Get in here AOE3 chads.

Laugh at AOE4 thread.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Be Relic Studio
    >Get the biggest RTS IP you could ever dream with total control and unlimited funds
    >one of the most loyal playerbase ever
    >Somehow manage to the most soulless generic RTS i have ever seen
    Its look like a mobile game and its the most uninspired RTS i have ever seen they just went a filled check box as they copied AoE 2, AoE 3 and AoM design and systems.

    They also went full moron with E SPORTS and multiplayer on a 60$ full box price, even SC2 is less retareded by making at least 1v1 and 2v2 F2P, not only do that but there is absolutely no reason to play it over AoE 2 or AoE3 which are much cheap in price

    • 2 years ago

      The only moronic mistake Relic made was stepping on AoE2 turf.
      Doing this on highly popular version that just got refreshed only looks good to brain dead suits.
      I heard they wanted to do Enlightenment-early WW1 but got stopped by marketers showing AoE2 popularity stats and saying "do it once again".

      • 2 years ago

        >Enlightenment-early WW1
        I will now buy your game.

      • 2 years ago

        NuRelic just can't catch a break wew.

        >I heard they wanted to do Enlightenment-early WW1 but got stopped by marketers showing AoE2 popularity stats and saying "do it once again".
        I can believe it but a source would be better.

    • 2 years ago

      >with total control and unlimited funds
      How true is this? Doubt - 99%.

    • 2 years ago

      >there is absolutely no reason to play it over AoE 2 or AoE3

      this. I kept telling people the aoe2 timeline pick for aoe4 was terrible. people are just going to revert back to the better game with an established playerbase.

      aoe4 should have focused on the next era chronologically but people refused to acknowledge this and take the risk.

      now you have a shrinking playerbase as people migrate to aoe2 and aoe3.

      aoe4 should have offered something new and rigid rather than a new twist to something old.

      • 2 years ago

        AoE4 should've improved on AoE2's flaws instead of trying to create some abominable mess for the RTS community to flee from.

      • 2 years ago

        >but people refused to acknowledge this and take the risk.
        Because it would have been a terrible idea.

  2. 2 years ago

    That's what a free weekend can do

  3. 2 years ago

    It doesn't mean shit when every nig is playing it on gamepass (which is always on offer)

    • 2 years ago

      Most people are playing 4 on steam, you can look at the leaderboards for proof.

  4. 2 years ago

    This is what the most successful original RTS release since SC2 looks like btw

  5. 2 years ago

    How is this a win? It likely means there won't be AoE5 at all

    • 2 years ago

      Good. We need more spin offs, frick Empires.

  6. 2 years ago

    I feel bad because although it's not a perfect product I think they really tried their best 🙁
    I don't want RTS games to die 🙁

    • 2 years ago

      >although it's not a perfect product I think they really tried their best
      No. Honestly I actually bought it but the graphics are incredibly low effort from style, to physics, to animations and scale. It's just bad, it can't even compete with Cossacks 3, I actually think it looks worse than American Conquest.
      It was never a AAA title. 90% of the budget must have went into marketing, there is no excuse for a game to look like pic related in 2022.

      • 2 years ago

        >90% of the budget must have went into marketing
        If you count the live-action historical documentary episodes in the campaign as marketing then your probably not half wrong.
        Even when you go look at normie comments on youtube they gush over the documentary parts as their favorite part of the game.
        Meanwhile the actual campaign missions and ai suck and mp didn't get ranked play or other basic features in a modern rts for months.

        Idiot. AOE4's failure is not good news for us.

        The failure is on the heads of the devs and publisher, the onus is on them to deliver a quality product.

        • 2 years ago

          >The failure is on the heads of the devs and publisher, the onus is on them to deliver a quality product.
          Uhm... okay? What makes you think I disagree?

          Why the hell was this game even made?

          Why is anything made? Money.

          Some subtle hints seems to point on them finally filling that Persian hole next after Brazil, after that is anyone guess. At least Poland-Lithuania has a excuse for another European civ expansion with Denmark.

          >Persians next after Brazil
          Will people please stop spreading speculation as truth?

          • 2 years ago

            Well, Brazil is a easy guess since so far it has been the pattern, a revolution full civ after between big packs of expansions, plus it's easy to make a civ on that 'mold'. Persia would be harder since we have no idea if they are gonna lump it with the Asians mechanics or make their own new group. The new Tengrii and Sufi units added lately had some info related to Savafid, so there is that, but anything concrete, we can only wait.

            • 2 years ago

              >Brazil is a easy guess
              It's still nothing more than a guess.

      • 2 years ago

        Graphics quality isn't honestly a sticking point for me compared to graphics clarity. Vanilla Starcraft, the 1998 version, has pixel-perfect clarity. You can always tell what's going on in the game. Vanilla AoK is almost as good in this regard, despite the significant added burden of civs having so many identical units. Vanilla Warcraft 3 (not reforged of course), with its terribly dated early 3D? Still incredibly clear.

        Fast forward 23 years and AoE4 looks like a muddy pile of silhouettes on anything below max graphics. If you can't be bothered to get THIS right for a top-down strategy game, it's obvious you won't do much better when it comes to other aspects.

    • 2 years ago

      >I think they really tried their best 🙁
      They clearly did not. It takes them months to do simple hot fixes.

  7. 2 years ago

    Isn't this the same thing that happened with Total War Warham 2 and 3?

  8. 2 years ago

    AOE3 win.

  9. 2 years ago

    Idiot. AOE4's failure is not good news for us.

    • 2 years ago

      Why the hell was this game even made?

      • 2 years ago

        Relic lost a bunch of money on DoW3.

        • 2 years ago

          No, Sega did. Sega has ruined every strategy game dev they acquired, and they acquired them because those studios knew what they were doing, only for Sega to then decide they knew better for some weird reason. Look at Relic, CA and Amplitude; all making the exact same mistakes. They only have one thing in common and that's Sega.

    • 2 years ago

      It is good news, it means they understood frickall for why DoW3 failed and this is basically a massive slap in their face. You might bemoan a genre being dead but sometimes that is what it takes to force others to understand.

  10. 2 years ago

    >AoE 4 was the last hope of RTS breaking into the main steam after a decade and change
    >Relic fricks it up and will proceed to frick up their core IP as well
    At least Gates of Hell is good but man RTS is gonna be deader than dead this decade.

  11. 2 years ago

    i used to play AoE 1 when I was young
    which AoE is best for SP semi nostalgia trip?

    • 2 years ago

      For me it's aoe3 simply because I played the campaign like 5 times as a kid.

    • 2 years ago

      >which AoE is best for SP semi nostalgia trip?
      AOE 2 HD. The original voice acting is hilariously awesome.

      The only moronic mistake Relic made was stepping on AoE2 turf.
      Doing this on highly popular version that just got refreshed only looks good to brain dead suits.
      I heard they wanted to do Enlightenment-early WW1 but got stopped by marketers showing AoE2 popularity stats and saying "do it once again".

      >Enlightenment-early WW1
      That would have been perfect. The AOE series would actually span the literal age of empires from pre-Rome to WW1.

  12. 2 years ago

    The fact that while II and IV are fighting over for dominance over the ESPORTS crowd while III is just on the side doing it's own thing and somehow prospering brings a smile to my face. Can't wait for Brazil in 5 months (it would be less but fricking politics).

    • 2 years ago

      >Always wanted Inca, Italy, Poland, Thai and Ethiopia as playable factions
      >Already got 3/5 with the other two being likely
      Feels comfy man, it's so rare to get what I want out of a game

      • 2 years ago

        Some subtle hints seems to point on them finally filling that Persian hole next after Brazil, after that is anyone guess. At least Poland-Lithuania has a excuse for another European civ expansion with Denmark.

  13. 2 years ago

    AoE 4 desperately needs new content, especially civilizations. 8 is too few.

    That's just to get started

    • 2 years ago

      >Half of the game is Europe
      >But it's not enough
      >We need 11/17 civs to be the exact same civ
      >This will fix the game

      • 2 years ago

        Non-euro civs aren't very interesting. People that are into medieval games are interested mostly in Europe. They could add more non-euro content after the game has gained solid ground, though.

        • 2 years ago

          >Non-euro civs aren't very interesting.
          You're an uninteresting person to believe this. Likely American, never travelled, never even realized there's a world beyond Turkey or Mexico.
          You have my pity.

          • 2 years ago

            Why do you write like a 3rd world rebditor?
            Oh... LMAO

            • 2 years ago

              Don't drag the rest of us down with you. "Non-euro civs aren't very interesting." Should I link you a world map?

            • 2 years ago

              He's right though.

