Is Uchikoshi one of the best game directors of all time?

Is Uchikoshi one of the best game directors of all time?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I really wish anons who want to talk about politics would just frick off to /misc/

    • 2 years ago

      I also wish devs who wanted to talk about politics would just frick off to /misc/ too

      • 2 years ago

        not political anymore 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        people's identities don't become political just because you're sensitive and venting your illness by punching down and licking boots.

        • 2 years ago

          Black person, off yourself. Do it NOW!

        • 2 years ago

          Pandering to gender clowns on twitter is corporate bootlicking.

        • 2 years ago

          So then its ok to talk about them because it isn't political. Did you even read what I replied to?

        • 2 years ago

          >go b-back to /misc/
          >actually troonyism which hasn't existed until the last 20 yeas (a blink of an eye in human history) totally isn't a /misc/itcal fad

          • 2 years ago

            >until the last 20 yeas
            Much like the average Gankerirgin thinks that games didn't become political until the year where he became politically aware, here we see the average /misc/Black person that thinks transsexuals didn't exist until he started noticing them

          • 2 years ago

            Who are you quoting? I didn't tell you to go leave cause you're going to be moronic and weak no matter where you are.

            Pandering to gender clowns on twitter is corporate bootlicking.

            >corporation panders to "gender clowns"
            >this is corporate bootlicking
            >The corporation says trans rights to bootlick itself
            Don't use words you don't understand. You had it right in the first half
            >Pandering on Twitter is-
            you could have used any word you understood. moronic? Pathetic? Bad? Don't pretend to be smarter than you are. You will never be smart enough to impress me

            Daily reminder that history will look back on trannies just like lobotomies. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history!

            Okay, History won't look back on, you at all. And considering the only legacy you're leaving behind is your corpse the moment you die it would be as if you didn't exist. Even in death, you'll be less important than the average troony

            >punching down
            At what point will it become punching up against trannies? They get pandered to by the most powerful forces in the world. They get employed to high positions in government and moderate community spaces. Social media protects them, businesses protect them.

            It becomes punching up when you have a more valid reason than
            >they're standing next to the majority non-trans cast in a video game
            >people are nice to them on Twitter and PR

            • 2 years ago

              I accept your concussion.

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              Are you unironically troonyposting right now

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody would do that unironically and he gave several hints to that

            • 2 years ago

              What you said was so insanely stupid that I'm genuinely worried about you. No child should be on this site, and no adult should be this naive.
              >lesser beings
              What do you even think this means? It's such a childish statement that fails to think critically about anything it's addressing. Did you think the term originated from genetics and not boxing weight divisions?
              Anyway, here's what punching down means.
              >Someone with more resources is called "upper class."
              >someone with less resources is called "lower class."
              >if someone from the upper-class attacks or harasses someone from a lower class, they are making someone whose life is harder than there's even harder for no meaningful gain other than an easy target
              >instead of punching someone in their class, they are punching down
              seething at a trans character existing next to all the non-trans one is punching down. The majority of characters aren't trans, but he's too weak to critique based on merit instead of his feelings.

              Following naivete with being deliberately obtuse is sad.
              >by what metric?
              Are you going to say I need to break out an abacus and calculate the numeric disparity of a trans man being forced to use a woman's bathroom and then being mistaken for a trans woman and assaulted vs anon's favorite video game having a character he doesn't like?
              >What resources?
              Healthcare, legal protection, social equity, etc want me to get the abacus for that too?
              > Also how do you value them against each other?
              Which one would you rather have? Safety or threat of death for existing?
              >blah blah above third-world cis-gendered wage slave?
              It's odd when stupid people evoke the class divide as a non-sequitur because they don't understand it. I vote socialism for working-class people of all genders. Rich /trans/ people aren't punching down on the poor; rich /people/ of all genders do because classism is a different issue.
              Not reading further as your childish worldview clearly lacks rationality

              Oh, I'm not that anon. He's treating you as if you're stupid. I want you to realize and feel how stupid you are for positing such a stupid set of intellectually dishonest questions with absolutely no self-awareness.
              You would get an F on a 2nd-grade book report if, on the notion of punching down, you said
              >how do you measure a rich trans person against a poor cis one!
              A) a poor cis person punching down on a trans person reflects on all trans people
              B) a rich trans person punching down on a poor cis person reflects on all poor people
              Leaving a simple solution
              >tax the rich, give trans rights
              And thus, the naive dumbass reaches its inevitable final form, proving to himself that even with his own warped and pathetic logic, leftism is superior to whatever he's supporting. Anyway, games say trans rights. You can sit here.

              This degree of sanctimonious farthuffing should be against federal law. You should not have unrestricted access to the internet if you are this fricking insufferable of a human being.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean, I'm right so....

                You think restating my arguments that those things aren't directly able to be easily (or properly) weighted against each other is somehow proving me wrong This is laughable. Enjoy your abacus I suppose. The issue here is that the "punching down" discourse is just a thought terminating cliche, its saying "someone - by whatever metric I find appropriate for this juncture - is privileged therefore we don't need to listen to them, they should shut up, or are wrong". That is the point, its a stupid assertion and a stupid rhetorical technique. Its not meant to align with any hard fast justified scale - after all, if a person who is more marginalized in healthcare or ability be arguing against one who is less so in those regards but is marginalized by race etc.. you can't say that one of these is more valid, more marginalized etc.. against the other one right - , its to make the person who is perceived to be higher on the privilege ladder invalidating their objection, viewpoint, or concern not by merit, but simply by invoking offense.
                >Which one would you rather have? Safety or threat of death for existing? Its funny how that's always the go-to for this discussion is it? Its like turning the dial to 11 over stupid bullshit, even if the representation in a video game isn't what you like its about "death from existing". That doesn't seem reasonable about any social issue, if you're yelling PLYMOUTH ROCK LANDED ON US LET MY PEOPLE FREE WHY ARE YOU KILLING US and the clerk says "Sir, this is a Wendys. everyone needs to pay for refills on a frosty regardless of race, age, gender, or sexuality".

                I don't know if you were the one earlier or not, but the whole argument was about the uselessness of punching down as a lazy and flawed rhetorical technique, whatever else you want to talk about is fine I guess, but I'm running out of room for now.

                >blah blah privilege
                No, it's not saying that at all. Don't even have to read any further than that if this is the crux of your issue. It seems that your victim complex mixed with your stupidity, has obfuscated what you think people are saying when they say you're punching down. You hear
                >You're punching down because you're yourself and we want to silence you!
                in reality, There are no "arbitrary junctures". In fact, unlike gender, it's extremely binary and simple.
                >If A's (X) is greater than B's (X) to the extent that they will never encounter a problem B has then A is punching down when mocking or attacking B for (X)
                easier example
                >A healthy person making fun of someone with cancer for having cancer is punching down
                Do you make fun of cancer patients for having cancer? why or why not?

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes, clearly you are the arbiter of who is "punching down" and what they mean and it is only used to the "simple" qualities you claim it to be, universally.
                >If A's (X) is greater than B's (X) to the extent that they will never encounter a problem B has then A is punching down when mocking or attacking B for (X)
                If it wasn't contrary to your argument, this could be described exactly as "privilege". However even that doesn't remove the flaws I described with the argument or how it is a lazy attempt to simply shut up someone saying something you don't like. Let me put it to an example that I'm sure you'll agree with, if you assume such things are so simple and rational
                >A long time veteran of a given organization has the opinion, though his years of service that he doesn't want a particular group of people in the service. They cost the service a lot, add to dissension in the ranks and frick with the cohesion of the unit.
                Will you be okay "Gee, since you've been involved in this intimately for years and know every bit of what is at stake here, I guess you're right - it would hurt the service to include X"? No, I'm guessing you wouldn't. His X is much bigger - you've never served, you don't know anything about service life or what is necessary for function, so who are you to put your voice and opinion above his lived experience? The issue is that just a person who by some metric has "more X" doesn't mean they're always right (putting aside how "more" is weighed), or they are immune from critique. The same is true for any group of people and calling it "punching down" doensn't change that.
                >Do you make fun of cancer patients for having cancer?
                Depends on context. Maybe I make fun of the friend I have with cancer the same way I did before he got it, because to not do so would be othering and cruel to him. However, one of your viewpoint would instantly march over and mouth off insisting that I needed to be canceled, regardless.

              • 2 years ago

                You went through an entire virtue-signaling hypothetical about a veteran who's a victim but you kept it too vague. lets see:
                >Veteran has bad employees
                >veteran fires them
                This isn't punching down
                >X-person don't qualify
                >X-person isn't hired
                This isn't punching down
                >Veteran has bad employees who were X-People Group
                >Veteran doesn't hire X-People group who qualify because bad experiences have made him prejudiced against them, becoming incapable of fairly assessing merit, and thus incompetent
                This isn't punching down; this is discrimination and illegal. If you can't judge people as individuals, then you shouldn't be in charge of selecting individuals. Simple as that.
                You keep trying to make punching down about you being oppressed, but you keep running away from the subject because, as said, it's binary.
                >Depends on context.
                Why is there a caveat? Why don't you tell cancer jokes to every cancer patient equally? Are you pro-self censorship?

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but you're a prime reason why all trannies are moronic to the core.
                >Veteran has bad employees
                >veteran fires them
                >This isn't punching down
                You're moronic
                >X-person don't qualify
                >X-person isn't hired
                >This isn't punching down
                You're moronic since firing people for harmless opinion is punching down
                >This isn't punching down; this is discrimination and illegal.
                You're moronic since all-female and all-male businesses exist and literally legal in 100% of the global country today.
                >Why is there a caveat?
                Why are trannies incapable of having friends, families and compassion?

              • 2 years ago

                Holy shit you pivoted so quickly I'm guessing your inner ear still hasn't caught up leaving you with vertigo. The question wasn't about "is the veteran hiring legally, ethically, or effectively", the entire example was regarding how "punching down" is assessed. Your assertion that "A's X is greater than B to the point they will never encounter a problem B has then A is punching down" falls apart with situation like the veteran's example,. especially if personal experience is accepted in some situations (but not others in yet another hypocrisy). You wouldn't accept the personal life experience of a military veteran asserting that you had no right to critique his viewpoints or speak on a military related issue because you were not in the military, right? However, the very same rationale is often accepted by those of your mindset if it involves certain designations of gender, race, etc. Someone saying "This is racist and bad, and you don't have any right to speak about it because you're not black. You're invalidating my life experience and punching down" will not be contested.
                >hurr its a binary durrr
                Once again I never said anything about me being oppressed, I asserted it was based on the subjectively assessed privilege differential between the the speakers as it relates to the issue, while being used as a cudgel to shut down dissent; you've done nothing to prove otherwise Its not some simple, universal thing in how how it ascertained and if it is simplified it is more likely to fall into "whomever is more marginalized by tallying up how far they are from a white, cis-het, able bodied, et al male" with the one less marginalized accused of punching down and doing harm regardless of the merits of their argument.

