it feels weird to see how Halo went from being one of the biggest games of all time to a forgotten joke in a decade.

it feels weird to see how Halo went from being one of the biggest games of all time to a forgotten joke in a decade. This is the equivalent to Mario becoming obscure

I dunno how to explain it. It just feels like a major part of video game culture just turned to dust

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  1. 5 months ago

    IP mismanagement happens all the time. People come and go from the industry all the time. Expecting a publisher or game dev to stay the same for more than 10 years is unrealistic. Mario only keeps on trucking along because the japanese have a culture based on seniority, for better and for worse.

    343 really shat the bed with halo didn't they? i mean sure everybody liked zero suit Cortana but that's not enough to carry a whole franchise.

    If there's anything that killed Halo, it's the switch from tactical fps to run'n'gun easy dopamine fps like CoD. Halo is fricking chess compared to CoD, always was. Always expect RTS to lose in popularity compared to Mobas. Easy to pick up and easy to play will always win the battle for the normalhomosexual wallet, remember that.

    • 5 months ago

      T-Thanks anon

      • 5 months ago

        No problem. I never played Halo either, was more of a mmogay myself. But i saw the differences in gameplay from that to CoD and BF. I did play a bit of CoD Blops and BF3 back when they were the shit but never stuck with any of them.

        Halo 3 was easy to pick up and play and then they shat the bed afterwards anyway

        >Halo 3 was easy to pick up and play
        That's an interesting point. So you'd say that Halo's fall was related to how the Xbone shat the bed? Could be.

        • 5 months ago

          No, the fall was caused by morons trying to fix what wasnt broken

        • 5 months ago

          it fell because Microsoft desperately wanted to keep printing money and got a dev team that sucked ass at making games and was allowed to keep making games that were worse than the originals

        • 5 months ago

          >So you'd say that Halo's fall was related to how the Xbone shat the bed?
          I would say it's the opposite. At that time Gears of War and Halo were the biggest names Xbox had, both IPs went up and flames and failed to produce anything of worth after their original trilogies which is why the xbone shat the bed so hard. Eventually codslop and destiny took over shooters in general and xbox didn't have any good exclusives at that point anymore.

          At that time I can't really think of anything carrying xbox besides fricking ori and sunset drive which were both indie games. At that point I just moved to PC and my xbox became an uno machine. I honestly can't understand why or how they fricked up so hard with xbox exclusive IPs, but I feel like they put way too much stake into indie games and the xbox marketplace instead of focusing on making their exclusives as best as they could possibly be.

          • 5 months ago

            up in flames*

    • 5 months ago

      Halo 3 was easy to pick up and play and then they shat the bed afterwards anyway

    • 5 months ago

      How exactly is Halo a tactical FPS?

      • 5 months ago

        You can't just run through a level and shoot everything in Halo 1-3, especially Halo 2. You had to consider the best course of action in most situations. Jackal snipers that can kill you in 1 shot, Brutes that will absolutely deck you, Flood with rocket launchers, and Hunters. Each calling for a different approach.
        This is in comparison to CoD, you literally go through a shooting gallery. So it's hard to lose. Halo is only a tactical FPS when you compare it to CoD

  2. 5 months ago

    Happens, there are many big franchises that I filter our or outright avoid.

  3. 5 months ago

    Not really. Watch any 343 interview and it should be obvious what happened.

  4. 5 months ago

    Reminder that 343 hired people that hated halo

    • 5 months ago

      Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you hate it.

      • 5 months ago

        why the frick are they working on something they don't like? it's not like video game development is that fulfilling, and then you make it worse on yourself by working on something you don't care about while getting b***hed at by customers and managers. why are they working on projects that should made from passion and enjoyment?

        • 5 months ago

          They thought that their tastes weren't niche.

        • 5 months ago

          money, anon. you think the average wagie works a job they like and find fulfilling?

          • 5 months ago

            no i don't think that, but going into game development to make something you can enjoy and then proceed to join some soulless company that hires barely skilled programmers is a fricking moronic way to try and make money. they get paid like ass. they should go do some other job instead of being even more useless than a retail worker

      • 5 months ago

        They said hate, I'm just quoting them. You stupid gay

  5. 5 months ago

    Halo was literally never good and only enjoyed by dumbfrick frat bros and children who had never played a FPS before in their entire lives. It brought absolutely nothing new or exciting to the genre and it was completely absent of any merits beyond arguably the soundtrack, and nothing about this changed even one iota over the many years the franchise has existed. It has ALWAYS been derivative garbage in an already crowded field of some of the most fun and memorable games of all time. It's the real life equivalent of those fake video games you see people playing on TV shows: soulless, uninspired, superficial.

