It didn't break the lore. It respected the source material. The lead actress is very cute. It was good

It didn't break the lore
It respected the source material
The lead actress is very cute
It was good

I thought it was gonna be shit. I was wrong. I admit it.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    That's the thing, the show respected the lore, the problem is that Fallout's lore is non-sensical drivel.
    Wonder how a franchise like this can have any hardcore fans at all, without mods it's a borderline unplayable pile of garbage.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Bethesda RPGs, along with CDPR's, are what casuals think hardcore RPGs are.
      It's just that.
      The idea of playing Fallout, or TES, is way more appealing than actually playing them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The source material hasn't been respected in almost 30 years.

      Bethesda RPGs, along with CDPR's, are what casuals think hardcore RPGs are.
      It's just that.
      The idea of playing Fallout, or TES, is way more appealing than actually playing them.

      This shit reads like an obfuscation campaign

      • 4 weeks ago

        But enough about the narrative within your schizo headspace.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The whole universe makes no sense at all.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >toddout fanfic
          opinion discarded

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hi Pete

      • 4 weeks ago

        It is but they are winding down since no one the soigoys already watched it

    • 4 weeks ago

      who cares homosexual it's fine. gd you're gay af

  2. 4 weeks ago

    The source material hasn't been respected in almost 30 years.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >It didn't break the lore
    >It respected the source material
    Is this the “just keep repeating it and it will become true” portion of the shill campaign?

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      "tell a big enough lie often enough and it becomes truth"
      -a guy talking about israeli lying techniques

    • 4 weeks ago

      a lot of the secondaries that think it's faithful are using Todd's opinion as the basis for it, as if Todd is somehow an authority on the lore.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >as if Todd is somehow an authority on the lore.
        I mean, isnt he?
        >but bethesda didnt make fallout
        But the guys who did sold it to them, its their lore now by right

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I just wonder why so many people are horny for the ghoul? Like, even the actor is baffled.

    Also, when will we be allowed to exploit that weakness in Power Armors in VATS? I'm tired of needing to run around in circles to snipe the power core.

    • 4 weeks ago

      never because the flaw is fanfic specific to one model of PA

    • 4 weeks ago

      He's very handsome for a ghoul. Even Hanwiener can't compete

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Propaganda is not entertainment.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't matter. There's BMWF sex in this show and I'm not self-hating enough to watch that on purpose.

    • 4 weeks ago

      there isn't.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    now say "Black person" to prove youre not a shill which is an acronym for Non-Imbursed General/Genuine Examination & Review

    • 4 weeks ago

      but I would like to be imbursed

  8. 4 weeks ago

    look at this dude

    • 4 weeks ago

      How did you get this picture of me?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Do reddiots actually think they're funny?

    • 4 weeks ago

      He was just hungry, not much meat in the wasteland

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >It didn't break the lore
    Then why is Shady Sands in Los Angeles now?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Shill thread. Go frick yourself Black person fricker.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I was surprised how much I liked it. I was fully expecting it to be cringe and shit.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    It completely lived up to my expectations. I expected it to be shit and it was.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    twilight in post-apocalyptic scenery

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >respected the source mACKterial
    So in the games, they chose to leave who dunnit a mystery forever for the fun of it. But amatr00n prime doesn't want fun to exist so they just say vault tec did it. They also say capitalism bad(except amatr00n) and communism le good. Completely ignoring how Fallout takes a hopeful look at capitalism and the only evil corporation in it is west tek. Vault tec doesn't count because they weren't in it for the money and were basically the enclave's lackies.
    And then they replaced the 50s with the 90s because they want you to be nostalgic for crappy cheap microplastics and sitting in front of the tv all day despite being perfect weather. They want you to forget the american way and only know consumerism. And of course they turned grognak into he man because creativity and fun are not allowed says amatr00n.
    Every single scene in the ENTIRE show is white man le bad and black guy superman. They also seem to think that the nrc matters and they also turned them into commies. They imply that Elder Maxson would allow a fricking homosexual into the ranks of the bos. Also in the games vault tec were crazy goofy scientists who did ridiculous shit and we don't know why, and they don't tell us why because it's more fun that way. In the "show" they say "noooo actually the reason why some of the experiments were dumb is just because they were all made by amateurs."

