Is this true?

Is this true?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Dude, they are 17 years 365 days old.

  2. 10 months ago

    yes for me
    i automatically dislike games if they remotely look anime

  3. 10 months ago

    Sex with children bad
    Sex with a consenting adult good

    • 10 months ago

      *sex with fake person bad
      *sex with fake person but not anime good

      • 10 months ago

        No no, there are no typos in my post
        Sex with children bad
        Sex with a consenting adult good

        • 10 months ago

          *sex with fake person bad
          *sex with fake person but not anime good

          • 10 months ago

            This argument doesn't make sense
            2B is an anime girl and she broke the internet
            No one is saying "bad because anime girl" they're saying "bad because 5 year old"

            • 10 months ago

              Weebs are mentally ill anon. Don't argue with them.

            • 10 months ago

              Good lord

              • 10 months ago

                >implying an advent children animoo girl isn't animoo

            • 10 months ago

              No no, there are no typos in my post
              Sex with children bad
              Sex with a consenting adult good

              Sex with children bad
              Sex with a consenting adult good

              Amerimutt moment

              • 10 months ago

                >sex with underage girls near a grey water stream
                Third World moment

        • 10 months ago

          Nice try, we all know what you meant.
          *sex with FICTIONAL anime characters that make me feel jealous bad
          *sex with non-anime characters good.

          • 10 months ago

            >Nice try, we all know [Schizophrenic delusions no one said]
            Why do you focus on drawings that resemble children more than drawings that resemble adults?

        • 10 months ago

          it's not that
          >pretty women bad
          >degeneracy good

        • 10 months ago

          >obsessed with children
          larian writer?

          • 10 months ago

            thanks anon, you literally just saved me from buying the game. i had no idea they were such c**ts.
            i've unsubbed and stopped watching so many people that i used to do because they can't stop sperging out on twitter about politics.

          • 10 months ago

            >obsessed with children
            Das you

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, it's hypocritical to not allow pedophiles and zoophiles into the LGBT+ fold. They should promote their rights to be sexual.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, sex with children bad, at the same time sex with fake anime character that is hard to say what exact age they are because they are fictional le bad.

          Now shut the frick up b***h and go frick that bear.

      • 10 months ago

        You know he's right.
        Pedo shit is way worse then animal porn played as a joke.
        It shows a fricking squirrel dropping its nuts. ITS A JOKE.
        But "lets find the youngest kid we can draw and set out to put it in sexy situations" is no way a joke.

        Its just pedo shit

        • 10 months ago

          It's the creator's barely disguised bestiality fetish.

    • 10 months ago

      *sex with fake person bad
      *sex with fake person but not anime good

      No no, there are no typos in my post
      Sex with children bad
      Sex with a consenting adult good

      *sex with fake person bad
      *sex with fake person but not anime good

      cartoon girls in suggestive poses BAD

      uncensored nudity with realistic genitals and sex and sodomy and bestiality and blood sacrifices GOOD

      Cartoon six year old girls in suggestive poses BAD, yes

      Both are demonic and turn you into a troon.

      • 10 months ago

        Reminder that every troon is a weeb

    • 10 months ago

      Cartoon six year old girls in suggestive poses BAD, yes

      >...wait ...wait no, NOT LIKE THAT

      • 10 months ago

        there's like 3 e-girls in genshin total
        half the game is pretty men

    • 10 months ago

      >consenting adult
      It's a bear. The only way you can have sex with a bear in he real world is by fricking a bear.

      • 10 months ago

        It's a druid that can shapeshift into a bear.

        • 10 months ago

          she's a 1000 year old dragon that just took the form of a e-girl 🙂

    • 10 months ago

      >consenting adult

      It's an animal. If you say "Oh but it was actually a person transformed into a bear" then you are literally saying 1000 year old vampire e-girl is the same thing.

    • 10 months ago

      >Consenting adult
      >Consenting adult
      You can mental gymnastic it all you want, but what the end result is still bestiality. Animal fricking.

  4. 10 months ago

    >censoring the word FRICK
    go back

    • 10 months ago

      I'm from Germany, I have to censor it.

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Right is better
        kys and don't bother (You)ing me

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      why do you not report the websites that host these "pixels that resemble children" to the FBI?

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            the funny thing is this sort of thing is the exact same argument used by fat greasy old men who make 'sexist' jokes in the workplace that are no longer legal because it creates a 'hostile workplace environment.' and in that case, the response is that it's the perspective of the offended woman that matters, not the insensitive jokers. so these people are literally perpetuating an old boys' club mentality that they themselves presumably (since they complain about 'objectification') also oppose.

            It's a human polymorphed as a bear. If you have a problem with jokes then maybe frick off to tumblr or something.

            anon, animal abuse is a serious problem that - unlike child molestation, which is taken very seriously outside Ganker - is not actually taken all that seriously by a lot of people. it isn't a joke.

        • 10 months ago

          >twitter/xitter/shitter screenshots
          have a nice day

      • 10 months ago

        >Some literally whos on Twitter
        Who the hell cares

  5. 10 months ago

    i hate pedos and furries you got a problem?

  6. 10 months ago

    >marketing team knows what gets reactions/clicks
    >does nothing but spam it for a week straight baiting people into buying their trash game

  7. 10 months ago

    Weebs can't tell the difference between their "games" which actively try and pander to their sexual attraction to children vs a tongue-in-cheek sex joke that doesn't even show actual sex.

    • 10 months ago

      >tongue-in-cheek sex joke

    • 10 months ago

      I'd believe you if the people who hate this anime shit and love this bear sex shit weren't literally furries.

      this is more "dm's poorly disguised fetish" than sex joke, but either way it's just a marketing strategy.

