Is this game woke shit?

I played 1 and 2 and they were great, but I don't trust Bioware. Is 3 woke shit or was it made during Bioware golden era when they didn't care about all that political crap?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Get a life

    • 2 years ago

      You are here forever

    • 2 years ago

      Go back to Resetera.

  2. 2 years ago

    >you can genocide entire races and punch women
    not woke

    • 2 years ago

      Wait, what? You can punch the paki reporter, right?

      • 2 years ago

        go back to sucking dicks on reddit

  3. 2 years ago

    It's definitely more “diverse” and “inclusive” with characters like Traynor and Cortez picking up space in the game, when they have no business being in the finale of a trilogy, but that's just a couple of the problems that ME3 has.

    • 2 years ago

      It's when the woke shit started. There are several openly gay characters who are romance options.

      Steve Cortez who's black and gay. He constantly goes on about his dead husband to make sure you know he's a homosexual.

      Samantha Traynor who's black and gay. They make a point of saying she finds EDI's voice attractive so you know she's a dyke.

      Kaidan Alenko if he survived ME1 is now bisexual for some reason and is a romance option for male Shepard

      Welp, guess I'll just pretend the series ended with 2 then.

  4. 2 years ago

    ME3 had the best combat system of the 3
    but I never liked any of the story or characters of the games, I just wanted a futuristic violent video gaem.

    • 2 years ago

      Necromunda: Hired Gun would be a better game for that.

  5. 2 years ago

    It's when the woke shit started. There are several openly gay characters who are romance options.

    Steve Cortez who's black and gay. He constantly goes on about his dead husband to make sure you know he's a homosexual.

    Samantha Traynor who's black and gay. They make a point of saying she finds EDI's voice attractive so you know she's a dyke.

    Kaidan Alenko if he survived ME1 is now bisexual for some reason and is a romance option for male Shepard

    • 2 years ago

      >Kaidan Alenko if he survived ME1 is now bisexual for some reason and is a romance option for male Shepard
      IIRC Kaiden and Ashley were originally going to be options for both Male and Female Shep, just like Jack from Mass Effect 2 was suppose to be.

      • 2 years ago

        I believe the Jack part, but where did you pull out that Bi Kaiden and Ashley part?

        • 2 years ago

          Kaidan actually has voiced lines on the disc, in ME1. I'm not so sure about Ashley. Kaidan turning down a 3some with Femshep and Liara in ME1 is such a cope out, btw. No man would say no to that.

          Jack's bisexual storyline was abandoned after the lesbian scene between Liara and Femshep made FOX news headlines.

          • 2 years ago

            Liara is genderless though.

            • 2 years ago

              She's monogender, not genderless. She's female, she tells you that in ME1.

        • 2 years ago

          I remember reading a list of the cut content across the trilogy, shit like the Palaven evacuation mission, being able to save both Kaiden and Ashley on Virmire, as well as how the original Priority Earth was suppose to look like, and on that list was how Kaiden and Ashley were suppose to be Bi originally. Granted, I may be misremembering that part, so take that with a truck load of salt. If I can find it right now I'll post it here.

      • 2 years ago

        I believe the Jack part, but where did you pull out that Bi Kaiden and Ashley part?

        I remember reading a list of the cut content across the trilogy, shit like the Palaven evacuation mission, being able to save both Kaiden and Ashley on Virmire, as well as how the original Priority Earth was suppose to look like, and on that list was how Kaiden and Ashley were suppose to be Bi originally. Granted, I may be misremembering that part, so take that with a truck load of salt. If I can find it right now I'll post it here.

        A bioware writer recently debunked this, it was never intended for Kaiden to be bi in ME1. The voice lines were due to human error, they weren't cut content.

        • 2 years ago

          >A bioware writer recently debunked this
          Any link?

    • 2 years ago

      it's far from woke shit. It did introduce some gay chars but you can ignore them. Shephard feels more brutal than earlier games. You can genocide batarians, punch reporters and pull all kinds of stupid shit. Hardly something that'd pass today.

      To be fair Kaidan acted like a gay the whole series so he finally came out I guess.

  6. 2 years ago

    finished yesterday. great game. recommend to install an ending-mod

  7. 2 years ago

    >or was it made during Bioware golden era when they didn't care about all that political crap?
    just so we're clear, 2 is the game where bioware started their decline into this bullshit. s'aight tho. awful end to the trilogy but the gameplay is improved from 2.

    • 2 years ago

      >just so we're clear, 2 is the game where bioware started their decline into this bullshit.
      How so?

      • 2 years ago

        That was when EA started taking over. That's why Mac Walters got a top spot. You can find articles about the top bioware devs leaving during ME2's production explicitly citing EA taking too much control. And so we got ME2 as a c-list action-movie sidestory instead of a proper sequel.
        >but woke shi-
        woke shit is just a symptom of the israelitery infecting the business side, same as all I've outlined above.