    • 4 weeks ago

      That whole scene was the worst thing ever and couldn't be more disrespectful to the audience and the franchise.
      >no fun allowed, Vault tec did it
      >vault tec no fun anymore, now we have a stupid fricking reason why they acted dumb
      >Instantly start playing "inspiring" music the moment the black "woman" starts speaking despite not fricking saying anything except she has kid
      >Only companies present are the lame ones because they don't even fricking know about anything not from new vegACK or the beggining of 4. Fricking repconn is there for some reason but no nuka cola or posiedon energy.
      >no fricking aesthetics in the whole scene
      >claim everyone was just playing some capitalism "game" or some shit

      And I haven't even fricking seen this garbage ass "show"! Every scene that I even know about contains like six fricking attacks each against fallout, the white race, and everything good in this world!

      • 4 weeks ago

        >respected the source mACKterial
        So in the games, they chose to leave who dunnit a mystery forever for the fun of it. But amatr00n prime doesn't want fun to exist so they just say vault tec did it. They also say capitalism bad(except amatr00n) and communism le good. Completely ignoring how Fallout takes a hopeful look at capitalism and the only evil corporation in it is west tek. Vault tec doesn't count because they weren't in it for the money and were basically the enclave's lackies.
        And then they replaced the 50s with the 90s because they want you to be nostalgic for crappy cheap microplastics and sitting in front of the tv all day despite being perfect weather. They want you to forget the american way and only know consumerism. And of course they turned grognak into he man because creativity and fun are not allowed says amatr00n.
        Every single scene in the ENTIRE show is white man le bad and black guy superman. They also seem to think that the nrc matters and they also turned them into commies. They imply that Elder Maxson would allow a fricking homosexual into the ranks of the bos. Also in the games vault tec were crazy goofy scientists who did ridiculous shit and we don't know why, and they don't tell us why because it's more fun that way. In the "show" they say "noooo actually the reason why some of the experiments were dumb is just because they were all made by amateurs."

        both of you missed the point, no one knows whats happened and every character has a different historical perspective. take for example lucy and MAX, both were talking about the bomb dropping and both were coming from different historical perspectives, one being a vault dweller thinking of the bombs dropped centuries ago and another living through their own 'fallout' start.. same as the lore dump at the end, all we hear is some accusations that something happened in the past. yet for all we know is that again they are being misdirected. and this whole idea of capitalism bad mantra, all i saw was Californians rightfully being labeled as genocidal and a bunch of woke adjacent character being portrayed as bumbling morons most the time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You're full of shit. You think I can't tell when you're lying? No one's going to watch your "show", shill.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    honestly, while I don't particularly care for new/classic fallouts one way or another, for me, the way many fallout 'fans' have acted since then has made me place Fallout fans to be in my top 5 worst fandoms.
    they quickly went from 'an easily ignorable nuisance' to being utterly insufferable and impossible to talk about any games with

    • 4 weeks ago

      The problem is that this show fricking lied and claimed it was made for fallout 3/4 fans so some of them were actually paying attention to it. They even had the actors lie about what happens in the show to make it seem like they weren't shitting on bethesda fallout.

      • 4 weeks ago

        moronic take

        Fallout 3,4 and 76 is what they want the show to be based on cause it's the normie gay Bethesda Fallouts. The game they shit on was Fallout 1,2 and especially New Vegas since they had "The Fall" and nuking (though they gonna lie about it in season 2 for damage control) of NCR's capital in 2077. Meanwhile in New Vegas 2081 no one seems to mention this even though they claim to be in radio contact with Shady Sands and you have the president fly in from Shady Sands

        • 4 weeks ago

          Stop fricking lying. Who the hell do you think you're going to fool?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Hopefully b8

            >The guy who made the shit normie Fallouts 3,4 and 76 and working on the show wants to break the lore from the Fallouts he helped create
            >Meanwhile he's not shitting on the lore from the actual good Fallout games made by other devs
            >He fricking nuked the capital of the NCR which is doing just fine 4 years later in New Vegas but this is not shitting on the New Vegas lore it's the Normie Fallouts my dumb ass played his shitting on!
            0 Intelligence build

            • 4 weeks ago

              Please stop trolling constantly.

