Isn't Excessive anything just be a from of addiction? >Addicted to drugs. >Addicted to food (Gluttony)

Isn't Excessive anything just be a from of addiction?
>Addicted to drugs
>Addicted to food (Gluttony)
>Addicted to sex (Lust)
So shouldn't Slaanesh be very strong overall then. Even animals can get addicted to things.
I know Slaanesh is also a source lot of more things.

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  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      But here's the point. If Slaanesh makes her worshippers addicted to Candy, would it make her more powerful if she gives the Candy 24/7 or if she takes the Candies away and makes them frustrated and drug-raged about it?

      • 7 months ago


        Assuming WHF/WH40k, Slaanesh is a manifestation and personification of the concepts of excess/gluttony/addiction/etc. within the Warp and the Realms of Chaos, not an actual individual, and is fueled by the latent psychic expression of living things exhibiting these aspects.

        It in itself isn't making worshippers addicted to anything, and it doesn't matter if the excess is ongoing or a source of frustration, as long as the concept(s) itself is engaged with and thus fueled. Generally, giving more candy would be better, because it is in the nature of the beast that there is no limit, there is no such thing as "enough", while taking it away might wean someone of the object or practise of desire.

        chaos gods don't make sense theologically so it doesn't matter
        >umm they are eternal uncreated forces that balance out the universe
        >and also they're part of the universe (but not created because they just aren't okay?!?) and therefor temporal
        >but also their activity is confined to a single galaxy even though intelligent extragalactic life is established canon (tyranids), and uh there's never a defined reason they're here in light of that
        >oh but also one of them is sempiternal despite being the exact same manner of deity as the others, don't think about that too hard


  2. 7 months ago

    chaos gods don't make sense theologically so it doesn't matter
    >umm they are eternal uncreated forces that balance out the universe
    >and also they're part of the universe (but not created because they just aren't okay?!?) and therefor temporal
    >but also their activity is confined to a single galaxy even though intelligent extragalactic life is established canon (tyranids), and uh there's never a defined reason they're here in light of that
    >oh but also one of them is sempiternal despite being the exact same manner of deity as the others, don't think about that too hard

    • 7 months ago

      >>umm they are eternal uncreated forces that balance out the universe
      untrue, they were created at some point, that is canonical. They are not eternal and are not universal.
      >>and also they're part of the universe (but not created because they just aren't okay?!?) and therefor temporal
      The warp is capable of affecting the material world, ergo it is part of the universe.
      >>but also their activity is confined to a single galaxy even though intelligent extragalactic life is established canon (tyranids), and uh there's never a defined reason they're here in light of that
      They are just really big and strong daemons who get to dictate rules because they're very strong. They're still created from the Milky Way's emotions and hail from the Milky Way's part of the warp.
      >>oh but also one of them is sempiternal despite being the exact same manner of deity as the others, don't think about that too hard
      Slaneesh was created just as the other three, the other three were just made in an era that was such an unbelievable shitshow that they didn't even cause any catastrophe that looked really impressive next to the shit that was already going on.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine is people made actual posts on this board instead of spitting out these smug internal monologues like

      • 7 months ago

        imagine if

        >>umm they are eternal uncreated forces that balance out the universe
        untrue, they were created at some point, that is canonical. They are not eternal and are not universal.
        >>and also they're part of the universe (but not created because they just aren't okay?!?) and therefor temporal
        The warp is capable of affecting the material world, ergo it is part of the universe.
        >>but also their activity is confined to a single galaxy even though intelligent extragalactic life is established canon (tyranids), and uh there's never a defined reason they're here in light of that
        They are just really big and strong daemons who get to dictate rules because they're very strong. They're still created from the Milky Way's emotions and hail from the Milky Way's part of the warp.
        >>oh but also one of them is sempiternal despite being the exact same manner of deity as the others, don't think about that too hard
        Slaneesh was created just as the other three, the other three were just made in an era that was such an unbelievable shitshow that they didn't even cause any catastrophe that looked really impressive next to the shit that was already going on.

