Is WOW dying?

Is WOW dying?

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  1. 4 years ago

    Depends what you mean by, "Dying." If you mean the population is dwindling to only hardcore boomer autists, then yes. If you mean the actual game is going to die, then no.

  2. 4 years ago

    >"i ate my own shit and it tasted like shit"

    • 4 years ago


  3. 4 years ago

    You know that game is dead when devs are starting to sell solutions instead of fixing the problems.

    Modern WoW is disgusting.

    • 4 years ago


      • 4 years ago

        Probably referring to character boosts. The grind is so fricking long and soulless now

        • 4 years ago

          the grind is only there so you can spend time with others, that's the whole point

        • 4 years ago

          Leveling is piss easy and short now, you can do it in a few days no problem

          • 4 years ago

            piss easy and mind numbing? Yes. Short? No.
            At least not short enough for the excruciating boredom you have to go through spamming dungeons over and over

        • 4 years ago

          The grind in classic wow actually makes me want to neck myself, so idk.

          >had 2 60's and a 52 before you homosexuals got to spaz out.

      • 4 years ago

        >level boosts
        >level squish
        >stat squish
        >more npcs in the world to compensate for lack of players running around
        >more gimmick shit like more pets and mounts instead of addressing the major flaws of the game
        >recent patch came out so broken dungeons were no longer giving people gear, and people were getting handed out 3 day bans just for playing the game

    • 4 years ago

      They are squishing they levels down next expansion nearly cutting them in half

    • 4 years ago

      They have an interesting idea for Shadowlands. Not interesting enough to win my love back. But still.

    • 4 years ago

      dont kid yourself, if they were selling boosts for classic everybody would take them too.
      leveling is braindead and not fun.

      • 4 years ago

        >leveling is braindead and not fun.

        If playing the game is braindead and not fun then why bother playing the game at all?

        • 4 years ago

          imagine being such a moronic Black person that you think that the game begins and ends with leveling

    • 4 years ago

      Examples: Modern WoW and FFXIV

  4. 4 years ago

    classic is still good and im leveling an alt rn

  5. 4 years ago

    Whole point of an RPG is to feel invested with your character. Boosting one to max makes the whole experience hollow. Classic has 1/50th of overall content to the main game yet you feel much more attached and every piece of gear you earn feels great.

    • 4 years ago

      >Whole point of an RPG is to feel invested with your character.

      Increasing the level cap all the way back in TBC was the death knell for that. It was Blizzard telling everyone that everything they do can and WILL be reset every two years, which led us to a collecting and transmog culture. Stats? ilvls? Doesn't matter. That horse that can drop in a random raid? Well shit. That technically will always be relevant.

      • 4 years ago

        This. After MoP I basically just collected pets because the gear treadmill wasn't worth it once I had a mount that matched my transmog (that I still used through BfA). And after a while every pet was just a recolor of an existing one, and they started adding so many that it wasn't even possible to catch them all without playing non-stop. WoW is now a seasonal game. Every six months you can resub, see the new content and do the new quests in a couple weeks, then unsub and do it again in six months.

  6. 4 years ago

    MMOs in general are dying. And yeah, FFXIV autists, I know you're gonna prance on in here and tell me your game is great. Two notable games in a genre doesn't make for a healthy genre.

    • 4 years ago

      MMOs are effectively dead. The genre is just an endless grind, and the selling point of playing with others is now moot since every game that's come out in the past 15 or so years has had player interactivity in some way.
      As a guy that played FFXIV since 2016 and only quit this year, the game is not an MMO. It's a final fantasy game where you occasionally have to team up with other players to do a dungeon or an raid. And even then you can choose not to do either and only focus on the main story every 4 or so odd months. Contrast this with Ultima Online, Everquest, or FFXI where you needed to talk with other players and form relationships to even do the most basic thing like leveling. MMOs were a product of the late 90s and early 2000s, they've overstayed their welcome by WoW's popularity, but now we're seeing them finally kick the bucket.

