Is this game bad? I always see people talking about tactics advance, but never about this one.

Is this game bad? I always see people talking about tactics advance, but never about this one.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Better gameplay, somehow worse story. It was a pretty quiet release relative to the other two titles so I don't think as many people ended up playing it.

  2. 2 years ago

    Both advances games are bad.
    A2 has better gameplay but the story isn't as memeable which id why it isn't discussed

    • 2 years ago

      Bro wtf you smoking tactica advance is great... i would argue it has better setting than the original tactics..

      Trash opinion bruh

  3. 2 years ago

    It's great gameplay-wise, but the story and characters are extremely boring and uneventful. At least FFTA triggers discussion on March's actions, A2 doesn't have nothing.

  4. 2 years ago

    Same consensus as the rest, You can play A2 for hundreds of hours, but the story is generic as shit. With TA1 you can have *opinions* on what the game is trying to tell you and on the character's motivation, here it's just generic good guys vs bad guys. Illua is not a compelling antagonist. Luso and Adelle are fun, but not deep.
    It does have a lot better sidequests though. Frimelda's and Duelhorn are pretty great, And Pic related is kino.
    Balance wise, it's much better - the assassin is no longer the only class worth running, though it does suck that moogles took a hard fricking hit in their usefulness. And I like the item system

    • 2 years ago

      >Balance wise, it's much better
      >Moogles took a hard fricking hit
      Ranger is by far the strongest job in the early/mid game. As soon as you beat the antlion boss and get access to a guaranteed nail bow you can drop mirrored potions on enemies for 500 damage regardless of stats. Late game you can take infinite turns with a Viera + Moogle.

      • 2 years ago

        I always thought Sneak Attacking Gria were better in every way than Ranger, definitely by end game where you're hitting well north of 500 damage

        • 2 years ago

          You need stats for that. A level 1 seeq can 1 shot most enemies through the entire main game for 300 gil.

  5. 2 years ago

    people only post about advance to meme. if it wasn't easy to shitpost with it ppl wouldn't be posting about it. simple as.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree. I love Advance but I think the story, and the Marche question, are what make discussing it fun and interesting. Without that there wouldn't be much to talk about. It doesn't do anything all that interesting otherwise.

  6. 2 years ago

    I liked the gameplay more than A1. I don't really even recall the story. Worth playing if you like those kinds of games.

    • 2 years ago

      >Worth playing if you like those kinds of games.
      I loved FFT. I didn't bother with FFTA. Someone gifted me A2 years ago and I just couldn't get into it. It's not just that I don't like the story, but I also hate the gaudy art-style with all the superfluous colors and enormous fonts (necessary for being on handheld I guess) I hate the world-building with all the contrived clan shit and judges, and just the overall tone. Plus Square shit out some moronic character overdesigns in the 2000s and Luso is one of the worst.

      Limiting class by race just makes the job system more convoluted and pointlessly restrictive. The quest system feels like paperwork. So much of the game design is anti-fun while also feeling like it's made for kids who aren't even old enough to play the game.

      I do sense that if I could push through all the bullshit I'd still find some decent gameplay eventually, but it would be nice to have had a real sequel to FFT that didn't add so much pointless bullshit.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Is this game bad?
    No. It has far and away the best gameplay of the Tactics franchise. I also love the aesthetics (see pic).
    The story is forgettable, though.

  8. 2 years ago

    Most people didn't play it because they were turned off by FFTA1.

  9. 2 years ago

    i played and appreciated A2 more because i'm a gameplay autist when it comes to this genre.

    A2 has the best feeling midgame where you are strengthening your builds and party members, the other 2 don't get that feeling exactly right.

  10. 2 years ago

    It gets referenced in the R=U threads.
    Trying to explain what Adel is in comparison to Adelle.
    What's behind the name? How are the characters being used in the story?

    In TA, you can kind of summarize the plot as a fantasy-world escape from real world pain. The Ivalice in that world was fake.

    The Ivalice in TA2 however is real. Luso and Illua (the closest thing to a protag and antag in the story) are basically "Strangers" of Paradise. They have Grimoires recording their experiences. And you know, in RPGs, exp = power. right?
    By who? For what? Why is this happening? It's never explained!!!!
    Instead, it loosely contrasts their different philosophies. Luso is just like "Ok. That happened. I live here now." So for the first half, he just seamlessly integrates himself into the world and people's lives. He's just harmonious like that. It's implied that he'll return once his Grimoire is full and complete, but he's not really paying attention to it. Or seeking answers to the obvious questions. He's just living in the moment.

    Illua doesn't show up until, idk, the middle or last 3rd. And she's the opposite. She is a source of chaos and conflict. Because everyone knows conflict is what drives a story forward. And she wants to get to the end. Why? What's her deal? It's never explained either.

    There is a lot more world building in AT2 compared to AT1. But there are far fewer complex characters.