        i'm just going off a third-party understanding of the content
        if they were indeed all created then it begs the question how and why
        >inb4 muh lore dudes did bad things therefor they made them
        it just creates more questions
        especially since the Necrons have entirely physical "gods"

        • 7 months ago

          >if they were indeed all created then it begs the question how and why
          Slaneesh was created during the Eldar Empire's peak. Their excess and luxury reached an unbelievable threshold, as they dominated the galaxy and could indulge on anything they wished. The Eldar already have a marked tendency to hyperfocus on things, to the point where an Eldar can spent centuries utterly obsessed with an activity to the point of mastering it completely while not caring about anything else.
          The Warp is a reflection of the emotional state of every living being in the galaxy. When the rulers of the Milky Way became utterly immersed and drunk in excess, that coagulated until it formed Slaneesh, the literal god of excess, a massive clump of emotion and power that caused the galaxy to stir and shake, devouring the souls of the Eldar who had not predicted the catastrophe, forsook their corrupted ways and fled (the Craftworlders), hid (Drukhari) or had abandoned the tainted Eldar Empire before (Exodite).
          Every other Warp God was made in the same way, during the ancient conflict known as the War of Heaven. We don't know exactly why, but they were undoubtedly created.
          >especially since the Necrons have entirely physical "gods"
          C'tan are completely different beings and don't share anything in common with warp gods outside of finding the energy of souls pleasant to eat.

          • 7 months ago

            >Every other Warp God was made in the same way, during the ancient conflict known as the War of Heaven
            >The Warp is a reflection of the emotional state of every living being in the galaxy.
            how and why tho
            how did it get there

            • 7 months ago

              i'm glad i grew out of my "why, mom?" phase, and am able to do research on my own

              • 7 months ago


                Assuming WHF/WH40k, Slaanesh is a manifestation and personification of the concepts of excess/gluttony/addiction/etc. within the Warp and the Realms of Chaos, not an actual individual, and is fueled by the latent psychic expression of living things exhibiting these aspects.

                It in itself isn't making worshippers addicted to anything, and it doesn't matter if the excess is ongoing or a source of frustration, as long as the concept(s) itself is engaged with and thus fueled. Generally, giving more candy would be better, because it is in the nature of the beast that there is no limit, there is no such thing as "enough", while taking it away might wean someone of the object or practise of desire.


                theologically the setting still doesn't make sense even with your cucksplanations

              • 7 months ago

                >look ma I'm trollin!

              • 7 months ago

                >it's trolling if someone thinks 40k is silly
                the state of nu/tg/

              • 7 months ago

                >answer my questions about a silly setting with psychic demon gods and genetic super soldiers.
                >lol this is so silly and stupid this setting is silly because it dosen't make sense!
                You are not funny nor original.

              • 7 months ago

                >newbie still pissed his fav setting sux

            • 7 months ago

              >how and why tho
              >how did it get there
              Who cares? Its just part of the setting. Its like asking why space exists, it doesn't matter we just do.

              • 7 months ago

                >Who cares? Its just part of the setting
                That's exactly why it matters
                >Its like asking why space exists
                that also matters lol

        • 7 months ago

          the ctan aren't gods in any way, they were just being of such absolutely immense power that they were close to omnipotence
          the warp gods aren't gods either, just regular warp entities that happened to consolidate enough power to have that same kind of omnipotence. any warp presence could in theory become a warp "god"
          you could honestly call the tyranid hive mind a god as well
          it really depends on what you define as a god as to whether the various forces in 40k could be described as such

    • 7 months ago

      >because they just aren't okay?!?
      No one who has ever used this as part of their argument has had anything of worth to say. It's an inherently disgenuous phrase.

      • 7 months ago

        You just had to look up sempiternal and got mad you didn't know what it meant
        not a big deal, but you don't need to lie about it

  3. 7 months ago

    Slaanesh isn't just a small addiction - say you're an alcoholic, that only give him a little power. To generate enough for Slaanesh you need to be gargling absinthe constantly, your blood constantly thinned and your system desperately trying to get sufficient nutrition from a demoman level diet.