          • 2 years ago

            name one interesting non euro civ in the medieval era that contributed signficantly to medieval history

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                ottomans are in europe

              • 2 years ago

                Ottomans are from West Asia. Them controlling parts of European territory doesn't make them European.

              • 2 years ago

                They still contributed to European Medieval history.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, and so did Berbers, Arabs, and Mongols. None of those are European.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, and?

            • 2 years ago

              Just one? In the medieval era? Are you fricking out of it? The whole of China, you brainwashed mutt! It was the center of technological developments the world over! Imagine being a shart!

              • 2 years ago

                I can't hear you over the sound of our superior technology blasting your wall to pieces, Zhang.

              • 2 years ago

                Outside of silk china barely had an effect outside of its own borders in asia let alone the fricking world at that point.

              • 2 years ago

                >Outside of silk china barely had an effect outside of its own borders
                Anon, we're not doing this. I'm not wasting another explanatory paragraph on /vst/ards. Go back to your compstomps.

              • 2 years ago

                No, go ahead and tell me about all the great Chinese cultural and technological advancements being exported to the entire world. At this point you've got, what, glass, silk, gunpowder and herbal """medicine"""? That shits only going to Europe, the mid east and parts of Asia. By size, population and economic power, china would consistently hit below its weight and then go on to get bullied by people that actually did export culture and products to the entire world (obviously post medieval, nobody was doing anything "the world over" in that period)

              • 2 years ago

                >what, glass, silk, gunpowder and herbal """medicine"""?
                Foundational siege weaponry, semi-automatic crossbows, fully-automatic crossbow weaponry, flamethrowers, fiat currency, "Flying money", rocketry, gas cylinders, water-powered air conditioning, woodblock printing, automata/other clockwork mechanisms, etc.

                Love this brainrot board.

              • 2 years ago

                pretty much all developed in europe as well and China still got raped by mongols and every other turkic horde

                cry more zhang

              • 2 years ago

                >pretty much all developed in europe as well
                A thousand years later, after many centuries of exposure to Chinese culture and technology. It's the same as Ugandans inventing electricity a thousand years from now and calling Europe a backwater that was only good for making clocks and trains.
                Stupid shill.

              • 2 years ago

                >siege weaponry
                Rome and the Byzantine Empire
                >semi-automatic crossbows
                They were shit since they had no draw weight
                >fully-automatic crossbow weaponry
                See Above
                Greek Fire predates gunpowder flamethrowers by a few centuries
                >fiat currency
                That's not a good thing
                >water-powered air conditioning
                That's just called a swamp cooler
                >automata/other clockwork mechanisms
                They existed in Bronze age Europe as well. Many rich temples had automatas.

              • 2 years ago

                >Rome and the Byzantine Empire
                Trebuchets, mangonels, and bombs, which all phased out Roman torsion engines, originate in China.
                >They were shit since they had no draw weight
                Draw weight is only one factor in killing. Volume of fire is far more important when the alternative is only two bolts a minute. It's why they were used by the navy.
                >Fully-automatic crossbows point conceded
                >Greek Fire predates gunpowder flamethrowers
                >That's not a good thing
                It provides for more flexible financing, greasing the market.
                >That's just called a swamp cooler
                No, that's just using evaporation for cooling. I mean a hydro-powered set of rotary fans for cooling.
                >They existed in Bronze age Europe as well.
                The history of Chinese clockwork seems to stretch back farther, but I won't push it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Trebuchets, mangonels, and bombs, which all phased out Roman torsion engines, originate in China.
                Torsion engines were phased out because christcucks forgot how to make them. Mangonels were invented in China, yes, but counterweight trebuchets were invented in Byzantium and imported back to China through Persia.
                >fully automatic crossbows
                That were considered useless because of their extremely limited range. In fact the non-mounted versions were considered self-defense weapons for women and children.
                >The history of Chinese clockwork seems to stretch back farther
                Show me an ancient Chinese Antikythera mechanism and we'll talk.

                t. not that anon

              • 2 years ago

                >Torsion engines were phased out because christcucks forgot how to make them.
                >Mangonels were invented in China, yes, but counterweight trebuchets were invented in Byzantium and imported back to China through Persia.
                The origin of the counterweight trebuchet is uncertain. It could just as easily be a Persian or other Levantine group that made it, and either way, it's an advancement on a Chinese concept.
                >That were considered useless because of their extremely limited range.
                As a weapon for the average soldier, yes. As a tool for combating rebels or sailors, no.

                I think my original point has been supported well enough by now.

              • 2 years ago

                I know you you've been arguing with this other guy. I just want to come back in to say I don't deny chinese advancements like glass and gunpowder that I already listed, just that I took issue with you "world over" statement. I would also say that what was happening in Europe was by far more important than the rest of the world considering what would happen post medieval. Also the industrial revolution came from Europe and bo amount glass, porcelain, Confucius or government will ever compare. Gunpowder close but not quite

              • 2 years ago

                >I would also say that what was happening in Europe was by far more important than the rest of the world considering what would happen post medieval.
                I don't think you can project importance backwards like that. Europe became globally important at X time, and not before.
                >Also the industrial revolution came from Europe and bo amount glass, porcelain
                That's beyond the timeframe.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not projecting importance backwards. Europe didn't suddenly spring up from the ground to dominate the world, it was all there before. Even going back to Rome and Greece. If we are speaking strictly medieval I would say the Mongols or turks had more far reaching consequences for the world than China. I would not really call them global though.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm not projecting importance backwards.
                You are.
                >Europe didn't suddenly spring up from the ground to dominate the world, it was all there before.
                The factors that caused this rise are all from things outside Europe.
                >Grains from subtropical regions
                >Gunpowder and Eastern siege weaponry
                >American crops, silver, and lack of disease immunity
                >Incan civil war, caused by emperor traveling north and catching the disease
                >All of the world's natural powers being subdued or ransacked by Manchus (China), southern Mongols (India), Mongols again (Baghdad), and Turks (Egypt)
                >Bengali coup with the perfect timing for advancement on the fall of the Mughal Empire
                >Mughals posing enough of a threat as the EIC expanded that the Maratha empire couldn't devote resources to pushing out the Bengali alliance.
                So yes, it's actually pretty easy to notice the massive jump from medieval Europe to modern Europe.
                >If we are speaking strictly medieval I would say the Mongols or turks had more far reaching consequences for the world than China. I would not really call them global though.
                The Mongols existed on the Fringes of China and were only able to conquer as they did due to the natural spread of technology. Mongols have a long history with China.

