and not one I was very interested in)
                The Queen - Hateful Rival
                Magic Carpet - Flying Rug
                Captain Amelia - First in Command
                Helga Sinclair - Right Hand Woman
                Razoul - Palace Guard
                Nala - Fierce Friend
                Quick Patch

              • 4 months ago

                >Lythos- Rock Titan
                Did the Titans always have names?

              • 4 months ago

                I don't recall them having names in the movie... I think their names come from actual mythology. I could be wrong, though.

              • 4 months ago

                Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked here... so, as with all the other Starters, these 2 also came with a booster in each. The first difference about these boosters, is that this set no longer includes the 'featured artwork' puzzle card. Instead, they each pack comes with 2 cards that explain how Locations work. I'm kind of sad about that, they could have kept doing the puzzle cards, but had the QR code lead straight to the instructions for Locations instead of to the Companion App (which I've noticed has NOT updated the tutorial section to include Locations, even though Inklands IS in the card catalog).

                Anyhow, after we played a match with the new starters, my friend decided he wanted to make a new deck, and got my boosters mixed in with my starters, so I wasn't able to sort them out entirely (I'm mostly just missing commons and uncommons, I think)

                Anyhow, I got the following:

                Lythos- Rock Titan
                Heart of Atlantis
                Maui - Whale
                Nutsy - Vulture Henchman
                Scroop - Backstabber
                Helga Sinclair - Vengeful Partner
                Starkey - Devious Pirate
                Stratos - Tornado Titan
                Alice - Tea Alchemist x2 (yes, I got the same Ultra rare in both packs... and not one I was very interested in)
                The Queen - Hateful Rival
                Magic Carpet - Flying Rug
                Captain Amelia - First in Command
                Helga Sinclair - Right Hand Woman
                Razoul - Palace Guard
                Nala - Fierce Friend
                Quick Patch

                So, takeaways so far? Some of the standout cards that hit the table when we played were Lythos, WildCat, Lucky, and Sumerian Talisman. All the games I played last night were very close, with most coming down to a 20-19 score, except, notably, when I played my princess/item deck and it got completely wasted by WildCat.
                Neither of us were very impressed with some of the locations that were purely there for lore gain, as these were easily disposed of before becoming too much of a nuisance. On the other hand, I think the locations that impart useful abilities could be a very fun addition to the game.
                All in all, I'd say that each expansion is doing a good job of adding new and interesting facets to the game, and I can't wait to see what's coming in set 4.

              • 4 months ago

                >this thread might start to autosage
                Oh wait, it already is. It's been up for 7 days.

                Anyway, if someone happens to make a new Lorcana thread after this one dies, can we make sure 'Lorcana' is in the OP? It's so much easier to find that way.

              • 4 months ago

                It'd be nice to have another thread, I'd like to ask the request anon for another card.

              • 4 months ago

                >request anon
                Oh, I'm still lurking. Still planning to do a Perry the Platypus card for one of the other anons, but if you want to request more, go for it.
                (btw, I hope the guy who made the custom card site updates it so I can make locations at some point)

              • 4 months ago

                Pardon me for being greedy, may I ask for another card with Cassandra, but this time as a Storyborn Ally? With these lines, "No matter what you have to face, you're not going to face it alone."

              • 4 months ago

                No Captain Hook??

              • 4 months ago

                Not in the starters, no.

  43. 4 months ago

    It has Alice, so it must be good.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, apparently they made her a tea wizard in set three.

      • 4 months ago

        And the card isn't very good.

        • 4 months ago

          I feel like it's meant to be a hard counter for that dalmatian deck. It would also help against 7 dwarf decks or any deck that depends on using shift characters.

          • 4 months ago

            That makes sense, though it's not like puppy decks are going to be some big meta threat. I'm just glad my girl Perdy is actually good regardless.

            • 4 months ago

              Well, they may not seem like a threat, and that's what makes them a threat. I got a bunch of those puppies on the table, but then drew Lucky and ended up questing for 12 lore the following turn.

              • 4 months ago

                >heh, nothing personal, pups.

                But seriously, I love the idea of theme/tribal decks actually being viable. Puppies is debatable but PIrates as a deck has actual legs, even if one of them is a peg.

              • 4 months ago

                Hah, you make a good point with that card. But, maybe if I had Cernobog in my hand, your pirates might not be laughing for long!

  44. 4 months ago

    >League tournament tomorrow
    >Inklands cards aren't allowed for it

    • 4 months ago

      You'd think they'd encourage it... all the tryhards would be flocking to buy up the new set and scrambling to put a coherent deck together.

      • 4 months ago

        It's a four week cycle (three weeks of casual play and a tournament at the end) and this was the fourth week, so I kind of get it. I'm just eager to play something different.

        • 4 months ago

          Has league play been pretty competitive so far? Or have you mostly been taking kids lunch money?

          • 4 months ago

            I play in two leagues (Wednesday and Saturday) and both are very different. The Wednesday one is free and is more casual, and even separates kids from adults in standings, while the Saturday one is a bit more competitive and is mostly adults so I have no qualms going hard against them.

  45. 4 months ago

    Just dropped by Wamart today, and they happened to have Rise of the Floodborn boosters in stock, so I grabbed one... I think this has to be my best pull yet. I got a Christopher Robin, a Maurice's Workshop, and a foil Grand Duke. Anyone else get any memorable pulls?

  46. 4 months ago

    Hey, Treasure Planet anon, I managed to find this site that sorts the cards by franchise.

    Unfortunately, with only 11 cards split between 4 colors, it looks like you'll have to wait for more sets to be released. The new steel version of John Silver sounds pretty powerful, though!

    • 4 months ago

      I hope they release more Treasure Planet cards, I want to build a deck using only Treasure Planet characters.

  47. 4 months ago

    New thread?

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, just be sure to put Lorcana in the OP post.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Nice. That's a good OP post, anon!

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