  16. 4 weeks ago


  17. 4 weeks ago

    I disagree, it doesn't break the lore per se, but it breaks the environment that was created in the west coast by Fallout 1, 2 and NV.
    Also Shady Sands is in the wrong place and it doesn't make sense for the new Vaults to be where they are because for sure someone would have noticed.
    When I say that they broke the environment I refer to the fact that they felt the need to nuke the NCR which was a legacy from the first game that was continued in NV, and maybe also New Vegas now is gone too.
    Why a fan should like the fact that they destroyed what was built before? I would also go to the point of saying that only casual whatchers that haven't played the games can enjoy the show because they have no connections to the locations and have nothing to lose because the don't know what came before.
    The series is fun to watch and all but I would have preferred if the setting was in the east coeast: frankly I don't give a frick if they nuked Diamond City, Rivet City or even the Citadel, to be fair.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    50s MUSIC

    • 4 weeks ago


  19. 4 weeks ago

    >White guy uses t-60
    >Can't even make a yao guia bleed
    >Black guy uses it
    >Can effortlessly lift and chuck a whole nuka cola machine and can accidentally kick a peblle into a house so hard that the whole building comes down
    >also one shots the yao guia with a 10mm revolver
    >gets given a suit of power armor by a fricking tr00n(they have always existed in fallout we swear!)
    >the "It's a man" song starts playing
    Really homie?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >a fricking knight is a coward, despite the "writers" clearly knowing that that is impossible because they even say how to earn power armor, which is by acts of bravery
      >ancestors who made friends with native americans and ate turkey were, LE BAD and CANNIBALS!!!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>gets given a suit of power armor by a fricking tr00n
      This is false. It's a Man playing while Maximus fricks around with the suit like a clown was also his only good scene.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which was right after he got given it by the troon. As soon as the tr00n left it started playing. They're just using the "boys and their toys" thing as an excuse. Don't play stupid anon.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Which was right after he got given it by the troon. As soon as the tr00n left it started playing.
          No, he stripped it off the Knight he watched die because he was a moronic c**t who thought badmouthing the only guy for miles with a stimpak was the right play.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Except the troony is only in the first and I think last two episodes. Maximus steals the suit in the second episode, and the troony is dozens to hundreds of miles away back at base after butchering xer own foot to get out of fieldwork.
            You claim to hate trannies but you sure fricking act like one.

            Bullshit I saw the webm. It brings the black guy to where a couple of suits are, then it cuts to the black guy in his own suit and the tr00n is nowhere to be seen.

      • 4 weeks ago

        ngl though it would be a good scene if it wasn't bullshit and an excuse to push the demonic gay agenda.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Except the troony is only in the first and I think last two episodes. Maximus steals the suit in the second episode, and the troony is dozens to hundreds of miles away back at base after butchering xer own foot to get out of fieldwork.
          You claim to hate trannies but you sure fricking act like one.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            lmaoing at americans and their white knighting of the drivel they produce.
            >there's only trannies for two episodes

            • 4 weeks ago

              she's also shown to be a coward and a loser, which seems pretty real to life

              • 4 weeks ago

                I don't want trannies, period.
                God, you amerimutts are so pozzed you just think it's normal to have literal transexuals in your media.
                Russia and China better hurry up with those nukes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Trans people exist. Most of them are shitty and annoying. The show portrayed that. You sound fragile. Hopefully you never realize that there are loser trannies in your country as well, you might faint.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And of course the american turns out to be an unironic Twitter user.

