Is Tsukihime good?

Is Tsukihime good?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Revenge is very satisfying, who started this meme?

    • 2 years ago

      t. has never had a cause for revenge to act on

      • 2 years ago

        So is masturbation initially, but it won't fill that empty void ten minutes later when the post-orgasmic glow has subsided.

        Nah, piss off with this prissy nonsense. Same way when people talk about war being horrible but some people fricking loved it. If revenge doesn't make you feel any better don't start trying to make some grand moral stance on the matter. It's circumstantial, revenge isn't always "You murdered my kid so now I'm murdering you" then 5 minutes later you're sad again because you've still got a dead kid. Sometimes revenge is utterly amazing and utterly worth it.

        • 2 years ago

          You would know, right?

          • 2 years ago

            About war? No. Just pointing out that some people have actually said they loved being in a war. Revenge? Yes. Not all acts of revenge are giant world ending events that offer insight into the human condition. Take this example:

            >Customer walks into McDonalds
            >He's a c**t towards the person behind the till
            >Person behind the till pisses in his drink and serves it to him
            >c**t customer drinks the piss drink

            That would be satisfying, it offers very little in terms of deep philosophical meaning and isn't "You killed my wife so I'm killing you" but it is still an act of revenge. Someone in an online game insults you so you TK him multiple times into rage quitting? Revenge and very satisfying.

            Most forms of revenge in fiction are the extremely niche and involved kind. If you spend ten years of your left dedicated to taking down the guy who killed your kid and you finally do it, you're kinda not left with much because that's literally all you did for ten years. It's really the obsessive, all-encompassing sorts of revenge you gotta watch out for. If all you do is spend a few seconds pissing in the coffee cup of someone who pissed you off, well it's not like you devoted a whole lot of time or effort to it. Humans are finnicky creatures, there are even some who feel empty even after fulfilling actually worthwhile goals. "I spent half my life searching for the cure for cancer and now that I found it I don't really wanna do anything anymore." So imagine how empty it must feel to spend twenty years avenging your dead kid and once you finally have your vengeance your kid's still dead. Humans are really ass at balancing their shit out.

            Again, this is basing the enjoyment of revenge on the individual and the effort it took to achieve. You might at the end of 20 years be glad you did it and move on with life. Revenge isn't some moronic generalisation that it's always unfulfilling. Fictional scenarios, as you rightly pointed out, are niche and the characters literally written to feel empty afterwards, a real person can feel a myriad of different things.

            • 2 years ago

              You have no prospects. You spent twenty years doing something that fundamentally doesn't really have any direct, quantifiable benefits. You have a twenty-year gap in your job history, you ghosted your friends and family (if you even have those anymore). Vengeance stories tend to be at their most interesting when the avenger has reduced themselves exclusively to being a tool of vengeance because that's the most raw you can get. They're usually designed to strip everything away from the character in question aside from their vengeance. At the end, either a third party ends up redeeming them to some extent (i.e, The Count of Monte Cristo) or they're left with nothing. If you don't have to sacrifice anything to obtain your vengeance, it's not a particularly interesting story, but if you sacrifice EVERYTHING for your vengeance, then that's more engaging. Of course, the trade-off with sacrificing everything is that you're left with less than what you started with so that sort of vengeance is always gonna be exclusively self-destructive.

        • 2 years ago

          Most forms of revenge in fiction are the extremely niche and involved kind. If you spend ten years of your left dedicated to taking down the guy who killed your kid and you finally do it, you're kinda not left with much because that's literally all you did for ten years. It's really the obsessive, all-encompassing sorts of revenge you gotta watch out for. If all you do is spend a few seconds pissing in the coffee cup of someone who pissed you off, well it's not like you devoted a whole lot of time or effort to it. Humans are finnicky creatures, there are even some who feel empty even after fulfilling actually worthwhile goals. "I spent half my life searching for the cure for cancer and now that I found it I don't really wanna do anything anymore." So imagine how empty it must feel to spend twenty years avenging your dead kid and once you finally have your vengeance your kid's still dead. Humans are really ass at balancing their shit out.

      • 2 years ago

        >some homosexual kills me in TDM
        >kill him back so hard I start dominating him
        Vengeance is mine, feels pretty satisfying bro.

        • 2 years ago

          >childish trash like video games
          his point stands, you never had a cause that needed revenge

          Nah, piss off with this prissy nonsense. Same way when people talk about war being horrible but some people fricking loved it. If revenge doesn't make you feel any better don't start trying to make some grand moral stance on the matter. It's circumstantial, revenge isn't always "You murdered my kid so now I'm murdering you" then 5 minutes later you're sad again because you've still got a dead kid. Sometimes revenge is utterly amazing and utterly worth it.


      • 2 years ago

        Speak for yourself. I've gotten revenge against people who've wronged me IRL, and it was the most satisfying experience I've ever had.

        • 2 years ago

          You've probably never had to make tremendous sacrifices in the pursuit of that "revenge". Generally, the core of most arguments against vengeance in fiction is that it's usually not a cause worth destroying yourself over. Most avengers will welcome ruin in exchange for vengeance, and this is what causes them to become empty once their vengeance is completed. This is how vengeance usually plays out in fiction, because achieving your goals while giving up nothing in exchange makes for a piss-poor story.

    • 2 years ago

      So is masturbation initially, but it won't fill that empty void ten minutes later when the post-orgasmic glow has subsided.

      • 2 years ago

        nah bro revenge is like a really good frick, you remember it for years and think back on it fondly

  2. 2 years ago

    it's slow as shit

  3. 2 years ago

    It's pretty good but the soundtrack is so short and repetitive it will drive you mad by the end.