              • 2 years ago

                If you actually gave a shit about morality, you'd just say to practice the golden rule and not make jokes about people suffering at all, but you don't want that kind of responsibility. You'd rather just use some vague idea of punching up as ethical justification to attack the people you were already planning to attack. Just be honest about it and take your licks like a man instead of avoiding them by shrieking "THAT'S PUNCHING DOWN!"

            • 2 years ago

              >Okay, History won't look back on
              lol lmao this is why you're seething and malding hard. You've lost the culture war

        • 2 years ago

          Daily reminder that history will look back on trannies just like lobotomies. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history!

        • 2 years ago

          >punching down
          At what point will it become punching up against trannies? They get pandered to by the most powerful forces in the world. They get employed to high positions in government and moderate community spaces. Social media protects them, businesses protect them.

        • 2 years ago

          >I don't know the etymology of the word "politics"
          It's okay to admit when you're wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't know the etymology of the word "politics"

          • 2 years ago

            oh, I do. It comes from the polis family of words which roughly can be used as "citizen"/"group of citizens" or as a better catch-all "society." I'm American, and in this country, we have freedom of expression and freedom of privacy. Someone putting trans people in /their/ video game isn't a political matter, it's free expression.

        • 2 years ago

          Reminder that anyone who talks about "punching down" indirectly agrees about the existence of lesser beings other than them.
          You're supposed to invite these groups up, to do better. Not force them everywhere like its your given duty.

          • 2 years ago

            What you said was so insanely stupid that I'm genuinely worried about you. No child should be on this site, and no adult should be this naive.
            >lesser beings
            What do you even think this means? It's such a childish statement that fails to think critically about anything it's addressing. Did you think the term originated from genetics and not boxing weight divisions?
            Anyway, here's what punching down means.
            >Someone with more resources is called "upper class."
            >someone with less resources is called "lower class."
            >if someone from the upper-class attacks or harasses someone from a lower class, they are making someone whose life is harder than there's even harder for no meaningful gain other than an easy target
            >instead of punching someone in their class, they are punching down
            seething at a trans character existing next to all the non-trans one is punching down. The majority of characters aren't trans, but he's too weak to critique based on merit instead of his feelings.

            • 2 years ago

              The concept of "punching down" is usually bullshit, but not for the reason you're replying to. Rather, pretty much everything you described shows all the problems with the argument.

              >someone with more resources is called upper class. someone with less resources is called lower class
              by what metric? What resources? Also how do you value them against each other? Do you value the experiences of rich trans person in a comfortable first world country who gets made fun of for being trans as above some third world cisgendered wage slave? The argument always goes into someone's assessment or valuation of either in aggregate (usually by an "intersectional" analysis ) or on a particular issue. In most cases this ends up "The more white, male, cisgendered, etc it is the worst etc... we don't need to listen to them because TEH PRIVILEGE" or if the critique comes from another "marginalized" group it quickly morphs to either "on this issue you're wrong because you're not exactly part of X group" or if they are part of x group "You've internalized x-ism or x-phobia, so we don't need to listen to you because despite your viewpoint or experience you're anti-x" .
              >if someone from the upper-class attacks or harasses someone from a lower class, they are making someone whose life is harder than there's even harder for no meaningful gain other than an easy target
              >instead of punching someone in their class, they are punching down
              This is asinine crybully nonsense. The idea that the only reason anyone would object with someone is to "make their life harder" without a meaningful reason and that the idea that someone who's part of a given marginalized group is immune to criticism and they should be punching "their own class" instead is similar nonsense. The whole discourse is garbage.
              >Trans character existing
              I always hear this - they're just "existing" , as though the issue nothing anything to do with how, why, what the character does etc

              • 2 years ago

                >by what metric? What resources?
                opening with "why is it da lower class and da upper class an how da we quantify it?" is such flagrant horseshit i'm genuinely impressed at your baitsmanship

              • 2 years ago

                The concept of "punching down" is usually bullshit, but not for the reason you're replying to. Rather, pretty much everything you described shows all the problems with the argument.

                >someone with more resources is called upper class. someone with less resources is called lower class
                by what metric? What resources? Also how do you value them against each other? Do you value the experiences of rich trans person in a comfortable first world country who gets made fun of for being trans as above some third world cisgendered wage slave? The argument always goes into someone's assessment or valuation of either in aggregate (usually by an "intersectional" analysis ) or on a particular issue. In most cases this ends up "The more white, male, cisgendered, etc it is the worst etc... we don't need to listen to them because TEH PRIVILEGE" or if the critique comes from another "marginalized" group it quickly morphs to either "on this issue you're wrong because you're not exactly part of X group" or if they are part of x group "You've internalized x-ism or x-phobia, so we don't need to listen to you because despite your viewpoint or experience you're anti-x" .
                >if someone from the upper-class attacks or harasses someone from a lower class, they are making someone whose life is harder than there's even harder for no meaningful gain other than an easy target
                >instead of punching someone in their class, they are punching down
                This is asinine crybully nonsense. The idea that the only reason anyone would object with someone is to "make their life harder" without a meaningful reason and that the idea that someone who's part of a given marginalized group is immune to criticism and they should be punching "their own class" instead is similar nonsense. The whole discourse is garbage.
                >Trans character existing
                I always hear this - they're just "existing" , as though the issue nothing anything to do with how, why, what the character does etc

                whatever paragraph you're about to type up about how you were arguing completely in good-faith and it was a genuine question can be rolled up sideways and jammed into your butthole where it belongs btw

                inb4 "disingenuous"

              • 2 years ago

                whatever paragraph you're about to type up about how you were arguing completely in good-faith and it was a genuine question can be rolled up sideways and jammed into your butthole where it belongs btw

                inb4 "disingenuous"

                I'll just accept that you don't have an answer to any of those queries, got assmad, and lashed out. Shit, you must be new to this. If you can't even explain it to me you're never going to have a chance against those who you probably think need to change the most.

              • 2 years ago

                >If you can't even explain it to me
                you are twelve years old if you need the concept of an upper-class explained to you
                all of your posts are designed to waste as much of everyone's time as possible
                do a flip, homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                Please explain which of these, for the purpose of your argument is "upper class' and therefore should not be critiqued by the others who are "lower class".

                >A white transwoman who lives in a european country and has their transition and other healthcare needs paid for, with a white collar office job, single and living on their own in a modest apartment.
                >a black gay businessman in Nigeria, who owns several companies for import and export, is married with children yet must hide his sexuality and have grindr liaisons
                >A cisgendered pakistani woman living in the US or a Western european nation, educated, yet chafing under a traditional family and married to a loving if controlling husband or extended family, but they are paying her student loans faithfully.
                >A white cis-het man living in a cabin in the back woods of the Appalachians taking care of several younger family members after their parents were arrested for mutual domestic violence. Forced to drop out of school by age 12, he's often homeless and his economically depressed coalmining town doesn't have much in the way of resources or legal jobs.

                Incase you're small minded enough to actually try to rank them the point is that any one of those things, doesn't make them "upper class" or "lower class". All of them have some way they are perhaps more privileged along one axis and less so on another, so unless you're going to play privilege bingo

              • 2 years ago

                i'm not reading all that fricking bullshit that is DESIGNED TO WASTE MY TIME

              • 2 years ago

                You replied so very quickly for someone who's time is oh so valuable and in danger of being wasted. Oh come now you had the time to type out all that drek earlier, just admit you're in over your head because you thought you'd be dealing with one who'd crumple the moment you explained your punching down theory and just call you a troony, instead of someone who has heard all this bullshit before and see it for what it is.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, I'm not that anon. He's treating you as if you're stupid. I want you to realize and feel how stupid you are for positing such a stupid set of intellectually dishonest questions with absolutely no self-awareness.

                Following naivete with being deliberately obtuse is sad.
                >by what metric?
                Are you going to say I need to break out an abacus and calculate the numeric disparity of a trans man being forced to use a woman's bathroom and then being mistaken for a trans woman and assaulted vs anon's favorite video game having a character he doesn't like?
                >What resources?
                Healthcare, legal protection, social equity, etc want me to get the abacus for that too?
                > Also how do you value them against each other?
                Which one would you rather have? Safety or threat of death for existing?
                >blah blah above third-world cis-gendered wage slave?
                It's odd when stupid people evoke the class divide as a non-sequitur because they don't understand it. I vote socialism for working-class people of all genders. Rich /trans/ people aren't punching down on the poor; rich /people/ of all genders do because classism is a different issue.
                Not reading further as your childish worldview clearly lacks rationality

                You would get an F on a 2nd-grade book report if, on the notion of punching down, you said
                >how do you measure a rich trans person against a poor cis one!
                A) a poor cis person punching down on a trans person reflects on all trans people
                B) a rich trans person punching down on a poor cis person reflects on all poor people
                Leaving a simple solution
                >tax the rich, give trans rights
                And thus, the naive dumbass reaches its inevitable final form, proving to himself that even with his own warped and pathetic logic, leftism is superior to whatever he's supporting. Anyway, games say trans rights. You can sit here.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally why are all leftard troon like this unironically the most moronic human being to have ever exist. They don't even make any coherent argument and everybody sees them as mentally ill moron who can't even talk or lay out his idea properly.

