Is this pokemon clone good?

Is this pokemon clone good?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Maybe if you can tolerate having npc's tell you they are gay or trans every second npc you interact with.

    • 4 months ago

      theres definitely some queer shit in it, but if you know how to ignore text that you dont care about its worth the twenty bucks. sticks to the pokemon formula while still doing its own thing.


      theres like, maybe three homosexuals and i dont remember there being any trannies.

      • 4 months ago

        how cool are the fusions

        • 4 months ago

          in terms of looks the fusions are kind of whatever, x fused with y is going to look VERY similar to x fused with z, i think there are a few fusions that break the mold but the best ones are when you fuse x with x by far imo.

          • 4 months ago

            >self fusion
            aite thats always sick, guess ill check this one out then

            • 4 months ago

              also, i recommend turning off song vocals immediately. genuinely ear grating and it makes a certain point in the endgame more hype.

              • 4 months ago

                I like the vocal songs a lot. I don't know which of us it tasteless BUT yeah frick you

    • 4 months ago

      No wonder that Fleechiru homosexual was plugging this so hard while throwing a tantrum over Palworld

      • 4 months ago

        He is lying, read the thread.

        >make a best girl
        >don't make her a companion/romance option

        Also made me upset, literally the hottest girl there but can't do shit with her.

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    It’s solid globohomosexual core

  4. 4 months ago

    It's great. Fantastic OST,a cool open world and you can really customize things.

    Some designs are iffy though. Also be advised that how they handle the monsters is more done like Digimon Frontier than Pokemon so be prepared for that.

    • 4 months ago

      >Sharp 3D environments
      >Low-res sprites
      >HD portraits
      What an ugly game, christ.

    • 4 months ago

      the problem with it's 3D is that it deosn't recognize well diagonal movement especially is you have to change between different abilities in a short amount of time for platforming areas

    • 4 months ago

      Brits actually make pretty good videogames, it's just a shame they're so fricking gay.
      It's a good game but it's really fricking gay

      *sniff sniff* can you smell that? That's the smell of this fat paki c**t farting directly into my mouth. I want to kill myself because I will never be able to stick my wiener up this b***h's arsehole

  5. 4 months ago

    it has some neat monster designs and music, but the overworld character sprites for the npcs and player character are just a worse version of old pokemon character sprites; chibis with big heads, except very little detail on said heads, so everyone has a blank billboard for a face. also there’s a fricking stamina gauge for the overworld, and it runs out after less than a second at the start. so you’re forced to do the annoying ‘sprint for a second or two then walk, then sprint again’ to get anywhere at a decent pace. idk if the stamina increases at some point, but i could only stand an hour and half of the clunky overworld movement before i refunded it.
    also the type system feels a bit bloated, with nearly as many types as pokemon, but with added conditions and effects other than super-effectiveness; hit a plastic type with a fire move and they turn poison or something, and their stats and such get modified. which would be neat and all, except there’s something like that- often multiple instances of it- for every single type barring beast. the whole gimmick feels like it would work better with fewer types, but with the current amount its just too much, especially at the beginning.
    like, just look at the type matchup chart.
    if you’re a creature catching fanatic, then sure, go for it.

    • 4 months ago

      >idk if the stamina increases at some point, but i could only stand an hour and half of the clunky overworld movement before i refunded it.
      its tied to the morgante quest, each one defeated gives you an bit of more stamina up to 10 seconds i believe
      >the type system feels a bit bloated
      not at all, the way type matchups are handled gives way to a LOT more strategy and synergies that feel missing in pokemon
      also, theres one glass type and no natural glitter type so theres basically only twelve types you need to worry about through 98% of the game

    • 4 months ago

      >stamina gauge for the overworld
      what the, why would they do this

      • 4 months ago

        im not saying it SHOULD be there, but its an open world game with a few different ways of getting around that would make traversal way too simple and easy if you had infinite stamina
        bumrush getting a bulletino, and do as much of the morgante quest you can for sprint+more stamina

        • 4 months ago

          >bumrush getting a bulletino, and do as much of the morgante quest you can for sprint+more stamina
          sounds good then. I could probably just look this up but hows the difficulty? Is there any way to ramp it up?