    It's a bit like how Khorne is a god of violence so is extremely strong in a setting of constant war, but to please him you need to cause apocalyptic bloodbaths.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, Slaneesh is very strong. Excess isn't even merely obtained through base pleasures, the obsessive persuit of anything will feed them.

      >o generate enough for Slaanesh you need to be gargling absinthe constantly, your blood constantly thinned and your system desperately trying to get sufficient nutrition from a demoman level diet.
      I'd say that for proper Slaneeshi-pleasing alcholism, you'd be drinking a continuously increasing amount of booze. You'd start with beer and gradually move to more and more excessive drinks until you start actually drinking pure liquid ethanol, just to feel the slightest hint of a buzz. And then you'd move even beyond, crafting warp-enhanced wine made with fermented daemon blood and distilled Warp fruits that somehow has 120%, 166%, 2000% alcohol concentration, guzzling shit that would have melted a regular human being into paste, chasing ever-greater feelings and yet never reaching what you seek.

  4. 7 months ago

    Back in the day, there was a small bit of lore in WHFB that stated, effectively, that the other three Gods are secretly scared of Slaanesh since the excess they push their personal domains will eventually feed Slaanesh.

    Champions of other Gods have fallen to Slaanesh because of the excesses they go to in their worship.

    Slaanesh will eventually win the Great Game because the entire concept of Chaos goes heavy into excess in whichever form it takes.

    • 7 months ago

      Love for mommy Slaanesh!

  5. 7 months ago

    Technically khorne should be the chaos god of addiction to violence.

    • 7 months ago

      No. A character that is addicted to violence is a legitimate Slaaneshi concept. The fact that aspects of the various Chaos "gods" overlap is inescapable, because people are composite gestalts of emotions and concepts, which manifests within the Immaterium, but the moment you defined the core circumstance as "addiction" we're solidly in Slaaneshi territory.

      >>umm they are eternal uncreated forces that balance out the universe
      untrue, they were created at some point, that is canonical. They are not eternal and are not universal.
      >>and also they're part of the universe (but not created because they just aren't okay?!?) and therefor temporal
      The warp is capable of affecting the material world, ergo it is part of the universe.
      >>but also their activity is confined to a single galaxy even though intelligent extragalactic life is established canon (tyranids), and uh there's never a defined reason they're here in light of that
      They are just really big and strong daemons who get to dictate rules because they're very strong. They're still created from the Milky Way's emotions and hail from the Milky Way's part of the warp.
      >>oh but also one of them is sempiternal despite being the exact same manner of deity as the others, don't think about that too hard
      Slaneesh was created just as the other three, the other three were just made in an era that was such an unbelievable shitshow that they didn't even cause any catastrophe that looked really impressive next to the shit that was already going on.

      >if they were indeed all created then it begs the question how and why
      Slaneesh was created during the Eldar Empire's peak. Their excess and luxury reached an unbelievable threshold, as they dominated the galaxy and could indulge on anything they wished. The Eldar already have a marked tendency to hyperfocus on things, to the point where an Eldar can spent centuries utterly obsessed with an activity to the point of mastering it completely while not caring about anything else.
      The Warp is a reflection of the emotional state of every living being in the galaxy. When the rulers of the Milky Way became utterly immersed and drunk in excess, that coagulated until it formed Slaneesh, the literal god of excess, a massive clump of emotion and power that caused the galaxy to stir and shake, devouring the souls of the Eldar who had not predicted the catastrophe, forsook their corrupted ways and fled (the Craftworlders), hid (Drukhari) or had abandoned the tainted Eldar Empire before (Exodite).
      Every other Warp God was made in the same way, during the ancient conflict known as the War of Heaven. We don't know exactly why, but they were undoubtedly created.
      >especially since the Necrons have entirely physical "gods"
      C'tan are completely different beings and don't share anything in common with warp gods outside of finding the energy of souls pleasant to eat.