  8. 10 months ago

    cartoon girls in suggestive poses BAD

    uncensored nudity with realistic genitals and sex and sodomy and bestiality and blood sacrifices GOOD

    • 10 months ago

      Cartoon six year old girls in suggestive poses BAD, yes

      • 10 months ago

        >oh no, the number is lower on the pixel than what my country tells me is ok
        Have you tried thinking, just actually having individual thoughts instead of being a moronic npc?

        Weebs can't tell the difference between their "games" which actively try and pander to their sexual attraction to children vs a tongue-in-cheek sex joke that doesn't even show actual sex.

        >it's just a joke when we do it
        This is the most moronic thing I've ever heard. There's a million times more degenerate pandering in baldurs gate 3

        • 10 months ago

          Why do you look at pixels that resemble children instead of pixels that resemble adults?

          • 10 months ago

            They resemble anime girls, muttbrain

            • 10 months ago

              They resemble 6 year old anime girls
              Unless you're gonna try and tell me there's no difference between Mai Valentine and Yotsuba

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, no problem with this until you start calling everyone paedo, protect the literal child and want it cancelled. Dont overstep your bounds mutt, go drink cheese whiz or whatever it is you do

          • 10 months ago

            why do you not report the websites that host these "pixels that resemble children" to the FBI?

            • 10 months ago

              Why can't you talk to anyone in your real life about looking at pixels that resemble children?

          • 10 months ago

            the leftist reaction would be the same
            they are hypocrites

            • 10 months ago

              I remember when amerimutts were mad at Uzaki and A LOT of japanese girls with body shapes similar to Uzaki started posting bikini pics to make ameirmutts mad.


              • 10 months ago

                It also proved that the actual age means nothing. My favorite thing was when you had some moron photoshopping uzaki's head onto a baby and saying those that liked her were pedos because she reminded him of a baby.

              • 10 months ago

                I remember when amerimutts were mad at Uzaki and A LOT of japanese girls with body shapes similar to Uzaki started posting bikini pics to make ameirmutts mad.

                AND IT FRICKING WORKED.

                wait seriously? I can't believe this. college girl with huge breasts is the most basic of normalgay amerimutt fetishes.

              • 10 months ago

                She's short

              • 10 months ago

                You kidding? amerimutts WERE UTTERLY MAD because her body was unrealistic. I even remember they "fixed" Uzaki's design by making her obese LOL

              • 10 months ago

                >wait seriously? I can't believe this. college girl with huge breasts is the most basic of normalgay amerimutt fetishes.

                >japanese girls
                Yeah sure, chud

                These are just troony talking points and arguments kek. Do Zoomers often seek out trannies for wisdom kek?

              • 10 months ago

                >japanese girls
                Yeah sure, chud

              • 10 months ago

                >The controversy happened like 4 years ago
                >troony subhumans are still mad

              • 10 months ago

                it doesn't matter, leftists will b***h anyway always
                except when its homosexualry
                nothing is more evil than those hypocrites

          • 10 months ago

            I'm sorry, show me a anime e-girl that actually looks like a real child, not to mention steam is iffy about anime girls who'll look the same at 30 as they would at 16 but they ban the content because of school girl outfits which is unbelievably moronic.
            Question is why are you more okay with a man a fricking a bear than mild e-girl fanservice, and don't bring up consent, incredibly moronic concept to apply to fictional characters that can be written in any way.

            • 10 months ago

              >actually looks like a real child
              Splitting hairs
              There are anime girls with defined, mature bodies (2B) and characters from something like Corpse Party who are chibi
              Why do you prefer the latter?

              • 10 months ago

                love Chibi <3

              • 10 months ago

                I don't prefer the latter, I just think it's moronic to have a problem with it. It's especially nauseating when western properties pretend to be transgressive and pushing the degenerate envelope even though they're just doing the safest shit that will not get them into any trouble and get weak in the knees at the slightest suggestion of lewdness when the number tacked on to a drawing is under 18 even if it doesn't involve any sex, while being okay with extremes of degenerate when the number above. It's like they're applying the same logic that may have some utility in the real world in their culture, but becomes absolutely moronic when applied to fiction.

        • 10 months ago

          Give it a few more years and these homosexuals b***hing about the age of fictional characters will be writing proposals for an AI chatbot asking for consent to jack off to them.

    • 10 months ago

      >bear?? he's actually le adult male with consent!
      >e-girl??? she's actually a 1000 year old dragon!!
      same shit

      • 10 months ago

        >implying Japan dances around age
        Only the American localized cuck versions do this. Based Japs are completrly unrepentant about lewding e-girls (and that's a good thing)

        • 10 months ago

          >based japs
          lmao they're now kowtowing to american shit

  9. 10 months ago

    >even people on twitter of all places calling out the hypocrisy
    The left is losing the culture war.

    • 10 months ago

      They lose the culture war every day according to this board yet I still have to hear about them

  10. 10 months ago

    Why are pedos seething so hard?

    • 10 months ago


      Weebs can't tell the difference between their "games" which actively try and pander to their sexual attraction to children vs a tongue-in-cheek sex joke that doesn't even show actual sex.

    • 10 months ago

      Righteous anger at immoral animal abuse being given a free pas when they get treated like villains regularly. Protip: bears cannot consent, no matter how old they are.

      • 10 months ago

        Druids maintain their mental capabilities when they transform so yes it can.

        • 10 months ago

          this is a 598 year-old vampire that transformed into a e-girl and has all her mental faculties but has the body of an 8 year-old would you say people attracted to her are pedophiles?

          • 10 months ago

            Someday, in the far future, we'll have the technology to pause or reverse aging at whatever age we want, and you know some girls out there will want to be cute uohhs. Maybe they will be required to wear a digital armband that will show their actual age to not confuse actual kids, but yeah. Society then will laugh at us now
            (Then there are those suicide parties for tired immortals like what Michio Kaku thinks but yeah)

    • 10 months ago

      Because we're reaching critical amounts of hypocrisy and bigotry and you people still refuse to engage in real conversation and keep spamming "PEDOS ARE JUST BAD, OKAY ITS NOT THE SAME ITS JUST NOT".