                >you sound fragile
                In your country people literally show off how many mental illnesses they have as if it was a competition.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, and it's fricking gay. I'm not responsible for what moronic americans can do. I also don't live in america or have a twitter account. You're literally projecting lmao. What country do you live in my unhinged friend?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >What country do you live in my unhinged friend?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Iceland's pretty gay, dude. Sorry about that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No americans though, so it's fine.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Seem pretty mind-broken by americans, that sucks

              • 4 weeks ago

                Well, when you are such cancerous people you almost look like poorly written villains of a Saturday morning cartoon you will end up having people feel distaste for you.
                Luckily americans can't deal with genuine cold, so they'll never come here.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I imagine very few people are moronic enough to live in Iceland, yes

  20. 4 weeks ago

    I know OP is trolling but whenever someone genuinely posts that the show doesn't break the lore, it only reveals that they don't know anything about Fallout 1/2. Just admit the show is based on Fallout 4 and any elements from the originals are purely superficial or derived from future games. nuFallout fans are never gonna play the originals anyway, why pretend like you care about them or the lore they established? Microsoft-Zenimax and Amazon sure don't.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    the show is garbage and the lead actress looks like some abomination straight out of shartfield..

  22. 4 weeks ago

    I've only seen 5 episodes but it's been good.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I'm still convinced the actress is CGI and doesn't actually exist.
    What an abomination.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    MC is an exotic white angel with real life anime eyes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >brown eyes

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wrong, D&Q israelite, that's hazel.

        Angels don't frick with Black folk. Unless there are black angels.

        Ha jk.

        She is an actress, in real life she only dates white boys, israelite.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hazel eyes are way lighter, that's brown.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Angels don't frick with Black folk. Unless there are black angels.

      Ha jk.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >bug eyes
      perfect for bug man

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Holy shit can you Indian homosexuals give it a fricking rest. Whatever Bethesda is paying you isn’t worth the damage to the Indian people you fricking smelly Black folk cause.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >It respected the source material
    What gets me the most was the Power Armor drama the other week
    >oh it's so lore breaking and against the games that the Ghoul can just one-shot them under ANY circumstances
    And then if you actually play Fallout 1, even with Hardened Power Armor, you still have to worry about critical hits one-shotting your dude and splitting him in half

    • 4 weeks ago

      Crappy rusty t-51b power armor hardened by some random junk tinkerer is not the same thing as standard issue Millitary power armor that was manufactured, inspected, and approved by Elder Arthur Maxson himself. The only reason they made le ghoul kill it in one shot is to try to be reedit. All those onions boy drones creamed their pants seeing a pathetic weak homosexual from california in a trench coat pretend to be a cowboy because it's what they have been told to like. The only other reason was to claim "white le BAD!!!".

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Crappy rusty t-51b power armor
        Stopped reading there. Play FO1 next time

        • 4 weeks ago

          It sucked so never again. Also please learn how to read.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    It didn't break the lore any more than is usual for the series.
    Frankly the games have been fricking up the story since Fallout 2.
    >Fallout 2 added psychics, ghosts, faux-Scientologists, and talking Deathclaws
    >Fallout 3 added aliens, androids, vampires and changed the worldbuilding
    >Fallout New Vegas added all of the bullshit from the DLCs like, sentient AIs, teleportation, magic vending machines which can conjure anything from casino chips, holograms which can shoot lasers.
    >Fallout 4 fricked up the prior lore even if it didn't add much that was new.
    >Fallout 76 fricked up the prior lore way more, and added cryptids and the mothman

    By comparison the TV show is pretty restrained

    • 4 weeks ago

      >sentient AIs
      None of the "AI" in OWB are sentient. The sink butler computer makes that very clear. They are basically just advanced chatbots that mimic sentience. Sort of like the "VI" or virtual intelligence from mass effect that is distinguished from true AI that can learn and think. One could argue that they might have gained sentience based on their behavior in the game and the post DLC ending slides. But even if they did this isn't really relevant because...
      Fallout has the ZAX supercomputer which is arguably sentient.
      Fallout 2 has sentient AI with skynet.
      Fallout 3 also had a ZAX supercomputer, John Henry Eden.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >your post is wrong but actually right
        Stop posting, dumbfrick.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout 1 had psychics before you absolute moron. Master is literally one.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which was lame and boring.