              • 2 years ago

                >You are.
                and Eastern siege weaponry
                You can't deny the Europeans actually did something with it. They made all the guns cannons etc. The Chinese had it sooner but the implements were worse and the tactics were not there. When the turks were building the world's largest cannons, what were the Chinese doing with it? I also don't know what seige warfare has to do with it, considering castles were uniquely European (fortifications in general obviously not) and so were many implements used to attack them. That knowledge had little use outside of Europe and then mid east because either A) Enemy Fortifications were limited B) Fortifications were outdated (in the face of cannon and other weapons)
                crops, silver, and lack of disease immunity
                civil war, caused by emperor traveling north and catching the disease
                >>All of the world's natural powers being subdued or ransacked by Manchus (China), southern Mongols (India), Mongols again (Baghdad), and Turks (Egypt)
                coup with the perfect timing for advancement on the fall of the Mughal Empire
                posing enough of a threat as the EIC expanded that the Maratha empire couldn't devote resources to pushing out the Bengali alliance.
                >it's actually pretty easy to notice the massive jump from medieval Europe to modern Europe.
                No shit, but just because it happened quickly doesn't reduce their achievements. When I say "opportunity" I mean that its an event that took place. You act like events only started taking place when the euro's showed up and that they got lucky or something and forgot all the setbacks. Everything you listed was happening all the time, everywhere. It was not unique in the slightest just an opportunity seized and taken. You are a joke if you think some sort of fate started looking out for European colonial expeditions and causing them some great success through no skill of their own.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can't deny the Europeans actually did something with it.
                After everyone else had their turn refining it, yes.
                >They made all the guns cannons etc.
                No, the Chinese and other Asians were way ahead of them there.
                >When the turks were building the world's largest cannons, what were the Chinese doing with it?
                Making similar guns, but focusing more on weaponry that had the potential to harm their old earthwork walls, rockets, and weapons useful against their enemies, the horse nomads of the North.
                >I also don't know what seige warfare has to do with it, considering castles were uniquely European (fortifications in general obviously not) and so were many implements used to attack them.
                Again, those implements came from China. Castles are just one type of fortification. Chinese city design incorporated defense as a necessary step for it to be considered a "City", rather than defenses being moved to a hill somewhere to leverage the threat of an army intercepting yours.
                >That knowledge had little use outside of Europe and then mid east because either A) Enemy Fortifications were limited B) Fortifications were outdated (in the face of cannon and other weapons)
                See the link. The exact opposite was true.
                Concession. Those aren't European.
                >No shit, but just because it happened quickly doesn't reduce their achievements.
                This wasn't about achievements, so I don't care. You're saying medieval Europe necessarily feeds into modern Europe. I'm saying there's a massive disconnect, and that the actions and technology of old Europe weren't too important in forming the new Europe. Everything was external to begin with.
                >You act like events only started taking place when the euro's showed up and that they got lucky or something
                They did, yes. The sails and ships they used to reach America came from the Orient, the currents just happened to be there, disease isn't tech, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                >After everyone else had their turn refining it, yes.
                When the Chinese were using gunpowder as herbal medicine the Euro's were figuring out what the real ratio of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter were and removing all the dumb shit both people had been putting in. Your own link says the Chinese were importing gun technology 16th century onward.
                >No, the Chinese and other Asians were way ahead of them there
                Your own article says they were, that the Burgundians started making huge guns and that the Chinese didn't make any because they were ineffective, they were also making fewer cannons and later than Europe (source: your own link)
                >Making similar guns
                your own article says they weren't, that they had few large guns and cannons..... half the section you link about Chinese firearm history is just talking about what Europe was doing...
                >Again, those implements came from China.
                No, castles are contributed somewhat to the normans but they go back further to Rome. Chinese and euro castles were totally different, they had no contact. I said this in reference to Europe but I guess I should extent it to china too, no one people do not get to lay claim to the entire concept of fortifications.
                >This wasn't about achievements, so I don't care.
                It was in the context of which I was speaking. That being that taking colonial territory quickly is not somehow an indictment against them.
                >You're saying medieval Europe necessarily feeds into modern Europe.
                It obviously does
                > I'm saying there's a massive disconnect, and that the actions and technology of old Europe weren't too important in forming the new Europe. Everything was external to begin with.
                This is stupid since everything came from the medieval period and earlier. Guns, Ships, Navigation, metallurgy, Trade concepts, religion, government organization, and military doctrine. All the things that actually matter.

              • 2 years ago

                >When the Chinese were using gunpowder as herbal medicine the Euro's were figuring out what the real ratio of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter were
                Europeans still use gunpowder for wound treatment today.
                >Your own link says the Chinese were importing gun technology 16th century onward.
                Yeah. It goes on the explain why later.
                >Your own article says they were, that the Burgundians started making huge guns and that the Chinese didn't make any because they were ineffective
                No, it says they stagnated around the time of the 14th century because they were ineffective in their primary role. However, the core designs were Chinese.
                >your own article says they weren't, that they had few large guns and cannons.....
                Similar as in similar shape and purpose, not similar size. They used small arms to fend off mongols.
                >No, castles are contributed somewhat to the normans but they go back further to Rome.
                You're intentionally misunderstanding. The siege weapons came from China. Castles are just a development of Roman hill forts.
                >It was in the context of which I was speaking. That being that taking colonial territory quickly is not somehow an indictment against them.
                And all of those things being freely offered to Europeans isn't a credit to them either.
                >It obviously does
                It hardly does.
                >This is stupid since everything came from the medieval period and earlier. Guns, Ships, Navigation, metallurgy, Trade concepts, religion, government organization, and military doctrine. All the things that actually matter.
                Many of those can be (and have been) imported. When you have uncontested control over the world's largest silver mine, a lot of that falls to the wayside.

              • 2 years ago

                >This is ridiculous, especially attributing the caravel to china.
                "Orient" can also refer to the middle east. The sails and ship bodies were obtained from neighboring Mediterranean influences. The Moroccan fishing vessel bodies, and the lateen sails, brought through Arabic sailors from Polynesia.
                >Weather and disease were also no favor to Europe
                They get near-perfect weather for farming, and their diseases killed off everyone in the New World for them, making complete replacement possible.
                >You make such a bold statement but 9/10 out of bait that person into actually arguing and you'll make known some asinine belief like the one above.
                All I'm seeing is denial.
                >Completely incomprehensible schizo babble that has no place in a serious historical discussion, have a nice day.
                "No no no no no". Are you going to be okay?

                Guys, just stop talking about it. You're not gonna convince the smart person that Europeans are the masterrace; and you're not gonna convince the skinhead that the non-Europeans contributed to humanity.

              • 2 years ago

                My third comment
                >I just want to come back in to say I don't deny chinese advancements like glass and gunpowder that I already listed, just that I took issue with you "world over" statement.
                But whatever, you can ignore it to epically own all the racists on Ganker if you want 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't even read any of the posts. I just see two guys who are wasting their time.

              • 2 years ago

                Its not a waste of time. My friends don't really care to talk about history like this and I always learn something looking stuff up so its worth it

              • 2 years ago

                >Europeans still use gunpowder for wound treatment today.
                You know that's not what I'm talking about. They both put additives in that neither helped it be medicine or shoot harder. The euros were the ones that figured out the best mixtures.
                >Yeah. It goes on the explain why later.
                This isn't about why
                >No, it says they stagnated around the time of the 14th century because they were ineffective in their primary role
                You just repeated what I said with more words
                >However, the core designs were Chinese.
                In what way? Gunpowder is obviously inherently Chinese but I'd hesitate to say they own the tube. I'm gonna agree with the source you posted and say the Chinese were following euro designs.
                >Similar as in similar shape and purpose, not similar size. They used small arms to fend off mongols.
                And you don't think that may have contributed to their lack of artillery development?
                >The siege weapons came from China.
                Siege implements common in Europe go back to greece, rome, the mid east. Not china. They were developed independently by both peoples.
                >The sails and ship bodies were obtained from neighboring Mediterranean influences. The Moroccan fishing vessel bodies, and the lateen sails, brought through Arabic sailors from Polynesia
                Morocco isn't in the middle east. The boat was based on Portuguese fishing vessels, the sails had been in use in the med since the greeks in BC. East asian and Med triangle sails were invented by both people independently. Neither people brought them to each other.
                >And all of those things being freely offered to Europeans isn't a credit to them either.
                Cherry picking
                >It hardly does.
                Well the fricking fate fairy didn't grant it to them
                >When you have uncontested control over the world's largest silver mine, a lot of that falls to the wayside.
                Apparently, the entire world was devoid of any money generating resources, this is why euro's famously kept to themselves and never colonized the whole world.

              • 2 years ago

                >You know that's not what I'm talking about. They both put additives in that neither helped it be medicine or shoot harder.
                Congratulations? You managed to make a Chinese recipe slightly more efficient?
                >This isn't about why
                No, it's about the fact that they imported some of the advancements made on their own weapons, meaning guns had gone full circle.
                >You just repeated what I said with more words
                >In what way? Gunpowder is obviously inherently Chinese but I'd hesitate to say they own the tube.
                The tube was also theirs. Check the Tang and Song pages.
                >And you don't think that may have contributed to their lack of artillery development?
                I believe it was mainly the fact that no cannons, even as far as WW2, could actually beat their Rammed Earth walls.
                >Siege implements common in Europe go back to greece, rome, the mid east. Not china.
                But the ones I outlined earlier, which transformed warfare in Europe, go back to China.
                >Morocco isn't in the middle east.
                Moroccans are Oriental in the same way Australians are Western.
                >The boat was based on Portuguese fishing vessels
                I think you can infer just from these two seemingly-conflicting claims how the fishing vessel design arrived in Portugal.
                >the sails had been in use in the med since the greeks in BC
                Last time I checked that page, it claimed Arabs had brought the sail Westward. I don't understand how it could take 15 centuries for a single sail plan to make its way from Greece to Portugal, but whatever.
                >Cherry picking
                In your dreams.
                >Well the fricking fate fairy didn't grant it to them
                Fate fairy didn't give a shit about medieval Europe, it seems.
                >Apparently, the entire world was devoid of any money generating resources
                Value isn't objective. If it was, trade would be impossible.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's about the fact that they imported some of the advancements made on their own weapons
                Euro's weren't importing cannons or cannon technology though. They didn't import gunpowder either, just the mixture for it. Real quick, to clarify, my basic argument is that china and Europe both developed and invented similar technology to each other independently. Sort of a telephone situation where 2 people not in contact make the same device because it is so ubiquitous. Like the spear or bow. Both sides weapons were of different syle, so to their fortifications, they didn't have contact. Everything traded was through friends of friends in India and the middle east.
                >Check the Tang and Song pages.
                Totally insular, no effect outside of china.
                >I believe it was mainly the fact that no cannons, even as far as WW2, could actually beat their Rammed Earth walls.
                My point is that it was stagnant, there's a reason for everything, it doesn't matter to me in this discussion.
                >But the ones I outlined earlier
                At least link the comment. It wasn't in a comment to me and this is a big thread now.
                >I think you can infer just from these two seemingly-conflicting claims how the fishing vessel design arrived in Portugal.
                umm, fishermen built it?
                >I don't understand how it could take 15 centuries for a single sail plan to make its way from Greece to Portugal, but whatever.
                It didn't.
                >Fate fairy didn't give a shit about medieval Europe, it seems.
                Clearly not, considering how many times it was completely devastated but went on to dominate the rest of the world.
                >Value isn't objective. If it was, trade would be impossible.
                Has nothing to do with what I said

              • 2 years ago

                We're not continuing this. China was influential far beyond its borders and even the world over. I'm satisfied with my answer.
                >Clearly not, considering how many times it was completely devastated but went on to dominate the rest of the world.
                Being "devastated" means nothing if no one can capitalize on it.
                >Has nothing to do with what I said
                Define "money generating resources". If you mean alternative sources of silver or gold, you're failing to understand the value and strategy of targeted inflation.