      It is the same. It is literally the same. Its all fiction. Fricking a man transformed into a bear is exactly the the same as fricking a 1000 year old e-girl. No one is saying you can do this in real life, yet one is seen as a funny gag and the other is being banned from every game platform. Blue Protocol just removed the entire small body type from the western version of the game last week. Its out of control.

      You can accept a persons sexuality and allow them a small semblance of happiness without legalizing child molestation. But you refuse to even consider that the other side are people trying to live their lives with a condition that they never asked for and will never go away. You arent the good guys. You're the same bigots you claim to be fighting.

  11. 10 months ago

    why did sharty and /vpol/ choose baldur's gay to freak the frick out over?

    • 10 months ago

      >Why are /misc/ chuds degenerates
      Have you ever browse right wing boards like pol or gif? bro its all porn.

      • 10 months ago

        >right wing boards
        > gif

    • 10 months ago

      They didnt. This was literally forced.

      Why the frick would Ganker be mad at BG3? When you can literally play as a white male paladin? And even go out of your way to kill the gays?
      It's like pretending that autists would be mad at Hearts of Iron 4 just because you can make both the nazis and the commies win.

      • 10 months ago

        i could buy that was initially forced by shitposters but it quickly became sincere.

        • 10 months ago

          I think it was the opposite where /misc/tards tried to outrage bait over the meme bear but when it didnt work went full shitpost to try and play it off as a joke

      • 10 months ago

        The only outrage was Ganker noticing the hypocrisy of the western industry being fine with weird fricked up fetishes while having a problem with large breasts.
        The rest was so forced and spammed it was clear we were being raided by lying homosexuals and shills.

        • 10 months ago

          >look at this bear fricking this gay dude the west has fallen!!!!
          >Ganker just laughs at you and shitposts drown out ragebait
          >i-it was just homosexuals and shills raiding!!!!

          • 10 months ago

            >point out hypocrisy
            >shills think you're mad at the game not the journohomosexuals and pretend that was your argument
            You really hate people noticing the hypocrisy of the western games industry for some reason.

            • 10 months ago

              didnt even buy baldurs gate because its wRPGslop keep coping though

  12. 10 months ago

    was the bear meme a thing anywhere but here? genuinely asking if people talked about it on twitter, reddit or whatever else.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Frick off !

  14. 10 months ago

    Yep. Gaming romance has been prominent for decades outside of the west who has been in prude mode for 10+ years.

    All the same people going gaga for romance in bg3 are the people who said it was disgusting for the past ten years. "Just go watch porn" is now "this porn is awesome"!

    They don't actually play much vidya because they keep talking about how groundbreaking a romance system is.

  15. 10 months ago

    Yes. To understand what is happening, you must know that religious-sourced puritanism is the US has been replaced over the course of the last 20 years by neo liberal puritanism, except the latter is 100% invested in sexual expose- but only if it's LGBTQ, otherwise sex is bad

  16. 10 months ago

    if it's child porn then why haven't you reported sites like exhentai, nhentai, gelbooru, etc to the feds then?

    • 10 months ago

      no one here wants to be fined and imprisoned for filing false claims

      • 10 months ago

        Mutts will seethe and steam at e-girl but the end of the this is the undeniable fact they all know

  17. 10 months ago

    have a nice day

    • 10 months ago

      Come here and kill me you 2 digit iq Black person. Come on, pussy ass wanking subhuman.

  18. 10 months ago

    Game above has sexual innuendo with e-girls, game below has sexual content with goblins and gnomes. Not the same thing.

    • 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago

    >compares shit ass games that are 99% coomerbait garbage to a game that is 99.9% not sexual

  20. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      wasnt there a better collage pic? like with more articles. Need a new updated one because I'm pretty sure theres more. Any heroes?

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly Larian's smart for appealing to the creepy sex/race obsessed crowd, because while they're buying the game the people opposing it will give free PR.

  21. 10 months ago

    If japanese devs could stop trying to depict children getting fricked they wouldn't have problems getting their games on Steam.

    • 10 months ago

      >western devs keep getting caught raping children and women
      >Japanese devs are punished for drawings
      Truly a fair system

      • 10 months ago

        Why go through this much mental gymnastics to defend your literal child porn?

        • 10 months ago

          Why did you let society brainwash you into demonizing art?

        • 10 months ago

          >literal child porn
          >the people calling it child porn don't report it to the proper authorities
          Why? You know that you're committing a crime by knowingly letting child porn remain unreported on the net.

        • 10 months ago

          Why go through this much mental gymnastics to defend your literal bestiality

          • 10 months ago

            The difference is that your "games" explicitly try and titillate pedos with sexualized underage girls. BG3's bear sex scene was meant to be a joke. It doesn't depict any actual sex and the camera pans away to a squirrel looking on horrified. You can say it's not funny, and I agree it wasn't very funny. But it's not hypocritical. The equivalent of your games would be something like a game where you have to hunt and frick literal animals that are constantly sexualized. But I wouldn't expect pedo subhumans like you to understand.

            • 10 months ago

              Humans forcing themselves on animals isn't a joke, it's animal abuse. The game is trivializing bear sexual abuse, but I wouldn't expect h*mans like you to understand what we have to go through.

              • 10 months ago

                It's a human polymorphed as a bear. If you have a problem with jokes then maybe frick off to tumblr or something.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a human polymorphed as a bear
                >she's actually a 9000 yo demon
                Tell me you can see the irony

            • 10 months ago

              >was meant to be a joke
              Yeah, in the same way that posting an image of Yoshi and going "Wouldn't it be funny if he just pooped an egg right on your face HAHA"

              • 10 months ago

                I explicitly said that I didn't find it funny. My point is that it's not hypocritical, and not comparable to your pedo baiting "games". Nice reading comprehension pedo freak.