        >franchise that's only alive because of mods
        >gets an adaptation
        What's the point? Everything about the setting fricking sucks, it's like a gay version of Stalker.

        bullshit you fricking liar and shill. Kys. Your pooptube hivemind leaders are not "everybody", they're not even anybody.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I'm a shill for saying Fallout is crap
          The entire setting makes no sense whatsoever.
          Why weren't transistors invented in Fallout?
          Why are they stuck in the 50s culturally?
          Why did nukes irradiate so much when the radiation of a nuke is 99% gone within 24 hours?
          Why is everyone sleeping besides 200 year old skeletons?
          Why is almost no one rebuilding after two centuries?
          It's like they just have things happen for no reason at all..

          • 4 weeks ago

            Fricking have a nice day you troll.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >if you want a narrative-driven franchise to have some kind of logic behind it you are a troll

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't care about the lore, boring, formulaic and muh 50s.
    I'd say it's a pretty accurate adaptation of Fallout.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Ganker is just too mindbroken to see things clearly. They always always come up with something that justifies their negative outlook.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    >It didn't break the lore
    They retconned the location of shady sands and claimed that it "fell" at a time when it was still the active capital in FNV
    >It respected the source material
    No, it didn't. Having Vault Tec still be around as an active company and having them be the ones to nuke the world is tremendously idiotic. They also added some stupid shit where ghouls need a drug to not become feral or something. They had Sinclair be the representative for Big Mt. when he wasn't even part of that research group but merely tested their tech like so many other places did.
    >The lead actress is very cute
    She's an ugly bug eyed b***h with no ass.
    >It was good
    It was fricking dogshit. Female lead fricks a Black person at soonest opportunity. The ghoul cowboy monologues about a weak spot in the power armor and kills BOS dudes and they do nothing but look at him like idiots. The Black person is just a ripoff of the same shitty character from disney star wars. The nuclear bombing scene isn't how real nukes work nor does it resemble how fictional nukes work in the fallout games.

    It was fricking awful and the only reason morons like it is because it wasn't as bad as the Halo show and they are used to low quality bethslop fallout with 4 and 76.

    You are either a shill or the most colossal moron I've ever seen.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >This is not a shitty bait thread. I'm not trying to get (you)s, I'm an average Ganker poster, I'm not a homosexual, I didn't suck dicks day.
    >I wanted to get (you)s, but I was wrong, I decided to make a totally legit, non-shitty thread to get a genue discussion.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    What went right? How did Amazon Prime manage to adapt the series while retaining the source material and refreshing at the same time?

    Hell even Last of Us can't compare to this.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    >first time you see her in the show she's talking about getting impregnated

  34. 4 weeks ago

    It was alright.
    Needed more gore though.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    It had a black character in it, so it's a "NOPE" from me dawg

  36. 4 weeks ago

    You can shill all you want, I am not gonna watch it. Not really interested in shows with female protagonists, especially ones who end up in interracial relationships by the end. Just not my thing. I really don't care if you watch it either. It can get 10 seasons, I am just not gonna watch it. I don't watch much TV in general.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    It's gay
    It's full of Black folk
    You're a homosexual
    I'm gonna kill you

  38. 4 weeks ago

    I watched the whole thing, there was a lot of dumbass shit in it. Is it watchable and kind of fun? Sure. Was I also pointing out inconsistencies constantly and rolling my eyes? Absolutely.