    • 2 years ago

      At the heart of the story is Adelle. A literal Mary-Sue. I believe her name, and purpose in the story was lost in translation.

      I believe her full name アデレイド Adereido came from the Italian word for Aderire.

      Carrying the sense of "adherence". Sticking. Joining. Bonding. Connecting. Unifying. ect...
      She starts out as a Thief. She's got "Sticky Fingers".

      But this is just speculation.

      In this version of Ivalice, there are super special individuals called "Gifted". But this is a very nebulous character trait that isn't explained in any concrete way. How someone even discovers they are "Gifted" isn't explained either.
      Once it comes out that Adel is "Gifted" she gains the "Heritor" Job class and can use the abilities of other Gifted Individuals she meets. The skills are named after those characters, and her final skill is named after herself, which just provide HP Regeneration.

      Her backstory is that she was the sole survivor of a plague. I think she was suppose to have survivor's guilt. So combine that with the fact that her Regen gift - it implies she only survived because she was gifted.
      But wait. She can also...inherit Gifted gifts? Is that what "Heritor" means?
      Is she Wolverine? Or is she Rogue? Did she actually steal someone's means of survival, making her guilt legit?
      That would have made so much more sense.

      On top of that, Illua tries to use Adel to steal Luso's Grimoire and combine it with her own. Adel's gift isn't explicitly involved; but it would make sense if it was.

      • 2 years ago

        In FF8, Ellone's "connection" powers are equally fuzzy. The sorceress Adel was burning villages left and right, looking for a girl with special powers.

        I mean, in the bible when a king orders infanticide it's because of a prophecy. But here, she wants someone to succeed her. So how does mass murder make sense?
        How were they going to verify that a little girl even has this kind of power?
        How did they know a power like it even exists?
        What did she want it for?

        We know Ultimecia would use it for time compression. But Adel couldn't have the same intentions, based on what little information we were given.

  11. 2 years ago

    It is my favourite FFT, I played it before the original one, and going down to the way more primitive gameplay of Wotl was a pain in the ass.

    morono tier story tho, at some point that one thief thot gets super sayan powers and then you fight a completely random other super sayan in space.

    Some side stories are neat, the undead paladin you can recruit is a very good character with a nice story for example.

    • 2 years ago

      It's been forever since I've played Advance what does it (and A2) do so much better than FFT?

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't play FFTA1, but I'd say that FFTA2 has actually fun gameplay (as compared to FFT and Tactics Ogre, which only had the 1 hour of cutscenes going for them, but the 50-70 hours of tedious grinding and poorly designed battles were aggravating). I actually enjoyed building my team of characters in FFTA2 and the battles were never unfun.

  12. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Luso ending up in Final Fantasy Tactics (original) and joining Ramza's army is now canon.

  13. 2 years ago

    It's not bad, but I was not in a mood for it. It's technically better than the 1st one, but was somehow missing it's charm and more boring than the first one.

  14. 2 years ago

    It's worth playing, just make sure you select Hard mode and spam skip during cutscenes, fast-forward in case you're using an emulator.
    What's fun about FFT can also be found here, it's just that the setting and context is way weaker than the previous two games.

  15. 2 years ago

    Probably my favorite, and while the cl;ass balance is better in most ways, in others its still fricking terrible.

    >Humes got fricked on Mages AGAIN
    >Blue Mage is STILL terrible
    >Moogles got assblasted all over, RIP that entire race
    >Viera still best race, just with summoner being busted instead of assassin
    >Baanga better off this time overall, but besides Master Monk, the new jobs kinda suck. I don't know why Templar is even in the fricking game still
    >the two new races are alright, with Seeq being okay at best and Gria being really damn good

    Story is very forgetable, and it can be really easy, but I love it

    • 2 years ago

      >Humes got fricked on Mages AGAIN
      Seers are alright, though that's sorta stretching on Mages (dual wield + Magic Frenzy is a shitton of fun)

      >I don't know why Templar is even in the fricking game still
      You're supposed to pair it with Dragoon, the only other spear class
      It makes a very beefy physical damage unit. You get Pariver/Fighter or Master Monk level attack stats (though I will say dipping ninja for dual-wielding is more consistent than spears for hitting twice, but the extra slot is a bit of a balancing factor) and instead of being frail, you have some of the highest HP and Def stats in the game in Heavy Armor (Peytral) with Templar fixing Dragoon's Res. And you get Atk Up, and then Bonecrusher or Dragonheart to be even better in the frontline.

      You don't even have to gamble on Jump/spears, Knightswords are the strongest weapons in the game, and you can very easily use them instead. The basic Discipline/Cheer + attack route works very well. And while you're offset on speed - that's why you have Haste. You can just walk into the middle of the fight and take the turn to buff, because even if you do get hit you'll suffer minimally and get a good return out of your reaction.

  16. 2 years ago



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