              • 10 months ago

                >I explicitly said that I didn't find it funny. My point is that it's not hypocritical, and not comparable to your pedo baiting "games". Nice reading comprehension pedo freak.
                Reddit freaks usually like this stuff kek

              • 10 months ago

                >I explicitly said that I didn't find it funny
                Yeah, great, where did I say it was (You) that I was talking about you fricking moron.
                >it's not hypocritical
                Killing yourself would solve many of your issues. Also if you're going to point fingers at reading comprehension maybe learn to read before posting.

              • 10 months ago

                >Still not getting it
                Anon, read my post again slowly. Maybe this time the gears in your coomer porn-addict brain will get it this time.

              • 10 months ago

                Alright, serious question. Do you understand that the issue of hypocrisy is the response from journobloggers and not the game itself? If you do and still hold the same view then why are you running defence for the dumbest subhumans on the planet?

              • 10 months ago

                >Do you understand that the issue of hypocrisy is the response from journobloggers and not the game itself?
                Yes. Can you seriously not read?

              • 10 months ago

                So you're moronic since you're running defense for the journobloggers.
                The same journobloggers who swept the child rape and grooming under the rug when it was exposed but have no problem b***hing about gamers hating censorship?

              • 10 months ago

                I never "defended" anyone. I articulated why I thought it wasn't hypocrisy to be fine with BG3 but not pedo games. If some literally who journalists/bloggers agree then I don't care. I don't obsess over random ecelebs like you. My own opinion is enough for me.

              • 10 months ago

                >articulated why I thought it wasn't hypocrisy to be fine with BG3 but not pedo games
                Again, you're calling it pedo so report it to the proper authorties. You won't because you know it's not pedo and won't be pulled for it.

              • 10 months ago

                Games that sexualize underaged anime girls without actually making it porn is legal in the USA from what I understand. That doesn't mean it isn't filth that it shouldn't be ridiculed.

        • 10 months ago

          then report it to the FBI moron

        • 10 months ago

          I don't think you understand what literal means

  22. 10 months ago

    neither of these are bad or wrong, it's a video game it's not real

  23. 10 months ago

    >draw lines on paper
    >committed crime worse than murder

  24. 10 months ago


  25. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >this bestiality is way better than your pedophile shit!

      Nope. It's not. You are both equally disgusting and should be in jail.

      • 10 months ago

        The difference is that BG3's scene was clearly a tongue-in-cheek joke whereas your pedo "games" are actually trying to normalize pedophilia.

        Joking about a bad behavior is okay.
        Actually normalizing a bad behavior is not okay.
        It really is that simple.

        • 10 months ago

          >Actually normalizing a bad behavior is not okay.
          So BG3 is not okay since the players are slobbering over being able to frick animals.
          Your words not mine.

          • 10 months ago

            >Players = developers
            Based moron. If some players want to frick the bear then they're degenerates. That doesn't mean Larian is in the wrong.

            • 10 months ago

              >they make it so you can frick the bear
              >they didn't do this because they wanted to frick the bear
              Do you have a brain?

              • 10 months ago

                Making a joke about beastiality =/= wanting to actually participate in beastiality. Are you actually moronic?

              • 10 months ago

                >Making a joke about beastiality
                Where is the joke? BUT MUH FUNNY SQUIRREL
                So... it's not actually coded into the game? It was just a funny joke for a trailer right?

              • 10 months ago

                I imagine the bear sex and the horrified squirrel was supposed to come off as surreal and nonsensical. I didn't think it was funny. But guess what, it didn't have to be funny because either way it's not hypocrisy. Larian didn't make a game that explicitly sexualizes animals and tries to actually normalize sex with animals.

              • 10 months ago

                >Larian didn't make a game that explicitly sexualizes animals and tries to actually normalize sex with animals
                Do you really believe this when damn near every point of discourse about the game is sex related? No one talks about the gameplay just who they frick.

              • 10 months ago

                >every point of discourse
                I dont care what the "discourse" is moron. Larian made a fantasy RPG where sex scenes are like 00.01% of gameplay. They didn't make a game that tries to pander to zoophiles every single second of the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >where sex scenes are like 00.01% of gameplay
                >0.01% of gameplay
                >literally all the hundreds of thousands of players talk about
                I don't believe a word you're saying for a pretty clear reason.

              • 10 months ago

                all the hundreds of thousands of players talk about
                Yep. They only talk about the sex scenes. All of them. Not a single discussion of gameplay or anything anywhere. Not even here. But guess what, even if I believe you I dont give a shit what people TALK ABOUT homosexual. Larian MADE a game that is primarily a Fantasy RPG. SEX with ACTUAL BEARS was not the focus or selling point of the game. I made this pretty obvious. Can you actually not read?

              • 10 months ago

                >was not the focus or selling point of the game
                >Advertise at an event in front of thousands and broadcast on the internet as a major trailer(a key point of marketing)
                >Marketing: the activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
                >not a selling point

              • 10 months ago

                Holy shit, you were able to use a dictionary. You want some ice on your head now or something? That's probably the most challenging thing you've done all month.

        • 10 months ago

          scenes in dunegeon travelers are completely tongue in cheek and completely skippable and irrelevant to the story

        • 10 months ago

          Do you honestly believe that shooting games normalize gun violence in real life as well? Are you really that fricking moronic?

          • 10 months ago

            >Gun violence keeps going up year after year.
            Tell me how not.

            • 10 months ago

              In America. I am talking about first-world countries, here.

