Is this game radical enough to be worthy of the radical squadron?

Is this game radical enough to be worthy of the radical squadron?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
  2. 7 months ago

    music is 9/10

    graphics are 7/10

    gameplay is 5/10 when on foot and 2/10 when in the airplane

    So, the best part itself of this videogame is the music.

  3. 7 months ago

    Even back in the 1990s before the advent of the word cringe we could determine with a 99% degree of accuracy that which was gay and/or homosexualy.

    Swat cats was among the series described as such. I won't blame them for wanting or pursuing ninja turtle money but they didn't put the work in.

    There's entire lineups of shows like this too-Biker Mice from Mars, Sewer Sharks, Battle Toads...

    As for the game, like most 90s reviewers I didn't play it. I wouldn't play that gay shit even if I was paid to.

    • 7 months ago

      Swat Kats was a better animated show than TMNT, all nostalgia aside. Biker Mice and Street Sharks were all pretty low effort shows made solely to accompany the toylines that were better quality than their shows, but Swat Kats had more effort put in because it was a show first

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, Street Sharks is 90's EXTREME cranked up to eleven the entire time and it is beautiful.
        The only show at the time that maybe does it harder is Mighty Max but that's because of all the sick guitar riffs they hit during the show.

        • 7 months ago

          Street Sharks was a great concept and the toys were the absolute best of this kind of shit but the show felt pretty half assed to me. Swat Kats always just seemed like their was more stylish animation and took itself a little more seriously than most of these other shows. Mighty Max was badass and metal. Speaking of metal, that's another thing Swat Kats did and had one of the coolest guitar theme songs, no lyrics just gleamin' guitar. Street Sharks had like a weird 50s saxophone rock n roll song or something that was cool but always struck me as kinda goofy, though Extreme Dinosaurs theme was amped as hell.

          • 7 months ago

            Street Sharks main theme sounded fun and catch to me as a kid. Would I listen to that shit nowadays? I don't think so, pal. Hell no.

            • 7 months ago

              It's a good theme song, it just oddly misses the mark on the X-TREEM marketing everything was going for, you'd expect squealing guitar solos and get a saxophone jam

    • 7 months ago

      You never even watched it, fetusgay. Season 2 in particular had some of the best animation of its time.

      • 7 months ago

        Season 2 was outright anime-esque you could tell they were referencing the living frick out of Akira, and I love it for that.

        • 7 months ago

          I remember the episode where the city was infested with a mutagen flood looking anime as frick. The scene with Callie in her car you could have probably tricked people into thinking was a scene from some Japanese show if they didn't know what the show was.

          • 7 months ago

            This was Hannah-Barbera too btw, the guys who made limited animation the norm ended with a fully shaded and shadowed fluid action show. It’s shocking it even exists.

            S1 while still excellent in writing and choreography, still very much looks like "haha look at the funny western cartoon animals", IDK if they got a larger budget for S2 or what, but man, it's so good.

        • 7 months ago

          I remember the episode where the city was infested with a mutagen flood looking anime as frick. The scene with Callie in her car you could have probably tricked people into thinking was a scene from some Japanese show if they didn't know what the show was.

          This was Hannah-Barbera too btw, the guys who made limited animation the norm ended with a fully shaded and shadowed fluid action show. It’s shocking it even exists.

          • 7 months ago

            This was during the era where HB out sourced their animation to Mook (a Japanese studio), everyone did it until the studios started asking too much or something and then South Korea became the country everyone did animation in... again.

        • 7 months ago

          S1 while still excellent in writing and choreography, still very much looks like "haha look at the funny western cartoon animals", IDK if they got a larger budget for S2 or what, but man, it's so good.

          Is cat secretary only good thing about the show?

          • 7 months ago

            She's the Deputy Mayor of Megakat City and the only force that keeps the city functional, as well as the SWAT Kats' "inside-the-government" contact.

            She is amazing, tho, but not the only good thing about the show.

            • 7 months ago

              Well, I will add to what's been said. I've only wacthed TMNT, but I do not even remember much abou them, and I've re-watched a bit of Biker Mice From Mars and Swat Kats just about a year ago.
              I've only watched a little bit of BMFM. I guess, my good feelings about that show were just nostalgia. It is simply boring. And the world is empty. Swat Kats are miles above. The background is alive, filled with characters, and the show is just much more metal. For example, I still can't believe they've actually killed several secondary characters on screen.
              Frankly, I don't quite get the fascination.
              My favorite thing about Swat Kats is the retro-futuristic design, which is especially obvious in the cars. It feels like Ray Larabie designed them - it reminds me of GTA 2 so much and that is purely awesome.
              If Tremblay Brothers will manage with their new Swat Kats, I hope they will be able to keep at least some of that style.