    >Mushroom cloud takes ten business days to form while a man converses with his daughter
    >Buildings still standing right next to bomb locations
    >Why in the frick did the one scientist pull the alarm? We don't hear the argument and have no idea why this scene even happened, was it the dog? The thing he put in him? We'll never know because it wasn't answered.
    >Man just casually walks away from a gatling turret with no injuries to him or his dog.
    >Vault Dweller finally decides to intervene the Ghoul, but only after he's shot up half the town, as well as shot the woman she wants information from and the old guy that was nice to her
    >The horrible CGI flying and hook throwing.
    >"You mean use my wiener?"
    >Literally every decision Maximus makes is dumb as frick

    Probably a lot more but the last half seemed a bit better than the first half. I'm not even counting shit like stitching a dead finger on since it's based on a video game in a world with more futuristic tech.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    paid post from todd

  40. 4 weeks ago

    first 2 episodes were shit with their casual nonchalant whorish garbage and nonplussed violence but it picked up after the reddit tier vault shit ended

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >Game with CONSTANT laser blasts, plasma bolts, nuclear explosions, radiation beams, glowing green shit including floating particles, fire, aliens and their beams, flying robots, magic green lightning that can make radiation, the power to freeze time and see magic green holographic overlay on top of things, bullet time, a thousand mutant creatures and monsters, more blood and gore than anything else plus it's all super unrealistic, ice beams, giant cities with huge moving parts in super unconventional and unconvenient places, constant entire armies of hulks, etc etc.
    >Decides that this franchise, of all things, is the one thing that should be practical effects only.

    And then they just don't do most of this shit. They even set it in a fricking desert with nothing in it so they don't have to build sets. And then everything they do build is just made out of cheap microsl0p plastics. And they change the aesthetics to look like 90s as a part of their anti american thing, but this also lets them make everything cheap and lame as hell with no effort.

  42. 4 weeks ago


  43. 4 weeks ago

    why do you even care about the lore since fallout is a Microsoft/Bethesda series? Bethesda ruined the lore with their clown games long time ago. it doesn't matter anymore. you can think only f1 f2 and nv are canon the rest are fanfics and you might be right because none of the original f creators are working at Bethesda.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Stop lying and shilling. 1 and 2 had no lore or anything at all other than monty python "references"(plagiarisation).

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout 1 and 2 fans are terrible posters. I'm glad Bethesda is ruining their lore so I can read their seethe.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    When we are introduced to the girl protagonist her skills are described as things like engineering and science with some minor combat training. Now you would expect this to mean she uses her brain to solve problems right? Nope, not a single time in the entire show does she repair something, hack something, craft something, or anything that might involve her stated skills. What does she do? Well she stumbles around and keeps getting bailed out of deadly situations by pure luck and some weak ass punches and kicks.
    But frick right I'm overthinking things right, just gotta turn my brain off like every other problem this show has.

    • 4 weeks ago

      She rewired the Mr Handy to a weapon that shoots Abraxo Cleaner in the Super Duper Mart

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah that entire sequence is moron. Moments before the Ghoul bites her finger off. Then they immediately give her a new finger so the entire thing was pointless. Not only that, but they plan to harvest her organs, so why give her a new finger in the first place? It just so they can have dumb joke where haha it not sex sexual slavery its organ harvesting. It makes no logical sense. Then you have her escape which is not five minutes after she had just been drugged. She kicks the Mr Handy arm. Seriously thats it, its so fricking lame. I guess no ever tried to kick the robots arm before, its so fricking stupid.

        I like that she wasn't a Mary Sue and she needed men to solve her problems. I think you're just false flagging, those are problems if she was a male character but all that set up at the start was unrealistic. Women don't do science, repair, or combat well.

        A mary sue would be better than a moron stumbling around still alive after the 100th contrived time she didn't die from her own stupidity.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I like that she wasn't a Mary Sue and she needed men to solve her problems. I think you're just false flagging, those are problems if she was a male character but all that set up at the start was unrealistic. Women don't do science, repair, or combat well.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I actually liked that all of her training didn't mean shit in a real, post-apocalyptic world - except when she was fighting off other sheltered weenies.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't like this show but I'm gonna have to call bullshit on your reasons. It would be fricking lame if she just did everything she said she can do and that's it. How is that fun to you? She just fricking says she can do science and then all she does in the whole show is science? Boring and lame. And unrealistic too but that's not really important. Why the frick do you want to be able to predict everything you fricking homosexual?