              • 2 years ago

                Following naivete with being deliberately obtuse is sad.
                >by what metric?
                Are you going to say I need to break out an abacus and calculate the numeric disparity of a trans man being forced to use a woman's bathroom and then being mistaken for a trans woman and assaulted vs anon's favorite video game having a character he doesn't like?
                >What resources?
                Healthcare, legal protection, social equity, etc want me to get the abacus for that too?
                > Also how do you value them against each other?
                Which one would you rather have? Safety or threat of death for existing?
                >blah blah above third-world cis-gendered wage slave?
                It's odd when stupid people evoke the class divide as a non-sequitur because they don't understand it. I vote socialism for working-class people of all genders. Rich /trans/ people aren't punching down on the poor; rich /people/ of all genders do because classism is a different issue.
                Not reading further as your childish worldview clearly lacks rationality

              • 2 years ago

                You think restating my arguments that those things aren't directly able to be easily (or properly) weighted against each other is somehow proving me wrong This is laughable. Enjoy your abacus I suppose. The issue here is that the "punching down" discourse is just a thought terminating cliche, its saying "someone - by whatever metric I find appropriate for this juncture - is privileged therefore we don't need to listen to them, they should shut up, or are wrong". That is the point, its a stupid assertion and a stupid rhetorical technique. Its not meant to align with any hard fast justified scale - after all, if a person who is more marginalized in healthcare or ability be arguing against one who is less so in those regards but is marginalized by race etc.. you can't say that one of these is more valid, more marginalized etc.. against the other one right - , its to make the person who is perceived to be higher on the privilege ladder invalidating their objection, viewpoint, or concern not by merit, but simply by invoking offense.
                >Which one would you rather have? Safety or threat of death for existing? Its funny how that's always the go-to for this discussion is it? Its like turning the dial to 11 over stupid bullshit, even if the representation in a video game isn't what you like its about "death from existing". That doesn't seem reasonable about any social issue, if you're yelling PLYMOUTH ROCK LANDED ON US LET MY PEOPLE FREE WHY ARE YOU KILLING US and the clerk says "Sir, this is a Wendys. everyone needs to pay for refills on a frosty regardless of race, age, gender, or sexuality".

                I don't know if you were the one earlier or not, but the whole argument was about the uselessness of punching down as a lazy and flawed rhetorical technique, whatever else you want to talk about is fine I guess, but I'm running out of room for now.

            • 2 years ago

              >Someone with more resources is called "upper class."
              Like trannies
              >big chunk of them are white
              >big chunk of them are men
              >they have the support of big corporations
              >enough money to pay for their overly expensive surgeries
              They are so free they can force their pretended reality into others. You don't get more privileged than that.
              Meanwhile actual lower class individuals are having trouble just feeding their families.

              • 2 years ago

                >A big chunk of them are white
                This is a problem of race, not gender identity. Vote left.
                >big chunk of them are men
                This is a problem of gender inequality, not gender identity. Vote feminism.
                >they have the support of big corporations
                This is a problem of capitalism not gender identity. Vote socialism.
                >enough money to pay for their overly expensive surgeries
                This is personal wealth not gender identity. I don't think America has a communist party for you to vote for.
                >They are so free they can force their pretended reality into others.
                Well obviously not considering their ninja strike force haven't gotten you or the plethora of politicians and commentators.
                >Meanwhile actual lower class individuals are having trouble just feeding their families.
                This is a problem of capitalism not gender identity. Vote socialism.
                I'm noticing a trend that you're a huge leftist, can't you just enemy of my enemy until we can install socialism and cultural intersectionality and equity?

              • 2 years ago

                >This is a problem of race, not gender identity.
                I agree, deport nigs, non-white and gays. Vote right
                >This is a problem of gender inequality, not gender identity.
                gender inequality will always exist and man will always make better soldier than women. Vote military
                >This is a problem of capitalism not gender identity.
                troon identity also exist in socialist country and are also supported by them more than the vast majority straight population. Vote capitalism
                >This is personal wealth not gender identity.
                Oh so now we support expensive shit for the purpose of luxury? Gee anon, I knew you were always a true capitalist supporter and not those dumb moronic commie :^)
                >Well obviously not considering their ninja strike force haven't gotten
                Saying the wrong pronouns will get you in jail in some moronic as frick western libtard country and can get you fired from your job in the US cities. Calling a right-winger some meanie poo poo head will not
                >This is a problem of capitalism not gender identity.
                See above. Vote capitalism
                Why are all leftist moronic and just want more capitalism instead?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, they do. have a nice day, twittertard.

        • 2 years ago

          So it's fine to say that gender might be a choice but Sex isn't.

          • 2 years ago

            "gender" doesn't exist.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes anon, you can be all feminine as you want but you will never be a woman for real.
              i don't give a frick if you want to use a wig and call yourself Loretta, the moment you want me to say that you are biologically a woman then we have a problem.

        • 2 years ago

          >want to cut off hands because you feel like they don't belong to you and beg doctors to do it for you (body integrity dysphoria)
          >get called mentally ill, doctors refuse to do it and they lock you in the looney bin
          >want to cut off dick or breasts because you feel like it doesn't belong to you (gender dysphoria)
          >get called brave, doctors happily operate on you, everyone has to play by your rules and walks on eggshells around you or there's a 50% chance you might off yourself
          explain why one is allowed but not the other, their body their choice, right?

          • 2 years ago

            Because you need your hands to function as you always have, there is no benefit to removing your hands. Tell me, what integral to life function do breasts or dicks play? Many incels can tell you how useless their dicks are in their day-to-day lives. So if it's useless and only makes you feel bad then why keep it? What, are you going to go to bat for the appendix next?

            • 2 years ago

              >Comparing reproductive organs to the appendix in order to try to make them look useless
              You people are complete, utter, delusional, morons. No wonder you've bootlicked your way in to getting anyone you don't like censored.

              • 2 years ago

                >to make them look useless
                I asked you
                > what integral to life function do breasts or dicks play?
                And you didn't answer. well, actually, you did answer
                but that just begs the question, If reproductive organs are so important, why do incels and asexuals not use them? I don't see them getting physically or mentally sick from being virgins, so what gives?
                >bootlicked your way in to getting anyone you don't like censored.
                Nah, that was capitalism. Turns out it's really, really hard to monetize morons like you who are offended by other potential customers existing and go out of their to be repulsive. If money is threatened, things are changed. I know you're asshurt about twitter or something but it's even happened here. We're "Ganker" on the SFW boards to sell to advertisers. Money got you banned.

              • 2 years ago

                >I asked you
                You didn't ask me shit, moron. I'm not the same poster
                >but that just begs the question, If reproductive organs are so important, why do incels and asexuals not use them?
                Did your mother drink during pregnancy? Since fricking amputees can live without limbs then what use are they? Jesus Christ you absolute braindead idiot.
                >Nah, that was capitalism.
                >in recent news Netflix and Disney revenue plunges for no reason at all.
                >If money is threatened, things are changed.
                Revenue was never threatened. At least look in to what you're talking about you fricking idiot. There are more people refusing to use something because it's woke than the contrary. If by capitalism you mean ideologues in investment firms and in corporate threatening people until they got their way and not actually market trends, then you're still moronic since that has nothing to do with capitalism in itself.

              • 2 years ago

                You replied to the post, the question extended to you too. replying without taking it into account was stupidity on your part.
                > Since fricking amputees can live without limbs then what use are they?
                See, this is why you should read before replying.
                > what << to life function do breasts or dicks play?
                being able to touch, feel, lift, drive, open doors, and move without having to move in with a family member or hire someone to apply prosthetics to you every morning is a little bit bigger of a problem than waking up, bathing, and not having sex.
                >in recent news Netflix and Disney revenue plunges for no reason at all.
                Man, you really don't like reading. Netflix is plummeting because they stopped making good shows to play as safe as possible and started money gouging for that lower quality. and I don't know what you're talking about with Disney. They fricking soared in 2021 and early 2022. Now they're leveled out but they aren't in financial trouble by any means.

              • 2 years ago

                >replying without taking it into account was stupidity on your part.
                Oh the irony of this moronic as frick troony
                >See, this is why you should read before replying.
                > what << to life function do breasts or dicks play?
                The survival of the human race trumps whatever bullshit moron koolaid you're on right now
                >being able to touch, feel, lift, drive, open doors, and move without having to move in with a family member or hire someone to apply prosthetics to you every morning is a little bit bigger of a problem than waking up, bathing, and not having sex.
                You can literally do that without a hand you severely moronic homosexual but you absolutely cannot procreate at all without a fricking dick or your natural born vag.
                >Man, you really don't like reading. Netflix is plummeting because they stopped making good shows
                Which correlates highly with including woke shit you severely moronic homosexual. Sandman have already flopped hard, you don't need to shill it here.

            • 2 years ago

              Your hands are not a vital organ. As many people can attest, you are capable of surviving without them or even your arms. If your argument is "b-b-b-but your quality of life is worse than before!", then I'd be extremely interested in your argument for how it's any better, on a physical level, to spend the rest of your life stretching out a surgical wound and pulling hairballs out of it.
              >that's true, but my mental health is better now that my dick is gone!
              The amputee fetishist's mental health is better now that his hands are gone. So what, exactly, is the difference, except that the dick amputee fetishists are louder and more titillating to leftist sensibilities?

              • 2 years ago

                I like how you had enough self-awareness to try and preempt me pointing out the obvious false equivalence but not enough self-awareness to drop the hand comparison altogether.
                >before you point out that cutting off your hands fundamentally changes the way you interact with the world exclusively negative ways, have you considered that people who practice poor hygiene get infections? Checkmate. (also, please don't bring up Elliot Page's breasts or I lose)
                So, a common form of dysmorphia in men is being bald. A common surgery to fix this is to rip the person's scalp open and plant new hair, which could end horribly and disgustingly. Should we tell Elon Musk that he might as well have cut off his hands? I know you learn exclusively from taking pictures on the internet at face value, but studies show a safe transition into a supportive environment drastically reduced suicide rates.

              • 2 years ago

                >Should we tell Elon Musk that he might as well have cut off his hands?
                Elon Musk isn't the one here on Ganker arguing that you can cut your dick off because it "feels right" but not your hands (or transplant hair, since you seems to claim it's the equivalent for some moronic reason), you are. I'm not really sure what you're doing here aside from a pointless attempt at misdirection after your other argument got blown out.
                There is zero functional different between cutting of your dick and cutting of any other appendage except that the antinatal leftist crowd rejoices if you voluntarily castrate yourself. You are no different from an amputee fetishist who thinks he can only be whole if his hand or his arm or his leg is gone.

              • 2 years ago

                >A small risk of infection is comparable to a permanent gaping wound where your testosterone regulating organs used to be
                Imagine being this utterly delusional and malevolent.

            • 2 years ago

              >I consent
              These doctors are making bank by exploiting the mentally ill.
              I wonder how far this insanity will go.

              • 2 years ago

                >there is no benefit to removing your hands
                The benefit is curing the subject's body dysmorphia, the exact same argument you ghouls use to promote your preferred forms of self-mutilation.