      • 4 years ago

        the next "minecraft" killer will also be the next MMO killer

        • 4 years ago

          It's funny, but this screencap makes a lot of sense especially when you consider that One Tamriel came out about a month after the screencap.

  7. 4 years ago

    >I skipped the entirety of leveling and I feel like I didn't play the game

    • 4 years ago

      This, the new patch is actually really good.

  8. 4 years ago

    level boosting is if you are so fricking tired of making characters because of the grind but want something new. maybe if this homosexual was playing with others his experiance would not feel so hollow in a game focused on social and cooperative play.

  9. 4 years ago

    literally asmongold was the savior of wow and now it dies with him

  10. 4 years ago

    one of the (gameplay-related) appeals of RPGs is seeing your character grow up

    MMORPGs ran into a dead end when the max level, where normal RPGs usually end pretty soon, essentially became the whole game

    • 4 years ago

      Many games, including WoW itself, have tried to address this concern. Artifact and Azerite Power in the last two expansions made it so there was technically a way to grind forever and get stronger. With BFA though people fricking HATED it, so much so that it was entirely revamped in 8.2.

  11. 4 years ago

    As someone who has played all but a handful of MMOs in the best 15 years, i can easily tell you following

    >WoW If you never played WoW its worth leveling just for the experience then quitting at max
    >ESO is online Skyrim, the combat and animations are dogshit, but other than that its rather fun solo than grouped - play solo/duo dont invest
    >SWTOR has suprising good feeling combat, but a dwindling playerbase and expanding cash-shop is steadly killing the game - avoid
    >FF:AAR great story, slow-ish combat compared to other MMOs, huge content droughts compared to others, worth playing to max.
    >RS3 suprisingly fun, but the p2w is in your face, game "glitches" have become intergrated into gameplay making the tick system an already painful combat experience - give it ago if you try OSRS as the sub is shared
    >OSRS, if you never played it as a teen give it ago, while the dated graphics and tick based combat/gameplay can be looked at as clunky, compared to its sister RS3, the tick system worked much better in OSRS -- limited content after maxing unless your a turbo autist.
    >BDO korean grindfest that was fun but eventually p2w just consumes these korean games - avoid
    >Aion great on release, now shit - avoid
    >Rift, i dont know how this is still going - avoid
    >Wildstar, didn't deserve what it got RIP in peace
    >GW2, had a rocky start, a great middle, and sadly a dieing end, the devs have been moved to mobile games, expansions have been axed, huge content droughts, however its worth playing if you never have, plus theres no monthly sub.

    In a nutshell theres no good MMOs, stick to moddable/big invest RPGs.

  12. 4 years ago

    here's my dream MMO.

    there is only one base damage and base health for all players, and that never increases.

    the upgrades "skill tree" is just ways for your character to move, literally movesets, like stupid amount of ways to move around, all items are for moving around, there are no health potions or "buffs" all buffs are just ways for your character to have cool movesets, if you wanna spec a "Ninja" character you need wall jump, etc.

    everything is in one Xbox hueg town, you walk around and go on "adventures" with friends, i.e somewhat like Guildwars, each mission/adventure is around an hour/45 minutes, anything goes for the design for them.

    maybe some neat events happens in town, the game also has an ending.

    • 4 years ago

      >everybody anime lord mobility god
      frick off and die, mobility characters are poison to a game

  13. 4 years ago

    i prefer the blood elf type myself

    • 4 years ago

      tbc was a mistake

  14. 4 years ago

    What the frick do you mean "dying" it's been dead for over 10 years.

  15. 4 years ago

    What type of headline is this?
    >I feel empty, oh also by the way I level boosted my WoW character.