      The big 4 Warp creatures lie constantly about themselves and their power. They pretend to be timeless and ancient omnipotent beings but they're really more like parasites and they didn't even exist until quite late in human history, let alone the history of reality. Gayoss wankers will come out to "ackshually!!" me with their latest homosexual lore from GW, but just ignore them, they're malding trannies.

      The "gods" of Chaos are eternal, always were, and always will be, as they are ultimately anti-creations, and manifestations of Chaos, and everything suggests that for as long as there is a material world, the immaterium will manifest as well.

      I will never, NEVER accept that the fricking galactic gods of chaos were created due to a single short war on a single tiny planet with a miniscule population and not the cataclysmic galaxy wide physical and psychic armageddon that was the war in heaven

      Also, this. In the grand scope of the entirety of creation, it is absurd to assume that Chaos sprung into being centered around a blue dot of very vaguely psychic/emotional beings. It is similarly absurd to take eldar accounts, a race of people that does not separate between history and mythology and that seems to consider the materium and the immaterium to be without clean delineation, at face value.

  6. 7 months ago

    The big 4 Warp creatures lie constantly about themselves and their power. They pretend to be timeless and ancient omnipotent beings but they're really more like parasites and they didn't even exist until quite late in human history, let alone the history of reality. Gayoss wankers will come out to "ackshually!!" me with their latest homosexual lore from GW, but just ignore them, they're malding trannies.

    • 7 months ago

      At least you admit you're a slave to your delusional head canon.

    • 7 months ago

      I will never, NEVER accept that the fricking galactic gods of chaos were created due to a single short war on a single tiny planet with a miniscule population and not the cataclysmic galaxy wide physical and psychic armageddon that was the war in heaven

      • 7 months ago

        No. A character that is addicted to violence is a legitimate Slaaneshi concept. The fact that aspects of the various Chaos "gods" overlap is inescapable, because people are composite gestalts of emotions and concepts, which manifests within the Immaterium, but the moment you defined the core circumstance as "addiction" we're solidly in Slaaneshi territory.

        The "gods" of Chaos are eternal, always were, and always will be, as they are ultimately anti-creations, and manifestations of Chaos, and everything suggests that for as long as there is a material world, the immaterium will manifest as well.

        Also, this. In the grand scope of the entirety of creation, it is absurd to assume that Chaos sprung into being centered around a blue dot of very vaguely psychic/emotional beings. It is similarly absurd to take eldar accounts, a race of people that does not separate between history and mythology and that seems to consider the materium and the immaterium to be without clean delineation, at face value.

        >muh heckin galactic goderinos!!
        They're not gods. They're moderately powerful beings from a different dimension of physical space, the Immaterium. You are just repeating the propaganda of the extradimensional alien servitor faction. They didn't exist when the Enslavers wiped out nearly all life in the galaxy, they didn't exist when the Old Ones were first developing psychic technologies, and by established canon they didn't even exist during the classical period of human history. Everything about your position is rooted in this ridiculous belief that we should take these alien parasites at their word.

  7. 7 months ago

    The real question is why did stuff like rage and sloth and manipulation/will-to-power exist from the beginning, but lust didn't become part of it until later on.

    • 7 months ago

      Violence, fear of death, and desire for power are means of survival. Hedonistic excess is something you can only truly indulge in after you've built a stable civilization that lets you have time to relax.

  8. 7 months ago

    Yes. That's why, out of the infinite number of chaos gods, Slaanesh is number four.

  9. 7 months ago

    fantasy > 40k > shit > age of troonymar

  10. 7 months ago

    The majority of humans in 40k are literal wage slaves that live in eternal poverty and misery. The giant wheezing mass of paranoia and stagnation that is the Imperium of man gives Slaanesh very little opportunity create excess and overindulgence.
    The Eldar made the mistake of falling to excess before and are protected by autistic path system.

  11. 7 months ago

    They aren't gods or even beings.
    The Four are accumulations of psionic thought-patterns from sapient life that group together with like psionic patterns in a manner similar to gravity.

    They aren't gods or beings. They're accumulations of like ideas. They don't think like people do, because they can't think at all. All they can do is attempt to propagate themselves through constant repetition of their associated thought-patterns.