                Of course we wouldn't have to be here pointing out obvious logical incogruencies if you cretins stopped pushing an ideology that encourages cutting off parts of yourself to be who you truly are.

              • 2 years ago

                As in 'curing an illness'?
                A mental illness perhaps?

              • 2 years ago

                >no no no, you see I actually care about their health and how they're being exploited
                Elliot Page is literally the happiest he has ever been. If you don't support socialized healthcare but want to play the "evil doctors" card you're a virtue-signaling loser and a coward.

                >A small risk of infection is comparable to a permanent gaping wound where your testosterone regulating organs used to be
                Imagine being this utterly delusional and malevolent.

                >where your testosterone regulating organs used to be
                Losing the testosterone is the point and by the time you're done with puberty it's largely irrelevant, and so is the hole, and if you're hygienic, then it's nothing more than a small risk of infection. So, again, what point are you trying to make?
                That's the thing; you're woefully ill-equipped to discuss the subject due to it being entirely based on emotion (you are disgusted), so your arguments fail and always roll back to
                >It is disgusting because I say so and saw images on the internet, and you're bad for disagreeing
                You have no reason to care. No reason to be offended. But you're just so weak and sensitive you can't help it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Elliot Page is literally the happiest he has ever been.
                How much do you know about "his" personal life to know this?
                People posting about how perfect their life is are normally some of the saddest motherfrickers alive.

              • 2 years ago

                >Elliot Page is more outgoing and both admittedly and visually more happy
                >b-bet he's secretly miserable though
                You didn't have to cope.

                >Elliot Page is literally the happiest he has ever been
                i can only assume this is a troll at this point
                when even the vacillating troony supporters agree you look sickly in every interview you do and actively want you to stop so you stop being bad advertisement you're probably not the picture of great mental health

                >when [cope]
                My guy's showing up on interviews, photoshoots. He finally loves himself. Wish you could do the same.

              • 2 years ago

                >My guy's showing up on interviews, photoshoots
                and for some reason not in television or film

              • 2 years ago

                >Elliot Page is literally the happiest he has ever been
                i can only assume this is a troll at this point
                when even the vacillating troony supporters agree you look sickly in every interview you do and actively want you to stop so you stop being bad advertisement you're probably not the picture of great mental health

              • 2 years ago

                >Losing the testosterone is the point and by the time you're done with puberty it's largely irrelevant
                According to who, your paranoid delusions? TD has a list of side effects and consequences a mile long. Depression, loss of motivation and lessened self confidence, to only cite a few, and that's without getting into the serious health complications it can precipitate.
                For reference, TD is most common in older men. Puberty has nothing to do with it.

                Now that we've established you're wholly ignorant on the subject of hormones.

                The pseudovegana is a wound, regardless of how you attempt to present it. At best, it is a relatively healthy wound molded into the shape of a cavity through repeated trauma. At worst, a horrifying cascade of healh complications. In any case, it remains a completely unnecessary liability.
                Gender reassignment surgery cannot result in a real vegana. It merely replaces a healthy sexual organ with a fascimile of a different one. The patient is no closer to becoming female, as no naturally born woman sports a surgically inversed penis. Nothing meaningful is gained, but a number of serious health risks are incurred. This is why mutilation as a cure for mental illness is usually frowned upon.

                The rest of your asinine meltdown has nothing to do with what I wrote and reeks of desperate projection. Still, I will say, the reason I despise you and your ilk isn't mere physical disgust. Rather, I find that tricking vulnerable people into permanently injuring themselves to 'attain their true identity' is both utterly irrational and monstrous beyond words.

              • 2 years ago

                The sad part is them grooming those kids on discord while they're vulnerable.

        • 2 years ago

          >sociopolitical issues, like gender identity, are not political

      • 2 years ago

        Just die, moron. have a nice day today.

      • 2 years ago

        Black person this is /, not twitter

        • 2 years ago

          Its a thread about a dev who had a game recently which reflects his actual opinions.

    • 2 years ago

      Action leads to reaction.

      • 2 years ago

        "reaction" well away from the intended target, where there's no hope of him seeing it, no hope of any worthwhile response, and everyone thinks of you as a malignant tumor

        • 2 years ago

          >intended target
          Nah that's gay. Trying to foment anything off of Ganker as some sort of movement is the big gay.
          But a handful of internet friends b***hing about the absolute state of video games is pretty normal and doesn't make you a political activist at all.

          • 2 years ago

            >the absolute state of video games
            >random japanese director nobody would know if it wasn't for the gamergate outrage about spotting a SJW

      • 2 years ago

        your reaction is inaction.

    • 2 years ago

      Uchikoshi's games are inherently political though?
      Look at this shit moron, this is why you should have gate kept your hobby

      • 2 years ago

        >4 lines in a game where the LGBT characters are a fat okama everyone makes fun of, a bisexual dude who neglected his child while his wife abused her, and a gay man who impedes the investigation because his gay lover asked him to

        • 2 years ago

          Even in the context of the game you just know Uchi put it out there for brownie points. It doesn't feel organic at all, not even in character for Mizuki either.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not LGBTCQO++
        Fricking bigot.

        • 2 years ago

          haha funny joke xD

          • 2 years ago

            >haha funny joke xD

      • 2 years ago

        >rich in sensibility
        >sensibility: a person's delicate sensitivity that makes them readily offended or shocked.
        Wow, Uchi really is based.

      • 2 years ago

        Wasn't this one the product of """localizers""" and the original script is different?

        • 2 years ago

          Nope. These parts of the game are sadly accurate.

    • 2 years ago

      I really wish leftists would stop pushing their mental illnesses and then scream /misc/ when people dont want to entertain them

      • 2 years ago

        just don't buy it 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          And mission success since the game have abysmal sales, got mocked by /misc/chads and troons seething hard itt.

    • 2 years ago

      >force political crap down people's throats

      classic sign of an abusive personality. yeah frick off and kys

    • 2 years ago

      >Cry's and b***hes about diversity/Inclusion.
      >Can't handle different viewpoints.
      Why are you trannies like this?

      • 2 years ago

        "I don't like/there shouldn't be diversity/inclusion" isn't a different viewpoint. It's not even a stance. You're not advocating or offering anything. Nothing will grow or change from hearing you out because anything you have to say will be hollow and likely based entirely on the emotion of hating something that you're forcing yourself to interact with.
        here's a good way of putting the conversation
        you're just standing somewhere saying
        >but this is how it is
        >then why not go somewhere that isn't here
        >Wooooooow, can't take a different view? Bigot much.

      • 2 years ago

        >>Can't handle different viewpoints
        homosexual, literally the next post after the one you quoted is some Anon b***hing about how he regrets playing the whole series

  2. 2 years ago

    I regret playing the Zero Escape games now.

    • 2 years ago

      Thankfully they all flopped in Japan, as did the AI games. I don't even think AI 2 was a big success anywhere either.

      • 2 years ago

        i saw a bunch of bug man twitch streamers "play" it but outside of that nothing

    • 2 years ago

      cry more b***h not my fault rightoids dont use facts and logic

      • 2 years ago

        >made of pure moronation and can't answer a simple question such as "what is a woman"
        yep it's a leftard alright.

      • 2 years ago

        There's nothing logical or matter of fact freedom. That's a value. Not a fact of life. A value you have to kill for just insure it.

        • 2 years ago

          about freedom*

    • 2 years ago

      >Zero Escape games
      HAH, thanks frick I never played a single of that gay game.
      I still remember Ganker worshipping him like the game is the best of all time.
      Turned out Ganker are just bunch of gay fricks worshipping their gay lord.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you literally 12? You sound like a child who just discovered the internet.

      • 2 years ago

        This but add Yoko Taro and Hideo Kojima too.

        • 2 years ago

          Bro at least those homies actually make GAMES. And despite the cutscene memes, Kojimbo still makes some of the gamiest games out there.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough but Death Stranding and MGS4 sucked.

            • 2 years ago

              And that's fair enough too.

          • 2 years ago

            Kojimbo doesn't make shmups, he doesn't make platformers or metroidvanias, he doesn't make roguelikes. So yeah, he does make shitty movie games.

            • 2 years ago

              Death Stranding is a literal walking simulator.
              Pure mechanics.

              • 2 years ago

                >cut scene
                >cut scene
                >cut scene
                So fun! So game-y!

          • 2 years ago

            Fr, Taro at the bare minimum makes moronic stories for brainlet pseuds with serviceable gameplay and Kojambles made some of the funnest stealth games out there

            • 2 years ago

              I think this is the first time I've seen fr being used unironically herea.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                You can't just use the term completely normally and then say it's ironic.

              • 2 years ago

                >you can't just normally be ironic
                Dumb phoneposter.

            • 2 years ago

              kys zoomer
              >shitsaw zoomerman
              kys twice Black person

      • 2 years ago

        Even 999/VLR were acknowledged to have stupid aspects to them. No one acted like they were the best ever.

    • 2 years ago

      Why? If you start hating a game that you enjoyed while playing because of external politics then you're more brain damaged than him.

      • 2 years ago

        Nta, but the only good game in that series was 999. The rest are garbage

      • 2 years ago

        It's the other way around. Even if the dev screams about politics, if his game has traditional values, i consider the dev's opinions traditional. A game tells you far more about the person than what they say. The same applies to a book and its author. Get some education.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why leftist have the right idea in how they approach media, they won't support people that don't agree with them. Meanwhile republicans will go "mah meritocracy, separate the art from the artist". People will go support this guy even when he is pushing ideas they disagree with, they will give a plataform to left because they fairness, which is frankly a moronic approach. So yes if you don't politically agree with game director dont buy their games.

      >b b b but SJWs do that
      Yes, and that's the right approach. Dont buy their games, shittalk it every opportunity you have.

      • 2 years ago

        Based and true. I make sure to know if any creator is a leftist so I can know to not support them and not acknowledge their existentence. I don't want subhumans to have any support and prolong their time on this earth.

    • 2 years ago

      Zero escape never had any gender special bullshit other than maybe santa and that was never even brought up in the game. these new games have whole scenes sucking off lgbt people for being stunning and brave

      >Zero Escape games
      HAH, thanks frick I never played a single of that gay game.
      I still remember Ganker worshipping him like the game is the best of all time.
      Turned out Ganker are just bunch of gay fricks worshipping their gay lord.

      we made fun of them just as much as we worshipped them. mainly ZTD.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm sorry what? Santa's just a dude...right?