  16. 4 years ago

    this game desperately needs solo content. In the past leveling used to fill that vacuum but now its just eternal grind and daily checklists of chores

    • 4 years ago

      >this multiplayer game that already plays as a singleplayer game needs more solo content
      are you out of your mind you stupid little Black person

      • 4 years ago

        yes and I explained my reasoning. You already do plenty grouped content like m+, raiding, arena and islands if you are a total autismo. Only thing left to do when you are not doing these is world quests which are soul crushing

        solo leveling in an mmo is actually moronic

        You shouldn't be playing MMO's

        sorry boomers but leveling experience was always the most enjoyable part of wow. Classic proved that

        • 4 years ago

          frick off from my beloved game and go play singleplayer shit

          • 4 years ago

            dont forget to raidlog on friday b***h

    • 4 years ago

      solo leveling in an mmo is actually moronic

    • 4 years ago

      You shouldn't be playing MMO's

    • 4 years ago

      The streamlining and catering to snowflakes who don't want to play with other people has been the cancer eating away at WOW for years and you want them to add more of it? It's a MMO and the fun should come from playing with other people, not doing shit alone like it's a single player RPG.

      • 4 years ago

        then wow is not for you. It will never be ultima. Any open world mmo content blizz implements like wintergrasp, world bosses, zone pvp objectives etc. are shit and promptly forgotten
        I just want some parts of the game not being so fricking boring

  17. 4 years ago

    Dead or not, it can cause long time fans to break down into an existential crisis which isn't a good look

    • 4 years ago

      Oh man, Classic's reached the point where people are having to grind Rank 14?

      • 4 years ago

        Yeah and people are quitting the game over it because it's so shit. Rank 14 autism is killing classic

        • 4 years ago

          Hahaha, I grinded that bullshit 14 years ago. It's the most horrendous experience you could imagine. I always laughed at the people who'd pop their heads in- who obviously started years later, saying it was "easy." High tier raiding was baby-mode compared to the R14 grind.

          • 4 years ago

            I was thinking of grinding to 11(?) for the mount back in the day but I got the ZG raptor so I quit at like 7 or 8, good god am I happy I won that roll. Pvp was more enjoyable back then because people hadn't perfected the strats over two decades of play and some other fun stuff like shadowmeld aimed shot was still in the game. I can't even begin to imagine how soul draining it is to run bgs day in and day out on classic.

            • 4 years ago

              >I was thinking of grinding to 11(?) for the mount

              Oh man. That was what I planned too! "Hey, I already do a bit of BGs... I'm like, Rank 4 right now... If I get to Rank 10, I don't have to spend 1000g on a mount!" But then you get there, and you're like, "Jesus this has been bullshit... But I'm four away from the top now. And ranks decay. If I don't go for it, I'll never get it." It's fascinating game-design, in that it's basically evil. Preys into a sunk-cost fallacy.

        • 4 years ago

          Big deal. I want poop sockers to frick off. WoW Classic has been hugely enjoyable because there isn't the constant treadmill

  18. 4 years ago

    what a moron

  19. 4 years ago

    >New character that is a member of an Allied Race, which requires months of grinding rep
    >Boosted to max level
    >Wonder why he feels empty, with a gearscore that can't even take down basic endgame enemies
    He hit the same wall all boosted characters run into.

  20. 4 years ago

    How is this fricking game still alive? It should have crashed and burned already.

  21. 4 years ago

    never played this series. i would play ff 14. this series should adopt some weeb stuff unironically. it looks like a very old cartoon in the 90s

  22. 4 years ago

    what the FRICK is that?

    What the ACTUAL frick is that?

    • 4 years ago

      That's a Vulpera, a proud member of the Horde.

    • 4 years ago

      what, you don't think another furry character will save the World? (of Warcraft)

    • 4 years ago

      second most played horde race after blood elves

  23. 4 years ago

    MMOs were never good and only full of lonely autists using them as a substitute to feel like they had friends.

  24. 4 years ago
    • 4 years ago

      Trying to make Anduin's boyfriend look cool.

    • 4 years ago

      >you and your buddies do all the hard work, prepping for weeks and rushing world first, dying but pushing on
      >ebin NPC in a cutscene comes and oneshots the boss
      why do they keep doing this cancer

      • 4 years ago

        Cause otherwise they'd have to be vague as frick every time a big evil guy got killed. "I can't believe [ADVENTURERS 1-25] killed Deathwing!"