              Must be mutant thing.

      • 7 months ago

        Excuse me sir we're discussing anthromorphic, borderline homoerotic cartoons here and 1990s cool. Take your uterus and go wait in the lobby.

        >But I'm so much older than you are!
        Yeah that must be why you're acting like a goddamn child.

        • 7 months ago

          Shut up, fetus. Go back to watching your netflix calarts groomer slop.

    • 7 months ago

      >There's entire lineups of shows like this too-Biker Mice from Mars, Sewer Sharks, Battle Toads...
      It can always be worse. Look at what the brits did during that era.

    • 7 months ago

      Swat Kats always rocked. I watched it all the time and I always thought the turtles were huge enormous boring homosexuals. Swat Kats was leagues beyond the other rip off shows, it had shockingly high production value.
      Pour one out for the final Hannah-Barbera production, they went out with a bang.

      >There's entire lineups of shows like this too-Biker Mice from Mars, Sewer Sharks, Battle Toads...
      It can always be worse. Look at what the brits did during that era.

      Lol and I thought stone protectors was the bottom of the barrel.
      I never heard of this penguin show, but after looking it up I think it’s interesting that it has an early 80’s, even late 70’s art style and it came out in 1993.

      • 7 months ago

        Stone Protectors is a pretty decent game.

        • 7 months ago

          Swat Kats always rocked. I watched it all the time and I always thought the turtles were huge enormous boring homosexuals. Swat Kats was leagues beyond the other rip off shows, it had shockingly high production value.
          Pour one out for the final Hannah-Barbera production, they went out with a bang.
          Lol and I thought stone protectors was the bottom of the barrel.
          I never heard of this penguin show, but after looking it up I think it’s interesting that it has an early 80’s, even late 70’s art style and it came out in 1993.

          It's funny how they tried to reinvent Trolls for so long, and the only thing really successful end up being the shitty movies with Justin Timberlake

          • 7 months ago

            supersticious people used to believe trolls were evil occult toys

            • 7 months ago

              Confirmed. My parents didn't really impose rules with media. However, we weren't allowed to watch Smurfs. That was the only one where Mom was like nah.

              • 7 months ago

                It's odd how that happens, my parents were similarly lax about what I saw, I was getting into horror movies when I was like 7 but for some reason the one single thing my mom wouldn't allow was Beavis and Butthead. Still no real idea why

          • 7 months ago

            It’s the failure of the copyright system where you have these companies that hold the rights to things they didn’t even make and they have to use them to make the most money out of them so they are constantly just pushing out crap just to squeeze another dime.

    • 7 months ago

      Those other shows sucked but Swat Kats was legit good. Good characters, and animation

    • 7 months ago

      The swat kats videogame was mediocre, but the swat kats show was good.

    • 7 months ago

      Well, I will add to what's been said. I've only wacthed TMNT, but I do not even remember much abou them, and I've re-watched a bit of Biker Mice From Mars and Swat Kats just about a year ago.
      I've only watched a little bit of BMFM. I guess, my good feelings about that show were just nostalgia. It is simply boring. And the world is empty. Swat Kats are miles above. The background is alive, filled with characters, and the show is just much more metal. For example, I still can't believe they've actually killed several secondary characters on screen.

      Is cat secretary only good thing about the show?

      Frankly, I don't quite get the fascination.
      My favorite thing about Swat Kats is the retro-futuristic design, which is especially obvious in the cars. It feels like Ray Larabie designed them - it reminds me of GTA 2 so much and that is purely awesome.
      If Tremblay Brothers will manage with their new Swat Kats, I hope they will be able to keep at least some of that style.

      • 7 months ago

        Good point on the setting. I could most likely be wrong about this, but its one of the only shows I recall with the animal people that had an entire world based around one species and was an action show. You had TMNT clones where it was talking animals in the real world and you had stuff like DuckTales with a bunch of different species, but this was more like just peering into an alien reality with its own setting and world. They could have gotten away just having them be real humans even.