                >This doesn't affect anything. "Bad things happened to Europe too" doesn't say anything about the contrivances that came to it.
                You are retroactively applying your view onto history. You don't think it affects anything because you know how it ends. I can't believe I'm actually discussing the idea that Europe was just extraordinarily for like 600 years with someone claiming to be serious. Everyone had coups, disease, war and useful resources of some kind. Stop pretending the fricking fate fairy was dropping them presents rather than them seizing opportunity from natural events that were always taking place, its embarrassing.
                >It's not hard to see, anon
                I don't know what you are getting at? Who do you think was controlling history? Lizards? the israelites? God? knock off the schzio beating around the bush bullshit and just say it. I hate when you /x/ type morons do this shit. "You wouldn't get it bro, do more research bro." Just come out and say whatever the frick you are talking about.

                >You are retroactively applying your view onto history. You don't think it affects anything because you know how it ends.
                That's how fate works.
                > I can't believe I'm actually discussing the idea that Europe was just extraordinarily for like 600 years with someone claiming to be serious. Everyone had coups, disease, war and useful resources of some kind.
                And Europe got an extra 2 continents at a time when they were best able to use them.
                >Stop pretending the fricking fate fairy was dropping them presents rather than them seizing opportunity from natural events that were always taking place, its embarrassing.
                No. I will not. My view of history is more than credible, and if you'd told it to any pre-modern European, he may well believe it.
                >I don't know what you are getting at? Who do you think was controlling history? God?
                Yes. Absolutely.

              • 2 years ago

                >We're not continuing this.
                I'm fine with that
                >China was influential far beyond its borders and even the world over.
                Absolutely not, China is known for being incredibly insular, it did not expand meaningfully territorial, economically or culturally. It was very content to sit and play with what it had. Thats why it got left behind despite inventing gunpowder and a few other things first. Europe was also like that until the Iberians decided to go exploring.
                >Being "devastated" means nothing if no one can capitalize on it.
                You act as though nobody tried, mongols, turks, etc.
                >That's how fate works.
                >And Europe got an extra 2 continents at a time when they were best able to use them.
                They were not granted, they went and took. They were best able to use them because they had them, not because of time.
                >No. I will not. My view of history is more than credible, and if you'd told it to any pre-modern European, he may well believe it.
                Its not and it doesn't matter what a man from 1700 would have thought about it. No shit a religious person may attribute success to god.
                >Yes. Absolutely.
                Borderline heretical. God gave us freewill, things are not pre-ordained, and besides that there will be no more prophets sent to earth. God does not directly smite or appear to people anymore, the holy spirit fulfills that role and it is different to how things were in the past.

              • 2 years ago

                >You act as though nobody tried, mongols, turks, etc.
                They were thwarted by the logistical challenges that come with Europes biome, the distance from their major power centers, and then a relatively weak fortification from the days of Rome. Magyars managed in spite of this, but their leader converted and they settled, then assimilated, as nomads tend to do when their material conditions change. They then defended Europe from both Mongols and Turks.
                That all?
                >They were not granted, they went and took
                Yeah, like I "take" when I redeem my dead uncle's two $1M lottery tickets.
                >They were best able to use them because they had them, not because of time.
                If they'd had them back during the fall of Rome, they would've split and remained separate before anything could be done with their resources.
                >Its not and it doesn't matter what a man from 1700 would have thought about it. No shit a religious person may attribute success to god.
                What, and you're not?
                >Borderline heretical. God gave us freewill, things are not pre-ordained
                Eph: 1:1-12
                You know God takes an active interest in the events of the Earth, as evidenced by His many interventions in the OT. Pelagianism has never been valid. Semi-pelagianism has never been valid. Synergism has never been valid. God's Will is absolute.

              • 2 years ago

                >They were thwarted by the logistical challenges that come with Europes biome, the distance from their major power centers, and then a relatively weak fortification from the days of Rome
                The distance they traveled was nothing compared to what they had already done to get there in the first place. They were twarted by good defense, the euro's didn't roll over in spite of conditions. I think Iberia during the Muslim invasions is a good example.
                >That all?
                Nothing that was not mentioned in the bible is set in stone.
                >What, and you're not?
                Theres a reason people thank god for "the opportunity" during award speeches and such. Just as you should not spite god when bad things happen the opposite is also true. However, Pray for it and god may open the path to you, though it is up to you, ultimately to walk down it. This is free will, which was granted to you by god. Obviously, I thank god for all he has presented to me. Taking that further, like it sounds like what you are doing, is how you get Joel Olsteen types literally praying for money, power and success and telling others if they follow christ they will be rich.
                >You know God takes an active interest in the events of the Earth, as evidenced by His many interventions in the OT.
                Yes, but he will send no more prophets. Today he works through the holy spirit.
                >Pelagianism has never been valid. Semi-pelagianism has never been valid.
                Not talking about that. That is the idea man could reach divine perfection alone through his will. What I am saying is that god has granted us choice. If you do not have free will then the choice to between the apple or to listen to god was worthless and not real. It invalidates the point of the story. God may know what you will do, or every path you could take but you are ultimately responsible for taking it.

              • 2 years ago

                >The distance they traveled was nothing compared to what they had already done to get there in the first place.
                And when the Khan died?
                >They were twarted by good defense, the euro's didn't roll over in spite of conditions. I think Iberia during the Muslim invasions is a good example.
                The Arabs shunted the Berbers settlers off to shit land and constantly got into fights with them. When Mauritanian Berbers conquered Iberia following that, Spaniards just grabbed whatever snippets of land were released during the fighting. Eventually, they obtained enough to push out the war-weary Berbers and remaining Arabs. Congratulations. You won because Arabs are shitheads.
                >Nothing that was not mentioned in the bible is set in stone.
                Why would the rest of reality play by different rules?
                >Theres a reason people thank god for "the opportunity" during award speeches and such. Just as you should not spite god when bad things happen the opposite is also true. However, Pray for it and god may open the path to you, though it is up to you, ultimately to walk down it.
                This is something Americans made up because they want to feel good about themselves. It's not scriptural.
                >if they follow christ they will be rich.
                If God wants to bless someone, then no matter their faith, it's done.
                >Yes, but he will send no more prophets. Today he works through the holy spirit.
                Okay? But there's no need for another prophet there.
                >What I am saying is that god has granted us choice. If you do not have free will then the choice to between the apple or to listen to god was worthless and not real.
                No, it's very real. It's the cause of our current condition.
                >It invalidates the point of the story.
                You bear responsibility for your actions, but if it's God's will, then it's your lot.
                Exodus 7:3-4.