        • 4 years ago

          >the combined forces of alliance and horde thwarted the end of the world by beating up the big bad for the hundredth time
          there literally all you need

          • 4 years ago

            They do that with non-story important stuff.

    • 4 years ago

      Is that last monster a reused asset? I feel like I've seen it a million times before

      • 4 years ago

        they been using that prefab variant since wrath of the lich king expansion

  25. 4 years ago

    No, OP, BFA is dying. And I couldn't be happier that something I normally enjoy is failing.

    If they frick up again tons of people are gonna start pulling at the roots and detach themselves.

    We've never had to deal with such a bad game in the wow expansion history til now. This makes WoD look appealing.

    • 4 years ago

      You know BFA was bad when people are saying Warlords of Draenor was better, and that expansion was terrible at endgame.

  26. 4 years ago

    Shadowlands or Shadowbringers? Which MMO should i invest time in?

  27. 4 years ago

    Why has Gen Z so little interest in MMORPGs?

    I thought they were the "most online" generation yet. Or is it the rpg aspect that repels them?

    • 4 years ago

      Cuz MMORPGs are just PC phone games. Do repetitive thing over and over to get a shiny thing that says you can progress (get strong items while grinding so you can grind stronger enemies to get strong items while grinding so you can grind stronger enemies so...). Nobody should have ever liked shit games like WoW, but autism has some folks finding enjoyment in repetitive non-changing (thus non-uncomfortable for the autistically challenged) gameplay.

      There is almost no RPG also, cuz "HERO PLEASE SAVE OUR WORLD" or "You are a *special* soldier, disregard all of the others currently running around the server. Please kill mudcrabs, collect my bales of hay, and defeat fire dragon much later" is all you get when you are just another player in a massive world. Not unless you actively roleplay with others; then you are just being a Secondlife autist, but with weapons and magic.

      • 4 years ago

        It was the group play that was nice till wotlk fricked it over. That is, or was, the base idea of MMO's. You make your own RPG with friends. Nowadays its 90% Singleplayer grind and 10% raiding.
        Not raiding in particular but also bigger 5 man dungeons that served more than one purpose and made players coming back.

  28. 4 years ago

    >Grinding rep is basically the non raid endgame.

    WoW started to frick up with the dungeon browser and dungeons being pipes full of mobs worth 20-30min each.
    And it only got worse when they started to implement a "single player" pipe experience that is so linear that it phases out everything but the terrain and a few mobs if you went out of it one step and that includes months of stupid grind just to get the most basic shit like flying including grinding moronic daily factions to exalted that would net you 500 rep per day.

    That was shit like the nether drake in BC people could go for if they really had nothing to do. Not the base set of mobility to fricking play the game properly.

    Didn't help either to kill of every expansion before the newest one by creating stupid islands and dimension where everyone just went instead of integrating new stuff into the main game.

    I still don't know what they were thinking to rebuild/destroy the whole fricking vanilla world in Cata with new Quests for basically every single zone just to bury it all again with MoP.

    • 4 years ago

      The island stuff was cool the first couple times they did it like Isle of Quel'danas and Firelands but then they decided that EVERY PATCH had to have some stupid catchup island for people to run around and collect gear, currency, etc. and it got real fricking annoying and repetitive.

  29. 4 years ago

    >Level Boosting
    >on a new character
    >expects to undertand the game just because its at max level
    That's obvious and applies to every MMORPG If not almost every game with level progressing, it's not different from using cheats to attain max level when starting the game, you'll end up getting bored easily.
    LevelBoosting (or LevelJumping) is what killed most korean MMORPGs, Grand Chase was one of the most notorious examples how a LevelJumping Event killed an entire game.

  30. 4 years ago

    It's been dead since Cata.

  31. 4 years ago

    BFA killed wow and pruning , there is no turning back.

  32. 4 years ago

    It's already dead and FFXIV killed it.

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