    • 2 years ago

      I still try to find other games which match the atmosphere and look of 999, I just like it so much. Probably because it was my one of my first introduction to VN style puzzle games.

    • 2 years ago

      only now? The second was already bad and tedious enough to drop any game made by this cuck.

    • 2 years ago

      He made those ages ago when he wasn’t libtarded

    • 2 years ago

      His games always sucked shame this is what opens your eyes

    • 2 years ago

      I never played a single zero escape game, they always seemed like troony games to me

    • 2 years ago

      god you people are pathetic

      • 2 years ago

        have a nice day troony

    • 2 years ago

      You shouldn't have to, seperate the art from the artist.
      Besides, it's the period of time between VLR and ZTD when he started becoming westaboo as frick, which resulted in ZTD feeling like a shoddily directed western TV show.
      I personally hope this thirst for western approval backfires on him, he's doing unnecessary shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Its literally just because he's shoving lgbt stuff into his games now.
      999 and vlr are GOOD at best 3ith ztd being trash. AI 1 and 2 are decent at best and he's still super niche in the gaming world to where ever kodaka has more clout. No one would consider uchikoshi top tier unless they loved 999.

  3. 2 years ago

    >jap tries philosophy
    >Fails to deliver his point effectively because his language isn't precise enough

    • 2 years ago

      to deliver his point effectively

      This might be a lack of reading comprehension on your part.

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick is a "physical law" and how does that relate to genders

        • 2 years ago

          He's talking about your physical form otherwise known as a body you illiterate Black person

        • 2 years ago

          A law of nature, you moron.

  4. 2 years ago

    Literally who????

  5. 2 years ago

    This is literally 4D chess. Now trannies have to worship him as God even though his games are full of anime horniness trannies hate. I've already seen some of them defending/praising this aspect of his games (including israeliteson himself in the replies) so it's working.

    • 2 years ago

      This so much. Now if you shit on him or the games you'll just get called a bigot.

    • 2 years ago

      Trannies fricking love anime horniness though. Why do you think most of them have anime girl profile pictures? Most of the time it's literally "straight" men white knighting for trannies that are crusading against anime horniness, not trannies themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      Twitter trannies don't worship you if you pander to them, they just hold you to increasingly higher standards and hound you to change shit. See: Swery.

    • 2 years ago

      >anime horniness trannies hate

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >including israeliteson himself in the replies
      Holy shit, seriously?
      The "sorcerer from Dragon's Crown is a e-girl" guy?
      Shit those leftists types really are the lowest of the low.

      • 2 years ago

        Now Jason is just acting like "haha funny perv jap."

        • 2 years ago

          Fricking disgusting israelite.

          • 2 years ago

            I also just searched. He's literally never mentioned Uchikoshi on his Twitter before.

            • 2 years ago

              How the frick do you even use Twitter its so confusing. I just follow traps on it but I have no clue how to even reply to people

        • 2 years ago

          >its okay to like tiddies if you accept non gender conforming bullshit
          What a fricking hypocrite

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think there is a more disgusting and slimy person in the industry than this hack.

        • 2 years ago

          So was doing this enough to bring any perv jap games without made up controversies?
          >uh yuck evil male fantasy toxic misogynist
          >"with DoAX we promote Ramon, a female who supports gender identity through a few cordial phrases towards lgbt people"
          >wow wholserino heckerino is valid and is also pure erotic excitement XD

      • 2 years ago

        Now Jason is just acting like "haha funny perv jap."

        I also just searched. He's literally never mentioned Uchikoshi on his Twitter before.

        Slimy c**t, the guy is a walking israelite stereotype damn, even to the deformed ogre face.

    • 2 years ago

      >"one of japan's best game directors"
      >barely breaks 3k sales for last 2 games
      fricking kek these stupid homosexuals will latch onto anyone

      They might suck his dick on twitter but they still won't buy his video games.

    • 2 years ago

      >anime horniness trannies hate
      Pffft. Trannies are like 70% porn addicted pedophiles.

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Whhat the frick?

    When did that hack Uchikoshi become one of Japan's "best" game director? Since fricking when?

    • 2 years ago

      When he started catering to the politics of the people now claiming he's the best, same as it's always been

    • 2 years ago

      >since when

      when it could push an agenda

    • 2 years ago

      Its literally just because he's shoving lgbt stuff into his games now.
      999 and vlr are GOOD at best 3ith ztd being trash. AI 1 and 2 are decent at best and he's still super niche in the gaming world to where ever kodaka has more clout. No one would consider uchikoshi top tier unless they loved 999.

      • 2 years ago

        Why did you post an image of Caligula 2 then?

    • 2 years ago

      Since now a days if your game or movie sucks all you have to do is say “troony good” or “black good” and if someone has a legitimate point about how your game/ movie sucks they can just call you a bigot for not liking it.

    • 2 years ago

      it's a washed up game blogger writing for kotak- *checks notes* uhh bloomsberg? praising a washed up game develo- *checks notes* uhh novelist because he parroted the latest woke shit on twitter in order to get attention

    • 2 years ago

      Don't worry, he will have a misstep and becoming hitler itself again in less than a month. Male allies are always like that.

    • 2 years ago

      Since he became useful to the cathedral.

  8. 2 years ago

    that just means people can't claim samus is trans

  9. 2 years ago

    >one of japans best game directros
    Dude's so good he doesn't even sell any copies.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean anon, all his recent games sold Somnilium copies.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao, I just love how Ganker flipflops about whether sales indicate quality or not.

      • 2 years ago

        It's really obvius why, some are shills and some are anons

      • 2 years ago

        literally never heard of this gay or his shit "games" until now

        they must not be very good if he needs to use twitter shitstirring as a way of getting attention

      • 2 years ago

        Ganker isn't a person, moron.

  10. 2 years ago

    every time you reply to this thread a troony dies.

    • 2 years ago

      That might even be true, however your replies have no effect on that outcome

    • 2 years ago

      This thread will be pruned/ deleted before the replies even get close.

      • 2 years ago

        You'd think that for a "41% le XD" self-correcting problem that they'd have solved themselves over the past 7 years since Ganker became obsessed with them overnight.

        • 2 years ago

          It's a death cult, all a part of the white depopulation agenda spearheaded like israelites such as Jason here, he better count his days because his grave is going to smell like almonds.

          • 2 years ago

            GPT-Ganker bot shut the frick up.

          • 2 years ago

            What happened to you guys, you seem pretty lost these days

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      gotcha, ill post then

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >it's real

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      That's terrible, we will be left with no moderator staff

  11. 2 years ago

    He is now (for them) because he is pro-disease.

  12. 2 years ago

    Didnt the portag from ai1 made fun of the troony bartender and compared him to a fridge?

  13. 2 years ago

    The hell. I doubt half of these people even know who this guy is let alone played his games. And even then he makes fricking VNs.

    What is wrong with these people. It's actually insulting to call him one of the best director out there. It'd be like calling god damn SWERY one.

  14. 2 years ago

    He'll call you an obsessed loser for trying to get into an internet fight with him about his opinions on gender identity, so yeah he's pretty based

    • 2 years ago

      >calling anyone a loser
      This is the guy who blocked people for asking a relevant question about his game.

      • 2 years ago

        >gays on Ganker will defend you and squeal the whole time about bad faith arguments and leftists

        • 2 years ago

          That sounds based, fun and more valid than whatever the frick leftard and ootchi cootchi does these days.

      • 2 years ago

        >reposting the same twitter meme as an argument instead of posting his terrible writing

        • 2 years ago

          Blatant plot holes are memes now? You clearly never played the zero games but still feel like defending him just because of politics.

          • 2 years ago

            Bold of you to assume I'm defending him. That image is edited you idiot. That's what I'm getting at.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a meme.

  15. 2 years ago

    >rando director comes and states the absolute obvious while raking in the zoomer generation points

    he's really no different from the usual SJWs except doesn't get ostracized because "his opinion isn't with the current times" but ok

  16. 2 years ago

    >shilling troons
    It seems some japs are still ~~*burger*~~ slaves after the bombs

  17. 2 years ago

    He is a hack
    He lucked out a couple of times and it has yet to repeat

  18. 2 years ago

    Imagine being a journo.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Internet weirdos complaining about trannies
    I feel personally attacked

  20. 2 years ago

    The seethe in this thread is delicious

    • 2 years ago

      I don't particularly care about gender politics, but calling him one of Japan's best game directors is a bit silly.

      • 2 years ago

        A little but on a different day it'd be well within the window of permissible discourse on this very board.

        • 2 years ago

          Absolutely not lmao.
          Even during his peak no one considered him to be the best of anything.

          • 2 years ago

            It's so disingenuous to act like literally anything with a comparable profile hasn't been someone's "best" at some point or another that it really can't be intentional. Expand your ego a touch and this stuff won't get to you so bad

            • 2 years ago

              this is pathetic, just accept the troony shilling and carry on. There is a reason he is pandering to the mentally ill in the west

              • 2 years ago

                "mental illness" is definitely not being obsessed with trannies, collectively, as a website for seven years
                we all know what "mass hysteria" means but somehow it doesn't apply here

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                I CAN'T MEME

              • 2 years ago

                I CAN'T SNEED

              • 2 years ago

                lmao the R in there is such an awesome concession

              • 2 years ago

                >as a website
                Seven years of troony spam is not organic and Ganker existed before 2016.

              • 2 years ago

                yes i know that's what i said

              • 2 years ago

                >being obsessed with trannies, collectively, as a website for seven years
                External entities pouring shit down a drain nonstop doesn't mean that the website itself is obsessed with said topic. Ganker is currently in its 11th year of autismspam and fedoraspam which, again, is a result of newhomosexualry paradigm shifting.

              • 2 years ago

                trannies are ruining gaming
                they completely destroyed Blizzard and Bioware already and don't plan on stopping

              • 2 years ago

                the whole website demonstrably is obsessed, "troony" is the third-most used word on Ganker second only to "homosexual" or "Black person"

              • 2 years ago

                Black personhomosexualtroony

              • 2 years ago

                If you want to blend in better, you should probably stop talking about Ganker from an outsider's perspective.

              • 2 years ago

                Black personhomosexualtroony

                for me, it's homosexualBlack persontroony SCUM

              • 2 years ago

                I've been here since 2008 or so and left in 2014 during goymergate for cripplechan and there was zero troony posting. After 2015 I stopped reading boards altogether until the coof and bam every second thread has someone screaming about trannies. I doubt the number of trannies increased that much in a few years, so I assume it's obsession.
                What the frick is fedoraspam? There hasn't been any fedora posting for years.