  45. 4 weeks ago

    >introduce white female mc
    >introduce black male mc
    >introduce troony, referred to as "they"

    • 4 weeks ago

      Elder Maxson would nuke the entire west coast again if he found out about tr00ns. But in this "show" they're trying to say Maxson is a homosexual too.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    The power armor ruined the entire show
    So floaty. So gay. Iron Man hand thrusters, halo TV show tier face close ups

  47. 4 weeks ago

    >The lead actress is very cute
    not really, she has that irritating americoid mutt face that looks like someone drove over her head with a truck

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Im sure its great, but I prefer videogames. Rarely watch series at all.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    I didn't see it but I don't get why people get bent out of shape about adaptations "breaking" video game lore, as if these silly little stories are sacrosanct.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    Didn't shady sands stop being called shady sands when ncr was formed or something

  51. 4 weeks ago

    It’s anti-white leftist propaganda.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How is it "anti-white" or leftist?

    • 4 weeks ago

      explain how ella purnell as your lead is anti white

      • 4 weeks ago

        She's from the Islamic caliphate of Britanistan

      • 4 weeks ago

        Racemixing is anti white

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why did Europeans colonize the world in order to have access to brown and black pussy then?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No shit. REALLY? Inevercouldhaveguessed.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    >It’s anti-white leftist propaganda.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    Fallout's lore and plot are super vague. You could make a Fallout movie where a bunch of researchers are trying to make more intelligent zombies, and it would be basically indistinguishable from Fallout. As long as you slap a pip-boy and some power armour in there, people are like, "That's Fallout, oh, it's so authentic." You just time skip to a different decade, move to an area of the US the games aren't set, and you can do whatever the frick you want. This is a blessing and a curse because it does make life easier for the showrunners, but it also makes the fanbase obnoxious.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    I hate fallout 3 and 4. Fallout 1 is the best one. Fallout 2 doesn't take itself seriously to it's detrimental. Fallout new Vegas has some memorable things but also full of ugliness (yes even back then, too many characters just look like shit, and yes worse than fallout stylish ugly style) filler content, wokeisms, and the legion while a cool idea for a faction looked a bit silly.

    I enjoyed the show, just think the vault tec conspiracy plus cold fusion thing was a bit too much

  55. 4 weeks ago

    Stimpacks healing all wounds like the videogames got a chuckle out of me

  56. 4 weeks ago

    >alien bug woman
    >Black person love interest
    >Ghoul has a Black person mixed daughter

    No thanks.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    It didn't even respect Bethesda's lore

  58. 4 weeks ago

    >It didn't break the lore
    Feel free to correct me but I cannot ever remember ghouls needing a drug to keep themselves from going feral.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Technically that's a retcon not a contradiction. Or maybe not because Billy never had a chance to use that chem. Does it say that all ghouls need that chem? Anyway I think they actually got that, and several other things, from the forbidden fanfiction.

  59. 4 weeks ago

    >West coast BoS is taking wasteland recruits
    >Enclave is still a major player
    >Shady Sands was inside the LA metro area and not in death valley
    >Ghouls are just unkillable
    >Vault-Tec went from being a small player pre-war to orchestrating the entire end of the world
    >entire world looks like the bombs fell last week instead of over 200 years ago

    it was entertaining, but don't pretend it didn't shit all over the the established lore

  60. 4 weeks ago

    Reminder that the director ruined the second season of Westworld because reddotors figured out what the twist was going to be.
    So he rewrote the plot in the middle of production and it came out shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Speaking of Westworld, where were all the "muh source material, muh lore" people when that TV show largely ignored the lore laid down by the original film?

  61. 4 weeks ago

    I thought it was going to be dogshit because the source material is dogshit. It's literally fallout but with non-terrible writing.

  62. 4 weeks ago

    At least we can all agree to jerk off to the experiment video of the woman giving birth to mutant newts.