              • 2 years ago

                >And when the Khan died?
                Their longevity is not the point. They destroyed a lot of places but never got europe or china. You act as though there's only one active player in history and everyone else is just static.
                >Spaniards just grabbed whatever snippets of land were released during the fighting. Eventually, they obtained enough to push out the war-weary Berbers and remaining Arabs. Congratulations. You won because Arabs are shitheads.
                You could reduce all of history to this if you wanted. "oh wow the allies managed to beat the war-weary B unit conscripts guarding the Atlantic wall how impressive" As long as you ignore everything that actually happened.
                >Why would the rest of reality play by different rules?
                It doesn't, but what was prophesized in the bible will come. However, it has nothing to do with what men want. You could not forcefully fulfill the conditions, they will happen when they are supposed to. If there is no free will, there is no point in following god. Thats all I will say and every major religion agrees
                >If God wants to bless someone, then no matter their faith, it's done.
                God is not a vending machine dispensing prizes
                >No, it's very real. It's the cause of our current condition.
                The tree was there to illustrate their choice. Without the option of right or wrong, there is no choice, no free will. Had there been no tree Adam could not have sinned because the option simply wasn't there, not because he was righteous. This is why it is important that christ was tempted by satan, when he was given the choice, he chose not to sin. That is what made him righteous.
                >You bear responsibility for your actions
                If it is all predetermined and god granted us no will of our own then it is useless. You don't have any action. Of course, your view is heretical and goes against catholicism, the orthodoxy and (most) protestant sects (as I assume you call yourself some form of protestant)

              • 2 years ago

                >Their longevity is not the point. They destroyed a lot of places but never got europe or china.
                They got China. It's an open basin that's nearly impossible to defend once an army's in. Europe was a heavily-forested continent with more than a few solid mountain ranges, a ton of rivers, solid winters, and a shredded coastline.
                >You act as though there's only one active player in history and everyone else is just static.
                No, I act like geography matters.
                >You could reduce all of history to this if you wanted. "oh wow the allies managed to beat the war-weary B unit conscripts guarding the Atlantic wall how impressive" As long as you ignore everything that actually happened.
                Alright. Tell me what "actually" happened. What, did a Spaniard make a rousing speech before jumping in as a third party?
                > If there is no free will, there is no point in following god.
                This is nonsense. There is a will, and it's beneath God. Life isn't some funny allegory. There's not a "point".
                >God is not a vending machine dispensing prizes
                No, He's a sovereign agent who does as He wills.
                >The tree was there to illustrate their choice. Without the option of right or wrong, there is no choice, no free will. Had there been no tree Adam could not have sinned because the option simply wasn't there, not because he was righteous. This is why it is important that christ was tempted by satan, when he was given the choice, he chose not to sin. That is what made him righteous.
                They were both righteous from the start. Adam was designed to fall. The Christ wasn't. That's all.
                >If it is all predetermined and god granted us no will of our own then it is useless.
                You have a will, and it's secondary.
                >Of course, your view is heretical and goes against catholicism, the orthodoxy and (most) protestant sects (as I assume you call yourself some form of protestant)
                I'm a Calvinist. Catholics are heretics, Orthodox are fine, and most Prots have tainted theology.

              • 2 years ago

                >They got China. It's an open basin that's nearly impossible to defend once an army's in.
                Just raiding, never conquered I believe.
                >Europe was a heavily-forested continent with more than a few solid mountain ranges, a ton of rivers, solid winters, and a shredded coastline.
                China may be flatter but its also gigantic and has way more angry militia forming peasants than Europe. Its not inherently easy to conquer or something that's ridiculous.
                >No, I act like geography matters.
                Its a force multiplier, nothing more. It is not some singular factor. You are acting like it is.
                >Alright. Tell me what "actually" happened.
                Go look into it then. Reconquista was a long and arduous process. I don't want to start going on about some famous general or battle because you already provided your response to that below
                >What, did a Spaniard make a rousing speech before jumping in as a third party?
                Yeah, pretty much. They had been making opportunistic raids and prods into Islamic territory pretty much the whole time.
                >Life isn't some funny allegory. There's not a "point".
                There is a point, even if we don't know exactly what it is.
                >Adam was designed to fall. The Christ wasn't. That's all.
                They were designed with the possibility to fail. Christ was tempted and he rejected it, adam was as well and he did not. If there is no free will then there is no lesson to be learned from either of these people. You will do as what was pre-determined and so nothing matters. It makes for a hollow relationship with god because it means some people are just fricked regardless of there faith. They were made but god does not want them. This is ridiculously heretical, god wants anyone who seeks him. Simple as
                >I'm a Calvinist.
                That explains a lot, extremely heretical. God will save anyone who sincerely seeks him.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just raiding, never conquered I believe.
                Anon, the Yuan dynasty was literally the Mongol dynasty. They ruled China.
                >China may be flatter but its also gigantic and has way more angry militia forming peasants than Europe.
                Gigantic, no. The inhabited part of China was, at the time, smaller than Europe. Angry militia, also no. Raids were traded for a system of taxation a la Barbary Corsairs when Mongols took power.
                >Its not inherently easy to conquer or something that's ridiculous.
                It is, actually. Ask the Japanese, the Qing dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Qin dynasty, and whoever. It's the main reason "China" is such a strong concept. It's an inevitability that someone will rule the stretch of greenery that connects all of it.
                >Go look into it then. Reconquista was a long and arduous process.
                Yeah, I know. I looked into it months ago. Most of it was Iberians waiting for one side of the conflict to show weakness or call on them for help, then snatch and keep whatever they could take from the Muslims.
                >There is a point, even if we don't know exactly what it is.
                What, did scripture point you to that, too?
                >They were designed with the possibility to fail.
                Yes, technically. However, just how like I "can" cause an animal to die from blunt force trauma, the "will" of the agent matters. God designed them for a purpose, not only in form, but in fate.
                >If there is no free will then there is no lesson to be learned from either of these people.
                >You will do as what was pre-determined and so nothing matters.
                That's a Non-Sequitur. You will do as you were fated, and God's will is made manifest.
                >It makes for a hollow relationship with god because it means some people are just fricked regardless of there faith.
                If you have faith, it's because you were given that faith by God (John 6:44), and you're made to act on it.
                >They were made but god does not want them.
                Matt. 13:13
                >God will save anyone who sincerely seeks him.
                And if they don't seek God?

              • 2 years ago

                >the Yuan dynasty was literally the Mongol dynasty. They ruled China.
                I did not know this
                >Most of it was Iberians waiting for one side of the conflict to show weakness or call on them for help, then snatch and keep whatever they could take from the Muslims.
                nothing wrong with good strategic sense, you would think someone on the STRATEGY board would be more understanding of that.
                >What, did scripture point you to that, too?
                Did it say that life was meaningless and completely devoid of purpose?
                >God designed them for a purpose, not only in form, but in fate.
                Adam wasn't "made to fail" he was simply made with will of his own which god allowed him to act upon by giving him the opportunity and allowing the snake in the garden. Adam knowingly turned away from god, he didn't have to.
                >You will do as you were fated, and God's will is made manifest.
                There is no fate.
                >If you have faith, it's because you were given that faith by God (John 6:44), and you're made to act on it.
                Not exactly, the rest of the chapter includes more people than the ones "given" to jesus

                “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

                "35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

                "40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

                "45 It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’[d] Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me."

                The bible is clear even in the chapter you referenced, all who seek god will find him.

              • 2 years ago

                >nothing wrong with good strategic sense
                Again, I'm not faulting them. I'm just saying it wasn't even their doing. They were just an extra in the Berber-Arab conflicts, which you brought up as something in their favor.
                >Did it say that life was meaningless and completely devoid of purpose?
                No, you said that, and I'm asking why.
                >Adam wasn't "made to fail" he was simply made with will of his own which god allowed him to act upon by giving him the opportunity and allowing the snake in the garden. Adam knowingly turned away from god, he didn't have to.
                What, and did God have no intention in bringing the question?
                >There is no fate.
                Explain prophecy.
                >The bible is clear even in the chapter you referenced, all who seek god will find him.
                Yes, those who seek will find. The ones who seek are those chosen ahead of time by God as His gift to Christ.

                >Matt. 13:13
                Jesus is speaking of israelites (and those like them) who at the time denied, denied, denied. They saw his miracles, heard his sermons, did not understand his teachings, and did not seek him.
                >And if they don't seek God?
                They will not enter the kingdom of heaven

                18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

                >Jesus is speaking of israelites (and those like them) who at the time denied, denied, denied.
                What, are israelites alone considered collectively? He was surrounded by israelites, and He spoke in parables because He wanted to reserve His close teachings for those who were chosen to embrace them.
                >They will not enter the kingdom of heaven
                Then why do you act like it's a counter-argument? The people who seek are the people who find. The people who don't are damned.
                And who made that soil good, if not God? Is it beyond God's power to protect the seed of the Gospel from the enemy or immediate circumstance? Is it outside His interest? That's His realm. Once again, faith begins with God and is received as a gift by some men, those men having been chosen before time (Eph 1) for predestination unto Christ.