        >awful end to the trilogy but the gameplay is improved from 2.
        That's the bare minimum, and I can't credit ME3 for that. Most games have better gameplay than older games. I still prefer ME2's style, over ME3's though. Both games have the coding error, where the game physics are tied to the framerate, and once it goes above 60, the game becomes unplayable, with bullets curving and damage received becoming exponentially greater. Which makes either game, playing without cover, impossible. So if you're on PC and can play above 60 fps, don't bother. ME3 especially is unplayable, due to it having possibly the worst level design and encounter design in the trilogy.

        >I still prefer ME2's style, over ME3's though.
        ME3's is literally a straight upgrade. I prefer one over both, but 2 is worthless while 3 is at least passable.

        • 2 years ago

          >ME3's is literally a straight upgrade. I prefer one over both, but 2 is worthless while 3 is at least passable.
          I really don't understand how anyone can think this.
          ME2 did by far the biggest jump in quality and polish and has by far the most engaging story. ME3 did improve the holes in ME2's combat a lot, but the story and writing is just absolute garbage. Every mission feels like it was made up by a five year old that just tried to top the earlier game's events with no thought on what would actually make sense. Huge parts of the plot is left out to paid DLC that should've just been part of the game, and then there's the fricking ending that I don't even need to tell you about.

          Combat is good yes, but the story and new characters are so insanely bad.

          • 2 years ago

            >ME2 did by far the biggest jump in quality and polish and has by far the most engaging story.
            ME2 was the first game I ever 100%ed but it's worthless dude. It's story, world building, and gameplay are worse than 1, the characters are just okay, and ME3 outshines it in everything new 2 tried to do. ME3 is one of the biggest wet farts in vidya and I'd still rather replay it than 2.

            • 2 years ago

              >world building, and gameplay are worse than 1,
              Honestly, no. While it has some retcons, ME2 does a better job at fleshing out the universe than ME1 ever did. Gameplay in the first game was downright abysmal, doesn't matter if it's more of an RPG or had bigger maps. All those aspects weren't executed well.

            • 2 years ago

              ME1 introduces the world but doesn't dig into any of it. You never see anything but a bunch of human places while chasing Saren.
              In ME2 you get to see Omega, the darker part of the universe. You get to see Tuchanka, you get to see Ilium, you get to see far more of the world and in further depth than ME1.
              I can't take you seriously if you say ME1 gameplay is better. It's a good start for the series but there's no reason to do anything but grab an assault rifle and hold LMB/right trigger until enemy is dead. There is little feedback, no variation, no nothing.

        • 2 years ago

          I wouldn't call it "woke" it was just shit. Technically speaking there is a lot of obviously botched and rushed shit like embarrassing 2D sprite backgrounds, things that deserved actual dedicated assets but just got little text mentions, you were told your choices from carryover saves mattered and they don't, they added in a multiplayer option that forced people to play it to get the "best" ending (you can just edit the config file iirc) and the ending is a total frickup.

          >ME3's is literally a straight upgrade. I prefer one over both, but 2 is worthless while 3 is at least passable.
          I really don't understand how anyone can think this.
          ME2 did by far the biggest jump in quality and polish and has by far the most engaging story. ME3 did improve the holes in ME2's combat a lot, but the story and writing is just absolute garbage. Every mission feels like it was made up by a five year old that just tried to top the earlier game's events with no thought on what would actually make sense. Huge parts of the plot is left out to paid DLC that should've just been part of the game, and then there's the fricking ending that I don't even need to tell you about.

          Combat is good yes, but the story and new characters are so insanely bad.

          ME2's story was weird and felt like they made it up on the fly, the beginning is stupid as frick and Harbinger is annoying. It's more polished gameplay wise and the loyalty missions are well done but that's about all it has going for it over ME1.

        • 2 years ago

          >ME3's is literally a straight upgrade. I prefer one over both, but 2 is worthless while 3 is at least passable.
          You don't understand. Unless I lock the game to 60fps, ME3 is unplayable, because of its insistence on mobility over cover. Like I said, bullets curve, cause exponentially more damage, and due to respawning enemies, in many segments, that require you to move forward, in order to pass their respawn points, the game becomes unplayable. But also locking the framerate, to make it playable is a shitty compromise, which I don't have to make in ME2, due to the covers afforded to my character. ME3 is an unplayable mess, because of design choices, that frick up the entire game. It's literally broken, and the game actively punishes me, for having a good PC.

    • 2 years ago

      >awful end to the trilogy but the gameplay is improved from 2.
      That's the bare minimum, and I can't credit ME3 for that. Most games have better gameplay than older games. I still prefer ME2's style, over ME3's though. Both games have the coding error, where the game physics are tied to the framerate, and once it goes above 60, the game becomes unplayable, with bullets curving and damage received becoming exponentially greater. Which makes either game, playing without cover, impossible. So if you're on PC and can play above 60 fps, don't bother. ME3 especially is unplayable, due to it having possibly the worst level design and encounter design in the trilogy.

  8. 2 years ago

    There's a gay guy in it but it's otherwise not woke. The writing sucks, though.

  9. 2 years ago

    No. But it is cebsored shit if you bought the rerelease collection.

    And if you just want to play the good ones. Just play 1 and 2.

  10. 2 years ago

    >you can frick Liara as a fem shep in 2007
    >no one gives a frick
    >you can bang some gay dude as a male shep
    magatards are mentally ill

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