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn't know how there's more trannies than ever

              • 2 years ago

                >I doubt the number of trannies increased that much in a few years
                You can't even begin to imagine how bad it's gotten.

              • 2 years ago

                >games,media and the industry isn't trying to push trannism down our throats
                this is pathetic attempt at gaslighting

    • 2 years ago

      which posts are you refering to my Black person?

      • 2 years ago

        The "source" thing doesn't really work when everyone can see the same posts, dork

        • 2 years ago

          Exactly, reply to me with these posts, Surely you can provide some facts

    • 2 years ago

      It’s being going on since 2019

  21. 2 years ago

    Uchikoshi has always been a hack and the only redeeming part of him continuing to get work is seeing more and more people wise up to that fact with each release.

  22. 2 years ago


  23. 2 years ago

    >gender identities are not defined by physical Laws
    ummm yeah they are? moronic jap

    • 2 years ago

      Physical laws don't actually exist and implying that physical laws are bullshit is actually based as frick.

  24. 2 years ago

    I don't really care about the gender identity stuff but I'm never playing an Uchi game again after how fricking terrible Zero Time Dilemma was

  25. 2 years ago

    Redpill me on this guy's works.

    Are they like Danganronpa-esque stuff or something?

    • 2 years ago

      Play 999 on the DS
      Don't play anything else if you don't want to be dissapointed

    • 2 years ago

      Its not really like dr at all. In a weird way they're more cringe (mainly ai) while lacking none of the charm since they all go pseudo while DR stays in its lane and accepts its dumb and silly (only the third game gets a bit pseudo but not near uchi levels)

  26. 2 years ago


  27. 2 years ago

    >one of Japan's best game directors
    >makes VNs

    • 2 years ago

      not with these sales

  28. 2 years ago

    Doesn't Uchikoshi always have a bunch of pervert characters in his games that make sexists jokes and ogle the women with big breasts?
    I'm glad Schreier changed his mind about sexualization of women in video games.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Best game directors
    Ah yes, Kotaro... uhh who? I know a lot of game developers by name all over the globe, and I've never heard of him. Good old Jay, being as duplicitous as ever.

    • 2 years ago

      >When mama covers her face with her hands it means she's gone D:

  30. 2 years ago

    This thread again. You're just giving him free publicity.

  31. 2 years ago

    I think a lot of Japan is like that with their beliefs. They've had effeminate male idols for a long time, before twitter existed. And the whole trap thing is many decades old. It's not surprising that Japan would support twitter leftists on this aspect.

    The fricking DIFFERENCE that Jason Schreier doesn't get is that Japanese creators only create things that they PERSONALLY want to see. And most being straight and male that means a whole ton of "evil male gaze" content and rare minorities representation. In other words: based.

    They don't do that whole political pandering shite. They think with their own dick.

    • 2 years ago

      >They don't do that whole political pandering shite. They think with their own dick.

      • 2 years ago

        Not this again. It's just word games that leftists want to play. When I say "politics" do you really have no idea what I'm talking about? Why don't you just tell me what word to use instead? Oh that's right, because your objective is to stop me from speaking, you don't want to give me the alternative word that perfectly describes what leftists are doing to entertainment.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's only political because you want it to be.
          >It's only political because you're bothered by it.
          >It's only political because you don't want to see LGBTQ+.
          >It's only political because you don't want to see trans.
          >It's only political because you don't want to see POC.
          You're seeing the issue here is you, right?
          Get over yourself lmao

          • 2 years ago

            The best part is they post more than 20 post detailing their moronic as frick politics while screaming
            >hurr durr it is not le politics

      • 2 years ago

        >When mama covers her face with her hands it means she's gone D:

        I'm almost afraid to ask, but what does object permanence have to do with this conversation?

        • 2 years ago

          "i have no interest in/don't understand japanese politics, therefore japanese works are apolitical unless they're so blatantly political that i can't ignore it"

          object permanence comes into play from the knowledge that japan is full of humans that have their own culture, politics and public dialogue wholly separate from the extremely ameri-centric internet, but anon assumes anyways that japanese artists and thinkers must be just... apolitical, for some reason, or that they are somehow more "pure" in their artistic work than the "filthy, tainted west"

          • 2 years ago

            They are wagecucks, so yes they are apolitical

          • 2 years ago

            Why do you Americans think other countries are as politics obsessed as yours? Go to any board with flags, and they'll all agree that Americans are much more obsessed with politics. When people from a wide spread of countries are identifying yours as the problem, perhaps they have a point.

            • 2 years ago

              >Why do you Americans
              >no you're the obsessed one
              ok johan

          • 2 years ago

            Believing everyone is as deranged about politics as you tells me that you are an american leftist. You are not observing heavily politicized media frequently from japan, you are simply inferring that it must be (because america is like that) and that your eyes are just decieving you because some bullshit reason such as 'language barrier'

    • 2 years ago

      This is part of the issue. There's also the bit that Japanese bishounen or biseinen were always definitely seen as masculine. The long haired pretty man with a sword who cries a single tear after he draws a sword faster than you can see it and there's a shamisen strum before the other guy splurts blood from an artery and falls down was never thought of as being some non-binary uwu attack on gender, it was just a different sort of being manly. Now they did have kabuki/noh style "otokonoko" too which were seen as feminine but kind of...wrong, for either comic benefit or to show that they were idealizing feminine beauty to often a horrible level (ie the whole youkai that looks feminine until it reveals its true form or something and has been drinking the blood of young people to keep itself beautiful etc).

      The other issue of them making stuff they want to see is more accurate, though of course pandering for cash over there is different than it has been over here,at least for a time. Lets not pretend they don't pander and only make stuff because it is what they want to see - while there are some artists who have the ability to do so, there are many who basically end up churning out what sells. We can't ignore that just because we aren't aware of or don't focus on what it looks like is different from the pandering we expect to twitter trannies in the west in recent years

  32. 2 years ago

    Kill all groomers

  33. 2 years ago

    >gender identity is not defined by physical laws
    Which one is it again?

  34. 2 years ago

    >One of the best
    I have literally never seen a seen journalist opinion in a single one of his games before his trans psychotic opinions surfaces.
    These people are so onviously disingenuous it's insane.

    • 2 years ago

      Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, sorry i called them journalists, theyre just morons with a loud speaker.

  35. 2 years ago

    This always happens when a Japanese guy interacts with westerners on twitter. Immigration to the west should be illegal for the sake of protecting the innocent foreigners from all these mind viruses, and the western internet should be quarantined.

  36. 2 years ago

    >Gender Identity is not defined by the physical laws
    We know, it's a mental illness and not real.
    >It is not defined by you either
    This is literally transphobic and goes against SJW talking points

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically try to argue about this with him on Twitter where he can actually respond
      Come back with results

      • 2 years ago

        Leftism cannot exist without censorship.

        • 2 years ago

          >why didn't he let me farm him for Ganker upvotes

          • 2 years ago

            >being mentally moronic
            checks out

  37. 2 years ago

    I don't care. I just want all troons to suck a shotgun

  38. 2 years ago

    Remember when Naganuma was shocked when most of his twitter followers celebrated Abe's death?

    • 2 years ago

      Do you have the screencap sir?

      • 2 years ago

        There were a bunch of other tweets before this when the shooting happened.

  39. 2 years ago

    Why is it that trannies try to infect things like a cancer?

    How come there are no weird Muslim people pushing really hard in media or whatever?

    • 2 years ago

      Trannies are perpetually online (for obvious reasons...) so they're the ultimate form of SJW.
      It's a result of being obsessed with justice to an unhealthy degree, being a 1st world nation with no problems to solve and also having no real targets to direct this extreme sense of justice at. It's also born from being american who have played "world police" for the past century and having a population whose entire comics industry consists of ONE genre: Super Heroes. The right to own a gun (and those who oppose it) wraps you up in a strong sense of justice as well. Of course it's not only americans who do this, it's just more-so americans, because of the things I've mentioned their culture is a little more intense like this than other western countries.
      But like I said, they're "Social" justice warriors because this is the only way they can dispense their justice.

      • 2 years ago

        >Trannies are perpetually online (for obvious reasons...)
        I love the quiet "not me, though, I'm based and redpilled" here.

        • 2 years ago

          ? They're perpetually online because they can barely stand to look at themselves in a mirror. All of them are hiding from society like vampires. The ones that don't have respectable willpower.

          • 2 years ago

            I think you're perpetually online because you haven't talked to anybody that's not your mom in five years and you post your shockingly lukewarm takes on the root of The SJW Menace to the video games board of an anime forum, Anonymous poster.

            • 2 years ago

              Seething. Hope he sees this bro.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah "u mad" as response to literally anything is on-track for being terminally online.

            • 2 years ago

              Watch anons, we have a badaas over here

              • 2 years ago

                >They're perpetually online because they can barely stand to look at themselves in a mirror. All of them are hiding from society like vampires. The ones that don't have respectable willpower.

              • 2 years ago

                Nothing wrong with that. Maybe the vampire part, israelites are vampires

              • 2 years ago

                doesn't it make perfect sense though? why would a trans person be online more than a regular person? they're such a tiny % minority and yet it seems like they encompass so much of twitter.

              • 2 years ago

                >they encompass so much of twitter.
                block "trans" and "gender" and you'll stop seeing them

  40. 2 years ago


  41. 2 years ago

    Weird how only now people realize the dude is a self-centered egomaniac who changes his stance depending on wathever makes him look better. On full belief that the dude is on neither side and will either add more father daughter incest or (pretend to) add LGBT representation in his games depending on whatever the frick sells him the most copies, everyone who thinks he is on their side is just being used as a walking wallet he can steal from, arguing with someone who clearly isn't listening to anything you say wont change anything..
    Just use the money to go buy yourself a better game.

    • 2 years ago

      weird how Ganker only gave a shit who he is or what he thinks when he said something about gender

      • 2 years ago

        Got any other irrelevant strawmen you'd like to post?

        • 2 years ago

          >"you are a culture warrior"
          >"that's an irrelevant strawman"
          uh huh

          • 2 years ago

            Boring. Are you gonna post any more shitty strawmen pics from 2014 or what?