              • 2 years ago

                >They were just an extra in the Berber-Arab conflicts, which you brought up as something in their favor.
                Did they not fight hard, bravely and smartly? Preserve themselves to fight battles they could win? We are on a strategy board. Its easy to look back and say it was so easy, but in the moment it is hard to be certain of anything.
                >No, you said that, and I'm asking why.
                I did not say that, I don't believe that. We all have a purpose though all of us may not know exactly what that is.
                >What, and did God have no intention in bringing the question?
                I do not understand your meaning.
                >Explain prophecy.
                Fate is a general concept that everyone is being moved around through life by something other than them. That regardless of what they do, they will remain in the same circumstances. Prophecy is much more specific, it applies more to events that will come to pass. You could use them kind of interchangeably but fate is accepted to be a general concept, applied to everyone while prophecy is more specific. Prophecy is also known in advance, fate is not. Its your life is on a rail road track vs an event that will take place.
                >The ones who seek are those chosen ahead of time by God as His gift to Christ.
                This was not said in the passage, they are separate groups of people. Some were given, some were not. All who seek will not be driven away.

                "37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."
                " 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day."
                "40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
                "44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."
                >Then why do you act like it's a counter-argument?
                To what? What is the point of punishing people who had no fault?

              • 2 years ago

                >Did they not fight hard, bravely and smartly?
                Anon, just give up. Again, most of the work was ultimately done by Mauritanians for their own reasons.
                >I did not say that, I don't believe that.
                You claimed it was the conclusion of my statement. You're clearly getting it from somewhere.
                >I do not understand your meaning.
                Did God have any intention in this path Adam followed?
                >That regardless of what they do, they will remain in the same circumstances.
                You've been watching too much television. It's not that nothing they do can change their circumstance. It's that the things they do won't prevent them from reaching the things which are meant to be. If I'm meant to become a carpenter, I will, through my own actions, become a carpenter. In a hypothetical scenario, I could've become a painter. However, I became a carpenter.
                >Some were given, some were not. All who seek will not be driven away.
                And the ones who seek are the ones who were chosen.
                >Verse quotes
                Read what you just pasted. He's affirming it there.
                >To what? What is the point of punishing people who had no fault?

                17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
                18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
                19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
                20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
                21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
                22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
                23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon, just give up. Again, most of the work was ultimately done by Mauritanians for their own reasons.
                Whatever your belief in historical determinism stems from your religion, likewise my hatred for historical determinism stems partially from mine. Neither of us will be moved. I think we have taken that discussion as far as it will go.
                >You claimed it was the conclusion of my statement. You're clearly getting it from somewhere.
                If there is no choice in life there is no point. You are just a puppet controlled by something else. Being good is not a virtue achieved, it was something given to you that others do not have. If you sin it is not your fault. God told you to sin. Its an asinine belief that removes all personal responsibility from life and if true, invalidates the human experience since you were just along for the ride.
                > It's not that nothing they do can change their circumstance. It's that the things they do won't prevent them from reaching the things which are meant to be.
                That certainly is one way of looking at a concept that isn't really explicitly mentioned in the bible

                >And the ones who seek are the ones who were chosen.
                Anyone who seeks is chosen, it is the other way around.

                “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God."

                "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life."

                "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."

              • 2 years ago

                >If there is no choice in life there is no point.
                No one said there's no choice.
                >That certainly is one way of looking at a concept that isn't really explicitly mentioned in the bible
                It's heavily implied by predestination.
                >Anyone who seeks is chosen, it is the other way around.
                What would be the point of saying "Chosen" if it just refers to anyone who seeks? It refers to anyone who seeks because all who will seek are those who were chosen.
                >“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God."
                Pic related.
                >Truly, truly 1+2
                Again, doesn't affect my argument.

                >They can be redeemed. They simply will not be.
                Christ was sent to all men. The Chosen people were the israelites. They reject christ and are no longer. Any who accept christ are chosen.
                >Yes, and it only applies to those who seek Him.
                >Let me ask you: Are there now men burning in Hellfire for sins the Christ's sacrifice has already paid for? Is Salvation currently being nullified? The only answer which preserves Christ's integrity is the former.
                There are no men burning in hellfire. The only way to receive eternal life is through Christ. There is nothing in the bible about being alive for all eternity while demons stab your taint, the divine comedy was fanfiction about is own self doubt and fear.

                >Christ was sent to all men. The Chosen people were the israelites. They reject christ and are no longer. Any who accept christ are chosen.
                Yes, and they accept Him because they were chosen.
                >There are no men burning in hellfire.
                >There is nothing in the bible about being alive for all eternity while demons stab your taint

              • 2 years ago

                >No one said there's no choice.
                You did, you said that its is all predetermined.
                >It's heavily implied by predestination.
                Made up bullshit mentioned no where. God can know all things without life being on a single track. You already accept this when you say there is choice but that it leads to the same place. If there is any granularity at all in how you do things then god does not know all things. This is why a deterministic view makes no sense, it limits god and reality.
                >What would be the point of saying "Chosen" if it just refers to anyone who seeks?
                Partially left over from the people of Israel and to imply the transition from them to all men.
                >Again, doesn't affect my argument.
                well if you just ignore them they don't.
                hell is second death

                "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

                "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,"

                "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

                "The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy."

                "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

                "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

                "They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might"

                The lake of fire is a second death after judgement, that is the eternal punishment. You'd think jesus and others would have mentioned that you receive eternal life no matter what but they didn't, there is only one way to receive eternal life and that is with the lord.

              • 2 years ago

                Ran out of space for the most important one

                "Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire."

              • 2 years ago

                >You did, you said that its is all predetermined.
                Yes, it's predetermined. You still have a choice.
                >Made up bullshit mentioned no where.
                Again, Ephesians 1 and all throughout Peter 1&2. It's so explicit that you could not hope for more without Paul crawling out of the parchment to knock synergists on the head.
                >If there is any granularity at all in how you do things then god does not know all things.
                Again, non-sequitur.
                >Partially left over from the people of Israel and to imply the transition from them to all men.
                And what's the purpose of those verses exclaiming loudly the fact of predestination in election if not that the two are cleanly linked?
                >well if you just ignore them they don't.
                Again, you're confused. "Whoever" doesn't imply a person has any more ability or will to choose on his own than scripture suggests.
                >hell is second death
                46 And these will go away kinto eternal punishment, but the righteous kinto leternal life.”
                "Worm does not die and the fire is not quenched"
                "Weeping and gnashing of teeth"
                Are we seriously entertaining annihiliationism?

              • 2 years ago

                >Yes, it's predetermined. You still have a choice.
                Then there is no choice. Predestination is made up nonsense reconciling the paradox that God is all knowing yet humans have free will. Through this you suppose he determined what you would do and how everything would play out in the world. Therefore he chooses who are saved and who are not. It places limits on reality because your tiny human brain is trying to understand how god works
                >Again, non-sequitur.
                No its not, you are arguing there can be no choice in life because God must know all things. Therefore its all predetermined. However, you described granularity in how you reach certain events. How does it make sense to you that God predetermined you would get a new job but not the route you took to get there? You are saying God isn't omnipotent.
                >Again, you're confused. "Whoever" doesn't imply a person has any more ability or will to choose on his own than scripture suggests.
                Then its not just me who is confused, its basically all Christians who have a radically different interpretation
                >Are we seriously entertaining annihiliationism?
                Yes, the bible is very clear and calls the lake of fire 2nd death. It is also very clear that the sinful will die. It is again very clear you can only receive eternal life one way. A life of burning is obviously still life, so it is obviously not forever.

                "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

                Tell me how you reconcile the the fact the bible numerously tells you what the lake of fire is, who will be cast into it and what will happen to them while still maintaining the dante's inferno fanfic of demons stabbing your taint.

                I would also like to point out that the word in greek is aeon, not eternal. In English eon, being a longtime or period, it means the same in greek.

              • 2 years ago

                >Then there is no choice.
                That's not a logical conclusion of, "You made a choice".
                >Predestination is made up nonsense reconciling the paradox that God is all knowing yet humans have free will. Through this you suppose he determined what you would do and how everything would play out in the world. Therefore he chooses who are saved and who are not. It places limits on reality because your tiny human brain is trying to understand how god works
                This is pure nonsensical babble.
                >No its not, you are arguing there can be no choice in life because God must know all things.
                No, I said you made a choice, and that choice was secondary to God's choice.
                >How does it make sense to you that God predetermined you would get a new job but not the route you took to get there?
                Bind all possibilities that lead to the new job, identify common variables, then lead through said variables.
                >Then its not just me who is confused, its basically all Christians who have a radically different interpretation
                It's anyone who depends on an assumption exclusive to the KJV, which is in English.
                >Yes, the bible is very clear and calls the lake of fire 2nd death. It is also very clear that the sinful will die.
                I'm not prepared for this argument, so I'll leave it. I've looked into it, and a lot of the arguments are inferences made from the language or God's being. Nothing absolutely explicit for the common man.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's not a logical conclusion of, "You made a choice".
                There is no choice in a predetermined world.
                >This is pure nonsensical babble.
                Call it whatever, that's the purpose of predestination. To solve a religious paradox. People that agree with you and people that agree with me have been arguing about this since before Jesus walked the earth.
                >It's anyone who depends on an assumption exclusive to the KJV, which is in English.
                The orthodoxy and Catholics don't? They both maintain the same view, which I share. Most Prots do as well.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is no choice in a predetermined world.
                That's your own assumption. You won't find a Calvinist who agrees with you there.
                >Call it whatever, that's the purpose of predestination. To solve a religious paradox.
                No, we say it because scripture explicitly teaches it.
                1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
                2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
                3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
                4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
                5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
                6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
                7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
                8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
                9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
                10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
                11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
                12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
                You either agree with scripture or you refuse its truth but don't claim to have some scriptural basis for your argument when you're just doing it for your own feelings.
                >The orthodoxy and Catholics don't? They both maintain the same view, which I share. Most Prots do as well.
                Because they're willing heretics.