        • 7 months ago

          Well yeah that's because Swat Kats wasn't a mutant animal show, it was just people show. The DNA of TMNT is there but it was certainly a different approach, I would say even Gargoyles is closer to TMNT just because it retains the "freaks among humanity" theme

    • 7 months ago

      All of those 90s corporate focus panel shitter cartoons are inherently better than any dogshit cartoon from the 80s. Skateboarding sharks with bunny ears are infinitely cooler than some gay shit like the Care Bears

      • 7 months ago

        It was literally all holdovers of the 80s style, hence TMNT rip offs and heavy metal style galore. The early 90s basically was just the extension pack of the 80s

    • 7 months ago

      Hi Mr. Turner

  4. 7 months ago

    The platforming sections are a chore.
    The plane sections are an interesting concept. They tried something. It was ambitious. But it wasn't good. It's really bad. The constant rotating is just not good. I get it, MODE 7 TO THE EXTREME. But it wasn't good.
    Honestly, they should have just made a shmup.

    • 7 months ago

      >The plane sections are an interesting concept. They tried something. It was ambitious. But it wasn't good. It's really bad. The constant rotating is just not good. I get it, MODE 7 TO THE EXTREME. But it wasn't good.

      i HATED the place sections becausa they were one-hit kill. If you get hit even once, you had to start again, and again, and again. The platforming sections were mediocre, but at least not one hit-kill.

  5. 7 months ago

    Is this game good?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      it's a collectathon where you jump super high, have a gun, and Mario 2's "pick things up and throw them" mechanic which you use to carry the collectable objects to a portal you gotta toss 'em in.

      it's a lot better than people give it credit for but you have to get used to the weird design first. Like, I don't think open levels with collectathon design philosophy was popular back then and it's still kinda weird for a 2D platformer, the fact that you jump super high bothers some people but I think it's neat, and I wonder how many people played long enough to even figure out that you're supposed to toss the collectables into a portal.

  6. 7 months ago

    What is the radical squadron?

  7. 7 months ago

    just tried it
    music is 6/10, cutesy snesified stuff that sounds like its from the show
    graphics are 5/10 with some highlights (it's mostly super bland, first stage had this big ooze guy coming in the background later on which was neat)
    gameplay is 4/10 on foot, very boring, there's a level up system for some reason? hit detection feels awful and the way you properly line up shots is weird (basically just crouch)
    2/10 in the plane, it's awful pure shit from a design perspective

  8. 7 months ago

    >tfw no Sumo Dudes vidya

    • 7 months ago

      Was this just a collection of pogs? I never heard of it

    • 7 months ago

      and stickers/cards.
      It's one of the most mysterious franchises from the 90s. It seems pretty fleshed our with lots of characters and lore, as if they were planning to make it an actual TV show or something.

      • 7 months ago

        I miss stylized 90s artwork, everything modern is too glossy and digital looking

        You’re a major loser.
        Yes, the entire internet is zoomers, only you are old.
        You are a testament to /vr/ (virgin morons).

        >You're a major loser
        Says the weirdo frick who claims he was crusading against furries in the 90s. If you started sperging about furries whenever Looney Tunes came on TV, you belonged in an institution. But we know you're making it up anyway.

        • 7 months ago

          I didn’t say I was crusading against furries, I said I bullied a childhood friend for being weird about Lion King before I even knew furries existed.
          I know you are posting from your childhood bedroom you sad autistic shitbag. Your old bag of bones mother will have chicken tenders ready for her “little” man soon, just tell her you gotta finish up making a complete homosexual of yourself on the internet first lol.

          • 7 months ago

            >has an autistic meltdown about Swat Kats being furries before furries were even a thing anybody gave a shit about
            >pretends he was from the 90s when he wasn't
            >tries to act like the ultimate normie chad or something, even though clearly mind rotted from 00s-2010s internet forum culture normies don't even know about
            Your life is strange and sad, get a new one

            • 7 months ago

              Looks like your chicken tenders will be getting cold, yell at your mother from your bedroom and let her know you aren’t done embarrassing yourself yet.
              >Mom, these fricking losers don’t understand how alive I was in the 90s, I was even more alive than them! Frick your tenders mom I need to tell them I’ve been wasting my life on Ganker and playing video games all day for 40 years to win an argument with myself.


              • 7 months ago

                Yeah you're not playing with a full deck.
                >tendies insults that were old 20 years ago
                >laughs insecurely to try and hide the fact that they got wrecked
                Just go back to Ganker or plebbit.

              • 7 months ago

                >a 40 year old man is calling me, a 31 year old man, a “tendie” for making fun of him.
                You need to take a shower and go outside. I’m not even saying this to be mean but your time on this Earth is running out, make it count.

              • 7 months ago

                You're not in your 30s. You just made up a LARP story about furries in the 90s, it wasn't a thing.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Someone who's a "normie chad" wouldn't have this link let alone know what it is. You are deeply, deeply entrenched in chan culture and stuck in the furry wars of the early 2010s. If anybody is clearly an uncool, sweaty virgin manchild it is you

              • 7 months ago

                >playing video games all day for 40 years
                Living the fricking dream.