          • 4 months ago

            the difficulty on default isnt very hard, but theres a few sliders you can change at any time if you want more of a challenge.

  6. 4 months ago

    Pokemon designs look a little too original and not at all derivative. Pass.

  7. 4 months ago

    Godot sisters, we struck gold!

    • 4 months ago

      Godot rocks. Between this and cruelty squad, its obvious that Godot is the engine of choice for talented, socially aware, lgbtqiia+ultra transexual developers.

  8. 4 months ago

    If you can't tell from looking, you're probably dumb enough to enjoy it.

  9. 4 months ago

    As someone who play the game: No clue what people screaming troony are on about. Your gender and what you wear literally does not matter and you can change that shit freely, in fact encouraged to do so as you only get all of the outfits AFTER you create your character. You can romance whoever or force them into a friendzone as once again your gender play no role in the game. Anyone complaining about gay people are ironically the ones who are gay. You can easily ignore the allies you get aside from their personal quest and just use mostly the dog ally you get near the end of the game if you want.

    REAL cons to the game and not an invisible boogeyman though would be that the game is oddly prone to crashing at select spots, namely dashing after leaving the cafe can easily cause a crash for me. Be sure to save in the cafe just to be safe THEN go off and explore after key events. Another issues I had with the game is how the mission board is postgame though it would been a nice way to grind during the game itself. By the time you reach "postgame" you have very little left to do and you need to do the mission board stuff to unlock extra content that you would otherwise miss. Those cons aside the game was decently fun though you might want to turn level scaling off outright in the options else what you do is kinda meaningless in terms of levels. Post game content have a girl who you can give a cassette beast to, that choice is permeant so unless you want her to use something stupid as hell for the rest of your time playing I recommend giving her something good may it be a starter you did not choose or Kuneko which is extremely fitting. She will evolve them herself so don't worry about that. Literally play though the game twice because I thought it didn't matter. Sorry for the spoiler otherwise.

    • 4 months ago

      >oddly prone to crashing
      i think i only ever crashed once
      >would been a nice way to grind during the game
      i agree, but i also never had the need to grind outside of evolving everything for the full dex
      >girl who you can give a cassette beast to
      oh god i forgot about this prostitute, i think this might be the one troony in the game. gave that b***h a jellyton and she rekt though.

    • 4 months ago

      how is the postgame anyway

      • 4 months ago

        Honestly not really worth it with the grinding on the mission board you would had to do. You get basically an extra boss and the ability to refight the bosses while gaining a rival and a girl who you can choose the starter for. They do not save the post game but if you going to hunt for bootlegs (shinies basically) it something to do along the way but once you beat the main story you honestly can quit there and leave happily. There isn't really a Mewtwo type of moment to go for otherwise as you can get what are basically legendries before completing the main story on your way. Game would been a lot better if the extra stuff was just part of the game and not locked behind a random quest board.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh lame, guess that's fine though. Would've enjoyed some more difficult encounters after beating the game.

          • 4 months ago

            there is actually a new monster unlocked in the postgame that acts as a more difficult fusion boss that shows up more often than other monsters

            • 4 months ago

              Oh right forgot about that. Annoying when completing the dex as it is basically the only way to get it. Otherwise the collecting was extremely fun. Salamagus being the only one that comes to mind as being far too rare. Catch two of these frickers as soon as you see them, three if you want a living dex.

    • 4 months ago

      the people who screams that are chuds who had gotten too irritated over the last decade for too much shit pushed into everything and get triggered over the smallest perceived provocation, pretty sure that if the game had come in the 00's or anywhere before gamergate now one would had a problem

  10. 4 months ago

    It is no Palworld but is pretty fun and the angels are interesting.

  11. 4 months ago

    we told you saymanart is not good.

  12. 4 months ago

    its absolute troonycore
    three things made me refund
    >absolute horrid town theme vocals ("We're all in the same shit")
    >in your face "uh oh, something 4th wall is going on!" plot
    >forced cool moment introucing the fusion mechanic
    couldnt bear it anymore after that

    • 4 months ago

      >forced cool moment introucing the fusion mechanic
      that just sounds like regular cool

    • 4 months ago

      >its absolute troonycore
      >heres three things completely unrelated to trannies

    • 4 months ago

      You missed your chance, someone already explained how you were wrong. Try an Omori thread, maybe they will still fall for it.