  63. 4 weeks ago

    >franchise that's only alive because of mods
    >gets an adaptation
    What's the point? Everything about the setting fricking sucks, it's like a gay version of Stalker.

  64. 4 weeks ago

    It respected the lore of 4 and 76. It's way too self-aware to be engaging to me.

    I guess it's great for zoomers and the tiktok mindset, but it really made no sense whatsoever and there was never a moment where I felt a suspension of disbelief. Clearly that was intentional, and I think that choice sucks.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    >changed the lore of ghouls
    >changed the lore of NCR
    >changed the lore of West Brotherhood
    >changed the lore LA
    >changed the lore of the entire war

    Capitalism = Bad is your takeaway from the franchise? Really? Frick's sake, the story is nonsense. Vault-Tec intentionally started the war so they could what? Run two vaults for HUDNREDS of years? Why wouldn't the leaders not just immediately kill themselves or, because they had the hubris to exterminate the world, feel they were the ones chosen to lead the vault out?

    • 4 weeks ago

      That wasn't their takeaway, they just want to convince brainless drones to think that's what fallout is about.

  66. 4 weeks ago

    Not sure if it's that I'm completely burnt out on wacky sarcastic ironic millennial writing but I can't stand these kind of stories, or Fallout in general.
    Call me when Fallout is played completely straight and serious and not as a joke to make the setting palatable to kids.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I never liked this "millennial writing" crap. I think it started with Borderlands to be honest and the crazy part is... a lot of people hated it and thought it was cringe back then but for whatever reason it took off and every wannabe-writer started doing it and Hollywood started doing it to.

      But it was cringe from the very beginning.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's Marvel, and specifically Joss Whedon that popularized it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can't go back in time to 2008 and call you you moron. Kys for even suggesting such a thing. Moron.

  67. 4 weeks ago

    Nothing todd has done with fallout has been good

  68. 4 weeks ago

    >The lead actress is very cute
    I concur, im a sucker for big eyes. Also the fight scene with her in a wedding dress made my dick diamonds, from the upskirts to the ryona.

    And to think millions of normies were exposed to this too. They really catered to the Fallout fans all the way down to the sex mods.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >This is what they think is good tv

      • 4 weeks ago

        >cute naïve vault dweller drops her panties for every irradiated wastelander she comes by

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            have sex with Lucy

    • 4 weeks ago

      >dude radiates 8 Rads per second
      >he, she, and everyone else should be dead in under 2 minutes due to exposure
      Theres some minor inconsistencies because TV show writers are morons, but the show does enough right to not be the worst thing in the world.

  69. 4 weeks ago

    Honestly, trying to show the Fallout aesthetic in real action killed it for me.
    The pipboys and vault suits and power armor just looked so damn stupid.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Power armour had no weight and weird proportions.

  70. 4 weeks ago

    1,2 and NV are the only real Fallout. Everything else is corporate fan fiction.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Fallout 2 is a piece of shit. Fallout 3 is unironically much better.

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Which Fallout 3 girl is your favorite?

  71. 4 weeks ago

    >It didn't break the lore
    >It respected the source material

  72. 4 weeks ago

    I get that the original had it's own vibe and atmosphere that none of the sequels have but come on guys it's not some kind of sacred brahmin the show doesn't "betray" it.

  73. 4 weeks ago

    I wanted the black guy to die the moment he decided to let his brotherhood knight to die because he was being rude to him. Instead he gets a big eyed waifu and the brotherhood doesn't care that the guy died on his watch. Stupid. Hate it.

  74. 4 weeks ago

    shat on the lore
    desecrated on the source material
    the lead actress is a coal burner homunculus

    It was made by amazon and bethesda everyone knew it was going to be shit, and they were right, kys pajeet.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    Just shut up

  76. 4 weeks ago

    I still think nuking Shady Sands was lame, especially with how it was nuked.

  77. 4 weeks ago

    >The lead actress is very cute
    It's weird, some pics she's cute and others she is completely bonged.

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