    The Chaos Gods aren't gods. They aren't sapient. They're psionic cancer, cells growing in aberrant manners than threaten the host entity through mindless self-propagation.

    • 7 months ago

      Makes sense.
      When the Old Ones were still around, they could regulate the warp and keep aberrant immaterium from propagating. Then when they disappeared the deliberate warp-constructs the Eldar Gods were able to do mostly the same god, just not as well.

      Then Slannesh is born, most of the Eldar pantheon gets eaten, and nothing exists to trim the Four anymore save mortal psykers trying their best and the Emperor (also trying his best). Slannesh gives the rest of them a power boost too, because excess.

      So the four turn their attention to their next immediate threat to self propagation, Emps.

      • 7 months ago

        So then I suppose the emperor, rising in the aftermath of the man of iron incident has one of two choices. He needs to expand his rule as fast as possible in order to get the imperium strong enough while denying as many worshippers to chaos as possible from the scattered humans, but he can only do so much because he is bond to one physical location. But if he delegates work to someone else, they are probably not going to do as good as him and might frick it all up.

        So The Emperor decides to put his faith in others, tempered by caution, and creates the Primarchs so the Imperium can expand fast enough to deny Chaos the mortal population.

        However, the potential issue with delegation comes to pass, and Horus sides with chaos with a few brothers and legions. The Horus Heresy happens and everything falls apart.

        Silver lining though, the loyalist Primarchs do their best to make sure everything stays together, and do about as good as one could reasonably expect in their situation.

        So the Grimdark lesson to be taken away is that the Emperor decided to trust in others, and everything fell because of that. The Hope at the bottom of the container being sometimes other people are worth trusting in. A very Pandora situation.

        The alt timeline here would be "Emperor decides to expand slower but surer by not delegating crucial tasks.

        Gonna be using this headcanon from now on.

        • 7 months ago

          Fundamentally the problem was with his unwillingness to kill the rotten traitorous scum infesting his command structure. Lorgar should have been summarily executed along with his whole Legion for Monarchia. He directly defied the central and defining element of the Imperial dogma, and it was his choice to do so that led to Horus' corruption and betrayal. It cannot be understated how essential the Imperial Truth was to the Great Crusade, but this stupid homosexual not only violated it, he did so in the worst, most humiliating way possible. And that in turn led to the Creed, the ultimate taunt from the Warp fauna against the Emperor.

    • 7 months ago

      This could explain some of the weird Chaos phenomena, and is likely true of chaos as a force in the Warp, but I am disinclined to place any kind of special importance on "Nurgle" or the others when we have shit like ebon geists, Psychneuein, Malal, Legion of the Damned, Necron pylons/blackstone fortresses, and so on. Nurgle probably does exist, like any other Warp "daemon" but is not anything more than the dominant Warp predator of a given ecological niche in the Immaterium. I would agree however that none of the named "gods" of chaos possess sapience or agency.

    • 7 months ago

      GW has given us many different explanations for the Chaos gods, but explanations along the lines of this one make the most sense given the scale and nature of the setting

    • 7 months ago

      So they're just bog-standard singularities in the Warp? That's kind of lame.

  12. 7 months ago

    Yeah, excessively ingesting anything is also toxic so try it out.

  13. 7 months ago

    Slaanesh models are very female coded where is the gay male representation in the Slaanesh model line

    • 7 months ago

      GW decided they can get away with boobs easier than dicks

      Also most of their audience is straight guys

      • 7 months ago

        But femboys are very popular with terminally online freak community it’d be a huge hit for people into 40k

        • 7 months ago

          but the terminally online people don't actually buy things, they just coom, doomscroll, and argue about things they first got interested in their teens

  14. 7 months ago

    >Excessive anything
    this would mean my 600 lbs life insanity for slaanesh to become empowered seriously by a person

    addicted would mean the addict would kill for his addiction, so slaaness would become empowered

    lust would have to be pathological

    Slaanesh gets empowered with extreme and twisted states of things, not just oh that girl is so hot or i like steaks or things like that.

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