  13. 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    We need a digimon clone instead, aping pokemon only worked for palworld but any other game with the same design philosophy will be promptly forgotten

    • 4 months ago

      while I would love a digimon clone, basically all digimon games are incredibly unpopular

    • 4 months ago

      Not perfect but Anode Heart have the world and vibe of Digimon World 1 but sadly went too heavily on going the Pokemon route with battling evolving. Battling I could had deal with but beside a few species evolving is just a straight line with no real choices/results. If it went full on the " a single Digimon's single egg can become anything with time" route it would been perfect for me. The battling get saved by using the new Digimon card game gimmick where you can give your opponent more energy. So it isn't 1:1 boring turn based battling.

  15. 4 months ago

    I dropped it a few hours in, it's leftoid trash.

    • 4 months ago

      idk man, i dont play games aimed at trannies, but I do know palworld shits on this game hard just from the way the character looks

      >me a an extremist with genocidal delusions
      hahaha lmao chuds, get outside

  16. 4 months ago

    idk man, i dont play games aimed at trannies, but I do know palworld shits on this game hard just from the way the character looks

  17. 4 months ago

    It's pretty solid, and well worth the asking price. The soundtrack is the real highlight, particularly how battle themes go from pure instrumental to the vocals kicking in when you use the fusion mechanic. There's a lot of really catchy songs that build up the hype.
    The way the types react is pretty neat, because rather than raw damage increase/decreases like in pokemon, you get buffs or debuffs. For example, a plastic type getting hit with a fire move changes type to toxic, and an ice type hit by water gets attack and defense up whereas the opposite happens if they're hit by a "hard" type like rock or metal. Some of these type interactions can be downright debilitating, but you learn to cope and incorporate them to your advantage.
    Encounters are all visible and avoidable, which is a MAJOR plus for these kinds of games, and there's overworld platforming to make finding new mons more engaging than just running back in forth in waist high grass.

    If you like casette beasts, or even if you don't, then i STRONGLY reccomend Monster Sanctuary for even more fleshed out combat that is 3v3 instead of 2v2 withe sidescrolling metroidvania platforming instead of overhead. If you want more fleshed out platforming with a much bigger world, then absolutely check out Crystal Project. CP isn't a mon game, it's closer to an open world FFV where you can jump off huge mountains do wacky platforming where you have to incorporate jumping off an NPC's head or a wall lamp.

    • 4 months ago

      How would you compare the mechanical depth between Pokemon, Monster Sanctuary, and Cassette Beasts? Pokemon is actually decently deep if you want to try with just combining abilities and held items, even ignoring EVs and shit.

      • 4 months ago

        nta but Cassette Beasts and Monster Sanctuary both break down in the late game. Cassette Beasts is adding pvp but it's probably going to be dumb unless they change a LOT of shit, and Monster Sanctuary pvp is dumb.

        • 4 months ago

          Can't see how Cassette Beasts can do pvp. Recall a fog-like weather effect that make you immune to most attacks outright, That also ignoring just putting like eight Headshots on a beast to insta kill at the start of the round. There would need to have weird clauses or outright completely change how some moves work.

          • 4 months ago

            >Can't see how Cassette Beasts can do pvp.
            I can see it now, everyone would be running mons with echolocation for free AoE and mind-meld to give BOTH of their mons shared movepools. The meta would kill the fun day one.

            • 4 months ago

              Unless they changed that random starter sticker none of that matters you can just kill anyone turn 0

              • 4 months ago

                >Can't see how Cassette Beasts can do pvp.
                I can see it now, everyone would be running mons with echolocation for free AoE and mind-meld to give BOTH of their mons shared movepools. The meta would kill the fun day one.