              • 2 years ago

                I've already posted part of the scriptural basis. You just say you disagree with its meaning. Honestly, I think we have taken this as far as it will go. I will not convince you to stop being calvanist and you will not convince me to stop being babptist. simple as

              • 2 years ago

                >I've already posted part of the scriptural basis.
                You aren't even reading your own quotes. None of them support your statement. They just say the obvious--that those who seek Christ will find him. EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT. You don't even comprehend what the Calvinist position is, but you vehemently despise it and make poor arguments against it.
                >I will not convince you to stop being calvanist and you will not convince me to stop being babptist.
                You could've just said this from the start.

              • 2 years ago

                >They just say the obvious--that those who seek Christ will find him. EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT.
                And you believe people who seek him were simply made holy while the unwashed plebs can get fricked, I know. ANYONE can seek christ anyone can find redemption in him.
                >You could've just said this from the start.
                The point of an argument isn't just to convince. The argument is shrinking, we have run out of things to discuss. We are now saying little more then "I disagree", "No! "I disagree". We could go on like that forever. Like I said our 2 camps have been arguing about predestination since before Jesus and the Bible, we aren't going to solve it here.

              • 2 years ago

                >And you believe people who seek him were simply made holy while the unwashed plebs can get fricked
                No, they were marked out ahead of time to choose God, regardless of their class.
                >ANYONE can seek christ anyone can find redemption in him.
                Yes, can. Everyone CAN. Not everyone WILL. The fact that some men are hellbound makes this obvious. You all believe God leaves the "Will" to chance and the stupidity of human men. We say He takes an active interest in this, as scripture explicitly states.
                >Like I said our 2 camps have been arguing about predestination since before Jesus and the Bible, we aren't going to solve it here.
                It's already been solved. Just read

                >There is no choice in a predetermined world.
                That's your own assumption. You won't find a Calvinist who agrees with you there.
                >Call it whatever, that's the purpose of predestination. To solve a religious paradox.
                No, we say it because scripture explicitly teaches it.
                1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
                2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
                3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
                4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
                5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
                6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
                7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
                8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
                9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
                10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
                11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
                12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
                You either agree with scripture or you refuse its truth but don't claim to have some scriptural basis for your argument when you're just doing it for your own feelings.
                >The orthodoxy and Catholics don't? They both maintain the same view, which I share. Most Prots do as well.
                Because they're willing heretics.

                until you stop being a synergist. It's so explicit that any other interpretation is impossible.

              • 2 years ago

                Like I said, I'm done. I disagree. Anyone who gives a shit about reading this can go determine for themselves (as we were granted the free will to do so). I'm gonna go play the guitar.

              • 2 years ago

                Whatever. You're just being contrarian.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >And who made that soil good, if not God?
                The soil is men's hearts. Not everyone who hears the gospel will be in the same place in life. Christ is literally called the redeemer. Why do you insist that people can not be redeemed simply because of how they were made?
                >Once again, faith begins with God and is received as a gift by some men, those men having been chosen before time (Eph 1) for predestination unto Christ
                As Christ teaches it is for anyone who seeks him. This is why christ repeats the same line several times about ways to be "raised on the last day"

              • 2 years ago

                >The soil is men's hearts. Not everyone who hears the gospel will be in the same place in life. Christ is literally called the redeemer. Why do you insist that people can not be redeemed simply because of how they were made?
                They can be redeemed. They simply will not be.
                >As Christ teaches it is for anyone who seeks him. This is why christ repeats the same line several times about ways to be "raised on the last day"
                Yes, and it only applies to those who seek Him.

                Did Jesus die with the sins of those who were given as a gift or for everyone?

                Let me ask you: Are there now men burning in Hellfire for sins the Christ's sacrifice has already paid for? Is Salvation currently being nullified? The only answer which preserves Christ's integrity is the former.

              • 2 years ago

                >They can be redeemed. They simply will not be.
                Christ was sent to all men. The Chosen people were the israelites. They reject christ and are no longer. Any who accept christ are chosen.
                >Yes, and it only applies to those who seek Him.
                >Let me ask you: Are there now men burning in Hellfire for sins the Christ's sacrifice has already paid for? Is Salvation currently being nullified? The only answer which preserves Christ's integrity is the former.
                There are no men burning in hellfire. The only way to receive eternal life is through Christ. There is nothing in the bible about being alive for all eternity while demons stab your taint, the divine comedy was fanfiction about is own self doubt and fear.

              • 2 years ago

                Did Jesus die with the sins of those who were given as a gift or for everyone?

              • 2 years ago

                >Matt. 13:13
                Jesus is speaking of israelites (and those like them) who at the time denied, denied, denied. They saw his miracles, heard his sermons, did not understand his teachings, and did not seek him.
                >And if they don't seek God?
                They will not enter the kingdom of heaven

                18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

              • 2 years ago

                >They did, yes. The sails and ships they used to reach America came from the Orient, the currents just happened to be there, disease isn't tech, etc.
                This is ridiculous, especially attributing the caravel to china. Everything about it was made in Europe, derived from fishing vessels already in use. The type of sail was even older. Weather and disease were also no favor to Europe, did you forget how many ships they lost? Did you forget the plague or how disease would always remain a major problem on expeditions or in wars?
                >This, I would argue, is the only perspective that even makes sense. The number of unintended factors that would turn any conflict into a grand success on the part of Europeans does line up exactly with this.
                This is where you've totally lost me and why I laugh at people who make comments like

                the absolute state of /vst/


                >Outside of silk china barely had an effect outside of its own borders
                Anon, we're not doing this. I'm not wasting another explanatory paragraph on /vst/ards. Go back to your compstomps.

                . You make such a bold statement but 9/10 out of bait that person into actually arguing and you'll make known some asinine belief like the one above.
                >The game was rigged from the start
                >Europeans were a tool to create the current scenario in the most heavy-handed and blunt way imaginable.
                Completely incomprehensible schizo babble that has no place in a serious historical discussion, have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                >This is ridiculous, especially attributing the caravel to china.
                "Orient" can also refer to the middle east. The sails and ship bodies were obtained from neighboring Mediterranean influences. The Moroccan fishing vessel bodies, and the lateen sails, brought through Arabic sailors from Polynesia.
                >Weather and disease were also no favor to Europe
                They get near-perfect weather for farming, and their diseases killed off everyone in the New World for them, making complete replacement possible.
                >You make such a bold statement but 9/10 out of bait that person into actually arguing and you'll make known some asinine belief like the one above.
                All I'm seeing is denial.
                >Completely incomprehensible schizo babble that has no place in a serious historical discussion, have a nice day.
                "No no no no no". Are you going to be okay?

              • 2 years ago

                >They get near-perfect weather for farming, and their diseases killed off everyone in the New World for them, making complete replacement possible.
                I guess we just gonna forget all the famines and that one time 2/3rd of it was wiped out by disease huh? But when you cherry pick none of that matters.
                >All I'm seeing is denial.
                All I see is cope
                >"No no no no no". Are you going to be okay?

              • 2 years ago

                >I guess we just gonna forget all the famines and that one time 2/3rd of it was wiped out by disease huh?
                Human mismanagement is more than possible, and yes, the black plague did hit Europe. This doesn't affect anything. "Bad things happened to Europe too" doesn't say anything about the contrivances that came to it.
                >All I see is cope
                Again, denial.
                It's not hard to see, anon.

                My third comment
                >I just want to come back in to say I don't deny chinese advancements like glass and gunpowder that I already listed, just that I took issue with you "world over" statement.
                But whatever, you can ignore it to epically own all the racists on Ganker if you want 🙂

                I assumed you were the other guy.