          • 7 months ago

            >bullied a childhood friend

  9. 7 months ago

    Only Furries care about this shit

    • 7 months ago

      In the 90s, nobody said "furries" zoomer. Go play your ghetto GTA or whatever and pretend to be a rapper or whatever you people do.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm in my 30s but you are an out of touch old fuddy duddy. 3D GTA is now TWENTY TWO years old. You can't use that to describe a zoomer.

        While a majority of people did not know what a furry was in the 90s, they existed, and there were furry groups on usenet talking about Swat Kats as it aired.

        Even in the early 2000's before internet I surmised what a furry was because I had a friend who was way way way too into The Lion King. We all made fun of him for it so he tried to downplay it.

        • 7 months ago

          >We all made fun of him for it so he tried to downplay it.
          Redpilled take

          • 7 months ago

            Bullying unironically creates healthier societies. In high school he got hit by the mirror of a garbage truck and it made him even more autistic. He sued the city and used the money to become a comically obese antisocial neckbeard loser and filled his room with neckbeard shit. Last time I talked even saw him was on Facebook was maybe 10 years ago. He was extremely fat and exclusively listened to “underground hip hop”. He has never spoken to a woman in his life and we all know he is obsessed with the Lion King and wants to live in Lion King world. I absolutely guarantee he is one of those guys that pays people to draw the lion king lions doing gay bullshit.

            Yeah yeah "oldgay", I bet you loved playing Ocarina of Time 3D when you were a kid.

            You’re as big of a loser as my childhood friend.

            • 7 months ago

              This post sounds like someone who has autism making up tall tales. Very gen z way of "story telling" too

              • 7 months ago

                You’re a major loser.
                Yes, the entire internet is zoomers, only you are old.
                You are a testament to /vr/ (virgin morons).

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah yeah "oldgay", I bet you loved playing Ocarina of Time 3D when you were a kid.

        • 7 months ago

          Dude if you were autistically avoiding shit like Tiny Toons, Swat Kats, Street Sharks, Animaniacs, Sonic, blah blah in the 90s because of a furry obsession that nobody else had, you were the freak, not anybody else. This shit was all over the place because it was popular, and nobody knew about "le furries". Being obsessively anti something makes you as autistic as the people obsessively into it.

          In my experience that's millenials' thing.
          But yeah, frick furries. Never before an archetype of a character has been ruined as hard as animal-people has been by furries.

          Whenever late 90s/00s culture is being jerked off it's zoomers LARPing as millennials, it's their new "thing"

          • 7 months ago

            >Whenever late 90s/00s culture is being jerked off it's zoomers LARPing as millennials, it's their new "thing"
            Really now? Why won't they stick to their own culture, whatever that is.

      • 7 months ago

        In my experience that's millenials' thing.
        But yeah, frick furries. Never before an archetype of a character has been ruined as hard as animal-people has been by furries.

        • 7 months ago

          >Never before an archetype of a character has been ruined as hard as animal-people has been by furries.
          Too true. Worst part is they have zero self-awareness, so you can't even reason with them.

  10. 7 months ago

    >swat kats
    >swa stka

    • 7 months ago

      Damn it anon, stop noticing

    • 7 months ago

      >swat kats
      >twat ska

      • 7 months ago

        >alternate universe where the theme song is performed on trumpets instead of electric guitars

        • 7 months ago

          I've decided to run a search for it, and, surprisingly or not, but someone did this:

    • 7 months ago
  11. 7 months ago

    furry to me are those deviantart gays with the seemingly the same 15 year old artist behind all their pfps who then tried to lump in everyone else as a furry if they ever found that mouse b***h or roxanne attractive, finding that attractive over is different over embracing their hideous art style and costume culture

  12. 7 months ago

    the television show was good, but the videogame was bad.

  13. 7 months ago

    Remember the cows

    • 7 months ago

      i remember how weird the story for this was, something like a radioactive comet plummeting into the countryside, which made the hunk of land fly up into the air as a sky island while the cows evolved into the dominant intelligent life forms

      • 7 months ago

        I just love and dearly miss this kind of nonsense.

        • 7 months ago

          It was dumb and ridiculous but it was a sort of honest kind of ridiculous. You know if something like that came out today it would be totally drenched in irony

          • 7 months ago

            >It was dumb and ridiculous but it was a sort of honest kind of ridiculous

            A lot of 80s and 90s televison shows and videogames in a nutshell.

            • 7 months ago

              10s-now has just been the meta obsessed "knowing wink" era

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