    • 10 months ago

      Crimes of western gaming industry
      >Raping children
      >Grooming children
      >Raping women
      >Abusing women
      >Sexually harrassing women
      >Forcing a woman to commit suicide
      >Stealing a woman's breast milk
      >taking photos of naked 11 year old boys
      Crimes of japanese gaming industry
      >Drawing fictional characters the above people don't approve of
      So, why is Japan in the wrong here?

  26. 10 months ago

    The absurd amount of """people""" defending BG3 pretty much proves that this board is filled with furries.

  27. 10 months ago

    Honestly makes sense that hispanics are so poverty and opportunity struck when teen pregnancies is something they believe is normal and healthy.

  28. 10 months ago

    Stop with the whataboutism homosexual. Anyone western dev that has done anything you listed deserves punishment and ridicule. That doesn't make Japan's pedo bait games okay.

    • 10 months ago

      Meant for

      Crimes of western gaming industry
      >Raping children
      >Grooming children
      >Raping women
      >Abusing women
      >Sexually harrassing women
      >Forcing a woman to commit suicide
      >Stealing a woman's breast milk
      >taking photos of naked 11 year old boys
      Crimes of japanese gaming industry
      >Drawing fictional characters the above people don't approve of
      So, why is Japan in the wrong here?

  29. 10 months ago

    Frick off

  30. 10 months ago

    I know this is a tired subject but I genuinely do not understand why e-girlcons make people so upset.
    While I don't personally like sexualized e-girls, I just enjoy cute and funny girls. Apparently this is still bad.
    It's not even about age or consent or whatever, I don't get why the mere sight of a e-girl pisses so many people off.

    • 10 months ago

      typically theyre pedophiles themselves since they sexualize everything but in denial

    • 10 months ago

      It's really quite simple
      >UN writes letter to Japan demanding e-girls and rape be banned and made illegal from doujins
      >Women Writer's Association of Japan say no and say worry about real women and children
      >a couple months later UN is caught with 120+ cases of child rape, abuse, grooming and prostitution
      >UK makes an expose on Japan's "Child rape culture"
      >leaves out everything of a 3 hour interview with GuP's character designer saying "worry about real children instead"
      >Same year the Rotherham child rape gangs are revealed. The UK didn't do anything to help the kids because they were scared of "being seen as racist"(the actual reason, I'm not making this up)
      >EVO Japan has a segment to advertise DOA6 where sexy women show off their bodies and mess around with the game
      >Feed gets cut and EVO owner says that content does not fit with EVO's "Core Values"
      >A few months later it's found out he was taking pictures of naked 11 year old boys
      >Pokemon Sword and Shield's female protag gets a frick ton of porn
      >Twitterhomosexuals come out saying how it's pedo and evil
      >a few weeks later they make a twitlonger about how they groomed, abused or raped a child/children
      They want to cover up their crimes against children by putting all eyes on fictional content that harms no one.

      • 10 months ago

        Remember when Japan had to make the cameras on all their phones always make noises to prevent creepshots? That was funny.

        • 10 months ago

          >Here's plenty of examples of the west getting caught raping children or trying to have sex with children
          >(You): BUT MUH CAMERAS
          This isn't a porn game moron, how is a camera in the same region as RAPING A CHILD?

      • 10 months ago

        It's straight up moronic and hypocritical. This extreme double standard all stems from idiotic biases, yet one is considered "acceptable" and other as "horrible".

      • 10 months ago

        No I understand the double standard, I'm more so referring to the sort of gut reaction normalgays tend to have seeing underage girls in Japanese media. It's like it triggers their fight or flight response.

        • 10 months ago

          >to the sort of gut reaction normalgays
          Because they're stupid, and they react because others react. You can force anything to be bad if you push a narrative.
          No one cared about porn of Gwen, Raven, Starfire, Toph and many other characters for the longest time. You should know it doesn't matter though, when feminists claimed video games were making men sexist it didn't matter what the truth was: The outrage machine does not care.
          You want to know the saddest thing you can ever realize?
          Almost every person openly talks about how they love goblins, and shortstacks being so hot, but anyone with a working brain can understand it's literally just oppai e-girl with a different name.

          • 10 months ago

            The cognitive dissonance from people who find Lalafells attractive but hate e-girl is fricking surreal.

            • 10 months ago

              The only way to defeat stupidity is to overwhelm them with contradictions to themselves, to make them feel the fire but give them out.
              When a furry harasses you point out their favorites have animal penises on their characters, point out their fandom openly sells dildos shaped after animals. Make them say: "Fantasy isn't reality."
              That's the only way to defeat these idiots. You have to make them feel the same position.
              For the love of god do not play into their outrage politics, that's what they want. Hold them to the fire, use their own logic against them: Make them finally end this fricking hysteria.
              It has worked for me so many times, and people have told me: "Yeah I'm honestly sorry I fell into that mentality, I realize I was kind sealing my own fate. I don't like it but I can understand it's just a kink and they aren't going to do anything bad."
              Remember they're always intellectually dishonest, but they're always cowards.

              • 10 months ago

                That's what people should always do, frick your fake ass outrage.

      • 10 months ago

        >Whataboutism: the post
        Sure, the west has its fair share of pedos. At least they don't actually try and normalize it like Japan does.

        • 10 months ago

          >At least they don't actually try and normalize it like Japan does.
          Got a giggle out of me

        • 10 months ago

          The same west that sexualizes real children in television, movies, music, etc.? The same west that had boomers trying to pass child marriage into law?

          • 10 months ago

            The same west that ran defense for a certain French movie on Netflix that was TOTALLY given false marketing and wasn't pedo tier. Just ignore the fact they filmed children dry humping the floor and shaking their asses.

            • 10 months ago

              homie at least it actually got backlash and caused boycotts. Some people tried to hold Netflix liable for child exploitation. Meanwhile e-girlcon is just normal in Japan and nobody cares.

              • 10 months ago

                >Meanwhile e-girlcon is just normal in Japan and nobody cares.
                It actually isn't.