              • 2 years ago

                >This doesn't affect anything. "Bad things happened to Europe too" doesn't say anything about the contrivances that came to it.
                You are retroactively applying your view onto history. You don't think it affects anything because you know how it ends. I can't believe I'm actually discussing the idea that Europe was just extraordinarily for like 600 years with someone claiming to be serious. Everyone had coups, disease, war and useful resources of some kind. Stop pretending the fricking fate fairy was dropping them presents rather than them seizing opportunity from natural events that were always taking place, its embarrassing.
                >It's not hard to see, anon
                I don't know what you are getting at? Who do you think was controlling history? Lizards? the israelites? God? knock off the schzio beating around the bush bullshit and just say it. I hate when you /x/ type morons do this shit. "You wouldn't get it bro, do more research bro." Just come out and say whatever the frick you are talking about.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Moroccan fishing vessel bodies, and the lateen sails, brought through Arabic sailors from Polynesia.

                this is schizo tier

              • 2 years ago

                What? European shipbuilding tech had nothing to do with China

              • 2 years ago

                "Orient" means more than just China, anon. We covered all of this. Just read.

              • 2 years ago

                meds. now

              • 2 years ago

                He's not wrong. Orient generally refers to Asia as a whole.

              • 2 years ago

                >You are a joke if you think some sort of fate started looking out for European colonial expeditions and causing them some great success through no skill of their own.
                This, I would argue, is the only perspective that even makes sense. The number of unintended factors that would turn any conflict into a grand success on the part of Europeans does line up exactly with this.
                >Spanish animals escape and kill off nearly everyone in the Americas
                >Incan emperor goes out traveling and catches a disease, resulting in the early self-destruction of the only place that could've resisted the Spanish alliance.
                >Turns out they were holding enough silver to single-handedly reshape the global economy
                >Also holding crops with such caloric density and tolerance for poor soil that the population in Europe was multiplied massively
                >The plantation model the Portuguese had hoped for was possible to support due to West/Central Africans having a unique weakness to cowrie inflation
                >Manchus are invited to take over China and cripple it by a general grieving for his dead father during a military revolt.
                >Turks protect the profitability of ocean routes by continuing to suppress trade even when the Portuguese are active
                >East Africa is exposed to a yet-unknown cattle disease that clears out most of the population when Europeans set their sights on it.
                The game was rigged from the start. Europeans were a tool to create the current scenario in the most heavy-handed and blunt way imaginable. I have no taste for underdog stories, so I don't appreciate it.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Mongols existed on the Fringes of China and were only able to conquer as they did due to the natural spread of technology. Mongols have a long history with China.
                Sorry, forgot to mention my original line was not complete it should read "than china or Europe during the medieval period". Was phone posting on my lunch break at the time.

              • 2 years ago

                your wrong about half of that

              • 2 years ago

                the absolute state of /vst/

              • 2 years ago

                The problem is Gankertard tourists, not /vst/

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah. That africa pack really made aoe 2 complete. Definitely the number one seller.

            • 2 years ago

              Shut up.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminder that AoE3 started with 7.
      Then got
      >3 indians
      >3 asians
      >2 new civs YEARS after release
      >5 DLC ones

      Making entire new nations is not as easy as in AoE2 where you have just building style and 2-4 unit flavors extra

      • 2 years ago

        >Making entire new nations is not as easy as in AoE2 where you have just building style and 2-4 unit flavors extra
        Well, then they better put an effort into it, because AoE 4's main selling point IS precisely civs that are different from each other at a deeper level than a few unique units and bonuses.

  14. 2 years ago

    Nah. To me the true enemy are AoE2 gays, AoE4 gays are chill with me.

  15. 2 years ago

    This is all I ever wanted, Finally Age of Empires is like Indiana Jones 1, 2 & 3 are KING, 4 is the moronic straggler.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek based,they get what they fricking deserve

      Also this

  16. 2 years ago

    2 and 3 chads rise up

  17. 2 years ago

    just checked the player numbers again....aoe3 bros... i think we might have lost.

    • 2 years ago

      A game from 2005 has less players than a brand new AAA release that's barely 10 months old.
      Anything even barely resembling parity between the two is a savage trouncing in favor of the classic.

      • 2 years ago

        aoe4 has almost 2000 more players atm, im getting worried that it'll turn around and more people will start playing...

        • 2 years ago

          What? Explain your reasoning. Why would that be a bad thing?

          • 2 years ago

            I thought everyone was laughing at aoe4 and i dont want it to succeed bc people told me the devs are pozzed

        • 2 years ago

          Devs just patched the game and announced a new season. Give it a sec.

          • 2 years ago

            im just worried the game is going to get better and better until people actually like it. it's player numbers definitely hit rock bottom at around aoe3 levels, but unlike aoe3 i think it has alot of room to grow, unfortunately. I hope it fails though

            • 2 years ago

              why cant a game succeed, anon?

              • 2 years ago

                because people told me its pozzed so it should fail or else it will look bad for the go woke go broke theorem

              • 2 years ago

                what about it is pozzed? Female scouts and khans?

              • 2 years ago

                yeah i guess like the girls in the game are super pozzed and other stuff

  18. 2 years ago

    All of these are American inventions.

  19. 2 years ago

    Ottomans were Greek you morons

  20. 2 years ago

    Are the Maltese a good turtle/defensive civ?

    • 2 years ago

      Are the best ones for that

  21. 2 years ago

    I am European. I was born and raised in Europe. Europe is all I know. I can confidently say the rest of the world never mattered.

  22. 2 years ago

    I am American. I was born and raised in America. America is all I know. I can confidently say the rest of the world never mattered.

    • 2 years ago

      The USA didn't exist during AOE2's time frame, so I just said Europe. The USA is of course derived from Europe. An expansion pack, if you will.

      • 2 years ago

        >The USA didn't exist during AOE2's time frame
        No, but America did.
        >The USA is of course derived from Europe.
        Nah. Europeans are irrelevant. America is America.
        >An expansion pack, if you will.

        • 2 years ago

          >No, but America did.
          Are you a Native American? Do you take pride in the precolonial history of America?

          • 2 years ago

            >Are you a Native American?
            >Do you take pride in the precolonial history of America?
            Not really.

            • 2 years ago

              Okay cool. But anyway, that's not my point. Precolonial America is a different world than modern America.

              • 2 years ago

                >Precolonial America is a different world than modern America.
                Literally the exact same place.

              • 2 years ago

                Read again.

                I am European. I was born and raised in Europe. Europe is all I know. I can confidently say the rest of the world never mattered.

                I am American. I was born and raised in America. America is all I know. I can confidently say the rest of the world never mattered.

                The USA didn't exist during AOE2's time frame, so I just said Europe. The USA is of course derived from Europe. An expansion pack, if you will.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally the exact same place. Come at me.

              • 2 years ago

                People were having a dick measuring contest, hence my sarcastic post. Geography is not what matters.

              • 2 years ago

                I know, and I'm just screwing with the guy. Say something dumb, get something dumb.

  23. 2 years ago

    That feel when aoe3DE cant run on my laptop.
    Also how come there are no new campaigns for it?

    • 2 years ago

      Bls answer

  24. 2 years ago

    wtf is happening in here

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, have you ever browsed Ganker?
      This is what it's like. Every. Single. Fricking. Day.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the, huh, sacrifice and for the warning, anon. Take care.

        Frick, this went to shit.

        • 2 years ago

          There is a reason Ganker gets no respect.

  25. 2 years ago

    SEETHING morono chinaman living in western country who probably doesn't even speak chinese DEFEATED by facts and logic of random nerd

    • 2 years ago

      Are you actually following this shit? I just scroll through it to see all the walls of text

      • 2 years ago

        Would actually be curious how many people on Ganker read these kinds of arguments. I usually read partially until I get bored or skip to the end. Either way, I only argue on here because it forces me to look up stuff I otherwise may not have known about. Plus its always helpful to get your idea's about things challenged if you aren't part of a debate club or something in real life. Its only really a waste of time if you are just posting wojaks back and forth

        • 2 years ago

          >Plus its always helpful to get your idea's about things challenged if you aren't part of a debate club or something in real life.
          This. I started playing devil's advocate about SSA history and found it's actually pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      Many such cases!

  26. 2 years ago

    I remember having meme marketing classes and the concept of cornering a market and niches was taught pretty clearly. I wonder why people who study and work in management somehow still think it's a good idea to have a product in a series that competes for an audience with another product of the same series that's still going strong. Just fricking stop, do something else, why doesn't any suit just ask what more audiences they can cover with "this AoE thing"? I'm sure a nerd in the development team would be more than happy to mention other historical periods.

  27. 2 years ago


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