Is this game worth using a blank DVD for?

Is this game worth using a blank DVD for?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >ak ejection port on the left
      i hated this game already

      • 8 months ago

        its only for true gun enthusiasts, posers like yourself wouldn't understand

        • 8 months ago

          Not really

          >its only for true gun enthusiasts, posers like yourself wouldn't understand
          Funny considering the game was marketed as gun porn and features some of the fakest shit guns at the time.


          Game tried to be both and failed.

          It's fun on hard mode until the prison gauntlet and the second half of the final mission. I like but also hate it.
          One thing you'd be a homosexual for is complaining about "gun realism" in a game that was made before autistics started b***hing about correct depictions of guns in videogames, because the devs made the guns look weird on purpose.

          >One thing you'd be a homosexual for is complaining about "gun realism" in a game that was made before autistics started b***hing about correct depictions of guns in videogames, because the devs made the guns look weird on purpose.
          No, you'd be a moron for b***hing about people b***hing the game being unrealistic when it was aimed at gun enthusiasts.

          • 8 months ago

            It's gun porn in the same way real porn isn't real sex, you want the bullet casings in your face in gun porn

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          cool realism>realism

          • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, with realism you devolve into Insurgency: Sandstorm, just another CoD/Fortnite clone because realistic visuals are boring and can't retain players.

      • 8 months ago

        The devs knew it was wrong but they did it on purpose because brass flying in front of the player's view makes everything look more frenetic. This is pretty common in videogames. Brass in the player's view is also pretty common for me in real life (> tfw left handed).

        Criterion made Black, and they said their goal was to "do for first person shooters what Burnout did for racing games". It's a shitload of fun, plus there are some sections that are clearly homages to classic action movies. It feels like the vidya version of a big budget summer blockbuster war film. Great soundtrack too.

        It also looks and runs pretty well on the PS2. It uses Renderware which was suited particularly well for the platform. It supports progressive scan if you have the right hardware (hold triangle and x while booting). There is an Xbox version as well, the graphics look a little better but its still the exact same game.

        I am writing this while sitting on my toilet shitting.

    • 8 months ago

      The physics beat most games out now wtf

      Wtf happened

      • 8 months ago

        what physics
        explosion animations aren't physics

  2. 8 months ago

    It was very hyped back in the day so you might as well use a dvd

  3. 8 months ago

    Do people really still burn DVD's for PS2 piracy? I figured there'd have been some SD card mod for it by now. I'm not complaining since having to change the disc to play a different game is sovl, just wondering since I don't have a PS2 myself.

    • 8 months ago

      Smart people have played ISO’s directly over a LAN fileshare for years.

      • 8 months ago

        smarter people have used mc2sio for years

        • 8 months ago

          Is that faster than ethernet?

          • 8 months ago

            Not really.

            • 8 months ago

              it's slower, barely faster than usb and laggy fmv playback
              plus you also lose a mc slot and have to juggle mx4iso card, fmcb card and savedata card

  4. 8 months ago

    It’s a solid shooter that used some tricks to make it look way better than it should have. I played it far after release, like years later it was on my modded Xbox hardrive and don’t remember putting it there but yeah, I really enjoyed it. I remember it being short.

  5. 8 months ago

    One of the best only-on-console FPSes of the 6th gen.

  6. 8 months ago

    It's fun on hard mode until the prison gauntlet and the second half of the final mission. I like but also hate it.
    One thing you'd be a homosexual for is complaining about "gun realism" in a game that was made before autistics started b***hing about correct depictions of guns in videogames, because the devs made the guns look weird on purpose.

  7. 8 months ago

    I tried playing this a few times and died at the first level, which is fine but every time you restart the level it has to replay the longass unskippable intro sequence. Not sure if the whole game is like that but that completely turned me off from it.

  8. 8 months ago

    Only if you like generic console shooters where enemies stand in place while you walk in slowmotion with zero enemy variety.

    • 8 months ago

      mt favorite kind of shooter

  9. 8 months ago

    >game was marketed as gun porn
    First off; gun porn can mean a variety of things, not just realism. Guns that look cool, have cool animations and sounds are also gun porn.
    Second; the marketing team has no communication with the actual developers and often label games whatever they want, so the "gun porn" description might not even be Criterion's decision in the first place.
    Third; this game came out in 2006. You could open your browser and look up thousands images of real firearms on a search engine. They also had accurate replicas of guns in their offices. They didn't model the guns the way they did out of ignorance. The fricking modelers outright said they were designed to be extravagant and exaggerated on purpose to further emphasize the game's action-movie theme, complete with fictional guns.
    Fourth; you don't know shit about /k/ culture, let alone its lenience towards crazy-looking fantasy firearms.
    Fifth; retroactively complaining about something from the past for not being up to your current-year zoomie standards, you need to fricking have a nice day immediately.

    Is the game good? No, it's kinda mediocre. But you're so fricking new it's painfully obvious that you watched Hopper's video and thought you were a smart kid. Your moronation compels me to defend the game in this regard.
    Frick off.

    • 8 months ago

      >Second; the marketing team has no communication with the actual developers and often label games whatever they want, so the "gun porn" description might not even be Criterion's decision in the first place.
      That's just incompetence then.
      >The fricking modelers outright said they were designed to be extravagant and exaggerated on purpose to further emphasize the game's action-movie theme, complete with fictional guns.
      Then that should be their cue to tell the marketers to stop pandering to gungays and just market it as the mediocre action game it was.
      >Fifth; retroactively complaining about something from the past
      I remember the ads, and everyone back then over the age of five knew it was, as you said, mediocre. Hop's video only serves to remind everyone why the game was ignored in 2006. In fact it's zoomers who played the game when they were aforementioned five year olds that hype it up now out of moronic nostalgia, same with that shitty Ubisoft FPS XIII.

      In any event, no Black person, you kys.

      • 8 months ago

        >that should be their cue to tell the marketers
        They can't. That's the publisher's jurisdiction. It wasn't the devs who hired the marketers, you imbecile.
        You're the same type of moron who kvetches about Counter Strike, Half Life and RE4 for not having realistic representations of how a gun functions when in reality nobody fricking cared about this autistic granular shit back then.

  10. 8 months ago

    On Xbox it is.

  11. 8 months ago

    My wife LOVES this game. I have to fight her to get off the PS2 so I can play kingdom hearts. This era of pre AAA shooters is so underrated

  12. 8 months ago

    it's worth FTPing to an xbox hard drive, yeah

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