              • 10 months ago

                >Meanwhile e-girlcon is just normal in Japan and nobody cares
                It's normal to otaku media consumers. That's it. But guess who most of the entertainment you find from Japan is made for?
                You only think it's normal because you don't watch actual Japanese media.
                Anime airs late at night often in the 11pm to 5am range. All the shit that homosexuals are b***hing about air in the dead of the night. Go watch non-otaku Japanese media and tell me how many e-girls you see.

          • 10 months ago

            The same west that ran defense for a certain French movie on Netflix that was TOTALLY given false marketing and wasn't pedo tier. Just ignore the fact they filmed children dry humping the floor and shaking their asses.

            Nobody likes hollywood you moronic pedophile

        • 10 months ago

          You live under a rock don't you?

          • 10 months ago

            Idk. Can you show me where the west allows media that sexualizes girls like its normal? At least something like Cuties caused boycotts and backlash.

            • 10 months ago

              >allows media
              How about reality? Like convicted child rapists being allowed around children in the guise of "drag queen story hours". The cancelling of a Florida Pride parade after it was declared that all sexual events MUST be 18+ only.

        • 10 months ago

          >At least the west doesn't try to normalize it
          Desmond is amazing
          Drag show story hour
          Could go on and on mate

        • 10 months ago

          >At least the west doesn't actually try and normalize pedophilia like Japan does.
          Fricking kek

          • 10 months ago

            >Pride flag = pedophilia
            I agree it's cringe but it's not promoting pedophilia FFS

            • 10 months ago

              >Florida says that all sexual events must be 18+
              >Florida pride committee FOR SOME REASON decides to cancel the pride parade
              Now, why would they take so much issue with something no normal person would take issue with?
              >No kids around sex stuff
              >porn shop owners: Makes sense
              >strip club owners: No shit
              >hookers: ah durr
              One of these things is not like the other.

  31. 10 months ago

    >Ganker: spends years talking about fricking monsters and posts bestiality porn
    >also Ganker: noooooo you can't le heckin have a bear sex scene!! That's le degeneraterino!

    • 10 months ago

      It's the whole "rules for thee but not for me"thing you now see in this industry/culture. I'm not even right wing and the double standard disgusts me.

  32. 10 months ago

    both are trash. bottom is more than the moronic sex scenes though

  33. 10 months ago

    Weebs BTFO. This is just a single case of this happening btw

    • 10 months ago

      I forget was this a big controversy or not? I'm guessing the latter because anti-SJWs are like neo-conservatives in that they just stop caring after a certain point since they're cucks.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably because what she found was e-girlkon anime within anime so some people wanted e-girlcon to remain e-girlcon.

  34. 10 months ago

    steamkeks get the rope and baldur 3 is wokeshit plus all the women are ugly af. Literally Mortal Kombat all over again.

  35. 10 months ago

    Anyway, let's impregnate inklings

  36. 10 months ago

    Literally the only reason people remember those vita games is because of the controversy, remove the controversy and no one would talk about those like they dont talk about all those other ecchi shovelwares
    People prefer to be angry, than play

  37. 10 months ago

    >tried to sneak in uncensored suggestive scenes involving e-girl
    >but as expected of a Nip dev, they are embarrassingly incompetent and got busted by Valve
    >tried to play it off as an honest mistake and promised to amend the issue immediately
    >Valve was having none of that shit and swiftly gave the the boot
    >weebtroons are still assblasted until today
    Kek get fricked pedo, glad there are two less kusoge on Steam

    • 10 months ago

      Edit: I'm trans btw

      • 10 months ago

        Why do people feel the need to edit their comments like this? Now I'll never know what you originally said to the guy you replied to.

    • 10 months ago

      bro those are edits those aren't actually in the game

      • 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago

    They should have just gutted it like the nukitashi devs did. Game is 500mb and the patch is 4.5gb

  39. 10 months ago

    >all these unironic furgays

  40. 10 months ago

    I said it in the other thread before; Frick Shiravune, they deserved it.

  41. 10 months ago

    Amerigolems are so utterly mindbroken that they find being attracted to animals less taboo than being attracted to teenagers.

  42. 10 months ago

    tbh you can tell the people that didn't play the game because astarion is a fricking homosexual in every sense of the word and deserves the bear dicking as punishment. seriously, frick that guy. i'd kill him if i wasn't playing as a paladin that needs to uphold his oath.

  43. 10 months ago

    all of you homosexuals are mentally ill and should be shot in the streets

    • 10 months ago

      you wont do shit homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        go frick a dog Black person

  44. 10 months ago

    Show me a professional western game studio that had made something like this:
    and I'll admit that weebs are right about muh hypocrisy.

    • 10 months ago

      RapeLay's available on consoles? Uncensored?
      Which system because I never saw it in the west. I didn't even know it was officially released in English.

  45. 10 months ago

    As long as ESG exists, we are never going to see attractive or even cute looking women in western video games ever again. That's why this game got that kind of treatment too. Same with remakes like Dead Space and their granny looking Nicole and Isaac looking like Adam Sandler or Ashley from RE4 Remake with her ballistic and funny big ears getting removed and all the funny dialogue gone.

    Of course all the responses to those changes were also just "omg thank you Capcom, you protected muh fictional characters again, it's supposed to be realistic and taken seriously, not objectify wahmen, anyway i'm gonna go ahead and play as Leon without his shirt on, use cat ears and lust after his body" or "why do you care about *insert stupid change in a video game* it's such an insignificant change, just go watch the real stuff, coomer"

    You found it significant enough to have it changed to begin with. Besides, being able to look up girls skirts in game is called soul, censoring/removing them is soulless. You would think furries, Redditors and Twitter users who clap at patting dogs in games would understand how little additions like this make the game better.

    i have no idea why some people buy into that whole made up "male gaze" concept so hard, and ignore all the sexy female characters designed by women, or the sexy male characters blatantly marketed at women.