  4. 2 years ago

    I dont think theres a shirt as ugly as shiki's in any other show

  5. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Do i wait until the remake is full translated or should i just play the original already? Make me decide, i cant do it myself, im an npc.

    • 2 years ago

      Play the original, it's totally different already.

    • 2 years ago

      The remake is nothing special, it doesn't even have Akiha's route.

      • 2 years ago

        It improves Ciel's route by not making half of it a C/P of Arcueid's.

        • 2 years ago

          Kinda, but it also pushes Arcueid too much. The last battle with Arcueid doesn't feel like its focusing on Ciel at all like it should, but Shiki and Arcueid.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah but that's nothing new. Ciel was always sort of an extra in that fight. It's like how Rin is barely the main heroine of her own route, the true centerpieces were Shirou and Archer. Likewise, in the original Ciel route, Ciel wasn't really a significant focal point of the conflict between Shiki and Arcueid. I mean, Ciel's the reason Shiki rejected Arcueid, but it was still mainly a conflict between the two of them. Fundamentally, Ciel is always the underdog between herself and Arcueid, but unlike typical underdog stories in which the underdog can pull a come-from-behind victory, Ciel will never be able to contribute significantly to Arcueid's defeat. The only core member of Tsukihime's main cast who could ever stand a chance at beating Arcueid will always be Shiki and Shiki alone, which is a similar situation to how the only one with the means to defeat Gilgamesh in the UBW route was Shirou, as Saber didn't have the necessary tools to qualify in that route.

            • 2 years ago

              >It's like how Rin is barely the main heroine of her own route
              Entire opinion discarded. What a total shit take. Go read it again, with thought this time.

              • 2 years ago

                he's right though. Rin doesn't defeat any one of importance in her route and she spends her time tied to a chair while the most important moment of the route is happening with Emiya vs Shirou which she doesn't even talk about or reflect on after the fight. She's a good character, but her importance in UBW isn't as important as Emiya or Shirou.

              • 2 years ago

                The central conflict is between Shirou and Archer. Rin's purpose is to support Shirou but she's not exactly the star of the show.

              • 2 years ago

                The central conflict is between Shirou and Archer. Rin's purpose is to support Shirou but she's not exactly the star of the show.

                What was the message and theme of FSN?

              • 2 years ago

                Gilgamesh outright states it verbatim, the things that are most beautiful and worth protecting are those that you can't control
                >Unlimited Blade Works
                Be true to your ideals and don't lose your way even if it means despair and suffering
                >Hollow Ataraxia
                Same as UBW but in more of a "light at the end of the tunnel" kind of way

              • 2 years ago

                All three routes are basically different eassys on heroism and Shirou is the one giving them.

    • 2 years ago

      IT's a DEMAKE, not a remake. It's nothing like the original

  7. 2 years ago

    Hisui is the best Tsuki
    That's all.

  8. 2 years ago

    how do you have gay sex in that game?

    • 2 years ago

      You don't. Shiki doesn't get to participate in gay sex.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's worth a read. Keep in mind that it's old so it's production values and music are small so it isn't like modern VN's. Also it doesn't have voice acting which may be a deal breaker for most. It still has a solid story especially in the far side routes.

    • 2 years ago

      9 SONGS
      ON LOOP

  10. 2 years ago

    >Have gay sex with vampires
    Wait, I don't remember there ever being any gay sex with vampires in Tsukihime. The closest is just the threesome involving Kohaku and Hisui which is questionably "Gay", but I don't remember any gay vampire sex.
    Did the person making this just confuse Arc for Saber who actually did have gay sex or am I forgetting something?

    • 2 years ago

      no, it's just a joke since Ciel and Arc are a popular gay pair for fans for Tsukihime. Also a dumb meme from twitter that calls people gay to get attention.

  11. 2 years ago

    It’s only value is inventing DAA’s so Natita can do what nasu wouldn’t and have them fight servants like action figures.

    • 2 years ago

      No DAAs actually appear in Fate/strange fake. The only DAs in F/sf are lower-rank ones. Plus, for much of F/sf's life, he was running off of lore from Kagetsu Tohya and stuff like Character Material and Plus Period. Since Nasu tends to autistically hoard lore and most people didn't actually know jack shit about the majority of DAAs aside from barebones trivia, Narita couldn't actually utilize DAAs in any meaningful way, so all his DAs ended up being original characters.

      Seriously, from between the original Tsukihime's release and the remake, we didn't actually know much of anything about DAAs aside from very tiny fragments of info.

      • 2 years ago

        > No DAAs actually appear in Fate/strange fake. The only DAs in F/sf are lower-rank ones.
        I was mostly shitposting but Caubac Alcatraz and Van-Fem are absolutely present in the story, although in minor roles so far. Also Zelretch, but it’s unclear if SF Zelretch is a DAA or not.

        > Plus, for much of F/sf's life, he was running off of lore from Kagetsu Tohya and stuff like Character Material and Plus Period.

        I agree. I was hoping that since the remake effectively killed the old tsukihimeverse for all intents and purposes, that Narita would just run buck wild with the characters and setting considering they’ll likely never appear again.

        • 2 years ago

          Narita's more autistic than even Nasu. That was never gonna happen.

          • 2 years ago

            > Narita's more autistic than even Nasu.
            Kinda but it’s a different kind of autism from Nasu. Narita’s basically just a hardcore TM fan writing fanfiction except he’s a professional writer and his fanfic is official. Narita definitely uses the setting and character’s way more liberally than Nasu. The whole premise of strange/fake(DAA’s and servants coexisting) is something that Nasu never even wanted to touch with a 10 ft pole.

  12. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      and then there's that one time where YOU get raped

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