                Can't see how Cassette Beasts can do pvp. Recall a fog-like weather effect that make you immune to most attacks outright, That also ignoring just putting like eight Headshots on a beast to insta kill at the start of the round. There would need to have weird clauses or outright completely change how some moves work.

                they probably are gonna need to deactivate rare stickers or the crap is going to get even more grindy than pokemon

          • 4 months ago

            Unless they changed that random starter sticker none of that matters you can just kill anyone turn 0

            they probably are gonna need to deactivate rare stickers or the crap is going to get even more grindy than pokemon

            >putting like eight Headshots on a beast to insta kill at the start of the round
            They decided to add a sticker in specifically to counter this, but the problem with that is how centralizing it will be. It will be a mandatory sticker to make sure you don't get auto-dunked by someone willing to gamble that you don't have it. Even if you do, it's a trade-off of sacrificing one of their tapes to make sure every one of yours has one less move slot. There's a max number of sticker slots, even if you have a bunch of "+1 Slot" stickers, so having to counter the automatic Headshot costs you valuable moves.
            And on the subject of valuable moves, grinding for rare or high value stickers is a shitty experience. You either run back and forth between the sticker merchants and the cafe for in-game weeks and real life hours hoping for rares, or you savescum grind the gacha machines for hours hoping for the same. With the new sticker limits (exacerbated by the glitch that makes stickers not stack properly), it's a nightmare The best solution would be to add a sticker crafter who makes custom stickers. Making stickers with multiple good, rare modifiers would cost a shit ton of pulp, with the crafter charging a commission of other resources based on how good the crafted sticker is.

            • 4 months ago

              I like your solution idea. Heard having too many stickers can outright brick your save file.

        • 4 months ago

          >nta but Cassette Beasts and Monster Sanctuary both break down in the late game.
          I am that anon, and agree. Eventually you will get familiar enough with the game's systems to use cheese strats that shut down any threat, but the mechanics are novel enough that the journey of learning and growing is still fun. Late game finishing up your monster collection will be the priority, and once you accomplish that there's little to do but put the games down and move on. Games don't need PVP to be fun, they don't have to last forever. If you want PVP, then stick to the decades old tried and true of Pokemon.

      • 4 months ago

        pokemon's mechanics only matter if you play a romhack like radicalred, otherwise is spamming attacks. cassette beast has more slow combat by comparison so it's rare to one hit-KO a mon at full life so your safest options are going for stall/over time strategies

        • 4 months ago

          >cassette beast has more slow combat by comparison so it's rare to one hit-KO a mon at full life
          homie what? Cassette Beasts has MULTIPLE ways to set up your monsters to kill the enemy before the fight even starts. It's true that the Wall skills are also absurdly powerful and nothing in the game can really counter stall/DoT strats either but there are about a thousand different ways to break that game in half regardless of how you play

  18. 4 months ago

    >there is a core group of anons just talking about the game's flaws and what they had fun with
    >meanwhile a bunch of randos just unable to say anything except troony and leftoid
    people will really tell you that there isn't a clear divide between pre and post-2016 posters

  19. 4 months ago

    I prefer Coromon

  20. 4 months ago

    It was a fun game. Focus on 2v2s is nice as is the ability to krump the trainers themselves if you set up right. The boss fights tend to have interesting gimmicks and require you to shift around your mons barring a degenerate strat or two. Don't use Eugene, he doesn't get fusion for a comically long amount of time. Game also allows co-op which isn't everyone's cup of tea but I enjoyed it with a friend. 2 difficulty sliders, one for level scaling and the other for how intelligent your opponents will be concerning focusing weaker defenses or type advantages.

  21. 4 months ago

    The mechanics are just too simple for the game being a challenge, increasing the dificulty makes the game a chore instead of harder. Also some types have meh advantages over others, if you dont have the passive skill that increases your dmg when your moves are super effective it can be pretty pointless

  22. 4 months ago

    >make a best girl
    >don't make her a companion/romance option

  23. 4 months ago

    These pokemon clones are way too heavy on the "clone". They have the same boring-ass battles for 5-year-olds as pokemon red did 20 sometime years ago. They are slow and clunky as frick. I want a challenge. I want some kind of tension during exploration. I don't want a 20 minute tutorial section where I wake up at mom's house and then professor boomer tells me how to press button to attack pokeman.

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