    • 5 months ago

      except it was fun and good back in the 00s. not our fault you didn't have friends to play it with. i hope you don't think some source engine game had better shooting

      • 5 months ago

        there is nothing Halo did that UT didn't do better other than existing on a console for casuals.

        • 5 months ago

          Casual games have always been better

        • 5 months ago

          The way Halo did weapons and spawns was superior to UT, physics were better in Halo too

    • 5 months ago

      Whether you think it is good or not is irrelevant to the thread. Learn to read.

    • 5 months ago

      >It brought absolutely nothing new
      The weapon permanence was quite impressive. You can drop weapons and pick them up again, and grenade weapons across the map into your hands. Grenades that are dropped from bodies can be flung by explosions and triggered. Having a limited weapon set was also fresh, it makes you think about what you need for the task at hand, improves gameplay balance, and promotes team work in co-op and multiplayer.

    • 5 months ago

      >It brought absolutely nothing new or exciting to the genre and it was completely absent of any merits beyond arguably the soundtrack
      it pushed physics and AI forward. just compare how much better both of those things were in Halo CE than in Half Life, or how much better AI was in Halo 2 vs Half Life 2. disingenuous speculator, you've either never really played through a Halo game attentively or you are biased against it for some embarrassing brand loyalty reason. Halo 2 literally is the starting point for "behavior trees", still the industry standard for AI in action games today. Also Halo 3 physics are better than Half Life 2 physics. HL2 couldn't be bested on 6th gen hardware but on 7th gen Halo did it. most games today have less impressive physics AND less impressive AI than Halo 3 had in 2007.

  6. 5 months ago

    Nothing is really weirder than seeing Star Wars shit itself and become an absolute meme that nobody gives a shit about

    • 5 months ago

      Star Wars' main problem was that it overexpanded way too fast and with so much garbage. Force Awakens was exciting because it was the first new flick in a long time but then they filled the brand with a bunch of TV shows and middling follow-up/spin-off films and all that. Just desperate to leverage people's fondness for an IP to farm out content to get people to show up to a theater and subscribe to Disney+. Same as with Marvel, from the exact same company.

      • 5 months ago

        Force Awakens sucked because they just copied A New Hope, changed a few things around, had some potentially interesting plot points that went nowhere because the next two movies shit the bed and had 0 planning other than "let's nostalgia it up with some pretty cgi"

  7. 5 months ago

    Halo and Xbox Live brought so much bullshit to the gaming industry. Frick you and babbies first FPS

    • 5 months ago

      Kys boomer

  8. 5 months ago

    Millenials are responsible.

    Talented nerd boomers left the studios then millenials who ‘liked’ games started making them.

    Never hire fans.

  9. 5 months ago

    I find it more weird how 343 can still exist after what they did to Halo.

  10. 5 months ago

    >turn of the century
    >arena shooters rapidly become irrelevant in the wake of Counter-Strike, a deliberative tactical shooter set in modern times using realistic weaponry
    >a decade later
    >Halo becomes irrelevant in the wake of Call of Duty 4, the first game in the COD series, a much faster-paced shooter set in modern times using realistic weaponry
    Mario didn't become obscure, but from sixth gen to the rise of indies during the digital distribution revolution, Mario was basically carrying the platformer genre singlehandedly when it was the dominant genre on the market. Every publisher was shitting out platformers and every publisher of note had a platformer for a mascot, e.g. Mario for Nintendo obviously, Goemon for Konami, Megaman for Capcom, Harry Pitfall for Activision, etc. But that rapidly collapsed in the FPS rush after Goldeneye became a breakout hit, selling 8 million on a console when most famous PC shooters like Doom, Half-Life et al. were notable for selling 1-2 million, and one of the best selling 5th gen games on its own. Platformers were disco, shooters were the hot thing.

    There is no X-killer. The market moves onto more interesting things. Overwatch was successful as a fresh new thing in a stagnating multiplayer market. But at the same time, the battle royale genre was slowly burgeoning, a year later a dead-on-arrival zombie shooter makes a half-assed F2P battle royale and the world never looked back.

    Extraction is the name of the game, but that's already done. Like the BR, COD has already absorbed it into its mass through its DMZ(now Zombies) mode. Publishers like Sega with Hyenas are having high profile failures thinking they can just buy their way into an established market. Sony's service game failures will likely be hilarious console war fodder.

    Meanwhile the new stuff that has been having actual success? The Finals which scales Battlefield into squad-focused combat, and Lethal Company, a co-op extraction horror.

  11. 5 months ago

    I don't know why you LGBTQIA2S+ allies want everything to get 9 million sequels. Things were already pretty shaky after the 3rd game. Great trilogy, should have been left at that.

    That homie should have just slept. Halo and the Chief.

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