    I also find it funny how journalists are currently crying because Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury's queer representation is being censored. Now the censorship suddenly matters. If only there had been someone to warn about slippery slope but i guess you were too busy celebrating games like Mass Effect Remaster having their one second butt shots getting removed because they were "unnecessary" and laughing about Skullgirls getting censored after over ten years. "Supporting censorship to own the coomers! Haha get owned, wait why are you censoring stuff that i like wtf?"

    • 10 months ago

      And while it is true that there are games from Japan where female characters actually still look attractive and cute, funny even, the problem is that when or if those games ever gets released in the west, they will be absolutely censored or content removed from them. There's tons of Japanese games on Steam that needs a patch to be downloaded from other sites or no patch at all while western games almost always gets a pass and no need for any patches. Same with furry games which i find very interesting. people rarely if ever criticizes furry porn but they mostly side with the furries in going after anime even though furries also sexualize tons of female characters but because they are animals, it's fine? I don't know, go figure.

      Japanese games almost never get promoted on the front page either. If anime games have even a bit of nudity in them, you need to enable that feature on Steam to be able to see adult games. Do you have to do that for Baldurs Gate 3? Or is it being heavily advertised on the front page for everyone?

      Also, i'll admit that i do find the whole bear thing just a funny detail but again, it's amazing double standard from a lot of people, especially from woke journalists. From the nudity to the bestiality, they would condemn any of it if the game was a Japanese Anime game but they even make guides for it. The moment goofy stuff comes from Japan, people are like "wow wtf that's disgusting, it needs to be banned, what an awful horrible country for violating those pixels and drawings and muh fictional characters".

      My brother in Christ, French made cuties that is still on Netflix and Game of Thrones contains tons of incest and other messed up stuff and it's still one the most popular TV series ever made. Then you have shows like Bad Mouth that for some reason keeps getting more seasons and movies like Turning Red with a kid twerking in it.

      I am honestly starting to believe more and more that the hatred for Japan and their games, anime and manga is caused by decades-long deeply rooted xenophobia. It started with anti-Japan sentiments by car factory workers because Japanese cars are superior and cheaper and it's now being echoed by western animators and game devs because Japanese entertainment has more mass appeal, especially to men. I think their hatred towards Japanese is also the reason why so many English Anime dubs and localization's have been so awful lately, filled with nothing but zoomer talk and trying to add their own ideology and politics into them.

      Ideology may change but xenophobia tends to stick around, especially if they are laser focused to a specific group of people.

      So again, i don't have a problem what Baldurs Gate 3 contains, i don't think anyone has. It's just the double standards that's the issue. I think art should be unchained and everything should be permitted like it was in the 1990s-2010 era but instead we got tons of little Jack Thompsons all over the place. The only difference is that instead of people wanting to ban violent video games because "muh video games normalize violence" argument, this time it's zoomers who think that wanting attractive female characters in your fictional media is somehow going to normalize hate towards women even though there's no proof of it. Meanwhile same people will also lust after attractive male characters and even celebrate when they are naked.

      I also find it funny that same people probably praise real women like Sanna Marin just because she's "beautiful". It didn't matter what she did, she got praise just for looking "good" and that along somehow made her the best PM ever and if you ever said anything bad about her, you got absolutely bombarded with hate.

      I truly believe that what we are currently seeing is a lot of misandry and not wanting men to be happy, have their own hobbies and removing any fictional female character that man could find attractive or cute. This causes men to look for media from Japan because western media is no longer looking appealing to them. Westerners notices this and try to force Japan to change but Japan refuses.

      This causes westerners to seethe and they start making all kinds of accusations towards them, awful jokes, censor their media if they ever get released in the west, localizers ruining their media by adding their own politics, ideology and memes into them and even hit pieces like the one from Vice with them claiming that manga and anime is all pedo stuff, same news site that praised Cuties by the way. Many such cases.

      It's pretty clear that the video game industry still got a long way to go before there's actual equality. Currently it's filled with misandry and xenophobia towards Asians, especially Japanese.

      There seems to have been a push in western media, spearheaded by left wing activists, like feminists especially, to remove attractive women from games. I believe they do this because they want to lower the standards of men, and it's hypocritical because we can make attractive male characters in western games.

      It's a form of trying to social engineer men into being into ugly chicks. It's being pushed on us through gaming, because no matter what, our government and corporations work together to try to systematically brainwash us through any media.

      We are often censored from speaking about it, because people have also been brainwashed into believing to call it out is to be "far right", "racist", and other stuff. They're pretty much unable to have a conductive argument on why we need western propaganda in everything, considering how divisive it is and how it's dividing the western world is right now.

      But those who simp for the authoritarians are the ones who are going to downplay propaganda, even as it becomes more of a focus on children. Teenagers are going to play this game, just as many of us as teens, played the big RPGs.

      They love to spread propaganda to kids, because to younger people are, the less it has to make sense. Adults who believe in the propaganda still have the politics of a teenager, and they're allowing authoritarianism in the name of nice words like equality, equity, and tolerance, despite being the least tolerant people if you disagree with them. Their idea of equality changes every other day, depending on how convenient it is.

      Their idea of marginalized is incorrect, as the people they claim are marginalized are so over represented in our society, and the people who actually speak out, they're actually being marginalized, especially by people with large platforms who are going to promote what our government and corporations want. It's no longer about making money. Why is there such a push to over represent small minorities in everything?

      It's about controlling a narrative. It's going to keep getting worse, because we have so many people can't talk about it. Talk about it as a reviewer, you pretty much deplatform yourself, you won't get early review codes that reviewers love to get, so their review can come out on time.(Regardless of what ACG says about paying for the game on his own, that doesn't matter, getting the game early and getting a review out early is where the money comes in. Not the price of the game.)