            • 2 years ago

              are you ever gonna stop identifying with gamergate or do you still war against zoe quinn and brianna wu in your head
              milo yiannopoulos had that pedophilia accusation that stuck hard enough to make him put his head down for a while, he's not a good talking head anymore

              • 2 years ago

                God damn dude you're like a time capsule of 2014 butthurt

                Post more images already

      • 2 years ago

        Lmao people cared about him during ZE days. The only reason his opinions are getting posted is because they're also in his new games.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think that's actually any different from only giving a shit about him when he posts something about gender.

      • 2 years ago

        People have talked about him since forever, Ever17 is still talked about and 999 is a favorite here. I didn't know he was a leftist, but if he is frick him, im never buying a game from him ever again.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The jap is shilling for sales

          • 2 years ago

            Doesn't matter, hes a lefty frick him. SJWs never help anyone with opposed views and are much politically better for it.

            • 2 years ago

              Fine by me, frick shills

  42. 2 years ago

    >best game directors
    These people are so disingenuous, they'll herald any bafoon as genius as long as they agree with their politics. I highly doubt Schreier has ever played any of his games.

  43. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      This gay surrounding himself with twitter trannies and then being shocked when they revealed themselves as the evil freaks they are after abe got killed was a long time coming. I fear this is why trannies are popping up in so many jap games, they see them as these persecuted irl anime girls with dicks and not the vile maniacs we know them as.

  44. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >hello fellow kids

    • 2 years ago

      >w-why are my twitter followers suddenly celebrating that our former prime minister got shot in broad daylight???
      surround yourself with filth dont get surprised when you need a shower

      • 2 years ago

        defending shinzo abe to pwn the libshits epic-style is uhhhhhhh dangerously stupid

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        did he actually react like that? I wanna see.

    • 2 years ago

      He makes good music, but why did he go full moron? Is it all just lost in translation, or has he completely lost the plot?

      • 2 years ago

        Pretty sure Naganuma is genuinely moronic

      • 2 years ago

        he literally just repeats what people @ him with, the twitter crowd has gotten butthurt with him plenty of times like when he said he wasn't going to get vaxxed and another time he was being horny towards a 16 y/o cosplayer

  45. 2 years ago

    The funniest thing about this to me is that it just shows that Jason has no idea what games Uchikoshi has made because it contains all the typical anime pervert shit that he hates.

    • 2 years ago

      In the replies, he suddenly acts like he likes this stuff and finds it funny

  46. 2 years ago

    >Gender identity is not defined by the physical laws. Of course it is not defined by you either. Only the will of each human being can define it with complete freedom.
    Do they ever think about the implications of the arguments they make? The logical conclusion of this is religious fundamentalism: you can't argue with anyone because everyone's perception of reality is arbitrary and equally valid, so the only way for society to work is for an intolerant group to enforce their beliefs from the top down.

  47. 2 years ago

    Y chromosome = male. Full stop. Everything else is semantics.

  48. 2 years ago

    I can see AI3 getting 10/10 reviews now

  49. 2 years ago

    Man can someone please put that israelite Schreier back in the oven?

  50. 2 years ago

    I dont give a frick, I can separate the art from the artist. Kevin Spacey rapes little kids but I'm still going to watch The Usual Suspects if I see its on TV.

  51. 2 years ago

    So why am I supposed to be upset?
    I've seen you chucklefricks make threads about this for the last few days. So, why am I supposed to be mad?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Well he's a shitty subhuman with moronic and mentally-ill beliefs. Now you not care if you want. Not everyone can be good people that don't let the mentally-ill get away with their shit beliefs without being intensely insulted and hated for it. You can go be a consoomer that doesn't care about anything somewhere else if you want.

  52. 2 years ago

    theres this one black guy on twitter called gambs owning uchikoshi and his multicolor hair defenders

  53. 2 years ago

    MacArthur should have finished the zips off.

    • 2 years ago

      This problem began in the USA and France, not Japan.

      • 2 years ago

        Ah, I suppose that's true enough

  54. 2 years ago

    Holy shit someone get this man off Twitter right now

  55. 2 years ago

    I am so glad Itsuno is the worst.

  56. 2 years ago

    You guys are a few years behind modern leftist trends. They like sex work and will post sexualized images of themselves while saying they're dumb bawds that can't read.

    • 2 years ago

      If that's the case then who's going around censoring shit?

    • 2 years ago

      In fact, they have a term for people who don't like porn, camgirls and prostitution: SWERF (Sex Work Exclusionary Radical Feminist)

    • 2 years ago

      Leftists like filmed porn and irl prostitutes, but they hate fictional porn and sexy female character drawn or written by and for men.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah they just hate us. They don't have any consistent morals. It can basically be summed up as they hate you and want to make your life miserable even over the pettiest shit

    • 2 years ago

      Leftist trends and the ideology is very simple. White straight male = evil; Everything else = good. If something is made by or for a WSM is evil, if not, is good. Variables always spin around that and the topic or the object itself is irrelevant. Not only that, something can be good (enjoyed by non-white, non-male and non-straight people) and then suddenly bad (it has white straight male audience). It's easy because the enemy is always the same.

      • 2 years ago

        This, don't ever EVER follow israelite's and femonoid(female israelite) ideology and take it to heart. They've always meant to confuse the goyim and degrade you.

  57. 2 years ago

    Ok hes a lefty, moving on from that. Hes games sell like shit, so the question is how to help make then sell ever worse?

  58. 2 years ago

    What's with this trend of hasbeen japs running to western twitter for clout?

    It's really embarrassing.

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing feels me with more impotence and dread than Japanese boomers with their cant do no wrong attitude
      I get a primal urge to beat Yuji Naka, Inafune and Yu Suzuki relentlessly with a lead pipe everytime I see them

    • 2 years ago

      >have little relevance or respect in japan
      >they're boomers in the game industry, so they've picked up adequate english skill by now
      >don't have much work to do anymore, so might as well waste time on twitter
      >moronic twitter user who barely know who they are will love-bomb them so long as they even lightly agree with their politics
      Makes sense, I guess.

  59. 2 years ago

    Won't be buying Nirvana initiative after this debacle, thought the first game was decent and pretty funny (played it in nip!) but this man turns out to be another clown fishing for woke points.

  60. 2 years ago

    my pronouns are quite complex

  61. 2 years ago

    Yeah I don't know why but the AI games have a huge trans following. Almost every moderator on the AI subreddit is trans MtF (the "not even remotely passing"-type). Not joking.
    If only AI wasn't poopoo dogshit in general I might actually care about the pandering.

  62. 2 years ago

    >when you're so desperate for Japanese developers who support your ideology that the same guy who claims liking Sorceress is pedophilia has to call the guy who said his favorite scene in VLR was Sigma sniffing Clover's bodysuit "the greatest director in Japan"

    • 2 years ago

      We live in a society

  63. 2 years ago

    Did they really take a failed writer of several bombed games as a W?

    • 2 years ago

      If they agree with me, based. If they disagree, cringe and also ban them and stop them from ever saying things I don't like.

  64. 2 years ago

    Thank God I didn't pick up AI. It was on my radar and I knew about the cringy gay shit in it and wanted to try it out despite that. After seeing these tweets from Uchikoshi lately, I now realize this runs deeper. I'm just not going to bother supporting any of his games. It's especially sad seeing this come from a prominent Japanese dev.

    • 2 years ago

      He went off the deep end precisely because nobody gave a shit about his games in Japan.

  65. 2 years ago

    I have a subscription to tgirljapan

    • 2 years ago

      Ok Uchikoshi. Now tell us where is kyle

    • 2 years ago

      But I want for free.

  66. 2 years ago

    >AI1 has pro-LGBT quote
    >underwhelming sales
    >AI2 has more
    >considered an even worse game than the first, sales aren't better
    get woke go broke

  67. 2 years ago

    I have no idea who these people are.

  68. 2 years ago

    >Jason Schreier
    How is this guy still a thing after getting btfo multiple times?

  69. 2 years ago

    Now explain to the folks at home who these people are.

    • 2 years ago

      Idk but if you look at the guy who made minecraft it is totally different.

    • 2 years ago

      one guy is the japanese vn writer who loves lgbt, the other is a israeli game journalist who Ganker loves to make fun of

  70. 2 years ago

    so the israelites finally got the japs, what now? new holocaust when? this time for real.

  71. 2 years ago

    this is just like conservatives propping up the uncle tom black person saying "see he get's it" it's pure grift

  72. 2 years ago

    >"Only the will of each human can define it with complete freedom"
    >"of course it is not defined by you either"
    So by this logic, the morons on either sides of the gender argument are self-logically correct. Sounds to me he's more like sitting on the fence and wording this in a way to allow people to interpret it as they wish in order to fit their narrative just like our white knight up there. Got played like a fiddle and yet he's still rubbing his little roach-like appendages together like he just woke everyone up.

    • 2 years ago

      >So by this logic, the morons on either sides of the gender argument are self-logically correct. Sounds to me he's more like sitting on the fence

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit no wonder everyone stopped inviting you to hang out lmao

        • 2 years ago

          I'm sure a Redditor that thinks new-age spiritualism has an objective truth behind it that can also be boiled down to a yes-or-no question for the sake of internet arguments is a TOTALLY RADICAL PARTY ANIMAL DUDE YEAH SOCIALITE, GREAT GATSBY, WOOOOO

          • 2 years ago

            You seem upset, anon.

            You should come over to my house party where me and my redditor friends are sipping on some cheap wine while we discuss why being agnostic is superior and why brown people are best.

            We would simply love to have someone mentally challenge our superior intellect by loudly mocking us in an "ironic" idiot voice lol

  73. 2 years ago

    I wish gender-as-self-discovery was at least philosophically interesting. There are plenty of things that I have enjoyed and found compelling even if I didn't agree with their conclusions of what they were dealing with. The different is engaging. But the current philosophy surrounding gender - as opposed to previous explorations of gender roles or societal expectations - may as well be an exploration of what MTBI type, star sign, or Hogwarts house you are. It's an anti-resolution to problems and amounts of mental masturbation rather than introspection. Gender-identity is not only uninteresting, it's anti-interesting. The story and potential issues a character may be going through becomes less interesting the moment it comes into play, because every issue is solved by slapping a new meaningless label on themselves and buying some new clothes. It's just fricking tiresome.