      It sucks that this is true

  46. 10 months ago

    And while it is true that there are games from Japan where female characters actually still look attractive and cute, funny even, the problem is that when or if those games ever gets released in the west, they will be absolutely censored or content removed from them. There's tons of Japanese games on Steam that needs a patch to be downloaded from other sites or no patch at all while western games almost always gets a pass and no need for any patches. Same with furry games which i find very interesting. people rarely if ever criticizes furry porn but they mostly side with the furries in going after anime even though furries also sexualize tons of female characters but because they are animals, it's fine? I don't know, go figure.

    Japanese games almost never get promoted on the front page either. If anime games have even a bit of nudity in them, you need to enable that feature on Steam to be able to see adult games. Do you have to do that for Baldurs Gate 3? Or is it being heavily advertised on the front page for everyone?

    Also, i'll admit that i do find the whole bear thing just a funny detail but again, it's amazing double standard from a lot of people, especially from woke journalists. From the nudity to the bestiality, they would condemn any of it if the game was a Japanese Anime game but they even make guides for it. The moment goofy stuff comes from Japan, people are like "wow wtf that's disgusting, it needs to be banned, what an awful horrible country for violating those pixels and drawings and muh fictional characters".

    My brother in Christ, French made cuties that is still on Netflix and Game of Thrones contains tons of incest and other messed up stuff and it's still one the most popular TV series ever made. Then you have shows like Bad Mouth that for some reason keeps getting more seasons and movies like Turning Red with a kid twerking in it.

  47. 10 months ago

    I am honestly starting to believe more and more that the hatred for Japan and their games, anime and manga is caused by decades-long deeply rooted xenophobia. It started with anti-Japan sentiments by car factory workers because Japanese cars are superior and cheaper and it's now being echoed by western animators and game devs because Japanese entertainment has more mass appeal, especially to men. I think their hatred towards Japanese is also the reason why so many English Anime dubs and localization's have been so awful lately, filled with nothing but zoomer talk and trying to add their own ideology and politics into them.

    Ideology may change but xenophobia tends to stick around, especially if they are laser focused to a specific group of people.

    So again, i don't have a problem what Baldurs Gate 3 contains, i don't think anyone has. It's just the double standards that's the issue. I think art should be unchained and everything should be permitted like it was in the 1990s-2010 era but instead we got tons of little Jack Thompsons all over the place. The only difference is that instead of people wanting to ban violent video games because "muh video games normalize violence" argument, this time it's zoomers who think that wanting attractive female characters in your fictional media is somehow going to normalize hate towards women even though there's no proof of it. Meanwhile same people will also lust after attractive male characters and even celebrate when they are naked.

    I also find it funny that same people probably praise real women like Sanna Marin just because she's "beautiful". It didn't matter what she did, she got praise just for looking "good" and that along somehow made her the best PM ever and if you ever said anything bad about her, you got absolutely bombarded with hate.

  48. 10 months ago

    I truly believe that what we are currently seeing is a lot of misandry and not wanting men to be happy, have their own hobbies and removing any fictional female character that man could find attractive or cute. This causes men to look for media from Japan because western media is no longer looking appealing to them. Westerners notices this and try to force Japan to change but Japan refuses.

    This causes westerners to seethe and they start making all kinds of accusations towards them, awful jokes, censor their media if they ever get released in the west, localizers ruining their media by adding their own politics, ideology and memes into them and even hit pieces like the one from Vice with them claiming that manga and anime is all pedo stuff, same news site that praised Cuties by the way. Many such cases.

    It's pretty clear that the video game industry still got a long way to go before there's actual equality. Currently it's filled with misandry and xenophobia towards Asians, especially Japanese.

    There seems to have been a push in western media, spearheaded by left wing activists, like feminists especially, to remove attractive women from games. I believe they do this because they want to lower the standards of men, and it's hypocritical because we can make attractive male characters in western games.

    It's a form of trying to social engineer men into being into ugly chicks. It's being pushed on us through gaming, because no matter what, our government and corporations work together to try to systematically brainwash us through any media.

    We are often censored from speaking about it, because people have also been brainwashed into believing to call it out is to be "far right", "racist", and other stuff. They're pretty much unable to have a conductive argument on why we need western propaganda in everything, considering how divisive it is and how it's dividing the western world is right now.

  49. 10 months ago

    But those who simp for the authoritarians are the ones who are going to downplay propaganda, even as it becomes more of a focus on children. Teenagers are going to play this game, just as many of us as teens, played the big RPGs.

    They love to spread propaganda to kids, because to younger people are, the less it has to make sense. Adults who believe in the propaganda still have the politics of a teenager, and they're allowing authoritarianism in the name of nice words like equality, equity, and tolerance, despite being the least tolerant people if you disagree with them. Their idea of equality changes every other day, depending on how convenient it is.

    Their idea of marginalized is incorrect, as the people they claim are marginalized are so over represented in our society, and the people who actually speak out, they're actually being marginalized, especially by people with large platforms who are going to promote what our government and corporations want. It's no longer about making money. Why is there such a push to over represent small minorities in everything?

    It's about controlling a narrative. It's going to keep getting worse, because we have so many people can't talk about it. Talk about it as a reviewer, you pretty much deplatform yourself, you won't get early review codes that reviewers love to get, so their review can come out on time.(Regardless of what ACG says about paying for the game on his own, that doesn't matter, getting the game early and getting a review out early is where the money comes in. Not the price of the game.)

  50. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      both are fine.
      it's the hypocritical and double standard attitude of the ~~*media*~~ and moronic normalgay masses that pisses us of. It's straight up xenophobia against Japanese goods.

    • 10 months ago

      Top is peddled by my political opponents, so it is bad. Bottom makes me hard, so it is good.

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