    • 2 years ago

      Some time ago I've wondered why I susually have no problems with japanese trans characters but always find western ones annoying, as well as real people. The conclusion I've come to is that while in japanese fiction a character says to be trans they're motivated because of traditional values (the ideal man has defined characteristics, and so does the ideal woman, therefore not having them makes one incapable of seeing themselves as conforming with their sex); instead in western fiction and culture people at the same time claim to be a different gender but also that gender roles are all made up, that men and women are identical. In other words being of a different gender in western fiction, and also int he real world, seems to me to have no meaning, it's a statement devoid of any meaning.
      There's also difference in how the characters interact with the world, but I have no more time.

      • 2 years ago

        I find it's generally less forced and hamfisted in Japanese media. In a way they take it less seriously but also far more nuanced and genuinely. Uchikoshi's handling of it in AI is far closer to a western perspective with how it feels like it needs to say how they're all valid while not really saying anything at all or going in depth with an actual lgbt character or focused narrative.

  74. 2 years ago

    It's honestly insulting that journos will call you the best in the industry by just virtuesignalling on twitter.

    How can you say that with a straight face?

    • 2 years ago

      >you the best in the industry for* just virtuesignalling on twitter.
      ftfy. Jason 'Big Fat breasts are a e-girlcon Fantasy' Schreier knows not play Japanese games or couldn't even name a Japanese director if given a list of them.

  75. 2 years ago

    Crazy guy that panhandles near my workplace calls himself the king of canada and we should call him "his royal highness." Everybody ignores him and the same rule should go for troons and israelites.

  76. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't say best. He's good, but he's awkward at writing support for the LGBT crowd.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought the scene in AINI was a lot better written and in-character than the one in the first game.

      • 2 years ago

        >I would hug all muh poor oppressed minorities and inflict violence on anyone "tormenting" them

  77. 2 years ago

    this guy doesnt even make games

    he makes ADV VN-tier shit

  78. 2 years ago

    what is gender
    what does it mean to be of a certain gender

  79. 2 years ago

    Not after what he did with Zero Escape 3.

  80. 2 years ago

    >japan's best directors
    never even heard of the guy

    • 2 years ago

      He designed Pepsiman, made the Zero Escape series in which he made each installment worse and worse and then create AI: The Somnium Files, which bombed so hard in Japan that it made the Zero Escape games look like best sellers by comparison.

  81. 2 years ago

    isn't this the homosexual who made mind hack?

    • 2 years ago

      The one and only

      • 2 years ago

        god fricking dammit, that's the worst middle finger to the player i ever experienced and if he was involved in the making of a game i automatically refuse to buy or play it, why is this fricking hack being called "one of the best of japan"?

        • 2 years ago

          Because he has the right politics

        • 2 years ago

          Because he's been pandering to the lgbt

          • 2 years ago

            This is the future of Japan, get used to it

            • 2 years ago

              It really isn't and thank god for that.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget having two characters frick in a time machine, go back in time, have a child who then becomes capable of mind hacking THEN creates an elaborate plan just so he can be born.

  82. 2 years ago


  83. 2 years ago

    >secret ZTD ending

  84. 2 years ago

    >in the future, you can just be nothing, absolving all expectations and responsibilities


  85. 2 years ago

    >israeli (Ashkenazic) : from German Schreier, Yiddish shrayer 'shouter'; a nickname for a noisy person, or, possibly, an occupational name for a person whose duty it was to summon israelites to public worship.

  86. 2 years ago

    This dude's an idiot. He talks about trans and non-binary which refers to biological sex because sex is binary but the japanese dude is talking about gender, which is made up shit which basically means
    >i wanna dress this way and behave this way because i'm a frickhead who thinks that the world is my oyster and i'm the center of the universe and other people's opinions mean jack shit
    which is basically psychopathy.
    If you go to a date as a dude wearing a skirt with a dildo shoved up your ass and the girl you're supposed to be dating asks you "wtf is wrong with you", you can't tell her that's your gender identity because it's a non answer. The real answer is you're a non conforming weirdo, someone who isn't predictable. People run from what's not predictable because predictability is safety. There are people out there that won't care that you look like a freak but those people either are mentally ill/psychopaths themselves or don't give an actual frick about you and will avoid you while they pretend to be okay with you.

    The fact that this guy is employed at a semi respectable news outlet says VOLUMES about the levels of frickery in western societies today. Write some fricking news and keep your virtue signaling to yourself because you don't believe in the shit you're saying either, Jason.

    • 2 years ago

      >The fact that this guy is employed at a semi respectable news outlet says VOLUMES about the levels of frickery in western societies today.

      no video game shit is considered news or journalism

  87. 2 years ago

    Did the israelites finally get to Japan? Are the Samurai no longer feared?

    • 2 years ago

      Japan is a burger honorary satellite anon.
      Do you really think that this poison won't reach?

    • 2 years ago

      Japan is a burger honorary satellite anon.
      Do you really think that this poison won't reach?

      The israelite still fear the samurai anon.

  88. 2 years ago

    I define, of my own free will, your gender to be male, and that you will never be a woman. If you try to prove me wrong, you're a bigot.

  89. 2 years ago

    When did Kotaro see a Snail during his jog?

  90. 2 years ago

    >Kotaro "COMPLEX MOTIVES" Uchikoshi
    >brilliant director

    • 2 years ago


  91. 2 years ago

    Ganker sucked the wiener of this jap shovelware so much for like 5 years

    a lot of people base their identity around Ganker and cared so much about that garbage vn shit

    • 2 years ago

      Anons turned on uchikoshi ages ago. He's not as well-iked anymore especially compared to his "peak"

  92. 2 years ago

    Makes sense why I always thought his games were for pathetic cringelord weeabs.

  93. 2 years ago


  94. 2 years ago

    No amount of willing will give someone a third gamete

  95. 2 years ago

    >two lines in a game and one comment by developer is enough to trigger newbies
    based Uchikoshi I guess

    • 2 years ago

      You will never be a woman, troon.

  96. 2 years ago

    The Japanese guy understand the absolute state of troony politics in the West atm?

    • 2 years ago

      They literally talk about trannies and gays in his newer games and how great the lgbt community is

  97. 2 years ago

    No one even played his newest game
    I did and it was terrible
    He's a complete hack

  98. 2 years ago

    Everyone would know that considering a character talks about how they want to kill people who hate trannies in his newer games

  99. 2 years ago

    Until he's referring to "wrongthink".
    Then that tweet is problematic, right?

  100. 2 years ago

    am i cool for thinking this dude was a hack before he became a woke twitter loser?

  101. 2 years ago


  102. 2 years ago

    Isn't this the guy that made those murder games with an ending that everyone hated?

    • 2 years ago

      His shit flopped in Japan so like many nip devs he started pandering to westerners (the only people who buy his games) and spending too much time on twitter with the trannies

    • 2 years ago

      I was gonna say you were thinking of Kazutaka Kodaka. But then I remembered Zero Escape exists.

  103. 2 years ago

    this guy isn't known for anything. he directed one game. this doesn't really make him the best of anything.

    • 2 years ago

      i've literally never heard about any of these games besides the somnium one because an army of pajeet ESL's shill it on Ganker 24/7

      • 2 years ago

        if you like VNs, Never7, Ever17, and Remember11 are his best works.
        Never7 can be skipped but I still like it.
        After the company that he and Nakazawa were part of died, they split off and started making VNs that canabalize their earlier works. Every VN they make is worse than the last.

        • 2 years ago

          The only VN's i like are when its a game with a side VN attached between main segments like fire emblem, so i'll pass on everything to do with this

    • 2 years ago

      are you illiterate? It clearly says diector next to 6 games

      • 2 years ago

        don't care he's a fricking literally who

  104. 2 years ago

    Uchi panders to Twittergays since he's a westaboo and that's the side of his fanbase that actually interacts with him. He can't pander to anons who have been playing 999 since the beginning because he doesn't even know (You) exist.

  105. 2 years ago

    He's a fricking hack that works on overpriced shovelware.

  106. 2 years ago

    His games don't even come close to the funny lawyer games

  107. 2 years ago

    Does the radical right, anti-LGBT crew actually do anything other than b***h about the "culture war?" Or is that the only means they can conjure up to enact their will? Because I'm fairly certain if one were to somehow filter out every pol-cel thread created on Ganker in the past 8 years, they would have no idea that the radical right is a real thing. These right-wing extremists are so inconsequential, shitposting is literally all they've done. No wonder they cling to their coping fantasy "go woke, go broke." It's the only way they can stave off their feelings of irrelevance.

    • 2 years ago

      If they're so irrelevant and just amount to shitposters then why are they one of the biggest boogeymen currently?

  108. 2 years ago

    Well so he just justified more complaining since now gender isn't objective so my only gender-bias is to ruing gender for everyone else.

  109. 2 years ago

    >gender is not defined by physical laws
    Only if you completely diminish the term and substitute it with your own, etymologically the word is built into a concept of either or, it's literally about your sex, which is either male or female.
    >Is Uchikoshi one of the best game directors of all time?
    Either a troony or a troony fetishists, there are no chicks with dicks, just men with fake breasts.

  110. 2 years ago

    man I cant believe the term to describe what between your legs has been co-opted by such stupid humans, " HEY FRIENDS WHATS YOUR SEX" sounds really fricking moronic but that is the situation we find ourselves in today.

  111. 2 years ago

    Why gets to decide how gender works?

    • 2 years ago


  112. 2 years ago

    >Kotaro Uchikoshi

    Literally who?

    • 2 years ago

      I was wondering the same. Turns out he makes video games with groundbreaking gameplay

  113. 2 years ago

    Do his games even have actual gameplay or are they just VNs?

  114. 2 years ago

    Why is Ganker so bad at pattern recognition?

    It's very easy to spot when games are sanitizing themselves or pandering to the west. But Ganker never listens and insists that you are just being a paranoid schizo. When will they learn?

  115. 2 years ago

    >transsexuals exist
    >"You will call me XYZ"
    Nope, don't do compelled speech

  116. 2 years ago

    It doesn't make my dick happy = bad
    simple as

  117. 2 years ago


  118. 2 years ago

    The powers that be have very complex motives, don't they?

  119. 2 years ago

    I do not give a frick about what some morons on Ganker screech about and I will continue to buy games I want to buy. I bought AI 2, it sucks, and I would still buy AI 3. Thanks for reading chump

    • 2 years ago

      >supporting shit games

  120. 2 years ago

    >All this started because some guy went schizo and was upset at the term used for the gender of a robot which does not have gender because it's a fricking robot

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